R-7211 \ e . CI ty Cauncll r:eetIns 5-13-8(; EantF MonIca, CalIfornIa RE~OLUTICK hUMSER 7211(CCS) (C2ty CouncIl SerIes) A RESeLL'!" iG;'-~ OF 'If-::.E CITY GF SAN/IA p.~CK i:CA ES1ABLISE_~G FEE FOR P=LI~G AND PROCESS~NG DlVELCF;VIE~~'T F~GF.EEr',EJ\T APPL:i.Cl-~rl IC:KS A~~L GCCm.1ENTS 1:..KC CEVE~OPHLt\T AGREl: !VTNI l-.MUiDl\'JEKTS 'ItL CITY CCU\C:;:L Of' 'lhe Clrl Y CoF &AN11:.. t'101,ICA DCES RESOLVE AS FOLLCV;S: SECT -,-CK 1. Pursu2nt to i'-'lunlc.lpal Code SectIon 9802, thE follOvll!1g fees are E&tabllShcd for tr~e fIllng c.nd prOCE&Slng for any dE:. v01op1'1ent a9ret~rf'nt: (a) Thto r.lInIrrL:rr. f€to to DC charged for t!1e flllng and prccesslng of devEloprent agreLrrenL appllcutlons and uocuwents 1S hereb~l estc..bllshc<i as $lO,OCO.OO. "1;h1S fee sh<'tll be non-refuncablE-, shall Include up to thrf...e hunc5.rcd th1rty-three and onE- UarC:: (333 1/3) hours of C2 ty sta.ff processIng tl1T'e and othtc.r aIreL- t costs, Clnd sh611 be due an(": payabll.:.. upon fll~ng of a dcveloprrent dgreeQeCL applIcat~on. (b) hnLn the processIng of a cEveloprrent. agreement. excecc.s threE hundr",c thl rty thr<::.-e ar:d one thIrd (J3:J 1/3) hours Sl2ff tlme, tne cevelop~r shall deposlt an addltlonal $5,OlO.OO WhICh shall be u~cd to offSet s~Gif tIm€ for each addltlonal hour ae a rate of ~3U.OG per hour. (e) \ilicn a toeal of 500 hours staff t18€ has been expended ana tillS addItIonal deposlt has been exhausted, developer shall - 1 - e . be requlreC to mctK~ succeSSlve deposlLs of $5,000.00 ~ilCh shall be SlITlllar ly aGIT1n1ster",d lrr orGel:' that all costs of prOCE.SS1[lg the develc-pr1er:.t. agrtOEFEr:.t appllccct10n shall be p6.1d by t.he dEvE-lopr,ent appll.C<l.L10n fees. (d) \t~hen prOC€SSlng an arrendrrent to a developmcn'L agreerc.ent, cievelopt-r shall deposl t $1, 50C;. 00 WhlCh shall DC used to off set s~aff t~rre at a rate of $3C.00 pe1 hour. (e) Hhen a total of 5U hours staff tHre had been expenced and the GepOS::" t for 0.11 aPlEndr-,ent 1S exhuusted, the developer shall be requlreC to rrake S~C:CCSSlve depOslts of Sl,500.00 WhlCh sh&ll be SlITllarly admlnlstered 1n order that a~l costs of proceSS1;:J.S ~he develcpl1'ent agrecy.ent arr;enaITE:nt shall be palG by U1C a€velopnenL ~ppllcatlen f~es. SEelICf'.- 2. 'I'hE: Clty Clerk 8h.:::.l1 certlfy to thE. adopt1on of thlS Resel utlon I an(l thenceforth ana t.hereafcer the sarre shall be In full forcE:. auc e:ti<-:ct. APPRGVLC AS 'Ie FC,fo,t~: ,--.., . I J.-F lr~' --; . '. " , ------+- Robert i.'1. Myers Clty Attorney RliS Dv A S AJ;-cC' OS/07/8G - 2 - . " e . Adopte~ a~1 approvei thIS 13th ~ay of May, 1986. . ~ '\ / . -~---------1' - - -'j ~(/1~A ~- -~.--' 'Ma y'()'r ~ro Tempop'e:: /- I . ~ . .... -- ]a j ~ . -' ~./. 'J I hereby certIfy that the f0regol~g ResolutIon No. 7211(CCS) was duly a10pted by the CIty Cou~cll of the CIty of Santa MO~lca at a rneetl!'Jg thereof helti on May 13, 1986 by the folloWIng Cou'1C'11 vote: Ayes: Cou'1cllmembers: r:Ol'1n, EpsteIn, JenrHflgs, H. Katz ar:lrJ. Zane Noes: CounC'llmembers: NO'le Abstal'l: Councllmembers: None Absent: Cou~cllme~bers: A. Katz and Mayor Ree1 ATTEST: , r ~ I ,....- f /_ ~ ~--~ .Cl ty r:ler'k .~ ~ -"- --