R-9187 . . COMMUNITY AND CULTURAL SERVICES KK \RESF AC97 CouncIl Meetmg of August 12, 1997 Santa MOllica. CalIfornIa RESOLUTION NO. 9187 (CITY COUNCIL SERIES) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA MONICA DECLARING ITS POLICY FOR THE USE OF KEN EDWARDS CENTER AND PARK FACILITIES OPERATED BY THE COMMUNITY AND CULTURAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF SANTA MONICA AND FOR THE CHARGING OF FEES FOR USING SAME. WHEREAS, the facIlitIes of the CommunIty and Cultural Services Department are for use by the publIc, and WHEREAS, access to the faCIlItles should be avatlable to all people ,,\~thout dlscnmmatlOn as to race, age, rehglOn, gender, sexual onentatlOn, mantal status. dIsabIlIty, nabonal origm, or economic status, and WHEREAS, those makmg use of lrmlted pubhc faCIlIties are expected to pay then proportIOnate share ofthe cost of operatmg, mamtammg and constructmg such facIlIbes, and WHEREAS, m determmmg pohcy With regard to the use of recreatIOnal faclhtles, pnmary conSIderation should be given to meet the recreatIonal needs of the people of Santa MOllica, and WHEREAS, the City'S recreatIOnal faclhty meetmg rooms are mtended pnmanly for use by Cny of Santa MOllica departments, dlvlSlons, boards, and comnusslOns, and secondanly by orgarnzatlOns offenng collaboratIve programs \\llth the Cny. followed by CIty sponsored programs, Santa MOllIca based non-profit organizatIOns, Santa MOllica reSident commumty events and meetmgs, Santa MOllica based commerCIal meetmgs and events, and non-reSIdent, non profit organlzatlOns, commumty groups and commerCIal meetmgs and events, and \VHEREAS, m determmmg polIcy WIth regard to the use of the Ken Edwards Center for Commuruty Services, pnmary conSideration should be gIven to the SOCial servIce needs of the people of Santa MOllica, and \VHEREAS. the first floor commumty conference and meenng space of the Ken Edwards Center IS mtended prunanly for the use of grantee agenCIes funded by the Cny of Santa Moruca and I . . by the CIty's Sellior Nutntion Program, secondanly for use by Cny departments. dIvIsIons, boards. and commISSIons conductmg human serVIce onented meetmgs, and lastly by other non-profit or pnvate organIzatIOns servmg Santa MOnIca resIdents and convemng meetIngs focused on human servIce Issues, NOW, THEREFORE. THE CITY COUKClL OF THE CITY OF SANTA MONICA DOES RESOL VE AS FOLLOWS SECTION 1 The followmg factors shall be conSIdered m chargmg rental fees for the use of recreatIOnal faclhtIes III the CIty of Santa MOllica A Fees shall be charged and assessed for the use of recreatIOnal faclhtles when (1) The orgamzatIOn applymg to use the facIlIt)~ IS not a CIty department, dIVISIOn, board or commISSIOn (2) The orgaruzatIOn IS an Adult Group (3) The orgaruzatIOn IS not a ReSIdent Youth Group (4) The organIzatIOn IS not a Santa MOllica NeIghborhood Group (5) The use of the faCIlIty IS not for a CollaboratIve Program WIth the CIty (6) The use ofthe faclhty IS not for an ebglble CIty Sponsored Program B Fees to be charged but whIch are not lIsted m tlus resolutIOn shall be determmed by the CommlUllty and Cultural ServIces DIrector and shall be based upon the costs illcurred m provIdmg the facIbty or program C Defim tIOns (1 ) ReSIdent Adult Groups The reSIdent rental fees sho"m shall be for all recreatIOnal. ClVIC, fraternal. rehglOus. or servIce organIzatIOns. and pnvate CItIzens whose permanent reSIdency IS located ill the CIty of Santa MOlliCa. and whose normal place of operatIon or serVIce IS located m the CIty of Santa MOllica and proVIdes a range of recreatIonal programs or events. SOCial actIVItIes. 2 . . human servIces or educatIOnal opportunItIes for Santa MOllIca resIdents (2) ResIdent Youth Grouns The resIdent rental fee shown shall be \valved for all recreatIonal, CIVIC. fraternal, relIgIous, or servIce organIzaTIOnS servmg youth eIghteen years of age and under. whose permanent resIdency IS located m the CIty of Santa Momca. and whose normal place of operatIOn or serVIce IS located m the CIty of Santa MOllica. and provIdes a range of recreatIOnal programs or events, socIal actIvItIes. human serVIces or educatIOnal opportunitIes for Santa MOllica resIdents (3) Santa MOllIca Neurhborhood Grouns The rental fee shown shall be waIved for - - groups WIth Internal Revenue Code SectIOn 501-C3 or 501-C4 organIzatIOns that represent a neIghborhood WIthm the CIty for up to 300 hours of meetmg space use per fiscal year m park bmldmgs (4) CollaboratIve Program The rental fee shown shall be walved for programs or servIces offered Jomtly by the CIty of Santa MOllIca and a Santa MOllIca based commumty group or agency The goals of the program and of the program deSIgn. schedulmg, and outreach shall be collaboraTIve An ongomg relatlonslup between CIty staff and the commumty group or agency mcludmg an assessment of the program must be mamtalned (5) ellv Sponsored Program SponsorshIp mvolves an agreement by the CIty WIth a commumt)r orgamzatIon or group to support an endeavor that fills a program need m the commumty \\illile the CIty may partICIpate m program or event planmng, the major dIreCtIon comes from non Cny staff or orgaruzatIOns The CIty may aSSIst Wlth marketmg. and even some staffing at an event. but IS not mtegrally mvolved m whether the event/program \\'111 take place. ensurmg total fundmg. schedulIng, and program deSIgn and evaluatIOn OrgamzatIons elIgIble for a rental fee warver are educatIOnal mstnutIOns or CIty funded non profit orgamzatlons (6) Non-ReSIdent Adult and Youth Groups All groups not qualIfied by the above defimtIOns shall pay the non-reSIdent rental fee SECTION 2 The followmg fees are establIshed for the use of the recreatIOnal facIlltIes of the Commumty and Cultural ServIces Department. except for filmmg or the takmg of pIctures for commerclal purposes " -' . . A BUlldmg Rental Fees Fees are per hour ""'1th a two hour mImmmn use AddIl10nal staffing charges may be appbed for uses beyond the normal operatIng hours of each facIhty at a rate of $10 59 per hour BUIldmg rental and staffing fees are to be amended each fiscal year by the annual cost ofhvmg adjustment FACILITY Dou{!.!as Park Clubhouse ReSIdent Non-ReSIdent $579 $11 57 Joslvn Park AudItonum Craft Room 947 736 1893 1472 Chnstme Emerson ReedILmcoln Park J os1 yn Hall Card Room 12 10 579 2420 11 57 Semor RecreatIOn Center Audltonum AddItIOn PatIO . 12 10 947 579 2420 1893 11 57 Marme Park Audltonmn 12 10 2420 Memonal Park GymnasImn Lounge Craft Room CAB Room 3 sectIOns CAB Room 2 sectIOns CAB Room 1 seCllon 5522 736 947 12 10 947 736 6890 1472 1893 2420 1893 1472 V lfglma A venue Park Audnonmn Meetmg Room 12 10 736 2420 1472 4 . . B FIeld Rental Fees The followmg field fees shall be charged for use by adults, non-resident youth groups and commercial camps. to cover costs for field mamtenance, electncal usage (\-"hen hghts are requued) and Cny overhead for the sites set forth below Fields Clover Park (hghts) 2600 Ocean Park Blvd. Los Almgos 500 Holister Ave Memonal Park (hghts) 1401 Olympic Blvd Jo1m Adams Middle School (hghts) 16th and Ocean Park Blvd Marme Park 1406 Marme Street Stewart Park/SlIva Field 1819 Ste\vart Street Adult Ciroups and Non-ReSident Youth Groups All fees are based on two-hour mcrements of use ReSident ReSIdent No Lights Lights $10 00 S2500 $20 00 S50 00 Baseball/Softball Soccer CommercIal Camn Rental Fee All fees are based on l;)ne-hQUf mcrements of use ReSIdent ReSIdent No Lu!hts Lights $10 00 $2500 $2000 $5000 Base ball/Softball Soccer 5 Non-ReSident No Lu!hts $12 50 $25 00 N on- ReSIdent Lu!hts 531 00 $62 50 N on- ReSI dent No Lu!hts $1250 $25 00 Non-ReSIdent Luzhts $31 00 $62 50 . . C Pnvate School FIeld Rental Fees The follo\vmg field fees shall be charged to pnvate schools whose pnnclpal SItes are WIthIn the CIty of Santa MOllica., cover the costs for field mallltenance and electrIcal usage (when lIghts are requIred) All fees are based on two-hour mcrements of use Baseball/Softball Football/Soccer ReSIdent No Ll2:hts SlO 00 SlO 00 ReSIdent LIghts $20 00 S20 00 Non-ReSIdent No LIghts $20 00 $20 00 K on-ResIdent LIghts $40 00 540 00 D MUlllcIpal and School Dlstnct Sw~mmlllg Pools (l) PermIt Groups The rental fee for the pools for organIzed SWIm trammg shall be a) Mumclpal Pool - $75 00 Imonth plus lIfeguard costs b) School Pools - $2 I 84/hour plus lIfeguard costs c) LIfeguard Costs - based on "B" salary step plus a 20% bookmg and coordmatlOn fee (2) Pnvate or Benefit GroUDS The reSIdent rental fee for the pools shall be $300 00 for the first four hour penod plus S30 00 for each addItIOnal hour The non-resIdent rental fee shall be $360 00 for the first four hour penod and S42 00 for each addrtIOnal hour (3) ConcessIOn Stand The rental rates for the concessIOn stand at the MUlllClpal SV\''lmmmg Pool shall be establIshed as follows a) CIty Sponsored Groups - Base rate of $20 00 per day b) PublIc Groups - Base rate of 530 00 per day c) Pnvate or CommercIal Groups - Base rate of $5000 per day, plus 25% of gross mcome over $100 00 SECTION 3 CommercIal enterpnse groups or profit makmg groups not lIsted III sectIOn 2 above_ may apply for penmSSlon to use the CIty'S Park faCIlItIes and Ken Ed\vards Center The group must submIt an applIcatIon to the Clty'S RecreatIOn and Parks COITUmSSIOn, wInch w~ll then hold a publIc heanng on the applIcatIOn The COImmssIon may warve the hearmg reqUIrement m ItS dIscretIOn If the applIcatIon IS approved, the group must enter mto an Agreement \\lth the CIty whIch shall set 6 . . forth the terms and cond1l10ns govemmg the group's use oflhe facIlItIes and the fees wluch the group must pay to use the facIlIties SECTION 4 The following factors shall be consIdered m chargmg fees for the use of the Ken Edwards Center (KEC) for CommunIty SerVIces A Rental fees shall be walved for use ofthe KEC when (1) The organIzatIon applying to use the KEC IS a human serVIce organIzahon funded dIrectly by the CIty of Santa MOnIca. and has not exceeded Its annual cap of 300 meetmg hours wIthout charge (2) The organIzatIOn IS a CIty of Santa MOnIca department, dIVISIon, board or commISSIOn (3) The organIZatIOn IS a Santa MOllica neIghborhood group and has not exceeded Its annual cap of 300 meetmg hours ,vIlhout charge B AddItIOnal fees may be charged for the use of the KEC when (1 ) Use of the KEC by any orgamzatIOn reqUIres bUIldmg coverage or mamtenance beyond that normally prOVIded (2) Use of the KEC results m permanent damage to the faCIlIty mtenor. extenor or ItS furnIshmgs C DefimtIOns (I) CIty Funded AgenCIes Non-profit human servIce organIzatIOns whIch are funded through the Connnumty Development Program. OrganIzatIOnal Support Grant Program, or Co-Arts Grant Program of the CIty of Santa MOnIca Funded programs are allowed use of the KEC at no charge for 300 meetmg hours each fiscal year AgenCIes usmg more than 300 hours durmg any fiscal year ,,,111 be charged the non-profit rental fee for those hours over 300 (2) Santa Momca NeIghborhood Group Non-profit neIghborhood groups '\'lth Internal Revenue Code SectlOn 501-C3 or 501-C4 status These groups are allo\ved use of the KEC at no 7 . . rental charge for up to 300 meetmg hours per fiscal year Groups usmg more than 300 hours durmg any fiscal year WIll be charged the non-profit rental fee for those hours over 300 (3) Other "Non-Profit Human ServIce OrganIZatIOns Non-profit organIzatIOns whIch strIve to meet the human serVIce needs of Santa Momca resIdents WhICh are not funded dIrectly by the CIty of Santa Momca These orgamzatIOns shall be charged the non-profit rental fee for the use of the KEC (4) Semor ServIce OrgarnzatIOns Kon-profit orgamzatIOns, not fimded by CIty of Santa :Momca, that proVide seruor programmmg conSIstent WIth the CIty'S Commumty and Semor Programs DIVISIOn and meet the needs of Santa Momca's semor CItizens To encourage a full range of semor servIces. these organIzatIOns shall be gIven a reductIOn m the non-profit fee when utIlIzmg the Seruor Kutntlon Room of the ground floor of the KEe When usmg other areas of the KEe. these organIzatIOns shall be charged the non-profit rental fee for the use of the KEC (5) Pnvate OrgamzatIons Those pm.-ate groups converung meetmgs, free of charge and open to the publIc. that focus on human serVIce Issues that will benefit low and moderate mcome Santa MOnIca reSIdents Such organIzatIons are charged the pnvate rental fee SECTION 5 The followmg rental fees are establIshed for the ground level of the KEC for Commumty ServIces except for filmmg or takmg pIctures for commercIal purposes A ?\on-Profit Rental Fee Fees are based on an hourly rate accordmg to room SIze Addmonal staffing charges may be applied for uses beyond the normal operatmg hours of the KEC at a rate of$10 00 per hour Room Small Conference Room (100A/B, 103-105) Semor Nutrl110n Program Room (100 A&B) Large Conference Room (103, 104, 105) Hourlv Rate S 10 00 $20 00 $25 00 B Seruor ServIces OrganIzatIOns' Rental Fee Fees are based on an hourly rate accordmg to room SIze \'vith a 25% reduction m fees when utIlIzmg the SenIor NutntlOn Program Room 8 . . Room Small Conference Room (103-105) Semor NutntIon Program Room (lOOA or B) Semor NutntIon Program Room (lOOA&B) Large Conference Room (103.104,105) Hourlv Rate $10 00 S 750(1 room) $15 00(2 rooms) $25 00 C Pnvate OrgamzatlOns' Rental Fee Fees are based on three hour mcrements accordIilg to room SIze Room Small Conference Room (lOOA/B, 103-105) Semor NutntIOn Program Room (100 A&B) Large Conference Room (103.104.105) 3 Hour Rate $100 00 $200 00 $250 00 SECTION 6 IndIVIduals or busmesses shall not be permItted use of the KEC for the purpose of commercIal gam SECTION 7 ResolutIOn Numbers 8417(CCS), 8363(CCS), and sectIOns 2 and 10 of ResolutlOn No 8770(CCS) are hereby repealed SECTION 8 The fees set forth m thIS resolutIon shall be effectIve upon adoptIon SECTION 9 The CIty Clerk shall certIfY to the adoptIOn oftills ResolutIOn. and thenceforth and thereafter the same shall be m full force and affect APPROVED AS TO FORM 1w6v '~-/ :vlARSHA JON~ MOUT~E - CIty Attornev J " 9 . . Adopted and approved thIS 12nd of August 1997 , ~d~---- \ O'Connor, Mayor L Mana M Stewart, CIty Clerk of the CIty of Santa MOnIca, do hereby certtfy that the foregomg ResolutIOn 9187 (CCS) was duly adopted at a meetmg of the CIty CouncIl held on the 12nd of August, 1997 by the follo"'lng vote Ayes Councllmemhers Ebner. Femstem, Genser, Greenberg. Mayor Pro Tern Holbrook. Mayor O'Connor Noes CouncIlmembers None Abstam Councllmembers Rosenstem Absent. Councllmembers. None ATTEST ~ ~L>~ ...~ d.-- Mana M Stewart. CIty 'clerk