P-320 (2) ~ '~:. , . . . .. D.sJ_~D ~:-~C (CJ~) AGREDOlN'f ~ PLACE EM"'f (II PllOPJ3l'fI RICBm' nmrBTJOII'f COMPAIff, . pun1 putnenh1p, owner of .U of tU hereiDafter de_ribed 1'..1 propert" herein ...... with the eIU or SAII'lA MalICA .e fo1lovea VDRJ:AS, the7 bave pe1'll1tted 1ID4 tUre 18 IlOW exiet1Dg withiD the Borth.. ...terlJ 5 te.t of the SOuth....t.r4r 55 f..t 01 UYl! 16 1D JLOCI. \tD" of IBE PALISADES, 1D th. cit, of Santa Hollia, oount1 of Loa ADge1... atate of Califonda, a. per IlIIlp recorded in Book 7 .Page 11)4 Of Mai:' in tU office of the count, ana uil11 t recorder of Ai4 count" . s.wer/.i.iM iluItIt ed for the "Mflt of the lCo:rtheaeter17 50 feet of LO'f 16, EXCEP'f tU SOuth....t.rlJ .5, f..t thereof, in BI.ClCK "D" of fIE PALISADES, ill the clt1 of IIUltlt Motioa, count1 of Loe Anpl.., etate of CaUfcml.la, a. per up recorded ill Book 7 .Page 1.54 of Mapa, in the offic. of the oount, recoJ'Cler of said count1, an4 and utili t1 WDBIAS, it 18 their 1Dtat1on to alV87e llIIlilltaill 8814 Sewer/line for the b.n.fit of the .foHlleDtiOlle4 propert1t !Dl' DO DlIlDt AGRIlI with the ern or lWft'.l JaI:tC.l tlaat lIhoul4 UJ OOP.,..e or eenrance ever " _de of ~ of the "ore80l8l real properti.. IlOW .taac11ac i. their 1laIH, d.... or coave1UOe. of euoh properi;r will reoUe a Jel'JMttual .......t 011 the South..aterlJ 5.5 fe.t of Lot 16 111 Block "D" of '!'he .Pal1ade. tor the "l1.tit of the Borth.asterl)' 50 t.et of Lot 16, :acEPI' the SOuth..et.rl1 " te.t th.reof, ill Block nO" of '!'he .Pallaad.., an4 which .......t .U I'u.D vith the laacl. !HIS AO.UDCl!If't dated thte Uth da7 of March, 1970, at Santa Hollie., c.11fo.rn:1a. ~~ ~-- .. , ~~ ...~2:L,d-;- tI~L :/ rt1aer ,. Ric " .Pap 1 of 2 WBDI llD::ORDJ:D JUIL TO: R1che1 Inv.atllent CoIIpaDY P. o. Box 1454 Santa Monica, California 9QI+06 320 . i . ~ ., . r. . . . . STAB OJ' CALIJ'OlIfIA ) ) 18 comrn OJ' LOS ARGILIS) On Mareh 16. 1CJ70 . before lie. the un4er81sned, a 101:ar7 Pllbllc in aad for sa1d State, perllODal1,- appeared II)ll'rDIIR 7.'. RICBJlI know to me to be ODe of the JllU."tnera of the partnerahip that executed the w1thin iutrument, and acknowledged to lie that neh partnerehip executed. tha ..... WI'DfESS rq haatl and official .eal. STATE OF CALD'OiNlA ) ) COUJr.rY OF LOS AKGl!lLES) On ~. ~ @ betore _, t~ undera~SIled.,a Ifotal'1 Pllbllo 111 and. for 88ld State, pe llT appeare4 ~ ~ know to .. to \Ie the (w .~. ,It the CUr of Santa Moa1oa, the C01'JlOl'llt1OD that executed w1 .IMtruent, know to .e to be the penon who executed the w1th1a .IMtl'UlHDt OIl behalf of the corporation there111 1IUIed, end ao1movledged to .. that neh ClOrporat1on eseouted the w1tld.a ilUItrument pursuant to ita b1-lava Or a resolution of ita Doard of 41reotor.. WI'l'NDSa rq hand and. off1c1al aeal. OFFICIAL SEAL ~~ '-.-.- ~ . - \ -- MILDRED MORHAIME Kota17 Pllbllc in and. for ..1d Count)' .... State NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA LOS r\NGELES COU if\ MyCommis:,jtm Expires ~iOV. 2:,-, _~~;e..' ::;.:.;:;a Monica, CJlil1 Page 2 of 2