P-NO NUMBER 83 CONVEYANCE OF REAL ESTATE FOR DELINQUENT TAXES OF 18/o'..AND 18r' STATE OF CALIFORNIA} COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, '8:3 TO\VN OF SANTA MONICA. /! ~--....... '. V -~L"-""""-"'<) ";THIS INDENTURE,. ma,de a,n(Z entered into this...../.,(!.d...day of..~....:Ld::~~ i.II' il . ..--" _. c--' /'" H in the ~~>d~f: !:o!Jl.:f@thousa.nd ei!!ht hundred and..:.::::z~.;/.!.~~21""''''''' '" BETWEEN,.....:.>~:::.~Z1~-;:?f;,y~::;:?.:z..{{::L::a;::.-::c",.............M arshal and ex-{jjfii)~Tax z7T'''' .. Collector of the Town of Santa, Monica, in the County of Los Ant!eles, and State of Ca,lif'ornia" (sa,id town beinjff a municipa.l corporation of the sixth class, duly .organized and eXi~~f!;r!--er the .la~ the Staie of Ca,lifornia) party hereto of .'.~,n.' ;.;=, ~;, :-:~;;;;~~~. ;:::f;:!::;:;~;::. ':::T::;.;iu;f ::.: /?: '- ' ~.. ~QJ'~~, .. , " /4'!..~_ . whereas ...........2...L~V~eU&~......................., heretofore, a,nd at the hme of the levy nnd publica,tion hereinafter mentioned was Mnrshal and ex-officio Town Tnx Collector of the Town of Santa Monica, County of Los .Ilnjffeles, a.nd Sta.te of Cal- ifornia, and in conformity and by virtue of Chapter ViI, Title IX, of part three of the Political Code of the Sta,te of' California, appro7Jed March 12th, 1/572, and (put into effect by nn act oj'the lejffislature of the State of California, entitled "An .Ad to put into immediate effect certain parts of the Political and Pena,z Codes," ,approved .March 16th, 1872, and all acts amendatory thereof or supplemen- "tary thereto, and in and by virtue of and in conformity with ordinance No. 15, of the Town of Santa .Monica" entitled ".I1n Ordina,nce oj'the Town of Santa, Mnn- ica rela..tinjff to the assessment and collection of Taxes," adopted by the Board of Trustees of said Town, Februa.ry 21st, 18/57, and approved by the Presi.dent of .said Board of Trustees, did on the third Monday of' November, 1~~7, deliver to .;the Bonrd of Tn!'stees of' said town, by filing with the clerk thereof~ a complete de- ,lincluent list of all persons a,nd property then owing ta.xes in sa,id town to the Town of Sa..nta, ,Monica.., which said delinql~ent list did incll~de the property first ,hereinafter described in this Certificate, afI'ha.t the said property wa.s as~essed :r ::r'l;/t2:::d; "U:x,y,U d, 18kl for 'ou':tax~'at $ AJ~:_ ................. . __n......................... .. ................ ................- that said delinquent list, with a lejffa.l notice of' sale appended thereto, as re- quired by said ordina..nce, w(~s d7.l..ly pl~blished cd the time and in the manner required by law, which publica.tion did designa,te the time a.nd place of sale, in (ffrCordance with la,w; tha,t in conformity with said notiee of sale on the............ /4!.d...day of ,7a,nuary, 18f:'}!..., in f'ront of the Collector's office in said town, / between the how's of lOa, m. nnd 3 p. m.. (it beiru! not less than twenty-one nor Tn-ore thc::n tlf!enfJ!?i~~JayS from t~e first publication), ...................................................... ...............~%/2.{...c..7tJ~~~~....v......?l/(::..Z"L:.t;..t;;v...=......................................................M 0,1' shal a..nd ex- officio Tax Collector ns aforesaid, did commence the sa,le at public auction of the property advertised in sa,id list, commencing nt the head of said delinquent list a,nd continuing nlpha,betically, postpop,injff the sale from da,y to day, until .the property hereinafter described was rea,ched in rejffl~lar order and sold as ,.herein stated,' Tha.t said property a,ssessed and advertised, situ..ate, lyin$2' a.nd - -- ~--,,_. ..--. .---_.... .~-"._.._"~" . ",.._^_.~., - -- -- -"- '" _._._"_.~__.,...~.<."'~'"., _'."~ 0" '_'..~. "~_._~"_,. ~__ ...-- --..-" -- - - ._..'--._... - ._._... _._.. beinS! within the Town of Santa .7/cfonica" COlf.;nty of Los ArLgeles, Sta.te of Cali- forn::;:;d a;:cril;! t~.;;m a, .~@~~~ ~~ x;~ ...m. ~~"") . . uuuumdunuvu.uuu;Z;:;uunuuuunu ..... . q"C _... ~ ~. ( 7-- /,'d ~ //; ..:LL/:.Qn?~Cc'::.~uu/.u.t??/r!-::v. {/~::n c..e Q U 7(7;1/ f:'_ C"L en # ........ ....u.........,.,..uu.n,.....'.,?zf.....n.nun.nu.......nu....un..... uu....uuu. .m...u.....uuu.u "'U"Uu.m.. ............... ,was on ~heu/u~m.!};.r.mu.d.ay of Ja,muu'y, ~8~m: in ,accordance with the law, ~~i:;~ ~;c:au~;. ~;ar:~o::~~ t~~~e~t a:~~;b~:cti~~t!'J11..~.f...f;;;L~~~~.. .fl!!:m.~;.:~ Ci"2;!.tZaL-f,...2Z,:'..k?z.rJL.{j[as the bl.dder who was wblhnjff to take the led:l'~'~;f.;ntLty 01' smallest portion of the interest in said land and pay the taxes, costs and charfies due thereon, which taxes costs~, cha,rrfes, inclu..dintf fiftlf cents for . , . tr r li=' . ~~~ ~~~;t~:t~~a,~;;e:::s q~:~~i~;:/;:~~ ..........a.;~Z~...;f...~h.~...~~~~~~~~.i.~...:;~~~l:::~ lying and beinf! within the town of Scmta, >~fonica, County of Los Angeles, as ,t.V' ke"Z~e; descri~~:;,~;~a..7ffj~=7k.......~~. .......~;~'.~7. -.. .mfuuu..n,2.u ..u..... ..um U. n..'.'.. ... ..n.. .. u.. n.n.. n, uu... n... 'um'um m.. n.,.... U '''m u uu muuuuuu u.. ,t!:~!/::q(2:cu/....f~:?:.v....d~..u--:<(J?ac'(d2.r,....!???'l,z.{n:c~ ~- . L.- .../. Zs by me,..m.."ZZZ..Z0-:?" .?:.?<Zc<Z"'t:rd:!:?G..:.:::.........Ta..x Collector, as afore- ~' // ~ n~ ( ~ r sa.id, strzw7c ofl to the 8aid.......~I:1!-:::.m.?::;ZSf.~<m~.."t:Z.Lu:;4?...:/2:?.??..t:::?.:..cLq;....... 0(" ............. . . . mm.. who paid the fu..ll amount of said taxes, costs and changes, and therefore became the purchaser of the last above described piece .or parcel of land so sold a,s aforesaid for said ta"xes, and I do further certify that the said real estate was sold slf.;bject to redemption pursuant to the Sta,t- :utes in such cases made and provided; a,nd wherea,s, no person has '1'ed-eemed the property aforesaid dlf.;ring the time allowed by law for its redemption, and Btated in the certificate of sale thereof:. m.............................. .. nm.. . .. m.... .......... ..mm......................... ..n........" __ ____u____..__.....u.__uu_u_uuu___..._.......... __...nu................. ................................ .... .......... -- -...........--........ -- ...................... -...... u......... ....... ................ ................ . ..... ......... .... .._. . .... ................ ..... nu...... .......n........' 'n." ..... ....... .......... ..."... ............ _..... .... ............. .. ............-.........................................................u...... ........_............._........_... ._....... _.............., ,.' I HU'UUHmmHH I ..u u.uH" 'HHH' UHUUU"H HUuU'UH"H'H I' 111 And W herea,s, an affidavit has been dlf.;ly filed with me ShOWL '~~~t H~~;;~~ I . cll~Ys prior to this da.te a. notice was posted in a conspicuous place on; said lot of I land (,Wl..id lot of land beinS! then and there lM,occlf.;pied) sl~id notice was in writ- " 'I in~ and stated thaut snid property had been sold for delinquent ta~ces; f!ivin[f the '! date (If sale, the amount of property sold, the amOlu~t for which it was sold, the ji amOtf.;nt dne a.t the dnte of' postinjff nnd the time when the purehaser would apply il tor a deecl, all of which in said affida,vit wa.s duly shown. 11 .Now Therefore, this indenture witnesseth, that, for and in considera.tion oj'the II ~_.Ylf.;m 0/......::..7......... ......m........... .................:.:::=~........................ ................. ..m.............................................Dollars, and i! &.uf.i!ij{"/!....mcents ($..a,....~~ff.....), to me in hand pl~id, the receipt whereof ., i ; ------ ,. - ..,.,-,-, .. .;--- ,. (~~~~ - , r5 ,:;;' ,:. 'c-;t:'. / '" ~ / />_ /, -- ~- --- -:r.s hereby oJ/knowled", ed, I ,?-e.. .....;2...........ww w... .....w..~.. ................~ w . ..... ...-t:f................... Town .Marshal (~nd ex-officio Town Tax Collector as aforesaid, by virtue and in pursuwwe of the stntutes and ordina,nces in su.ch cases made lmd provided }w,v'~aat'd, barga,ia,d. "'d. "m"YN} and ",dina,d. and by th,,~at' ~ / ~trant, b(U'!tain, sell, convey, a,nd confirm u.nto the sa,id...~~,.~:........ .............w.... fa a..::d.' <.. r I" \_~.w..............d;:f.w.27..(J:1/.r..c...t;:.<<_.............~eJ t" Iii f lui'P'f r;uHi I:tJstgns forever, all hat piece or pw'cel of lanll so sold,--~nd he1f!t!;J and last described in this deed as " fully and a.bsoluAely as 1,.222...... ..'C!.z...........<<::.k:2~.....w..........Tax Collector of :said Town (1,S aforesaid, m,ay or can l(~wfl~lly sell a-77,d convey the same, to- gether with all and sinjffliJla.r the tenements, hereditaments, and a,ppurtenances I thereunto belonf!injff, or in anywise appertaininjff of the said owner. ! To have a,nd to hold, all a,nd singlJ..ZCtr the hereinbefore (~nd last mentioned , I and described premises, tojffether with the appurtenances thereof: unto the said II party of the second pa,l't,~:....................w...wke.i"a .. ,[.~ I r~ i'.J forever. II In Witness ffl'hereof, I have herelmto set my haml and sea,l. in the County !J , ",(omaid, tIM day and ,.'ar first hor"ab,!"" Wt:!iJ, I' ! ... . . ... "2!t:/if. ~.. ......[SEAL.] i " I I Town MaTshal and ex.officio Tax Collector of the T0111n of Santa /lfonic", f County of Los A1/geles, (}allfornia I j! i. t I ,. I; I' STATE OF CALIFORNIA,\ , " J 55. ,. COUNTY OF Los ANGELES. 0. thW/"'''':;.Y ol~'~ .~. t1w=a.d Ei,ht m.ad~" _d_~ ~ ' , r before me,..~..':.._.__..~~tary Public, in and for said Oounty an II State du.ly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared)!?:~LQ'!Jq_=r_<:'~.:._..,. I oerson(~lly known 'to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the f'oreJ!oinJ! instru.ment, as Town Marshal and EX-OFFIOIO Tax Oollector of the Town of Santa .Monica, and he du.ly M- I, knowledged to me that he as slwh Tax Oollector, execu.ted the same, I I In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, I' and affixed my offi,cial seal the day and year last ab~en. , "f;"'""' /}o~ .k.'~~.2cs:;5dd.-.~~..#1' .......... Notary Public. I i ; h ;r: I b r: I [ '-.-. - . ..' -~ ~-~-_... - -- .. .---- ..- .... : .. ,- ~"-""""~;"""-~__""'__'__ ,";,~,.,~,...,,,ww,...--., ",-,"""""".- ..,-_.-.- .....~___^--F:__ .' -...,--.........._- "1 '_H___"._'_~"~_"_'_"' ".._. ._. ~ " ~. . " ~ l\' ,~\ ' 1 .~ ~ ~ Q ~.~ j j~ I \" '. Wi <, " "J. ", . W I oO~ '~I "\ ~. ~. ~' ~ ~ ~' ;~ ~ , ~; K wq~\'q~ ~ I ... '\ \ ,,/\ Q ~ Q , \'..0 ' "I , . ~.. .~. \\' \ C _ ': \ 0... ~ . \ V\j ~ ~~ /" ~~ ~(~i \ ~ '--J \ t-..;o;; ~ '~-":"'.'>:"~"'"-'''''~''''''''' ~ .",.'"'''''............;~_.-'_,''''''"-"....,~..................__~_~~:".~i-'-''._''''~,,''''''~~~ .