SR 07-18-2023 1AFrom:Siena Tovar Burke To:councilmtgitems Subject:Proposal to Ban Ghost Fishing Gear in Santa Monica Date:Friday, July 7, 2023 6:44:15 PM EXTERNAL Dear City Council, I am writing on behalf of "Action for Animals," a student-run club at Santa Monica High School to propose a bill that addresses the urgent issue of ghost fishing gear in our coastal waters. Ghost fishing gear, such as lost nets and lines, entangles and traps marine mammals, sea turtles, and birds, leading to injuries, drowning, and death. Additionally, the indiscriminate trapping of fish and other marine organisms disrupts the delicate balance of local ecosystems and impacts the livelihoods of fishermen who rely on sustainable fishing practices. I propose the introduction of a bill that bans the discarding of fishing nets and any other fishing gear within the Santa Monica premises. The bill should include provisions for proper disposal and recycling of such gear to prevent its accidental release into our coastal waters, as well as a fine if not followed. I recommend allocating resources to education campaigns that raise awareness about the detrimental effects of ghost fishing gear on marine life. Collaborating with local fishermen, environmental organizations, and scientific experts is crucial for the successful enforcement of the ban and the development of sustainable fishing alternatives. By passing this bill, Santa Monica would safeguard its marine ecosystems, preserve biodiversity, and set an inspiring example for other coastal cities. Our commitment to protecting natural resources will benefit present and future generations while enhancing our city's reputation as an environmentally conscious and progressive community. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I kindly request that you consider the proposal to ban ghost fishing gear in Santa Monica and take the necessary steps to initiate the legislative process. I am available to provide additional information or assistance to support this environmental initiative. Yours sincerely, Siena Tovar Burke 310-913-322 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 From:Francisco Juarez To:councilmtgitems Cc:Francisco Ernesto Juarez Subject:PUBLIC INPUT - BEACHFRONT PROPERTY DECLARATION LETTER to SANTA MONICA CITY COUNCIL Date:Sunday, July 9, 2023 2:53:28 PM Attachments:2023 - 7-9 - AGIF DECLARATION OF DEED-RESTRICTED LAND-USE MANDATES.pdf EXTERNAL Please review at or before the next Council meeting. Please inform me of any action that the Council agrees to take on this matter. Respectfully, Francisco Juarez Commander, El Camino Real Chapter, American GI Forum of the U.S., Whittier, CA Cell (310) 795-7051 westsideservice@yahoo.com "Education is Our Freedom and Freedom Should Be Everybody's Business" ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 NATIONAL HOME for DISABLED VETERANS PACIFIC BRANCH HOME BEACHFRONT PROPERTY DECLARATION of DEED-RESTRICTED LAND-USE MANDATES July 9, 2023 Francisco Juarez Commander, El Camino Real Chapter, Whittier, CA ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 Honorable Members of the Santa Monica City Council, U.S. Military Veterans have migrated to the Pacific Branch Home for Disabled Veterans for 135 years because it has their name, “Veteran Home” inscribed at its entry points off San Vicente, Wilshire, Constitution, and Sawtelle. The beachfront property, Parking Lot No. 8 and a portion of Palisades Park, that was separately deeded on the same day is, in fact, part of the “Home” vision of Senator Jones and Arcadia Bandini. They saw it as an additional healing resource for service-connected Veterans to be welcomed at and to reside at. Pacific Branch Home, inland, has a long history of operating in that welcoming respect. It housed up to 5,000 residents at one time, up until 1972 when the likes of Brentwood School and other speculators began moving in on trying to take over the land. At the beachfront property, the “beach-house” and “pavilion” that are intended to be constructed for the “residents” never materialized and that made us come before you last year. At that time, the Council approved $10,000 of taxpayer funds to be spent on gathering information to get to the bottom of this. This only resulted in the delivery of erroneous information that is contradicted by the official Chicago Title information we have to share with you. We met with the City Manager and a City Attorney and pointed these things out, but nothing has been done to prove we are wrong. We have a legal transfer of title document from the benefactors to the U.S. government and the City has not produced a legal transfer of title document from the U.S. government to the State, County, or the City. Our objective is to educate members on the intended land-use, established in perpetuity. Once we are “on the same page”, we recommend that Parking Lot No. 8 be recognized for what it is so we can get to the business of saving lives. Please, in your review of this Public Input Declaration letter, consider the good and welfare of those who earned the title of America’s Defenders. ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 The best example of that is in the artwork below, from the Library of Congress, created when the Soldier ’s Home system was established. You will see America thanking a returned Veteran who represents all Veterans, past, present, and future. Respectfully, Francisco Juarez Commander, El Camino Real Chapter, American GI Forum of the U.S. Whittier, CA ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 From:SM Renters Rights To:councilmtgitems; Denise Anderson-Warren; Attorney Mailbox; Council Mailbox; Gleam Davis; Caroline Torosis; Jesse Zwick; Lana Negrete; christine.para@santamonica.gov; Phil Brock; Oscar de la Torre Subject:Recording of Board and Commission meetings Date:Wednesday, July 12, 2023 1:35:25 PM Attachments:230712 Ltr re audio taping of meetings Final PDF.pdf EXTERNAL Dear Mayor and Councilmembers, City Clerk, and City Attorney, Please see the enclosed letter from Santa Monicans for Renters’ Rights regarding videotaping/audiotaping of all board and commission meetings. Thank you. SMRR Coordinator ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 July 12, 2023 RE: Recording Board and Commission Meetings Dear City Councilmembers, At the Saturday July 8th meeting of the Santa Monicans for Renters’ Rights Steering Committee, the Steering Committee members and all SMRR general members in attendance unanimously voted to urge the City Council to require videotaping or audiotaping of all board and commission meetings, and placement of the recordings on the City’s website for public access. Recording meetings was the ubiquitous practice before the pandemic. There is no reason that this past minimum standard is no longer being met. While perhaps only the Planning Commission had video recording pre-pandemic, the remaining boards and commissions had audio recordings that at least in some instances (e.g., the Housing Commission) were posted on the City’s website. Given advances in technology and the simplicity of uploading files, making recordings and posting them on the City’s website for public access is relatively simple and inexpensive. As you know, anyone in attendance at a board or commission meeting is allowed to record the proceedings. And any recordings in the City’s possession are subject to the Public Records Act. But this is inadequate for the process of open government and a common understanding of what was said at a public meeting. There must be an authentic and authoritative tape for reference. The Steering Committee members and general SMRR members present also voted unanimously to ask City Council to 1) get current on past board and commission meeting minutes as soon as possible and make them publicly available on the City’s website as well (this is especially important because so many boards and commissions are backlogged on their minutes and there is no recording available) and 2) create meeting minutes for all board and commission meetings going forward and make them publicly available on the City’s website. While brief minutes are no substitute for a recording of the meeting, they are an invaluable aid to the public in terms of quickly identifying the issues actually discussed and the decisions actually taken at each meeting. Some members noted that at least as far back as 1983 board and commission meetings were taped by the staff liaison on a cassette recorder and minutes prepared. We must continue this tradition of good governance immediately—especially as advances in technology have made it so much easier for our government to be transparent with the public. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Sincerely, Denny Zane Mike Soloff Co-Chair, Santa Monicans for Renters’ Rights Co-Chair, Santa Monicans for Renters’ Rights ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 From:Larry Arreola To:"castro0459@live.com"; "shineshuge@gmail.com"; "bomailbox1-concern@yahoo.com"; "loriemerson1958@aol.com"; "gcastro81951@gmail.com"; "amanda.arreola67@aol.com"; "anne.pearson249@gmail.com"; "theresa.marasco@gmail.com"; "bpo42@yahoo.com"; "nshamonki@hotmail.com"; "ginadebaca@gmail.com"; "commissionerbrock@gmail.com"; "johncysmith@gmail.com"; "zinajosephs@aol.com"; "stephanie.brice@verizon.net"; "therealmrmusic@gmail.com"; "beagle.family@gte.net"; "shararm@aol.com"; "crisarm@msn.com"; "houmanhemmati@gmail.com"; "janetheinle@yahoo.com"; "dorf.mitch@gmail.com"; "kcroner@mac.com"; "swissmissrealtor@gmail.com"; "danjan101@gmail.com"; "elerer@elizabethlerer.com"; "debbiedoty@gmail.com"; "rtaylarch@gmail.com"; "jaleh-m@msn.com"; "alan@hswlaw.com"; "alexiselsea@gmail.com"; "takebackourtownsm@gmail.com"; "annkbowman@yahoo.com"; "arlene.hopkins@gmail.com"; "111czk@gmail.com"; "chris.legras@gmail.com"; "doster@ucla.edu"; "elaine@elaine360.com"; "janetkfmcl@aol.com"; "johnallecompany@gmail.com"; "katblandino@abrighterfuturepac.org"; "Kate@NorthOfMontana.com"; "kboole@gmail.com"; "lmarreola@roadrunner.com"; "loreb2@aol.com"; "getitdone2326@gmail.com"; "ASWML@aol.com"; "mario@fbharchitects.com"; ml.verville@verizon.net; "matmillen@msn.com"; Nancy Coleman; "ron@gfarchitects.com"; "thesantamonicacoalition@gmail.com"; "robertsthane@gmail.com"; "1triciacrane@gmail.com"; "annmaggio@gmail.com"; "suzanne4455@aol.com"; "lastgasp@gmail.com"; "robertgomez310@gmail.com"; "dagomez2@gmail.com"; "amgomez48@gmail.com"; "laura@theadventuregoddess.com"; "nhkolhoff@yahoo.com"; "communityaffairs@santamonica.gov"; councilmtgitems; Oscar de la Torre; Christine Parra; Lana Negrete Subject:CRIME IN SANTA MONICA Date:Saturday, July 15, 2023 10:34:26 AM EXTERNAL To Whom It May Concern; I am writing in agreement with Anna Rogers email to City Council and others. The apparent marginalization ( by some at City Hall ) towards residents concerns about Police Chief Batista's public statements that crime is up 14% is disturbing. City Council needs to respond to resident's concerns in an efficient, transparent manner. Please take action to get the needed resources the SMPD needs to fight the uptick in crime. If you don't crime will surely get worse. Respectfully, Larry and Carol Arreola ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 From:Karen Croner To:Community Affairs; councilmtgitems; Phil Brock; Gleam Davis; Oscar de la Torre; Lana Negrete; Christine Parra; Caroline Torosis; Jesse Zwick; nbcshows@nbcuni.com; evening@cbsnews.com; David White Cc:Dr. Anna Rogers; lmarreola@roadrunner.com Subject:Crime in Santa monica Date:Saturday, July 15, 2023 4:24:17 PM EXTERNAL Dear all, I am writing to say I absolutely support Anne Roger's letter below. Just yesterday on social media when a resident posted he was afraid to walk to one of the new restaurants on the promenade being promoted by one of the CC members, the CC member responded, posting, saying this persons fears were “unrealistic.” I was stunned not only at the disrespect of the resident, but the dishonesty. Heartbroken really. I have lived in Sunset Park for over 20 years and I am very concerned about why we don’t have the funds to hire enough police officers. And why the true crime count is being fudged with in such a haphazard way. Has an official outside group been brought in to examine our city’s budget to understand where that money has gone? Something is very off here. I am so very grateful to the officers who have come to my aid and the aid of so many I know. But people are scared. And for some of you to live here and dismiss those fears is absolutely unacceptable. If you can’t listen, you are in the wrong job or position. You are meant to go do something else. If you work for Santa Monica and are not concerned for the real safety of the residents, or don’t care about the fears of residents, I encourage you to resign. If you do care, I encourage all of you to walk at night alone in this city and be honest about what you see. We need help. Not your grandiosity and dismissal of our concerns. You have an opportunity to do something truly remarkable here, something you could be proud about - turn this city around. Right now your legacy is being responsible for the demise of our city. You can and must do better. Thank you. Karen Croner Dear Chief Batista, Thank you so much for the many opportunities to meet with you and your deputies over the last several months and most recently, via the latest highly informative neighborhood meetings. Please know that despite the significant challenges you and your department face, the knowledge and proposed options and resolutions you have provided are greatly appreciated. At this point, I’d like to share 4 areas of significant and valid community concerns which detract from the common goals of community public safety. The concern over a growing apathy toward public safety on the part of certain councilmembers and other staff was heightened at our June 13th meeting when 2 of our city councilmembers expressed disdain and even amusement during and after residents gave up what free time they had to share their real life traumatic experiences and injuries they had suffered as a result of the escalating crime in our city. Unfortunately, very visible smiling and occasional snickering on the part of one councilmember was noted as a 15 year old boy fought ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 back tears describing how his friend was stabbed in the abdomen while they were playing basketball. This behavior is beyond abhorrent, but is also indicative of the attitude of at least two councilmembers regarding the lack of concern for public safety and respect for our police department. As I had mentioned in a recent neighborhood meeting, residents and business owners speak not only for our community, but to support the funding for and strengthening of our Santa Monica Police Department who work 24/7 with what resources they have available to them to keep our neighborhoods, businesses, and visitors as safe as possible. We show up to support our hard-working officers and always ask them what they need to make their job safer and increase effectiveness. At our June 27th meeting, residents spoke in favor of prioritizing budgetary funding for our police department using the exact statistics given to them by you and several deputies at many meetings prior, including neighborhood meetings, Police Oversight, etc. and had heard the same message from our Chief and deputies: (1) crime in general is up approximately 14%, (definitely has NOT decreased as one councilmember continues to maintain) (2) Even at full staff we are about 50 officers short, and (3) we are seriously underfunded. These facts were repeated many times, so there is no misunderstanding in terms of validity and credible sources. However, during our council meeting of June 27th, people in the audience and those watching the meeting from home were ostensibly shocked to hear a near 180 degree reversal of those facts when questioned by councilmembers, except for perhaps 3 councilmembers who seemed quite pleased. Unfortunately, this turn of events caused Councilmember Phil Brock to withdraw his badly needed amendment. For whatever reason you made the decision to change your budgetary needs and information, it is hoped that should pressure be exerted to cause the same situation in the future, interdepartmental political concerns and diplomacy will not take precedence over community concerns and at the expense of residents who, without question, took careful note of your words and those representing your department. Other department heads and city leadership must understand that your department is the only one whose members take a solemn oath to never betray their integrity, character, or the public trust. They have a high standard of ethics and would lay their respective lives down without question to protect the innocent-even those who, to fulfill personal agendas or future political aspirations, distort incidents and make false claims against our officers which cannot be proven. The third area of community concern is related to the shootings at Lifeguard Tower 28 last Friday night, July 7th. Thousands of open-ended, pay to attend invitations went out over social media with a large response from people pouring out onto the beach and into the parking lots. Complete with a D.J. and a blunt booth, not one of the organizers felt the need to secure a permit for this “invasion” to which illegal fireworks and firearms were brought in. A beloved family was caught in the line of fire and both video and audio caught the sound of five rounds being discharged while people called 911 dispatch and others screamed for help. Although there were similar incidents that night that required officers’ attention, there clearly was not a sufficient number of officers to break up or even approach the massive crowd without grave injury to themselves and even more politically motivated charges being brought against them. Although we are looking forward to recruiting and hiring more officers, I agree with you that a force of at least 250 officers and improved technology support would be a great benefit for our city. The fourth but not the least of community-wide concern is related to a slow-growing but obvious trend to denigrate and discredit our officers. A small number of councilmembers believe they can further their political career and/or please their donor organizations by engaging in pointing the proverbial finger at outstanding officers who have been in very dangerous situations and conducted themselves with restraint and with an eye towards ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 protecting bystanders close to the incident. Heavily edited, absurd YouTube videos put together by semi-sober attention grabbers notwithstanding, our African American and Hispanic police officers in particular have had to endure racial slurs spat at them repeatedly as the suspects try to cause injury and refuse to comply with even the simplest order from police. To that point, I propose an Inservice for any councilmembers and departmental personnel who still remain confused about the difference between an actual fruit vender and a member of a crime family who may have a cart but also possesses weapons and threatens the lives of police, health department officials and their families. Boys as young as 14 have been cited for carrying firearms and several members of the Murcia Crime family have severely beaten and sent to the hospital actual licensed vendors who don’t work for the Murcia’s. The curriculum should include a basic learner analysis, specific objectives and identified pre-requisites, learning experiences, and a formative and summative evaluation. This Inservice may go a long way towards avoiding defamation suits which would inevitably be brought against those who think they can benefit from making false claims and filing bogus, dishonest charges against officers. Thank you again for your time and attention to these concerns. Looking forward to seeing you on August 1st. Sincerely, Anna M. Rogers ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 From:Dr. Anna Rogers To:Community Affairs; councilmtgitems; Phil Brock; Gleam Davis; Oscar de la Torre; Lana Negrete; Christine Parra; Caroline Torosis; Jesse Zwick; David White; Susan Cline; Attorney Mailbox; Denise Anderson-Warren; Santa Monica City Manager"s Office; matt@smpd.com; ktla@ktla.com; Kevin.Merida@latimes.com; nbcshows@nbcuni.com; evening@cbsnews.com; editor@smobserver.com; sam@mediamirrorgroupla.com Subject:Concerns over Consistency of Delivering Critical Statistics and Information, Prioritizing Public Safety, Attempts to Defame SMPD Officers to Further Personal Political Aspirations Date:Saturday, July 15, 2023 7:02:25 PM EXTERNAL Dear Chief Batista, Thank you so much for the many opportunities to meet with you and your deputies over the last several months and most recently, via the latest highly informative neighborhood meetings. Please know that despite the significant challenges you and your department face, the knowledge and proposed options and resolutions you have provided are greatly appreciated. At this point, I’d like to share 4 areas of significant and valid community concerns which detract from the common goals of community public safety. The concern over a growing apathy toward public safety on the part of certain councilmembers and other staff was heightened at our June 13th meeting when 2 of our city councilmembers expressed disdain and even amusement during and after residents gave up what free time they had to share their real life traumatic experiences and injuries they had suffered as a result of the escalating crime in our city. Unfortunately, very visible smiling and occasional snickering on the part of one councilmember was noted as a 15 year old boy fought back tears describing how his friend was stabbed in the abdomen while they were playing basketball. This behavior is beyond abhorrent, but is also indicative of the attitude of at least two councilmembers regarding the lack of concern for public safety and respect for our police department. As I had mentioned in a recent neighborhood meeting, residents and business owners speak not only for our community, but to support the funding for and strengthening of our Santa Monica Police Department who work 24/7 with what resources they have available to them to keep our neighborhoods, businesses, and visitors as safe as possible. We show up to support our hard- working officers and always ask them what they need to make their job safer and increase effectiveness. At our June 27th meeting, residents spoke in favor of prioritizing budgetary funding for our police department using the exact statistics given to them by you and several deputies at many meetings prior, ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 including neighborhood meetings, Police Oversight, etc. and had heard the same message from our Chief and deputies: (1) crime in general is up approximately 14%, (definitely has NOT decreased as one councilmember continues to maintain) (2) Even at full staff we are about 50 officers short, and (3) we are seriously underfunded. These facts were repeated many times, so there is no misunderstanding in terms of validity and credible sources. However, during our council meeting of June 27th, people in the audience and those watching the meeting from home were ostensibly shocked to hear a near 180 degree reversal of those facts when questioned by councilmembers, except for perhaps 3 councilmembers who seemed quite pleased. Unfortunately, this turn of events caused Councilmember Phil Brock to withdraw his badly needed amendment. For whatever reason you made the decision to change your budgetary needs and information, it is hoped that should pressure be exerted to cause the same situation in the future, interdepartmental political concerns and diplomacy will not take precedence over community concerns and at the expense of residents who, without question, took careful note of your words and those representing your department. Other department heads and city leadership must understand that your department is the only one whose members take a solemn oath to never betray their integrity, character, or the public trust. They have a high standard of ethics and would lay their respective lives down without question to protect the innocent-even those who, to fulfill personal agendas or future political aspirations, distort incidents and make false claims against our officers which cannot be proven. The third area of community concern is related to the shootings at Lifeguard Tower 28 last Friday night, July 7th. Thousands of open-ended, pay to attend invitations went out over social media with a large response from people pouring out onto the beach and into the parking lots. Complete with a D.J. and a blunt booth, not one of the organizers felt the need to secure a permit for this “invasion” to which illegal fireworks and firearms were brought in. A beloved family was caught in the line of fire and both video and audio caught the sound of five rounds being discharged while people called 911 dispatch and others screamed for help. Although there were similar incidents that night that required officers’ attention, there clearly was not a sufficient number of officers to break up or even approach the massive crowd without grave injury to themselves and even more politically motivated charges being brought against them. Although we are looking forward to recruiting and hiring more officers, I agree with you that a force of at least 250 officers and improved technology support would be a great benefit for our city. ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 The fourth but not the least of community-wide concern is related to a slow- growing but obvious trend to denigrate and discredit our officers. A small number of councilmembers believe they can further their political career and/or please their donor organizations by engaging in pointing the proverbial finger at outstanding officers who have been in very dangerous situations and conducted themselves with restraint and with an eye towards protecting bystanders close to the incident. Heavily edited, absurd YouTube videos put together by semi-sober attention grabbers notwithstanding, our African American and Hispanic police officers in particular have had to endure racial slurs spat at them repeatedly as the suspects try to cause injury and refuse to comply with even the simplest order from police. To that point, I propose an Inservice for any councilmembers and departmental personnel who still remain confused about the difference between an actual fruit vender and a member of a crime family who may have a cart but also possesses weapons and threatens the lives of police, health department officials and their families. Boys as young as 14 have been cited for carrying firearms and several members of the Murcia Crime family have severely beaten and sent to the hospital actual licensed vendors who don’t work for the Murcia’s. The curriculum should include a basic learner analysis, specific objectives and identified pre-requisites, learning experiences, and a formative and summative evaluation. This Inservice may go a long way towards avoiding defamation suits which would inevitably be brought against those who think they can benefit from making false claims and filing bogus, dishonest charges against officers. Thank you again for your time and attention to these concerns. Looking forward to seeing you on August 1st. Sincerely, Anna M. Rogers ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 From:Dr. Anna Rogers To:Community Affairs; councilmtgitems; Phil Brock; Gleam Davis; Oscar de la Torre; Lana Negrete; Christine Parra; Caroline Torosis; Jesse Zwick; David White; Susan Cline; Attorney Mailbox; Denise Anderson-Warren; Santa Monica City Manager"s Office; matt@smpd.com; ktla@ktla.com; Kevin.Merida@latimes.com; nbcshows@nbcuni.com; evening@cbsnews.com; editor@smobserver.com; sam@mediamirrorgroupla.com Subject:Forwarded E-Mail from Jane Wiedlea Koehler Date:Saturday, July 15, 2023 7:31:25 PM EXTERNAL Dear Chief Batista and City Council Members, I have long been baffled in the over forty years I have lived in Santa Monica about the lack of sensible discussion about the role and budgeting of a city police force. Instead of acknowledging the fact that Santa Monica needs a police force strong and large enough to handle the needs of a major tourist city and the needs for protection of it’s private citizens, the city has seen the development of a two tiered system which, if combined, could easily support a larger police department. A combined force would have the capacity which is now handled by private security firms paid for by private citizens that work to prevent crime for some city dwellers and the now existing branch of the police force which handles criminal offenses as they are committed by tourists and citizens. In addition,we now have a special government funded group to police the mall, if I’m not mistaken, so such a model for securing neighborhoods has been developed by Santa Monica government already. Thus, combining forces, policing would once again be under control of city standards. The risks of private patrol would possibly be mitigated and the funding that now goes to private security could flow to a common source under city government control. Please forward my letter to the Chief of Police and City Council. Clearly a more efficient solution to providing police security and the reduction of escalating and horrendous crimes such as the stabbing of a child during a private basketball game needs to be developed. Yours Sincerely, ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 Jane W. Koehler July 15, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 From:Danielle Charney To:councilmailbox@santamonica.gov; councilmtgitems; Phil Brock; Gleam Davis; Oscar de la Torre; Lana Negrete; Christine Parra; Caroline Torosis; Jesse Zwick; David White; Susan Cline; Attorney Mailbox; Denise Anderson- Warren; Santa Monica City Manager"s Office; matt@smpd.com; ktla@ktla.com; Kevin.Merida@latimes.com; nbcshows@nbcuni.com; evening@cbsnews.com; editor@smobserver.com; sam@mediamirrorgroupla.com; Ramon.Bautista@santamonica.gov; Community Affairs Subject:Crime and No Punishment ..Talk of the Town Public Comment July 18, 2023 Santa Monica City Council Meeting Date:Saturday, July 15, 2023 7:55:48 PM EXTERNAL I am a 41 year resident of this City. I watch as it is being transformed into a hideous trash/rich slum of unappealing, cheaply constructed market rate apartment buildings, half of whose units sit empty, massive traffic jams,chain restaurants, hotel after hotel, condos for the wealthy. Foreign syndicators turn our housing into Wall Street widgets for hedge fund play while seniors are increasingly shuffled off and hidden out of view in tucked away locations, depressed people milling about and crime all over to the point where I struggle to feel safe anywhere now. I struggle to just feel anything but stress. Our parks and streets are filled with violent criminals, knife-wielding, mentally ill transient drug addicted homeless people who hustle, making it impossible for the residents who pay for everything to enjoy the City that we struggle to keep loving. It is our beloved child gone bad. We don't want to abandon the hope it can be saved. I see what appear to be good, qualified people hired in key positions who come here ready to do their jobs with integrity, experience and heart, only to be hobbled by the political games of the local power groups that tie their hands to appease the $$ gods and games that installed them to their undeserved seats running this City. I speak of our Chief of Police who knows what needs to be done and isn't being allowed to do it by two specific Council members..each answering to the two major power groups. I see a refusal to do what is needed to stop crime and the resulting fear that has now blanketed our beloved City. Other Cities do it..they stop the crime. I don't want to hear the old blow off response so popular in politics of "Well each City is different"..blah blah, that mantra won't cut it with me. Time for straight talk.. Great leaders, hell, even good leaders hire the best people they can who know what they are doing and then get out of their way and let them do it. We need action. Untie the Chief's hands. We the people want those who are qualified to do their jobs..not be stopped by those who have no clue what the job is or how to do it. Hail to the Chief... get out of his way. ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 From:Shaun Sharpton To:Clerk Mailbox Subject:New Performer Regulations Date:Monday, July 17, 2023 10:31:02 AM EXTERNAL To whom it may concern, Hello, my name is Shaun Sharpton. Since moving to California in 2017 I have supported my family primarily by performing magic at the Santa Monica Pier and 3rd Street Promenade. I was able to make enough money to survive. Since the new regulations have been implemented that has become almost impossible. The new lottery system is very different from the old system. The old system was very fair and most people would get to work at least one 3 hour shift per day. The most you could work was 2 3 hour shifts for a total of 6 hours. This was because a lottery was held every 1.5 hours and if you left a spot to get in the next lottery you gave up your space. With the new system of 2 lotteries you win a spot for 5 hours and if you win 2 you work 10 hours. Almost everyone, even if they won a spot earlier, is on both lotteries and its so much harder to get a chance to work. I propose that if you win a spot in the lottery you can't enter the second lottery because you already won the maximum amount of time you could work before. At the very least it will give more people a chance to work since the opportunities have been cut in half. The old system did this by default and was very fair. This new system has people selling and trading spots and doing desperate things to try to survive. When is a community meeting about these issues like we used to have before Covid? Thanks for your time, Shaun Sharpton Magician ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 From:Shaun Sharpton To:Xavier Mota Subject:Re: New Performer Regulations Date:Monday, July 17, 2023 12:41:55 PM EXTERNAL I just wanted to add that if they plan to continue with just 2 time slots another solution would be to do 1 lottery per day and if you get picked you would choose 1 spot for either the AM or PM shift. That way people wouldn't be working 2 shifts while others don't get to work at all. Its probably a better solution for everyone. Plus less work for the lottery proctor. On Mon, Jul 17, 2023, 10:59 AM Xavier Mota <Xavier.Mota@santamonica.gov> wrote: Hi Shaun, City Council will have it’s next meeting tomorrow at 5:30 PM in City Hall. We can add your email letter as public input so Council can read it. Regards, From: Shaun Sharpton <shaun.sharpton@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, July 17, 2023 10:31 AM To: Clerk Mailbox <Clerk.Mailbox@santamonica.gov> Subject: New Performer Regulations EXTERNAL To whom it may concern, Hello, my name is Shaun Sharpton. Since moving to California in 2017 I have supported my family primarily by performing magic at the Santa Monica Pier and 3rd Street Promenade. I was able to make enough money to survive. Since the new regulations have been implemented that has become almost impossible. The new lottery system is very different from the old system. The old system was very fair ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 and most people would get to work at least one 3 hour shift per day. The most you could work was 2 3 hour shifts for a total of 6 hours. This was because a lottery was held every 1.5 hours and if you left a spot to get in the next lottery you gave up your space. With the new system of 2 lotteries you win a spot for 5 hours and if you win 2 you work 10 hours. Almost everyone, even if they won a spot earlier, is on both lotteries and its so much harder to get a chance to work. I propose that if you win a spot in the lottery you can't enter the second lottery because you already won the maximum amount of time you could work before. At the very least it will give more people a chance to work since the opportunities have been cut in half. The old system did this by default and was very fair. This new system has people selling and trading spots and doing desperate things to try to survive. When is a community meeting about these issues like we used to have before Covid? Thanks for your time, Shaun Sharpton Magician ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 From:Ann Maggio To:Community Affairs; councilmtgitems; Phil Brock; Gleam Davis; Oscar de la Torre; Lana Negrete; Christine Parra; Caroline Torosis; Jesse Zwick; David White; Susan Cline; Attorney Mailbox; Denise Anderson-Warren; Santa Monica City Manager"s Office; matt@smpd.com; ktla@ktla.com; Kevin.Merida@latimes.com; nbcshows@nbcuni.com; evening@cbsnews.com; David Ganezer; delores@mirrormediagroupla.com; Ross Furukawa; Matthew Hall Subject:CRIME, Crime Stats and Elected officials held accountable IN SANTA MONICA Date:Sunday, July 16, 2023 7:40:28 PM EXTERNAL Dear Chief Batista, I support the letter written by fellow Santa Monica resident, Anna Rogers, withexception to investments in surveillance tech because cameras do not prevent crime.We need officers on the ground. Contrary to what some public officials and community members seem to believe, thatemploying a community policing model is what's right for Santa Monica, none ofthese people have ever produced a single PROOF OF CONCEPT that such a model has successfully yielded net positive results in any TRANSIENT COMMUNITY. Furthermore, elected officials and community members who TARGET CHILDRENbecause they don't agree with parents seeking the truth in matters need to be heldaccountable for their actions. These are the most vile and despicable people amongus. "Dear Cheif Batista, Thank you so much for the many opportunities to meet with you and yourdeputies over the lastseveral months and most recently, via the latest highly informativeneighborhood meetings.Please know that despite the significant challenges you and your departmentface, theknowledge and proposed options and resolutions you have provided are greatly appreciated. At this point, I’d like to share 4 areas of significant and valid community concerns which detract from the common goals of community public safety. The concern over a growing apathy toward public safety on the part of certaincouncilmembersand other staff was heightened at our June 13th meeting when 2 of our citycouncilmembersexpressed disdain and even amusement during and after residents gave up what free time they had to share their real life traumatic experiences and injuries they had suffered as a result of the escalating crime in our city. Unfortunately, very visible smiling and occasionalsnickering onthe part of one councilmember was noted as a 15 year old boy fought backtears describing how his friend was stabbed in the abdomen while they were playing basketball. This ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 behavior is beyond abhorrent, but is also indicative of the attitude of at least twocouncilmembers regardingthe lack of concern for public safety and respect for our police department. As I had mentioned in a recent neighborhood meeting, residents and businessowners speak notonly for our community, but to support the funding for and strengthening of our Santa Monica Police Department who work 24/7 with what resources they have available to them to keep our neighborhoods, businesses, and visitors as safe as possible. We show up tosupport our hard-working officers and always ask them what they need to make their job saferand increaseeffectiveness. At our June 27 th meeting, residents spoke in favor of prioritizing budgetary funding for our police department using the exact statistics given to them by you and several deputies at many meetings prior, including neighborhood meetings, PoliceOversight, etc. andhad heard the same message from our Chief and deputies: (1) crime in generalis upapproximately 14%, (definitely has NOT decreased as one councilmembercontinues tomaintain) (2) Even at full staff we are about 50 officers short, and (3) we are seriously underfunded. These facts were repeated many times, so there is no misunderstanding in terms of validity and credible sources. However, during our council meeting of June 27th , people in theaudience and those watching the meeting from home were ostensibly shockedto hear a near 180degree reversal of those facts when questioned by councilmembers, except forperhaps 3councilmembers who seemed quite pleased. Unfortunately, this turn of events caused Councilmember Phil Brock to withdraw his badly needed amendment. For whatever reason you made the decision to change your budgetary needs and information, it is hopedthat shouldpressure be exerted to cause the same situation in the future,interdepartmental politicalconcerns and diplomacy will not take precedence over community concerns andat the expenseof residents who, without question, took careful note of your words and those representing your department. Other department heads and city leadership must understand that your department is the only one whose members take a solemn oath to never betray theirintegrity, character, orthe public trust. They have a high standard of ethics and would lay their ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 respective lives down without question to protect the innocent-even those who, to fulfill personalagendas or futurepolitical aspirations, distort incidents and make false claims against our officerswhich cannotbe proven. The third area of community concern is related to the shootings at Lifeguard Tower 28 last Friday night, July 7 th . Thousands of open-ended, pay to attend invitations went out over social media with a large response from people pouring out onto the beach and intothe parking lots.Complete with a D.J. and a blunt booth, not one of the organizers felt the needto secure apermit for this “invasion” to which illegal fireworks and firearms were broughtin. A belovedfamily was caught in the line of fire and both video and audio caught the sound of five rounds being discharged while people called 911 dispatch and others screamed for help. Although there were similar incidents that night that required officers’ attention, there clearlywas not asufficient number of officers to break up or even approach the massive crowdwithout graveinjury to themselves and even more politically motivated charges being broughtagainst them.Although we are looking forward to recruiting and hiring more officers, I agree with you that a force of at least 250 officers and improved technology support would be a great benefit for our city. The fourth but not the least of community-wide concern is related to a slow-growing butobvious trend to denigrate and discredit our officers. A small number ofcouncilmembers believe they can further their political career and/or please their donor organizations by engaging in pointing the proverbial finger at outstanding officers who have been in verydangerous situations and conducted themselves with restraint and with an eyetowardsprotecting bystanders close to the incident. Heavily edited, absurd YouTubevideos put togetherby semi-sober attention grabbers notwithstanding, our African American andHispanic police officers in particular have had to endure racial slurs spat at them repeatedly as the suspects try to cause injury and refuse to comply with even the simplest order from police. To that point, Ipropose an Inservice for any councilmembers and departmental personnel whostill remain ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 confused about the difference between an actual fruit vender and a member of a crime familywho may have a cart but also possesses weapons and threatens the lives ofpolice, healthdepartment officials and their families. Boys as young as 14 have been cited forcarryingfirearms and several members of the Murcia Crime family have severely beatenand sent to the hospital actual licensed vendors who don’t work for the Murcia’s. The curriculum should include a basic learner analysis, specific objectives and identified pre-requisites, learningexperiences, and a formative and summative evaluation. This Inservice may goa long waytowards avoiding defamation suits which would inevitably be brought againstthose who thinkthey can benefit from making false claims and filing bogus, dishonest chargesagainst officers. Thank you again for your time and attention to these concerns. Looking forward to seeing you on August 1 st . Sincerely,Anna Rogers" Sincerely, Ann Maggio Thanawalla "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth." - Albert Einstein ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 From:lmarreola To:Ann Maggio; Community Affairs; councilmtgitems; Phil Brock; Gleam Davis; Oscar de la Torre; Lana Negrete; Christine Parra; Caroline Torosis; Jesse Zwick; David White; Susan Cline; Attorney Mailbox; Denise Anderson- Warren; Santa Monica City Manager"s Office; matt@smpd.com; ktla@ktla.com; Kevin.Merida@latimes.com; nbcshows@nbcuni.com; evening@cbsnews.com; David Ganezer; delores@mirrormediagroupla.com; Ross Furukawa; Matthew Hall Subject:RE: CRIME, Crime Stats and Elected officials held accountable IN SANTA MONICA Date:Sunday, July 16, 2023 8:27:36 PM EXTERNAL Thanks Ann!. We need a fighter like you. Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S21 5G, an AT&T 5G smartphone -------- Original message -------- From: Ann Maggio <annmaggio@gmail.com> Date: 7/16/23 7:40 PM (GMT-08:00) To: community.affairs@santamonica.gov, councilmtgitems@santamonica.gov, Phil Brock <phil.brock@santamonica.gov>, gleam.davis@santamonica.gov, Oscar de la Torre <oscar.delatorre@santamonica.gov>, Lana Negrete <lana.negrete@santamonica.gov>, Christine Parra <christine.parra@santamonica.gov>, Caroline.torosis@santamonica.gov, jesse.zwick@santamonica.gov, David White <david.white@santamonica.gov>, Susan Cline <Susan.Cline@santamonica.gov>, attorney.mailbox@santamonica.gov, Denise Anderson- Warren <Denise.Anderson-Warren@santamonica.gov>, Manager@santamonica.gov, matt@smpd.com, ktla@ktla.com, Kevin.Merida@latimes.com, nbcshows@nbcuni.com, evening@cbsnews.com, David Ganezer <editor@smobserver.com>, delores@mirrormediagroupla.com, Ross Furukawa <Ross@smdp.com>, Matthew Hall <editor@smdp.com> Subject: CRIME, Crime Stats and Elected officials held accountable IN SANTA MONICA Dear Chief Batista, I support the letter written by fellow Santa Monica resident, Anna Rogers, withexception to investments in surveillance tech because cameras do not prevent crime.We need officers on the ground. Contrary to what some public officials and community members seem to believe, that employing a community policing model is what's right for Santa Monica, none of these people have ever produced a single PROOF OF CONCEPT that such a modelhas successfully yielded net positive results in any TRANSIENT COMMUNITY. Furthermore, elected officials and community members who TARGET CHILDRENbecause they don't agree with parents seeking the truth in matters need to be heldaccountable for their actions. These are the most vile and despicable people amongus. "Dear Cheif Batista, Thank you so much for the many opportunities to meet with you and your ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 deputies over the last several months and most recently, via the latest highly informativeneighborhood meetings.Please know that despite the significant challenges you and your departmentface, theknowledge and proposed options and resolutions you have provided are greatlyappreciated. Atthis point, I’d like to share 4 areas of significant and valid community concerns which detract from the common goals of community public safety. The concern over a growing apathy toward public safety on the part of certaincouncilmembersand other staff was heightened at our June 13th meeting when 2 of our citycouncilmembersexpressed disdain and even amusement during and after residents gave upwhat free time theyhad to share their real life traumatic experiences and injuries they had suffered as a result of the escalating crime in our city. Unfortunately, very visible smiling and occasional snickering on the part of one councilmember was noted as a 15 year old boy fought backtears describing howhis friend was stabbed in the abdomen while they were playing basketball. Thisbehavior isbeyond abhorrent, but is also indicative of the attitude of at least twocouncilmembers regardingthe lack of concern for public safety and respect for our police department. As I had mentioned in a recent neighborhood meeting, residents and business owners speak notonly for our community, but to support the funding for and strengthening of ourSanta MonicaPolice Department who work 24/7 with what resources they have available tothem to keep ourneighborhoods, businesses, and visitors as safe as possible. We show up tosupport our hard- working officers and always ask them what they need to make their job safer and increase effectiveness. At our June 27 th meeting, residents spoke in favor of prioritizing budgetaryfunding for our police department using the exact statistics given to them byyou and severaldeputies at many meetings prior, including neighborhood meetings, PoliceOversight, etc. andhad heard the same message from our Chief and deputies: (1) crime in general is up approximately 14%, (definitely has NOT decreased as one councilmember continues to maintain) (2) Even at full staff we are about 50 officers short, and (3) we areseriouslyunderfunded. These facts were repeated many times, so there is no ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 misunderstanding in terms of validity and credible sources. However, during our council meeting of June 27th , people in theaudience and those watching the meeting from home were ostensibly shockedto hear a near 180degree reversal of those facts when questioned by councilmembers, except forperhaps 3councilmembers who seemed quite pleased. Unfortunately, this turn of events caused Councilmember Phil Brock to withdraw his badly needed amendment. For whatever reason you made the decision to change your budgetary needs and information, it is hopedthat shouldpressure be exerted to cause the same situation in the future,interdepartmental politicalconcerns and diplomacy will not take precedence over community concerns andat the expenseof residents who, without question, took careful note of your words and those representing your department. Other department heads and city leadership must understand that your department is the only one whose members take a solemn oath to never betray theirintegrity, character, orthe public trust. They have a high standard of ethics and would lay theirrespective lives downwithout question to protect the innocent-even those who, to fulfill personalagendas or futurepolitical aspirations, distort incidents and make false claims against our officers which cannot be proven. The third area of community concern is related to the shootings at LifeguardTower 28 lastFriday night, July 7 th . Thousands of open-ended, pay to attend invitationswent out over socialmedia with a large response from people pouring out onto the beach and intothe parking lots.Complete with a D.J. and a blunt booth, not one of the organizers felt the need to secure a permit for this “invasion” to which illegal fireworks and firearms were brought in. A beloved family was caught in the line of fire and both video and audio caught the soundof five roundsbeing discharged while people called 911 dispatch and others screamed forhelp. Although therewere similar incidents that night that required officers’ attention, there clearlywas not asufficient number of officers to break up or even approach the massive crowd without grave injury to themselves and even more politically motivated charges being brought against them. Although we are looking forward to recruiting and hiring more officers, I agreewith you that a ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 force of at least 250 officers and improved technology support would be a great benefit for ourcity. The fourth but not the least of community-wide concern is related to a slow-growing butobvious trend to denigrate and discredit our officers. A small number ofcouncilmembers believe they can further their political career and/or please their donor organizations by engaging in pointing the proverbial finger at outstanding officers who have been in verydangerous situations and conducted themselves with restraint and with an eyetowardsprotecting bystanders close to the incident. Heavily edited, absurd YouTubevideos put togetherby semi-sober attention grabbers notwithstanding, our African American andHispanic police officers in particular have had to endure racial slurs spat at them repeatedly as the suspects try to cause injury and refuse to comply with even the simplest order from police. To that point, Ipropose an Inservice for any councilmembers and departmental personnel whostill remainconfused about the difference between an actual fruit vender and a member ofa crime familywho may have a cart but also possesses weapons and threatens the lives ofpolice, health department officials and their families. Boys as young as 14 have been cited for carrying firearms and several members of the Murcia Crime family have severely beaten and sent to thehospital actual licensed vendors who don’t work for the Murcia’s. The curriculumshouldinclude a basic learner analysis, specific objectives and identified pre-requisites,learningexperiences, and a formative and summative evaluation. This Inservice may goa long way towards avoiding defamation suits which would inevitably be brought against those who think they can benefit from making false claims and filing bogus, dishonest charges against officers.Thank you again for your time and attention to these concerns. Looking forwardto seeing youon August 1 st .Sincerely,Anna Rogers" Sincerely, Ann Maggio Thanawalla ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth." - Albert Einstein ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 From:Lori Emerson To:Community Affairs; councilmtgitems; Phil Brock; Gleam Davis; Oscar de la Torre; Lana Negrete; Christine Parra; Caroline Torosis; Jesse Zwick; David White; Susan Cline; Attorney Mailbox; Denise Anderson-Warren; Santa Monica City Manager"s Office; matt@smpd.com; ktla@ktla.com; Kevin.Merida@latimes.com; nbcshows@nbcuni.com; evening@cbsnews.com; editor@smobserver.com; delores@mirrormediagroupla.com; Ross@SMDP.com; editor@smdp.com Subject:Fw: My city is gone Date:Sunday, July 16, 2023 9:02:16 PM EXTERNAL To: The Santa Monica City Council, The Santa Monica City Manager, and the Santa Monica Police Chief Subject: My city is gone I wasn't going to write an email, because I didn't think it would do any good. Upon reconsidering, it will do ME good to convey my anger and sadness at what my city has become. I never go out alone. I drive to work with mace in my lap. I shutter when someone pounds on my door and screams crazy obscenities at 3am. I read the crime reports on social media, because YOU refuse to tell us or warn us about anything. I don't wear my wedding ring or any jewelry anymore, and rarely carry a purse, because of the drive up armed robberies. I haven't been to the Promenade to support the businesses in years, but walked it several months ago with my husband. It was full of crazy vagrants, smelled like piss and poop, and was very scary. It was also empty, both the store fronts and the promenade itself - word has gotten out, FINALLY! Whatever your motives are for turning over our city to out of state criminals, while self serving your social justice crap, has not gone well, for anyone. Why have you done it? WE deserve answers, transparency and the RESPECT of you providing answers. The current police chief and city manager have done NOTHING to calm fears, and have been caught misrepresenting actual crime statistics, and have tied the hands of officers. Officers in turn are rude, unsympathetic and uninterested in our various crime reporting. Everyone tells you about the crime, or maybe their experience with it, but you hide statistics, discourage reporting and insult 911 callers at their greatest time of need. You give everyone a false sense of security. I just want to know how you sleep at night, and what do you recommend to me, and other terrified residents to be able to do the same? You are in charge of the safety of millions of residents, workers and tourists, and you you continue to fail at it, every day, while patting yourselves on the back for doing a great job. Well, I don't feel better, so I will continue to shop online and ship my purchases to my office, and shop in other cities, to starve you of sales tax revenue at every opportunity. The crime, corruption and callous disregard for public safety is catching up to you. Over $200 million in lawsuits for hiding a pedophile ring and squashing the voting rights of minorities for decades is just the beginning. You continue to create liability for taxpayers by your incompetence and massive egos. ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 Saying you should be ashamed of yourselves is hardly accurate - but as the stabbings, robberies, rapes, home invasions, car jacking, and MURDERS get more publicized, sooner or later, you will have to do something - But I don't believe I will ever see it, SANTA MONICA IS NOT SAFE! Lori Emerson Sent from AOL on Android ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 From:Houman Hemmati To:Community Affairs; councilmtgitems; Phil Brock; Gleam Davis; Oscar de la Torre; Lana Negrete; Christine Parra; Caroline Torosis; Jesse Zwick; David White; Susan Cline; Attorney Mailbox; Denise Anderson-Warren; Santa Monica City Manager"s Office; matt@smpd.com; ktla@ktla.com; Kevin.Merida@latimes.com; nbcshows@nbcuni.com; evening@cbsnews.com; David Ganezer (Editor@smobserver.com); delores@mirrormediagroupla.com; Ross@smdp.com; editor@smdp.com Subject:Crime in Santa Monica Date:Sunday, July 16, 2023 10:05:48 PM EXTERNAL Dear Mayor Davis, esteemed Santa Monica City Councilmembers, and other city officials, I had spent much of the day writing a lengthy letter outlining all that I (and many others) perceive to be wrong with our embattled city's failed response to homelessness and crime, along with a detailed and very feasible and legal proposal to immediately relocate (unwillingly, if necessary) all our city's homeless (and those who enter in the future) to an affordably built safe camping site many miles outside our city limits with services provided, while placement is settled. My message was going to be made more urgent because, as I began writing it this morning, a neighbor happened to walk past the corpse of a homeless man on Wilshire and 14th, a tragic occurrence that would never have occurred had my proposal already been enacted. That all changed because, as I was completing that letter, I learned that our friend, your colleague, our representative, future Mayor, and icon of Santa Monica whose name is effectively synonymous with our City's name, Mr. Phil Brock, was gruesomely attacked by a violent homeless man on Third Street Promenade as, ironically, the man was tearing down "Santa Monica Is Not Safe" signage legally installed by Mr. John Alle, a local business owner and activist. I also learned that Mr. Alle's personal home was attacked at around the same time, suggesting that this may have been a coordinated attack against him and his anti-crime messaging that has been amplified by his recent long-form interview that has already garnered nearly 200,000 views in just 7 days: https://youtu.be/vIanHISPTYc In light of these events today, I am writing you with even greater urgency to urge, in fact demand, that you confront this issue head on, and immediately and decisively deal with it. Are you afraid of the ACLU? You've already proven you're willig to spend tens of millions on expensive lawyers to defend the city. Drop the Measure GS lawsuit defense and reallocate the money to manage any lawsuits arising from this. Are you afraid that you'll be labelled as racists or right wing MAGA Republicans? Don't worry - I and many others will draw attention to your lengthy track record of extreme progressive policies and positions. Are you afraid that without homeless and crime, you can't justify the construction of tens of thousands of new apartment units, something which your friends and donors count on you to complete? in that event, look at what's happening with the FBI and LA City Council and ask yourselves if you truly want to be next. A handful of us were approached this morning, very coincidentally, by a very well-funded international news agency that is close to green-lighting a docuseries or film to document all ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 of Santa Monica's problems. This is not a joke and I'll say this under penalty of perjury. We are about to have an even larger national and global spotlight on us. Is this what you want? Or do you want us to be a safe and clean city? Being safe and clean is not mutually exclusive with being compassionate and non-racist. If homeless relocation efforts are made without regard to race, that's NOT racist. If aggressive arrest and prosecution for sale and/or possession of even the most minute amount of any illegal drug is racist, prosecute every person who is guilty, again without regard to race. Problem solved. We have an existential crisis. Councilman Brock lived to tell his story and continue to serve. This is after Councilwoman Negrete's business has been looted several times. How much more will it take (I hope zero!) for you to take action? If you have any meaningful reservations about addressing crime, homelessness and drugs in this city, l;et's all talk. We can fix this. We've all had enough. Stop all discussion about DEI, race, equity, climate change, and all these other virtue signaling issues of the day, and focus on these issues until you've solved them. Thank you, Houman Hemmati PS If any of you are willing to appear live, in studio, on Fox News at Night, with a 1 million+ viewership nationally (and now on at 8pm PST not 9pm PST effective Monday July 17), please let me know as I can help arrange it. I know the producers and host would love to have you. ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 From:Dr. Anna Rogers To:Jesse Zwick Subject:Re: Concerns over Consistency of Delivering Critical Statistics and Information, Prioritizing Public Safety, Attempts to Defame SMPD Officers to Further Personal Political Aspirations Date:Monday, July 17, 2023 2:17:56 AM EXTERNAL Good Morning, Jesse, Thanks so much for reaching out and for the coffee invitation. We'll be out of town the later part of this week, but in light of the incident on July 7th in which a Santa Monica family was caught in the line of gunfire on the beach and yesterday's assault on Councilmember Brock and Kathryn Boole on the Promenade, I think your idea of a get-together is an excellent and timely one. How would you feel about hosting a town hall so residents could hear your input and possible solutions for the escalating crime our community is currently experiencing? If your time won't permit a town hall, would you consider attending and speaking at one of several community organization meetings? They take place on different days/times, and different locations so perhaps you could pick one that would be most convenient for you. Your input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again, and looking forward to hearing from you, Anna On Sunday, July 16, 2023 at 12:45:02 PM PDT, Jesse Zwick <jesse.zwick@santamonica.gov> wrote: Hi Anna, Thank you for your email. Would you like to get coffee next week? My Thursday is quite flexible. Jesse From: Dr. Anna Rogers <beagle.family@gte.net> Sent: Saturday, July 15, 2023 7:02 PM To: Community Affairs <Community.Affairs@santamonica.gov>; councilmtgitems <councilmtgitems@santamonica.gov>; Phil Brock <Phil.Brock@santamonica.gov>; Gleam Davis <Gleam.Davis@santamonica.gov>; Oscar de la Torre <Oscar.delaTorre@santamonica.gov>; Lana Negrete <Lana.Negrete@santamonica.gov>; Christine Parra <Christine.Parra@santamonica.gov>; Caroline Torosis <Caroline.Torosis@santamonica.gov>; Jesse Zwick <Jesse.Zwick@santamonica.gov>; David White <David.White@santamonica.gov>; Susan Cline <Susan.Cline@santamonica.gov>; Attorney Mailbox <Attorney.Mailbox@santamonica.gov>; Denise Anderson-Warren <Denise.Anderson-Warren@santamonica.gov>; Santa Monica City Manager's Office <manager.mailbox@santamonica.gov>; matt@smpd.com <matt@smpd.com>; ktla@ktla.com <ktla@ktla.com>; Kevin.Merida@latimes.com <kevin.merida@latimes.com>; ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 nbcshows@nbcuni.com <nbcshows@nbcuni.com>; evening@cbsnews.com <evening@cbsnews.com>; editor@smobserver.com <editor@smobserver.com>; sam@mediamirrorgroupla.com <sam@mediamirrorgroupla.com> Subject: Concerns over Consistency of Delivering Critical Statistics and Information, Prioritizing Public Safety, Attempts to Defame SMPD Officers to Further Personal Political Aspirations EXTERNAL Dear Chief Batista, Thank you so much for the many opportunities to meet with you and your deputies over the last several months and most recently, via the latest highly informative neighborhood meetings. Please know that despite the significant challenges you and your department face, the knowledge and proposed options and resolutions you have provided are greatly appreciated. At this point, I’d like to share 4 areas of significant and valid community concerns which detract from the common goals of community public safety. The concern over a growing apathy toward public safety on the part of certain councilmembers and other staff was heightened at our June 13th meeting when 2 of our city councilmembers expressed disdain and even amusement during and after residents gave up what free time they had to share their real life traumatic experiences and injuries they had suffered as a result of the escalating crime in our city. Unfortunately, very visible smiling and occasional snickering on the part of one councilmember was noted as a 15 year old boy fought back tears describing how his friend was stabbed in the abdomen while they were playing basketball. This behavior is beyond abhorrent, but is also indicative of the attitude of at least two councilmembers regarding the lack of concern for public safety and respect for our police department. As I had mentioned in a recent neighborhood meeting, residents and business owners speak not only for our community, but to support the funding for and strengthening of our Santa Monica Police Department who work 24/7 with what resources they have available to them to keep our neighborhoods, businesses, and visitors as safe as possible. We show up to support our hard- working officers and always ask them what they need to make their job safer and increase effectiveness. At our June 27th meeting, residents spoke in favor of prioritizing budgetary funding for our police department using the exact statistics given to them by you and several deputies at many meetings prior, including neighborhood meetings, Police Oversight, etc. and had heard the ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 same message from our Chief and deputies: (1) crime in general is up approximately 14%, (definitely has NOT decreased as one councilmember continues to maintain) (2) Even at full staff we are about 50 officers short, and (3) we are seriously underfunded. These facts were repeated many times, so there is no misunderstanding in terms of validity and credible sources. However, during our council meeting of June 27th, people in the audience and those watching the meeting from home were ostensibly shocked to hear a near 180 degree reversal of those facts when questioned by councilmembers, except for perhaps 3 councilmembers who seemed quite pleased. Unfortunately, this turn of events caused Councilmember Phil Brock to withdraw his badly needed amendment. For whatever reason you made the decision to change your budgetary needs and information, it is hoped that should pressure be exerted to cause the same situation in the future, interdepartmental political concerns and diplomacy will not take precedence over community concerns and at the expense of residents who, without question, took careful note of your words and those representing your department. Other department heads and city leadership must understand that your department is the only one whose members take a solemn oath to never betray their integrity, character, or the public trust. They have a high standard of ethics and would lay their respective lives down without question to protect the innocent-even those who, to fulfill personal agendas or future political aspirations, distort incidents and make false claims against our officers which cannot be proven. The third area of community concern is related to the shootings at Lifeguard Tower 28 last Friday night, July 7th. Thousands of open-ended, pay to attend invitations went out over social media with a large response from people pouring out onto the beach and into the parking lots. Complete with a D.J. and a blunt booth, not one of the organizers felt the need to secure a permit for this “invasion” to which illegal fireworks and firearms were brought in. A beloved family was caught in the line of fire and both video and audio caught the sound of five rounds being discharged while people called 911 dispatch and others screamed for help. Although there were similar incidents that night that required officers’ attention, there clearly was not a sufficient number of officers to break up or even approach the massive crowd without grave injury to themselves and even more politically motivated charges being brought against them. Although we are looking forward to recruiting and hiring more officers, I agree with you that a force of at least 250 officers and improved technology support would be a great benefit for our city. ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 The fourth but not the least of community-wide concern is related to a slow- growing but obvious trend to denigrate and discredit our officers. A small number of councilmembers believe they can further their political career and/or please their donor organizations by engaging in pointing the proverbial finger at outstanding officers who have been in very dangerous situations and conducted themselves with restraint and with an eye towards protecting bystanders close to the incident. Heavily edited, absurd YouTube videos put together by semi-sober attention grabbers notwithstanding, our African American and Hispanic police officers in particular have had to endure racial slurs spat at them repeatedly as the suspects try to cause injury and refuse to comply with even the simplest order from police. To that point, I propose an Inservice for any councilmembers and departmental personnel who still remain confused about the difference between an actual fruit vender and a member of a crime family who may have a cart but also possesses weapons and threatens the lives of police, health department officials and their families. Boys as young as 14 have been cited for carrying firearms and several members of the Murcia Crime family have severely beaten and sent to the hospital actual licensed vendors who don’t work for the Murcia’s. The curriculum should include a basic learner analysis, specific objectives and identified pre-requisites, learning experiences, and a formative and summative evaluation. This Inservice may go a long way towards avoiding defamation suits which would inevitably be brought against those who think they can benefit from making false claims and filing bogus, dishonest charges against officers. Thank you again for your time and attention to these concerns. Looking forward to seeing you on August 1st. Sincerely, Anna M. Rogers ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 From:Larry Arreola To:"castro0459@live.com"; "shineshuge@gmail.com"; "bomailbox1-concern@yahoo.com"; "loriemerson1958@aol.com"; "gcastro81951@gmail.com"; "amanda.arreola67@aol.com"; "anne.pearson249@gmail.com"; "theresa.marasco@gmail.com"; "bpo42@yahoo.com"; "nshamonki@hotmail.com"; "ginadebaca@gmail.com"; "commissionerbrock@gmail.com"; "johncysmith@gmail.com"; "zinajosephs@aol.com"; "stephanie.brice@verizon.net"; "therealmrmusic@gmail.com"; "beagle.family@gte.net"; "shararm@aol.com"; "crisarm@msn.com"; "houmanhemmati@gmail.com"; "janetheinle@yahoo.com"; "dorf.mitch@gmail.com"; "kcroner@mac.com"; "swissmissrealtor@gmail.com"; "danjan101@gmail.com"; "elerer@elizabethlerer.com"; "debbiedoty@gmail.com"; "rtaylarch@gmail.com"; "jaleh-m@msn.com"; "alan@hswlaw.com"; "alexiselsea@gmail.com"; "takebackourtownsm@gmail.com"; "annkbowman@yahoo.com"; "arlene.hopkins@gmail.com"; "111czk@gmail.com"; "chris.legras@gmail.com"; "doster@ucla.edu"; "elaine@elaine360.com"; "janetkfmcl@aol.com"; "johnallecompany@gmail.com"; "katblandino@abrighterfuturepac.org"; "Kate@NorthOfMontana.com"; "kboole@gmail.com"; "lmarreola@roadrunner.com"; "loreb2@aol.com"; "getitdone2326@gmail.com"; "ASWML@aol.com"; "mario@fbharchitects.com"; ml.verville@verizon.net; "matmillen@msn.com"; Nancy Coleman; "ron@gfarchitects.com"; "thesantamonicacoalition@gmail.com"; "robertsthane@gmail.com"; "1triciacrane@gmail.com"; "annmaggio@gmail.com"; "suzanne4455@aol.com"; "lastgasp@gmail.com"; "robertgomez310@gmail.com"; "dagomez2@gmail.com"; "amgomez48@gmail.com"; "laura@theadventuregoddess.com"; "nhkolhoff@yahoo.com"; "communityaffairs@santamonica.gov"; councilmtgitems; Oscar de la Torre; Christine Parra; Lana Negrete; David White; Attorney Mailbox; "matt@smpd.com"; "editor@smobserver.com"; "sam@mirrormediagroupla.com"; "jim.pickrell@gmail.com" Subject:E MAILING CITY HALL Date:Monday, July 17, 2023 9:11:41 AM EXTERNAL Hi Friends and Neighbors, If you are receiving this email then you are on our growing list of email addresses. We realize you are getting bombarded with emails pertaining to the lack of funding to hire more police officers and to obtain the resources needed to help the PD lower the rising crime rate. Please take 5 minutes to email to Anna Rogers recipient list supporting more funding and resources for our PD, then forward me or Anna that email so we may pass it on to the nearly 100 others on our list. Please try to attend City Council meeting tomorrow night. Power To The People, Right On! ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 From:Jaleh MIRHASHEMI To:councilmtgitems; Caroline Torosis; Christine Parra; Gleam Davis; Jesse Zwick; Lana Negrete; Oscar de la Torre; Phil Brock; David White; Community Affairs; Ann Bowman ; Dr. Anna Rogers; Zina Josephs Cc:Susan Cline; Attorney Mailbox; Denise Anderson-Warren; Santa Monica City Manager"s Office; matt@smpd.com; ktla@ktla.com; Kevin.Merida@latimes.com; nbcshows@nbcuni.com; evening@cbsnews.com; editor@smobserver.com; delores@mirrormediagroupla.com; Ross@SMDP.com; editor@smdp.com Subject:City Council Meeting July 18, 2023 - PRIORITIZING PUBLIC SAFETY-- Public Comment Date:Monday, July 17, 2023 10:43:50 AM EXTERNAL Dear Mayor Davis and Esteemed City Council Members, As a concerned Santa Monica resident and as a victim of crime in this city, I demand your attention to the public safety in our community as a top agenda in your list. Crimes of all types are increasing in our city, and we are all well aware of that and want it to be dealt with. Whether you hire more officers, check and clear the addicted vagrants/homeless from train and buses, control the train exit in downtown Santa Monica, and clear our streets and city from mentally ill violent homeless people, we need your immediate actions for safety of residents and the public , PLEASE. Thank you for your attention. warmly, Jaleh Mirhashemi Santa Monica resident of 22+ years ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 From:Elizabeth Lutz To:councilmtgitems; Gleam Davis; Lana Negrete; Phil Brock; Oscar de la Torre; Christine Parra; Jesse Zwick; Caroline Torosis Subject:July 18, Please put a second member on the HAB to fill empty position Date:Monday, July 17, 2023 3:13:22 PM EXTERNAL Hello, Please fill the empty position on the HAB prior to any further council decisions regarding the appointment of Housing Commission members or the rules of the resident group. Thank you. Elizabeth Lutz ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 From:Danielle Charney To:Community Affairs; councilmtgitems; Phil Brock; Gleam Davis; Oscar de la Torre; Lana Negrete; Christine Parra; Caroline Torosis; Jesse Zwick; David White; Susan Cline; Attorney Mailbox; Denise Anderson-Warren; Santa Monica City Manager"s Office; ktla@ktla.com; Kevin.Merida@latimes.com; nbcshows@nbcuni.com; evening@cbsnews.com; editor@smobserver.com; editor@smdp.com; ross@smdp.com; sam@mirrormediagroupla.com; delores@mirrormediagroupla.com; ramon.bautista@santamonica.gov Subject:FUND THE POLICE- Date:Monday, July 17, 2023 3:23:19 PM EXTERNAL I have watched this City become more and more dangerous for years. While other cities are dealing with it too, many are doing a much better job of protecting their residents. We need to fully fund our police and stop telling them how to do their jobs or what they can and can't do. They know, our two council people do not know. Please fully fund them and start doing what the taxpayers have been asked of you for five years. Denying the problem doesn't make it go away. If Gleam Davis welcomes the violent drug addicted transients with open arms as much as she does the residents who don't attack people and are trying to live their lives decently and with safety, then maybe it's because she gets in her gigantic SUV, drives to her well-protected multi-million dollar condo, knowing the police will be at her beck and call because she is the Mayor. Step down Gleam. You do not care about the residents..only the massive money you bring in to fund the Industrial Complex of UCLA Luskin School who suck the money and do just about frik all ..along with your SMF cohorts. Danielle Charney ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 From:Danielle Charney To:councilmtgitems; Gleam Davis; Lana Negrete; Phil Brock; Oscar de la Torre; Christine Parra; Jesse Zwick; Caroline Torosis Cc:douglas.sloan@santamonica.og; David White Subject:"Item 1. Public Input—Put RAB member Courtney Lauretano on the HAB! Date:Monday, July 17, 2023 4:22:37 PM EXTERNAL Greetings all, There has been an empty seat on the HAB- Santa Monica Housing Authority Board ..that is reserved for a RAB -Resident Advisory Board member for two years, that has not been filled to date. The staff appointed person chosen by lottery selection has never attended, and resigned six months ago. Repeated requests to fill this seat with a RAB member per HUD rules, have gone ignored. During the last two meetings of the RAB, we unanimously voted for Courtney Lauretano to fill that seat and represent us. Staff has still not complied with repeated requests to fill this seat with our representative. Staff and the SMHA are attempting to make the CAB- Client Advisory Board a normal board or commission subject to the City rules and Brown Act, but this is not right. This is about HUD law and rules not City control. It needs to involve only Housing Choice Voucher participants and be private to protect their identites and create a safe place to air issues with the SMHA and City. Staff seeks to control the CAB to prevent this. Please stop it.. Please appoint Courtney Lauretano to the HAB now. No more waiting. Voucher holders have had no voice against a series of abuses and violations of HUD law for a very long time. This needs to change. Please vote Courtney in and adopt the suggestions that are submitted by the Housing Commission and Michelle Gray. Thank you, Danielle Charney ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 From:Ann Hoover To:Community Affairs; councilmtgitems; Phil Brock; Gleam Davis; Oscar de la Torre; Lana Negrete; Christine Parra; Caroline Torosis; Jesse Zwick; David White; Susan Cline; Douglas Sloan; Denise Anderson-Warren Subject:City Council Meeting July 18, 2023 - CRIME IN SANTA MONICA -- General Public Comment Date:Monday, July 17, 2023 8:38:35 PM EXTERNAL Dear Mr. White and Chief Batista: I just heard about the attack and injuries experienced by Councilmember Phil Brock & his partner Kathryn Boole, which has prompted me to speak out now strongly in favor of increased personnel and funding for our SMPD. Lack of safety/more crime in Santa Monica is not a perception, it's the reality. My family has experienced crime twice in the past 3 years (garage break-in and robbery on a recent Christmas Day evening, Prius catalytic converter theft). Many other families on our block have experienced crime - home and car break-ins and homeless trespassing. This year at 10AM on Christmas Eve I watched as a man, completely out of his mind, attacked a public street tree with a 10-inch butcher knife and then made his way with that large, sharp knife towards a heavily trafficked pedestrian area...I called 911. For the past several years, I've watched both our local and national conversations around law enforcement devolve into something that doesn't make sense to me. How has it become unfashionable (or something called worse), to favor an appropriately staffed and well-resourced police department (and 911 services), to expect clean and safe streets, to expect that people who cannot contribute to clean and safe streets will be removed & connected with applicable support or rehab services, and to expect that people who break the law will be arrested and pay the consequences? I'm tired of the rhetoric. These are basic tenets of how a well-ordered society conducts itself. If nothing else, Santa Monica will never experience the full economic recovery and return of tourists that we seek if our City continues to be unsafe. I have several friends who own small businesses and "vagrant management" takes up a ridiculous amount of their time. On a personal note, I'm tired of always watching my back when I do errands around town. Maintaining that constantly vigilant state is exhausting. So I'm all-in on whatever additional personnel, training and funding SMPD and our street care teams need to turn things around and make a real difference here. We still have a ways to go. Thank you so much for listening - Sincerely, Ann Bowman ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 Resident, 26+ years ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 From:Brian O"Neil To:councilmtgitems; Phil Brock; Gleam Davis; Oscar de la Torre; Lana Negrete; Christine Parra; Caroline Torosis; Jesse Zwick; David White; Susan Cline; Ramon Batista Cc:PNA SM; Brian ONeil; Nada Shamonki Subject:PUBLIC SAFETY: July 18 City Council Meeting Date:Monday, July 17, 2023 8:53:36 PM EXTERNAL To: Chief Batista, Mayor Davis and Council Members From: Brian O’Neil and Nada Shamonki Date: July 17, 2023 RE: Public Safety, Support for Chief Batista, & Resources for SMPD Public safety is by the far most important issue facing our city today. Nearly every resident we know in our neighborhood and across the citymentions the growing public safety concerns that effect our daily lives. Where we live, on the eastern edge of the Pico District, there has beena noticeable uptick in chronic homeless men (most visiblydemonstrating signs of severe mental illness and addiction) wanderingour alleyways and camping out in our local parks (Gandara & Ishihara)and in the Dorchester St. pedestrian underpass tunnel. Most residents,especially women and the elderly, no longer feel safe walking in ourneighborhood or through our parks after dark. Some of this is no doubtemanating from the tent city on the LA side of the Centinela Ave.underpass. Please do whatever is in your power to get LA officials toprovide proper services and permanently dismantle the Centinela tentcity. Enough is enough. We have read a recent letter sent by Dr. Anna Rogers to the Councilthat is very troubling. Please do all in your power to address theconcerns in Dr. Rogers’ letter. I recently heard Chief Batista state that the number of patrol officerscurrently in the SMPD is around the same number that it was 20 yearsago. This is unacceptable. Public safety must be made “prioritynumber one” by all our city officials and staff. Please support ChiefBatista and the SMPD with the resources and funding they need toaddress the current public safety crisis. One obvious need is to expandthe 311 staff (which we understand is currently staffed with only twopeople) to deal with the mounting reports of crime, code violations, and ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 other public safety concerns in our streets and neighborhoods. Highest regards, Brian O’Neil/ Nada Shamonki Pico (Gandara Park) Neighborhood ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 From:Hajar Muqtasid St. Claire Subject:Item 1. Public Input—"Put RAB member Courtney Lauretano on the HAB!" Date:Monday, July 17, 2023 10:32:01 PM EXTERNAL Although I have many comments, one of the most important is my support to add RAB/CAB as a committee of the HAB, NOT as an official commission within the City of Santa Monica. Because we have been denied the right to assemble we have many issues that need at least 1 meeting a month not 4 meetings a year. This is our right to agency and voucher holders demand that you stop supporting Santa Monica City employees who have taken away our right to agency. I want all voucher holders to be represented and therefore ask that a RAB be expanded for all clients to participate in a CAB or Client Advisory Board. Emergency, Veterans, Continuam of Care, Disability and Housing Authority voucher holders need to have the right to assemble, have our grievances addressed and have the City of Santa Monica housing authority held accountable for employee wrongdoings! I urge you to appoint Courtney Lauretano to the Resident Advisory Board now! Currently, voucher holders and Housing Authority clients have no representation and have been without true representation for years. The previous person you appointed, never showed up to the meetings and never presented client concerns to the larger housing network. We recently had to ask them to resign due to their inability to represent client concerns and trauma. Clients of the Housing Authority need to be able to come together to be able to talk about discretionary changes to the documents they are entitled to have input in. The City has not allowed us this right. All 12 comparable cities have obeyed the HUD laws except Santa Monica. Housing authority voucher holders are also being denied our 14th amendment rights. We need immediate action to avoid involvement of the HUD Office of the Inspector General. Thank you, Hajar Muqtasid ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 From:janetkfmcl@aol.com To:Community Affairs; councilmtgitems; Phil Brock; Gleam Davis; Oscar de la Torre; Lana Negrete; Christine Parra; Caroline Torosis; Jesse Zwick; David White; Susan Cline; Attorney Mailbox; Denise Anderson-Warren; Santa Monica City Manager"s Office; matt@smpd.com; ktla@ktla.com; Kevin.Merida@latimes.com; nbcshows@nbcuni.com; evening@cbsnews.com; editor@smobserver.com; editor@smdp.com; Ramon.Bautista@santamonica.gov Subject:July 18th Council Meeting Date:Tuesday, July 18, 2023 1:55:03 AM EXTERNAL July 18, 2023 Honorable Council, Police Chief, City Manager, City Staff, On a recent Friday night, some worshippers I know from a local temple were holding a service at the beach. A crowd of young people had been forming, growing bigger and bigger. It was a party advertised on Instagram, with paid admission, two DJ's, and a blunt station. As the worshippers were packing up their equipment, the crowd now numbered in the hundreds, and was becoming unruly. Then they started shooting off fireworks at each other. My friends called SMPD. But, some officers were busy with a homeless fire. Others were helping a 14 year old girl who had OD'd. There simply weren't enough officers available to handle this crowd. Then gunshots rang out. My friend was frantically calling out for her boys. One was directly in the line of fire of the shooter, and had gunshots crackling over his head. Then my friend saw two girls drop, hit by bullets. One was 14. The other was 17. Two days later, on Sunday, several streets in downtown Santa Monica were blocked off, for at least five hours. The SWAT Team was there. A woman, believed to be armed, had barricaded herself in her hotel room. On Wednesday, a national reporter came to town, to talk about SMPD's new Drone program. He stood in front of City Hall. During his live shot, a homeless man to the left of him screamed and cursed all the way through. To the right of him, another street person pulled down their pants and defecated. On Saturday, a dead body was found on 6th and Broadway. On Sunday, a dead body was found on 14th and Wilshire. Shortly after that, unpermitted vendors were arrested for fighting near the Pier. And in the afternoon, Councilman Phil Brock was assaulted by a homeless man who was threatening to kill him. He was taken in on a 5150 hold. Face the truth. Things are out of control. This is a crisis. Please hire as many officers as you can, equip them with what they need, as soon as possible. Thank you, ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 Janet McLaughlin, longtime resident ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 From:Larry Arreola To:councilmtgitems; Phil Brock; "beagle.family@gte.net" Cc:Lana Negrete; "Ramon.Bautista@santamonica.gov"; "annmaggio@gmail.com"; Christine Parra; Oscar de la Torre; "matt@smpd.com"; "editor@smobserver.com"; "sam@mirrormediagroupla.com"; "1triciacrane@gmail.com"; "zinajosephs@aol.com" Subject:FW: Santa Monica Public Safety Date:Tuesday, July 18, 2023 7:57:25 AM EXTERNAL ----------------------------------------- From: "Robert Gomez" To: "Larry Arreola" Cc: Sent: Tuesday July 18 2023 12:35:09AM Subject: Santa Monica Public Safety City Council, I support residents effort to bring sanity back to our community by improving public safety. I'd like to start by presenting some history and perspective growing up in Santa Monica. I am seventy years old and a resident owner in Sunset Park. I was born and raised in this city and attended public schools here. My father purchased a home on Marine Street in 1953 with his GI bill. We had a large family with seven siblings, and we knew all our neighbors and families in the community. The beauty of growing up here was we had no fear as kids growing up, and my parents did not worry about our safety. The community was safe and clean. My father worked for the City Of Santa Monica as a groundskeeper for Recreation and Parks and retired after forty years. He worked a section along Palisades Park, and his section was well maintained with manicured lawns and gardens. The parks were full of seniors playing cards, families playing, and visitors from all over the world enjoying themselves. It was stunning. During my college years, I'd work as a janitor at Lincoln Park. It was full of life, seniors, kids, familles going to plays, tennis matches, and it was clean and safe. The community felt a connection to it's public spaces. In our downtown, the stores were full and residents and visitors would enjoy our commerce by the sea. This past history is in stark contrast to how our city presents itself today, Our parks are filled with the homeless, they are not safe for our families. There is open drug use and drinking and people with mental issues roaming the parks. We have a needle exchange program that replaces activities for our families. I recall Miles Playhouse use to have performances for the community, today it's a homeless hangout. Our public restrooms are used as washing areas for the homeless and their drug use. The public facilities are not safe. As an owner, the city uses our property as piggy banks for their social engineering. We residents now are under attack by criminals breaking into our homes and cars and we lack community policing. I had to install cameras, security fencing , guard dogs, and other means of protection. Simply put, we live in fear. Our downtown area is filled with abandoned shops. Our business community feels abandoned, and the parking structures are filthy with homeless people at every turn. The city council needs to take action, and understand that we pay the bills and get nothing but grief in ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 return. We need to demand our city leaders take action and restore our community to a safe and clean community. -- Robert Gomez ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 From:Joe DiRosa To:councilmtgitems Subject:City Council Agenda Item Date:Tuesday, July 18, 2023 10:23:33 AM EXTERNAL Dear City Council, I would like to petition you to not allow the destruction of the Leaf + Petal building at 302 Colorado Avenue. The business has been there over 40 years. The CEO of Seritage, Andrea Olshan has already been given a vote of no confidence by the Seritage board of directors in Oct. 22’. The board elected to sell off all company assets, return funds to the investors and close the company. Please do not let an outgoing CEO brashly determine the fate of downtown Santa Monica so she can tear down the building and put a fast food restaurant or similar structure on the corner. Another commercial structure would create an easement to the parking lot and limit the use and functionality of the whole property FOREVER! They already have added over 100,000 sq ft of commercial space to the area of which not a single sq ft has been rented since 2015! The outgoing CEO should not be allowed to add another structure which will increase the commercial property available and limit the use of the property for uses that will help revive Santa Monica’s downtown area! I have been trying to acquire the building to create an L. A. Artist Series which would contain productions spaces, art galleries, and a music venue.. This would help bring anywhere from several hundred to 6,000 people into the downtown area on any given night. Having a venue that would be a landmark location that would bring In up to 6,000 wealthy diners and shoppers to the area is exactly what the area needs. It would also bring great tourism and media coverage to the entire LA area by associating L.A. with the lovely Santa Monica beach area and bring consistent media coverage to Santa Monica as a leader in arts and creativity. Joe DiRosa Founder, CEO | Seedlings Inc. Photo M: (310) 770-5171 E: joe@seedlings.vc A: Seedlings.vc The content of this email is confidential and intended for the recipient specified in message only. It is strictly forbidden to share any part of this message with any third party, without a written consent of the sender. If you received this message by mistake, please reply to this message and follow with its deletion, so that we can ensure such a mistake does not occur in the future. ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 From:Elizabeth Lerer To:Gleam Davis; Caroline Torosis; Jesse Zwick; Phil Brock; Christine Parra; Oscar de la Torre; Lana Negrete Cc:councilmtgitems; David White; Ramon.Bautista@santamonica.gov Subject:General Comment - Public Safety 7/18/23 Council Meeting Date:Tuesday, July 18, 2023 11:11:11 AM EXTERNAL Dear Mayor and Councilmembers, Expressing concerns about crime, public safety, and having an adequate police force in the City of Santa Monica does not make a person nor a councilmember a conservative, rightwing Trumper. Councilmembers who gaslight our community regarding crime and public safety will hopefully be voted off the dais. Local political groups who promote gaslighting the residents and denying the reality of what is happening in Santa Monica will hopefully have their endorsed candidates lose come Election Day. Regards, Elizabeth Lerer ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 From:Nikki Kolhoff To:Community Affairs; councilmtgitems; Phil Brock; Gleam Davis; Oscar de la Torre; Lana Negrete; Christine Parra; Caroline Torosis; Jesse Zwick; David White; Susan Cline; Attorney Mailbox; Denise Anderson-Warren; Santa Monica City Manager"s Office; matt@smpd.com; ktla@ktla.com; Kevin.Merida@latimes.com; nbcshows@nbcuni.com; evening@cbsnews.com; editor@smobserver.com; editor@smdp.com Cc:Nicole Kolhoff; Dr. Anna Rogers; lmarreola@roadrunner.com Subject:Public Safety is an Issue for Santa Monica Date:Tuesday, July 18, 2023 11:44:20 AM EXTERNAL City Council and Staff - I am writing with concerns about public safety in Santa Monica. Last night was our monthly FOSP meeting and, once again, a major focus of residents in the meeting was on crime. Residents are concerned about the level of crime in our city. Residents don't feel heard by staff of council. Residents don't feel their concerns are being prioritized and, instead they are being dismissed by both staff and certain council members. There aren't enough officers for enforcement top to bottom, so we need more. Finally, 911 and 311 should not be contracted out to a third party to the detriment of public safety. Thank you for your consideration. Regards, Nikki Kolhoff ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 From:Esther Hickman To:Community Affairs; councilmtgitems; Phil Brock; Gleam Davis; Oscar de la Torre; Lana Negrete; Christine Parra; Caroline Torosis; Jesse Zwick; David White; Susan Cline; Attorney Mailbox; Denise Anderson-Warren; Santa Monica City Manager"s Office; matt@smpd.com; ktla@ktla.com; Kevin.Merida@latimes.com; nbcshows@nbcuni.com; evening@cbsnews.com; Santa Monica Observer; SMDP Editor; Ramon.Bautista@santamonica.gov Subject:Crime and Safety: another email advocating for increased attention and funding towards resolving public safety concerns. Date:Tuesday, July 18, 2023 1:00:55 PM EXTERNAL Dear Council, Thank you for your relentless efforts and attention towards making Santa Monica a safer place to live. Please continue to support funding and attention towards addressing our safety concerns. Regardless of whether crime is up or down we need to remain vigilant in our support of Chief Bautista's efforts. We need to fill our officer vacancies, support innovative solutions like the drone program and support the current policy around Pretext/Traffic Stops. Since DTSM is being forced to pay for private security, it makes sense that these guards be armed given the recurrent crime in the area. Tonight when people and businesses share their terrifying stories around crime, thefts, vandalism, attacks, and general fear, it makes sense to really listen to these stories, and not deny their existence. Your leadership means everything to this town, and a lack of attention or dismissal of real life stories seems unproductive. I'm guilty of apathy when it comes to crime. I've adopted darting in and out of cars to buildings and compulsively locking doors and frantically carrying my child across the street because that's what I'm used to when I'm in Santa Monica. Even when my friends are attacked, vandalised, stolen from and maimed, I am not surprised. North of Montana, my colleagues and I brace ourselves before running out to our cars after dark. All of this probably shouldn't be normal but it's warranted if you are paying attention. I'll stop here because you've already heard all of the gory, depressing and unrepeatable stories. You could make life in Santa Monica better with your united leadership and unflappable commitment to safety. -- Esther Hickman_Resident 310.600.7306 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023 ITEM 1. JULY 18, 2023