SR 05-23-2023 1A City Council Report City Council Meeting: May 23, 2023 Agenda Item: 1.A 1 of 1 To: Mayor and City Council From: Denise Anderson Warren, City Clerk, Records and Election Services Department Subject: Written Comments Prepared By: Esterlina Lugo, Deputy City Clerk Approved Forwarded to Council Attachments: A. Written Comments 1 Xavier Mota From:francie kropken <franciekropken@gmail.com> Sent:Monday, May 22, 2023 8:23 PM To:councilmtgitems; kevin.mckeown@smgov.net; sue.himmelrich@smgov.net; Phil Brock; Gleam Davis; Christine Parra; Oscar de la Torre; kristin.mccowan@smgov.net; Santa Monica City Manager's Office Subject:Re: stop the insanity! Stop the 17th st project! Give the residents a say! EXTERNAL https://nextdoor.com/p/HxGQBs-bPyBK/c/947772557?init_source=notification_center On Sun, Dec 4, 2022, 10:17 PM francie kropken <franciekropken@gmail.com> wrote: I have also added this in printable form as an attachment. I would love a timely response, and I even dare any one of you to come and prove me wrong; especially the safety and emergency response claims! The lies, deception, and falsehoods of the "green" bike lanes. The latest city project to help promote biking, and help us reach our climate goals, has proven itself to be another sham, gaslit effort, to take federal dollars and ruin our city even more than they have already: Road diet The planners have been very clear what the point of this project is; a road diet. This means that they want to make driving a miserable experience, and thus “encourage” - read “force” - people to stop using their cars and use public transport or other forms of “green” energy like bikes or electric scooters. Kind of reminds me of this story - often told here in Los Angeles: I just donated the contents of my wallet, my iPhone X, and my $10,000 Rolex watch to some poor guy living on the streets. You wouldn't believe the happiness I felt as he put his gun back into his pocket. We are being forced to “go green”. Sounds like it's a great project? In truth it is a great project; on paper. In reality there are so many problems which are being ignored that I feel the need to address at least some of them, so that the city can not say “we didn’t know”. Elites Vs. peasants. Initially, this project was supposed to run from Montana and 17th, to Pico. Suddenly it started at Wilshire. What happened? Apparently the city was threatened with a lawsuit from those with deeper pockets, if they dared to ruin their streets and take away loads of their parking. So for the peasants in the city center and south, we need to suffer and deal with the virtue signaling efforts of the city. Less parking The city estimated that they will be removing approximately 100 parking spaces. Many people living on the 17th st corridor do not have garages, and rely heavily on street parking. By taking away parking, it causes people to drive around the block another three times, and burn more gas, thus contributing to the pollution. ITEM 1. MAY 23, 2023 ITEM 1. MAY 23, 2023 2 It also causes more traffic to occur at the intersections, and thus raises the possibilities of accidents. When a spot is found, the person getting into the spot MUST block traffic in order to “back up” into the spot. More traffic, more idling, more pollution. Are we not cutting off our nose to spite our face? Creating green lanes, and simultaneously causing more pollution!? This is not to mention the USPS, Amazon, and other delivery services which regularly double park in the bike lane for a minute or two, but now will be blocking traffic entirely! More traffic, more pollution. Higher response time for emergency vehicles... Parking set up As the system is set up, the bike lane will be next to the curb, while the parking will be next to traffic. This means that every time someone in a parked car opens their door, they will be at major risk of getting their door taken off, or even get hit themselves when they get out. In addition, if they need to take a child out of the passenger seat, they are at risk of hitting/getting hit by a bike, the very reason for which these “protected” bike lanes were created. It also leads us to another issue No proper visibility. When a car is trying to make a right, and the visibility of the driver is blocked by the cars on their right side, they are more prone to crash into a biker. This is especially true of the electric bikes and scooters which drive at much faster speeds, and even a most careful driver can be at risk of hitting them. This has been seen along the “new” bike lanes on broadway. As a driver and a biker, I have nearly been hit by cars, or nearly hit a biker, despite my best efforts. I have heard the same from many other residents both drivers and bikers in the area. Another issue is the flawed planning of these designs. Many cars do not even realize where they are supposed to park. Thus many park IN the BIKE LANE. I personally have dozens of such pictures from my daily bike rides. One of the main reasons for this, because the meters and signs are found on the curb. For those drivers who are a bit smarter, and realize where they are supposed to park, they often do not see the signs or meters, and end up getting cited. What a great deal for the city! Emergency response times; fail! These are purposefully created to cause traffic by design, and make driving miserable. The problem with traffic is that it impedes response time for emergency vehicles. When there is an open bike lane on a two lane street, and an emergency vehicle needs to get through, everyone can move their cars into the bike lane, and create a new lane in the middle for the emergency vehicle. If there is traffic however - as these roads are designed to create - and an emergency vehicle needs to get through, where will the cars move? The bike lanes are “protected”. When lives are on the line, every moment counts! Yet in the name of “going green” we are knowingly risking lives! Will the city want to be sued for ignoring this glaring fact? There are FOUR senior homes on this stretch, which see ambulances come many times a day. Are their lives not worth something?! ITEM 1. MAY 23, 2023 ITEM 1. MAY 23, 2023 3 Since the train came to town, 17th st has been a traffic nightmare as it was, when the train causes traffic to back up for blocks. These lanes will only exacerbate the situation and cause more delays for those who need the help most. A local business owner told me that the fire inspector who came to their location shared the same concerns. And recounted that the times are ALREADY slower due to the bike lanes on Broadway! Discrimination Possibly the dirtiest word in these woke times. Yet, the city is knowingly discriminating against the most vulnerable of society; the handicapped and seniors. Despite seeking to “inclusive”, they target the most vulnerable with impunity. Firstly, the handicapped do not have a choice of using “green” transportation such as bikes or scooters. The public transport is not reliable, and they thus need to use cars. By created traffic and havoc, this is direct discrimination against those who are depentent on cars. Additionally, Multiple handicapped parking spaces have been removed, with no plan to replace them. One neighbor has a child with MS who is confined to a wheelchair. Their spot was taken away. Yet another has a child who is blind and lame; also in a wheelchair. Theri spot was taken away as well, with no plan to replace it. Yet another has multiple children with various levels of autism whose blue spot was taken away as well. Lastly, the way the parking is set up, they would need to cross over the bike path, potentially go over a curb, and potentially even go into the path of oncoming traffic in order to put their children into the car! How safe is that? How inclusive! And finally the biggest lie of all: Everyone wants it. I have spoken to every neighbor I know. Not one wants it. Not one wants to lose their parking spot - hard to get as it is. Not one wants the dangers mentioned in this article. I dare the city to give us a deadline and a number of signatures - based on households - and we will show them how much people hate their project! Better yet, let them release the number of people who called them about the project, and how many of them called to complain vs. how many called in support! Let the city release the concerns which were raised, and how they are being addressed! Ain’t going to happen. It would show how much dislike there is for this project! As a matter of fact, there has been very little signage about the different construction which is being done. One resident asked the workers why this was, and they responded “the city told us that many people are upset about this, so just try to do it without riling them up any more than they are already”. If this is not gas-lighting, then what is? Move it to 16th st. 16th street is not as busy. Parking is not as “precious”. It is much safer for the bikers. Nonetheless, the city told one resident “We would need to put in another light by Wilshire. We don’t want to do that”. So instead we get all of these problems because you don't want to put in a light?! ITEM 1. MAY 23, 2023 ITEM 1. MAY 23, 2023 4 Disgusting! Federal funding Another caller was informed that the reason this project is being jammed down the throats of the residents without proper public input and consideration, was because there were federal funds to be used, and they needed to meet a deadline! This funding was secured by Ted Lieu to the best of my knowledge. Remember that in a year or two when he is on the ballot again. He is also the one behind the homeless shelter in the center of our downtown commercial district! Clearly not the brightest bulb in the box Lighting Once you are ruining our lives, maybe put up lights for the sidewalk as well?! Not just for the bike lanes. Is walking not green? In conclusion, we need to stop the insanity now! Let the residents have a say in how our city is run. Unless our city council thinks that we live in “Soviet Monica” perhaps? ITEM 1. MAY 23, 2023 ITEM 1. MAY 23, 2023 1 Xavier Mota From:francie kropken <franciekropken@gmail.com> Sent:Monday, May 22, 2023 8:26 PM To:councilmtgitems; kevin.mckeown@smgov.net; sue.himmelrich@smgov.net; Phil Brock; Gleam Davis; Christine Parra; Oscar de la Torre; kristin.mccowan@smgov.net; Santa Monica City Manager's Office Subject:Re: stop the insanity! Stop the 17th st project! Give the residents a say! EXTERNAL Video showing danger of new configuration on q7th st. EMS forced to go around the block, as the cars ciuld not yield! https://nextdoor.com/p/6KHhqZ-G45ns/c/947719056? On Sun, Dec 4, 2022, 10:17 PM francie kropken <franciekropken@gmail.com> wrote: I have also added this in printable form as an attachment. I would love a timely response, and I even dare any one of you to come and prove me wrong; especially the safety and emergency response claims! The lies, deception, and falsehoods of the "green" bike lanes. The latest city project to help promote biking, and help us reach our climate goals, has proven itself to be another sham, gaslit effort, to take federal dollars and ruin our city even more than they have already: Road diet The planners have been very clear what the point of this project is; a road diet. This means that they want to make driving a miserable experience, and thus “encourage” - read “force” - people to stop using their cars and use public transport or other forms of “green” energy like bikes or electric scooters. Kind of reminds me of this story - often told here in Los Angeles: I just donated the contents of my wallet, my iPhone X, and my $10,000 Rolex watch to some poor guy living on the streets. You wouldn't believe the happiness I felt as he put his gun back into his pocket. We are being forced to “go green”. Sounds like it's a great project? In truth it is a great project; on paper. In reality there are so many problems which are being ignored that I feel the need to address at least some of them, so that the city can not say “we didn’t know”. Elites Vs. peasants. Initially, this project was supposed to run from Montana and 17th, to Pico. Suddenly it started at Wilshire. What happened? Apparently the city was threatened with a lawsuit from those with deeper pockets, if they dared to ruin their streets and take away loads of their parking. So for the peasants in the city center and south, we need to suffer and deal with the virtue signaling efforts of the city. Less parking ITEM 1. MAY 23, 2023 ITEM 1. MAY 23, 2023 2 The city estimated that they will be removing approximately 100 parking spaces. Many people living on the 17th st corridor do not have garages, and rely heavily on street parking. By taking away parking, it causes people to drive around the block another three times, and burn more gas, thus contributing to the pollution. It also causes more traffic to occur at the intersections, and thus raises the possibilities of accidents. When a spot is found, the person getting into the spot MUST block traffic in order to “back up” into the spot. More traffic, more idling, more pollution. Are we not cutting off our nose to spite our face? Creating green lanes, and simultaneously causing more pollution!? This is not to mention the USPS, Amazon, and other delivery services which regularly double park in the bike lane for a minute or two, but now will be blocking traffic entirely! More traffic, more pollution. Higher response time for emergency vehicles... Parking set up As the system is set up, the bike lane will be next to the curb, while the parking will be next to traffic. This means that every time someone in a parked car opens their door, they will be at major risk of getting their door taken off, or even get hit themselves when they get out. In addition, if they need to take a child out of the passenger seat, they are at risk of hitting/getting hit by a bike, the very reason for which these “protected” bike lanes were created. It also leads us to another issue No proper visibility. When a car is trying to make a right, and the visibility of the driver is blocked by the cars on their right side, they are more prone to crash into a biker. This is especially true of the electric bikes and scooters which drive at much faster speeds, and even a most careful driver can be at risk of hitting them. This has been seen along the “new” bike lanes on broadway. As a driver and a biker, I have nearly been hit by cars, or nearly hit a biker, despite my best efforts. I have heard the same from many other residents both drivers and bikers in the area. Another issue is the flawed planning of these designs. Many cars do not even realize where they are supposed to park. Thus many park IN the BIKE LANE. I personally have dozens of such pictures from my daily bike rides. One of the main reasons for this, because the meters and signs are found on the curb. For those drivers who are a bit smarter, and realize where they are supposed to park, they often do not see the signs or meters, and end up getting cited. What a great deal for the city! Emergency response times; fail! These are purposefully created to cause traffic by design, and make driving miserable. The problem with traffic is that it impedes response time for emergency vehicles. When there is an open bike lane on a two lane street, and an emergency vehicle needs to get through, everyone can move their cars into the bike lane, and create a new lane in the middle for the emergency vehicle. If there is traffic however - as these roads are designed to create - and an emergency vehicle needs to get through, where will the cars move? The bike lanes are “protected”. When lives are on the line, every moment counts! Yet in the name of “going green” we are knowingly risking lives! Will the city want to be sued for ignoring this glaring fact? ITEM 1. MAY 23, 2023 ITEM 1. MAY 23, 2023 3 There are FOUR senior homes on this stretch, which see ambulances come many times a day. Are their lives not worth something?! Since the train came to town, 17th st has been a traffic nightmare as it was, when the train causes traffic to back up for blocks. These lanes will only exacerbate the situation and cause more delays for those who need the help most. A local business owner told me that the fire inspector who came to their location shared the same concerns. And recounted that the times are ALREADY slower due to the bike lanes on Broadway! Discrimination Possibly the dirtiest word in these woke times. Yet, the city is knowingly discriminating against the most vulnerable of society; the handicapped and seniors. Despite seeking to “inclusive”, they target the most vulnerable with impunity. Firstly, the handicapped do not have a choice of using “green” transportation such as bikes or scooters. The public transport is not reliable, and they thus need to use cars. By created traffic and havoc, this is direct discrimination against those who are depentent on cars. Additionally, Multiple handicapped parking spaces have been removed, with no plan to replace them. One neighbor has a child with MS who is confined to a wheelchair. Their spot was taken away. Yet another has a child who is blind and lame; also in a wheelchair. Theri spot was taken away as well, with no plan to replace it. Yet another has multiple children with various levels of autism whose blue spot was taken away as well. Lastly, the way the parking is set up, they would need to cross over the bike path, potentially go over a curb, and potentially even go into the path of oncoming traffic in order to put their children into the car! How safe is that? How inclusive! And finally the biggest lie of all: Everyone wants it. I have spoken to every neighbor I know. Not one wants it. Not one wants to lose their parking spot - hard to get as it is. Not one wants the dangers mentioned in this article. I dare the city to give us a deadline and a number of signatures - based on households - and we will show them how much people hate their project! Better yet, let them release the number of people who called them about the project, and how many of them called to complain vs. how many called in support! Let the city release the concerns which were raised, and how they are being addressed! Ain’t going to happen. It would show how much dislike there is for this project! As a matter of fact, there has been very little signage about the different construction which is being done. One resident asked the workers why this was, and they responded “the city told us that many people are upset about this, so just try to do it without riling them up any more than they are already”. If this is not gas-lighting, then what is? Move it to 16th st. ITEM 1. MAY 23, 2023 ITEM 1. MAY 23, 2023 4 16th street is not as busy. Parking is not as “precious”. It is much safer for the bikers. Nonetheless, the city told one resident “We would need to put in another light by Wilshire. We don’t want to do that”. So instead we get all of these problems because you don't want to put in a light?! Disgusting! Federal funding Another caller was informed that the reason this project is being jammed down the throats of the residents without proper public input and consideration, was because there were federal funds to be used, and they needed to meet a deadline! This funding was secured by Ted Lieu to the best of my knowledge. Remember that in a year or two when he is on the ballot again. He is also the one behind the homeless shelter in the center of our downtown commercial district! Clearly not the brightest bulb in the box Lighting Once you are ruining our lives, maybe put up lights for the sidewalk as well?! Not just for the bike lanes. Is walking not green? In conclusion, we need to stop the insanity now! Let the residents have a say in how our city is run. Unless our city council thinks that we live in “Soviet Monica” perhaps? ITEM 1. MAY 23, 2023 ITEM 1. MAY 23, 2023 1 Xavier Mota From:Christopher Little <cjlittle89@gmail.com> Sent:Monday, May 22, 2023 8:49 PM To:councilmtgitems Subject:Pickleball Agenda 5.23.23 EXTERNAL Please Support These Items Below: "Courts Advisory Committee": Support the recommendation from the Santa Monica Parks and Recreation Commission to implement a Courts Advisory Committee. This committee would come up with strategies and solutions to support tennis, pickleball, volleyball, basketball. Sports that utilize a court essentially. Accurate/Viable Santa Monica Resident Pickleball Player Data: Pickleball participant data has still not been accurately vetted and processed by and through the city. The Santa Monica Pickleball Club, a private entity, has voiced their number of Santa Monica resident pickleball participation (*470 est.) to the Parks and Recreation Commision at a meeting (3/16/23). But the city needs to secure accurate participant data through the city's vetting and screening process (Ex: ID verification, utility bill, etc.). This should be done the same way other other sports in the city have had participant data collected. So basically we still do not know the actual number of Santa Monica residents who enroll and consistently play pickleball in the city. This is important for many reasons. One being, why jump through all of these hoops for pickleball if the Santa Monica resident participation numbers do not justify pickleball's expansion demands? - This is not listed under the recommendations by the Parks and Recreation Commission, but is a very important piece that is missing in this whole pickleball process. Definitely worth commenting on because it makes logical sense. City Controlled Pickleball: We support pickleball players in trying to find reasonable outlets and venues for the activity. The Parks and Recreation Commission has recommended that the city reinstates its control of city run pickleball programs. This will help clear up a lot of inequalities, confusion, and facilitate structure. "Open play" pickleball on a public space for example should be run by the city and not by a private entity, which is the current status. The private pickleball entity of course will most likely be pushing back on the idea of city run pickleball programs. I think everyone can fill in the blanks as to why that is. Recommendations from the Santa Monica Parks and Recreation Commission (3/16/23 Meeting) to City Council: "Commissioner Desai Wagabaza motions to Write a letter to City Council to provide perspective on permitted and open recreational use of the tennis / pickleball courts at Memorial Park, asking they consider the following recommendations: • Approve reinstating a modified and revenue-supported City-run pickleball program that is staffed with City staff, gives priority access to residents, and charges nominal fees for high-demand open-play session time. - YES: Supporting the city run program. • Direct staff to add clarifying signage to Memorial Park and JAMS and consider digital advertising kiosks to include location-specific schedules. ITEM 1. MAY 23, 2023 ITEM 1. MAY 23, 2023 2 • Introduce a fee-based reservation system. - YES: An equitable and logical system. • Relocate all private instruction to other city locations. - NO: Unless the city is willing to compromise on restricted/blackout non permitted hours of lesson times. Otherwise more coaching livelihoods will be impacted. • Ask staff to evaluate moving SMC and Crossroads programs as needed. - Speak up if this recommendation impacts you. • Reevaluate the fee-structure for private school permitting. @cityofsantamonica santamonica.gov @santamonicacity. • Open courts an hour earlier at 7am. - YES: This will create more hours of play. • Keep the current configuration of four hybrid courts until the to-be established court advisory committee and/or to-be-appointed city coordinator can reevaluate." - YES: Support the Court Advisory Committee. The members of this committee will have a lot of experience and understand the dynamic of all the court sports. The committee can help come up with creative solutions. Sent from my iPhone ITEM 1. MAY 23, 2023 ITEM 1. MAY 23, 2023 1 Xavier Mota From:Tal Shprecher <tshprecher@gmail.com> Sent:Monday, May 22, 2023 10:41 PM To:councilmtgitems Subject:Pickleball Agenda 5.23.23 EXTERNAL I'm writing to you to request that you support the Courts Advisory Committee and accurately vet the number of pickleball players in the city of Santa Monica. Figures provided by a single private entity should not be trusted to form public policy. Thanks, Tal Shprecher Santa Monica Resident ITEM 1. MAY 23, 2023 ITEM 1. MAY 23, 2023 1 Xavier Mota From:Yahya <yahya.haque@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, May 23, 2023 9:12 AM To:councilmtgitems Subject:Pickleball Agenda 5.23.23 EXTERNAL Hi, I am a Santa Monica Resident and I am asking that you please support these Items below: "Courts Advisory Committee": Support the recommendation from the Santa Monica Parks and Recreation Commission to implement a Courts Advisory Committee. This committee would come up with strategies and solutions to support tennis, pickleball, volleyball, basketball. Sports that utilize a court essentially. Accurate/Viable Santa Monica Resident Pickleball Player Data: Pickleball participant data has still not been accurately vetted and processed by and through the city. The Santa Monica Pickleball Club, a private entity, has voiced their number of Santa Monica resident pickleball participation (*470 est.) to the Parks and Recreation Commision at a meeting (3/16/23). But the city needs to secure accurate participant data through the city's vetting and screening process (Ex: ID verification, utility bill, etc.). This should be done the same way other other sports in the city have had participant data collected. So basically we still do not know the actual number of Santa Monica residents who enroll and consistently play pickleball in the city. This is important for many reasons. One being, why jump through all of these hoops for pickleball if the Santa Monica resident participation numbers do not justify pickleball's expansion demands? - This is not listed under the recommendations by the Parks and Recreation Commission, but is a very important piece that is missing in this whole pickleball process. Definitely worth commenting on because it makes logical sense. City Controlled Pickleball: We support pickleball players in trying to find reasonable outlets and venues for the activity. The Parks and Recreation Commission has recommended that the city reinstates its control of city run pickleball programs. This will help clear up a lot of inequalities, confusion, and facilitate structure. "Open play" pickleball on a public space for example should be run by the city and not by a private entity, which is the current status. The private pickleball entity of course will most likely be pushing back on the idea of city run pickleball programs. I think everyone can fill in the blanks as to why that is. Recommendations from the Santa Monica Parks and Recreation Commission (3/16/23 Meeting) to City Council: "Commissioner Desai Wagabaza motions to Write a letter to City Council to provide perspective on permitted and open recreational use of the tennis / pickleball courts at Memorial Park, asking they consider the following recommendations: • Approve reinstating a modified and revenue-supported City-run pickleball program that is staffed with City staff, gives priority access to residents, and charges nominal fees for high-demand open-play session time. - YES: Supporting the city run program. • Direct staff to add clarifying signage to Memorial Park and JAMS and consider digital advertising kiosks to include location-specific schedules. ITEM 1. MAY 23, 2023 ITEM 1. MAY 23, 2023 2 • Introduce a fee-based reservation system. - YES: An equitable and logical system. • Relocate all private instruction to other city locations. - NO: Unless the city is willing to compromise on restricted/blackout non permitted hours of lesson times. Otherwise more coaching livelihoods will be impacted. • Ask staff to evaluate moving SMC and Crossroads programs as needed. - Speak up if this recommendation impacts you. • Reevaluate the fee-structure for private school permitting. @cityofsantamonica santamonica.gov @santamonicacity. • Open courts an hour earlier at 7am. - YES: This will create more hours of play. • Keep the current configuration of four hybrid courts until the to-be established court advisory committee and/or to-be-appointed city coordinator can reevaluate." - YES: Support the Court Advisory Committee. The members of this committee will have a lot of experience and understand the dynamic of all the court sports. The committee can help come up with creative solutions. Best, Yahya ITEM 1. MAY 23, 2023 ITEM 1. MAY 23, 2023 1 Xavier Mota From:John Alle <johnallecompany@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, May 23, 2023 11:32 AM To:councilmtgitems Subject:Fwd: Public Comment regarding this evening's City Council Meeting EXTERNAL ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: John Alle <johnallecompany@gmail.com> Date: Tue, May 23, 2023 at 11:27 AM Subject: Public Comment regarding this evening's City Council Meeting To: <clerk@smgov.net>, Denise Anderson-Warren <denise.anderson-warren@smgov.net>, Douglas Sloan <douglas.sloan@santamonica.gov>, David White <David.White@santamonica.gov>, Gleam Davis <gleam.davis@smgov.net>, Lana Negrete <lana.negrete@smgov.net>, Oscar de la Torre <oscar.delatorre@smgov.net>, Christine Parra <christine.parra@smgov.net>, Phil Brock <phil.brock@smgov.net>, <caroline.torosis@smgov.net> Dear City Staff and Council, My comments for this evening: 1) The City should not sign any contract with DTSM, Inc. for use of Ambassadors in City Parks. Reasons are 1) a competitive bid process should occur, 2) the DTSM, Inc. organization and its revenues will shrink substantially by year's end due to a large group of Stakeholders withdrawing from the organization and, 3) the Ambassadors are doing an awful job. Data from the FBI and Santa Monica Police Department show a dramatic increase in crime, drug use, fires, assaults, overdoses and deaths in each of the City Parks. The Ambassadors have no clear definition of their role, except to "clean and watch the restrooms." All around the Ambassadors all hell breaks loose. We have the photos and videos to prove such, and will release them if this item is passed tonight. 2) It is illegal for the City to use any State or Federal Covid money or grants to pay down the City pension debt. 3) Also buried in the Budget is the City moving some of its Maintenance Staff from the Promenade and Downtown, to the Santa Monica Airport. Now we know why DTSM, Inc. CEO Andrew Thomas and Board Member/Deputy City Manager Anuj Gupta are planning to propose an increase in assessments on business owners who are seeing retailers flee the Promenade and Downtown and suffer huge financial loss. I ask and urge you to look into and anticipate what items your City Staff are working on and planning to present to each of you in the form of a "meeting agenda" just days before each Council Meeting. City Staff members are setting the short and long term goals for the City, not you. This is not what we elected you for. And those of you councilmembers who complain about time constraints and day jobs and lack of sufficient pay, should step aside and allow other conscientious citizens to serve. Each of you councilmembers knew what you were signing up for when you campaigned for the job. And please, all of you, show up on time for the meetings. You are disrespecting the City and its residents otherwise. Sincerely, John Alle ITEM 1. MAY 23, 2023 ITEM 1. MAY 23, 2023 2 Commercial and residential property owner and asset manager DTSM, Inc. Assessment-paying Stakeholder -- John E. Alle JOHN ALLE COMPANY www.johnallecompany.com www.thesantamonicacoalition.org Cell: (310) 990-7124 Office: (626) 795-1511 (310) 319-1511 -- John E. Alle JOHN ALLE COMPANY www.johnallecompany.com www.thesantamonicacoalition.org Cell: (310) 990-7124 Office: (626) 795-1511 (310) 319-1511 ITEM 1. MAY 23, 2023 ITEM 1. MAY 23, 2023 1 Xavier Mota From:Marco Miranda <marcomirandagallo@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, May 23, 2023 11:38 AM To:councilmtgitems Subject:Pickleball Agenda 5.23.23 EXTERNAL Greetings, Santa Monica City Council, My name is Marco Miranda, and I am a Santa Monica resident for over 15 years, residing at 3111 4th Street #420, SM, CA 90405. I emailing before the noon deadline on 5/23/23 to show my support for the following items: 1. "Courts Advisory Committee." 2. Accurate/Viable Santa Monica Resident Pickleball Player Data City Controlled Pickleball As well as Recommendations from the Santa Monica Parks and Recreation Commission (3/16/23 Meeting) to City Council: • Approve reinstating a modified and revenue-supported City-run pickleball program • Direct staff to add clarifying signage to Memorial Park and JAMS and consider digital advertising • Introduce a fee-based reservation system. - YES: An equitable and logical system. • Relocate all private instruction to other city locations. - NO: Unless the city is willing to compromise on restricted/blackout non-permitted hours of lesson times. Otherwise, more coaching livelihoods will be impacted. • Reevaluate the fee structure for private school permitting. @cityofsantamonica santamonica.gov @santamonicacity. • Open courts an hour earlier at 7 am. - YES: This will create more hours of play. • Keep the current configuration of four hybrid courts until the to-be established court advisory committee and/or to-be-appointed city coordinator can reevaluate." - YES: Support the Court Advisory Committee. Thank you, ITEM 1. MAY 23, 2023 ITEM 1. MAY 23, 2023 1 Xavier Mota From:Emily Froelich Levy <emily.froelich@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, May 23, 2023 11:51 AM To:councilmtgitems Subject:Pickleball Agenda 5.23.23 EXTERNAL "Courts Advisory Committee": I support the recommendation from the Santa Monica Parks and Recreation Commission to implement a Courts Advisory Committee. This committee would come up with strategies and solutions to support tennis, pickleball, volleyball, basketball. Sports that utilize a court essentially. Accurate/Viable Santa Monica Resident Pickleball Player Data: Pickleball participant data has still not been accurately vetted and processed by and through the city. The Santa Monica Pickleball Club, a private entity, has voiced their number of Santa Monica resident pickleball participation (*470 est.) to the Parks and Recreation Commision at a meeting (3/16/23). But the city needs to secure accurate participant data through the city's vetting and screening process (Ex: ID verification, utility bill, etc.). This should be done the same way other other sports in the city have had participant data collected. So basically we still do not know the actual number of Santa Monica residents who enroll and consistently play pickleball in the city. This is important for many reasons. One being, why jump through all of these hoops for pickleball if the Santa Monica resident participation numbers do not justify pickleball's expansion demands? Commissioner Desai Wagabaza motions to Write a letter to City Council to provide perspective on permitted and open recreational use of the tennis / pickleball courts at Memorial Park, asking they consider the following recommendations: • Approve reinstating a modified and revenue-supported City-run pickleball program that is staffed with City staff, gives priority access to residents, and charges nominal fees for high-demand open-play session time. - YES: Supporting the city run program. • Direct staff to add clarifying signage to Memorial Park and JAMS and consider digital advertising kiosks to include location-specific schedules. • Introduce a fee-based reservation system. - YES: An equitable and logical system. • Relocate all private instruction to other city locations. - NO: Unless the city is willing to compromise on restricted/blackout non permitted hours of lesson times. Otherwise more coaching livelihoods will be impacted. • Open courts an hour earlier at 7am. - YES: This will create more hours of play. • Keep the current configuration of four hybrid courts until the to-be established court advisory committee and/or to-be-appointed city coordinator can reevaluate." - YES: Support the Court Advisory Committee. The members of this committee will have a lot of experience and understand the dynamic of all the court sports. The committee can help come up with creative solutions. Best, ITEM 1. MAY 23, 2023 ITEM 1. MAY 23, 2023 2 Emily Levy Santa Monica resident ITEM 1. MAY 23, 2023 ITEM 1. MAY 23, 2023 1 Xavier Mota From:JENNIFER SMITH <jgks@verizon.net> Sent:Tuesday, May 23, 2023 7:29 PM To:councilmtgitems Subject:Affordable Housing Priority EXTERNAL Dear Esteemed City Council Members, Expressing my support to focus on repaying GSH monies that have been rerouted and continuing on the very important path of affordable housing in Santa Monica. I know it’s been a few very hard years and your intent is to support affordable housing and the school funding the voters approved in the city. Presenting and approving a plan to do this would be greatly appreciated and put minds at ease. All the best, Jennifer Smith ITEM 1. MAY 23, 2023 ITEM 1. MAY 23, 2023