Supplemental Sample Ballot and Voter Information Pamphlet for November 3, 2020 General Municipal ElectionVOTE CENTERS OPEN: October 30 - November 2: 10 AM - 7 PM Election Day, November 3: 7 AM - 8 PM ALL REGISTERED VOTERS WILL RECEIVE A VOTE BY MAIL BALLOT Official Sample Ballot LAVote.net Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk Dean C. Logan Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk General Election November 3, 2020 Vote in the safety of your home by returning your Vote by Mail ballot 458 Important Election Information You will receive a ballot in the mail for the November 3, 2020 General Election! Visit LAVote.net or call 800-815-2666 for more information To ensure you have convenient, accessible, and safe voting options, we are mailing every registered voter a Vote by Mail ballot. What You Need to Know • Your ballot card(s) • A return envelope • • Your “I Voted” sticker THE VOTE BY MAIL PACKET CONTAINS Mailing begins October 5 WHEN TO EXPECT YOUR BALLOT • United States Postal Service - no postage necessary • Drop off at any Vote by Mail Drop Box • Drop off at any Vote Center RETURN OPTIONS We offer ballots in 12 languages (translated ballot guide available in six additional languages) Call our office to request your multilingual ballot at (800) 815-2666, option 3 MULTILINGUAL BALLOTS Official Ballot 1 of 2 Marking your votesInstructions Write-In Candidates Contests Return Envelope U.S. PostagePaid OFFICIAL VOTE BY MAIL BALLOTING MATERIAL FIRST -CLASS MAILTo be opened only by Canvassing Board. Ballot must be returned or postmarked on or before Election Day. A ballot that is mailed must be received by the after Election Day. WARNING: Voting twice in the same election is a crime. 17 days A list of Vote by Mail Drop Box locations Information for Voters Important notice Voter-nominated offices no longer allow write-in candidates on the General Election ballot. Only the top two vote-getters from the Primary Election move on to the General Election. President and Vice President United States Representative States Senator State Assembly member County Board of Supervisors, District 2 District Attorney Superior Court Judge Local districts or city contests Party-nominated offices: Voter-nominated offices: Local offices: November 3, 2020 marks the date for the General Election. In this election, the ballot will include the contest for United States President, contests for Congress, state legislative offices (Senate and Assembly) and various local offices. The ballot also includes statewide and local measures. Presidential General Elections only occur every four years. Review your Sample Ballot and visit LAVote.net to make sure you are ready for this election! Offices on the ballot FP-TP01-ENG LA 458-001 Check Your Material X BT: BT: If ballot group numbers do not match, please call (800) 815-2666, option 2. Example: Ballot Group 000 2 Ballot Return Envelope1 3 Official Ballot Card Vote by Mail Ballot Wrap Ballot group numbers on materials must match. Your Vote by Mail package will contain: FP-TP02-ENG LA 458-002 • Use only black or blue ink pen to mark your choice on your ballot. • Fill the entire oval matching your vote choice. • Do not vote for more choices than indicated. • Do not punch a hole through the ballot card. Misplaced or damaged ballot Request your ballot in a different language • Mark your choice on the Official Sample Ballot page. Insert into Ballot Return Envelope and mail back. • Call (800) 815-2666, option 2 to request a replacement ballot before Election Day. L.A. County provides language services in up to 18 languages. To request your ballot or election materials in another language please call our Multilingual Services Section at (800) 815-2666, option 3. Marking Your Ballot FP-TP03-ENG LA 458-003 Before You Return Your Vote by Mail Ballot Make Sure: Recommended options for returning your Vote by Mail ballot 1. Your ballot is securely placed inside the Vote by Mail envelope. 2. You sign the back of the Vote by Mail envelope. 3. Remember no postage is necessary. Vote by Mail Return Options Return by mail Must be postmarked by Election Day. No postage required. Return at a Vote by Mail Drop Box Location List of drop box locations available at LAVote.net prior to each election. Drop-off at any Vote Center leading up to and on Election Day List of Vote Centers available at LAVote.net prior to each election. Signature Verification Voters must sign the eligibility oath and date the Vote by Mail return envelope before submitting their ballot. Every signature is verified before the ballot is cleared for counting. If a signature is missing or if the signature does not match the one on file, the County will notify the impacted voter to allow the voter an opportunity to provide a valid signature. For more information, visit LAvote.net FP-TP04-ENG LA 458-004 Vote Center Information and Guidance Relating to COVID-19 The Los Angeles County “Safe Presidential Election Plan” aligns with California’s “Election Administration Guidance under COVID-19.” Each was developed in consultation with relevant health authorities using the best public health information available, including guidance provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and California public health officials. The Los Angeles Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk (RR/CC) has: • Developed a voting location-specific protection plan. • Trained workers on measures to limit the spread of COVID-19, including screening themselves for symptoms and staying home when necessary. • Established prevention and self-screenings measures for workers. • Established and communicated physical distancing guidelines. • Implemented hand-washing, face covering and disinfection protocols. FOR VOTERS All registered voters will be mailed a Vote by Mail ballot. L.A. County encourages voters to stay home and vote using their mail-in ballot. However, for some individuals it is still be preferable to vote in person. Wherever in-person voting is offered, we will follow the State and County’s public health and safety guidance to provide a safe voting environment. COVID-19 Information for Voting In-Person: • Voters should wear a face covering while at the vote center or waiting in line. • Face coverings and gloves will be available for voters if requested. • Hand sanitizer will be provided upon entry and exit of the Vote Center. Hand sanitizer will also be available at key stations during the voting process. • Social distancing will be enforced while waiting in line and throughout the check-in and voting process. • ePollbooks and Ballot Marking devices will be sanitized after every voter. • Voters will be encouraged to take measures to speed up their election process to limit their time in the Vote Center. This includes verifying voter registration in advance, using the Interactive Sample Ballot (ISB) to pre-mark selections, and bringing their Sample Ballot to speed up the voter check-in. • Voters will be encouraged to take advantage of early voting and vote at off-peak times if possible. • Curbside voting will continue to be available for voters who are unable to enter the Vote Center. 6 ft. FP-TP05-ENG LA 458-005 Voting Instructions for Ballot Marking Device How to vote on the Ballot Marking Device (BMD) Customizable Touch DisplayTactile Keypad with Audio New Ballot Design Integrated Ballot Box Tap to start1.Select language2.Insert ballot3. Make selections4.Review selections5.Cast ballot6. Remember to re-insert your ballot back into the BMD. FP-TP06-ENG LA 458-006 Interactive Sample Ballot The Interactive Sample Ballot (ISB) is a convenient and optional application to speed up the voting experience. Voters can review and mark their selections on a computer or mobile device. Once the voter reviews and confirms their selections, the ISB will generate a Poll Pass. The Poll Pass is then taken to the Vote Center, where the voter will scan their Poll Pass to transfer their selections on to the Ballot Marking Device. How to use the Interactive Sample Ballot Visit LAVote.net/ISB1.Make your selections3. Scan onto the BMD6. Enter your information2. Take to any Vote Center5.Generate a Poll Pass4. Poll Pass Poll Pass LAvote.net/ISBLAVote.net/ISB FP-TP07-ENG LA 458-007 Accessible Voting Options Accessible Vote by Mail Ballot Marking Device Los Angeles County is committed to providing all voters a positive, private and independent voting experience. To view the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk’s accessibility services, go to LAVote.net. Voters who need assistance reviewing and marking their Vote by Mail ballot may use the Accessible Vote by Mail application. Learn more at LAVote.net/ravbm. All Ballot Marking Devices are fully accessible and available in all eligible languages. Curbside Voting Important Telephone Numbers General information: (800) 815-2666 Vote Center accessibility: (800) 815-2666, option 7 CD/Cassette recordings: (800) 815-2666, option 3 TDD: (562) 462-2259 Curbside voting is available at all Vote Centers in Los Angeles County. FP-TP08-ENG LA 458-008 You have the following rights: 1. The right to vote if you are a registered voter. You are eligible to vote if you are: • a U.S. citizen living in California • at least 18 years old • registered where you currently live • not currently in state or federal prison or on parole for the conviction of a felony • not currently found mentally incompetent to vote by a court 2. The right to vote if you are a registered voter even if your name is not on the list. You will vote using a provisional ballot. Your vote will be counted if elections officials determine that you are eligible to vote. 3. The right to vote if you are still in line when the polls close. 4. The right to cast a secret ballot without anyone bothering you or telling you how to vote. 5. The right to get a new ballot if you have made a mistake, if you have not already cast your ballot. You can: Ask an elections official at a Vote Center for a new ballot, Exchange your vote-by-mail ballot for a new one at an elections office, or at your Vote Center, or Vote using a provisional ballot. 6. The right to get help casting your ballot from anyone you choose, except from your employer or union representative. 7. The right to drop off your completed vote-by-mail ballot at any Vote Center in California. 8. The right to get election materials in a language other than English if enough people in your voting precinct speak that language. 9. The right to ask questions to elections officials about election procedures and watch the election process. If the person you ask cannot answer your questions, they must send you to the right person for an answer. If you are disruptive, they can stop answering you. 10. The right to report any illegal or fraudulent election activity to an elections official or the Secretary of State’s office. If you believe you have been denied any of these rights, call the Secretary of State’s confidential toll-free Voter Hotline at (800) 345-VOTE (8683). • On the web at www.sos.ca.gov • By phone at (800) 345-VOTE (8683) • By email at elections@sos.ca.gov Voter Bill of Rights FP-TP09-ENG LA 458-009 The Federal Voting Rights Act requires voter information, including a Sample Ballot booklet containing a Vote by Mail application be available in English as well as Armenian, Chinese, Khmer, Farsi, Korean, Spanish, Tagalog/Filipino and Vietnamese. Additional languages we support are: Hindi, Japanese, Russian and Thai. Translated Election Material 1-800-815-2666 option 3 FP-TP010-ENG LA 458-010 Official Ballot GENERAL ELECTION, November 03, 2020 • County of Los Angeles Page 1/ 8 Voter-Nominated and Nonpartisan Offices All voters, regardless of the party preference they disclosed upon registration, or refusal to disclose a party preference, may vote for any candidate for a voter-nominated or nonpartisan office. The party preference, if any, designated by a candidate for a voter-nominated office is selected by the candidate and is shown for the information of the voters only. It does not imply that the candidate is nominated or endorsed by the party or that the party approves of the candidate. The party preference, if any, of a candidate for a nonpartisan office does not appear on the ballot. CITY/LOCAL SANTA MONICA CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Member of the City Council Vote For No More Than FOUR PHIL BROCK Businessman/City Commissioner ANDREW BROWNING IT Manager MERVIENDO ANDIKA Father/Analyst/Broker DOMINIC GOMEZ Senior Technology Advisor CHRISTINE PARRA Emergency Preparedness Professional TERRY O'DAY Mayor Pro Tempore MARCUS OWENS Community Volunteer ANNE-MARIE SLACK JON MANN Retired Parole Agent CHIP MARTIN Businessman TODD MENTCH Digital Media ZOE MUNTANER Communications Professional GLEAM OLIVIA DAVIS Santa Monica City Councilmember OSCAR DE LA TORRE Santa Monica Unified School District Board Member MARIO FONDA-BONARDI Architect/Planning Commissioner TOM CISZEK Information Professional/Analyst Contest continues in next column Contest continues from previous column ANDREW KAMM Teacher TED WINTERER City Councilmember ANA MARIA JARA Appointed Incumbent JOHN PATRICK JEWELL Actor/Businessman/Composer NATHANIEL I. JONES, JR. Actor/Author Write-In Candidate Write-In Candidate Write-In Candidate Write-In Candidate SANTA MONICA CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Member of the City Council (Unexpired term ending November 8, 2022) Vote For ONE KRISTIN MCCOWAN Appointed Santa Monica Councilmember Write-In Candidate Continue voting on other side 2GC32 - NP - EN / 8458 / 1 EN-NP-0458-1-1 LA 458-011 Official Ballot GENERAL ELECTION, November 03, 2020 • County of Los Angeles Page 2/ 8 CITY/LOCAL SANTA MONICA-MALIBU UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Member of the Board of Education Vote For No More Than THREE MARIA LEON-VAZQUEZ Boardmember/College Administrator ESTHER HICKMAN Parent JENNIFER SMITH Parent/Community Volunteer DHUN MAY Teacher JASON FELDMAN Civil Rights Attorney KEITH COLEMAN Educator/Parent/Economist JON KEAN School Board President STEVEN JOHNSON Marketing Technology Consultant Write-In Candidate Write-In Candidate Write-In Candidate LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Member of the Board of Trustees, Seat 1 Vote For ONE TORI BAILEY Homelessness Liaison CHARNÉ TUNSON K-12 School Administrator KAREN HERNANDEZ Education Advocate ANDRA HOFFMAN Member of the Board of Trustees, Los Angeles Community College District ANTONIO PAOLO SANCHEZ Community Advocate MARJORIE SHAW Business Manager JESSICA M. MCCARNS Student Organizer R. RICHARD CUEVAS Education Consultant Write-In Candidate Continue voting on next page Do not mark within lines Ballot style 2GC32 - NP - EN Serial # Precinct # 8458 9990458A 2GC32 - NP - EN / 8458 / 2 EN-NP-0458-1-2 LA 458-012 Official Ballot GENERAL ELECTION, November 03, 2020 • County of Los Angeles Page 3/ 8 CITY/LOCAL LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Member of the Board of Trustees, Seat 3 Vote For ONE MICHAEL BATIE Entrepreneur/Educator SYLVIA BROOKS GRIFFIN Community Volunteer GERRY ANDERSON Community College Professor LYDIA A. GUTIÉRREZ Teacher/Administrator RUFFIN EUGENE PATTERSON Teacher/Coach ROBERT PAYNE Writer/Researcher/Educator ANTHONY JOSEPH DANNA Data Scientist/Executive CHATURA DE SILVA Non-Profit Project Director DAVID VELA Appointed Member of the Board of Trustees, Los Angeles Community College District SAMUEL PAUL WHITEHEAD Education/Veterans Advocate Write-In Candidate LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Member of the Board of Trustees, Seat 5 Vote For ONE GLENN BAILEY CYNTHIA GONZALEZ Teacher/School Principal NICHELLE M. HENDERSON College Teacher PAT STURGES Special Education Teacher SCOTT SVONKIN Member of the Board of Trustees, Los Angeles Community College District, Seat 5 MICHELLE MANOS Homeless Services Provider SERGIO B. VARGAS College Education Advocate NICHET JAMES-GRAY Educator/Academic Dean Write-In Candidate LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Member of the Board of Trustees, Seat 7 Vote For ONE CORY D. BUTLER Professional Athlete/Parent CHRIS HAN Community College Teacher NANCY PEARLMAN Community College Educator JAMAL K. STEWART City Analyst ARTURO FLORES Community Outreach Director MIKE FONG Member of the Board of Trustees, Los Angeles Community College District, Seat 7 RAQUEL WATTS Legal Advocate Write-In Candidate Continue voting on other side 2GC33 - NP - EN / 8458 / 1 EN-NP-0458-2-3 LA 458-013 Official Ballot GENERAL ELECTION, November 03, 2020 • County of Los Angeles Page 4/ 8 CITY/LOCAL SANTA MONICA CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Member of the Rent Control Board Vote For No More Than TWO CAROLINE TOROSIS Rent Control Board Commissioner AISHAH NEWSON Data Scientist ANASTASIA FOSTER Rent Control Board Commissioner ROBERT KRONOVET Property Management Services Write-In Candidate Write-In Candidate MEMBER OF THE STATE ASSEMBLY 50th District Vote For ONE RICHARD BLOOM Party Preference: Democratic California State Assemblymember WILL HESS Party Preference: Democratic Writer/Director/Producer UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE 33rd District Vote For ONE TED W. LIEU Party Preference: Democratic Congressman/Military Officer JAMES P. BRADLEY Party Preference: Republican CEO/Business Owner SM SANTA MONICA CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION - MEASURE SM Vote YES or NO MEASURE SM: To protect essential services including addressing homelessness, cleaning beaches/parks, public safety/ fire/ emergency response, protections for tenants and seniors, supporting libraries, small business recovery, food for the hungry, and after-school/ mental health services for youth, shall the City of Santa Monica increase the one-time real estate transfer tax paid on each sale of property for $5 million or more by $3.00 per $1,000 of sales price, exempting affordable housing projects, providing $3 million annually for local services? YES on Measure SM NO on Measure SM AB SANTA MONICA CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION - MEASURE AB Vote YES or NO MEASURE AB: Shall the City Charter be amended to repeal provisions setting rules for appointing candidates and promoting employees into the Civil Service, to enable the City Council to advance equity-based hiring within the appointment and promotional processes and strengthen the City's workforce? YES on Measure AB NO on Measure AB COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY Vote For ONE JACKIE LACEY Los Angeles County District Attorney GEORGE GASCÓN Justice Reform Advocate Write-In Candidate JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT Office No. 72 Vote For ONE STEVE MORGAN Deputy District Attorney, County of Los Angeles MYANNA DELLINGER Law Professor/Attorney Write-In Candidate JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT Office No. 80 Vote For ONE DAVID A. BERGER Deputy District Attorney, County of Los Angeles KLINT JAMES MCKAY Administrative Law Judge, California Department of Social Services Write-In Candidate Continue voting on next page Do not mark within lines Ballot style 2GC33 - NP - EN Serial # Precinct # 8458 9990458A 2GC33 - NP - EN / 8458 / 2 EN-NP-0458-2-4 LA 458-014 Official Ballot GENERAL ELECTION, November 03, 2020 • County of Los Angeles Page 5/ 8 COUNTY JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT Office No. 162 Vote For ONE DAVID D. DIAMOND Attorney/Law Professor SCOTT ANDREW YANG Deputy District Attorney, County of Los Angeles Write-In Candidate J COUNTY MEASURE J Vote YES or NO COMMUNITY INVESTMENT AND ALTERNATIVES TO INCARCERATION MINIMUM COUNTY BUDGET ALLOCATION. Shall the measure, annually allocating in the County's budget no less than ten percent (10%) of the County's locally generated unrestricted revenues in the general fund to address the disproportionate impact of racial injustice through community investment and alternatives to incarceration and prohibiting using those funds for carceral systems and law enforcement agencies as detailed in the ordinance adopting the proposed charter amendment, be adopted? YES on Measure J NO on Measure J STATE 14 STATE MEASURE 14 Vote YES or NO AUTHORIZES BONDS CONTINUING STEM CELL RESEARCH. INITIATIVE STATUTE. Authorizes $5.5 billion state bonds for: stem cell and other medical research, including training; research facility construction; administrative costs. Dedicates $1.5 billion to brain-related diseases. Appropriates General Fund moneys for repayment. Expands related programs. Fiscal Impact: Increased state costs to repay bonds estimated at about $260 million per year over the next roughly 30 years. YES on Measure 14 NO on Measure 14 15 STATE MEASURE 15 Vote YES or NO INCREASES FUNDING SOURCES FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS, COMMUNITY COLLEGES, AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES BY CHANGING TAX ASSESSMENT OF COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY. INITIATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. Taxes such properties based on current market value, instead of purchase price. Fiscal Impact: Increased property taxes on commercial properties worth more than $3 million providing $6.5 billion to $11.5 billion in new funding to local governments and schools. YES on Measure 15 NO on Measure 15 16 STATE MEASURE 16 Vote YES or NO ALLOWS DIVERSITY AS A FACTOR IN PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT, EDUCATION, AND CONTRACTING DECISIONS. LEGISLATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. Permits government decision-making policies to consider race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in order to address diversity by repealing constitutional provision prohibiting such policies. Fiscal Impact: No direct fiscal effect on state and local entities. The effects of the measure depend on the future choices of state and local government entities and are highly uncertain. YES on Measure 16 NO on Measure 16 17 STATE MEASURE 17 Vote YES or NO RESTORES RIGHT TO VOTE AFTER COMPLETION OF PRISON TERM. LEGISLATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. Restores voting rights upon completion of prison term to persons who have been disqualified from voting while serving a prison term. Fiscal Impact: Annual county costs, likely in the hundreds of thousands of dollars statewide, for voter registration and ballot materials. One-time state costs, likely in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, for voter registration cards and systems. YES on Measure 17 NO on Measure 17 18 STATE MEASURE 18 Vote YES or NO AMENDS CALIFORNIA CONSTITUTION TO PERMIT 17-YEAR-OLDS TO VOTE IN PRIMARY AND SPECIAL ELECTIONS IF THEY WILL TURN 18 BY THE NEXT GENERAL ELECTION AND BE OTHERWISE ELIGIBLE TO VOTE. LEGISLATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. Fiscal Impact: Increased statewide county costs likely between several hundreds of thousands of dollars and $1 million every two years. Increased one-time costs to the state of hundreds of thousands of dollars. YES on Measure 18 NO on Measure 18 Continue voting on other side 2GC34 - NP - EN / 8458 / 1 EN-NP-0458-3-5 LA 458-015 Official Ballot GENERAL ELECTION, November 03, 2020 • County of Los Angeles Page 6/ 8 STATE 19 STATE MEASURE 19 Vote YES or NO CHANGES CERTAIN PROPERTY TAX RULES. LEGISLATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. Allows homeowners who are over 55, disabled, or wildfire/disaster victims to transfer primary residence's tax base to replacement residence. Changes taxation of family-property transfers. Establishes fire protection services fund. Fiscal Impact: Local governments could gain tens of millions of dollars of property tax revenue per year, probably growing over time to a few hundred million dollars per year. Schools could receive similar property tax gains. YES on Measure 19 NO on Measure 19 20 STATE MEASURE 20 Vote YES or NO RESTRICTS PAROLE FOR CERTAIN OFFENSES CURRENTLY CONSIDERED TO BE NON-VIOLENT. AUTHORIZES FELONY SENTENCES FOR CERTAIN OFFENSES CURRENTLY TREATED ONLY AS MISDEMEANORS. INITIATIVE STATUTE. Limits access to parole program established for non-violent offenders who have completed the full term of their primary offense by eliminating eligibility for certain offenses. Fiscal Impact: Increase in state and local correctional, court, and law enforcement costs likely in the tens of millions of dollars annually, depending on implementation. YES on Measure 20 NO on Measure 20 21 STATE MEASURE 21 Vote YES or NO EXPANDS LOCAL GOVERNMENTS' AUTHORITY TO ENACT RENT CONTROL ON RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. INITIATIVE STATUTE. Allows local governments to establish rent control on residential properties over 15 years old. Local limits on rate increases may differ from statewide limit. Fiscal Impact: Overall, a potential reduction in state and local revenues in the high tens of millions of dollars per year over time. Depending on actions by local communities, revenue losses could be less or more. YES on Measure 21 NO on Measure 21 22 STATE MEASURE 22 Vote YES or NO EXEMPTS APP-BASED TRANSPORTATION AND DELIVERY COMPANIES FROM PROVIDING EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TO CERTAIN DRIVERS. INITIATIVE STATUTE. Classifies app-based drivers as "independent contractors," instead of "employees," and provides independent-contractor drivers other compensation, unless certain criteria are met. Fiscal Impact: Minor increase in state income taxes paid by rideshare and delivery company drivers and investors. YES on Measure 22 NO on Measure 22 23 STATE MEASURE 23 Vote YES or NO ESTABLISHES STATE REQUIREMENTS FOR KIDNEY DIALYSIS CLINICS. REQUIRES ON-SITE MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL. INITIATIVE STATUTE. Requires physician, nurse practitioner or physician assistant on site during dialysis treatment. Prohibits clinics from reducing services without state approval. Prohibits clinics from refusing to treat patients based on payment source. Fiscal Impact: Increased state and local government costs likely in the low tens of millions of dollars annually. YES on Measure 23 NO on Measure 23 24 STATE MEASURE 24 Vote YES or NO AMENDS CONSUMER PRIVACY LAWS. INITIATIVE STATUTE. Permits consumers to: prevent businesses from sharing personal information, correct inaccurate personal information, and limit businesses' use of "sensitive personal information," including precise geolocation, race, ethnicity, and health information. Establishes California Privacy Protection Agency. Fiscal Impact: Increased annual state costs of at least $10 million, but unlikely exceeding low tens of millions of dollars, to enforce expanded consumer privacy laws. Some costs would be offset by penalties for violating these laws. YES on Measure 24 NO on Measure 24 25 STATE MEASURE 25 Vote YES or NO REFERENDUM ON LAW THAT REPLACED MONEY BAIL WITH SYSTEM BASED ON PUBLIC SAFETY AND FLIGHT RISK. A "Yes" vote approves, and a "No" vote rejects, law replacing money bail with system based on public safety and flight risk. Fiscal Impact: Increased costs possibly in mid hundreds of millions of dollars annually for a new process for release from jail prior to trial. Decreased county jail costs, possibly in high tens of millions of dollars annually. YES on Measure 25 NO on Measure 25 Continue voting on next page Do not mark within lines Ballot style 2GC34 - NP - EN Serial # Precinct # 8458 9990458A 2GC34 - NP - EN / 8458 / 2 EN-NP-0458-3-6 LA 458-016 Official Ballot GENERAL ELECTION, November 03, 2020 • County of Los Angeles Page 7/ 8 Party-Nominated Offices The party label accompanying the name of a candidate for party-nominated office on the general election ballot means that the candidate is the official nominee of the party shown. NATIONAL ELECTION PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT Vote For ONE Party DONALD J. TRUMP for President MICHAEL R. PENCE for Vice President Republican GLORIA LA RIVA for President SUNIL FREEMAN for Vice President Peace and Freedom ROQUE "ROCKY" DE LA FUENTE GUERRA for President KANYE OMARI WEST for Vice President American Independent HOWIE HAWKINS for President ANGELA NICOLE WALKER for Vice President Green JO JORGENSEN for President JEREMY "SPIKE" COHEN for Vice President Libertarian JOSEPH R. BIDEN for President KAMALA D. HARRIS for Vice President Democratic Write-In Candidate End of Ballot 2GC35 - NP - EN / 8458 / 1 EN-NP-0458-4-7 LA 458-017 Official Ballot GENERAL ELECTION, November 03, 2020 • County of Los Angeles Page 8/ 8 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Do not mark within lines Ballot style 2GC35 - NP - EN Serial # Precinct # Do not mark within lines Ballot style 2GC35 - NP - EN Serial # Precinct # 84588458 9990458A9990458A 2GC35 - NP - EN / 8458 / 2 EN-NP-0458-4-8 LA 458-018 United States Representative Democratic District Candidate Name 23 Kim Mangone 25 Christy Smith 26 Julia Brownley 27 Judy Chu 28 Adam B. Schiff 29 Tony Cardenas 30 Brad Sherman 32 Grace F. Napolitano 33 Ted W. Lieu 34 Jimmy Gomez 35 Norma J. Torres 37 Karen Bass 38 Linda T. Sánchez 39 Gil Cisneros 40 Lucille Roybal-Allard 43 Maxine Waters 44 Nanette Diaz Barragan 47 Alan Lowenthal Republican District Candidate Name 23 Kevin McCarthy 25 Mike Garcia 26 Ronda Baldwin-Kennedy 27 Johnny J. Nalbandian 28 Eric Early 30 Mark S. Reed 32 Joshua M. Scott 33 James P. Bradley 37 Errol Webber 39 Young Kim 43 Joe E. Collins III FP-DS01-ENG LA 458-019 The American Independent, Green, Libertarian and Peace and Freedom parties did not submit any endorsements for these offices. Republican District Candidate Name 21 Scott Wilk 23 Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh 25 Kathleen Hazelton 27 Houman Salem 29 Ling Ling Chang State Senator Democratic District Candidate Name 21 Kipp Mueller 23 Abigail Medina 25 Anthony J. Portantino 27 Henry Stern 29 Josh Newman 33 Lena Gonzalez 35 Steven Craig Bradford Member of the State Assembly Democratic District Candidate Name 39 Luz Maria Rivas 41 Chris Holden 43 Laura Friedman 44 Jacqui Irwin 45 Jesse Gabriel 46 Adrin Nazarian 48 Blanca E. Rubio United States Representative (Cont.) American Independent District Candidate Name 25 Mike Garcia 27 Johnny J. Nalbandian 35 Mike Cargile 37 Errol Webber 47 John Briscoe The Green, Libertarian and Peace and Freedom parties did not submit any endorsements for these offices. FP-DS02-ENG LA 458-020 Democratic District Candidate Name 49 Ed Chau 50 Richard Bloom 51 Wendy Carrillo 52 Freddie Rodriguez 53 Miguel Santiago 54 Sydney Kamlager 55 Andrew E. Rodriguez 57 Lisa Calderon 58 Cristina Garcia 59 Reggie Jones-Sawyer 62 Autumn R. Burke 63 Anthony Rendon 64 Mike Anthony Gipson 66 Al Muratsuchi 70 Patrick O’Donnell Member of the State Assembly (Cont.) The American Independent, Green, Libertarian and Peace and Freedom parties did not submit any endorsements for these offices. Republican District Candidate Name 36 Tom Lackey 38 Suzette Martinez Valladares 39 Ricardo Benitez 41 Robin A. Hvidston 43 Mike Graves 44 Denise Pedrow 49 Burton Brink 52 Toni Holle 55 Phillip Chen 57 Jessica Martinez 62 Robert A. Steele 70 David W. Thomas Pursuant to Elections Code 13302(b) any qualified political party may submit to the county elections official a list of all candidates for voter-nominated office who will appear on any ballot in the county, and who have been endorsed by the party. SS FP-DS03-ENG LA 458-021 List of legislative candidates who agreed to voluntary spending limits. Only candidates who voluntarily limit their campaign expenditures may submit a statement for inclusion in this booklet. STATE SENATOR District Candidate Name 25 Anthony J. Portantino 33 Lena Gonzalez 35 Steven Craig Bradford Party Preference: Democratic Party Preference: RepublicanDistrict Candidate Name 23 Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh 27 Houman Salem 29 Ling Ling Chang MEMBER OF THE STATE ASSEMBLY Party Preference: Democratic District Candidate Name 36 Steve Fox 39 Luz Maria Rivas 43 Laura Friedman 44 Jacqui Irwin 45 Jesse Gabriel 46 Lanira K. Murphy 46 Adrin Nazarian 48 Blanca E. Rubio 49 Ed Chau 50 Richard Bloom 50 Will Hess 51 Wendy Carrillo 53 Godfrey Santos Plata 53 Miguel Santiago 54 Tracy Bernard Jones 57 Lisa Calderon 58 Cristina Garcia 59 Efren Martinez 62 Autumn R. Burke 63 Maria D. Estrada 64 Mike Anthony Gipson 64 Fatima S. Iqbal-Zubair District Candidate Name 35 Anthony Perry Party Preference: American Independent FP-DS04-ENG LA 458-022 List of legislative candidates who agreed to voluntary spending limits. Only candidates who voluntarily limit their campaign expenditures may submit a statement for inclusion in this booklet. District Candidate Name 38 Suzette Martinez Valladares 38 Lucie Lapointe Volotzky 39 Ricardo Benitez 41 Robin A. Hvidston 44 Denise Pedrow 45 Jeffi Girgenti 49 Burton Brink 52 Toni Holle 55 Phillip Chen 57 Jessica Martinez 66 Arthur C. Schaper 70 David W. Thomas Party Preference: Republican District Candidate Name 58 Margaret Villa Party Preference: Green MEMBER OF THE STATE ASSEMBLY (Cont.) FP-DS05-ENG LA 458-023 Candidate Statements & Measures The following pages may contain Candidate Statements, and/or Ballot Measure Analyses, Arguments or Rebuttals. Candidates for local offices have the option of including a statement, for which they pay a fee, unless the governing body pays the fee. In compliance with the law, only English and Spanish language Candidate Statements are included in this booklet. Each candidate that submitted a Spanish language Candidate Statement has paid an additional fee. Candidate Statements, Arguments or Rebuttals In Favor, or/and Against Ballot Measures are not edited or verified for accuracy by any elections officials. Arguments and/or Rebuttals are the opinions of the authors. Information about State Measures is included in the 8.5” X 11” Official Voter Information Guide, which is mailed separately to registered voters by the Office of the Secretary of State. FP-DS06-ENG LA 458-024 STATEMENT OF MERVIENDO ANDIKA CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL SANTA MONICA CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Occupation: Analyst This city has shown its true colors after rising from the riots. My education, background in public service that includes the SM Public Library, and time living on both sides of the freeway has shown me that Santa Monicans are very different, yet we all want a livable city. 1. I will Value every resident's concern, and talk with every side to understand them. 2. I will work to Change policies to make it a more livable city including: - Provide more social workers instead of police to deal with the homeless population and mentally ill; - Limit big developments from changing the character of the city; - Support small and medium businesses to create a vibrant community and jobs; - and, keep funding for parks, libraries, farmers markets, and family programs. 3. I Promise to deliver results, being transparent, open, and reasonable. Your support for a new perspective will make a difference in our city, vote for me. Thank you! DECLARACIÓN DE MERVIENDO ANDIKA CANDIDATO PARA MIEMBRO DEL CONCEJO MUNICIPAL ELECCIÓN MUNICIPAL GENERAL DE LA CIUDAD DE SANTA MONICA Ocupación: Analista Esta ciudad ha mostrado sus verdaderos colores después de levantarse por los disturbios. Mi educación, experiencia en el servicio público que incluye la Biblioteca Pública de SM y el tiempo de vida a ambos lados del camino me ha mostrado que los pobladores de Santa Monica son muy diferentes, pero todos queremos una ciudad habitable. 1. Voy a Valorar la preocupación de cada residente y hablar con cada lado para entenderlos. 2. Trabajaré para Cambiar las políticas para que sea una ciudad más habitable que incluya: - Proporcionar más trabajadores sociales en lugar de policías para tratar con la población sin hogar y los enfermos mentales; - Limitar los grandes desarrollos para evitar que cambien la esencia de la ciudad; - Apoyar las pequeñas y medianas empresas para crear una comunidad vibrante y nuevos empleos; - y, mantener los fondos para parques, bibliotecas, mercados de agricultores y programas familiares. 3. Prometo entregar resultados, siendo transparente, abierto y razonable. Su apoyo a una nueva perspectiva marcará la diferencia en nuestra ciudad, voten por mí. ¡Gracias! 4193-EN-05261 LA 458-025 STATEMENT OF PHIL BROCK CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL SANTA MONICA CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Age: 66 Occupation: Businessman Native Santa Monica! - SMMUSD: Madison, Lincoln, Samohi, SMC, UCLA, LMU - Played in our parks, body-surfed our waves, taught in our schools, community activist - Renter, Homeowner, Teacher, Entrepreneur Santa Monica Commissioner since 2003 - Past President, CalParksBoard - 2013 Commissioner of the Year, Chair, Recreation & Parks Commission Working for Residents - Host, Brock on Your Block; Columnist, SM Mirror - Co-Chair, Historic San Vicente Coalition - SMart Group - Samohi Alumni President - Kiwanis Lieutenant-Governor - SM Elks Trustee/Citizen of the Year - Salvation Army Advisory Board/Volunteer of the Year - Civic Auditorium Working Group - Boys & Girls Club Council I Will Fight for You! Residents First! - Restore Public Safety/Reduce Crime NOW! - Common Sense City Government! - STOP Overdevelopment! STOP wasting our tax dollars! STOP overtaxing! - STOP Traffic gridlock! ENFORCE e-scooter laws! - ENACT building height/density limits. Palm trees must be our only high rises! - Intelligent change that preserves character! Sustainably adapt buildings! - Value YOUTH and SENIORS! - Champion RENT CONTROL/Affordable FAMILY housing - Find REAL homelessness solutions! - Transparent government/LISTEN to residents - Racial Justice Now! - Free public transportation for residents! Free citywide high-speed internet! - Parks are paramount. Create SAFE open space! - Envision the future by honoring our past! I will take action where incumbents have failed! Restore the Soul of Our City! DECLARACIÓN DE PHIL BROCK CANDIDATO PARA MIEMBRO DEL CONCEJO MUNICIPAL ELECCIÓN MUNICIPAL GENERAL DE LA CIUDAD DE SANTA MONICA Edad: 66 Ocupación: Hombre de Negocios ¡Nativo de Santa Mónica! - SMMUSD: Madison, Lincoln, Samohi, SMC, UCLA, LMU - He jugado en nuestros parques, practicado el bodysurfing en nuestras olas, enseñado en nuestras escuelas, he sido activista comunitario - Inquilino, Propietario de Casa, Maestro, Empresario Comisionado de Santa Monica desde 2003 - Ex Presidente de CalParksBoard -Comisionado del Año 2013, Presidente de la Comisión de Parques y Recreación He trabajado por los Residentes - Anfitrión, Brock on Your Block; Columnista del SM Mirror - Copresidente de la Coalición Histórica de San Vicente - SMart Group - Presidente de loa Ex Alumnos de Samohi - Vicegobernador de Kiwanis - Síndico de SM Elks/Ciudadano del Año - Junta Consultiva del Salvation Army/Voluntario del Año - Grupo de Trabajo del Auditorio Cívico - Concejo del Club de Niños y Niñas ¡Yo Voy a Luchar por Ustedes! ¡Los Residentes Primero! - ¡Restaurar la Seguridad Pública/Reducir el Crimen AHORA! - ¡Gobierno Municipal con Sentido Común! - ¡DETENER el Sobredesarrollo! ¡DETENER el desperdicio de nuestros dólares de impuestos! ¡DETENER la sobretributación! - DETENER el paralización del tráfico! ¡HACER CUMPLIR las leyes de los scooters eléctricos! - PROMULGAR los límites de altura/densidad de los edificios. ¡Las palmeras deben ser nuestras únicas grandes alturas! - ¡Un cambio inteligente que preserve la esencia! ¡Adaptar edificios de forma sostenible! - ¡Valorar a los JÓVENES y ADULTOS MAYORES! - Defender el CONTROL DE LOS ALQUILERES/la vivienda FAMILIAR asequible - ¡Encontrar VERDADERAS soluciones ante la falta de vivienda! - Gobierno transparente/ESCUCHAR a los residentes 4193-EN-05262 LA 458-026 - ¡Justicia Racial Ahora! - ¡Transporte público gratuito para los residentes! ¡Internet de alta velocidad gratuito en toda la ciudad! - Los parques son primordiales. ¡Crear espacios abiertos SEGUROS! - ¡Imaginar el futuro honrando nuestro pasado! ¡Yo tomaré medidas allí donde los titulares han fracasado! ¡Restaurare el Alma de Nuestra Ciudad! STATEMENT OF ANDREW BROWNING CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL SANTA MONICA CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION I am running for City Council because I am outraged by what is happening to our city, a once charming beach town that is now overwhelmed by homelessness and crime. I'm heartbroken that my two children are afraid to use our public parks. I'm angry that massive over-development is the new status quo. My family and I have lived in the Mid City neighborhood for 16 years. I've been a renter and am now a homeowner committed to protecting renters and also to creating pathways to home-ownership for all residents. I'm an advocate for our children and our public schools. I am the Chair of the Santa Monica Field Sports Advisory Council, a board member of Santa Monica Dragons Lacrosse, and the former President of Santa Monica Vikings Youth Lacrosse. In my professional life I am an IT Manager at UCLA and I know the importance of building consensus to move bold initiatives forward, I know how to balance budgets, and how to get projects over the finish line. Together, with your vote, we will produce real change the residents can count on. www.AndrewBrowning4CityCouncil.com 4193-EN-05263 LA 458-027 DECLARACIÓN DE ANDREW BROWNING CANDIDATO PARA MIEMBRO DEL CONCEJO MUNICIPAL ELECCIÓN MUNICIPAL GENERAL DE LA CIUDAD DE SANTA MONICA Estoy postulando para el Concejo Municipal porque me indigna lo que le está pasando a nuestra ciudad, una ciudad de playa encantadora que ahora está abrumada por la falta de vivienda y la delincuencia. Estoy desconsolado porque mis dos hijos tienen miedo de usar nuestros parques públicos. Estoy enfadado porque el sobredesarrollo masivo es el nuevo status quo. Mi familia y yo hemos vivido en el vecindario de Mid- City durante 16 años. He sido un inquilino y ahora soy un propietario de hogar comprometido con proteger a los inquilinos y también con crear rumbos hacia la titularidad de un hogar para todos los residentes. Soy un defensor de nuestros hijos y de nuestras escuelas públicas. Soy Presidente del Concejo Consultivo de Deportes de Campo de Santa Monica, miembro de la junta de Santa Monica Dragons Lacrosse y ex Presidente de Santa Monica Vikings Youth Lacrosse. En mi vida profesional soy Gerente de Tecnologia Informatica en UCLA y conozco la importancia de formar consensos para impulsar iniciativas audaces; sé cómo equilibrar los presupuestos y cómo hacer que los proyectos se concluyan. Juntos, con su voto, produciremos un cambio real con el que los residentes puedan contar. www.AndrewBrowning4CityCouncil.com STATEMENT OF TOM CISZEK CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL SANTA MONICA CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Age: 38 Occupation: Information Professional/Analyst As a renter and resident of Santa Monica for nearly 15 years, I believe in making decisions grounded in data and analysis. Homelessness in Santa Monica is a chronic issue. We must finally come up with a plan that is humane and sustainable for all residents including those who live on our streets. With your help, we will keep Santa Monica among the best communities in which to live, work and raise families, and preserve our history as "California's most celebrated beach city." I pledge to meet Santa Monica's most critical challenges: - Balance our budget by exercising prudent financial management - Lead efforts to assist small businesses through the COVID crisis - Promote safety, especially along our beachfront and train platforms - Work with the community to create a safe, clean and beautiful Lincoln Blvd. - Advocate for a Master Plan guiding Santa Monica into the second half of the century - Maintain our city's public works; achieve water self- sufficiency by 2023 - Manage smart, sustainable development in our city I look forward to serving you on the City Council. https://tomforsantamonica.com/goals @ciszek #TomForSantaMonica 4193-EN-05264 LA 458-028 DECLARACIÓN DE TOM CISZEK CANDIDATO PARA MIEMBRO DEL CONCEJO MUNICIPAL ELECCIÓN MUNICIPAL GENERAL DE LA CIUDAD DE SANTA MONICA Edad: 38 Ocupación: Profesional de Información/Analista Como inquilino y residente de Santa Monica durante casi 15 años, creo en la toma de decisiones basadas en datos y análisis. La falta de vivienda en Santa Monica es un problema crónico. Por último, debemos elaborar un plan que sea humano y sostenible para todos los residentes, incluidos los que viven en nuestras calles. Con su ayuda, mantendremos a Santa Monica entre las mejores comunidades en las que se pueda vivir, trabajar y criar familias y preservaremos nuestra historia como "la ciudad de playa más célebre de California". Me comprometo a cumplir con los desafíos más críticos de Santa Monica: - Equilibrar nuestro presupuesto ejerciendo una gestión financiera prudente - Liderar los esfuerzos para asistir a las pequeñas empresas a través de la crisis de COVID -Promover la seguridad, especialmente a lo largo de nuestras playas y plataformas de trenes - Trabajar con la comunidad para crear un Lincoln Blvd. seguro, limpio y hermoso - Abogar por un Plan Maestro que guíe a Santa Monica por la segunda mitad del siglo - Mantener las obras públicas de nuestra ciudad; lograr la autosuficiencia del agua para 2023 - Gestionar el desarrollo inteligente y sostenible en nuestra ciudad Espero poder servirles en el Concejo Municipal. https://tomforsantamonica.com/goals @ciszek #TomForSantaMonica STATEMENT OF GLEAM OLIVIA DAVIS CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL SANTA MONICA CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Age: 64 Occupation: Santa Monica Councilmember E-mail address: gleam.davis@gmail.com Website Address: www.gleamdavis2020.com As your Councilmember, I have worked to preserve and create affordable housing, and to provide a safe and stable community for all residents. If re-elected, I will focus on: - Promoting a just Santa Monica that offers equitable opportunity for all residents; - Addressing the public health and economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic; - Reimagining public safety organizations to make them more just and more effective; - Restoring our local economy so that it provides good jobs and good wages; - Fighting for a safer and sustainable transportation system that includes innovative solutions to traffic and parking and that is pedestrian and bike friendly; - Expanding educational opportunities for everyone; - Increasing public open space and recreational facilities including the conversion of Santa Monica Airport to a great park; - Working for the wellbeing of seniors and youth; - Reducing the number of people experiencing homelessness; and - Helping all residents reach their full potential. I am endorsed by: - U.S. Representative Ted Lieu - Los Angeles County Supervisor Sheila J. Kuehl - State Senator Ben Allen - Assemblymember Richard Bloom - Former Santa Monica Mayors Nat Trives, Michael Feinstein, and Judy Abdo I am pleased to have such a broad base of support and would be honored to have your vote on November 3. 4193-EN-05265 LA 458-029 DECLARACIÓN DE GLEAM OLIVIA DAVIS CANDIDATA PARA MIEMBRO DEL CONCEJO MUNICIPAL ELECCIÓN MUNICIPAL GENERAL DE LA CIUDAD DE SANTA MONICA Edad: 64 Ocupación: Miembro del Concejo de Santa Monica Dirección de correo electrónico: gleam.davis@gmail.com Dirección del sitio web: www.gleamdavis2020.com Como su concejala, he trabajado para preservar y crear viviendas asequibles y para proporcionar una comunidad segura y estable para todos los residentes. Si salgo reelegida, me enfocaré en: - Promover una Santa Monica justa que ofrezca oportunidades equitativas para todos los residentes; - Abordar la salud pública y los efectos económicos de la pandemia de COVID-19; - Reimaginar las organizaciones de seguridad pública para que sean más justas y eficaces; - Restaurar nuestra economía local para que proporcione buenos empleos y salarios; - Luchar por un sistema de transporte más seguro y sostenible que incluya soluciones innovadoras para el tráfico y el estacionamiento y que sea amigables con los peatones y las bicicletas; - Ampliar las oportunidades educativas para todos; - Aumentar el espacio público abierto y las instalaciones recreativas, incluyendo la conversión del Aeropuerto de Santa Monica en un gran parque; - Trabajar por el bienestar de los adultos mayores y los jóvenes; - Reducir el número de personas sin hogar; y - Ayudar a todos los residentes a alcanzar su pleno potencial. Me respaldan: - El Representante de los EE. UU. Ted Lieu- la Supervisora del Condado de Los Angeles Sheila J. Kuehl - El Senador Estatal Ben Allen - El Miembro de la Asamblea Richard Bloom- Los Ex Alcaldes de Santa Monica Nat Trives, Michael Feinstein y Judy Abdo Me complace tener una base tan amplia de apoyo y sería un honor tener su voto el 3 de noviembre. STATEMENT OF OSCAR DE LA TORRE CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL SANTA MONICA CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Age: 48 Occupation: Santa Monica Malibu Unified School District Board Member The City of Santa Monica needs a champion on City Council who cares about local businesses, homeowners and renters alike. As a lifelong resident of Santa Monica, I am running for City Council to restore public trust in our government by restoring public safety to our streets! I have devoted my career to public service. I have a MA in PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION and am the FOUNDER of a youth center, CHAIR of Santa Monica's Pico Neighborhood Association, and 18-year MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION for the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District. As the father of two children, I have a personal commitment to advancing public safety and the well-being of ALL Santa Monicans. I am a PROVEN LEADER who will: -ENFORCE OUR LAWS with "Compassionate Accountability" to protect our public spaces while supporting those in need, -STOP IRRESPONSIBLE DEVELOPMENT and gentrification and protect renters and small businesses from displacement, -CHALLENGE the culture of corruption at City Hall that promotes profit over people, -ENSURE that resident needs and concerns are given priority over tourists, -DEFEND workers from lay-offs caused by fiscal mismanagement, -FIGHT for social, economic, environmental & racial justice. Santa Monica needs a champion for residents to hold our government accountable. Elect OSCAR DE LA TORRE to bring needed CHANGE to Santa Monica. WWW.VOTE4OSCAR.COM 4193-EN-05266 LA 458-030 DECLARACIÓN DE OSCAR DE LA TORRE CANDIDATO PARA MIEMBRO DEL CONCEJO MUNICIPAL ELECCIÓN MUNICIPAL GENERAL DE LA CIUDAD DE SANTA MONICA Edad: 48 Ocupación: Miembro de la Junta del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Santa Monica Malibu La Ciudad de Santa Monica necesita un defensor en el Concejo Municipal que se preocupe por las empresas locales, los propietarios de hogares y los inquilinos por igual. Como residente de toda la vida de Santa Monica, estoy postulando para el Concejo Municipal para restaurar la confianza pública en nuestro gobierno, ¡mediante la restauración de la seguridad pública en nuestras calles! He dedicado mi carrera a el servicio público. Tengo una Maestría en ADMINISTRACIÓN PÚBLICA y soy el FUNDADOR de un centro juvenil, PRESIDENTE de la Asociación de Vecindarios de Pico en Santa Monica y MIEMBRO DESDE HACE 18 AÑOS DE LA JUNTA DE EDUCACIÓN para el Distrito Escolar Unificado de Santa Monica-Malibu. Como padre de dos hijos, tengo un compromiso personal con mejorar la seguridad pública y el bienestar de TODOS los pobladores de Santa Monica. Soy un LÍDER COMPROBADO que hara: -APLICAR NUESTRAS LEYES con "Responsabilidad Compasiva" para proteger nuestros espacios públicos mientras apoyamos a los necesitados, -DETENER EL DESARROLLO IRRESPONSABLE y la reubicación y protege a los inquilinos y pequeñas empresas del desplazamiento, -DESAFÍAR la cultura de la corrupción en el Municipio que promueve las ganancias por encima de las personas, -ASEGURAR que las necesidades y preocupaciones de los residentes sean prioritarias por encima de las de los turistas, -DEFENDER a los trabajadores de los despidos causados por la mala gestión fiscal, -LUCHAR por la justicia social, económica, medioambiental y racial. 4193-EN-05267 LA 458-031 Santa Monica necesita un defensor para que los residentes hagan rendir cuentas a nuestro gobierno. Elijan a OSCAR DE LA TORRE para traer el CAMBIO necesario a Santa Monica. WWW.VOTE4OSCAR.COM STATEMENT OF MARIO FONDA- BONARDI CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL SANTA MONICA CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Occupation: Architect Our City needs a SLOW GROWTH Council member that advocates for all residents, FIRST and foremost. I'm the person who will: - STOP the 11-story Plaza Project. - Abate Crime. - Insist SM Residents provide only our FAIR SHARE of County homeless support. - Fight to restore our small town's, endangered BEACHSIDE charm. - Block Sacramento's influence on local zoning issues. - Resist developments exceeding our water, traffic, and energy capacities. - Prevent your money being spent on excessive city payroll and pensions. - Create real, permanent, AFFORDABLE HOUSING e.g. from empty retail and office spaces, Finally, build a truly SUSTAINABLE and resilient City that works for residents of all ages. I have been living in and practicing architecture in Santa Monica for over 40 years. My children attended SM Public Schools. I'm experienced with a track record of getting things done: - SM Planning Commission (5 years) - SMart (7 years) - Board Member, Santa Monica Conservancy (10 years) - Coach, AYSO (17 years) - Member of AIA, Sierra Club, SMRR -Instrumental in landmarking: Shotgun House, Chez Jay, 11th Street Historical District - Key participant in recently completed Civic Center Field Help create a Santa Monica better and more inclusive than previously thought possible! VOTE FOR MARIO. 4193-EN-05268 LA 458-032 DECLARACIÓN DE MARIO FONDA- BONARDI CANDIDATO PARA MIEMBRO DEL CONCEJO MUNICIPAL ELECCIÓN MUNICIPAL GENERAL DE LA CIUDAD DE SANTA MONICA Ocupación: Arquitecto Nuestra Ciudad necesita un miembro del Concejo de CRECIMIENTO LENTO que abogue por todos los residentes, PRIMERO y ante todo. Soy la persona que va a: - DETENER el Proyecto Plaza de 11 pisos. - Abatir el Crimen. - Insistir que los Residentes de SM proporcionen solamente una PARTICIPACIÓN JUSTA de apoyo para las personas sin hogar del Condado. - Luchar para restaurar el encanto de nuestro pequeño pueblo, la PLAYA que se encuentra amenazada. - Bloquear la influencia de Sacramento en temas de zonificación local. - Resistir los desarrollos que exceden nuestras capacidades de agua, tráfico y energía. - Evitar que su dinero se gaste en nóminas excesivas municipales y pensiones. - Crear VIVIENDAS ASEQUIBLES reales y permanentes, por ejemplo, a partir de espacios comerciales y de oficinas vacíos, Por último, construir una Ciudad verdaderamente SOSTENIBLE y resiliente que funcione para los residentes de todas las edades. He estado viviendo y practicando arquitectura en Santa Monica por más de 40 años. Mis hijos asistieron a las Escuelas Públicas de SM. Tengo experiencia con una trayectoria comprobada de lograr que las cosas se hagan: - Comisión de Planificación de SM (5 años) - SMart (7 años) - Miembro del Concejo, Santa Monica Conservancy (10 años) - Entrenador, AYSO (17 años) - Miembro de AIA, Sierra Club, SMRR -Decisivo en la preservación de lugares emblemáticos: Shotgun House, Chez Jay, Distrito Histórico de 11th Street -Participante clave en el Campo del Centro Cívico recientemente terminado ¡Ayúdennos a crear una mejor Santa Monica y más inclusiva de lo que se creía posible! VOTE POR MARIO. 4193-EN-05269 LA 458-033 STATEMENT OF ANA MARIA JARA CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL SANTA MONICA CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Age: 62 Occupation: Administrative Assistant As a 35 year resident of our beautiful City living in the Pico neighborhood, I have worked at Santa Monica College for 25 years and I have served as Chair on the Commission for Status of Women and the Social Services Commission. Other community services include membership on the Human Relations Council, Familias Latinas Unidas and the City’s Cradle to Career Initiative. I was appointed to the City Council in January 2019. I have always worked for equity and justice in jobs and economic development. In these challenging times, those priorities are the ‘heart’ of the City’s agenda. As a renter in a City that is 70% renters, I will work to make certain any policies proposed support this community. I am a strong advocate for affordable housing and am working hard to ensure our City’s zoning can accommodate future affordable housing. I came to this country from Guatemala when I was 10 years old. As a new Citizen I continue working with all communities to bring us together in a positive way so that we can all move forward. We have a great deal of hard work to accomplish now. I would be honored to have your vote. Thank you. DECLARACIÓN DE ANA MARIA JARA CANDIDATA PARA MIEMBRO DEL CONCEJO MUNICIPAL ELECCIÓN MUNICIPAL GENERAL DE LA CIUDAD DE SANTA MONICA Edad: 62 Ocupación: Asistente Administrativa Como residente de 35 años de nuestra hermosa ciudad viviendo en el barrio de Pico, he trabajado en el Colegio Santa Monica durante 25 años y he servido como Presidenta en la Comisión para el Estatus de la Mujer y en la Comisión de Servicios Sociales. Otros servicios comunitarios incluyen la membresía en el Concejo de Relaciones Humanas, Familias Latinas Unidas y la Iniciativa De la Cuna a la Profesión de la Ciudad. Fui nombrada para el Concejo Municipal en enero de 2019. Siempre he trabajado por la equidad y la justicia en el empleo y el desarrollo económico. En estos tiempos difíciles, esas prioridades son el "corazón" de la agenda de la Ciudad. Como inquilina en una ciudad que tiene un 70% de inquilinos, voy a trabajar para hacer que cualquier política propuesta apoye a esta comunidad. Soy una firme defensora de la vivienda asequible y estoy trabajando arduamente para asegurar que la zonificación de nuestra Ciudad pueda acomodar a futuras viviendas asequibles. Vine a este país desde Guatemala cuando tenía 10 años. Como nueva Ciudadana sigo trabajando con todas las comunidades para unirnos de manera positiva y que todos podamos progresar. Tenemos mucho trabajo duro que hacer ahora. Estaré honrada de contar con su voto. Gracias. 4193-EN-05270 LA 458-034 STATEMENT OF JOHN PATRICK JEWELL CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL SANTA MONICA CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Age: 59 Occupation: Actor/Businessman I served 15 years in the Baltic States. I sang with a U.S. Embassy mixed choir led by the FBI agent in charge of law enforcement overseas and American Embassy security. I was recruited into this choir while working under contract at the National Romanian Opera. In Santa Monica I ran a business in the Marina Del Rey Harbor “Gondolas D’amore” as a singing Gondolier/Actor/Businessman. I am very familiar with Marine or Admiralty Law. My hobbies include surfing; yachting; Partying; and last by not least CHURCH. DECLARACIÓN DE JOHN PATRICK JEWELL CANDIDATO PARA MIEMBRO DEL CONCEJO MUNICIPAL ELECCIÓN MUNICIPAL GENERAL DE LA CIUDAD DE SANTA MONICA Edad: 59 Ocupación: Actor/Hombre de Negocios Serví 15 años en los Estados Bálticos. Canté con un coro mixto de la Embajada de EE.UU. dirigido por el agente del FBI a cargo de las fuerzas del orden público en el extranjero y la seguridad de la Embajada Estadounidense. Fui reclutado en este coro mientras trabajaba bajo contrato en la Ópera Rumana Nacional. En Santa Monica dirigía un negocio "Gondolas D'amore" en el Puerto de Marina Del Rey como Gondolero cantante/Actor/Hombre de Negocios. Estoy muy familiarizado con la Ley de la Marina o del Almirantazgo. Mis pasatiempos incluyen el surf; pasear en yate; participar en fiestas; y por último no menos importante, la IGLESIA. 4193-EN-05271 LA 458-035 STATEMENT OF NATHANIEL I. JONES, JR. CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL SANTA MONICA CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Age: 74 Occupation: Actor/Author Hello everybody, My name is Nathaniel Jones and I'm running for a seat on the board of the City Council as a member in Santa Monica CA. I've been a resident as a renter in Santa Monica for 35 years. I'm not married but I am in a relationship for many years. My educational background is I'm a graduate from Los Angeles trade Technical College 400 W. Washington Blvd Los Angeles CA 90015. I have an associate's of science degree in machine engineering and certificate of completion in computer numerical control from 1983 to 1985. I know my qualifications for seat as a City Council member is I know a vote for me will be for us all in the right direction. One of my goals is to tackle the homeless problem we have here in our city. I have ideas in putting together a home base of different organizations to deal with all of the homeless population are dealing with in their everyday lives. I have a good vision on how to start repairing homeless people lives. The goal is to clean up our streets, that all our residents can be and feel a sense of protection each day. DECLARACIÓN DE NATHANIEL I. JONES, JR. CANDIDATO PARA MIEMBRO DEL CONCEJO MUNICIPAL ELECCIÓN MUNICIPAL GENERAL DE LA CIUDAD DE SANTA MONICA Edad: 74 Ocupación: Actor/Autor Hola a todos, Me llamo Nathaniel Jones y estoy postulando para un asiento en la junta del Concejo Municipal como miembro en Santa Monica CA. He sido residente como inquilino en Santa Monica desde hace 35 años. No estoy casado pero estoy en una relación durante muchos años. Mi formación académica incluye ser graduado del Colegio Técnico de oficios de Los Angeles en 400 W. Washington Blvd Los Angeles CA 90015. Tengo un grado de asociado en ciencia en ingeniería de máquinas y un certificado de conclusión en control numérico por computadora de 1983 a 1985. Sé que mis calificaciones para el asiento como miembro del Concejo Municipal y sé que un voto para mí será para ponernos a todos nosotros en la dirección correcta. Uno de mis objetivos es abordar el problema de las personas sin hogar que tenemos aquí en nuestra ciudad. Tengo ideas para la elaboración de una base de diferentes organizaciones para tratar con todo lo que la población sin hogar está lidiando en su vida cotidiana. Tengo una buena visión sobre cómo empezar a reparar las vidas de las personas sin hogar. El objetivo es limpiar nuestras calles, que todos nuestros residentes puedan sentirse protegidos todos los días. 4193-EN-05272 LA 458-036 STATEMENT OF ANDREW KAMM CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL SANTA MONICA CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Age: 53 Occupation: Educator Andrew Kamm has been a Santa Monica resident for nearly 30 years, he is an Educator and has served as the Educational Director on the Neighborhood Council of Westchester/ Play Del Rey/ Playa Vista for the past 12 years. He is committed to ensuring our schools are the best in the State. He is committed to resolving our current spike in crime, and solving our homeless crisis with innovation and compassion. Andrew is an advocate of free enterprise but believes in responsible development. DECLARACIÓN DE ANDREW KAMM CANDIDATO PARA MIEMBRO DEL CONCEJO MUNICIPAL ELECCIÓN MUNICIPAL GENERAL DE LA CIUDAD DE SANTA MONICA Edad: 53 Ocupación: Educador Andrew Kamm ha sido residente de Santa Monica durante casi 30 años, es Educador y ha servido como Director Educativo en el Consejo del Vecindario de Westchester/ Play Del Rey/ Playa Vista durante los últimos 12 años. Está comprometido con asegurar que nuestras escuelas sean las mejores del Estado. Está comprometido con resolver nuestro actual aumento de la delincuencia y resolver nuestra crisis de personas sin hogar con innovación y compasión. Andrew es un defensor del sistema de libre empresa, pero cree en el desarrollo responsable. 4193-EN-05273 LA 458-037 STATEMENT OF JON MANN CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL SANTA MONICA CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Age: 74 Occupation: Parole Agent/Teacher I'm running for SM City Council because of crime, corruption, conflict of interest, AND to reinstate the Court Order for District Elections! I will work hard to remove money from local politics, end alternate Fridays for municipal workers, terminate three day work weeks and overtime for police officers who were ordered to stand down during the recent riots and looting. I will take our city back from developers, put the brakes on gentrification, cronyism, nepotism, revolving door politics and build low income housing for fixed income seniors and living wage workers! I'm also proposing recreation marijuana be industrially grown, regulated, marketed and TAXED by the City to prevent abuse, restrict access and raise revenue for treatment of chronically homeless PTSD veterans. There once was a candidate named Mann Fifteen times for City Council he ran Virtual Town Hall Democracy for all Accountability, Transparency, his plan! Information is power! A Virtual Town Hall would empower residents and level the playing field so anyone can run for office without endorsements and contributions from special interests! It's not democratic for city employees, SM Renters Rights, etc. to influence elections. I'm Jon Mann, A Man for the People, and I approve this message! DECLARACIÓN DE JON MANN CANDIDATO PARA MIEMBRO DEL CONCEJO MUNICIPAL ELECCIÓN MUNICIPAL GENERAL DE LA CIUDAD DE SANTA MONICA Edad: 74 Ocupación: Agente de Libertad Condicional/Maestro Estoy postulando para el Concejo Municipal de SM debido a la delincuencia, la corrupción, el conflicto de intereses, ¡Y para restablecer la Resolución Judicial para las Elecciones del Distrito! Trabajaré duro para sacar dinero de la política local, poner fin a los Viernes alternativos para los trabajadores municipales, terminaré con las semanas de tres días de trabajo y las horas extras para los oficiales de policía a los que se les ordenó descansar durante los recientes disturbios y saqueos. ¡Voy a tomar nuestra ciudad de vuelta de las manos de los desarrolladores, frenar el desplazamiento, el favoritismo, el nepotismo, la política de "puertas giratorias" y construiré viviendas de bajos ingresos para los adultos mayores de ingresos fijos y los trabajadores con salario mínimo vital! También propongo que se cultive, regule y comercialice la marihuana recreativa de forma industrial y que la Ciudad la GRAVE para prevenir abusos, restringir el acceso y aumentar los ingresos para el tratamiento de veteranos sin hogar crónicos del PTSD. ¡Había una vez un candidato llamado Mann Postuló quince veces para el Concejo Municipal Municipio Virtual Democracia para todos Responsabilidad, Transparencia, ese es su plan! ¡La información es poder! ¡Un Municipio Virtual empoderaría a los residentes y nivelaría el campo de juego para que cualquiera pueda postular al cargo sin apoyos y contribuciones de intereses especiales! No es democrático que los empleados municipales, SM Renters Rights, etc. influyan en las elecciones. ¡Soy Jon Mann, Un Hombre para el Pueblo, y apruebo este mensaje! 4193-EN-05274 LA 458-038 STATEMENT OF CHIP MARTIN CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL SANTA MONICA CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Age: 57 Occupation: Director of Sales, Sales Management Phone: 310 828 2050 chipmartincitycouncil@gmail.com www.chipmartincitycouncil.com About Me: Originally from Manhasset, NY, I have been in California for 29 years with 10 in Santa Monica. I'm Director of Sales for a large consumer products company, and have managed businesses with sales in excess of $150 million and 300 employees. I believe my leadership and management skills would be an asset to the council. In the past I enjoyed being a volunteer for the city as a docent at the Marion Davies Historical Beach House. I have a BS in Business-Marketing from State University of NY at Plattsburgh. I'm a renter and live in downtown Santa Monica on Ocean Ave. Safety and Crime Reduction: Reduce rising crime rates and support our first responders. Economic Recovery and Business Friendly Environment: Help for small businesses. Reduce Homelessness: More counselors are needed on the streets to help individuals get into the proper assistance programs. Reduce Development and Congestion: Reduce needless development. Eliminate Scooters: Scooters are dangerous and are always on the sidewalks where they are not allowed. Tourism: We need to make sure Santa Monica remains a top tourist destination. DECLARACIÓN DE CHIP MARTIN CANDIDATO PARA MIEMBRO DEL CONCEJO MUNICIPAL ELECCIÓN MUNICIPAL GENERAL DE LA CIUDAD DE SANTA MONICA Edad: 57 Ocupación: Director de Ventas, Gestion de Ventas Teléfono: 310 828 2050 chipmartincitycouncil@gmail.com www.chipmartincitycouncil.com Acerca de Mí: Originario de Manhasset, Nueva York, he estado en California durante 29 años y 10 en Santa Monica. Soy Director de Ventas de una gran empresa de productos de consumo y he administrado negocios con ventas superiores a los $150 millones de dólares y 300 empleados. Creo que mi liderazgo y habilidades de gestión serían un activo para el concejo. En el pasado disfruté siendo voluntario de la ciudad como guía de museo en la Histórica Casa de Playa de Marion Davies. Tengo un grado de Bachillerato en Marketing de Negocios de la Universidad Estatal de Nueva York en Plattsburgh. Soy inquilino y vivo en el centro de Santa Monica en Ocean Ave. Seguridad y Reducción del Delito: Reducir el aumento de las tasas de criminalidad y apoyar a nuestros socorristas de primera respuesta. Recuperación Económica y Entorno Favorable para las Empresas: Ayuda para las pequeñas empresas. Reducción de la Falta de Vivienda: Se necesitan más consejeros en las calles para ayudar a las personas a entrar en los programas de asistencia adecuados. Reducción del Desarrollo y la Congestión: Reducir el desarrollo innecesario. Eliminación de los Scooters: Los scooters son peligrosos y siempre van por las aceras donde no están permitidos. Turismo: Tenemos que asegurarnos de que Santa Monica siga siendo un destino turístico de primer orden. 4193-EN-05275 LA 458-039 STATEMENT OF TODD MENTCH CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL SANTA MONICA CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION I studied Interdisciplinary Studies (Finance, Anthropology, and Statistics) at UC Riverside. I am a first time candidate for any elected office. I have worked within a number of organizations over the past 30 years, including small, medium, and very large (S&P 500) corporations. I have also started multiple independent business ventures with varying degrees of success and failure; learning a tremendous amount along the way. I believe this varied background adds strength in experience which will help in my duty to serve the community at large. Learn more about me, and my values and platform at StopBeingShocked.com. Thank you! DECLARACIÓN DE TODD MENTCH CANDIDATO PARA MIEMBRO DEL CONCEJO MUNICIPAL ELECCIÓN MUNICIPAL GENERAL DE LA CIUDAD DE SANTA MONICA Estudié Estudios Interdisciplinarios (Finanzas, Antropología y Estadística) en UC Riverside. Soy candidato primerizo para cualquier cargo electo. He trabajado en varias organizaciones en los últimos 30 años, incluyendo pequeñas, medianas y muy grandes corporaciones (S&P 500). También he iniciado múltiples negocios independientes con diferentes grados de éxito y fracaso; aprendiendo tremendamente en el camino. Creo que estos variados antecedentes le añaden fuerza a la experiencia que me ayudará en mi deber de servir a la comunidad en general. Para mayor información sobre mí y mis valores y plataforma visiten StopBeingShocked.com. ¡Gracias! 4193-EN-05276 LA 458-040 STATEMENT OF ZOE MUNTANER CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL SANTA MONICA CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Make Santa Monica safe again. As the founder of Compassionate Santa Monica I look forward a progressive city where residents feel safe to live their best lives. DECLARACIÓN DE ZOE MUNTANER CANDIDATA PARA MIEMBRO DEL CONCEJO MUNICIPAL ELECCIÓN MUNICIPAL GENERAL DE LA CIUDAD DE SANTA MONICA Hagamos que Santa Mónica vuelva a ser segura. Como fundadora de Compassionate Santa Monica espero tener una ciudad progresista donde los residentes se sientan seguros para vivir sus mejores vidas. 4193-EN-05277 LA 458-041 STATEMENT OF TERRY O'DAY CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL SANTA MONICA CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Age: 47 Occupation: Environmental Executive As your Mayor Pro Tem, I am humbled to work with our resilient and innovative community to confront the challenges of 2020, including COVID-19 and the fallout from May 31st. During this uncertain time, protecting health and safety has been paramount. My training in Public Policy and Business and experience founding successful companies and nonprofits has also positioned me to help rebuild our economy and connect residents to resources. I am doing what I have always done - put people first. During my term, I protected our partnership with Santa Monica schools - funding playgrounds and classrooms; protected senior housing programs and services; increased housing; converted Big Blue Bus to zero emission and zero carbon; increased resiliency of our water supply; and opened streets to pedestrians and bikes, including protected bike lanes on Broadway, safe routes to schools, and parking lane dining on Main Street. This work must continue. I will remain a strong voice for renters' rights, human scale neighborhoods, environmental sustainability, reimagining public safety and social and economic justice. My endorsements include: State Senator Ben Allen, Assemblymember Richard Bloom, and School Board Vice President Laurie Lieberman. As a parent, homeowner, and longtime resident, I would be honored to have your vote too. DECLARACIÓN DE TERRY O'DAY CANDIDATO PARA MIEMBRO DEL CONCEJO MUNICIPAL ELECCIÓN MUNICIPAL GENERAL DE LA CIUDAD DE SANTA MONICA Edad: 47 Ocupación: Ejecutivo Medioambiental Como su Alcalde Interino, me siento humilde de trabajar con nuestra comunidad resiliente e innovadora para enfrentar los desafíos de 2020, incluyendo el COVID-19 y las repercusiones desde el 31 de mayo. Durante este tiempo incierto, proteger la salud y la seguridad ha sido primordial. Mi formación en Política Pública y Negocios y mi experiencia fundando empresas exitosas y organizaciones sin fines de lucro también me ha posicionado para ayudar a reconstruir nuestra economía y conectar a los residentes con los recursos. Estoy haciendo lo que siempre he hecho - poner a las personas en primer lugar. Durante mi período de mandato, protegí nuestra asociación con las escuelas de Santa Monica - financiando parques infantiles y salones de clases; protegí los programas y servicios de vivienda para adultos mayores; aumenté las viviendas; convertí el Big Blue Bus a cero emisiones y cero carbono; aumenté la resiliencia de nuestro suministro de agua; y abrí las calles a peatones y bicicletas, incluyendo carriles protegidos para las bicicletas en Broadway, rutas seguras a las escuelas y las comidas en las zonas de estacionamiento en Main Street. Este trabajo debe continuar. Seguiré siendo una voz fuerte para los derechos de los inquilinos, los vecindarios a escala humana, la sotenibilidad medioambiental, la reinvención de la seguridad pública y la justicia social y económica. Me respaldan: El Senador Estatal Ben Allen, el Miembro de la Asamblea Richard Bloom y el Vicepresidente de la Junta Escolar Laurie Lieberman. Como padre, propietario de una casa y residente desde hace mucho tiempo, me sería un honor contar también con su voto. 4193-EN-05278 LA 458-042 STATEMENT OF MARCUS OWENS CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL SANTA MONICA CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION A Better Future Today! We need more love and less violence in the city we hold as progressive. As I walk down our streets on a daily basis, I see the number of unhoused families and individuals continue to grow, while our Law Enforcement is heavily overfunded. Public Safety is essential and there's no denying that. However, the salaries towards our Law Enforcement is quite staggering compared to those in our educational institutions. Under my stewardship, funds from taxpayer dollars will be redirected from the excessive and inflated Law Enforcement budget. These funds will go towards our unhoused neighbors, community outreach, drug rehabilitation, and mental health services. Help me to protect the integrity of our city and not allow our unhoused neighbors to go another night without a roof over their heads. I pledge to be your voice and better the quality of life for everyone that calls Santa Monica home by actively engaging, listening, and fighting for a safe and biased free community. I would be honored to have your support. DECLARACIÓN DE MARCUS OWENS CANDIDATO PARA MIEMBRO DEL CONCEJO MUNICIPAL ELECCIÓN MUNICIPAL GENERAL DE LA CIUDAD DE SANTA MONICA ¡Un Mejor Futuro Hoy! Necesitamos más amor y menos violencia en la ciudad que consideramos progresista. Al caminar por nuestras calles a diario, veo que la cantidad de familias y personas sin casa sigue creciendo, mientras que nuestra Aplicación de la Ley está muy sobrefinanciada. La Seguridad Pública es esencial y eso no se puede negar. Sin embargo, los salarios hacia nuestras fuerzas de la aplicación de la ley son bastante asombrosos en comparación con los salarios de quienes trabajan en nuestras instituciones educativas. Bajo mi gestión, los fondos de dólares de los contribuyentes serán redirigidos desde el presupuesto excesivo e inflado de la Aplicación de la Ley. Estos fondos se destinarán a nuestros vecinos sin hogar, a los programas de alcance comunitario, a la rehabilitación de drogas y a los servicios de salud mental. Ayúdenme a proteger la integridad de nuestra ciudad y no permitir que nuestros vecinos sin hogar pasen otra noche sin un techo sobre sus cabezas. Me comprometo a ser su voz y mejorar la calidad de vida de todos los que llaman hogar a Santa Monica, al participar activamente, escuchar y luchar por una comunidad segura y sin sesgos. Estaré honrado de contar con su apoyo. 4193-EN-05279 LA 458-043 STATEMENT OF CHRISTINE PARRA CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL SANTA MONICA CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Age: 48 Occupation: Emergency Management It's time for CHANGE in Santa Monica. Living in the Gandara Park neighborhood within the Pico District for the last 20 years, I've experienced firsthand the inequities that have fallen upon forgotten pockets of our city. We need fresh perspectives and effective solutions to current issues facing our Santa Monica family. I'm committed to building a safe and healthy community where all our residents will thrive. Through my education and as a career public servant working in fire safety and emergency preparedness, I am familiar with the complexities of city planning and know how to balance a budget. City development and revitalization are necessary but should never come at the expense of our tax- paying residents. As a mother of three and an engaged community member, I know what it takes to help create a livable city. As your representative, I come with an open heart and willingness to listen and learn, while recognizing my own biases. I am dedicated to protecting residents' quality of life and ensuring that decisions are equitable and fair for all. I vow, as your councilwoman, to uphold the highest standards of integrity, character and ethics. Let's all love Santa Monica again!! www.christineparra.com DECLARACIÓN DE CHRISTINE PARRA CANDIDATA PARA MIEMBRO DEL CONCEJO MUNICIPAL ELECCIÓN MUNICIPAL GENERAL DE LA CIUDAD DE SANTA MONICA Edad: 48 Ocupación: Gestión de Emergencias Ha llegado la hora del CAMBIO en Santa Monica. Viviendo en el vecindario de Gandara Park dentro del Distrito de Pico durante los últimos 20 años, he experimentado de primera mano las inequidades que han caído en los bolsillos olvidados de nuestra ciudad. Necesitamos nuevas perspectivas y soluciones efectivas para los problemas actuales que enfrenta nuestra familia de Santa Monica. Estoy comprometida con construir una comunidad segura y saludable donde todos nuestros residentes prosperen. A través de mi educación y como empleada pública de carrera que trabaja en la seguridad contra incendios y la preparación ante emergencias, estoy familiarizada con las complejidades de la planificación municipal y sé cómo equilibrar un presupuesto. El desarrollo de la ciudad y la revitalización son necesarios, pero nunca deben venir a expensas de nuestros residentes que contribuyen con sus impuestos. Como madre de tres hijos y miembro comprometido con la comunidad, sé lo que se necesita para ayudar a crear una ciudad habitable. Como su representante, vengo con el corazón abierto y con la disposición de escuchar y aprender, al mismo tiempo que reconozco mis propios sesgos. Me dedico a proteger la calidad de vida de los residentes y a garantizar que las decisiones sean equitativas y justas para todos. Juro, como su concejala, mantener los más altos estándares de integridad, carácter y ética. ¡¡Vamos a amar a Santa Monica de nuevo!! www.christineparra.com 4193-EN-05280 LA 458-044 STATEMENT OF ANNE-MARIE SLACK CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL SANTA MONICA CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Age: 44 Occupation: Executive Director of Nonprofit I am Anne-Marie Slack. I was born and raised in California and have lived in Santa Monica for the last seven years. I am currently the Executive Director for the Motion Picture Sound Editors (est. 1953), which is a nonprofit organization for sound editors in film, television, and gaming. I served on the Board of Directors for ten years and have been managing the organization for the last six years. I am also a part time shift supervisor for Starbucks in Santa Monica. From 2000-2010 I owned and operated a company called Widget Post-Production and grew it from 3 employees at our first location in Santa Monica to multiple locations in Los Angeles with over 125 employees and Independent Contractors. I have an extensive background in project and facility management, Event Planning, sales, bookkeeping, operations, and contract negotiations specific to real estate, construction, labor, LOI's, and RFP's. I have been a business consultant for many years and take pride in helping other businesses succeed. I have an associate degree from the Art Institute of Seattle and just recently completed my bachelor's degree from Arizona State University in Film Studies and Small Business Finance and Management. DECLARACIÓN DE ANNE-MARIE SLACK CANDIDATA PARA MIEMBRO DEL CONCEJO MUNICIPAL ELECCIÓN MUNICIPAL GENERAL DE LA CIUDAD DE SANTA MONICA Edad: 44 Ocupación: Directora Ejecutiva de Organización Sin Fines de Lucro Soy Anne-Marie Slack. Nací y crecí en California y he vivido en Santa Monica durante los últimos siete años. Actualmente soy Directora Ejecutiva de los Motion Picture Sound Editors (est. 1953), que es una organización sin fines de lucro para editores de sonido en cine, televisión y juegos. Me he desempeñado en la Junta de Directores durante diez años y he estado gestionando la organización durante los últimos seis años. También soy supervisora de turno a tiempo parcial para Starbucks en Santa Monica. De 2000 a 2010, era propietaria y adminitradora de una compañía llamada Widget Post-Production y la hice crecer de 3 empleados en nuestra primera ubicación en Santa Monica a múltiples locales en Los Angeles con más de 125 empleados y Contratistas Independientes. Tengo una amplia experiencia en gestión de proyectos e instalaciones, Planificación de Eventos, ventas, contabilidad, operaciones y negociaciones contractuales específicas para bienes raíces, construcción, mano de obra, LOI y RFP. He sido consultora de negocios durante muchos años y me enorgullezco de ayudar a otras empresas a alcanzar el éxito. Tengo un grado de asociada del Instituto de Arte de Seattle y recientemente completé mi título de bachillerato de la Universidad Estatal de Arizona en Estudios Cinematográficos y Finanzas y Administración de Pequeñas Empresas. 4193-EN-05281 LA 458-045 STATEMENT OF TED WINTERER CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL SANTA MONICA CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION 2020 has been the most challenging year in Santa Monica’s history. Our families have experienced unprecedented disruption in our daily lives - small comfort that we are not alone. However, I’m confident we will emerge from the pandemic, the ensuing fiscal crisis and recent civil unrest with a more resilient, equitable city in which all residents and businesses can thrive. If re-elected, my priorities will be: -Steer our city through a recovery from the economic and social impacts of COVID-19. -Continue our efforts to reduce homelessness, down 8% in 2019. -Build on last year ’s 16% decrease in crime while reforming our police department to find cost savings and to assure racial justice. -As City revenues recover, restore services such as libraries, after school and senior programs and recreational facilities. -Maintain our diversity, protect low-income tenants and seniors. -Support our commitment to sustainability, reduce our carbon footprint. To guide us to a better future I believe we need stable, experienced leadership. I listen thoughtfully and respond to residents’ emails and phone calls. I’m endorsed by Congressman Ted Lieu, State Senator Ben Allen and many more. Please visit www.tedforcouncil.com for more information. I’d be honored to have your vote. DECLARACIÓN DE TED WINTERER CANDIDATO PARA MIEMBRO DEL CONCEJO MUNICIPAL ELECCIÓN MUNICIPAL GENERAL DE LA CIUDAD DE SANTA MONICA 2020 ha sido el año más desafiante en la historia de Santa Monica. Nuestras familias han experimentado una interrupción sin precedentes en nuestra vida diaria, un pequeño consuelo de que no estamos solos. Sin embargo, estoy seguro de que saldremos de la pandemia, la crisis fiscal subsiguiente y los recientes disturbios civiles con una ciudad más resiliente y equitativa en la que todos los residentes y empresas podamos prosperar. Si salgo reelegido, mis prioridades serán: -Dirigir nuestra ciudad a través de la recuperación de los impactos económicos y sociales de COVID-19. -Continuar con nuestros esfuerzos para reducir la falta de vivienda, la cual bajó un 8% en 2019. -Desarrollar sobre la disminución del 16% del crimen del año pasado mientras reformamos nuestro departamento de policía para encontrar ahorros de costos y asegurar la justicia racial. -A medida que los ingresos de la Ciudad se recuperan, restauraré los servicios como bibliotecas, programas extracurriculares y programas para adultos mayores e instalaciones recreativas. -Mantener nuestra diversidad, proteger a los adultos mayores y a los inquilinos de bajos ingresos. -Apoyar nuestro compromiso con la sostenibilidad, reducir nuestra huella de carbono. Para guiarnos hacia un futuro mejor, considero que necesitamos un liderazgo estable y experimentado. Escucho cuidadosamente y respondo a los correos electrónicos y llamadas telefónicas de los residentes. Me respaldan el Congresista Ted Lieu, el Senador Estatal Ben Allen y muchos más. Por favor visiten www.tedforcouncil.com para mayor información. Sería un honor contar con su voto. 4193-EN-05282 LA 458-046 STATEMENT OF KRISTIN MCCOWAN CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL (Unexpired term ending November 8, 2022) SANTA MONICA CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION I’m a second-generation Santa Monican. My family’s been part of our City’s history since 1938. I’ve lived through less inclusive years and rejoiced as we became a progressive model for the nation. This past year has shaken our hope. It is clear we still have a lot of work to do. Now, as we ask ourselves tough questions, listen and learn, I’ll help guide our City to become more genuinely equitable, inclusive and forward-thinking. My professional experience and lived historical context give me the unique ability to achieve these goals. I worked for FEMA, the Obama Administration, and Mayor Garcetti. I served as a Pier Commissioner and volunteered in the St. Monica community. As a Black parent of young children, I know the challenges facing Santa Monica families. Critical days lie ahead as we fight COVID-19 and address the outcry for systemic change. My priorities on City Council are: economic recovery; rebuilding our exceptional city services; increasing access to affordable housing; reimagining public safety; and greater social/racial/economic justice. I’m endorsed by: Senator Ben Allen, Assemblymember Richard Bloom, Board of Equalization, Tony Vazquez, Los Angeles County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl, and a broad coalition of community leaders, renters, homeowners and working families. As you learn more about me, I hope to earn your support too. DECLARACIÓN DE KRISTIN MCCOWAN CANDIDATA PARA MIEMBRO DEL CONCEJO MUNICIPAL (Término vigente finalizando el 8 de noviembre de 2022) ELECCIÓN MUNICIPAL GENERAL DE LA CIUDAD DE SANTA MONICA Soy residente de Santa Monica de segunda generación. Mi familia ha sido parte de la historia de nuestra Ciudad desde 1938. He vivido años menos inclusivos y me regocijé cuando nos convertimos en un modelo progresista para la nación. Este año que ha pasado a sacudido nuestra esperanza. Queda claro que todavía tenemos mucho trabajo por hacer. Ahora, a medida que nos hacemos preguntas difíciles, escuchamos y aprendemos, ayudaré a guiar a nuestra Ciudad para ser más genuinamente equitativos, inclusivos y con visión de futuro. Mi experiencia profesional y mi contexto histórico vivido me dan la capacidad única para lograr estas metas. Trabajé para FEMA, la Administración Obama y el Alcalde Garcetti. Serví como Comisionado de Muelle y me ofrecí como voluntaria en la comunidad de Santa Monica. Como madre afroamericana de niños pequeños, conozco los desafíos a los que se enfrentan las familias de Santa Monica. Se avecinan días críticos mientras luchamos contra COVID- 19 y abordamos la indignación por el cambio sistémico. Mis prioridades en el Concejo Municipal son: la recuperación económica; la reconstrucción de nuestros excepcionales servicios municipales; el aumento del acceso a viviendas asequibles; la reimaginación de la seguridad pública y una mayor justicia social/racial/económica. Recibo el respaldo de: El Senador Ben Allen, el Miembro de la Asamblea Richard Bloom, la Junta Directiva Estatal de Impuestos Sobre Ventas, Tony Vázquez, la Supervisora del Condado de Los Angeles Sheila Kuehl y una amplia coalición de líderes comunitarios, inquilinos, propietarios de viviendas y familias trabajadoras. Mientras más me conozcas, espero ganarme también tu apoyo. 4193-EN-05283 LA 458-047 STATEMENT OF KEITH COLEMAN CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER, BOARD OF EDUCATION SANTA MONICA-MALIBU UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Appointment: Distinguished Visiting Scholar, mediaX at Stanford University- Graduate School of Education. SMMUSD is an education leader providing visual and performing arts, STEM and related enrichment programs. I'm seeking election to empower our kids. meet them where they are, inspiring them to let go, willingly learn and collaborate. Proven Leadership I've applied my experience as an education innovator, policy & angel investor adviser, and mental training coach to empower student access to higher education, STEM, humanities and entrepreneurial experiences. I've led efforts increasing student success, developing growth sector career training initiatives, ed tech platform investment, and driving education leaders' responsiveness to well-being needs of students and community. I'm running to democratize opportunity for all students and support progressive values of residents in the vital, diverse communities of SMMUSD. Let us embrace our robust characteristics and inherent value, inspiring hope for a better future. Education University of Pennsylvania, M.A. Applied Positive Psychology Stanford University, B.A. Economics Select Experience Co-Chair, SMMUSD, Intcrcultural Equity and Excellence Committee Co-Founder, Stanford Angels and Entrepreneurs of Southern Executive Council, Advanced Manufacturing Partnership of Southern California EVP Public Policy / Chief Strategy Officer Emeritus, Tesla Foundation Elect Keith Coleman on Tuesday, November 3, 2020 DECLARACIÓN DE KEITH COLEMAN CANDIDATO PARA MIEMBRO, JUNTA DE EDUCACIÓN DISTRITO ESCOLAR UNIFICADO DE SANTA MONICA-MALIBU Nombramiento: Distinguido Académico Visitante, mediaX en la Universidad de Stanford- Escuela de Posgrado en Educación. El SMMUSD es un líder en educación que proporciona artes visuales y escénicas, STEM y programas de enriquecimiento relacionados. Estoy buscando ser elegido para empoderar a nuestros hijos. Conocer donde están, inspirándolos a dejar ir, aprendiendo y colaborando voluntariamente. Liderazgo Comprobado He aplicado mi experiencia como innovador de la educación, asesor de políticas e inversor providencial, así como coach de capacitación mental para empoderar el acceso de los estudiantes a la educación superior, STEM, humanidades y experiencias empresariales. He liderado esfuerzos que aumentan el éxito estudiantil, desarrollando iniciativas de capacitación profesional en el sector de crecimiento, invirtiendo en plataformas de educación tecnológica e impulsando la capacidad de respuesta de los líderes educativos hacia las necesidades de bienestar de los estudiantes y la comunidad. Estoy postulando para democratizar las oportunidades para todos los estudiantes y apoyar los valores progresistas de los residentes en las comunidades vitales y diversas del SMMUSD. Adoptemos nuestras sólidas características y valor inherente, inspirando esperanza para un futuro mejor. Educación Universidad de Pennsylvania, Maestría en Psicología Positiva Aplicada Universidad de Stanford, Grado de Bachiller en Economía Experiencia Selecta Copresidente, SMMUSD, Comité de Equidad y Excelencia Intercultural Cofundador, Stanford Angels and Entrepreneurs of Southern Concejo Ejecutivo, Asociación de Fabricación Avanzada de Southern California Política Pública de EVP/Funcionario en Jefe Emérito de Estrategia, Tesla Foundation Elijan a Keith Coleman el Martes 3 de noviembre de 2020 4193-EN-05284 LA 458-048 STATEMENT OF JASON FELDMAN CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER, BOARD OF EDUCATION SANTA MONICA-MALIBU UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Occupation: Civil Rights Attorney Jason K. Feldman is a local civil rights attorney and parent of two elementary school daughters. Jason has made a career out of fighting for the underdog representing local artists, indigent criminal defendants, domestic violence victims, as well as women and minorities facing discrimination. As an extension of his lifelong community service including, volunteering for many years at the Venice Family Clinic, serving on the College Board of Trustees as the elected student representative for his law school, serving on the board of Planned Parenthood and membership in the John Muir and Franklin Elementary PTAs, Jason will fight for all students, parents and members of our community as a member of the SMMUSD School Board. Jason's pledge to voters: Transparency in all board actions; Improvement of the Curriculum concerning Race and Social Justice; attention to Special Education and reducing lawsuits; Stopping the practice of making Teachers the First Victims of Budget Cuts; and Closing the Achievement Gap by lifting all students. Jason K. Feldman wants to put All Families First. Learn more about the campaign at www.feldmanforschoolboard.com. DECLARACIÓN DE JASON FELDMAN CANDIDATO PARA MIEMBRO, JUNTA DE EDUCACIÓN DISTRITO ESCOLAR UNIFICADO DE SANTA MONICA-MALIBU Ocupación: Abogado de Derechos Civiles Jason K. Feldman es un abogado local de derechos civiles y padre de dos hijas que asisten a la escuela primaria. Jason ha hecho su carrera luchando por los desvalidos representando artistas locales, acusados criminales indigentes, víctimas de violencia doméstica, así como mujeres y minorías que se enfrentan a la discriminación. Como una extensión de su servicio comunitario de toda la vida, incluyendo haber sido voluntario durante muchos años en la Clínica Venice Family, sirviendo en la Junta de Síndicos del Colegio como representante estudiantil electo para su escuela de derecho, sirviendo en la junta de Planned Parenthood y con membresía en PTA (Asociación de Padres y Maestros) de las Escuelas Primarias de John Muir y Franklin, Jason luchará por todos los estudiantes, padres y miembros de nuestra comunidad como miembro de la Junta Escolar del SMMUSD. La promesa de Jason con los electores: Transparencia en todas las acciones de la junta; Mejora del Currículo en lo relacionado a la Raza y la Justicia Social; atención a la Educación Especial y reducción de las demandas judiciales; Fin de la práctica de hacer de los Maestros las Primeras Víctimas de los Recortes Presupuestarios; y Cierre de la Brecha de Logros elevando el nivel académico de todos los estudiantes. Jason K. Feldman quiere poner a Todas las Familias en Primer Lugar. Obtengan más información sobre la campaña en www.feldmanforschoolboard.com. 4193-EN-05285 LA 458-049 STATEMENT OF ESTHER HICKMAN CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER, BOARD OF EDUCATION SANTA MONICA-MALIBU UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT I'm a full time working parent and a product of the SMMUSD. I attended Juan Cabrillo, Malibu Park, Santa Monica High School (91') and graduated from UCLA. I value inclusion, resourcefulness, and common sense. I ask for your vote so that I can help every child within our district attain a world class public school education. Covid-19 Has Turned the World Upside-Down: Time for Clarity Nothing is more important than the physical, emotional and mental safety of our community. Through my leadership we would act efficiently to re-imagine budgets, fortify online education, and invest in long term useful technology without ignoring the socio-emotional effects of these unprecedented times on our students and teachers. Stop reinventing the wheel: Invest in systems that work. Eventually students and teachers will return safely to the classroom. It's time to focus on the best educational outcomes and move beyond what isn't working in our district. Every student should have a place in our district. Our district should be a viable, competitive option to private schools. I believe that our schools must embody a wealth of opportunity for the marginalized, and thriving, without losing sight of the unique needs of every student in between. www.vote4esther.com DECLARACIÓN DE ESTHER HICKMAN CANDIDATA PARA MIEMBRO, JUNTA DE EDUCACIÓN DISTRITO ESCOLAR UNIFICADO DE SANTA MONICA-MALIBU Soy una madre trabajadora a tiempo completo y un producto del SMMUSD. Asistí a Juan Cabrillo, Malibu Park, la Escuela Secundaria de Santa Monica High School (91') y me gradué de la UCLA. Valoro la inclusión, el ingenio y el sentido común. Pido su voto para poder ayudar a todos los niños de nuestro distrito a obtener una educación escolar pública de clase mundial. Covid-19 ha volteado de cabeza al mundo: Tiempo de Claridad Nada es más importante que la seguridad física, emocional y mental de nuestra comunidad. A través de mi liderazgo actuaríamos eficientemente para reimaginar los presupuestos, fortalecer la educación en línea e invertir en tecnología útil de largo plazo sin ignorar los efectos socioemocionales de estos tiempos sin precedentes en nuestros estudiantes y maestros. Dejemos de reinventar la rueda: Invirtamos en sistemas que funcionen. Eventualmente, los estudiantes y los maestros regresarán sanos y salvos al salón de clases. Es hora de enfocarse en los mejores resultados educativos y alejarnos de todo aquello que no está funcionando en nuestro distrito. Cada estudiante debe tener un lugar en nuestro distrito. Nuestro distrito debe ser una opción viable, competitiva para las escuelas privadas. Creo que nuestras escuelas deben encarnar una gran cantidad de oportunidades para los marginados y prosperar, sin perder de vista las necesidades únicas de cada estudiante. www.vote4esther.com 4193-EN-05286 LA 458-050 STATEMENT OF STEVEN JOHNSON CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER, BOARD OF EDUCATION SANTA MONICA-MALIBU UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Age: 49 Occupation: Marketing Technology Consultant E-Mail Address: steven@votestevenjohnson.com Website: www.votestevenjohnson.com A proud SMMUSD parent K-12, and 25-year resident of Santa Monica, I am running to bring increased transparency and accountability to our District. We need change on the Board of Education, and the time is now. As your new Board member, I will... - prioritize equity and access for students - work relentlessly to reduce class sizes - protect families' digital privacy as more third-party online technology is integrated within the curriculum - defend our flagship Arts and Immersion programs - bring increased scrutiny and transparency to our budget processes - promote data driven decision-making with measurable outcomes - ensure full compliance with Brown Act open meeting laws - write no more "blank checks" and continue to demand detailed accountability for the taxes and bonds that Santa Monica and Malibu residents have generously supported - end multi-year deficit spending such that never again will SMMUSD teachers be first on the chopping block While the pandemic has been our greatest challenge, we must not forget the institutional crises that were in full flare before Coronavirus hit; issues that will still be with us when the pandemic recedes. Vote Steven Johnson, Board of Education DECLARACIÓN DE STEVEN JOHNSON CANDIDATO PARA MIEMBRO, JUNTA DE EDUCACIÓN DISTRITO ESCOLAR UNIFICADO DE SANTA MONICA-MALIBU Edad: 49 Ocupación: Consultor de Tecnología de Marketing Dirección de correo electrónico: steven@votestevenjohnson.com Dirección del sitio web: www.votestevenjohnson.com Padre orgulloso de un estudiante en una escuela K-12 del SMMUSD y residente desde hace 25 años de Santa Monica, estoy postulando para traer mayor transparencia y rendición de cuentas a nuestro Distrito. Necesitamos un cambio en la Junta de Educación, y el momento es ahora. Como su nuevo Miembro de la Junta, voy a... - priorizar la equidad y el acceso de los estudiantes - trabajar sin descanso para reducir el tamaño de las clases - proteger la privacidad digital de las familias a medida que se integra más tecnología en línea de terceros en el plan de estudios - defender nuestros programas emblemáticos de Artes e Inmersión - traer un mayor escrutinio y transparencia a nuestros procesos presupuestarios - promover la toma de decisiones impulsada por datos con resultados mensurables asegurar el pleno cumplimiento de las regulaciones con respecto a reuniones abiertas de la Ley Brown - no escribir más "cheques en blanco" y seguir exigiendo una responsabilidad detallada por los impuestos y bonos que los residentes de Santa Monica y Malibu han apoyado generosamente - poner fin al gasto con déficit de varios años de tal manera que nunca más sean los maestros del SMMUSD los primeros en ver sus salarios recortados Si bien la pandemia ha sido nuestro mayor desafío, no debemos olvidar las crisis institucionales que estaban en pleno ojo de la tormenta antes de que golpeara el coronavirus; problemas que seguirán estando con nosotros cuando la pandemia retroceda. Voten por Steven Johnson, Junta de Educación 4193-EN-05287 LA 458-051 STATEMENT OF JON KEAN CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER, BOARD OF EDUCATION SANTA MONICA-MALIBU UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Age: 53 Occupation: School Board President Four years ago, I ran for Board of Education with the promise of increasing student engagement, social justice, and fiscal responsibility. Today, as School Board President, I am proud to say that I have made good on those promises. The transition from parent leader in our schools to School Board President of our District has been challenging but successful. In my first term, I have worked closely with our Santa Monica and Malibu communities and succeeded to: Expand access to early education programs Approve a K-12 social justice framework Develop American Cultures/Ethnic Studies classes Pass Measure SMS to modernize our aging facilities Improve our credit rating and refinance older bonds to save taxpayers millions Reduce teacher cuts and preserve valuable school programs. In addition to helping our District navigate the COVID-19 pandemic and confront the racial injustice that impacts many of our students, I am running for a second term on the School Board to continue the other important work I have started. We can do better. We must do better. My endorsements for re-election include: US Representative Julia Brownley, State Senator Ben Allen, State Senator Henry Stern, Assembly Member Richard Bloom, Santa Monica Mayor Pro Tempore Terry O'Day, SMMUSD Board of Education Vice-President Laurie Lieberman, and SMC Board of Trustees Chair Nancy Greenstein. Jonkeanforschoolboard.com DECLARACIÓN DE JON KEAN CANDIDATO PARA MIEMBRO, JUNTA DE EDUCACIÓN DISTRITO ESCOLAR UNIFICADO DE SANTA MONICA-MALIBU Edad: 53 Ocupación: Presidente de la Junta Escolar Hace cuatro años, postulé para la Junta de Educación con la promesa de aumentar la participación estudiantil, la justicia social y la responsabilidad fiscal. Actualmente, como Presidente de la Junta Escolar, estoy orgulloso de decir que he hecho cumplir esas promesas. La transición de líder de los padres en nuestras escuelas a Presidente de la Junta Escolar de nuestro Distrito ha sido desafiante pero exitosa. En mi primer mandato, he trabajado estrechamente con nuestras comunidades de Santa Monica y Malibu y he tenido éxito en: Ampliar el acceso a los programas de educación temprana Aprobar un marco de justicia social para escuelasK-12 Desarrollar clases de Culturas Americanas/Estudios Étnicos Aprobar la Iniciativa de Ley SMS para modernizar nuestras instalaciones que ya están deteriorándose Mejorar nuestra calificación crediticia y refinanciar los bonos de mayor antigüedad para ahorrarles millones a los contribuyentes Reducir los recortes a los maestros y preservar los valiosos programas escolares. Además de ayudar a nuestro Distrito a navegar por la pandemia del COVID-19 y enfrentar la injusticia racial que afecta a muchos de nuestros estudiantes, estoy postulando para un segundo período de mandato en la Junta Escolar para continuar el otro trabajo importante que he comenzado. Podemos estar mejor. Debemos hacerlo mejor. Me respaldan para la reelección: La Representante de los EE. UU. Julia Brownley, el Senador Estatal Ben Allen, el Senador Estatal Henry Stern, el Miembro de la Asamblea Richard Bloom, el Alcalde Pro Tempore de Santa Mónica Terry O'Day, el Vicepresidente de la Junta de Educación del SMMUSD, Laurie Lieberman y el Presidente de la Junta de Síndicos de SMC, Nancy Greenstein. Jonkeanforschoolboard.com 4193-EN-05288 LA 458-052 STATEMENT OF MARIA LEON- VAZQUEZ CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER, BOARD OF EDUCATION SANTA MONICA-MALIBU UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Age: 64 Occupation: College Administrator Dear Santa Monica/Malibu Residents: SMMUSD is known for its excellent Academic, Arts, Music, and Athletic Programs that have given us recognition on a world, national and statewide level. In March, the world drastically changed! My Board leadership was vital as part of the SMMUSD Team that pivoted quickly to deliver education and supportive services to all in the safest manner. The SMMUSD Team is resilient and I am proud to share my SMC experience as the Team learns to pivot their crafts to a distant learning mode and maintain SMMUSD's distinction. I am committed to full transparency and accountability as SMMUSD continues to balance its budget, oversee its bond projects, and give SMMUSD families a voice. My leadership is the driver to continue SMMUSD's strategic shift to a 21 century education guaranteeing that all our graduates are college and career ready, culturally and socially conscious, multi-lingual communicators, global citizens, and life-long learners. I reside with my husband, Board of Equalization Member Tony Vazquez. My children are SMMUSD graduates and I have a grandson entering Kindergarten. I would be honored to have your vote beginning in October. RE-ELECT MARIA LEON-VAZQUEZ FOR SCHOOL BOARD October - November 3, 2020! DECLARACIÓN DE MARIA LEON- VAZQUEZ CANDIDATA PARA MIEMBRO, JUNTA DE EDUCACIÓN DISTRITO ESCOLAR UNIFICADO DE SANTA MONICA-MALIBU Edad: 64 Ocupación: Administradora de Colegio Estimados Residentes de Santa Monica/Malibu: El SMMUSD es conocido por sus excelentes Programas Académicos, Artísticos, Musicales y Deportivos que nos han dado reconocimiento a nivel mundial, nacional y estatal. ¡En marzo, el mundo cambió drásticamente! El liderazgo de mi Junta fue vital como parte del Equipo del SMMUSD que progresó con rapidez para ofrecer educación y servicios de apoyo para todos de la manera más segura. El Equipo del SMMUSD es resiliente y estoy orgullosa de compartir mi experiencia en el SMC mientras el Equipo aprende a afinar sus habilidades a un modo de aprendizaje a distancia y mantener la distinción del SMMUSD. Estoy comprometida con la plena transparencia y rendición de cuentas, a medida que el SMMUSD continúa equilibrando su presupuesto, supervisando sus proyectos de bonos y ofreciendo una voz a las familias del SMMUSD. Mi liderazgo es el impulsor para continuar el cambio estratégico del SMMUSD hacia una educación del siglo XXI garantizando que todos nuestros graduados estén listos para las carreras técnicas y profesionales, que sean social y culturalmente conscientes, comunicadores multilingües, ciudadanos globales y aprendices de toda la vida. Vivo con mi esposo, el Miembro de la Junta Directiva Estatal de Impuestos Sobre Ventas Tony Vazquez. Mis hijos son graduados del SMMUSD y tengo un nieto que está ingresando a Kindergarten. Estaré honrada de contar con su voto a partir de octubre. REELIJAN A MARIA LEON-VAZQUEZ PARA LA JUNTA ESCOLAR ¡Octubre - 3 de noviembre de 2020! st 4193-EN-05289 LA 458-053 STATEMENT OF DHUN MAY CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER, BOARD OF EDUCATION SANTA MONICA-MALIBU UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Occupation: Teacher I have taught for over 40 years and hold a Master's Degree in Mathematics. I am a longtime Santa Monica resident and a former Malibu resident seeking to promote mostly inexpensive practices which will help students be healthier and more successful. Examples of such practices include: --Reducing exposure from wireless devices to children's developing brains (as advised by some scientists) --Teaching children real facts about nutrition and applying those facts to the district's food services operation --disseminating information on how to strengthen one's immune system, promoting proper sanitation and improving ventilation --promoting real critical thinking and free speech-- even when it isn't "politically correct" --empowering parents in regard to the sex education curriculum & other curriculum --promoting correct English and noting logical errors in curriculum materials --allowing for a "moment of silence" in schools where it is desired (as has already been done in 19 states with very positive results) &-- promoting ways to facilitate a speedy return to safe in- person instruction. I hope to "give-back" by service to our school district and would be grateful for your vote. You can count on me for courage and common sense. God bless. DECLARACIÓN DE DHUN MAY CANDIDATA PARA MIEMBRO, JUNTA DE EDUCACIÓN DISTRITO ESCOLAR UNIFICADO DE SANTA MONICA-MALIBU Ocupación: Maestra He enseñado durante más de 40 años y tengo una Maestría en Matemáticas. Soy una residente de Santa Monica desde hace mucho tiempo y una ex residente de Malibu que busca promover principalmente prácticas económicas que ayudarán a los estudiantes a ser más saludables y más exitosos. Algunos ejemplos de dichas prácticas incluyen: --Reducir la exposición de los dispositivos inalámbricos a los cerebros en desarrollo de los niños (según lo aconsejado por algunos científicos) --Enseñar a los niños hechos reales sobre la nutrición y aplicar esos hechos en el funcionamiento de los servicios alimentarios del distrito --difundir información sobre cómo fortalecer el sistema inmunológico, promover cuidados de la salud adecuados y mejorar la ventilación --promover el pensamiento crítico real y la libertad de expresión-- incluso cuando no es "políticamente correcto" --empoderar a los padres en cuanto al currículo de educación sexual y otros planes de estudio --promover el Inglés correcto y notar errores lógicos en los materiales curriculares --permitir un "momento de silencio" en las escuelas cuando se desee (como ya se ha hecho en 19 estados con resultados muy positivos) y -- promover formas para facilitar un retorno rápido a la enseñanza presencial segura. Espero "devolver" con servicio a nuestro distrito escolar y estaría agradecida con su voto. Pueden contar conmigo para el coraje y el sentido común. Dios los bendiga. 4193-EN-05290 LA 458-054 STATEMENT OF JENNIFER SMITH CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER, BOARD OF EDUCATION SANTA MONICA-MALIBU UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Jen Smith's School Board Candidate Statement I have two children in our schools. For over 12 years I've worked on behalf of our District's families and children, helping to support the best educational experience possible. I've served in many roles including PTA President at two schools, Santa Monica-Malibu PTA Council President from 2016-2018, and co-chair for two campaigns to provide voter- supported, essential funding for education in SMMUSD. Currently, I serve on the Superintendent's Budget Advisory Committee, on the Facilities District Advisory Committee, on the Samohi PTSA Executive Board, and as co-chair of Samohi Grad Nite. In all these roles I work collaboratively with teachers, administrators, staff, parents, kids and community members to create better outcomes for all children. As an SMMUSD Board Member I will bring new perspectives, financial transparency and accountability. I will be an involved, accessible leader, committed to finding solutions. I will work tirelessly to propel progress in access and equity and create an engaging and effective educational environment. While we face entirely new challenges, we have strengths to move us forward in these changing times. With leadership, compassion and innovation, I will build on what we have so we can be stronger and more effective in serving our community. DECLARACIÓN DE JENNIFER SMITH CANDIDATA PARA MIEMBRO, JUNTA DE EDUCACIÓN DISTRITO ESCOLAR UNIFICADO DE SANTA MONICA-MALIBU Declaración de la Candidata para la Junta Escolar, Jen Smith Tengos dos hijos en nuestras escuelas. Durante más de 12 años he trabajado en nombre de las familias y los niños de nuestro Distrito, ayudando a apoyar la mejor experiencia educativa posible. He desempeñado muchas funciones, incluyendo Presidente de la PTA (Asociación de Padres y Maestros) en dos escuelas, Presidente del Concejo de la PTA de Santa Monica-Malibu de 2016-2018 y copresidente de dos campañas para proporcionar financiamiento esencial apoyados por los electores, para la educación en el SMMUSD. Actualmente, sirvo en el Comité Asesor sobre Presupuestación del Superintendente, en el Comité Asesor del Distrito de Instalaciones, en la Junta Ejecutiva de la PTSA de Samohi y como copresidente de la Noche de Graduación de Samohi. En todos estos roles trabajo en colaboración con maestros, administradores, personal, padres, niños y miembros de la comunidad para crear mejores resultados para todos los niños. Como Miembro de la Junta del SMMUSD traeré nuevas perspectivas, transparencia financiera y responsabilidad pública. Seré una líder involucrada, accesible y comprometida con la búsqueda de soluciones. Trabajaré incansablemente para impulsar el progreso en el acceso y la equidad para crear un entorno educativo atractivo y eficaz. Si bien nos enfrentamos a desafíos completamente nuevos, tenemos fortalezas para progresar en estos tiempos cambiantes. Con liderazgo, compasión e innovación, construiré sobre lo que tenemos para que podamos ser más fuertes y más eficaces en el servicio de nuestra comunidad. 4193-EN-05291 LA 458-055 STATEMENT OF ANDRA HOFFMAN CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER, BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Seat 1 LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Occupation: LA Community College Trustee/Professor/Director of Career Services “Professors at our community colleges reviewed the qualifications of the candidates and voted to support Andra Hoffman for re-election to the Board of Trustees. She is smart, honest, ethical. A tireless worker with integrity.” - Joanne Waddell, President, L.A. College Faculty Guild “Andra Hoffman is a highly-honored professor of American and California Government. She was head of the teacher training and Welfare to Work Programs.” - Brian Patrick Walsh, Professor, Pierce College - Ruby Christian-Brougham, Professor, Valley College “Andra Hoffman wrote the resolution to protect DACA Students. She led the successful drive for Dream Resource Centers.” - Dr. Alfred Herrera, Director, UCLA Center for Community College Partnership “Andra Hoffman supported additional resources for the district’s first African American Outreach Initiative.” - Dr. Thomas Dawkins, President, Black Faculty/Staff Assn. “Andra Hoffman delivers for students. We worked together closely to provide two years free community college so students can complete their education with no debt.” - Assemblymember Miguel Santiago, Assembly Committee on Higher Education “Andra Hoffman’s leadership increased opportunities for training nurses, firefighters, and early childhood educators.” - Jeff Freitas, President, California Federation of Teachers “Andra Hoffman’s common-sense plan allowed students to safely continue their education during the COVID19 pandemic.” - Kathy Vo, Professor of Nursing, Harbor College “Andra Hoffman’s leadership helped many students complete the education to become U.S. citizens. I’ve worked closely with her and trust her. - Professor Felipe E. Agredano, East Los Angeles College STATEMENT OF DAVID VELA CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER, BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Seat 3 LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Age: 45 Occupation: Trustee, Los Angeles Community College District "Voters, my name is David Vela and I am a Member of the Board of Trustees for the Los Angeles Community College District, Seat 3 and I respectfully ask for your vote. As a Trustee, I have championed key issues including: college promise, job training, increasing financial aid, student basic needs such as housing, jobs and access to food, implementing equity plans for diverse groups including African American and LGBTQ+ students. My vision is to provide students cutting edge curriculum for today's job market and help them obtain their educational goals quicker and with less debt. As a current Trustee, former community college instructor, County Supervisor's Deputy and School Board Member I have the experience to govern in times of crisis. As the recent pandemic plagued our district, I ensured that we converted to on-line courses to avoid the interruption of studies. There is a vast amount of work to be done and I would be honored to continue to serve you." -Trustee David Vela -About Trustee David Vela- Trustee David Vela is endorsed by the American Federation of Teachers and Building Trades. Trustee David Vela has led the charge so that the District meets its annual bond dollars expenditures resulting in state-of-the-art facilities for students and increasing the participation of minority, woman and LGBTQ+ certified businesses. As Chair of the Public Affairs and Legislative Committee, Mr. Vela advocated in Sacramento and D.C. to keep the District's funding intact and prevent lay-offs. Trustee David Vela was raised by his single mother and is a proud native of Los Angeles. Vela received his Bachelors of Science Degree from the University of California, Los Angeles, and holds a Master's Degree in Public Policy with concentrations in Economics and International Relations from Pepperdine's School of Public Policy. David Vela lives in Montebello, CA. 4193-EN-05292 LA 458-056 STATEMENT OF NICHELLE M. HENDERSON CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER, BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Seat 5 LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Age: 51 Occupation: Education/College Teacher I grew up in LA during a time of deep racial strife. Most young people of color didn't dare to dream of a college education. Regrettably, change has come slowly. Our community colleges need a fighter. I am a lecture and academic faculty advisor at Cal State University, LA, a LA County Commissioner, and 30-year grassroots community activist who will work to make higher education a reality for all. The nine campuses of the LA Community College District enroll over 230,000 students. Over 80% are students of color. More than half live in poverty. 20% have experienced homelessness. But 70% will fail to earn a two-year degree or transfer to a 4-year college. We must do better. I will enact bold policies to strengthen our community college system for those who need it most: - Increase outreach in underserved communities and promote greater diversity in hiring - Enhance financial resources and services for students so they can focus on learning. - Promote greater spending accountability and increase funding in the classroom. - Work with high schools to better prepare students. - Expand workforce training programs. - Narrow the student performance gap and foster higher retention, transfer and graduation rates. In addition to my work as a college educator and I hold leadership positions in the California Faculty Association. I am honored by the endorsement of the Los Angeles College Faculty Guild, representing our teachers and professors. Other endorsements include: State Sen. Holly J. Mitchell, Asm. members Sydney Kamlager-Dove and Al Muratsuchi, and five members of the LACCD Board. It is time for a change that will truly put our students first. Vote Nichelle Henderson on November 3! STATEMENT OF MIKE FONG CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER, BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Seat 7 LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Occupation: Member of the Board of Trustees, Los Angeles Community College District, Seat 7 During his time on our Community College Board, Mike Fong has created job-training programs and collaborated with Mayor Eric Garcetti on the Los Angeles College Promise program making two years of community college tuition-free expanding college access and opportunity for thousands of local students. As Trustee, Mike led efforts to increase student success, expand dual enrollment programs, create high growth sector job training programs, and make the Colleges and District more responsive to the needs of students and the local community. Now, Mike is running for re-election to serve as your Member of the Board of Trustees for the Los Angeles Community College District, Seat 7 to serve as the effective and progressive advocate that we need embracing the hopes and aspirations of our students. As our Trustee, Mike Fong will work to: -Improve workforce education and job training programs. -Increase student success & dual enrollment programs. -Expand diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. -Ensure every student has access to a quality education. Mike Fong is endorsed by Congressman Ted Lieu, Senator Maria Elena Durazo, Councilmember Curren Price, Mayor Lindsey Horvath, along with local community leaders because he has a proven record of getting things done for students. “I am running for re-election to the Los Angeles Community College District Board of Trustees Seat 7 to continue finding commonsense solutions to the problems we face embracing the hopes and aspirations of our students, families, and community. I would be honored to earn your vote.” -Mike Fong Questions? Call Mike at (818) 860-2496 or visit www.MikeFong.org 4193-EN-05293 LA 458-057 STATEMENT OF ANASTASIA FOSTER CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER OF THE RENT CONTROL BOARD SANTA MONICA CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Occupation: Senior Living Operator My time serving on the Rent Control Board and serving Meals on Wheels for over 9 years has shown me the challenges that face our most vulnerable friends and neighbors in every corner of this city. At the RCB I've helped create policies that cap tax passthroughs, mitigate construction issues experienced by tenants and stop the misuse of our housing stock. I'm a member of the SMRR Housing Committee and a regular panelist at "Housing California" in Sacramento, shaping ideas and policies that strive to keep people in their homes in the face of market pressures and Ellis evictions. I believe in correspondence with constituents and stakeholders, and I'm always willing to engage in civil discourse with both tenants, landlords and anyone who wishes to understand how rent control benefits the community as a whole. I believe in the letter of the law and always carefully consider each hearing or regulation on a case-by-case basis. Apartments are not just a stopover on the way to somewhere else. Apartments are our homes. Our citizens deserve to be treated with respect, and that's why I feel so strongly about serving another term on the Rent Control Board. Thanks for your support. DECLARACIÓN DE ANASTASIA FOSTER CANDIDATA PARA MIEMBRO DE LA JUNTA DE CONTROL DE ALQUILERES ELECCIÓN MUNICIPAL GENERAL DE LA CIUDAD DE SANTA MONICA Ocupación: Operadora de Hogar para Adultos Mayores Mi tiempo sirviendo en la Junta de Control de Alquileres y sirviendo en Meals on Wheels (Comidas sobre Ruedas) durante más de 9 años me ha mostrado los desafíos que enfrentan nuestros amigos y vecinos más vulnerables en cada rincón de esta ciudad. En el RCB he ayudado a crear políticas que limiten las garantías hipotecarias de impuestos, mitiguen los problemas de construcción experimentados por los inquilinos y detengan el mal uso de nuestras existencias de viviendas. Soy miembro del Comité de Vivienda de SMRR y panelista frecuente en "Housing California" en Sacramento, dando forma a ideas y políticas que se esfuercen por mantener a las personas en sus hogares frente a las presiones del mercado y los desalojos de Ellis. Creo en la correspondencia con los electores y las partes interesadas y siempre estoy dispuesta a participar en un discurso civil con los inquilinos, los propietarios y cualquier persona que desee entender cómo el control de alquileres beneficia a la comunidad en conjunto. Creo en la carta de derecho y siempre considero cuidadosamente cada audiencia o reglamento caso por caso. Los departamentos no son solo una escala de parada en el camino hacia otro lugar. Los departamentos son nuestros hogares. Nuestros ciudadanos merecen ser tratados con respeto y es por eso que me siento tan fuerte acerca de servir otro período de mandato en la Junta de Control de Alquileres. Gracias por su apoyo. 4193-EN-05294 LA 458-058 STATEMENT OF ROBERT KRONOVET CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER OF THE RENT CONTROL BOARD SANTA MONICA CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Age: 63 Occupation: Real Estate Broker/Property Manager IT'S TIME: BRING KRONOVET BACK TO SANTA MONICA RENT BOARD Dear Friends: I am running to represent YOU , because rent control affects EVERYONE in our city. I have been a Santa Monica homeowner for 30 years. Both homeowners and tenants should be represented on all elected bodies in Santa Monica since we all share goals for: solving the homeless crisis , insuring public safety, thoughtful growth, good schools, parking solutions and less traffic. We must move past our factional concerns and work together to support ALL Santa Monica residents equally and impartially. As former Chairman of the Pico Improvement Organization and Rent Control Commissioner I have been successful working with city, state& federal officials and local residents and merchants to achieve common goals. Please join me in our campaign to represent both homeowners and renters on the Santa Monica Rent Board. I will work to ensure that the Board will no longer recognize nor promote the unnatural conflict between supply and demand in our housing industry. The only "special interest" group I serve is the residents of Santa Monica. VOTE KRONOVET RobertKronovet@Gmail.com www.Kronovet.com DECLARACIÓN DE ROBERT KRONOVET CANDIDATO PARA MIEMBRO DE LA JUNTA DE CONTROL DE ALQUILERES ELECCIÓN MUNICIPAL GENERAL DE LA CIUDAD DE SANTA MONICA Edad: 63 Ocupación: Corredor de Bienes Raíces/Administrador de Propiedades HA LLEGADO EL MOMENTO DE: TRAER DE VUELTA A KRONOVET A LA JUNTA DE CONTROL DE ALQUILERES DE SANTA MONICA Queridos Amigos: Estoy postulando para representarlos a USTEDES, porque el control de alquileres afecta a TODOS en nuestra ciudad. He sido propietario de una casa de Santa Monica durante 30 años. Tanto los propietarios como los inquilinos deben estar representados en todos los organismos electos en Santa Monica, ya que todos compartimos las metas de: resolver la crisis de las personas sin hogar, garantizar la seguridad pública, un crecimiento reflexivo, buenas escuelas, soluciones de estacionamiento y menos tráfico. Debemos superar nuestras preocupaciones partidistas y trabajar juntos para apoyar a TODOS los residentes de Santa Monica de manera equitativa e imparcial. Como ex Presidente de la Organización de Mejoramiento de Pico y Comisionado de Control de Alquileres he tenido éxito trabajando con funcionarios municipales, estatales y federales, así como con residentes locales y comerciantes para lograr metas comunes. Por favor únanse a mí en nuestra campaña para representar tanto a los propietarios como a los inquilinos en la Junta de Alquileres de Santa Monica. Trabajaré para asegurar que la Junta ya no reconozca ni promueva el conflicto antinatural entre la oferta y la demanda en nuestra industria de viviendas. El único grupo de "interés especial" al que sirvo son los residentes de Santa Monica. VOTE KRONOVET RobertKronovet@Gmail.com www.Kronovet.com 4193-EN-05295 LA 458-059 STATEMENT OF AISHAH NEWSON CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER OF THE RENT CONTROL BOARD SANTA MONICA CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION I am running to be elected to the Rent Control Board because I am an advocate for renters' rights. I believe rent control is necessary to keep Santa Monica the wonderfully diverse and thriving city that it is. For 6 years now, I have been fortunate enough to live here. However, like many of you, if rent control, affordable housing options and tenant protections had not been in place, I would not have been able to live in Santa Monica fresh out of college even though I worked in the neighborhood. I am here to continue to advocate for us and other young people and families that would like to live here in the future. Outside of running for local office, I work as a data scientist and am a UC Berkeley graduate student in their online Data Science program. I look forward to the possibility of working with the community, protecting those of us that are renters and being a voice that represents the collective group to help Santa Monica continue to be a leader in advocating for these important issues. On November 3 , please elect Aishah Newson for Rent Control Board. DECLARACIÓN DE AISHAH NEWSON CANDIDATA PARA MIEMBRO DE LA JUNTA DE CONTROL DE ALQUILERES ELECCIÓN MUNICIPAL GENERAL DE LA CIUDAD DE SANTA MONICA Estoy postulando para ser elegida para la Junta de Control de Alquileres porque soy una defensora de los derechos de los inquilinos. Creo que el control de alquileres es necesario para mantener a Santa Monica como la maravillosamente diversa y próspera ciudad que es. Ya desde hace 6 años, he tenido la suerte de vivir aquí. Sin embargo, al igual que muchos de ustedes, si no se hubieran implementado el control de alquileres, las opciones de vivienda asequible y las protecciones para los inquilinos, no habría podido vivir en Santa Monica recién graduada del colegio, incluso aunque trabajaba en el vecindario. Estoy aquí para seguir abogando por nosotros y otros jóvenes y familias que quisieran vivir aquí en el futuro. Aparte de postular a la oficina local, trabajo como científica de datos y soy una estudiante graduada de UC Berkeley en su programa de Ciencias de Datos en línea. Espero con interés la posibilidad de trabajar con la comunidad, proteger a aquellos de nosotros que somos inquilinos y ser una voz que represente al grupo colectivo para ayudar a Santa Monica a seguir siendo líder en la defensa de estos temas importantes. El 3 de noviembre, elijan a Aishah Newson para la Junta de Control de Alquileres. rd 4193-EN-05296 LA 458-060 STATEMENT OF CAROLINE TOROSIS CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER OF THE RENT CONTROL BOARD SANTA MONICA CITY GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Age: 34 Occupation: Attorney/Santa Monica Rent Control Board Commissioner My name is Caroline Torosis, and I am running for re- election to the Rent Control Board because I believe that protecting renters' rights protects the integrity of our community. I have spent the past four years on the Board ensuring that tenants and landlords are entitled to fair and reasonable rent controls. We must ensure that those controls remain in place and that our laws are enforced. I am a workers' rights attorney and currently direct the County's economic recovery efforts. I develop policy to promote access to career pathways for local residents. I have worked to pass laws that protect workers and tenants and that preserve our rent-controlled housing. As a certified mediator, I resolved hundreds of unlawful detainer cases between tenants and landlords to avoid eviction. Since elected to the Board, I have: (1) Expanded relocation benefits for tenants in owner-occupied properties; (2) Ensured that units can only be rented to natural persons, rather than corporations; and (3) Worked to make amendments to the State's Ellis Act to protect tenants who have been evicted through no fault of their own. I would be honored to earn your vote for the Rent Control Board to continue this essential work. DECLARACIÓN DE CAROLINE TOROSIS CANDIDATA PARA MIEMBRO DE LA JUNTA DE CONTROL DE ALQUILERES ELECCIÓN MUNICIPAL GENERAL DE LA CIUDAD DE SANTA MONICA Edad: 34 Ocupación: Abogada/Comisionada de la Junta de Control de Alquileres de Santa Monica Mi nombre es Caroline Torosis, y estoy postulando para la re elección a la Junta de Control de Alquileres porque creo que al proteger los derechos de los inquilinos, también se protege la integridad de nuestra comunidad. He pasado los últimos cuatro años en la Junta asegurando que los inquilinos y los propietarios tengan derecho a controles de alquileres justos y razonables. Debemos asegurarnos de que esos controles permanezcan en vigor y que nuestras leyes se apliquen. Soy abogada de los derechos de los trabajadores y actualmente dirijo los esfuerzos de recuperación económica del Condado. Desarrollo políticas para promover el acceso a trayectorias profesionales para los residentes locales. He trabajado para aprobar leyes que protejan a los trabajadores y los inquilinos y que preserven nuestra viviendas controladas por alquileres. Como mediadora certificada, resolví cientos de casos ilegales de detención entre inquilinos y propietarios para evitar el desalojo. Desde que fui elegida para la Junta, he: (1) Ampliado los beneficios de reubicación para los inquilinos en propiedades ocupadas por el propietario; (2) Garantizado que los departamentos se alquilen solamente a personas naturales, en lugar de a empresas; y (3) Trabajado para hacer modificaciones a la Ley Ellis del Estado para proteger a los inquilinos que han sido desalojados sin tener culpa propia. Me haría el honor de ganar su voto para que la Junta de Control de Alquileres continúe con este trabajo esencial. 4193-EN-05297 LA 458-061 STATEMENT OF JAMES P. BRADLEY PARTY PREFERENCE: REPUBLICAN UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE, 33rd DISTRICT My name is James P. Bradley, I'm a 3rd generation veteran, I obtained my Masters in Finance, International Business and Policy and have over 30 years of senior executive management experience. I am standing for this office because I believe it is possible through action to change the world. I will author a bill to address homelessness for Federal funds to guarantee working families through a tiered approach: first, last and security deposits with no credit check to afford housing. Conventional public policy designed to increase the supply of low-cost, no-frills housing, will create the breathing room to focus on helping the hardest cases. I believe that by tackling student debt and enabling entrepreneurship by making the SBA into an incubator of great ideas for educated young people we can make the dreams of our young people our future a viable reality. I propose loan forgiveness for innovative new designs that will propel expanding industries and create the kind of jobs we all want. Rising wages and growing families are a baseline for any robust economy! I have no time for angry populism and even angrier identity politics which pit Americans against Americans by serving up grievances, hatreds, and non-negotiable demands that fail to address positive, redeemable and principled action. I know how to establish hard targets for action with a strategic road map based on sound economic principles and knowledge, not party polarization. This district can thrive with good governance and principled action. I, James Bradley, am that ACTION. CITY ATTORNEY'S IMPARTIAL ANALYSIS OF MEASURE SM The Santa Monica Municipal Code imposes a one-time tax on each transfer of real property in Santa Monica. Currently, the tax rate is $3.00 per $1,000 of consideration (generally the sale price) or property value transferred. This rate is the same regardless of the amount of the consideration. This measure would increase the tax rate to $6.00 per $1,000 for transfers involving consideration or property value transferred of $5 million or more. For transfers involving less than $5 million in consideration or property value transferred, the existing tax rate of $3.00 per $1,000 would remain unchanged. The City currently imposes the transfer tax on properties transferred to non-profit corporations and community land trusts that provide affordable housing. This measure would exempt certain affordable housing transfers from the proposed tax rate increase for transfers involving consideration or property value transferred of $5 million or more. Affordable housing transfers that qualify for this exemption would continue to be taxed at the existing tax rate of $3.00 per $1,000 of consideration or property value transferred. The measure defines the requirements for affordable housing transfers to qualify for this exemption. Currently, the County of Los Angeles administers the City’s existing flat tax rate of $3.00 per $1,000 of consideration or property value transferred. The measure authorizes the County to continue collecting the existing tax rate of $3.00 per $1,000 on all transfers. For transfers involving consideration of $5 million or greater, the measure authorizes the proposed tax of $6.00 per $1,000 to be collected in two equal parts: (1) a County collected portion of $3.00 per $1,000; and (2) a City collected portion of $3.00 per $1,000. For transfers involving consideration or property value transferred of $5 million or greater, the measure requires the recording party or agent to pay the City collected portion before recording a transfer at the County Recorder and requires escrow companies to ensure that the City collected portion is either paid before the recording of the transfer or set aside in escrow for payment to the City at the time of recording. The measure would allow the City Council or the Director of Finance to establish regulations to implement the tax. If the tax is not paid, the measure authorizes administrative penalties, interest, property liens, and direct assessments. 4193-EN-05298 LA 458-062 The measure establishes a reconsideration process for deficiencies and a public hearing procedure before a lien or direct assessment is imposed on the property. The measure authorizes the City Council to amend the Municipal Code sections relating to the tax as long as the amendment does not increase the authorized tax rate. The City would be permitted to use the tax revenue for any governmental purpose. The Santa Monica City Council placed this measure on the ballot. A “yes” vote supports the passage of the amendment to the Santa Monica Municipal Code; a “no” vote opposes passage of the amendment. A majority vote (i.e., more than 50% of the votes cast) is required to pass the measure. GEORGE S. CARDONA Interim City Attorney ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF MEASURE SM 2020 has been a challenging year, and your vote for Local Revenue Measure SM is part of the solution. Santa Monica has a legacy of coming together to solve our most challenging problems. We are rising to the unprecedented public health threat of COVID-19, the economic impacts it has created, and the overall stress that people are feeling. Our community is taking sensible public health measures, supporting our local small businesses, and protecting our most vulnerable neighbors. Measure SM is a vital part of rebuilding our community's strength, and it raises taxes only on corporations and those who sell properties worth $5 million or more. Renters, people living with homelessness, families struggling with uncertain employment, homebound senior citizens, and those struggling with mental health issues will all benefit from Measure SM. Vote YES on Local Revenue Measure SM to protect Santa Monica, especially public health and vital public services that so many people rely on: – Maintain clean beaches and parks – Protect 911 emergency response services – Fund economic recovery efforts, including helping businesses to re-open safely – Restore library programs – Continue programs and services proven to reduce homelessness – Support rental assistance programs for local seniors and others to keep them in their homes – Fund Meals on Wheels and the Westside Food Bank – Restore after-school programs and mental health services for Santa Monica youth Every penny raised by Measure SM will be spent here in Santa Monica and cannot be taken by the State of California or the County of Los Angeles. Measure SM will be applied only to real estate property sales of $5 million or more. Measure SM leverages Santa Monica's high property values to help protect public health and essential public services for all of us. We will get through this together. Please join us in voting YES on Measure SM for a strong Santa Monica. 4193-EN-05299 LA 458-063 KEVIN MCKEOWN Mayor, City of Santa Monica NATALYA ZERNITSKAYA President, League of Women Voters of Santa Monica SHARI DAVIS Chair, Community for Excellent Public Schools (CEPS) TIM VAN PELT Emergency Room Nurse, UCLA Santa Monica Hospital DENNIS ZANE Co-Founder & Co-Chair, Santa Monicans for Renters' Rights (SMRR) REBUTTAL TO ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF MEASURE SM VOTE NO If passed, all funds collected will go into the general fund and can be used for any purpose. Not one dollar will be specifically earmarked for the causes itemized by the pro group, which are designed to tug on your heartstrings. Instead, much of the new revenues will likely go to increased compensation of staff (some already overpaid), unnecessary consultants and large vendors. The majority of the money will not stay in or be spent in the City. Santa Monica Residents, even before the lootings, firing of rubber bullets, lobbing of tear gas and arrest of peaceful Black Lives Matters protesters on May 31, 2020, did you and do you now really believe those in favor of the measure about: 1. Any legacy of coming together to solve challenging problems? When was the last time you felt the Council collaborated on issues that concern you? How did they do on the scooters? On developing the Plaza space most residents don't want? On extravagant buildings? 2. Taking sensible public health measures? How? Having closed Palisades Park for a time? Addressing homelessness and food insecurity? People not wearing face coverings? Gatherings of more than 10 people? 3. What small businesses have you heard feel supported by the City? We haven't seen small business owners thanking the City, especially after the lootings. 4. Protecting the vulnerable? We should reject a measure providing for an irrational tax increase structure and perpetuating major loopholes, and thereby ignore the deceptive arguments by the proponents. MATT NECO Santa Monica Resident/Renter STANLEY H. EPSTEIN Attorney 4193-EN-05300 LA 458-064 ARGUMENT AGAINST MEASURE SM Vote NO. An incremental increased transfer tax is a good idea, but that's NOT what this proposal is. It is BADLY written by the current City Council, fails to close loopholes and may have created some. This should be a progressive tax. Instead it doubles the tax from the first dollar for any transfer valued at over $5million. Preferable would be keeping the tax as is on the first $5million and increasing it on amounts over $5million, perhaps by more than proposed. There is zero evidence there would be $3million more a year, or where amounts would be used. The affordable housing exception may have a loophole that gets challenged in expensive litigation because of poor drafting. City Council also failed to fix loopholes that would allow: the sale of stock in companies holding realty; subdividing property where parts sell for less than the whole; very long term ground or other leases such as the proposed Plaza deal; delaying collection indefinitely by triggering the payment of tax based on recording deeds; collecting tax on the greater of value or consideration. City Council wants to manipulate voters with biased wording like "to protect essential services including [list of services]." Demand straight-forward, fair, and unbiased measures without loopholes coming out of your City Council by voting NO. Next election let's have a better, well written and impartial transfer tax increase measure. MATT NECO Attorney & Mediator STANLEY H. EPSTEIN Attorney REBUTTAL TO ARGUMENT AGAINST MEASURE SM Raise your hand if you DO NOT own a $5 million property. Congratulations! You won't pay this tax. The opponents' argument is just plain wrong on the substance, and designed to confuse voters. Despite their series of straw-man arguments, even they agree an incremental increase in the transfer tax on luxury properties is a good idea, and give you reason to vote for Measure SM. Measure SM is straightforward. Our entire community will benefit from funds ensuring safe, clean parks and beaches, reduced homelessness, improved mental health services, libraries, youth programs, and other essential services. Measure SM is specifically limited to individual property sales of $5 million or more and would not impact any property sales under that amount. Measure SM protects seniors and renters by discouraging "quick flip" property speculation, often leading to evictions. Measure SM exempts affordable housing projects that Santa Monica sorely needs. Public school advocates support Measure SM because it benefits children, with safe places to play, after-school programs, and mental health services for youth. Locally owned small businesses are SUPPORTING Measure SM because it will help revitalize our local economy and ensure public health. Renters, senior citizens, and advocates for affordable housing, parks, beaches, and libraries support Measure SM. Now, when our community is working to support each other through crisis, it’s reasonable that real estate corporations – who’ve profited enormously from Santa Monica’s high quality of life – pay their fair share to keep our city strong. Vote Yes on SM. KEVIN MCKEOWN Mayor, City of Santa Monica NATALYA ZERNITSKAYA President, League of Women Voters of Santa Monica SHARI DAVIS Chair, Community for Excellent Public Schools (CEPS) 4193-EN-05301 LA 458-065 TIM VAN PELT ER Nurse, UCLA Santa Monica DENNIS ZANE Co-Founder and Co-Chair, Santa Monicans for Renters' Rights (SMRR) PROPOSED ORDINANCE OF MEASURE SM CITY COUNCIL PROPOSED MEASURE TO AMEND SANTA MONICA MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 6.96 AND SET THE REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER TAX RATE AT SIX DOLLARS PER THOUSAND DOLLARS OF CONSIDERATION OR PROPERTY VALUE TRANSFERRED FOR ALL SALES OR TRANSFERS OF FIVE MILLION DOLLARS OR GREATER WHEREAS, on November 28, 1967, the City Council of the City Of Santa Monica adopted Ordinance No. 761 (CCS), which established the Real Property Transfer Tax Ordinance of the City of Santa Monica (the "City Real Estate Transfer Tax"), and set a real estate transfer tax rate of $0.55 per $1,000 of consideration or property value transferred; and WHEREAS, on August 13, 1991, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 1596 (CCS), which, among other things, amended the City Real Estate Transfer Tax to establish a real estate transfer tax rate of $3.00 per $1,000 of consideration or property value transferred; and WHEREAS, many residents live in the City of Santa Monica because the City invests in community priorities, offering extensive services and programs that substantially enhance the quality of life of its residents; and WHEREAS, the ongoing COVID-19 global pandemic has devastated nearly all of the City's long-trusted revenue streams, including sales tax, transient occupancy tax, parking revenue, and business license revenue; and WHEREAS, the City Council has taken proactive steps to reduce expenses, save money, and maintain the level of services the community has come to expect; and WHEREAS, in response to a significant reduction in local revenues, the City Council has reduced service positions and deferred infrastructure maintenance; and WHEREAS, sustaining a lower level of services and deferring infrastructure maintenance until the local economy recovers will erode the progress that the City has made over time in meeting community needs; and WHEREAS, the City is working closely with small businesses, employers, and other stakeholders to implement an economic recovery plan, but it is expected that it will take time for national and local economies to recover; and 4193-EN-05302 LA 458-066 WHEREAS, a new, locally-controlled revenue source is needed to preserve Santa Monica's essential city services; and WHEREAS, increasing the City Real Estate Transfer Tax rate to $6.00 per $1,000 of consideration or property value transferred for properties that are sold or transferred with a valuation of $5,000,000.00 or higher would partially fill the revenue gap created by COVID-19 and help preserve Santa Monica's essential city services; and WHEREAS, the current City Real Estate Transfer Tax rate is set at only three dollars per thousand dollars of consideration or property value transferred for all sales and transfers of commercial and residential properties; and WHEREAS, the City Real Estate Transfer Tax rate is 33% lower than the real estate transfer tax rates in the nearby cities of Culver City and Los Angeles; and WHEREAS, an incremental increase on the one-time tax for each time a property with a valuation of $5,000,000.00 or higher is sold or otherwise transferred will only impact approximately 10% of the sales and transfers in the City; and WHEREAS, the proposed incremental increase would help provide new, ongoing revenue to help preserve key foundational services, including: keeping public spaces such as parks, beaches, and beach restrooms clean and safe; homelessness prevention planning and programs; tenant protection programs; afterschool and mental health support programs for youth; emergency response; library programs; economic recovery programs; infrastructure maintenance; and food programs for the hungry; and WHEREAS, under applicable law, the City Council of the City of Santa Monica must present any proposed increase to the City Real Estate Transfer Tax to the electorate of the City of Santa Monica for adoption by majority vote of the electorate. NOW, THEREFORE: SECTION 1. Chapter 6.96 of the Santa Monica Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 6.96.010 Title. This Chapter shall be known as the "Real Property Transfer Tax Ordinance of the City of Santa Monica." It is adopted pursuant to the authority contained in Part 6.7 (commencing with Section 11901) of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code of the State of California and other authority held as a charter city. 6.96.015 Definitions. For purposes of this Chapter, the following terms shall have the following meanings: (a) "Affordable Housing Transfer" shall mean a transfer of property to: (1) a nonprofit corporation; (2) a limited partnership or limited liability company in which a nonprofit corporation is the managing general partner or managing member; or (3) a community land trust (as defined by Revenue and Taxation Code Section 402.1) and operated in accordance with Revenue and Taxation Code Section 214.18, if the property is subject to a binding agreement or covenant recorded on the real property and enforceable by the City to provide all residential units on the property (other than units reserved for on-site property managers) at an affordable rent or affordable housing cost to lower income households as defined in California Health and Safety Code Section 50079.5; (b) "City" shall mean the City of Santa Monica; (c) "City Collected Portion" shall mean, with respect to any Second Tier Tax owed, one half of that Second Tier Tax; (d) "County" shall mean the County of Los Angeles; (e) "County Collected Portion" shall mean, with respect to any Second Tier Tax owed, one half of that Second Tier Tax; (f) "First Tier Tax" shall mean the City-imposed tax pursuant to this Chapter to be paid at the First Tier Tax Rate on any sale or transfer within the City; (g) "First Tier Tax Rate" shall mean the tax rate of three dollars for each one thousand dollars of consideration or property value, or fractional part thereof, which tax rate is equivalent to the tax rate that shall remain in effect prior to March 1, 2021; (h) "Second Tier Tax" shall mean the City-imposed tax pursuant to this Chapter to be paid at the Second Tier Tax Rate on any sale or transfer within the City; (i) "Second Tier Tax Agreement" shall mean a fully executed and binding agreement between City and County that requires the County to administer the entirety of the Second Tier Tax; (j) "Second Tier Tax Rate" shall mean the tax rate of six dollars for each one thousand dollars of consideration or property value, or fractional part thereof. 6.96.020 Transfers affected and amount of tax. Effective October 15, 1991 March 1, 2021, there is hereby imposed on each deed, instrument, or writing by which any lands, tenements, or other realty sold within the City of Santa Monica shall be granted, assigned, transferred or otherwise conveyed to, or vested in, the purchaser or purchasers, or any other person or persons, by his, her or their direction, when the consideration or value of the interest or property conveyed (exclusive of the value of any 4193-EN-05303 LA 458-067 lien or encumbrance remaining thereon at the time of sale) exceeds one hundred dollars, a tax at the rates set forth below: (a) for sales or transfers when the consideration or value of the interest or property conveyed is less than $5,000,000.00, the First Tier Tax Rate; and (b) for sales or transfers when the consideration or value of the interest or property conveyed is greater than or equal to $5,000,000.00, the Second Tier Tax Rate. Prior to October 15, 1991 March 1,2021, the tax at the rate of fifty-five cents three dollars for each one thousand dollars of consideration or property sale value, or fractional part thereof, shall remain in effect. 6.96.030 Taxpayer designated. Any tax imposed pursuant to Section 6.96.020 hereof shall be paid by: (1) any person who makes, signs or issues any document or instrument subject to the tax; or (2) any person for whose use or benefit any document or instrument subject to the tax the same is made, signed or issued; or (3) any combination thereof. The obligation to pay any tax imposed pursuant to Section 6.96.020 shall be a joint and several liability of the taxpayers identified in this section. 6.96.035 Payment of First Tier Tax to County, Payment of Second Tier Tax to County and City Any taxes due under this Chapter shall be paid prior to recording any deed, instrument, or writing subject to the tax. Payment shall be made as follows: (a) Any First Tier Tax owed shall be paid directly to the County on behalf of the City; (b) Unless the County enters into a Second Tier Tax Agreement, any Second Tier Tax owed shall be paid in two equal parts: i. The County Collected Portion (three dollars for each one thousand dollars of consideration or property value, or fractional part thereof) shall be paid to the County on behalf of the City; and ii. The City Collected Portion (three dollars for each one thousand dollars of consideration or property value, or fractional part thereof) shall be paid directly to City. 6.96.036 Payment of Entire Second Tier Tax to County Upon Execution of Binding Agreement - Notice. In the event that the City and County enter into a Second Tier Tax Agreement, the County is authorized to collect the entirety of the Second Tier Tax as if Section 6.96.035(b) did not exist. The City shall provide at least 90-days notice of the effective date of any Second Tier Tax Agreement on its website. 6.96.040 Debt-securing instrument exempted. Any tax imposed pursuant to this Chapter shall not apply to any instrument in writing given to secure a debt. 6.96.050 Certain governmental units exempted. The United States or any agency or instrumentality thereof, any state or territory, or political subdivision thereof, including any city, county, or the District of Columbia shall not be liable for any tax imposed pursuant to this Chapter with respect to any deed, instrument, or writing to which it is a party, but the tax may be collected by assessment from any other party liable therefor. 6.96.051 Partial exemption for certain affordable housing developments by non-profit corporations and community land trusts. For an Affordable Housing Transfer in which the consideration or value of the interest or property conveyed is greater than or equal to $5,000,000.00: (a) If prior to the time an obligation to collect the City Collected Portion of the Second Tier Tax arises under Section 6.96.095 of this Chapter, a taxpayer with respect to the transfer, as defined in Section 6.96.030 of this Chapter, obtains from the Director of Finance a certification that the transfer is an Affordable Housing Transfer, no taxpayer with respect to the Affordable Housing Transfer shall be required to pay the City Collected Portion of the Second Tier Tax on the Affordable Housing Transfer; (b) If the City Collected Portion of the Second Tier Tax is paid on an Affordable Housing Transfer, any taxpayer with respect to the transfer, as defined in Section 6.96.030 of this Chapter, may apply to the Director of Finance for a refund of that portion of the City Collected Portion of the Second Tier Tax paid by the taxpayer on the Affordable Housing Transfer; any such application for a refund must be submitted within 120-days of the transfer subject to the Second Tier Tax. 6.96.060 Plans of reorganization or adjustment. Any tax imposed pursuant to this Chapter shall not apply to the making, delivering, or filing of conveyances to make effective any plan of reorganization or adjustment: (a) Confirmed under the Federal Bankruptcy Act, as amended; (b) Approved in an equity receivership proceeding in a court involving a railroad corporation, as defined in subdivision (m) of Section 205 Section 101 of Title 11 of the United States Code, as amended; (c) Approved in an equity receivership proceeding in a court involving a corporation, as defined in subdivision (3) of Section 506 Section 101 of Title 11 of the United States Code, as amended, or 4193-EN-05304 LA 458-068 (d) Whereby a mere change in identity, form or place of organization is effected. Subsections (a) to (d), inclusive, of this Section shall only apply if the making, delivery or filing of instruments of transfer or conveyances occurs within five years from the date of such confirmation, approval or change. 6.96.070 Securities and Exchange Commission orders. Any tax imposed pursuant to this Chapter shall not apply to the making or delivery of conveyances to make effective any order of the Securities and Exchange Commission, as defined in subdivision (a) of Section 1083 of the Internal Revenue Code of 195486, but only if: (a) The order of the Securities and Exchange Commission in obedience to which such conveyance is made recites that such conveyance is necessary or appropriate to effectuate the provisions of Section 79k of Title 15 of the United States Code relating to the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935; (b) Such order specifies the property which is ordered to be conveyed; and (c) Such conveyance is made in obedience to such order. 6.96.080 Partnerships. (a) In the case of any realty held by a partnership, no levy shall be imposed pursuant to this Chapter by reason of any transfer of an interest in a partnership or otherwise, if: (1) Such partnership (of another partnership) is considered a continuing partnership within the meaning of Section 708 of the Internal Revenue Code of 195486; and (2) Such continuing partnership continues to hold the realty concerned. (b) If there is a termination of any partnership within the meaning of Section 708 of the Internal Revenue Code of 195486, for purposes of this Chapter, such partnership shall be treated as having executed an instrument whereby there was conveyed, for fair market value (exclusive of the value of any lien or encumbrance remaining thereon), all realty held by such partnership at the time of such termination. (c) Not more than one tax shall be imposed pursuant to this Chapter by reason of a termination described in subsection (b), and any transfer pursuant thereto, with respect to the realty held by such partnership at the time of such termination. 6.96.090 Administration by County Recorder as to First Tier Tax and County Collected Portion of Second Tier Tax Absent Second Tier Tax Agreement. The County Recorder shall administer this Chapter in conformity with the provisions of Part 6.7 of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code and the provisions of any County ordinance adopted pursuant thereto. The City Manager of the City of Santa Monica is authorized to negotiate and enter into a contract with the County of Los Angeles or one of its officials for the administration of this Chapter and payment to the County for its costs of administration. Until the effective date of a Second Tier Tax Agreement, the County shall administer and collect: (1) the entirety of any First Tier Tax; and (2) the County Collected Portion of any Second Tier Tax. Following the effective date of a Second Tier Tax Agreement, the County will collect: (1) the entirety of any First Tier Tax; and (2) the entirety of any Second Tier Tax as provided in the Second Tier Tax Agreement. The City Manager is authorized to negotiate, modify, and enter into a contract with the County or one of its officials for the administration of this Chapter and payment to the County for its costs of administration. 6.96.095 Administration of City Collected Portion of Second Tier Tax by recording party or agent. Unless a Second Tier Tax Agreement has been executed and the City has provided at least 90-days notice on its website of the effective date of said agreement in accordance with Section 6.96.036, the City Collected Portion of any Second Tier Tax shall be administered as follows: (a) Any entity (including any escrow company, title company, or taxpayer as defined in Section 6.96.030, or agent thereof) that records any deed or written instrument subject to the Second Tier Tax Rate set forth by Section 6.96.020(b) shall be responsible for ensuring that the City Collected Portion of the Second Tier Tax is collected and paid prior to said recording. (b) Escrow companies that are involved in a property sale or transfer to which the Second Tier Tax Rate applies shall ensure that either: (i) the City Collected Portion of the Second Tier Tax has been paid to the City prior to recording any deed or written instrument subject to the Second Tier Tax Rate; or (ii) funds sufficient to cover the City Collected Portion of the Second Tier Tax have been set aside to be distributed to City at the time of recording. (c) the Director of Finance is authorized to promulgate any rules or regulations reasonably necessary to administer the City Collected Portion of the Second Tier Tax, as well as necessary forms and receipts. Following the effective date of a Second Tier Tax Agreement, the obligations imposed by subsections (a) and (b) of this Section 6.96.095 will cease to exist. 4193-EN-05305 LA 458-069 6.96.100 Refunds. Claims for refund of taxes imposed pursuant to this Chapter shall be governed by the provisions of Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 5096), of Part 9 Division 1 of the Revenue and Taxation Code of the State of California. The Director of Finance may issue rules or regulations reasonably necessary to establish and administer a refund application process (including any necessary forms or declarations) to issue any refunds due pursuant to the partial exemptions in Section 6.96.051. 6.96.110 Authority of Finance Director. (a) The Director of Finance is hereby designated as the officer of the City responsible for maintaining relations with the County of Los Angeles for the purpose of administering the tax imposed under this Chapter and receiving and accounting for the funds collected thereunder. (b) If the County of Los Angeles or the entities identified in Section 6.96.095 does not collect or administer the tax due under this Chapter, or if any tax owed is otherwise unpaid, then the Director of Finance shall have the power and duty to enforce all of the provisions of this Chapter. The Director of Finance, designee, or any third-party agent authorized by the Director of Finance may collect any unpaid tax through any lawful means. (c) The Director of Finance is authorized to issue any rules and regulations reasonably necessary to implement and administer this Chapter. In such case, the City tax is due prior to any recordation with the County of Los Angeles of any written instrument subject to the tax and the Director of Finance may make an assessment for taxes not paid and make refunds. 6.96.120 Due dates, delinquencies, penalties, interest, and administrative charges. The tax imposed under this Chapter is due and payable at the time the deed, instrument, or writing effecting a transfer subject to the tax is delivered to the County Recorder. Any such tax is delinquent if unpaid at the time of recordation. In cases where a transfer is effected but not recorded with the County Recorder within ninety (90) days of acceptance, all statutes of limitation regarding liability for this tax will be tolled until the City has actual knowledge of the transfer or recording, at which time the tax, penalties, and interest on the unrecorded transfer will relate back to the actual transfer date of such unrecorded transfer. Any unpaid tax pursuant to this Chapter will be a joint and several liability of all taxpayers, as designated by Section 6.96.030 of this Chapter. If any tax is not paid prior to becoming delinquent, the Director of Finance may impose a delinquency penalty of up to ten percent of the amount of the tax due. To the extent permitted by law, the Director of Finance may establish rules and regulations that establish an applicable interest rate. The Director of Finance shall have the power to reduce or waive any penalty or interest applicable under this Chapter so long as such reduction or waiver is in writing and in compliance with any City-issued rules or regulations concerning this Chapter. Any request for reduction or waiver of any penalty or interest assessed pursuant to this Chapter shall be made in writing no later than thirty days following the assessment of such penalty or interest. 6.96.130 Declaration or additional records may be required. The tax imposed by this Chapter shall be paid to the City by the taxpayers referred to in Section 6.96.030. The Director of Finance shall have the authority as part of any rules and regulations promulgated by him or her as provided for herein to require that the payment shall be accompanied by a declaration of the amount of tax due signed by the person paying the tax or by his agent. The declaration shall include a statement of the value of the consideration on which the tax due was computed. The declaration also shall identify the property address and deed, instrument or writing effecting the transfer for which the tax is being paid. The Director of Finance, or designee, may require delivery of a copy of such deed, instrument or writing whenever reasonably necessary to adequately identify such writing or to administer the provisions of this Chapter. The Director of Finance, or designee, may rely on the declaration as to the amount of the tax due; provided, he or she has no reason to believe that the full amount of the tax due is not shown on the declaration. Whenever the Director of Finance, or designee, has reason to believe that the full amount of tax due is not shown on the declaration or has not been paid, he or she may, by notice served upon any person liable for the tax, require him or her to furnish a true copy of his or her records relevant to the value of the consideration or fair market value of the property transferred. Such notice may be served at any time within three years after recordation of the deed, instrument or writing which transfers such property. 6.96.140 Determination of deficiency. If on the basis of such information as the Director of Finance receives pursuant to the last paragraph of Section 6.96.130 and/or on the basis of such other relevant information that comes into his or her possession, he or she determines that 4193-EN-05306 LA 458-070 the amount of tax due as set forth in the declaration, or as paid, is insufficient, he or she may recompute the tax due on the basis of such information. If the declaration required by Section 6.96.130 is not submitted, the Director of Finance may make an estimate of the value of the consideration for the property conveyed and determine the amount of tax to be paid on the basis of any information in his or her possession or that may come into his or her possession. One or more deficiency determinations may be made of the amount due with respect to any transfer. 6.96.150 Notice of determination. The Director of Finance, or designee, shall give written notice to a person liable for payment of the tax imposed under this Chapter of his or her determination made under Section 6.96.140. Such notice shall be given within three years after the recordation of the deed, instrument or writing effecting the transfer on which the tax deficiency determination was made. 6.96.160 Manner of giving notice. Any notice required under this Chapter may be served personally or by mail; if by mail, service shall be made by depositing the notice in the United States mail, in a sealed envelope with postage paid, addressed to the person on whom it is to be served at his or her address as it appears in the records of City or as ascertained by the Director of Finance, or designee. The service is complete at the time of the deposit of the notice in the United States mail, without extension of time for any reason. 6.96.170 Petition for redetermination. Any person against whom a determination is made under this Chapter or any person directly interested may petition the Director of Finance for a redetermination within sixty (60) days after service upon the person of notice thereof. If a petition for redetermination is not filed in writing with the Director of Finance within the sixty (60) day period, the determination becomes final at the expiration of the period. 6.96.180 Consideration of petition for redetermination — Hearing. If a petition for redetermination is filed within the sixty (60) day period, the Director of Finance, or designee, shall reconsider the determination and, if the person has so requested in his petition, shall grant the person an oral hearing, and shall give him ten days' notice of the time and place of hearing. The Director of Finance may designate one or more deputies for the purpose of conducting hearings and may continue a hearing from time to time as may be necessary. 6.96.190 Determination of petition. The Director of Finance, or designee, may decrease or increase the amount of the determination before it becomes final, but the amount may be increased only if a claim for the increase is asserted by the Director of Finance, or designee, at or before the hearing. 6.96.200 Finality of determination. The order or decision of the Director of Finance, or designee, upon a petition for redetermination becomes final thirty (30) days after service of notice thereof upon the petitioner or at the time of hearing of redetermination. There is no appeal of the Director of Finance's (or designee’s) decision to the City Council; writs challenging the Director's decision conveyed by his/her deputies at an administrative hearing must be filed with the appropriate court within ninety (90) days of the final date of such redetermination. (California Code of Civil Procedure § 1094.6.) 6.96.210 Tax a debt. The amount of any tax, penalties, and interest imposed under the provisions of this Chapter shall be deemed a debt to the City. Any person owing money to the City under the provisions of this Chapter shall be liable to an action brought in the City’s name for the recovery of such amount. 6.96.220 Tax a lien. The amount of tax, penalties and interest imposed under the provisions of this Chapter is assessed against the property upon the transfer of which the tax is imposed, and if not paid when due, such tax shall constitute an assessment against such property and shall be a lien on the property for the amount thereof, which lien shall continue until the amount thereof including all penalties and interest are paid, or until it is discharged of record. Any person owing money to the City under the provisions of this Chapter shall be liable to an action brought in the name of the City for the recovery of such amount. 6.96.230 Notice of hearing on lien. The Director of Finance shall file with the City Manager a written notice of those persons on whom the City will file liens. Upon the receipt of such notice the City Manager shall present same to the City Council, and the City Council shall forthwith, by resolution, fix a time and place for a public hearing to confirm such liens. The Director of Finance shall cause a copy of such resolution and notice to be served upon the transferor or transferee of property not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for such hearing. Such service shall be by mailing a copy of such resolution and notice to the transferor or 4193-EN-05307 LA 458-071 transferee of property at his or her last known address. Service shall be deemed complete at the time of deposit in the United States mail. 6.96.240 Collection of delinquent taxes by special tax roll assessment. With the confirmation of the lien by the City Council pursuant to the hearing set forth in Section 6.96.220, the delinquent tax charges contained therein which remain unpaid by the transferor or transferee shall constitute a special assessment against said property, and shall be collected at such time as is established by the County Auditor-Controller for inclusion in the next property tax assessment. The Director of Finance shall turn over to the County Auditor-Controller for inclusion in the next property tax assessment the total sum of unpaid delinquent charges consisting of the delinquent transfer taxes, penalties and interest at the rate of twelve (12) percent per annum from the date of recordation to the date of lien. Thereafter, said assessment may be collected at the same time and in the same manner as ordinary municipal taxes are collected, and shall be subject to the same penalties and the same procedure of sale as provided for delinquent, ordinary, municipal taxes. The assessment lien previously imposed upon the property are paramount to all other liens except for those of state, county, and municipal taxes with which it shall be upon parity. The lien shall continue until the assessment and all interest and charges due and payable thereon are paid. All taxes applicable to the levy, collection and enforcement of municipal taxes shall be applicable to said special assessments. 6.96.250 Administrative Penalties. Any person violating or failing to comply with any provision of this Chapter may be subject to any of the penalties set forth in Section 1.08.010 of the Santa Monica Municipal Code. Each such violation or failure shall constitute a separate offense. Neither the City’s pursuit of any such penalties nor the imposition of any such penalties shall excuse any person from the payment, collection or remittance of any tax provided for in this Chapter. 6.96.260 Authority of City Council to establish rules and amend Chapter The City Council is authorized to establish by resolution any rules that are necessary and desirable for implementation of this Chapter. The City Council is authorized to amend any aspect of this Chapter as long as the amendment does not result in an increase in the authorized tax rate. 6.96.270 Severability If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this Chapter or any part thereof is for any reason held to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Chapter or any part thereof. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed each section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, subdivisions, paragraphs, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared unconstitutional. SECTION 2. Any provision of the Santa Monica Municipal Code inconsistent with the provisions of this measure, to the extent of such inconsistencies and no further, is hereby repealed or modified to that extent necessary to effect the provisions of this measure. SECTION 3. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of this measure is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this measure. The City Council hereby declares that it would have placed this measure and the resulting Santa Monica Municipal Code amendment, and the voters declare that they would have adopted this measure and the resulting Santa Monica Municipal Code amendment, and each and every section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase not declared invalid or unconstitutional, without regard to whether any portion may be subsequently declared invalid or unconstitutional. 4193-EN-05308 LA 458-072 CITY ATTORNEY'S IMPARTIAL ANALYSIS OF MEASURE AB This measure would remove from the City Charter two provisions that establish rules for appointing candidates and promoting employees to open positions within the City's classified service. Article XI of the City Charter contains personnel rules. Charter Section 1107, titled "Performance Evaluations," currently requires, in the last paragraph, that promotions be made on the basis of ascertained merit, credit and seniority in service, and examination, and that vacancies be filled by promotion upon competitive examinations unless the appointing authority in particular instances believes it impractical or not in the best interest of the public service, and the reasons therefor are submitted to and approved by the Personnel Board. Charter Section 1108, titled "Appointments," currently implements the "Rule of Three," which requires that when there is an open position, the Personnel Director provides the appointing authority the names of the three highest candidates on the promotional eligible list or the names of the candidates in the top three bands on an open (non-promotional) eligible list for the position. Section 1108 also provides that, when no eligible lists are available, the Personnel Board may authorize the appointing authority to make temporary appointments for up to 180 days, to prevent the stoppage of public business and meet extraordinary conditions. This measure would amend Section 1107 by eliminating the last paragraph, and repeal Section 1108. The Santa Monica Municipal Code currently contains provisions that implement the above rules -- Municipal Code Section 2.04.240 requires that promotional lists based on examination be used as required by Charter Section 1107; Municipal Code Section 2.04.140 implements the Rule of Three set forth in Charter Section 1108; and Municipal Code Section 2.04.180 permits temporary appointments as set forth in Charter Section 1108. These Municipal Code provisions, however, may be amended or repealed by action of the City Council, unlike the existing Charter provisions, which may be amended or repealed only by submission of a measure for approval by the voters. The Santa Monica City Council placed this measure on the ballot. A "yes" vote supports the passage of the amendment to the Santa Monica City Charter; a "no" vote opposes passage of the amendment. A majority vote (i.e., more than 50% of the votes cast) is required to pass the measure. GEORGE S. CARDONA Interim City Attorney 4193-EN-05309 LA 458-073 ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF MEASURE AB Argument In Favor Our City Council continually strives to promote the values of equity, transparency, inclusiveness, and diversity. Measure AB will allow the City Council to modernize the City Charter rules for hiring and promoting City staff to further these values. Why vote YES? - It is time to modernize our rules for hiring and promoting City staff to align with current best practices! - It is time to remove barriers to employment that prevent qualified workers from upward mobility and growth! - It is time to revitalize our Charter to better serve the diverse needs of our community! Voting YES allows your City to reform and modernize its staff recruitment practices to further ensure that the City's personnel structure aligns with our values of equity, transparency, inclusiveness, and diversity, and is better reflective of the greater community. Voting YES on AB allows our City to develop staff recruitment practices that work not just for a few, but for ALL. Now is the time for ACTION! Vote YES! This measure is unanimously supported by all members of the City Council. Vote YES on Measure AB. SUE HIMMELRICH Santa Monica City Councilmember MICHAEL SOLOFF Co-Chair, Santa Monicans for Renters Rights JON KATZ President, Santa Monica Democratic Club ERIKA AKLUFI Chair, Santa Monica Police Officers Association TONY VAZQUEZ Chair, Board of Equalization, 3rd District REBUTTAL TO ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF MEASURE AB This Council brags vociferously and often about its talented top-tier staff. Now they claim they do not use best practices to hire them? Or that current standards do not produce the staff they brag about? Or that unspecified "barriers" have been sanctioned for the 40 years this group has controlled City Hall? Holy smokes! Where's the logic? Their argument highlights just how self-serving a scheme this is: 1. Eliminate the Charter hiring provisions, do not tell voters what the new system will be. 2. Give more power to the one-faction crony prone Council. 3. Trust them and their back room, closed-door decisions. Yikes! Is it not the case our City employees are already a diverse group? City Hall provides zero data or evidence that it is not so. That said, a larger qualified candidate pool is better for us all. The way to enlarge and diversify the pool of qualified candidates is to allow more of those candidates to advance. THE SIMPLE FIX IS TO AMEND THE CHARTER LANGUAGE to allow a larger pool. Cross-out the "3 candidate only" clause and insert a larger number. Period. End of story. Say NO to favors for friends of the politicians. Say NO to padded jobs for insiders. Vote NO on Measure AB. PETER TIGLER Former Member City of Santa Monica Charter Review Commission MICHAEL FERNANDEZ Santa Monica Resident MICHELLE DUNCAN Former City of Santa Monica Employee DON GRAY Former Chair, Pico Neighborhood Association CLARA BEN RAY Retired School Teacher 4193-EN-05310 LA 458-074 ARGUMENT AGAINST MEASURE AB Don’t Let Council Change the Rules to Brazenly Hire its Preferred City Employees This is a power grab to give high paying jobs to friends and political supporters. It does not deliver personnel diversity or equity based hiring. Do you really want to give the one-faction Santa Monica Council MORE power? The charter requires City positions be chosen from the 3 top scoring candidates on the Civil Service test. The Council now wants the sole power to fill staff positions. A simple solution is to amend the City Charter to read “top 10%” or even “top 20%”. This would increase diversity of candidates but also ensure a talented and qualified staff will be getting our generous salaries. It also leaves standards in the open and transparent. Do not let the Council fool you with clever wording. Say NO to favors for friends of the politicians. Say NO to padded jobs for insiders. Say NO to nepotism and cronyism. Vote NO. PETER TIGLER Former Member City of Santa Monica Charter Review Commission MICHAEL FERNANDEZ Santa Monica Resident MICHELLE DUNCAN Former City of Santa Monica Employee DON GRAY Former Chair, Pico Neighborhood Association CLARA BEN RAY Retired School Teacher 4193-EN-05311 LA 458-075 REBUTTAL TO ARGUMENT AGAINST MEASURE AB VOTE TO MODERNIZE OUR HIRING WITH MEASURE AB The Obama administration fixed this in 2010. The California legislature and governor fixed this in 2015. Now Santa Monica must fix this with Measure AB, which will remove the outdated, burdensome "Rule of 3" from our City Charter. Measure AB is just a first step in elevating Santa Monica's personnel practices to create a modern, streamlined government. Removing the "Rule of 3" from the Charter will open the pathway for our human resources department to propose for adoption by the City Council modernized personnel rules to seek more equity, more diversity, and more excellence throughout our employee ranks. Opponents falsely claim that Measure AB will allow the City Council to place its friends in City jobs. This preposterous statement disregards the restrictions in Section 610 of the Charter, which forbids the City Council from ordering or directing any hiring or dismissal of any City employee other than the City Manager, the City Attorney, and the City Clerk. Santa Monica needs Measure AB to move us forward in efforts to recruit and promote employees who will help us build a resilient, inclusive, and modern government for our future. SUE HIMMELRICH Santa Monica City Councilmember MICHAEL SOLOFF Co-Chair, Santa Monicans for Renters Rights JON KATZ Affirmative Action Committee Member, California Democratic Party ERIKA AKLUFI Chair, Santa Monica Police Officers Assoc. TONY VAZQUEZ Chairman, California Board of Equalization, District 3 PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT - MEASURE AB CITY COUNCIL PROPOSED MEASURE TO AMEND SECTION 1107 AND REPEAL SECTION 1108 OF ARTICLE XI OF THE CITY OF SANTA MONICA CHARTER WHEREAS, Article XI of the Charter of the City of Santa Monica (City Charter) currently contains the establishing and enabling provisions of the Civil Service, including in the last paragraph of section 1107 and in section 1108 the rules for appointing candidates to open positions and promoting employees in the Classified Service of the City; and WHEREAS, the elimination of these appointment and promotional rules from the City Charter will facilitate future equity-based amendments to the Manual of Civil Service Rules and Regulations set forth in Chapter 2.04 of the Santa Monica Municipal Code, with the goal of making the hiring and promotional processes more inclusive; and WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to place before the voters a measure that would amend section 1107 and repeal section 1108. NOW, THEREFORE, SECTION 1. Section 1107 of Article XI of the Charter of the City of Santa Monica is hereby amended to read as follows: 1107. Performance evaluations A system of compulsory, periodic, at least annually, efficiency ratings shall be established by the Personnel Director for all employees in the Classified Service, subject to the approval of the Personnel Board. Special rating forms shall be designed for such classification as require them in order that the quality of performance, by each person rated, of the required functions of the positions may be accurately reflected through their use. The City Manager or his or her designee shall be required to evaluate all departmental directors and subordinate officers. The departmental directors shall evaluate all officers and employees in their respective departments. Promotions shall be on the basis of ascertained merit, credit and seniority in service and examination. Vacancies shall be filled by promotion upon competitive examinations unless the appointing authority in particular instances believes it impractical or not in the best interest of the public service, and the reasons therefor are submitted to and approved by the Personnel Board. 4193-EN-05312 LA 458-076 SECTION 2. Section 1108 of Article XI of the Charter of the City of Santa Monica is hereby repealed as follows: 1108. Appointments. Upon the receipt of notice of a vacancy in the Classified Service, the Personnel Director shall certify to the appointing authority the names of the three highest candidates on the promotional eligible list or the names of the candidates in the top three bands on an open (none- promotional) eligible list for such position. If less than three names are on the promotional eligible list or if less than three bands are on an open (non-promotional) eligible list, the appointing authority may request the establishment of a new eligible list. No candidate may be certified more than three times for any one Classified position. When no eligible lists are available, the Personnel Board, under such rules and regulations as it shall prescribe, may authorize the appointing authority to make temporary appointments in the Classified Service which shall remain in force until regular appointments can be made, but in no case to exceed one hundred eighty (180) days in order to prevent the stoppage of public business and in order to meet extraordinary conditions. SECTION 3. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this measure is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or otherwise legally invalid by a decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity and force of the remaining portions of this measure. The City Council hereby declares that it would have placed this City Charter amendment before the voters, and the voters declare that they would have adopted this Charter Amendment and each portion thereof regardless of the fact that any portion may be subsequently declared invalid. STATEMENT OF GEORGE GASCÓN CANDIDATE FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY Endorsed By: The Los Angeles Democratic Party The Los Angeles Times The Los Angeles Daily News U.S. Senator Kamala Harris U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren The Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters Civil Rights and Black Lives Matter Leaders Los Angeles deserves a new District Attorney who will make our neighborhoods safer, hold police accountable to the communities they serve, and reform our justice system so it works for everyone. George Gascón has reduced violent crime in every leadership position he has held while pioneering reforms to reduce racial disparities and end mass incarceration. George Gascón’s family immigrated to Los Angeles and after serving in the Army he rose from an LAPD beat cop to Assistant Chief. Gavin Newsom appointed Gascón to serve as San Francisco Police Chief and District Attorney, where he reduced violent crime to historic lows, stood up for women, cracked down on sexual assault and fought to test every rape kit. George Gascón is a national leader in the fight for criminal justice reform. Gascón prosecuted over 30 cops for excessive force and misconduct, led investigations exposing racist police and created California’s first unit to independently investigate officer misconduct. GEORGE GASCÓN DOES NOT TAKE ANY MONEY FROM POLICE UNIONS and will hold bad cops accountable. He is accountable to you, not police unions. Together we can restore the promise of equal justice and ensure Los Angeles is a community we’re all proud of. www.GeorgeGascon.org 4193-EN-05313 LA 458-077 FULL TEXT OF BALLOT MEASURE J ORDINANCE NO. 2020-0040 An ordinance calling a special election to be held on November 3, 2020, throughout the County of Los Angeles for the purpose of voting upon an amendment to the Los Angeles County Charter and directing the consolidation of the election with the statewide general election to be held on the same day. The Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles ordains as follows: SECTION 1. Call of Election and Purpose. A special election is hereby called, proclaimed and ordered to be held on November 3, 2020, for the purpose of voting upon a proposed amendment to the Charter of the County of Los Angeles. SECTION 2. Resolution Establishing Form of Proposition. The exact form of the Proposition as it is to appear on the ballot and the complete text of the proposed amendment is as follows: PROPOSED COUNTY CHARTER AMENDMENT. COMMUNITY INVESTMENT AND ALTERNATIVES TO INCARCERATION MINIMUM COUNTY BUDGET ALLOCATION. Shall the measure, annually allocating in the County's budget no less than ten percent (10%) of the County's locally generated unrestricted revenues in the general fund to address the disproportionate impact of racial injustice through community investment and alternatives to incarceration and prohibiting using those funds for carceral systems and law enforcement agencies as detailed in the ordinance adopting the proposed charter amendment, be adopted? YES NO PROPOSITION J This Proposition shall become effective only if it is submitted to the voters at the election held on November 3, 2020 and is approved. The Charter amendment shall become operative on July 1, 2021. First: Section 11 of Article III of the Charter of the County of Los Angeles is amended to read: Section 11. It shall be the duty of the Board of Supervisors: (1) To appoint all County officers other than elective officers, and all officers, assistants, deputies, clerks, attaches [14] and employees whose appointment is not provided for by this Charter. [15] ... (8) To allocate, in compliance with all laws and regulations, the County's locally generated unrestricted revenues in the general fund as follows: A. Set aside a baseline minimum threshold of at least ten percent (10%) of the County's locally generated unrestricted revenues in the general fund (Net County Cost), as determined annually in the budget process or as otherwise set forth in the County Code or regulations, to be allocated on an annual basis, after input from, among others, the public and County departments at a public hearing, for the following primary purposes: i. Direct Community Investment. 1. Community-based youth development programs. 2. Job training and jobs to low-income residents focusing on jobs that support the implementation of the "Alternatives to Incarceration" workgroup recommendations as presented to the County Board of Supervisors on March 10, 2020, especially construction jobs for the expansion of affordable and supportive housing, restorative care villages, and a decentralized system of care. 3. Access to capital for small minority-owned businesses, with a focus on Black-owned businesses. 4. Rent assistance, housing vouchers and accompanying supportive services to those at-risk of losing their housing, or without stable housing. 5. Capital funding for transitional housing, affordable housing, supportive housing, and restorative care villages with priority for shovel-ready projects. ii. Alternatives to Incarceration. 1. Community-based restorative justice programs. 2. Pre-trial non-custody services and treatment. 3. Community-based health services, health promotion, counseling, wellness and prevention programs, and mental health and substance use disorder services. 4. Non-custodial diversion and reentry programs, including housing and services. 4193-EN-05314 LA 458-078 B. The set aside shall not be used for any carceral system or law enforcement agencies, including the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office, Los Angeles County Superior Courts, or Los Angeles County Probation Department, including any redistribution of funds through those entities. This restriction does not extend to State law requiring the County to fund court facilities and expenditures, including, but not limited to, the Trial Court Facilities Act of 2002 (2002 Senate Bill No. 1732) and Lockyer-Isenberg Trial Court Funding Act of 1997 (1997 Assembly Bill No. 233), other mandatory fines and fees, or any other County commitments to the extent required by law. C. The unrestricted revenues that are set aside shall phase in over a three-year period, beginning July 1, 2021, and incrementally grow to the full set-aside by June 30, 2024, pursuant to the procedures codified in the County Budget Act in the Government Code. D. The set aside cannot supplant monies otherwise allocated for the same categories listed in Subsection (8)(A), as defined and set forth in the County Code or regulations. E. The Board of Supervisors shall establish an inclusive and transparent process on the allocation of funds set aside by this Subsection (8). F. Notwithstanding this Subsection (8), the Board of Supervisors may, by a four-fifths vote, reduce the set-aside in the event of a fiscal emergency, as declared by the Board of Supervisors, that threatens the County's ability to fund mandated programs. Second: In the event that the amendment to the Charter of Los Angeles County contained in this Proposition is rendered inoperative because of the actions of any court, legislative or other body, or for any other reason, the provisions of the County Charter in effect on November 3, 2020, shall remain in full force and effect. Third: If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase, or word of this Proposition is for any reason held to be invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining sections, subsections, subdivisions, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases, or words of this amendment to Section 11 of Article III of the Charter. The voters of the County of Los Angeles declare that they would have independently adopted each section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase, or word of this Proposition irrespective of the fact that any one or more other sections, subsections, subdivisions, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, phrases, or words of this amendment to Section 11 of Article III is declared invalid or unenforceable. SECTION 3. Consolidation. The special election shall be consolidated with the statewide general election to be held on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. The Proposition shall be placed upon the same ballot as that provided for the general election. The precincts, polling places, or vote centers, and precinct board members shall be the same as provided for the statewide general election. SECTION 4. Proclamation. Pursuant to section 12001 of the Elections Code, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles hereby PROCLAIMS that a special countywide election shall be held on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, to vote upon the Charter Amendment described in Section 2 of this Ordinance. SECTION 5. Effective Date. Pursuant to Section 9141 of the Elections Code and Section 25123 of the Government Code, this Ordinance shall take effect upon the adoption thereof. SECTION 6. Authority. This Ordinance is adopted pursuant to sections 23720, 23730, and 23731 of the Government Code, and sections 9141,10402, 10403, and 12001 of the Elections Code. SECTION 7. Publication. This Ordinance shall be published once before the expiration of 15 days after its passage in a daily newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in the County of Los Angeles pursuant to Government Code section 25124. The Executive Officer-Clerk of the Board of Supervisors is ordered to file a copy of this Ordinance with the Registrar- Recorder at least 88 days prior to the day of the election. 4193-EN-05315 LA 458-079 IMPARTIAL ANALYSIS OF MEASURE J By Mary C. Wickham, County Counsel Measure J is a proposed charter amendment placed on the ballot by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors ("Board"). If approved by the voters, the measure would implement an ordinance amending Section 11 of Article III of the Charter of the County of Los Angeles ("County"). The measure would set aside at least ten percent (10%) of the County's locally generated unrestricted revenues in the general fund, as determined annually in the budget process or as set forth in the County's Code or regulations, to be annually allocated towards the following primary purposes: - Direct Community Investment, including: community- based youth development programs; job training and jobs to low-income residents; access to capital for small minority- owned businesses; rent assistance, housing vouchers and supportive services to those at-risk of losing their housing or without stable housing; capital funding for transitional housing, affordable housing, supportive housing and restorative care villages; and, - Alternatives to Incarceration, including: community-based restorative justice programs; pre-trial non-custody services and treatment; community-based health services, such as counseling, wellness and prevention programs, mental health and substance use disorder services; and non- custodial diversion and reentry programs. The set-aside revenues cannot replace monies otherwise allocated for the foregoing categories as set forth in the County's Code or regulations. The measure would prohibit the set-aside revenues from being used for any carceral system or law enforcement agencies, including the County's Sheriff's Department, District Attorney, Probation Department, or the Los Angeles County Superior Courts, and would prevent redistribution of funds through those entities. This prohibition would not extend to court facilities and expenditures required pursuant to State law, including the Trial Court Facilities Act of 2002, the Lockyer-Isenberg Trial Court Funding Act of 1997, other mandatory fines and fees, or any other County commitments required by law. The measure would enable set-aside revenues to phase in over a three-year period beginning on July 1, 2021, to the full set-aside amount by June 30, 2024. The measure requires the Board to establish an inclusive and transparent process for the allocation of the set-aside funds. While the measure, if approved by the voters, may be repealed only by a subsequent vote of the electorate on an amendment to the Los Angeles County Charter, the Board may, by a four-fifths vote, reduce the set-aside in the event of a declared fiscal emergency that threatens the County's ability to fund mandated programs. The measure requires a majority vote for passage. 4193-EN-05316 LA 458-080 ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF MEASURE J Vote YES on Measure J to address the disproportionate impact of racial injustice by prioritizing health, housing, youth development and jobs in low-income and underserved communities—with a particular focus on Black, Brown, and low-income communities. Vote YES on Measure J to make sure that a minimum of 10% of EXISTING local county revenue is guaranteed to be invested in community safety, housing stability, and care. Vote YES on Measure J because it is clear that now is the moment to re-imagine L.A. County and make sure our county government budget reflects our shared values and priorities. Vote YES on Measure J to: --Increase community based counseling and mental health services --Prioritize restorative justice programs --Expand job training and placement support --Create housing that is affordable to working people --Support small businesses -Scale up mentoring and youth development programs Vote YES to shift resources from the criminal justice system to programs proven to address the root causes of crime. Incarceration and punishment are ineffective at treating poverty, mental illness, and a lack of housing. Vote YES on Measure J because it is fiscally responsible and holds our elected leaders accountable. This is NOT a new tax--instead it will gradually and responsibly phase in the 10% budget set aside of existing local revenues over a four-year period. The funding set aside could be paused by the Board of Supervisors in a fiscal emergency. The measure promotes transparency by requiring an annual budgeting process that is flexible, but with a clear framework of eligible and non-eligible uses. In these unprecedented times, we need real, meaningful change. Vote YES on Measure J to prioritize health, housing, and economic investment in communities across L.A. County. ELISE BUIK President & CEO, United Way of Greater L.A. PATRISSE CULLORS Chair, Reform L.A. Jails HECTOR VILLAGRA Executive Director, ACLU of Southern California DAN LANGFORD Executive Secretary-Treasurer and CEO, SW Regional Council of Carpenters ISAAC BRYAN Director of Public Policy, UCLA Ralph J. Bunche Center for African American Studies 4193-EN-05317 LA 458-081 REBUTTAL TO ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF MEASURE J VOTE NO on MEASURE J – the $500,000,000.00 essential services cut. Measure J fails to solve racial injustice. — Measure J asks voters to "Re-imagine LA" where racial injustice will somehow be fixed by PERMANENTLY cutting nearly $500,000,000.00 from essential services provided by the county's emergency response workers, nurses, 911 operators, social workers, and more. — Measure J PERMANENTLY diverts nearly $500,000,000.00 to unspecified programs that sound politically appealing today, but cannot be effectively implemented by County Supervisors. Measure J hurts the people they say they're trying to help. — Many of the people and communities who need additional investments to succeed in today's difficult economy would lose nearly half a billion dollars in resources under Measure J. — Workers who provide essential county services more often come from and serve communities of color. Measure J PERMANENTLY shifts nearly $500,000,000.00 away from those essential services and jobs into growing the government bureaucracy. Measure J PERMANENTLY diverts nearly $500,000,000.00 into the hands of county politicians who keep failing us. — Voters gave County Supervisors millions of dollars to fix homelessness. The crisis has only gotten worse. — Voters entrusted County Supervisors to help us get through the COVID-19 health crisis. LA County has the most infections and deaths in California while more people face unemployment as businesses shutter. County Supervisors keep failing to solve the crises threatening our safety and well-being right now. Why would we PERMANENTLY give County Supervisors $500,000,000.00 to keep failing us on a whole new set of unspecified programs? VOTE NO on MEASURE J. More information at NoMeasureJ.com DON KNABE Los Angeles County Supervisor, Retired LAMBERT ADOUKI Long Beach Community Organizer DAVID SIFUENTES Retired Firefighter RICHARD CLOSE Sherman Oaks Homeowners Association President KATHLEEN CADY Children's Advocacy Center Co-Founder 4193-EN-05318 LA 458-082 ARGUMENT AGAINST MEASURE J Measure J has good intentions, but the consequences will be painful. Vote No on Measure J. No on Measure J – the county is struggling just to provide existing services - Measure J permanently diverts nearly $500,000,000.00 away from essential workers and critical public services county residents already rely on to a broad wish list of unspecified programs county government isn't equipped to manage. - The county is still struggling to help get us through the COVID-19 crisis and decrease homelessness. - Permanently diverting hundreds of millions of dollars from essential services into a whole new set of unspecified programs during a health and economic crisis will hurt the people it's designed to help. No on Measure J – puts the safety of our neighborhoods at risk - Measure J permanently takes $500,000,000.00 in funding away from where it is needed the most—emergency response workers, nurses, 911 operators, public safety officers, social workers, and other essential workers. No on Measure J – big political promises and no explanation of consequences - The Los Angeles Times called it a "bad idea" and a "poor substitute for careful study, deliberation, and decision making." - Measure J is cloaked in progressive words and big political promises, but no plan to implement and no specific fiscal accountability to make sure the money is spent effectively. - Four county politicians rushed Measure J to the ballot without assessing the consequences of how permanently diverting nearly half a billion dollars away from essential county services will harm our neighborhoods. We all want more people in Los Angeles to succeed, but all Measure J actually does is permanently divert nearly $500,000,000.00 away from essential county services into a whole new wish list of programs the county can't effectively manage. Vote No on Measure J. More information: ProtectEssentialWorkers.com KATHRYN BARGER Chair, Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors DAVID SIFUENTES Retired Firefighter LAMBERT ADOUKI Long Beach Community Organizer MARIA BOWSA Retired Registered Nurse 4193-EN-05319 LA 458-083 REBUTTAL TO ARGUMENT AGAINST MEASURE J Vote Yes on Measure J For far too long our underserved and marginalized communities across L.A. County have been left out and left behind, with fatal public health consequences. Measure J will change this. The lack of investment has driven higher levels of poverty and shorter life expectancy for Black, Brown and low- income people. The pandemic has made this inequity even more clear. While voting YES on Measure J is about creating a more just and equitable future that reflects our shared values, the opponents of Measure J prefer to use fear tactics to maintain the broken status quo. Over 100 organizations with a track record of fighting for justice, community investment, health and wellness say Yes on Measure J. National Union of Healthcare Workers, Black Lives Matter L.A., Community Coalition, Frontline Wellness Network, UNITE HERE! Local 11, and many more have all called for bold and permanent action to improve public safety and prioritize our communities. Measure J does exactly that. --YES on Measure J – Increases public safety by funding programs that proactively address and treat the root causes of crime. --YES on Measure J – Increases public safety by funding mental health treatment and counseling. --YES on Measure J – Ensures that at least 10% of EXISTING County funds are fairly dispersed through a transparent, inclusive process for impacted communities-- rather than being allocated through backroom deals to campaign contributors. Re-Imagine L.A. County, vote YES on Measure J. www.MeasureJforLA.com BELTRAN CHOW, LCSW Enriched Residential Services Program Coordinator DAHLIA FERLITO, MPH Health Educator LIZ SUTTON, LCSW Enriched Residential Services Program Manager ANDREA PASQUINI Registered Nurse 4193-EN-05320 LA 458-084 The page would have been blank due to printing layouts. The Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk has used this page to provide additional information. 1.Online at: LAVote.net 2.Post Offices 3.City Clerk Offices 4.Department of Motor Vehicles Offices 5.Libraries 6.Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk Please go to LAVote.net or call toll free 1-800-815-2666, option 2 to find your current registration status and how to obtain a voter registration card. Next Time You Move Update Your Voter Registration! FP-OPT4-ENG LA 458-085 The page would have been blank due to printing layouts. The Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk has used this page to provide additional information. Recorder/County Clerk Birth, Death & Marriage Records Fictitious Business Name Filings Real Estate Transactions Marriage Licenses and Ceremonies Notary Oaths Services For more information, visit LAVote.net, or call 1-800-201-8999 FP-OPT3-ENG LA 458-086 The page would have been blank due to printing layouts. The Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk has used this page to provide additional information. Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk has Chatbot Ron to assist you. •Check your information •Purchase vital records •Assistance with voter registration LAVote.net Hi, my name is Ron. How can I help you?For all LAVote.net inquires, use Chatbot Ron. Quick Links: •Register to Vote •Voter Registration Status •Vote by Mail Application •Vote by Mail Status •Vote by Mail Drop-Off Locations •Locate a Vote Center •View and Mark Your Interactive Sample Ballot •Election Results •Apply to be an Election Worker •Campaign Finance Information •Voting Solutions for All People (VSAP) Fast, Easy & Convenient! Online Services Follow us online LAVote.net @lacountyrrcc FP-OPT2-ENG LA 458-087 The page would have been blank due to printing layouts. The Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk has used this page to provide additional information. Election Information You may obtain information about specific election services by calling toll free and selecting the option number shown for the service requested. 1-800-815-2666 Option 1 Vote Center information Option 2 Voter registration Request a Sample Ballot Request a Vote by Mail ballot Option 3 Multilingual services Sample Ballot translations Option 4 Election Information Option 5 Voter fraud/report illegal activity Option 7 To become a Vote Center worker Campaign Financial Disclosure: (562) 462-2339 Campaign financial statement filing requirements for candidates, committees and office holders. TDD (Hearing Impaired): (562) 462-2259 FP-OPT1-ENG LA 458-088 Quick Check-in Code on the back cover! Safe In-person Voting Quick Tips to Speed Up Voting In-person voting will be available to anyone who prefers to vote at a Vote Center. All Vote Centers will follow public health and safety guidelines to ensure a safe voting environment. • Use the Interactive Sample Ballot. Easily access and fill out your Sample Ballot online with your phone or computer and take your Poll Pass (QR Code) with you to the Vote Center. Access your Interactive Sample Ballot at ISB.LAvote.net • Take the Quick Check-in Code on your Sample Ballot to any Vote Center. This allows the Election Workers to quickly find and print your official ballot. You can also access your Quick Check-in Code at LAVote.net Voting at a Vote Center Quick Check-in at a Vote Center Detach DetachNONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES REGISTRAR RECORDER COUNTY CLERK FULL LIST OF VOTE CENTERS AND VOTING RESOURCES ON LAVOTE.NET Vote Centers Near Your Residence Detach and take your Quick Check-In Code with you to any Vote Center in L.A. County. County of Los Angeles Registrar Recorder County Clerk P.O. Box 30450 Los Angeles, CA 90030-0450 VOTE CENTERS OPEN: October 30 - November 2: 10 AM - 7 PM Election Day, November 3: 7 AM - 8 PM458