SR-01-22-2013-13B - 407-000i3-=B January &, 2013 2) Council Meeting: January 8, 2013 Santa Monica, California CITY CLERK'S OFFICE — MEMORANDUM To: City Council From: Councilmembers Davis and Winterer Date: January 8, 2013 13 -D: Request of Councilmembers Davis and Winterer that staff draft for the next Council meeting both a regular ordinance and an emergency ordinance effective 1/8113 revising Section of the Municipal Code to eliminate administrative approvals of housing projects of 50 or fewer units providing 100% moderate income units and instead allow for administrative approval of projects of 50 or fewer units with a maximum of 75% of the units restricted to moderate income households and the remainder restricted to low income, very low income or extremely low income households. January $-, 2013 Z`Z)