sr-110855-5a;, .~~.. ~, 1l~ovea-:aber 4, 1955. ~~ The ldonorable Csty Counoilo 4y ~k + 9 Rarr1a11 M, Lorton, City Manager. '-~: ~ Proposed lulodifioatio;^a in naiunicipal Auditorium Plans anti Specifioations. At an informal _r~eetirig of tl:e City Counoil tivith tl:e architects or ®ctober 31; 1955, the architects sub;3~itted certain prapased cost reductions dated Cctoher 21, 1955, totaling X205, G~~ and additional proposed reductions in the general contraci in the amount of $5~a3, Oc~O by eliminating the lounge, kitchen building, affice 'wilding, lobby, exlsibit buildin and tiltinn floor. ahe City Council requested ilae City A~?anar~er and a~?~.:i=:istratsve sYatf to review these proposed coca and report t'r~eir {irdings ana recorrrnenciations to the City Council an November 8, 1955.. Attac`nedss a summary of proposed r:;odification in the lvsunicipal Audiiariu:~.-~ plans anci specifications asxd alternate proposals w'hir'r. constitute the recaz-nmenciation of this office and the adr;rinistrative sta{{. She summary also se?ovrs t e estimated funds required to complete tna project a.d when these additional fux?cs will be neededo It is our recor,mendation t..at t"r.e lounge, office 'building, lobby and tiltsng floor be included iri the base bid =shen readveriised, and that alternate bias be taken for the e~nibit building, kitchen, an~~ sto*:e az:d colored concrete inlaid. lab~~y flaor.'>'ere furt?ier recommend that certain items propo®e~i 3v tine architects on :`ctober cl, 19.ei5, to ~e elimi_ated'ne restared. Said iten3s are iternir,ed on 'he attac'•;ed summary and amount to :p8?5tao V Oz-z the sumrs~ary sheet yo» will note that ttse estimated funds required it excess of toe fond Issue at the time of awardizy;3 a nez:s contract a~;ount to ,~~1)8, 7h~, e~ciudi~rg any oonsideratian of tY~e three alternate bins. if all three alternate 'raids are to be added, an additional esti;r5ated amoux:t of X15`3, ~~J3 also must be appropriated at the time of awarding t'.ne contract. An additsanal ar^ount of .$103, OOiI rfl~as be provided in t%ie 195a-53 budget to provide sis~ itez~-s of furnis',~ings o` toe cor;;sletec buildings ax~ad for laridseapirg and sprinkler system. All of t?xe cost figures given in t°ne attar ed suanniar and in this memo are based upon estixxiates furnished bYr• the arei^.iiects, If it is the desire o£ the Csty Council to prooeecl with the construction of the auditorium as outliner's herein, the actio*.ss'neoessary are, {1) A motion to reje:.t all bids received on C~ctaber 11, 1955, fcr the Municipal Auditorium and the return of any praposal guarantees, (2) Autl2orization for tlae arc',sitects, at no additional cost to the City, to proceed to iisodify the plans anti specifioations to ccnforxn with tine attached summary of reaammended changes or suc$ departure #ro-m these ohanges as the City Council may desire, {3;4 What tine City Manager 'oe autliarized to re advertise for bids based. on the plans and specifications so ;,,odified. - --.~ RANDALL 2vio DpR'Z'£??`l, R~iDlIv1MK/mr Citr Manager. Attached: Sun;rnary. November 4, 195,; SiJNiNfARY OF PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS IN MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS .AND ALTERNATE PROPOSALS AND ESTIMATE OF ADDITIONAL FUNDS REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THE PROJECT. Amount of Low Bid (October 11, 1955) -------------------------- Proposed changes in plans and specifications - See Summary of proposed cost reductions by Barienbrock totaling $265,000. This summary was modified as follows: Item 15: Retain planter in lobby mezzanine, This adds $2000. Item 18: Front lobby doors to remain aluminum. This adds $1000. em Leave terrazzo floors in public toilets off of lounge -Ia~by. This adds. $1600. Item 35: Keep ceiling hung toilet partitions. This adds $1200, em 6: Retain asphalt the in Exhibit Building. This adds $8~fl: l~em 58: Retain delayed closing lavatory valves and wall-hung t- oi~ets. This adds $2150. Revised reductions in plans and specifications ($265,000 - $8750) -----------------------------------__ $256,250 Eliminate Exhibit Building --------------------------- 80,000 Eliminate kitnhen ------------------------------------- 72,000 Low Bid Less Above Deductions -___________-_____________ $3,217,000 ~ 408,250 $2,808:750: Items outside of contract for which funds will be required before or during construction period ending approximately September 1957: Architects' Fees ------__----_.__ _----_------__..------°--___- $175,000 Construction engineering and testing materials ---- -- 20,000 $ 195,000 Total estimated funds to be expended by September 1957 based upon the low bid leas above deductions ------------------------------- $3,003,750 .Funds available to meet this obligation (Bond Issue} ----------- 2,895,fl0O Estimated additional funds required at time of awarding con- tract not including Alternates A, B, ar C below ----------------- $ 108,750 Items far which funds will be required during the fiscal year 157--58: Stage rigging and draperies ----------------------- $ 45,000 '' Food serving equipment --------------------------- 6,000 i~fovable and fixed seats -- ----- ------------------ 70,000 Pro,~ectors --------------------------------------- 5,000 Furniture and draperies - ------------------------- 20,000 Lockers -------------_--------.___----- -----_-_.__ 2,000 Landscaping and sprinklers _______________________ 15,000 $ Estimated additional funds required for alternate bids: Alternate A - Exhibit Building ------------------ $ 80,000 Alternate B - Kitchen Building ------------------- 72,000 Alternate C - Stone and Colored Concrete inlaid Lobby Floor -------------------- -._ 6;000 COTE: All estimates used above were furnished by the Architects. 163,000 $ 158,000.: u1~IZ~ Al;'~a'Y'Gl~l>i~1f ~'lt^„TA:~7GT141G 195 - 'S~ L.ovr cid ~a~e caner act, ^cto~er 11, 195 $3„ 21Z, GGG, Gi) L:ess: l~evisec~ recuctios~a in Glans al }~, 75>. Gt; Lotiv ~i~f lea, recucticns ',p?,„il~,~'Sv,GG Arcriteet~' fees pair X125, 5~~:, GQ Architects' lees estiaa~aierl'o~r ,ure ;~u, X56 11, ~;GG. C0 ~in~isseerin~ a~2d tes#in~ materials ests,:nate~ b;~ ,isne 3C?, 'S6 ~+lzscellaneous ar,+l esor~ ex^ense r unas availa'ole froi-n sale of 'ponds l~tG, r2~P ~JJ ~, GGOo s~G ~~, 7~`t, "77~. GG ry7. ~~JG_ {,U a'lmoun2 to 3e provided from r:urzent '~url~et ,~~, ~2F 5~:1, %~w' zf Alternates A„ .}3 ~~ C ar3arrlecl, adci 15r~, =J54. OG i Al?~1'l"TJIVAia ~~U~~~'.^51~s~:2 `'~1''~i.C~ ~ ~ ~. rY ij s urnishin~s, et aY 1~3, i33v, `v'G Bals.nce of Aa°or,ite; ts~ ees 35, C}OC), tF?.; Balance a£ ;v'n~ineerin~s an;l tes}i7;; 1J„ t700,. G1 21~. `~ ~~?. ~~G ~i178 ta¢31~ ~UCr ,Yr~efi ilrt al1C 17tH ,-... ,~ =3 j, ~~-^,-, ti3 r~` '1"isese estix~aCe pra.•ide n~ f;.ncls far contiuencies, chasi~e os°~er~, a~:~:iiarzal ~arki=.~ =pace ant price iricweases. I'i~ures are talces* >roa~ ecti~r:a2as supplie~~ ~a~~ the are,~i±eai.