SR-12-18-1962-6A~~ z ~', , ~ ~-' {'`~ ~,, ~_ ~ ~ ~' ~.~ a A ~ ~ ~'~96Z :c FINAL REPORT ~ ~ ~ ~-' t3 ' ~' ~~ ~4~~ ~'I~ :;. SANTA MONICA FREEWAY RELOCATION COMMITTEE :~ ~ ~ ,~ ;~ SUBMITTED TO THE :,~ ~ MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL ~ ~~ CITY OF SANTA MONICA ~. :~ :~ >~ u- rt- :~ BY x _ MARTIN GOODFRIEND,'CHAIRMAN " ''• :t ., n ., :r :r e~ 't ,~ ~ i( 1 ,C ,~ n )C a~ x ~, K K ~L n ~ DECEMBER, 19b2 ~, ~` ~ ' ~' ~ k ~ ~~' %r .. ;~ .. ., nr ., * :r fe ~~ x :r k sic x 4r Ye :r ., ~ * :c tt-'"Yr / rf~$/j~ j W TABLE OF CONTENTS I CONCLUSIONS Page 2 II FAMILIES SERVED 3 III INTRODUCTION 4 IV BACKGROUND TO THE PROBLEM 5 V HOW THE JOB WAS DONE 6 VI TOTAL EXPENDITURES 7 VII ATTACHMENT I CONCLUSIONS For nine months, the Santa Monica Freeway Relocation Committee provided informational service to those people being displaced by the freeway in the Following ways: A. SERVICES RENDERED: I. Served as liaison with the Division of highways. a. Provided information on timing of displacement. b. Searched out special consideration for individuals from the Division of Highways. 1. Rents _ first and last months. 2. Refund of last month for deposit on new location. 3. Special consideration. II. Secured information on available housing: a. Rental housing and apartments. b. Sales housing. III. Provided information on: a. Moving expanses. b. Financing. IV. Special problems: a. Welfare and other services. 1. Family service. 2. School and church information. _2_ B. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED: We know that the Committee and the Information Center Volunteers provided a very valuable service, a very much needed service. I congratulate the City Council for its foresight in appropriating funds for the existence and function of this group of men and women as volunteers in this project. It is my belief that every community has an obligation to assist its displaced people regardless of the cause - freeways, urban renewal or public works improvements. And I would also extend this obligation to include the county and state. I am hopeful that our successful venture may encourage other communi_ ties to assume this type of service to its displaced people. I think we can consider our °'MISSZON ACCOMPLISHED." II FAMILIES SERVED The Freeway was scheduled to displace 550 families contain_ ing an estimated 1,650 persons. During its nine months of opera_ tion, the relocation committee served, at the very least, 107 families representing 525 persons. This is 31.81 of the households. I say °iat the very least" because the figure of 107 families re_ presents only the number that actually registered at our Center. Some 300 o-r more parsons were served over the phone. Many families were relocated through the help from our volunteers, the most serious problem was to help relocate large families consisting from 6 members to 12, and to accommodate them particularly at a low monthly rental in Santa Monica. -3- III INTRODUCTION Early this year the Santa Monica City Council appropriated funds for the Freeway Relocation Committee to help provide IN_ FORMATION AND COUNSELLING to residents of Santa Plonica who were being displaced by the ne~a Freeway. This report summarizes the Committee's accomplishments dur_ ing the period of its existence _ February to October, 1962 inclusive. As chairman of the committee, I wish to extend my special thanks to a number of persons and organizations which contributed to the success of our Mission: The City Council, for its finan- cial and moral support of the program; Vice-Chairman, Mrs. Chester Hoover, and all Committee Members; the women volunteers who served the Information Centers; Cochairmen Mrs. Donald E. Brunson, Mrs. Mathew Leiter and Mrs. Russell G. Sherman; the Calvary Baptist Church and St. Anne Catholic Church, for the use of their facilities; Mr. Robert Greene of the State Division of Highcaays; Joan Flor and William McCune from the Redevelopment Agency and our Secretary, Mrs. R. Kaufman. Other persons and organizations generously assisted our program and to them I also say, "Thank you". MARTIN GOODFRI$ND, Chairman Freeway Relocation Committee -~- ZV BACKGROUND TO TIlE PROBLEM The Santa Monica City Council initiated the relocation pro_ gram following a request from the local chapter of the NAACP and the Santa Monica Monica_West Los Angeles Fair Housing Committee that the City provide assistance to the many families being dis- placed by the planned new freeway. The Santa Monica Redevelopment Agency was authorized to study the assistance needs of displaced persons, and a report was filed with the Council in December, 1961. The Agency reported that 550 households comprising an esti_ mated 1,650 persons would be directly affected by the freeway. Family incomes were moderate, with the median in the range of $300 to $400 per month. The majority of these were tenants; the median rent being paid {and the median rent capable of being paid) taas $75 per month. The median family size taas three persons, and b0% of them had resided in Santa Monica more than five years. Eighty seven percent preferred to relocate in Santa Monica.. With these figures in hand, the City Council appropriated a budget of $1,935 to cover a six-month period. Named to the Committee: Mrs. Donald E. Brunson Rev. W. P. Carter Mr. Seymore Cohen Mr. Samuel Crawford, Jr. Mr. Robert Greene Mrs, Chet Hoover Mrs. Matthew R. Leizer Mr. Wellman Mills Mr. Jay Novak Father Donald Reiman Mrs. Russell Sherman Mr. Benjamin Sweet Served as Volunteers in the Information Center: Mrs. W. P. Carter Mrs. F. Fearing Mrs. M. Goodfriend Mrs. F. Gruber Mrs. I. Harary NIrs. H. Wilken Mrs. P. Kaufman Mrs. B. Patrick Mrs. S, Rauch Mrs. H. S. Reiter Mrs. M. Sorkin _5- V HOW THE JOB WAS DONE At first, three Information Centers were established at the Calvary Baptist Church, The Catholic Youth Organization Hause, and at 1733 -. 10th Street, the house the Division of Highways provided us for our use. Office hours were fixed from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. To improve organizational liaison, the committee eventually decided to operate from only one location, the house on 10th Street. To reduce the number of personal inquiries, a "Questions and Answers for Displaoed Families" folder was printed and distributed to every household in the freeway area. Examples of questions follow: "Will the State buy the property you own or where you live?" "How soon will families on such property have to move?" °'Is there any Public Housing available?11 "What about families receiving welfare care?°` ''What should you remember to do before moving?" The program received excellent publicity in both the "Evening Outlook°' and 9iThe Independent" newspapers. A close working relationship was established between the Committee and Mr. Robert Greene from the State Division of Highways. (See attached letter). To find adequate housing, a letter was sent by the Committee Chairman to members of the Real Estate Profession asking for their assistance. In addition, volunteers placed "Listings Wanted" cards in supermarkets and volunteers made personal stops at residences displaying "For Rent" signs. -b- Vi TOTAL EXPENDITURES The Committee was given a budget of $1,935 to cover a six_ month period. Because of donated office space and volunteer labor, we were able to extend our operation over a nine_month period spending only $1,441.73. The following is a breakdown of expenditures: Salaries: Office Staff $ 252.54 S. M. Redevelopement Agency 711.04 City of Santa Monica 217.74 Utilities 151.94 Miscellaneous 304.47 TOTAL $XPENDITURES $1,441.73 -7- s v_ ..~y ..,~ _~ .d_ ,. _.__ _ ..... ._ ~... n ~i~ ,, ~ .~ ::~,:z~ ~ :~ =~ .a _, , .~~_ ~ ~~ ~~ r `., ,;~~„ „~. _. ..tea _ s x _ ~> ~ . ~ _ . yy t >, .~~ v~ .~ a ..cam'., '~..~ _.1 ~t...m ~ ~. ,J ~. s ~_..r .. y 2 • "5k C~ ~ ' ~ ' . . ., ,..~, .. .., _. J ~ .L .d iJ i.~, .a i,. ta. 1,., _* J ... ,. ,.. .. ~ ,. ., .,~ . d. } _ .. a P 3 : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . .. ._ , . ,. ., . ... ~ d -~. a ..J ...,... W -, a F . . o ~j .fie ."'~i..-,«, vM. .a~~ 1. n ._.v t ~ _ ... ,..e .. .... .. .. ~., ~j ,>. ~~~ .. ~. .„~'~ ,~ .4 ~ ... ~ ,. .. u. .. _ ~ o _ ~ _., a a 1+' '.z.~7 uT ~,.. _ ~ w, v .z ~. ~~ .. .~ ~~ ~~_.- ti -. ~ r ,..: . ~ .r ~. .e .. ~ e.. .. ,.e, .~ 5