sr-032310-13c13-C March 23, -2010 Council Meeting: March 23, 2010 Santa Monica, California CITY CLERK'S OFFICE -MEMORANDUM To: City Council From: Councilmember McKeown Date: March 23, 2010 13-C: Request of Councilmember McKeown to direct staff to investigate ways to continue the highly successful Solar Santa Monica program past this fiscal year, with the goal of making the program self-funding, in keeping with the City's greenhouse gas and other sustainability goals, pursuant to a recommendation from the Task Force on the Environment. 13-C March 23, 2010 MINUTES MARCH 15, 2010 MEETING OF THE CITY OF SANTA MONICA TASK FORCE ON THE ENVIRONMENT Discussion and Recommendations Regarding Solar Santa Monica. The Santa Monica Task Force on the Environment strongly opposes the loss of funding for SolarSanta Monica in FY 2010/11. We urge City Council to direct staff to indentify a permanent scalable financial model for Solar Santa Monica. This program efficiently and effectively assists the city in achieving stated energy independence goals, established Sustainable City Plan goals for distributed generation, community-wide targets for greenhouse gas emissions, and the creation of local green jobs. A permanent scalable financial model for Solar Santa Monica could include revenues from a city implemented AB811/PACE fund, energy use fees, application fees or other scenarios that secure $250,000 per year. The immediate need is to fund Solar Santa Monica for FY 2010/11 with the intention to develop a permanent scalable financial model that makes Solar Santa Monica.self funding in the long term.