sr-011910-1e~~ City of Santa Monica° City Council Report City Council Meeting: January; 2010 Agenda Item: ~ - To: Mayor and City Council From: Stephanie Negriff, Director of Transit Services Subject: Professional Services Agreement with Transportation Management and Design, Inc. to Undertake an Alternatives Analysis for High Capacity Short Distance Transit Connections with Expo Light Rail, a Line-by-Line Analysis of Transit Service and Prepare a Three-Year Service Improvement and Efficiency Program Recommended Action Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute an agreement with Transportation Management and Design, Inc. (TMD) to undertake an alternatives analysis which incorporates aline-by-line analysis of Big Blue Bus transit service and to prepare athree-year Service Improvement and Efficiency Program (STEP) for an amount not to exceed $698,863. Executive Summary The alternatives analysis will identify which corridors are most likely to be impacted by large increases in travel demand to the City's three Expo light rail stations from locations that are too far to walk and will evaluate the benefits of various modes of public transit to provide these needed links. The line-by-line analysis, which includes counting passengers and conducting an in-depth on-board survey, will establish the ridership baseline against which future light-rail. generated ridership will be measured. The analysis will identify bus service corridors that will most likely experience the greatest growth as a result of the rail line. The line-by-line data and passenger survey analysis will be completed in summer 2010 and will also be used to identify potential modifications to routes and schedules over athree-year period priorto the completion of Expo light rail. A study of potential opportunities to expand the employer-sponsored transit card program and improve transit connections between neighborhoods within the City are also included in the scope of work. The entire scope of work will be completed for an amount not to exceed $698,863. 1 Background Previous Council Actions At its April 28, 2009 meeting, he City Council authorized the submission of a funding application as part of the Federal Transportation Reauthorization process to analyze transit alternatives including modern streetcars to carry passengers arriving at the future terminal of the Expo light rail line to major attractions. At its Mav 12. 2009 meeting, the City Council authorized the submission of an application as part of the Federal Transportation Reauthorization process for a Federal Transit Administration Small Starts Authorization for a downtown streetcar project. Discussion With construction to begin soon on the final phase of the Expo light rail line to Santa Monica, the local transit system must now begin to prepare for thousands of additional daily passengers who live too far to walk to one of the three stations to be built in the City. The alternatives analysis will identify the major connecting destinations of Expo passengers, the preferred routing to link those locations with rail stations and determine which of three transit types would be the most effective: more frequent conventional bus service, short distance bus rapid transit where buses would have signal priority and congestion bypass lanes, or modern streetcars. Increased conventional bus service would consist of additional buses operating as they do now, mixed with other vehicles and subject to prevailing traffic conditions and delays. Short distance bus rapid transit operates on exclusive lanes with traffic signal priority using longer articulated buses to connect at least two points that are located one to three miles apart and generate thousands on trips between them on a daily basis. Denver's 1.3 mile long 16th Street Transit Mall which connects Union Station rail terminal with downtown is a notable example. Modern streetcars can be conceived as sub-compact light rail vehicles that are relatively 2 easy to insert into an existing street configuration.. They are entirely low floor so that passengers can step on .from a stop at normal curb height, are narrow enough to operate in a typical traffic lane width, and construction does not require underground utility relocation. A different transit solution could be tailored for each corridor impacted by travel to an Expo station. The line-by-line analysis includes passenger boarding and alighting counts at every stop for every trip on every route, the number of passengers who ride each segment of each route, a transfer count by route to determine major patterns of indirect transit travel, and the schedule adherence of every trip in the system. The on-board passenger survey consists of an in-depth questionnaire distributed on all routes to identify the type of fare paid, trip origin and destination locations, the priorities for service improvement from the passenger's point of view, and demographic data. At least half of future Expo riders are expected to be former bus riders so these findings will be essential elements of the alternatives analysis. Big Blue Bus has established transit pass programs in cooperation with the two largest trip generators on the Westside: the University of California Los Angeles and Santa Monica College that have resulted in a reduction of car trips among students and staff by over 25 percent. With the intention of building on that success, the study will seek to identify other institutions and major employers in the service area that could partner with Big Blue Bus to implement similar transit pass programs. Santa Monica's Big Blue Bus (BBB) will also use findings from the line-by-line analysis to determine what service changes should be made in the near term including those to be presented in the next three-year Short Range Transit Plan and the ongoing Service Improvement and Efficiency Program (STEP). The SIEP develops overall strategy and priorities based on current and projected travel needs in the service area and serves as a detailed planning guide focused on implementation of service changes. Data 3 requirements for transit improvements overlap. One -goal of this comprehensive analysis is to provide a smooth evolution of BBB transit services from the present to the inauguration of Expo Phase I and subsequent completion of Phase II. Contractor/Consultant Selection The RFP was posted on the Planet Bids website. Three proposals were submitted. The proposals were evaluated by staff based on the following criteria:. 1) Understanding of project requirements 2) Responsiveness and thoroughness of proposal 3) Experience of the firm and personnel 4) Past performance in conducting similar projects 5) Cost Based on the evaluation, staff recommends that the agreement be awarded to Transportation Management and Design, Inc. TMD demonstrated prior experience in planning and designing short-distance streetcar lines and bus-rapid transit systems, understanding of potential applications of line-by-line data in the service planning process, and the ability to identify potential service opportunities using geographic information systems in conjunction with the most recent data from the US Census and other sources. TMD's record in performing similar studies for other transit agencies illustrates a sound approach to planning transit improvements and efficiencies based on an understanding of operational constraints and community needs. While not the lowest bidder, only TMD demonstrated the necessary level of experience to complete the complex set of tasks in the scope of work with imagination and exactitude. Public Outreach TMD staff will participate in a series of community outreach meetings to be conducted by Big Blue Bus in the summer of 2010 to present findings of the line-by-line analysis and to hear concerns and suggestions of riders and members of the community at large in the overall study. TMD staff will also participate in the City's Land Use and Circulation 4 Element process in cooperation with the Planning and Community Development Department. Financial Impacts & Budget Actions Funds in the amount of $698,863 are available in account 0417034.589000. Prepared by: Paul Casey, Senior Transit Programs Analyst Approved: Forwarded to Council: ~ ; ~~ ~ ~ ,, i Stephani NegrifF . L o t Ewell Director of Transit Services Cit Hager 5