SR-400-008-02 (6) '. . . '/tJ{) ~OC'3--07- €.-A CA:RMM:11628/hpc city Council Meeting 5-23-89 MAY 231989 Santa Monica, California STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor and city council FROM: City Attorney SUBJECT: Ordinance creating a Citywlde Moratorium on Non-Residential and Hotel Development and Declaring the Presence of an Emergency At its meeting of May 91 1989, the City Council directed the City Attorney to prepare an emergency ordinance that would prohibit all new non-residential and hotel development citywide for a period of ten months and flfteen days, subject to certaln specified exemptions. In response to this direction, the accompanying ordinance has been prepared and is presented to the city Council for its consideration. SECTION BY SECTION ANALYSIS section 1. ThlS section sets forth the findings and purpose of the ordinance. Section 2. This section places a moratorium on acceptance of applications for approval of tentative maps, administrative approvals, development reVlew permits, conditional use permits, and any other city permits for non-residential or hotel development citywide. section 3. This section exempts five categories of development apPlcations from the moratorium. Those include: (1) ~ --- @~ - 1 - . . ~ applications for permits involving developments on land owned, operated or controlled by the city of Santa Monica, Santa Monica College, Santa Monica School District, or the state of California: (2) applications for permits in the Third Street Mall Specific Plan Area and in the Hospital Specific Plan Area: (3) applications for permits for developments that fall below 75% of the "development review" thresholds identified ln the Zoning Ordinance; (4) applications for permits where development agreement applications were filed on or before May 2, 1989, and applications for development review permits which have been filed and deemed complete on or before May 2, 1989 : and ( 5 ) applications for construction-related permits for which planning approvals have been received prior to May 2, 1989. section 4. This section states that this ordlnance shall explre ten months and fifteen days from the date of adoption, unless extended by the City Council following a duly noticed pUblic hearing. RECOMMENDATION It is respectfully recommended that the accompanying ordinance be adopted. PREPARED BY: Robert M. Myers, City Attorney Laurie Lieberman, Deputy City Attorney - 2 -