SR-400-001 (9) f) .- ~ C"ty of , Santa Monica City Council Report City Council Meeting: November 14, 2006 Agenda Item:...IA. To: Mayor and City Council From: Eileen Fogarty, Director of Planning and Community Development Subject: Land Use and Circulation Element Goals Recommended Action It is recommended that the City Council endorse the draft goals as recommended by the Planning Commission and direct staff to proceed with the next stage of the Land Use and Circulation Elements (LUCE) process. Executive Summary The process of creating the new Land Use and Circulation Element provides a special opportunity for the City to identify a vision for the community's future. This report summarizes the planning and community input process that has led to the creation of draft Land Use and Circulation goals that will guide the preparation of the final Plan. This report provides background for each of the Goals along with further explanatory detail. This report outlines the next steps, which include opportunities for the public to evaluate key issues and choices that will lead to the formation of a preferred alternative - 1 - Discussion The City has initiated a community-based planning and review process to identify a Vision for Santa Monica that will provide a framework for policies to guide land use and circulation decisions over the next 25 years. Key to this planning effort is a commitment for a broad community-based outreach process that educates the public, provides continuing input from the community and informs the planning process. This report reviews the planning process to date, outlines the Draft Land Use and Circulation Goals proposed for adoption by the City Council, and previews the next steps leading to an adopted Land Use and Circulation Plan. The planning process provides a unique opportunity for the community to evaluate its accomplishments over time, consider where it is today and ensure quality of life improvements for future generations. Santa Monica's pattern of development was established long ago by a regionally connected urban street network, the proximity to the ocean, a defined traditional downtown, identified recreation and open spaces and attractive residential neighborhoods. The planning process builds upon these attributes to create a vision for the Santa Monica of the future. The broad-based community involvement program was established to ensure the community's representation in establishing a new vision. The program assures that the community is directly connected to the planning process and that everyone in the community has an equal opportunity to provide input. The outreach effort to date has involved more than 4,000 people in workshops, community forums, monthly - 2 - newsletters, websites, surveys and other means such as the booth at the Santa Monica Festival where contact was made with more than 1,000 people. The community is engaged in and excited about the process, recognizing that there is an appropriate and expected amount of apprehension. The community program encourages individual community members to contribute their personal visions for a future Santa Monica, and those visions include a broad range from, concern for safety, importance of cleanliness, historic preservation, need for a green community, and assuring diversity, to simply a place where one can afford to live. The community input was reflected in the Emerging Themes Report (http://www . shapethefutu re2025. neUpdf/Emerqinq ThemesRe port.pdf) released in April 2005. This document outlines the initial expressions and interest held by the community and provides a starting place for discussion and the formulation of draft Goals. Concurrent with the preparation of the Emerging Themes Report, the process focused on assessing the community's character, current land uses, and modes of transportation, and its environmental resources. Lifestyle, cultural, urban design, economic, population and other trends were analyzed to provide the public with the information it - 3- needed to begin analyzing their ideal visions. Concurrently, programs were initiated to educate the public about the purpose of the Land Use and Circulation Element and Zoning Ordinance and the physical, economic, and social implications. The analysis was comprehensively documented in the City's Opportunities and Challenges Report (http://www.shapethefuture2025.netlpdf/oc report web.pdf). The depth and breadth of the outreach to date provides the community with confidence that the proposed goals represent a broad based vision in terms of what the City should look and feel like, what social and cultural amenities they care about, and how they want to get around. While recognizing that significant work remained to be completed, the City Council in October 2006, adopted an ordinance that implemented elements of certain key themes that had emerged from the Land Use and Circulation Element process. These themes included preserving the scale and character of existing neighborhoods and reduCing development standards in parts of the City to ensure that the height and scale of new buildings is consistent with the existing context while promoting certain types of development. Since these key concepts had repeatedly been articulated during the update process, it was appropriate to proceed with elements of their implementation in advance of the completion of the update process. This recent enactment will be integrated with the broader Land Use and Circulation Element goals that will guide the preparation of the final Plan as detailed below. - 4 - Land Use and Circulation Element Goals This section of the report sets forth the Land Use and Circulation Element Goals to be presented for review and approval by the City Council. The Goals largely reflect the sentiments expressed by the community and documented in the Emerging Themes Report. The goals have been refined following a pubic review process that included a public workshop, interactive library and internet displays and a display booth at the Santa Monica Festival. The Planning Commission, through an extensive discussion, received and modified the Goals. The Planning Commission unanimously endorsed and has forwarded these goals for adoption by the City Council. The goals are provided on the following pages. - 5 - Land Use Element Goal Balanced growth is development that serves the community, the economy, and the environment. Acknowledging our responsibility to accommodate a portion of the regional demand for housing and jobs, Santa Monicans have expressed a desire to make informed decisions about how and where the City grows. Balanced growth that attends to social, physical and economic diversity makes it possible to change in ways that supports economic development and jobs; protects and creates strong neighborhoods with a range of housing, commercial, and transportation options; and achieves healthy neighborhood-based communities that provide families with a safe and secure environment. A balanced and diverse economy . economic opportunities that serve all income levels . development that protects and fosters economic well-being especially during economic downtimes . goods and services needed to support the population are located within the city limits A diverse ranqe of iobs . varied skill levels, training and wage needs . retain local businesses . economic vitality . contribute to broader Los Angeles region without compromising local goals or objectives A ranqe of housinq opportunities . improve the jobs / housing balance . special needs housing (low income, senior, universal access, transitional housing) . affordable housing for all economic levels . workforce housing - 6 - Land Use Element Goal _~~.CS-...,I1i(ill;!lW.~~l t'\ . ".~ ," . '" .-., _ _ _ _ _' _,.%~'"~- ,~, _~~B,~'M.-""" '-. The choices we make regarding our transportation and development practices often lead to conflicts between continued human activity and the protection of our natural and cultural assets. Over the years, the residents of Santa Monica have chosen to minimize the potential impacts of new activity by emphasizing "green" development and recycling, as well as development patterns that encourage walking and cycling, clean air and water, and the reuse of older buildings, especially those with historical significance. Natural Resources . continued enjoyment of the beach . bluff erosion control . public views of coastline . urban forest . public parks Cultural Resources . historic structures . adaptive reuse . art and artist housing . music . museums Inteqrate Existinq City Policy . Historic Preservation Element . Open Space Element . Sustainable City Plan . Community Forest Master Plan - 7 - Land Use Element Goal Safe, connected neighborhoods help preserve "community character," which is viewed as a shared value among many Santa Monicans. Functional, healthy communities are the result of thoughtful planning that respects the existing neighborhood fabric, and that improves linkages to uses and activities that serve both the individual and the larger community. Through proper design, public spaces (including parks, cultural centers, pathways and residential streets) can connect places and people using a variety of transportation modes, not just drivers. Neighborhood Connections . pedestrian access to local parks . safe routes to school . transitions between neighborhoops . access to local goods and services Neiqhborhood Protection . personal safety, comfort and pride . viability of commercial districts . peaceful residential neighborhoods . protection from inappropriate land uses . transitions between residential and commercial uses Well-Desiqned Neiqhborhoods . neighborhood character and identity . neighborhood interaction . public open space (parkways, streets, alleys) . pedestrian-oriented environments - 8 - land Use Element Goal Good community design has the potential to create value for communities, individuals, the economy and the environment. Through their participation in community meetings, public hearings, and involvement in city issues, Santa Monicans have played a hand in shaping both public urban space and parts of the private domain by concerning themselves with the urban environment at a range of scales. Appropriately scaled, quality design not only preserves the existing character of a community, but can better public health, promote greater social equity, enhance land values, stimulate the local economy, reduce vehicle emissions, and facilitate more sustainable use of non- renewable resources. Compatible Desiqn . pedestrian orientation . "town-scale" development: small and unique town . minimal impacts or disruptions to neighbors . respect for existing environment and cultural heritage . distinctive architecture . height and scale of new buildings to complement existing neighborhood fabric Use of Public Spaces . integrate public and private space to engage and activate natural meeting or gathering places . public art . easy, enjoyable and safe linkages between public and private realm . landscaping . well-defined gateways at City boundaries . outdoor dining Community-Based Values . incorporate sustainable building practices . adaptive reuse . attractive boulevards . array of transit offerings . establish urban design policies and neighborhood plans - 9 - land Use Element Goal While Santa Monica strives to reflect local interests, it also benefits the City to address the diversity of interests within the region, including recreational, economic, and cultural concerns. Balancing the needs and vision of the community with the demands of the region stems from careful and deliberate long-range planning. Santa Monica's success in finding this equilibrium is measured in our ability to retain and enhance the individual features that make our city unique, while meeting our responsibility to provide a range of land uses and activities that support local residents, workers and regional visitors. Local Identitv . small beach town ambience . unique community . walkability . diverse and inclusive . innovative / progressive . leader in sustainability . strong sense of community Reqional Context . regional housing needs . jobs . large day-time population . interstate freeway terminates in City of Santa Monica . significant regional traffic problems . surrounded by the City of Los Angeles, the second largest city in the nation with an estimated 3.9 million people Reqional Attractions in Santa Monica . the beach and the Pier . Third Street Promenade . Main Street . Montana Avenue . cultural attractions . jobs center . world class hotels . pa rks - 10- Land Use Element Goal Santa Monicans acknowledge that our current consumer habits have resulted in major environmental problems, and have historically sought to alleviate the impact of our activities by embracing environmentally responsible principles. This concern for the environment may be translated into opportunities for greater co-operation among residents and between municipalities, and can lead to the achievement of common and mutually supportive objectives which take account of the interrelationships between people, resources, the environment and development. Environmental responsibility means meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Environmental Protection . beach . Santa Monica Bay . air . water . parks . urban forest . aesthetics . cultural and biological resources Environmental Proqrams . Sustainable City Plan . green building design . educational programs & partnerships . Santa Monica Urban Runoff & Recycling Facility . recycling and waste reduction . hazardous waste facility . alternative fuel programs Environmental Responsibilitv . support 'green' development . reduce pollution and greenhouse gases . encourage walking and cycling . reuse older buildings . increase tree canopy / urban forest, and parkland . sustainable industry . mixed use development . array of transit offerings - 11 - land Use Element Goal The provision of an array of assets and amenities feeds the social, cultural, educational and creative aspirations of Santa Monica residents, and allows for the pursuit of individual goals that contribute to the diverse fabric of our city. Residents, artists, teachers, workers, and business members participate in community events and neighborhood meetings and have widespread awareness of community issues. Santa Monicans expect the City to engage the community through an inclusive decision making process that involves talking about housing and job choices, the programming of our streets and public spaces, and the changing face of our built environment that is shaped by the collective history of those who occupy it. "'If.l~ .,,.. '{fJ"'l'~ :~,. ,~ Social Needs . educational institutions (including lifelong learning) . medical facilities (including mental health care) . workforce housing (educators, first responders, etc) . senior housing . addressing homelessness . universal access . day care (adult, child) Cultural Aspirations . arts . entertainment . museums . music . parks . cultural heritage . architecture . recreation Community Involvement . informed and active citizenry . neighborhood groups . community organizations . public review of development projects . community events . participates in setting City policy - 12 - Circulation Element Goal Santa Monicans want to have real choices about how far they have to travel, and how they will travel. They want to get to goods, services, schools, jobs and recreation without having to drive alone in autos, especially autos powered by fossil fuels and those that produce air pollutants. Energy efficient, low/no emission vehicles and human powered travel . Market incentives to level the playing field between travel modes . Transit service to allow people to move about without driving . Alternative energy sources . Transportation choices contributing to environmental health Reductions in the amount and distance of vehicular trips people have to make . Locally available goods, services, and job opportunities . Development patterns that encourage walking and cycling . Walking and bicycling as everyday activities Transportation systems as a core element of sustainability · Goals of the City's Sustainable City Plan . Reduced vehicle congestion . Alternatives to driving alone . Development patterns that eliminate the need for a second car - 13 - Circulation Element Goal Santa Monicans want to use their streets and sidewalks not only as travel ways and locations for utilities, but also as places that link the community and provide opportunities for fitness, cultural experiences and recreation. Integrate community . Connections to educational and learning facilities . Transportation options to cultural activities . An engaged public to proving input and feedback Utilitarian needs . Boulevards have the services residents and employees need and want . Different types of transit services for all . Streets designed for all users Recreational needs . Comprehensive bikeway network for traveling throughout the community and connecting to regional opportunities . Safe sidewalks everywhere for walking . connections to parks, beaches, and schools . Healthy living through everyday activities - 14- Circulation Element Goal '''''''''fi'..".""~~~\..,;.~,.,o,._.",, ',. "':" .' .[, :,m:M~. .wo- ../,. .c.i'".:.:.....,&::M2~:.:.2.,~-'~ Santa Monicans want a balanced circulation system that meets the needs of residents and visitors. They prefer to accommodate the needs of the people in a growing region and economy by relying on transit, cycling and walking, rather than by creating more facilities for people who want to drive and park, or forcing local streets to accommodate more traffic. Transportation choices . Real time feedback for transit and auto users . A choice of at least three different way to travel to a destination . Complete bicycle facilities everywhere Reliable alternatives to congestion delays . Light rail and connecting services . Dedicated transit lanes during peak hours on congested corridors . Transit, walking and biking infrastructure and services Access to needs and amenities by: . Shared parking districts so that parking requirements alone do not determine what is built . Reconsider parking standards to preserve and help businesses occupy existing buildings . Transportation and land use that works synergistically - 15 - Circulation Element Goal Santa Monicans want to maintain their quality of life in the face of regional growth and economic imbalance. They want light rail and other high capacity, priority transit options to link the City to regional destinations and people who work and visit here. They want local shuttles, good walking and bike facilities and a distribution of amenities and services throughout the community, so they can meet most needs locally. Access within in Santa Monica . Local shuttles that enhance the existing transportation network . Safe streets for all users . Neighborhoods connected to other parts of the city and region Options for people to get to and from Santa Monica . Fast, safe and convenient transit service to destinations outside of the city . Comprehensive bikeway network that links up with those beyond the city border Residential neighborhoods protected . Street design standards that will keep non local trips on the appropriate boulevards . Traffic flowing smoothly without disrupting neighborhood living - 16 - Circulation Element Goal Santa Monicans want to be and feel safe as they move about the community. They want a circulation system that encourages people to to travel at responsible speeds and to look out for each othE?r. Streets designed and managed to discourage conflicts Current design standards . Streets designed for all users, not just motorists . Well maintained facilities . Safe speeds for vehicles Design standards for the public right-of-way that allow users to feel safe and comfortable . reduce risks of injurious collisions . Communities and institutions involved in providing safe routes to destinations . Safety lighting . Bicycle facilities, including safe places to store bicycles Education and enforcement to instill safe and courteous use of shared transportation systems by all users . Law enforcement related to autos, pedestrians and bicyclists . Youth educated through schools and community organizations . Senior outreach through social and community organizations . Homeless issues addressed so that transit vehicles can be pleasantly enjoyed by all - 17 - Circulation Element Goal Santa Monicans want public and private spaces that make walking, cycling and taking transit easy for everyone, at all times. They want a circulation system without bottlenecks or unnecessary congestion and delays. Guidelines and measures to improve pedestrian conditions and connections at new developments and existing activity centers . Pedestrians engaged with the built environment through features and amenities . Operational building entrances oriented towards the street . Pedestrian paths to entrances . A minimum number of driveways pedestrians must cross Existing rights-of-way incorporating new bike lanes, widened sidewalks and transit lanes . All modes accommodated within the existing right-of- way . Major boulevards with increased landscaping, enhanced sidewalks and additional parking . Dedicated transit lanes . Details of how space will be used designed purposefully All modes of travel accommodated . Transit stops designed with riders in mind . Bicycle racks as a design element that promote bicycling as a real choice . Appropriate marked crossings for pedestrians . Parking availability for motorists readily apparent - 18 - Next Steps Following the Council's adoption of the Draft Land Use and Circulation Goals, the planning team will proceed with the preparation of alternatives to achieve the goals. The first step will be to examine and present to the public trade-offs or choices that lie ahead on fundamental issues. Understanding the community's perspective on these choices / trade-offs will shape the study of alternatives. Some of the critical issues that will be explored include: . Neighborhood Preservation. Preserving neighborhood scale and character while providing access to neighborhood services. . Placemaking. Consideration of the size, scale and placement of buildings and open space to enhance the public environment and provide public benefit. . Housing Diversity. The consideration of the community's commitment to housing diversity and the policy implications and direction for the City's Land Use and Transportation plans. . Circulation. Consideration of a broader range of opportunities to move throughout the City, alternative parking strategies, and effective and creative uses of the public right-of-way for all modes of travel. Once the pubic has had an opportunity to consider these and other key issues, work will begin on preferred alternatives. In building-block fashion the preferred options will then be assembled into alternative citywide land use and circulation alternatives and published in an Alternatives Workbook. Again, these broad alternatives will be developed with the community and reviewed by the Planning Commission and City - 19 - Council. A thorough community-wide evaluation of the Alternatives will lead to a preferred alternative from which focused planning and circulation policies can be derived. After a Preferred Plan has been vetted through a public review process and endorsed by the City Council, the draft Land Use and Circulation Elements will be prepared with a new draft Zoning Ordinance. Necessary environmental review will be conducted during these later stages for the project. Throughout these efforts, there will be continuing opportunities for input and to assess the Plan. A process graphic illustrating what has been accomplished, where we are, and future next steps is provided on the next page. - 20- t, I), .' . .. 1),\, =' t :; <: fa .. v o f- ::> "- ~~ a:l ::> "- '" g-~ .J:c ~ 'C ... fa ~~ .~ .~ :C:C :> :> "- Cl.. . . tJz ::>0 86 0:::> "-0 -'0 <(0: ~"- u. ~ E ~'fX dj Q) ~ c::- .. E en ~!t!- :s~ t: ~~Ol\ ei ~ a.9'c.=.5 ~'> co ~ ~ ~.~ ~ ~ ~.5 ~ ~aE 5 ~~.~~}6 ~.~=<=<cr:z"E~ ~ I.L.U...Li:Ou.._ . .. -'J dj~ ~ B 19 co E E! 5.., 'c E!:!., :J~on o.:pc: 0 c+-' "O~.5 ~-5~~~~ J~8. ffio5 ::;onC-1.-::Sl:: ~11l ....J~N 'K} ru&~.{g~ E EUJ~ t:::;t:::>E..>l'ii~..et::u ~.~ ~ ~ ~:J ~ ~ d: a. e~! cue.... .~n..c~ . . . . (, "~ " i/ J tifl, ~ ~ :. ~\\, ~ ,(\ 0', Commission Action The Planning Commission first considered draft goals for the Land Use and Circulation Elements at their June 7, 2006 meeting. The Commission provided guidance and feedback regarding the goals and after additional deliberation endorsed the goals at their July 5, 2006 meeting. Commissioners expressed their support for the LUCE project and a great desire to move forward with making decisions and engaging the community in the next phase of the project Budqet/Financial Impact There is no budget or financial impact associated with proceeding with the recommended action. Approved: Forwarded to Council: Attachment: Public Input - Goals Outreach F:\CityPlanning\Share\COUNCI L \STRPT\2006\LUCE Goals 11.14.06 (EF).doc - 22- ATTACHMENT A PUBLIC INPUT FROM FOUR OUTREACH EVENTS (ARRANGED BY GOAL) Balanced Growth - Land Use Element A diverse and inclusive community~~pported by balanced growth __~~__________ LibrarY Comments _________ . SM needs more affordable housing. At present, it is slanted toward more affluent people. You should have balanced growth. Instead, City Hall is going crazy buying properties & spending money needlessly. Just look at this library - so much space - shelves without books. This building is a white elephant. City hires a City manager who was kicked out of San Diego. His salary was $220,000 with a city of a million & 1/2 people and SM hired him @$245,000 and we have a population of 90,000 + 8 1/2 miles of city - stupid. Downtown is a grid lock and the city keeps building. Where is the balance? This city stinks. . Solar Power. Las Vegas has constructed 2 of the largest solar panel systems. Clearly observable downtown to offset electrical expense. . Green Buildings . Stop selling us off to developers. Lots of SM's are losing their sense of ownership as the City becomes glossier & more commercialized ad sold out to commerce & tourism. I know several families as well as myself that are likely to move away, rent control or not, because "our" city no longer feels like home. . 8M is already overgrown. Parking is nearly impossible, yet you continue to permit overbuilding. Balanced growth is an oxymoron - unlimited growth is the philosophy of the cancer cell-as Paul Ehrlich said, "Don't permit multi-unit town homes on single-family lots. Accept that there are limits already exceeded." . Many people would like to live by the sea, but can't. Why should there be any government subsidies in this city? Are middle class people subsidized? I think not. . Need to update our law library at court house. Also need more room in the filing office (Small Claims) . Make a vote to create a law making mandatory use of recyclables by every business. . "Balanced Growth" is a euphemism the goal of which is to destroy the people's place nibbling at the edges until the whole cake is gone! Yes, this is an outrageous statement in US, but just apply it to Firenze and make your own conclusion. . Homeowners are not exactly the people you want deciding growth issues-they oppose every sq. ft. of it. Try reaching out to those who can't afford the SM experience because of no growth. Keep some open space & not get so BIG we can't move. . 20th street exit/entrance to the 10 freeway from either direction on the freeway. Will help .. .._~tb~9I1~~~ti()_Q.()_rU:~!()~erfieI9. 23 Internet Feedback Forum Comments . Encourage pocket parks along foot commuter routes especially near fast food . Above all preserve buildings of character & structural merit . Focus on economic diversity above all other goals to preserve that ideal. . More affordable housing . "Balance" should be based on community needs . Limit demolitions of smaller homes & encourage ,their re-use by smaller families wi smaller needs . Encourage local hiring . More efficient less expensive project approval processes for home owners, small business, historic restoration more affordability!! . Encourage incentives creation of workforce by large employers . Provide incentives for retailers of higher quality to be present on Pico Blvd . Create another city-owned mobile home park like Mountain View . Maintain affordable visitor accommodations . We need a moratorium on growth to keep our current balance of tourism / industry. 24 Community Workshop Comments . Help the homeless not be homeless . Returning some 'land uses' to their natural state so people can understand the history of SM's land . Encourage housing for Santa Monica workers, not just entertainment industry executive types . Jobs/housing balance . School/employer partnerships . Affordable retail & services . Put a choke hold on the developers . Don't allow high rises . Opportunity for teachers to buy homes in Santa Monica- subsidized . Attractive covered shelters for homeless . Beautiful natural environment- more palm trees, cleaner beaches. . Targeted land use (Le. gardens) that make up for what the economically disadvantaged residents do not have . Interested in vacant properties useful to move dislocated workers currently living on streets in Santa Monica, Los Angeles . Promote civics workshops that encourage basic community caring . Promote lifelong learning development . Decrease and control traffic . Allow only sustainable development . Maintain zero population growth . Reduce traffic congestion . Require that all new building be low density . Stop exempting large mixed use building from public review 25 Connected Neighborhoods - Land Use Element A community of safe, secure, and connected neighborhoods with quality public spaces and amenities Library Comments . Improve the Pico corridor so that people in that neighborhood don't feel so disconnected. . More mixed use buildings. . More mixed use development. . More park & green areas. Scottsdale, AZA has a beautiful, functional, integral & highly popular civic center with extensive parks and gardens-and parking! . Palisades Park! And a playground. No place for them to play! . Keep as much historical relics as possible-build around what's already there harmoniously- keep historic buildings and prevent new high skyscrapers-limit the height of construction. . Dial a ride-more funding-extend hours & trips to events. Trams/Jitney service. Drinks- coffee/tea=more access to "safe" bathrooms. "Pico" buses always overcrowded due to SMC students-more service during college peak hours. Miss the sandcastle building inside of SM mall. That was so special-ongoing work & finished product. . Problems to be addressed: 1. Noise in 7th St. & Downtown area dLJe to fire sirens-horrible! Noise pollution. 2. Large amount of building that is going on creates dust in apartments & noise & disruption of TV reception - Ch 2 = FUZZ. 3. Rents jumping $200. - 4. Housing-more affordable units required! 5. It is becoming 2 cities-BMW-JAG-Mercedes clogging streets& low income or fixed income (have nots). 6. Homelessness is a disgraceful in the midst of wealth!!! . You need dip warning signs on your streets! 26 InternetFeedbackForum Comments . Neighborhood shops to walk to . trams or shuttles . bike or ped paths w green strips . Increase 'sense of community' through community-building activities so people will build trust . Safely get residents to walk to activities even at night (we need more lights!) . fund community centers . maintain neighborhood scale . protect from traffic/parking impacts . I know this is a contentious issue, but something must be done about the homeless people who take over every public space. Personal safety, comfort and pride cannot coexist with homelessness! . Clean and repair sidewalks . Penalize careless pet owners . put parking lots in back, not front of parks, businesses, schools, etc . congestion- make SMC build lots more parking underground . First consider the desire of the particular community, neighborhood. What do they want? . Creating network ... sounds like public transportation system. can it get any better, maybe? sm really does quite well on the open spaces department and obviously considers it very important . please help me to realize a solution to move displaced workers from the streets of SM and LA. I am currently seeking funding and would like a partnership with each city to move forward . more parks and public spaces . banish graffiti 'artists' and taggers from the city . do not build islands in thoroughfares as you did on Pico Boulevard . A permit process that makes it easier for neighborhood parties 27 CPJnl114riity Workshop. Comments . Waiving the cost of parking at community events . Provide a reasonable period of free parking for the public libraries . Some of the dog parks need to be more people friendly . Enlist the homeless to help pick-up trash - I'll tip someone who needs it if I see a good job . It is the main reason I live here - my child is safer in my view - add green space WITHIN school system, more security there . ELIMINATE speed bumps EVERYWHERE Oh, & D. ps too - so you can get from 1 neighborhood to the next . Parks to have built - in centrifuge like water features . Encourage & facilitate construction & retrofitting of front porches . Encourage people to clean up the yards - mainly picking up trash & keeping bushes trimmed back from sidewalks . Enlist trash collectors, meter readers, mail carriers, dog walkers, etc. to identify problems - graffiti, overgrown bushes & trees, buckling sidewalks, potholes . Identify & work within willing property owners to develop more pocket parks & green space . More outdoor cafes on Main Street Ocean Ave . Eliminate dark 24-hour slum bars along Pico . Preserve existing neighborhood scale. Minimize more density. 28 Great Design - Land Use Element Sustainable and innovative buildings and places with quality urban design Libr~rY:eornments . Business should be at the sidewalk - no more strip malls. This also encourages walking. All commercial development should be of sustainable design & include solar panels. . Tax incentives for converting old, poorly designed commercial areas (Le. strip malls into multiuse structures). . Continue emphasis on good visual design/archit. . Buildings should conform to the environment in Santa Monica. SM is SM. Don't make it into another New York, BH, and Brentwood. We are unique. We need less narrowing of streets. Such is evident in SM-SM Blvd to San Vicente to the Sea. Such a big waste of money. . Low density (bldgs) solar design, change codes for new construction. No househeums?? In Rizone. . Make recycling bins available around the city, like Palos Verdes. . Recycling stations bigger. . The city should not dictate the design of build-up. Standards can be set, but individuals should make final design. . Do not overbuild. No more than 3 story residential, 4 story business! . No high rise buildings. . Free wireless internet. . Great drought tolerant landscaping. . Don't make everything the same . I like the way the city is developing - the human scale of it. Not a giant wind tunnel of impersonal bldgs. . Consider transfer of development rights to retain historic buildings/older building areas that everyone likes (like Main Street) 29 Int~l"rietFeedbackFo"um Comments . Strong preservation incentives . Streetscape improvements . Particularly preserve Spanish-style buildings . Welcoming entry at SM-Centinela . Clean streets and alleys . No graffiti . No more malls . Encourage walk-to neighborhoods like Ocean Park Blvd . Put more green into everything - solar, recycling everything possible, reusing, rejecting gasoline and other particulates deemed harmful to environment. is underground living feasible, possible, and doable or will it become necessary? maybe we can get ready by advancing the possibilities. can we cut down on contributing to sick buildings, sick people by at least thinking about building products we use to create the buildings . Do not exceed current height limits . Put a stop to monster mansions . Do not add more housing to an already crowded city . Get city staff out of the design process. Let the public judge and ARB and Commission hearings. If developers choose to propose eye sours they deserve to have them rejected. . If the zoning code only allows for low density buildings developer focus on quality, rather than mass, to make their money. . Return to the review process of the 1980s in which developer that chose to propose beautiful buildings were able to go quickly to public hearings so their projects could be quick approved. Have only firms with proven track record of sustainability "(tijmmunity Worksh9p Comrn~f1t$ . Encourage re-use of smaller "starter" homes . Analyze residential & commercial design standards . Human scale buildings with outdoor space for activities . Outdoor spaces conducive to people enjoying these recreational facilities to eat, sit, read. *Central Library downtown LA * Bryant Park in New York City of Santa Monica . Limit growth of single family homes into mansions: massive condos . Art & Cultural Center @ Civic Center . Encourage diversity within a generalized design standards; change with the future . More green friendly buildings (new construction, renovations) . ADAPTIVE REUSE 30 . MAINTAIN MODERATE SCALE . Preserve Architectural Heritage e.g. craftsman's, bungalows, etc. To allow for "growth" place old structures on roofs of new buildings. . Green Space: roof top gardens / yards (think hanging gardens) Localldentity/Regional Context - Land Use Element A distinct local identity within the regional context Library/Comments · Begin to limit chain businesses per block, so that certain family run, unique businesses continue to distinguish SM's unique character. Possibly create laws that limit rent charged for buildings of non-corporate/chain businesses. . I'm so happy & proud to see SM progressing towards becoming a greener community. I'd like to see more bike laws & sideway car parking (to reduce traffic). 32 year old female... . Keep blue & white police cars unique to our city. Stop all this building & density increase. Don't need more high priced stores. Stores & businesses are needed that residents can use. Stop control of city by special & outside interests. Give us back our SM beach town. . Life may not be measured by money (as per American practice), but by human values. In fact, I know of no other society that measures life by its financial costs. Policies should be implemented that foster locally owned business. In particular, no existing mom-and-pa restaurant/store/business should be displaced to make room for a big corporation. I think we will always be unique! . Open air, clean public spaces oriented toward park & ocean. Business space along these areas beneath (and most of all, we do) we would be renowned for this. . Keep the Olympic rail out of Santa Monica. . No high rise buildings! . Work with schools and SMC to develop unique city/'hood trams . Supporting local mom & pop shops so SM has it's own unique character & isn't like every other 'American City' · Support areas with many independent businesses, like Main Street and Ocean Park Boulevard Internet Feedback Forum Comments 31 . Affordable homeownership . Expo LRT and Wilshire subway . New ventures do NOT include caving to the developers for the money. . Develop and subsidize local theatre . Encourage artists to stay, live & work here . Encourage athletes of all kinds to be prominent in the community . Provide support systems for displaced workers in acquired housing shared by veterans, physically disabled, mentally impaired... . Developing more ways to tap civic responsibility of each citizen . Encouraging input from all citizens across spectrum from environmental issues to education . Emphasize Santa Monica's unique character . Support local schools to the maximum extent possible . Do not allow other cities to dump their homeless upon us . Return Santa Monica to a low density community; follow the pictures diagrams and descriptions in the 1984 General Plan. . Put the resident's needs for drivable streets over city staff's desire for more sales and property taxes. . Subject mixed use building to discretionary control so residence can have a meaningful say in the quality of life in Santa Monica. Community Workshop C.oml11~nts . SM is one of the few great pedestrian areas in L.A. Development that has a large parking lot along the street hurts this pedestrian experience. It's better when shops line the streets. . We should be a leader/example for other communities - & that would be distinct. . Preserving our uniqueness means we can't afford to increase our density of people, visitors, workforce, etc. . This is only "Important" because we're doing pretty well in this area. . By the beach structures need to be preserved - Coastal lifestyle supported . Keep an open mind about how diverse businesses support SM & greater community . If this is about housing in the region its "very important" . MORE Multi-Family Housing this reduces traffic . Keep up with the times, change with the future, follow the demand of the market population . Santa Monica should not be an island! We have to help address regional concerns; sprawl, lack of housing 32 . Cultural Center at Civic Center Valued Resources - Land Use Element The continued enjoyment of and access to natural and cultural assets I..i br~rY Comments . Commercial rent control. It's so sad to see treasured businesses forced out of the promenade replaced w/national chains, especially since taxpayers' funds created the promenade. ' Make it feasible for artists & arts to exist in this city. Right now, they're as vulnerable as any business. . Definitely more parks and natural recreation space. More trees throughout the city. . Integrate info into local schools & educational programs. . It's this quality of life that IS Santa Monica . I understand why The Lobster restaurant was built, and I enjoy the restaurant, but I wish you could see more of the ocean from PCH. Ocean park view is great. Going N on PCH is just wall-to-wall bldg . Again, returning some spaces to their more original natural state to help educate regarding SM's history (didn't SM used to be wetlands?) IQt(:}m~t F~edback Forum Comments . Increase access to the beach and public parks . Enable access to school's open space for all residents, not just youth . PreseNation incentives . Arts facilities . Try to keep the public spaces cleaner & free of trash . Keep streets and alleys clean . Trees on S.M. Blvd (26th-Centinela) . Limit growth . Partner parks with schools, senior centers & hospitals . Partner business with poorer schools . Are doggie bathrooms feasible . Introduce concept of shared use properties as percentage of the year instead of bunching homeless up in a spot for certain periods only. at least open up the places used for sleeping only to allow for use of computers, visual or audio art creation, one on one meetings with social workers, mental health workers on a regular basis . Put a moratorium on all new development . Give highest priority to the recommendations of the Santa Monica ConseNancy . Do not build any more housing, low income or otherwise 33 . Making Santa Monica a desire place to live should be the city's primary concern. Everything else should be a distant second. . The city should put its focus on how to make better use of existing buildings and infrastructure rather than tearing down and replacing existing buildings and infrastructure. . Stop allowing city parks for being used to feed the homeless. The stench and panhandling, caused by homeless loitering in the parks, keeps the residents away. Commul'lity WQrkshopCornments . Cultural center at Civic Center . I think this is important only to the extent that the environment is not negatively affected. . New parks & open spaces in lieu of more development . Youth outreach programs to encourage art, music, etc. & discourage gangs . This is only "Important" because we're doing ok in this area . Teach K-12 students more history of City Planning & Development re: influence of Douglas Ai rcraft Effective System - Circulation Element A balance of transportation choices for residents, employees and visitors to get around easily J....itnary Comments . Yes. More buses. Fewer vehicles. . Get more people walking & provide shuttle services for nearby shopping. . More bicycle racks (parking). Special allowance for electric cars (free parking/free charging). . Convert parking on street to bike lanes. . Convert parking on street to bike lanes & ped paths. . Encourage the MT A to bring Phase II of their proposed expo line to Santa Monica. . Make bus transfers for ANY SM bus, incoming or outgoing, rather than only in the direction . Introduce timed light systems to cut down on stop & go traffic and wasted fuel. . Promote affordable housing in most city areas. Encourage the retention of jobs for people . Traffic is getting impossible. -we need a better way of getting around. . Expand bus service, bus lanes, etc. (hybrid buses & reasonable fares). . Bike paths in city. . Needs a train system like blue lines that travel from SM to Torrance where people can park & lock their cars and travel the train to work. 34 Interpet)<F'ee(jbackF'ofum Comments . Friendly fun neighborhood trams . Greenscaped ped/bike paths . Neighborhood shops . Blue bus at $.50 is a great deal and can get you to most places easily. . If the objective is to reduce auto use and congestion, along with providing choices as listed above, could institute pricing as is being done in London, where non-residents pay city- entering fee . City shuttle for students & seniors . Bike priority routes & incentives . School carpool & walk programs . The ONLY thing I would copy from downtown Los Angeles is the DASH. There are several routes for a van to travel, where people can hop on and off the DASH and not have to use a car. It is cheap and goes everywhere around the downtown area. It is much easier than relocating a car. Get the cars out of the downtown Santa Monica area. . Try to come up with a better bus map for the Big Blue Bus. I'd love to use this more, but cannot make out the bus schedule online. . Subsidized taxis for elderly . Clean and repair sidewalks . Enforce ped safety laws . Speed bumps--stop crazy drivers . Prioritize Santa Monica becoming an official Bicycle Friendly Community . When one thing fails (bus lanes), have the courage to drop it! . Drop off places at public facilities, malls, etc that is safe to drop off older children and seniors. You can get more carpooling if drop off is an option . Incentivize non-polluting transportation choices and punish polluting choices (better pedestrian & amenities, free or cheap shuttles/buses & make anti-social gas-guzzlers pay $50+ to park/drive in SM! . In San Francisco/Oakland bay area original intent was to take public transportation to Bart lines, no parking at stations or on streets. it's still a good idea . There are far too many cars moving through the city. more expansive people moving capabilities? . Auto use is not now currently a great need, it is a desire. can we come up with anything else? . Bring light rail to Santa Monica . Enforce speed limits on all streets 35 . Control Santa Monica College traffic . Reduce visitor traffic on city streets. Price the beach lots so people use them at night. Building a major downtown parking structure right off the freeway. . Stopping encouraging much downtown congestion by adding too many downtown parking spaces. . Promote bicycle rider safety by reducing development which increases traffic. . Provide kiosks to dispense day passes or week passes for the Blue Bus - tourists and residents will love 'em. Improve interconnections between bus routes so that cross-town trips are more readily accomplished in less time. From 20th & Ocean Park or 11 th & Santa Monica Blvd CommunitY WQrlCshop.Comments . Varied skill and wage needs. . This is supremelv important to me as the environment is in crisis. Free public transport or credits to use it. . DIGNIFIED PLACES to wait for THE BUS . POLICY - Transit / Walking amenities such as ashtrays / garbage cans near by . AMENITIES - Laundromat[s] and grocery stores are needed in central [Pico nbrhd] S.M. . TOUGHEST OF ALL ISSUES/ carpool lanes . Share a ride incentive [for Srs & those of limited mobility] DIAL-A-RIDE past 6:00 p.m. and extra for special events . Don't worry so much about traffic by changing land use. Live closer to work/shop . Policy: buses should be smaller . The orange line shows the expected wait time until the next bus arrival - this would be very helpful if it was reliable & used GPS. People would realize the wait time was not as long as they thought . Reliability of buses - sometimes a bus is skipped due to drivers not showing up or breaks down. . BUS-ONLY LANES ON LINCOLN / WILSHIRE! . More frequent Transit Service . More visitor friendly transportation [Le. trolleys] & better publicity of these services . Smaller buses for less-occupied routes running on alternative fuel & more frequently . Use smaller buses - most run part empty 36 Environmental Responsibility - Circulation Element A transportation system that minimizes, and where possible eliminates, pollution and motor vehicle congestion I...it)rary Comments . We really, really need new public transportation systems (Le. above ground subway on freeway). . Have a city sponsored Flex Program with hybrid vehicles & buses. . Alternative fuel vehicles (biodiesel school buses, more biodiesel fuel stations, credit . Eliminate internal combustion driven vehicles! . Get people to walk more and make SM more pedestrian friendly. At present it is not friendly to walkers. . Make a vote to create a law making more mandatory use of recyclable materials by all businesses. . The city already does a better job at this than LA City & County. Though this is encouraging, one ought to be aware of the negative influence of the larger LA on the city of SM to be on guard against pressure to undue the correct environmental positions adopted by SM. . After peak hours, do not run large capacity buses! The smallest passenger buses will do, untailing the gas and smog problem. Rationale: you do not have as many passengers to fill large buses after hours. Makes sense. . Provide transit service to allow people to move about without driving. . Lessen the socially destructive effects of corporate tourism in SM by ending the Olympic rail proposal at the 405. Make SM a "bike first" city and make Olympic rail passenger board electric blue buses for any trips west of the 405. Make car owners pay & carbon tax to pay for their roads in SM, CA. 37 Internet Feedback Forum Comments . We really, really need new public transportation systems (Le. above ground subway on freeway). . Have a city sponsored Flex Program with hybrid vehicles & buses. . Alternative fuel vehicles (biodiesel school buses, more biodiesel fuel stations, credit . Eliminate internal combustion driven vehicles! . Get people to walk more and make SM more pedestrian friendly. At present it is not friendly to walkers. . Make a vote to create a law making more mandatory use of recyclable materials by all businesses. . The city already does a better job at this than LA City & County. Though this is encouraging, one ought to be aware of the negative influence of the larger LA on the city of SM to be on guard against pressure to undue the correct environmental positions adopted by SM. . After peak hours, do not run large capacity buses! The smallest passenger buses will do, untailing the gas and smog problem. Rationale: you do not have as many passengers to fill large buses after hours. Makes sense. . Provide transit service to allow people to move about without driving. . Lessen the socially destructive effects of corporate tourism in SM by ending the Olympic rail proposal at the 405. Make SM a "bike first" city and make Olympic rail passenger board electric blue buses for any trips west of the 405. Make car owners pay & carbon tax to pay for their roads in SM, CA. . Transit lines. . Don't make it hard to drive!!!! . Incentive for mini-town-cars . Develop open air trams . Can't you build an additional parking garage over the top of Grisby's Auto Repair on 4th . Again, stopping at every traffic signal wastes time and energy. Fix it! . Vertical street parking near the Promenade . Easy ped access to all stores . Mid-cross-town bus or shuttle for north-south access . It may be time for development of infrastructure that supports green transportation more fully . Promote hybrids in every way possible . Encourage walking by getting rid of aggressive transients and panhandlers . Improve the flow of traffic. The worst pollution comes from cars that are stalled in traffic. . Having convenient and affordable parking directly off the Coast Highway and the 10 38 Freeway will reduce traffic on city streets. eORlmunity Wor$($hop Comments . TOD & Mixed use helps get people out of their cars . Less dependence on gasoline important. Hopefully all vehicles [buses/shuttles] will be less noisy . Create centers where people can do more things at once . Public transit extremely important to connect all County systems . Bring EXPOLR up 3rd St. Promenade to Wilshire to encourage use . Have the car industry no the City carry only non polluter cars . Get Willie Nelson Biodiesel vehicles - so its clean . Rezoning. Make it easier to grocery shop & bank close to where people live, esp. on S. Monica, Pico, and OP Blvd. . Electric Rail - incentivize car pooling . Make transit fun trolleys - inexpensive - smaller vehicles . Use smaller buses, electric powered "jitneys' with short routes . Partner with institutions to encourage carpooling, cycling, working, transit . Encourage TOD: built in users - co-locate transportation & housing . Increase # of stops (don't decrease) . Free public transport, or credits for using it . Subsidize / make less expensive/ give credit for riding transit . More Rapid lines -longer, going to more points? Regional Awareness - Circulation Element Local system integrated with regional context lii)l"ifY'C()rnrn~nts . Establish more fixed and visible locations for educating the public about our effect on the beach, the sea, and sea creatures & birds. Make the educational messages brief, engaging, memorable and change them frequently to keep the passers-by engaged & learning. . Incentives for Media Corps. To give incentives to employees to RIDE to WORK by BICYCLE. c.f. Car Pool incentives of 70's and 80's. Warner Bros., Sony, etc. have many local employees who could bicycle to work. Give them some INCENTIVE. . Traffic is a mess in the LA area-we need to work together w/other local cities. . Wouldn't street congestion be better with better access to the freeway at 20 & 4th . Provide incentives to use alternative modes of transportation such as walking, biking, public transit 39 Internet Feedback Forum Comments . Better transit to LAX, dntn, region . Safe shuttle for school kids . It needs to be more appealing to step on to a quick transportation system than to be in a car. This would not replace the Big Blue Bus, which is great. It would provide a good reason to leave the car and still be able to get around. The DASH is a quarter. Better to spend a quarter than choke the streets with cars. . Make the city more cyclist-friendly! Right now you risk your life riding on most city streets! . Direct SM buses to the Getty . Enforce speed limits in alleys . Speed bumps on Arizona bt 26th & Centinela . Pedestrian rights enforced . Safe bike lanes . Cut-n curbs for busses . Make current parking structures safer and more inviting . Give preferential parking to all residents . Do not remove left turn lanes from major boulevards . We have no shortage of regional visitors. We should be doing nothing to encourage more regional people to visit. eQrnmynity W9r~~h()p C9mrnents . Support local downtown Santa Monica easy access (trolleys) . Routine accommodation of bicycles in all transportation projects . Light Rail! Make bus system carry less class division . Bike only routes paralleling major roads & connecting with routes to/from neighboring communities . Develop a tram system throughout City which connects a bus outside of City parking . Support regional transit solutions like extension of red line to the ocean 40 Universal Safety - Circulation Element A secure environment for all pedestrians, cyclists, transit riders and drivers <l:.;if)rarj..CQrnments . I love the "Big Blue Bus" signs. Thank you for leaving your car at home it helps everyone (air pollution, etc.) Sign "Thank You for not blocking the intersection." . Move the transients and pan handlers out of city-even to a community of their own. Like to a desert community. . Stop the no-growths and owner residents from shutting our renters and those that rent to buy in SM. Where will children of home-owners live? - Not in SM? . Your process is poorly designed. The question is "What's More Important". Without comparisons, people will claim anything is important - witness your results? . More bicycle paths - favor low-speed electrics. . At present SM is pedestrian unfriendly. Drivers here are terrible. They need to be educated on safe driving. . More designated bike lanes. . Secure environment. . Driver training with big diesel cars. . Flashing crosswalks. . Fire police who give petty tickets for infringements on empty streets - they should be eliminating the reckless, aggressive drivers who speed through crosswalks or red lights at high speeds with utter carelessness. I paid nearly $200 for a traffic ticket infringement on an empty street that injured no one, while in the same week countless speeders caused danger to many and went free. 41 Int~rnetFeedback Forum Comments ' . More one way streets maybe? . No bikes on busy streets . Seems pretty good now that 1-way streets are gone . Safe routes to schools program . Bike safety school programs . Protect residential streets · Frustration levels and travel times should be reduced by coordinating signal timing and reducing 'traffic calming' measures. I hate to travel in this city, I dread driving in this city more than any other. Enforce cell phone laws while driving. Drivers are not focused on driving. City is too focused on demands that speeds be reduced. Stopping at every signal wastes time and energy. . Bicycle paths · Put hospital and school sites as top priority for traffic and parking mitigation, especially schools near the college! . I think education is a great idea always . Install pedestrian-operated stop signals at all problematic crosswalks . Enforce speed limit laws on Ocean Park Boulevard and other thoroughfares . Promote flexible work hours for all businesses · Reduce development. Too much development causes too much traffic, which reduces the safety of pedestrians and bicycle riders. . The traffic circle on 26th & Washington is a huge improvement of the 4 stop sign intersections. . It's not safe to ride a bike on the streets-I avoid it and only ride @the beach. . Make it illegal to talk on a cell phone while driving a car. Being a pedestrian in this town is scary. .Community Work~hop Commellts . Tickets for cars that do not stop for pedestrians in crosswalks. Continue traffic calming. . Continue traffic calming efforts city-wide . Driver training in High School [wi biodiesel cars] . Reduce traffic by slowing I ceasing the continued development . Additional signage . "Complete Streets" all modes provided for . Night hours for Dial-A-Ride, safer for seniors & those wI limited mobility 42 . Traffic riding skills, training for cyclists is crucial . In districts designated historic, eliminate traffic to allow enjoyment of same . More streets for pedestrians only . Tickets for people jumping right hand turns which is very common now . Create "BICYCLE BOULEVARDS" [with forced turn-offs for motor vehicles - every 4-6 blocks] . Increase public transport - TRAMS Well Designed Spaces - Circulation Element Quality designed public spaces for travel, recreation and social interaction , l.,.ibraryComments . Village - like architectural spaces - automobile limited roadways-automobile -less roadways. . The lights at intersections stay too long red - it should be setup to move traffic & pedestrians better. . More natural spaces ~ parks, trees, etc. . Enforce existing traffic laws - speed, stop signs, and traffic lights. . Light! Street lights. California Ave. no lights, ugly, need new. . Need to sort out the homeless problem. It is a stain on Santa Monica. . More places to walk & bike safely. . SM has beautiful public areas, but they are overrun with homeless people who not only are visually unappealing, but also smell bad & scare pedestrians. . More speed bumps. Keep parking for residents, not business/visitors. . More public art-sculptures, fountains, murals, tile work. InternetF~edba.ckF()rumComments . Change the most congested intersections to north/south traffic, then east/west traffic, then All Walk. No cars and all pedestrians can move in any direction across the street. This would eliminate all the drivers who constantly encroach on the intersection while people are in crosswalks. This should be STRICTLY enforced. 1 DO's of times a day, cars are threatening pedestrians. . Places to sit in public spaces that are not commercial, i.e. promenade . More public info posted for influx of tourists yearly that make traffic so unsafe . Better entrance, more accessible to college and most schools, and pier . Traffic calming does not work. when in doubt add stop signs, not speed bumps . Time signals better to facilitate traffic flow . Stop reducing and narrowing lanes. They do not reduce traffic or slow speeds. The just make street for congested and dangerous. 43 . Single family neighborhoods and one and two story retail districts encourage pedestrian use (they are pleasant places to walk). The best way to encourage pedestrian traffic is to down zone. . Qpmmlfl1ity Workshop Comments . Create a cultural center to be proud of . Get the best Santa Monica architects to design . More pedestrian-friendly Pier access . Above all, show GREEN - go for a Palm Beach PL look . "Complete Streets" - peds, bikes, transit, cars . Olympic/Stewart bike lanes . More bike lanes, wide sidewalks where the are a lot of pedestrians . Better walking at beach - not mixed wi bikes. Bike paths - no bikes on sidewalks 44