SR-400-002-01 (19) , e e $'1/ AUG 1 2 1980 CA:SSS:se Council Meetlng 08-12-80 Santa Monlca, Callfornla Ijo~ -Odd- -0 I STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor and Clty Councll FROM: Clty Attorney SUBJECT: Ordlnance Establlshing Maln Street Speclal Commercial Dlstrict and ReclasslfYlng C4 Zoned Propertles INTRODUCTION ThlS report transIDlts for flrst readlng a proposed ordlnance establlshlng a Baln Street Special Commerclal Distrlct and reclassl- fYlng all D4 zoned propertles In that distrlct to "CMu. The Clty Council approved the recommendatlon of the Plannlng Commlsslon that thlS ordlnance be prepared at lts July 22, 1980 meetlng (Agenda Item lOA). BACKGROUND In recent tDnes, as the character of Maln Street Commerclal Area changed because of the establlshment of several new buslnesses, lncludlng restaurants and bars, a substantlal controversy developed between the proprletors of Maln Street buslnesses and the resldents of the ad]oinlng communlty. In order to flnd a constructive and mutually acceptable solution to these problems, It was agreed that the Maln Street Assoclatlon (MSA), representlng local businesses, and the Ocean Park Community Organization (OPCO), representing local resldents, would Meet and attempt to negotiate a satlsfactory plan. ThlS ldea was approved by the Clty Councll, and, on January 8, 1980 a moratorlum on further development In the Maln afl AUS 1 2 1980- .,I. - e Street Commercial area was lmposed, In order to allow the plan to be negotlated and developed. The moratorlum was extended on May 27, 1980; It expires August 27, 1980. The attached ordlnance, WhlCh has been approved by the Plannlng CommlSSlon and the Local Coastal Program Committee, reflects the agreement reached by the Main Street Plannlng Group. LEGALITY OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE The Clty unquestlonably has the authority to create speclal zonlng distrlcts, and to reclassify eXlsting dlstrlcts. ThlS lncludes the power to "down zone" areas of the Clty, and lmpose addltlonal use restrlctlons upon them. Thus, the proposed ordlnance is a valld exerClse of the CltY'5 pollce power. SECTION BY SECTIO~ ANALYSIS The proposed ordlnance 15 lntended to solve speclflc problems affectlng the nelghborhood, while allowlng flexlblllty of property use within constralnts. It thus contains a Ilsting of permitted, condltionally permltted, and prohlbited uses. The proposed ordlnance also contalns property development standards for the district. These are lntended to malntaln the economlC vlabllity of the dlstrlct, while treatlng speclflc problems: archltectual character, compatlbillty wlth resldentlal uses, privacy, and nOlse. -2- e e Section 1 of the ord~nance adds Section 9119 to the Santa Mon~ca Mun~c~pal Code; it contalns leg1slative find1ngs and a statement of lntent. The seetlon recogn1zes that the Ma1n Street Commerc1al Dlstr1ct lS a unlque area that has hlstorlcally accommodated a varlety of uses, includlng cOIDffierc1a1 uses, that provlde serV1ces both to persons llvlng 1n the surroundlng communlty and to a large number of tourists attracted to Santa Monica. The section also recognizes that the Maln Street Commerclal Distrlct 15 In dlrect prOXlrn1ty to adJo1n1ng resldent1al nelghborhoods of hlgh density but mostly low to moderate scale, and 15 adJacent to the beach recreation area, WhlCh generates a substan1al amount of tranS1ent traff1c. The sect10n also recogn1zes that a f1nanclally sucessful buslness d1str1ct 15 a valuable and sornetlmes fraglle entlty. In recognltlon of these flndings, "the Main Street Spec1al CommerC1al Dlstrict 18 establ1shed to encourage physlcal 1mprove- ments of low to moderate scale Wh1Ch w1Il be compat1ble w1th both commerclal and reSldentlal uses and WhlCh will encourage a variety of such uses to provlde a balanced supply of goods and scrV1CCS conslstent wlth the historlcal pattern of the neighborhood." Sect10n 2 of the ordlnance conta1ns the standard language 1n all Santa Mon1ca zonlng regulat10ns that the regulat10ns In the follow1ng sectlons apply to the eM Maln Street Spec1al Commerc1al D1strlct. -3- ...... ~ Sectlon 3 of the ordinance descrlbes the uses that are permitted, condltlonally permltted, restrlcted, and prohlbited In the CM dlstrict. 1) Resldentlal uses, except motels, hotels, and hostels, are permltted above the flrst floor of commerclal structures. 2) Twenty-three speclflc uses, includlng restaurants with less than 50 seats, are speclflcally permltted In the CM distrlct. Other uses that the Zonlng Administrator may flnd to be similar to the Ilsted uses and not more obnoxlous to surrounding property are also permitted. 3) Flfteen speclflc uses are permltted upon lssuance of a condltional use permit. Among these uses are automobile repalr and serVlce, restaurants wlth flfty seats or more, bars, fast food and take-out establlshments, hotels and hostels north of Bay Street, llquor stores, theaters and auditorlums with more than seventy-flve seats, any slngle use in excess of 8600 square feet of floor area or 75 feet of ground-floor Maln Street frontage, and any eXlsting use wlshing to add regularly scheduled enterta~nment for WhlCh there wlll be lnadequate parking. 4) There are flve special restrlctlons that are placed on uses permltted on the eM dlStrlCt. First floor uses must be "publlC invlted" uses, deflned as establishments that permit entry for the purpose of doing business wlth the publlC generally. Flrst floor retail or restaurant uses may extend to a mezzanine level not exceeding 40% of the first floor -4- e e also provides that the ordlnance is not meant to apply to current uses, regardless of change of ownershl~unless the eXlstlng use is intensifled by a floor area addltlon of more than 15% or by other substantlal lntenslflcatlon such as the 1ntroduction of regularly scheduled entertalnment, or to changes In use that result in a less lntense, perm1tted use. Section 5 of the ordlnance amends the Santa Monlca Dlstrlctlng Map to reclasslfy to the CM Main Street Speclal Commercial Dlstrlct all those propertles presently claSSlfled in the C4 hlghway commercial distrlct located between P1CO Boulevard and the southeasterly Clty Ilmits and Second Street and Nellson Way. The ordinance has been prepared as a regular, and not as an emergency ordlnance. If the Council feels that the gap between the expiratlon of the moratorlum and the effective date of the ordlnance will pose a serious problem, it 1S free to adopt the ordinance as an emergency measure. ALTERNATIVES The COUDCll may lntroduce the ordinance as drafted, modlfy It, or reJect It. RECOMMENDATION It 1S respectlvely recommended that the CauDell lntroduce the ordlnance as drafted. Prepared by: Stephen Shane Stark -6- e e c.;:SSS:B3:bl CCU~Cl: Meetl~g 8/12/80 Santa Monlcar Callfornla Or~lnance ~o. 1176 (Clt~. Cou::c~l Serles) AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY CODNCIL OF SANTA :.10:~ICA Al~E~DING CliA?TER 1 OF ARTICLE IX 0:- TnE SAl.::TA HOr.;ICA MUNICIPAL CODE ESTABLISr.Il~G l~ cr.: !-1i-:'IN S~REET SPECIAL cm11>1LRCIAL DIS'}":;lICT ..;:;:; I':1L~DING THE SAt'::':'A HO~ICA DIS'IRICTIX= ~.AF BY RECLASSIFYING ALL C4 ZONED PROPEP.TIES n:- TEE z..t;E; STREET COYJ.."1I:RCIAL DISTRICT A1."D DECLARING THE PRESENCE OF AN EMERGENCY. t';II::;:?'::_;S, the present C4 Hlghway Cmnrnerc1al zon1ng of the Xa~~ Street Corr~erclal D~strlct lS lnconslstent wlth the needs aDG best ~nterests o~ the conmunlty In that the use and bUl1clng reS~~lctlons are lnconpatlb1e wlth adJacent and surroundlng areaSi anc \;HEREAS, tne proposec CM Malr. Street Specla1 Commerclal ZO~l~g ~s conslstent wlth the needs and best 2nterests of the COT~U~lty l~ t~at the use and buildlng restrlctlons have been especlally des~gned to be COM?atlble w~th adJacent and surround~ng areas ~ ar.c \;EL::REAS, the proposed changes wlll serve to subs tantlally rea~ce potentlal bu~ldlng he~ght, bulk, traff2c, conf11ctlng uses, use o~ non-renewable resources and the adverse ~m?acts assoc~ated there~~tn, and 1t lS certal~ that the changes w111 not have a slgnlf~cant adverse effect on the env1ronment; and ~.jE:C:REAS, the enactrne:1t of Sect~on 9119 and the reclaS52flcatlon 0= the Ma~n Street COTh~erclal area fro~ the C4 to the eM D1strlct ~s lD the pub1~c necesslty, conven~ence, general welfare, 1n e e accordance w~th good zon~ng practice, and should be adopted: and WHEREAS, a public hear~ng was held before the Planning COmffilSS10n on the proposed anendnent and reclasSlflcation on July 21, 1980 and the ~lannlr.g COffinlSS10n considered and reco~er.ded the a~endment and rec1assiflcatlon to the Clty Councll; and WHEREAS, tbe Clty Councll, after a publlc hearlng concurs wlth the recoa~endatlon of the P1annlng CO~isslon; and w~EREAS, the eXlstlng ~oratorlum on development ~n the Ma~n Street Commercial Dlstrict wlll explre on August 27, 1980; and w~EREAS, th~s 15 deemed to be an urgent sltuatlon THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA~TA ~O~ICA DOES ORDAIN: SECTIOK 1. Sect~on 9119 of the Santa Monica Municlpal Code, formerly reserved for future use, is added to read as follows: SECTION 9119. "CM" ~al:1 Street Speclal COffiI11erClal Dlstrlct. A. Legislatlve findlngs; statement of intent 1. It is recognlzed and found that: a. The main Street Commercial Dlstr1ct lS not sl~p1y a Neighborhood Commercial Area or H1ghway Co~~erclal Zone, nor ~s lt a Downtown Central BUSlness Dlstrlct. b. The Maln Street COrnMerclal Dlstrlct has hlstorlcally accommodated a var~ety of uses, ~ncluding conmerclal uses, WhlCh have provlded dally necessltles, places of employment, and leisure tlme opportunltles ~or those l~vlng in the surroundlng communlty and the greater Santa Monica area, as well as for the areats large number of tourists. -2- e e c. The l1a~n Street Commerc~al D~str~et ~s ~n dlrect prox~rnlty to ad]Olnlng residentlal nelghborhoods of hlgh denslty but prlnclpally low to Moderate scale, and as a coastal eo~erelal area also ad]OlnS popular beach recreatlon areas whlen regularly generate substantlal trans lent lnflux. d. A flnanclally successful buslness dlstrlct lS a valuable and sornetlrnes fraglle entlty. 2. The Baln Street S?eclal Corarnercial Dlstr1C:t lS establlshed to encourage physlcal lmprovernents of low to moderate scale whleh wlll contlnue to be cornpatlble wlth nearby cornmerclal and resldential uses and to encourage a varlety of cornmerclal and resldentlal uses WhlCh wlll provlde a balanced supply of goods and serVlces conslstent wlth the hlstorlcal pattern. SECTIO~ 2. Sectlon 9l19A 1S added to the Santa Monica [1u.'uclpal Code to read as follows: SECTION 9l19A. "CM" Maln Street Spec1al Commerclal Dlstrlct Re<;ulatlons. The f01lowlng regulatlons apply to the "CB" Maln Street Speclal Corrwerclal Dlstrlct: SECTION 3. Sectlon 91l9B lS added to the Santa Monlca Munlcloal Code to read as follows: SECTION 9119B. Uses per:-ntted. The followlng uses are perrrtltted In the "CM" Baln Street Speclal Corrnnerclal Dlstrlct: -3- e e 1. ReS1dentlal uses, except motels, hotels, and hostels, are per~ltted above the f1rst floor. 2. Any of t~e follow1ng uses l= conducted wlth1n an enclosed bUJ.ldJ.ng J.n accordance with the spec1al conditJ.ons set forth 1n Sect10n 91l9B4: a. Retail stores and offlces. b. Ant1que and second-hand stores. c. Bank s . d. Bake ry . e. B1cycle shop. .10 .L . Del1catessen. g. Dressmaker. h. Drug store. 1. Feed or fuel store. J. F1lm exchange or develo~lng. k. Flor1st, flower, and plant nursery. 1. Gy~naslum, dance stud10. m. Ice-cream store (reta1l lce cream only, no seatJ.ng). n. Laundry, laundromat, dry cleaners. o. Med1cal and dental cl1n1CS or laboratorles. p. Pet store, tax1derm1st. q. Print or publ1sh1ng shop. r. PlUQblng shop. s. Repa1r shops for household equ1pment. t. Theaters and aud1torlums wlth fewer than 75 seats. u. Upholsterer's shops. v. \rnolesale stores where publlC 1S lnvlted. -4- e e w. Restaurants wlth fewer than 50 seats. (See Sect10n 9119B4d). x. Such other uses as the Zon~ng Adm1nistrator may f1nd to be S1~11ar to those Ilsted above and not more obnoxlous to surroundlng property. 3. Any of the followlng uses upon lssuance of a CJndltlonal Use Perm~t under the provis~ons of Sect10n 9148: a. Automob11e re?alr and serVlce. b. Restaurants wlth 50 seats or more. Section 9119B4d). c. Bars. (See Seet10n 9119B4e). d. Fast-food and take-out establlshment (See (See Seetlon 9ll9B4d). e. Buslness college. f. Cater1ng bus1ness. g. Hotels and hostels, north of Bay Street only, (not motels) . h. Liquor store ~n WhlCh more than 50% of the dlsplay area 1S devoted to alcohol~c beverages. i. Mus~c conservatorles and ~nstructlon. J. Slgn pa1nt1ng. k. Trade schools. 1. Theaters and aud1torlUIDs w~th more than 75 seats. ID. Any slngle occupancy or contiguous, integrated use In excess of 8,600 sq. ft. of floor area. n. Any slngle occupancy or contlguous, lntegrated -5- e e use ~n excess of 75 feet of ground-floor aa~n Street frontage. o. Any ex~stlng use wlshlng to add regularly scheduled entertalnmer.t fo~ wh~ch there would be ~nadequate park~ng. 4. Speclal Restrlctlons. Uses perm~ tted ~n the "cr1" Dlstrlct shall comply wlth the ~ollow~ng speclal restrlctlons: a. Flrst floor uses must be "publlc lnv~ted" establlshrnents. A "?ubl~c lnvlted" establ~shrnent lS one that perrnlts entry for the purpose of dOlng buslness to the publlc generally. An establlshment does not lose ltS publlc lnv~ted character because the buslness may be transacted by appolntment only, or because a recept~on area or other lnternal barrler lS ~nterposed between the publ~c and buslness ofElces. b. ?lrst floor retall or restaurant uses may extend to a mezzanlne level not exceed~ng 40% of the =~rst floor area. c. Second floor reta~l uses must be "comrnunlty or.lented. II For purposes of thls sect~on "co:nmunlty orlented" lS deflned as those uses which prov.lde conmerc~al goods likely to be consumed on a regular basls In the normal llfe of the ad]Olnlng cormuun.lty. -6- e -- d. Restaurants are l~m~ted to two restaurants per block (a block be~ng both s~des of Main Street and the adjacent s~des of adjo1ning slde streets). Port~ons of Maln Street to be des~gnated "blocks" for the purpose of th~s sectlon are: Block 1: South Clty llm1ts to Marlne Street; :lQck 2: Marlne Street to P~er Street; Block 3: Pler to Ashland; Block 4: Ashland to H~ll; Block 5: H111 to Ocean Parkj Block 6: Ocean Park to Holl~ster; Block 7: Holl~ster to Strandj Block 8: StranG to Paclf1ci Block 9: Paclf1c to B1cknel= Block lO~ Blcknell to Bay; Block 11: Bay to Plca. Restaurants wlth more than 50 seats, restaurar.: w~th a substantlal take-out buslness, and any second-floor restaurant use will requlre a Condlt~onal Use Permlt. (Restaurants are deflned as establishments serv~ng a var~ety of ~~packaged foods prepared on slte for consumptlon.) e. Bars may not exceed seven In number south 0: Ocean Park Boulevard nor f~ve In n~ber no~- of Ocean Park Boulevard. No bars shall be located on any Ma~n Street corners. (For purposes of th~s sect~on, bars are def~nec -7- e e as establishments \il th "publ~c premses" l~quor l~censes and restaurants w~th a l~quor serv~ng fac~l~ty t~at ~s phys~cally separate from the d~n~ng area and ~s regularly operated dur~ng hours not correspond~ng to food serVlce hours.) Cond~t~onal Use Perm~ts are requ~red for all bars. 5. Proh~b~ted Uses. The follow~ng uses are spec~f~cally proh~bited ~n the "CM" Dlstr~ct: a. Bars above the f~rst floor. b. Blllboards. c. Blll1ard parlors and pool halls. d. Bowllng alleys. e. Drlve-ln or drlve-through uses. f. Game arcades. g. Motels. h. Reta~l uses above the second floor. ~. Restaurants above the second floor or on the second floor of a s~te where there is an ex~stlng restaurant. J. Sex-orlented uses. SECTION 4. Sect~on 9ll9C is added to the Santa Mon~ca Mun~c~pal Code to read as follows: SECTION 9l19C. Property Developnent Standards. The followlng property development standards shall ap91y to all land and structures ~n the "cn" Distr~ct: -8- - e 1. There shall be three he~ght Bu~ld~nq Re1ont. Y' - d~str~cts ln the "CZ-I" Dlstr1ct. Any property class~fled 1n the "eM" Dlstr~ct shall also be class~f~ed ln a he1ght dlstrlct. BU1ldlnq helght l~m1ts 1n the spec~=~c d~str1cts deslgnated on the Zoning Map shall be as follows: CI1-2. Bu~ld1ngs 1:1 the CM-2 D1strlct _hall not exceed two stor~es and 27 ~eet in helght. C~-3. BU1ld~ngs 1n the CM-3 Dlstrict shall not exceed three stor~es and 35 feet ln helght. CM-4. BU1ld1ngs 1n the CM-4 D~str1ct shall not exceed four storles and 47 feet In helght. For the purpose of th1S section, he1ght l~m~t 1S the maX1TIUO roof he1ght as def1ned by the C1ty Zonlng Ord~nance, excludlng parapets, rnechan1cal houslngs and other appurtenant roof-top structures or penetratlons such as skyllghts, sta~rwells, ventllatlon atrla and other archltectural amenltles ~ntended to d~st~ngu~sh the overall deslgn, but Wh1Ch do not tend to obscure the intended helght llrnlts. 2. Perm~tted Floor Area. Other sectlons of this Chapter notwlthstandlng, the total adjusted floor area of any bU1ldlng constructed In thlS distrlct shall not exceed three and three-tenths (3.3) tlmes the horlzontal area of the cornnerclally zoned lot or -9- e e lots except that buildlngs 2n excess of the llIDitatlon may be permitted by the issuance of a Condlt1onal Use Permlt under the procedures of Sectlon 9148 on the bas1S of an envlronmental and f1scal analysis satlsfactorily demonstrating that no slqnif1cant adverse envlronmenta1 or f1scal lmpacts wlll occur as a result of the increased floor area. Multl-reSldentlal unlts devoted str1ctly to apartment residential uses shall be cowputed at one-half CI/2} the actual total adJusted floor area, and areas devoted to park2ng structures below the f~rst floor level shall be excluded. "First floor level" means the floor above the baseMent as def1ned 1n Section 9102 of the ~unlcipal Code. 3. Yards: a. Front Yard. A front yard shall be provlded and malntalned. Said yard shall have a m1nlmum depth as follows: (1) Computatlon/~lMenS1?ns/Driveway. Requ1red front yard space may be provlded 1n any conflguration on any floor or floors provlded the first floor area 1S not less than 3% of the site area and not less than elght feet wide. Only that port1on of a driveway forward of the foremost buildlng 11ne which is treated in an aesthet1c manner similar or 1dentical to the reMainder of the front yard shall be included 1n the computatio~ of front yard area. (2) CM-2 Distrlct, east slde of Ma1n Street, a front yard equal to 3% of the total s~te area shall be provlded for the f~rst floor only. -10- e e (3) CM-2 Distr~ct, west side of Ma~n Street, a front yard equ~valent to 3% of the total s~te area multlplled by the number of floors of the structure. (4) CM-3 D~str~ct, same as CM-2, west slde. (5) CM-4 District, same as CM-2, west Slee. b. Slde Yards. No slde yard shall be requlred. c. Rear Yard. A rear yard shall be provlded and ma~ntained. Sa~d yard shall have a rnlnlmum depth as follows: (1) CM-2 Dlstrlct, east slde of Mal~ Street. (a) No rear yard shall be requ~red for one story structures and for the flrst floor of a two story structure, provlded that any portion of the first floor WhlCh lS wlthin flve feet of the rear property l~ne is not more than nine feet In helght and ~s fully enclosed l.e., without win- dows, doors, or ventllat~on openlngs per- mltt~ng vlsual access to adJoining reSl- dential property. The rnlnimum rear yard requ~rement for the second story portion of a two story structure shall be 25 feet. (b) Use of Rear Yard. rear yard is not uses and parklng yard to the rear level. Commercial use of t~e permitted. Non-comrnerClal are permitted ln the rear property line on the ground (c) Use of Roof In Rear Yard. No portlon of the flrst floor roof wlthln 15 feet of the rear property 11ne may be used for any purpose other than ma~ntenance and repa1r. The next 10 feet may be pr1vately used (not open to the publlC) if enclosed wlth a solld six foot barrier and window des~gn that prevents v1sual intrusion of adJo~ning resldentlal property. -11- e e (d) Exception. There shall be no rear yard setbacks requ~red where ex~st~ng park~ng ~mprovements and cor.~on ownersh~p extend through to Second Street. (2) CM-2 Dlstrlct, west s~de of Ma~n Street. No rear yard shall be requlrec ~or one story structures and the flrst floor of a two story structure prov~ded any port~on of the flrst floor structure wlth~n =lve feet of the rear property line dces not exceed nlne feet ~n helght. The rnln~murn rear yard requ~rement for the second story of a two story structure shall be seven and one-half feet. (3) CM-) D~str~ct. Rear yard requlrements ln the Cr1-) D~str~ct shall be the saMe as those requ~red ~n the CM-2 D~strlct, west slde of Ma~n Street for one and two story structures wlth a ffilnlmum requlreP1ent of 15 feet for any portlon of a thlrd story. (4) CH-4 Dlstrict. No rear yard shall be requlred. 5. Off-Street Parklng. The provlslons of Sectlon 9129 shall apply wlth the followlng exceptlons: a. 30% of all requlred parking spaces may be des~gned for compact slzed vehlcles, such spaces to measure elght feet by 16 feet In dlmenslon. b. In structures houslng mlxed commerclal and resldentlal uses, park~ng above the flrst floor shall be allowed. 6. Signs and Nameplates. The provlslons of Artlcle VIII shall apply. 7. Off-Street Loadlng. The prOVlslons of Sectlon 9130 shall apply. -12- e e 8. !1o~se and Acoust.lC Control. Other sect~ons of th~s Chapter notwlthstand~ng, the followlng requlrements shall apply to establlshments wlth llve entertaln~ent or other loud music for whlch a bUlldlng perolt or use permlt lS sought after the effectlve date of thlS sectlon: a. Exter~or wall and wlndow constructlon must be to a mlnlnum STC ratlng of 45, as determlned b} the ASTM or other similar accepted lndustry standard. b. Exterlor Doors and Doorways: (1) Doors must be SOlld core or mlneral filled. (2) Doors must be gasketed to provlde a seal at head, 5111 and Jamb. (3) Baln entrance must contaln an "acoust~c lock" or other equlvalent "sound trap." c. The lntent of thlS sectlon lS to requlre an establlshrnent providlng entertalnment or loud rnUS1C to contaln the resultlng nOlse wlth~n ltS walls to the greatest extent posslble. 9. Appllcablllty, Effectlveness. Notwlthstandlng speclf1c references conta1ned hereln, the provlslons of thlS ordinance are not meant to apply to: a. Current uses, regardless of changes of ownershlp, unless the eXlstlng use lS ~ntensl- fied by a floor area adu1tlon of more than 15% or by other substantlal ~ntens~flcatlon, such -13- e e as the introduction of regularly scheduled enterta1nrnent, except that there may be no more than an 1nc1dental 1ncrease 1TI the ser- V1ce area floor space of bars and restaurants; nor b. Changes in use Wh1Ch result 1n a use perMitted under Section 9119B2 that is less intense than the current use. Existing uses shall count toward the total number of bars and restaurants perm1tted w1th1n the Distrlct. A current use shall be consldered no longer eX1stent lf that use 1S voluntarl1y changed or 1S abandoned for a per~od of one year. SECTION 5. The Santa Mon1ca Dlstrlcting Map 1S amended to reclass1fy to the "eM" Main Street Speclal Comrnerc1al D.lstr1ct all those propert1es presently classif2ed ln the C4 Hlghway Commerical District located between Pico Boulevard and the southeasterly City lim1ts and Second Street and Nel1son Way. The "CM" Dl.str1ct 1S dlvlded lnto sub-dlstr2cts, as shown on the Zonl.ng map as follows: All those commerclally zoned propertles ln the Main Street Commercial Distrlct presently zoned C-4 shall be l.n the CM-2 dlstr.lct except the following: a) ~hose properties on the west sl.de of Mal.n Street northwesterly of Strand and southeasterly of Bay, and lots 5, 6, and 7 of Weid and Haverstl.ck's SUbdlvlslon, shall be in the CM-3 dlstrict, and -14- e e b} those propertles southeasterly of pier and northwesterly of Bay, except lots 5, 6, and 7 of Weld and Haverst~ck's sub- dlVlsion shall be ln the CM-4 dlstrlct. SECTION 6. ThlS ordlnance 1S declared to be an emergency measu~e adopted pursuant to the provlsions of Sectlon 615 of the Santa Monlca Clty Charter and is necessary for preservlng the publlC peace, health and safety, and the urgency for lts adoptlon as set forth in the flndlngs above. SECTION 7. Any provislon of the Santa Monlca Munlclpal Code or appendlces thereto lnconsistent herewlth, to the extent of such inconslstencies and no further, are hereby repealed or rnodlf1ed to that extent necessary to effect the provls1ons of th1S ord1nance. SECTION 8. If any provls1on of thlS ordlnance 15 held to be unconstitutional by any court of competent Jurlsdlctjon, it is the lntent of the City Council that such portion of such ordinance be severable from the rema1nder and that the reMainder be given full force and effect. SECTION 9. The Mayor shall slgn and the C1ty Clerk shall attest to the passage of thlS ordlnance. The Clty Clerk shall cause the same to be publ1shed once In the offlcal newpaper w1th1n fifteen (IS) days after ltS adoptlon. The ~rdlnance shall become effectlve from and after its adoptlon. APPROVED AS TO FOR."1.: Stb S~II\~ St~~ STEPHEN s. S~ARK - Actlng City Attorney -15- e e ADOPTED AND APPROVED THIS 12th DAY OF August ~ 19~Q I 0. r"' )<CUlt /1 / \: ;d~;-t. ' I . ,'.- MAYd8. i ./l _ ,. {11 / __ '_ : /, ~u, &-tki,.", I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE~ No. 1176 ) WAS DULY AND REGULARLY INTRODUCED AT A MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL ON THE 8th DAY OF Au~us t ) 1980; THAT THE SAID ORDINANCE WAS THEREAFTER DULY ADOPTED AT A MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL ON THE 8th DAY OF AU,Q;ust ) 1980 BY THE FOllOWING COUNCIL VOTE: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: Yannatta Go1dway, Jennings, Rhoden, Scott, Bambrick NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: Reed ABSENT: COUNCIlMEMBERS: van den Steenhoven ATTEST: a~ 7;7~~ CITY CLERK