SR-400-002-01 (15) GS.SES:RF:ZH ~ Counc11 Meet1ng December 13~ 1983 e \J 1 ~.. ::r-- z Santa Monlca~ Californ1a '-I () 6 -fjo:J,.. - 6 ( Clty Staff h-O DEt 1 3 l~aJ TO: FROM: Mayor and C1ty Council SUBJECT: Clt1zen Request for Authorlzatlon to Hang Flags on Maln Street Introductlon ThlS report requests Clty Councll to approve the concept of flags on Main Street and to authoflze staff to lssue any perrnlts requlred 1n accordance wlth establ1shed C1ty policy. Ba~kground Attached 15 a letter from Colors of the Wlnd,a Main Street merChant, Wh1Ch requests approval of a proposal to hang flags from street llght flxtures located on Ma1n Street between Pler and P1CO (Attachment A). The flags would be a mod1f1ed verS10n of the deslgn submitted by Colors of the W1nd for a flag to be flown at Clty Hall. A draw1ng of the proposed flag lS attached. The flags wlll be hung on alternatlng flag poles 18 feet above street level. All expenses for lnsta11at;on and fabncation of the flags wl11 be pald for by the Main Street Merchants Assoc1at1on. Flags will be replaced as needed by Colors of the W1nd. ThlS proposal has been endorsed by the Maln Street Merchants ASSoclat1on (see Attachment B). 10-0 DEe: 3 t~ilj 1 GS'SES:RF:ZH ~ Councl1 Meetlng December 13, 1983 ~ Santa Mon1ca, Ca11fornla Staff has developed the followlng crlter1d for the approval of requests for long-term placement of flags on publlC property. 1. All requests must be for a min1mum one block commerclally- zoned area. 2. The request must be endorsed by elther a recognized merchant assoc1atlon or lf none for that area, by a petit10n slgned by all merchants on the block. 3. The permlt shall be lssued to elther the merchant assoc1ation or to one merchant whom the Clty shall hold llable for all expenses. 4. The proposed flag and 10cat10ns shall be approved by the Arts CommlSS10n. The flags shall bear no advertising nor any commerc1al logo. 5. The merchant assOc1atlon or merchants shall execute an agreement to hold C1ty harmless for any accldents incurred Whlle changlng the flags or caused by the flags. BudgetjFlnanclal Impact There is no budgetjf1nanc1al 1mpact. 2 GS:SES:RF:ZH 4It Counci 1 Meet1ng December 13, 1983 4It Santa Mon1ca, Cal1forn1a Recommendat1on It 1S recommended that C1ty Counc1l approve the concept of flags on Ma1n Street and author1ze staff to 1ssue any perm1ts required 1n accordance wlth establ1shed C1ty POllCY. Prepared by: Attachments: Stan Scholl, Dlrector of General Serv1ces Attachment A Attachment B Drawlng of Flag 3