SR-307-002-04-01 (2) , e ;}tJ'?--OtJ2-p '-/-0/ - 1/-4 JUI/ Z 5 1985 C!ED:EDU:CPD CITY COUNCIL MEETING: June 25, 1985 Santa MonIca, CalIfornIa TO: Mayor and CIty CouncIl FROM: CIty Staff SUBJECT: RecoIllmendatlon to Approve a Work Program for the Re- development of the CIVIC Center SIte INTRODUCTION ThIS report presents a work program for development of the CIVIC Center sIte and a summary of maJor Issues WhICh wIll be con- s Idered throughou t the developnlent process. Background informa- tlon IS pr:ovlded on the CIVIC AudItorIum faCIlIty and specIfIc SIte char:acterlstICS. A prelImInary analYSIS of the current CIVIC AudItorIum facIlIty and a dISCUSSIon of possIble alterna- tI ve re-uses for the Sl te are also presented. A task tIITIellne follows outlInIng specIfIC staff responsIbIlIty and program func- tlon. It IS reconm~nded that CIty CounCIl approve the work pro- gram and dIrect staff to proceed wIth ImplementatIon of the CIVIC Center development program. BACKGROUND T. SIte CharacterIstIcs The CIVIC Center SIte IS bounded by MaIn Street, Plea Boulevard, Fourth Street, and the southernnlost edge of the County Admlnls- tratlon faelll ty. Eaeh street prOVIdes dIrect access from the SIte to Downtown, the nearby beach area and the adJacent Santa MonIca Freeway. II-~ JIlN 2 5 I. - I - e e Of the entIre 113.9 acre sIte, the CIVIC AudItorIum bUIldIng OCCU- pIes about 48,2013 square feet of land area (1.1 acres) and IS surrounded by approxImately 112,131313 square feet of landscapIng and loadIng dock area (2.6 acres). The remalnlng 312,51313 square feet (7.2 acres) lS devoted to surface parkIng of approxl.lnately 9013 spaces. ThIS parkIng IS used prImarIly for CIVIC AudItorIum functIons and for employee and VI SI tor parkIng to the County Courthouse and CIty Hall. The parkIng area has been recently reconfIgured by the CIty to Increase the number of parkIng spaces and to Improve ac- cess and Internal cIrculatIon. In return for havIng paId for one- half the cost of landscapIng and restrlplng the parkIng area, Los Angeles County has receIved a three year COllllllI tment by the CIty to contInue provIdIng parkIng to users of the County Courthouse. Overall, the SIte IS sItuated In the center of an area whlch, accordIng changes In the Rand to the Land Use Element, the near future. To the IS susceptIble to land-use lm:nedlate west of the sIte, Corporatlon has lnltlated dlScussIons wIth prIvate developers about possIble optIons for the dISposItIon and re- development of ItS fifteen (15) acre SIte. To the east, the Santa Monlca - Mallbu UnIfled School DIstrIct has executed a long-term ground lease wIth a prIvate developer for the redevelopment of ItS 2.4 acre AdmInIstratIon BUIldlng SIte. As a result, the CIVIC Center land area IS unIquely sItuated to eIther asslst In ImprovIng the ImmedIate Image of the area or, over the long-term, In takIng advantage from any "spIll-over" benefIts to be derIved from future prIvate redevelopment of the adJacent parcels. - 2 - e e II. CIVIC AudItorIum FaCIlIty The Santa MonIca CIVIC AudItorIum opened In June 1958 and was fInanced through a bond Issue of $2,895,0'0'0' approved by the CIty'S voters In 1955. At the tIme of Its openIng, the AudItorI- um was conSIdered to be a "state of the art" faCIlIty WIth a hy- draUlIcally operated floor that could shIft from a level pOSItIon SUItable to exhIbIt space to a sloped pOSItIon for theatrIcal events. Today, the AudItorIum can acconllllodate up to about 3,0'0'0' seats WIth the specifIC number of seats dependent upon the denSIty of the foldIng chaIr arrangement. The maXImum capaCIty for events WIthout seatIng IS 3,50'0' persons. The eXIstIng stage IS conSIdered excellent by present day stan- dards and IS SUItable for most types of concert and play produc- tIons. The house acoustICS, however, are not adequate. Unam- plIfled sound does not proJect to all seats. Due to the acoustIC problems, the AudItorIum currently IS most SUIted to amplIfIed concerts, exhIbIts, and trade shows. The SIze of the AudItorIum, however, creates a problem WIth respect to today's market. The eXIstIng SIze of the AudItorIum IS smaller than tYPIcal concert hall faCIlItIes In the Los An- geles regIon. SInce concert promoters have largely fIxed costs and rely on volume tIcket sales to make a profIt, the CIVIC Au- dItorIum IS a less appealIng venue to promoters of concerts. On the other hand, the eXIstIng AudItorIum IS larger than deSIrable for most legItImate theater productIons WhICh reqUIre a smaller - 3 - e e theater house wIth closer VIew lInes to the stage. In both In- stances, the present CIVIC AudItorIum facilIty IS not competItIve In the eXisting market. DISCUSSION As IndIcated preVIously, the CIVIC Center site IS unIquely sItuated In the center of an area that is actIvely beIng redevel- oped privately Into alternative land uses. LikeWIse, prevIous studIes IndIcate that the eXIstIng CIVIC Auditorium faCIlIty IS no longer compet I tI 'Ie in today I s market and In order to be com- petitive, maJor deCISIons as to ItS future use and the amount of capital Investment to be conmltted must be made. Moreover, It IS qUite clear that the current CIVIC AudItorium operatIon IS not capable of generatIng suffICient revenues to cover any such fu- ture capital costs for ImprovIng the faCility or for makIng major Improvements to the SIte. During the adoptIon of the Land Use Element, CIty CouncIl dISCUS- SIons Included the need to reVIew the future development of the CIVIC Center area and adJacent properties within the scope of a "specifIC plan". Such an approach would take Into conSIderation - 4 - e e each property owner's development proposals and attempt to pro- vIde a unIfYIng approach to promote the coordInated redevelopnlent of the entIre area. At thIS time, It IS necessary for the CIty to begIn assessing Its varIOUS development optIons for the faCIlIty and the SIte ID order to actIvely participate In such a process. Once thIS has been completed, the Cl ty WIll be better able to assess the need for a more detaIled speCIfIC plan. Whether the CIty WIshes to make a maJor capItal Investment In the eXIstIng CIVIC AudItorIum faCIlIty or whether It WIshes to con- SIder the redevelopment of the SIte, It IS necessary to establIsh a base of InformatIon and a process by WhICh to make these decl- slons. The follOWIng work program presents a method for achlev- Ing these tasks. The work prograITI calls for the evaluatIon of development alternatIves for the re-use of the facilIty and over- all SIte, the actIve SOlICItatIon of publIC Involvement, and the opportunIty for reVIew of alternatIves by the various Boards and CorrmllSSlons prIor to formal CounCIl actIon. the work program are presented below. The maJor aspects of I. AlternatIve Use AnalYSIS PreVIOUS studIes for the re-use of the eXIstIng AudItorIum struc- ture have not addressed the potentIal market demand for the varIOUS alternatIves or the method for fInanCIng Improvements. In addItIon, no SIITIIlar analYSIS regardIng the pOSSIble re- development of the CIVIC Center Sl te and surroundIng areas has been prepared. It 15 recommended that prIor to any further CIty - 5 - e e action on AudI torIum re-use or overall CIVIC Center SI te re- development, a base of InformatIon about approprIate uses be es- tablIshed to determIne crIterIa for deCISIon-makIng by the CIty CounCIl. A. PotentIal Re-use of the EXIstIn9 FaCIlIty PreVIOUS analySIS by City Staff of the facility's structural lImItatIons on ItS operatIon have YIelded varIOUS results. These studIes IndIcate that the bUIldIng IS In sound structural COndI- tIon and can be rehabIlItated for a number of publIC assembly uses. The bUIldIng can be made to retaIn Its dual role as an exhIbIt hall and theater, but ITIlprOvements would have to be TIlade to upgrade the bUIldIng, increase the adJacent lobby space and to shorten and slItIplIfy the converSIon tIme and correspondIng ex- pense from one type of use to another. ThIS type of ImprOVeTIlent to the bUIldIng IS estImated to cost about $6 mIllIon. The bUIldIng can also be modIfIed to focus Its functIon on eIther contInued exhIbIt hall/meetIng space/conference faCIlIty use or theater use only. The eXIsting space fleXIbIlIty would not be maIntaIned, however. For theater use, the structure would have to contaIn fIxed seating and two (2) balconIes would have to be added to the InterIor to prOVIde inlproved SIght lInes and addI- tIonal seatIng capaCIty for up to 3131313 persons. The roof would have to be raIsed to accommodate the second balcony and the walls of the structure would have to be buttressed to Improve the bUIldIng's resistance to ground shakIng during an earthquake. The cost for thIS type of Improvement IS estImated at about $13 mIllIon. For exhIbIt hall/meetIng room/conference faCIlIty use, - 6 - e e the structure would have to be gutted and new Interior floors and faCIlitIes would have to be added. to cost about $5.7 IDllllon. ThIS Improvement IS estImated B. PotentIal Re-use of the EXIstIng SIte The current CIVIC Center SIte also presents the unIque opportunI- ty to redevelop the entIre SI te Into a range of possIble new uses. DependIng on the trade-offs the CIty would be WIll ing to make, the entIre SIte could be dedIcated to eIther a total new publIC or private use or to a new combInatIon of publIC and prl- vate uses. WIth respect to potentIal uses for the CIVIC Center SIte Itself, the CIty'S eXIstIng zonIng permIts commercIal and admInIstratIve uses WhICh allows for general offIce and government related use. Under the CIty'S Land Use Element, the Intent IS to try and re- taIn the maJor concentratIon of government faclli tIes west of Fourth Street and to conSIder other uses In the area Including cultural and publIc recreatIonal faCIlItIes and VIsItor serVIng uses such as hotels and commercIal recreational uses. The Sl te confIguratIon lends Itself to prOVIdIng a mIxed-use development WhICh could support a ml X of theatre, meetIng and conference facII i tIes, overnIght accommodatIons or commerclal/ retaIl uses. The SIte could also be dedIcated to a concentratIon of "CIVIC" uses such as museum, theatre, lIbrary and publIC meet- Ing space. Any of these potentIal re-use alternatives, however, WIll have to be evaluated relatIve to eXIstIng land use, enVIron- mental, fIscal and market condItIons. - 7 - e e C. Land Use and Environmental Considerations In consIdering any potential re-use of the facility or site, the Land Use Element and Interim ZonIng Ordinance require that cer- taIn urban desIgn and property development standards be met. In partIcular, development In the area IS to be governed by addi- tional urban design principles, yet to be established, but which must consider, among other uses, publiC view corridors and usable publiC open space. With respect to the City's Interim Zoning Or- dinance, the maximum allowable development Intensity for the site IS 3.13 FAR, 4 stories (56'). With a site specific plan, the a1- lowable height IS permItted up to 6 stories (84') If the proposed proJect IS determined to be compatible With the goals and obJec- tives of the Land Use Element. These standards plus those constraints Imposed by the phySical Ihmtatlons of the Site, eXisting traffiC conditions, and other related environmental constraints will need to be considered In analyzIng re-use alternatives for the faCility and the site. Specific attention will need to be given to proposed adjacent land uses, In particular the Rand and Santa Monlca-Mallbu Unified School District parcels, and their possible Impact on any pro- posed re-use of the Audltorlunl faCility or the CIVIC Center site. A dialogue With these owners will need to be maintained through- out the planning process. Depending on the outcome of the analy- SIS, thiS may require the establishment of more specIfIc develop- ment standards and property requirements than are currently available In the Land Use Element and the elimination of certain alternatives from further consideration. - 8 - e e D. Market ConditIons and MunicIpal EconomIc Constralnt~ Staff, with the assistance of an economic consultant, will an- alyze the market demand and fiscal potential for alternatIve uses for the site. The analysIs Will need to Include alternative forms of fInancing which nllnlmlze the anlount of public Investment re- qUired. The market study Will Include a review of the demand for various uses such as COITnnerclal and admInistratIve offices, meet- Ing and assembly space, cultural and theatre uses, hotel, and other public and private land uses that may be found suitable for the SIte. The analysIs Will conSIder speCifIc market area data Including an Inventory of eXIstIng and proposed faCilItIes and land uses, rental, vacancy and absorption rates, and the Impact on muniCIpal costs and revenues. The goal will be to determine what IS currently pOSSIble In the nlarket, ItS land-use ImplIca- tions, related costs, and how It may be fInanced. ThIS should aSSIst the publIC, the varIOUS CIty boards and commISSions, and ultimately the City CouncIL In selectIng an appropriate re-use alternative for the AuditorIum faCilIty and CIVIC Center site. D. PublIC ReView Process The work program Will Involve the publiC throughout the plannIng process prior to the CouncIL's selection of a developnlent alter- native for Implenlentatlon. FollOWing the gathering of prelimi- nary data and a review by CIty Council, several publiC workshops Will be conducted to present research findings and Initial development options to local reSidents, the bUSiness communIty and other interested parties. After the publiC workshops are completed, the City CouncIL WIll once again have an opportunIty - 9 - e e to reVIew development optIons and provIde further dIrectIon to CIty staff. Thereafter staff wlll proceed to present the alterna- tlves to the PlannIng COlTlmlSSlOn and the Archltectural Revlew Board for theIr reVlew and fInal recollilTlendatlons to the CIty Councll. Each board or commISSIon wlll be requested to respond specIfIcally to Its assIgned area of responsiblllty. II. EnVlronmental Rev1ew Process Prlor to the formal approval of a speclflc development alterna- tIve, the Clty, as the lead agency, must evaluate and, to the extent feas1ble, lTl1 tlgate any slgnlflcant adverse envIronmental effects from the plan pursuant to the Callfornla Envlronmental Qual1ty Act (CEQA). To ass1st 1n the selectIon and subsequent 1mplementat1on phase, an ln1tlal asseSSlllent of envIronmental IS- sues wIll be conducted for each proposed developulent alternat1ve. Th1S reVlew w1ll Ident1fy enV1ronmental factors WhICh w1ll need to be analyzed 1n select1ng a fInal development alternat1ve for 1mplementat1on. Once conceptual approval IS granted to a speCIfIc development alternat1ve, a detaIled envlronulental reVlew of the proposed alternatlve w1ll be conducted. Upon adoptIon of a final envIronmental Impact report and development al ternat1 ve for the SIte, staff wlll proceed to Implement the proJect. III. Task TImel1ne Overall proJect lllanagement responsIbilIty for the Implementation of the work program w1ll rest WIth the Commun1ty and Econom1c Development Department, prInCIpally the Econom1c Development 01- V1Slon w1th aSs1stance fz:olTl the Plannlng DIV1S1on. Other C1 ty - 10 - e e departments, such as the General ServIces Department, wIll also aSSIst throughout the process. The need for consultant serVIces WIll be lImIted to supplementIng eXIstIng CIty staff resources. Consultant serVIces WIll be used In reVIeWIng land-use and market constraInts and In evaluatIng the environmental Impact of the recommended alternatIve and speCIfIC development proposals once that portIon of the work pro- gram IS Implemented. The attached table outlInes responSIbilitIes and a prelImInary tImeframe for completIon of major tasks to be performed as part of thIS work program. The table shows the maJ or steps for the development and llnplementatlon of the work program. The fIrst serIes of steps result In the preparatIon of baselIne InformatIon to aSSIst in gUIdIng the publIC reVIew and the fInal selectIon process. The floal selectIon of a development plan is expected to be completed WIthIn twelve months from the selectIon of a consul- tan t tealll. BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT The estImated cost of profeSSIonal serVIces needed for Implemen- tatIon of the work program IS estImated to be $45,000. Funds for thIS purpose are currently avaIlable In General Fund account nUlll- ber 01-200-266-000-506. Staff IS requestIng that these funds be transfered to account number 01-720-266-000-902 as a part of the CIty'S FY 1984-85 capItal budget. - 11 - e e RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that CIty CouncIl approve the CIVIC Center Work Program as presented In the body of thIS report and to authorIze the transfer of $45,1300 from account number 01-2013-266-131313-506 to account number 01-720-266-131313-9132. Prepared by: Peggy Curran, ActIng DIrector, C/ED Ernesto R. Flores, Manager, EDD ChrIstopher Rudd, AssOcIate Planner, CPD ccadd2 Attachments: A. CIVIC Center Developnlent TImellne - 12 - e e ATTACHMENT A CIVIC CENTER DEVELOPMENT TASK TIMELINE EstlIuated Task Resl?onslbIlty CompletIon l. Approval of Work Plan City CouncIl Month 1 2. Develop Scope of Servlces EDD/CPD Month 2 and retaIn market and land-use consultants 3. Complete use analysIs Consultant/ Month 5 and return for Councll Clty CounCIl reVIew 4. Conduct publIC and CIty EDD/CPD/ Month B CouncIl reVIew of optIons Consultant 5. RecommendatIons Report EDD/CPD/ Month 9 and begIn preparing Consultant draft EIR 6. Approval of Selected CIty CouncIl Month 13 Development Plan & fInal EIR - 13 -