SR-305-005-01 (2) G$:SES:RF:ZH ARTS:DL Counc~l Meeting: tltember 22, 1983 Santa .n~ca, CalifornIa I (-A 3{):)- oo,s- -0/ TO: Mayor and City Council NOV 2 2 19B:! FROM: City Staff SUBJECT: Recommendations for the Streetscape of Wilshire Boulevard and a Resolution AuthorIzing the City Manager to Submlt a Grant Applicatlon under the Art in Publ~c Places Program of the Nat~onal Endowment for the Arts for the Centlnela Gateway Project INTRODUCTION This report requests that the city Council (A) approve General Services Department concept of enhanced streetscape design as outl~ned below and (B) authorlze the City Manager to submit a grant to the Art in Public Places Program of the National Endowment for the Arts to aSSIst in the funding of the Centinela Gateway Project of the Arts Commission. BACKGROUND On June 10, 1983, the General ServIces/Art in Public Places Subcommittee of the Arts Commission held a one-day Wilshire Boulevard Design Workshop to obta~n public and professional ~nput regardlng improvements on Wilshire Boulevard. Over flfty deslgn and arts profess~onals and concerned cit~zens met in an office space donated by Wlseman Shenassa, a Wilsh~re Boulevard businessman, to determine an overall design and aesthetic program for the rehabilitation of Wilshire, and to make spec~fic recommendations for the expenditure of monies. The subcommittee 1 , I-A NCV 2 2 1983 - e was extremely gratif~ed by the success of the workshop, the large turnout, the enthusiasm of the participants and the level of their expertise, the quality of the ideas generated, and the large number of people wishing to be further Involved In the proJect. The goals and objectives presented for the group to work with included the follow~ng: 1. To identify and provide artistic opportunities for artists and their work as the beginn~ng of an Art in PublIC Places program for the City of Santa Monica. 2. To improve and enr~ch Wilshire Boulevard in conjunction w~th the goals and obJectives of the proposed Land Use Element for the City's General Plan, and in accordance w~th other City ordinances. 3. To develop livable and pedestrian-oriented publIC spaces. 4. To insure that the needs of the community, property owners, merchants, and day-to-day users of wilshire are accommodated ~n the design recommendations. 5. To become a model for other areas of the C~ty which will be undergo~ng review and renovation. City Staff indicated its support of the design project by sending Department Heads and representat~ves to speak with participants, alert~ng them to various departmental priorities, concerns, and guidel~nes. Those present expressed the~r appreciation of the informat~on given and felt that the presence of these staff 2 e e members rooted the proJect 1n reality. making the day all the more product1ve. The organizing committee structured the agenda so that in the morning participants considered the overall design scheme or program for the street. In the afternoon, they addressed specific elements to f1t in wIth the broad concepts articulated durlng the mornlng. A) Wilshire Streetscape Design Project It was recommended that General Services select a design team to create an overall design scheme for the W1lshire Boulevard streetscape. The team will identIfy and recommend areas of the Boulevard for flrst construction of the streets cape improvements and also will recommend phased funding requirements to accompllsh these improvements and identlfy sources of funds for the proJect. The scope of serVlces to be requested from the deSIgn team wIll lnclude: I. Produce an overall schematic site plan for WilshIre Boulevard Including: a) Illustrative SIte plan b) street level perspective of prototype areas c) ldentify and site the following for speclfic areas: 1. pavement treatment/pedestrian crosswalks 2. specially deslgned street furniture and placement thereof Including bus benches, shelters, waste receptacles, newsracks, bollards, etc. 3 e e Berkeley. The site was defined as being the ent~re two-block strip, in order to give the artist more flexibility in responding to the site, and to take maximum advantage of the view along Wilshire all the way west to the Pacific Ocean. This two-block area is referred to as "The Centinela Gateway." The site ~s physically a problematic one, in that it is a busy commercial strip, with narrow sidewalks and mixed-use development, with wildly divergent architectural styles and signage. The heavy traff~c is an advantage, however, in that the proJect will be highly vislble. It presents a challenge which wIll call for an innovative solution, and hopefully, will provide a model for the improvement of other commerclal strips 1n the City. Based on these general recommendations resulting from the Wilshire Boulevard Design Workshop, the Arts Commisslon approved of the Centinela Gateway ProJect at its meeting on August 15, 1983. Subsequent to this action, City Council gave its approval to the overall concept of the Centinela Gateway at its meeting on October 24, 1983. The specific provlslons of the proJect are proposed as follows; Purpose The purpose of the Centinela Gateway is to announce one's arrival into Santa MonIca from Los Angeles along the major commercIal corrldor of Wilshlre Boulevard. In the massive urban sprawl ne ighborhoods that is greater Los Angeles, once-distlnct and citles have merged into anonymity. The 5 e e 3. landscape treatment 4. graphics and signage within the purview of the public sector 5. lighting - street and decorative 6. color scheme 7. placement and deSIgn of speclf~c artworks/murals events, etc. and amenl.ties. d) general design principles/guidell.nes for Boulevard In wrl.tten form In the 1983-84 fl.scal year, $250,000 was appropriated from Gas Tax funds for Wl.lshire Boulevard beautification as Project No. 421-907 in the CIP Budget. Thl.S proJect IS programmed in the 1983-86 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Upon fl.eld review and final approval by the Federal Highway Administration, the City wl.ll be eligible to receive $215.525 (86.21%) from FAU money. Field review is scheduled for the week of October 17. Final approval for FAD funding is expected 4 to 6 weeks after review. Once the proJect is approved, design and engineering can begIn. Federal Highway AdmInistratIon will not reimburse for work completed prior to proJect approval. B) Centl.nela Gateway ProJect Workshop partl.cl.pants recommended to the Arts Commission the need for a significant marker announcing one's entrance into Santa Monica from Los Angeles to the east. The site chosen for this public artwork proJect was Wilshire Boulevard, extending from the Los Angeles/Santa Monica border at Centl.nela. two blocks west, to 4 e e * ORDINA.''iCE " DISTRIBUTiON OF RESOLUTION" /; 7!r S 1/ - 2-- '- - F 3 Introduced CuuncII MeetIng Date 11- A Agenda Item Ii Adopted- OJ -..... Was :t amended~ ~ VOTE: Afflrmatl.Ve: ~ NegatIve: ~. AbstaIn: ~~~ Absent: 7 f~~~ ... AL\o;AYS PtBLISH PLOPTED JRDI'\A\CES ~..:...~, 10~ I ~. c~ -.Y ~<.-..-7""-'-.d-r.-___ -/ U / U o "-' ~- 0'\ lIJ <lJ U ~ ro to: .... -0 I-< o DISTRIBUTION: ORIGINAL to be signed, sealed and flIed In Vault. NEWSPAPER PUBLICATION (Date' IJ) > .... C) u Department orIgInating staff report Management Services Lynne Barrette 0rdinances only 1 '-' ~ Agppcy wenticned In document or staff report (certIf1ed~) >- :.J Subject file (agenda packet) I >-0 U <- Counter fIle <J <:C Others' -' c:: -=: Auport ParkIng ~uth. -' -.J IJ) +-> OJ) <lJ ::l cr' <lJ ... AudItorum Personnel BUIldIng Dept. PlannIng Pollee (en- forcement ?) EnvITon. Servo 4." U .... '-H '-H o FInance PurchasIng FIre Recr/Parks Jl Ge-neral Servo Transportatlon_____ >-. ~ ... Library Treasurer ~ w p < r.-Ianager >-. w .... SEND FOU~ COPIES OF ALL ORDINA~CES TO: CODED SYSTEMS, Attn Peter Maclearie 1 2 0 ' ~1a 1 n <:: t r ':' e t AV0~1 New Jersev.07717 SeND FOUR COPIES OF ALl. ORDTNA\TFS TO: PRESIDING JUDGE SA~TA ~ONICA ~UNICIPftL COURT 1725 MAIN STREET SA~TA MONICA, CA 90401 .~ :) --; '-' (!) ..:::> o ::<: TOT.....L COPIES ~1ty Council Meeting: ~.r 8, 1983 eta Monica, California RESOLtJ'l'ION NO. 6785 (City Council Series) A RESOLtJ'l'ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'l'HE CITY OF SANTA MONICA AO'l'BORIZING THE PILING OF AN APPLICATION WI'l'H THE NATIONAL ENDOWMENT POR '!'BE ARTS FOil THE CENTINELA GATEWAY PROJECT ONDER THE ART IN PUBLIC PLACES PROGRAM WHEREAS, the National Endowment for the Arts is authorized to make grants for major civic public art projects in its Art in Public Places Pr09ram~ and Wm;REAS, the Centinela Gateway Project qualifies for such a grant award; and WHEREAS, the contract for financial assistance will impose certain obligations upon the Applicant, including the provision by it of the local share of project costs; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA MONICA DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The City Manager is authorized to execute and file an application on behalf of the City of Santa Monica with the National Endowment for the Arts to aid in the financing of the Centinela Gateway Project pursuant to the Art in Public Places Program. SECTION 2. The City Manager is authorized to execute and fiel with the application an assurance or any other documents required by the National Endowment for the Arts. SECTION 3. The City Manager is authorized to furnish such additional information as the National Endowment for the Arts may require in connection with the application for the Centinela Gateway project. e e SECTION 4. The City Manaqer is authorized to execute grant agreements on behalf of the City of Santa Monica with the National Endowment for the Arts for aid in the financing of the Centinela Gateway Project. SECTION S. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution, and thenceforth and thereafter the aame shall be in full force and effect. APPROVED AS TO PORM: ~ '--. 0 ROBERT M. MYERS City Attorney -- - ~ e - e - .. NatIonal EndowmenI for IhI ArtI '*' c( __ ApplIcation Guldel.... Flaca. y.., 1184 ," mo i >.8 , I I .' I .' . .' i , i ~ ! 'I .. It' .' , y! I . <' lIICt N'\ . . - . f e e '0 11II......... ...... .....In..~.. ...............b.-_....__, lit _ll .~ In 1lUIlIlC...... ...................... ....ClftIIIIntM _CWO'. .......1Dr1lllng ""*'-'.....01 ~ ........___.... ! . ... __,...,... heMtuppClftId lrIo....vePfOtlc*far............, ~.....far.......1IoItl itlllriCWand..... n....~ .. ~ng number ofyaunger IItIatI. c.~_ ptIotot.... AppIi- anca..~.~~~toP*iIlle--=..... .......... ~1on8I"'1tIea. M......... ~tnd pubic IIuIId/np. Prw.fy0WfleCf '-'d may be propoeId.....1f It ".. ...10 IItIich .. public ......-=-.IUCft.. hauling dlvelll~ or ~CIftIpI& 1M molt ~I put)a1C lit IIIOiIda tI-...... thole InvoMng...1ItiIt In the Initial pf.,n'ng-.d..,..... PriarilyMfI be QMn."'~ ................. ~ role In .,...01 the pIOjecL "'ProgrMI~"peymentof~""to"'far'" .:- ~ ....... and other.-mrno IlCIIvItMe .-ocI1Ited with_ pvjKt. WhornWeFund . Stat..ndIoc-'QOVWM..."..unftsandnonprofittDeHmpl~ meeting the legal NqUINmenta on page 1$. What w. Fund . PublIC -' proiecW focusing an """ crwe.d wortl. permenent ...... 01 ~IC siIa Wor!lIM)' .'n. \WIeIy of \OlIual arta media. including peintlng, sculpture. earthwofkI. environmental art. v1dl1O, photognptly. crafta. and com- Ilmed media. ltIe worK muat be ~ to Ita.... and 1he IUrrounding en- vironment. Early pertlcipatlan of .'ltSln lite p1."mng InCI design .auentia. . "."nlng gr.... wtIIch lMyhelp 1UPPDI1: f ~ f - ~ 01.... to 8rtista for their .,.nicipatlDn in PleMjng ectnritieL - Short-Ierm instaI~ 8nd other lCtMtia deIi9"'Id to educate and pr1Il.We the community for public. projects and to expIcnthe potent.al far u:h proJeCts. NOTE: OrgMi2ationa ttud receive IUpport for pfanning IICtMtielmey ~ for IUbIequent fund5 to implement the final project. Endowment IUpport .1M pIIn- nlng stage. howewIr. in no way impI... alUblequent gf8llt for impIementabon . ExtllbltiOna. . Museum ecquilltions or instaJI8IiDn of work on museum ;round$. . Projects of a solely hIStorical. cammemoratN8. or memonal nlllure. . Open or juned ccmpeIltions. . WOl1c. not created spectfically for the PfOPC*IcIllte. In revlewlng appIiadiona. panel.... con.... the fOllowing. . Quality of 1h..rtist.. WOfII.. . auallty.lnnavalion, and timeliness of proteCt. . Commllrnetlt to payment of lWfeutonal.... to artI.... . AppropiaIeneu of".te. an integral component 01.. lMIraIl proJeCt. . InvoIven8I1 01 die ..ist In all ~ 01 the project. . Qu8lity 01.. 1rtIsI_1ection committee WId the l81ection procedura . EviderQ of -'icant'. ability to adminlller the pojeCt, including organiz&. tIonalllability end ~........ of bucI~ for the propelled activities. . EvidenCe of alhol'ougttly dlMIloped and .....bl. fundratSlng plan to meet matching requirements. . PI.". for community involvement. prepalaliDn. and dialogue. Whet w. Do Not Fund f !. ~ " t RevIeW cmena rAftl.......... ftIII........ ...,.." .- = ~ . eo. ... 11ClJ............,.....e . .....-.........GuIIned In..Aft In ~,..........A.1dum .. ........ -.. ..........IIIPII~ . "'101 01 .......... of........ IIlIIIIOfIIIa. . ~.... CllIIIIlIllIIIDn. GrInI AmaunIa ........., Win ftOI tICCMld 15OJIDD.. .....~.b6.n 01 public" projIcta. UpID ""'~"" be MIl... IDr pIInnIng ICIMtIeI. In ...... orpnIzatIon ....... bolh apllftnmg grIftt_ a tInIllI.__...... gnnl,1MCClIIlIlinecl grInt MlOUftI""'" will ......UOJlClD. All gr..a IIIUIt btlllllcNd 81 .... dDk'lDrdDla-. AII==, ........ " Allowlble CoIta The budgallnIIuIawn (Elldowment ...... ..... fuIlcIIt 01'1" fInII.. pIicaIIon fDnn Ihould Include only a11onb1e 0DMa: 1rtiII'...... tile CClII 01 crating tIlewortt (......... 1Mltt_1on), tile ~of~..ID" 1Ile. in- ...mng It,.... if,,-1cIbIe. ......... -. . TheNllloMl Council on 1M ArIa Ind v-.. ArIa........IdIIIeDry....... NCOIMlelllCllcllla a........... not eacaed *' ..... of. .......... AddItiaMI CClIIS 1Udl.... Pf8I*alIan............1ftd 1taII'.,.... actmIn..,. .......... COI'IIUn.nta''''' for... ~ =- oI.-.MlKtIon pr0- cedure$, Iftd Iclrlg.wm CIte -.ld IMIntenance CCIB ..... be IIlIIt by adcIltlonti .".".., Such~ wm not be CDMidlndI*f orllellllldlln;funda. A Iludget for tIla-.ll project, Includi"91UCt1 atttional CClItI, Ihould accornpMY 1hefiMl_1caIion on .~"112".11"""" See "-1caIion euncs. inside 1M front COW'a' of '- guidelinel. DHdIIne IftCI AnnouncemInt Dates SpM:.a1 Application Requirements .t , " ~ . . J . : 1. InIIiaIlnqulry: Org8niZationa I~ In Art In Public PIeces grants Ihould WI.iIICl1he V*,-, ArU ProQram . lOOn -llC*itlle Iftd no ~ 1han . May ,. 1183. An Art III Public PIIIces Memorandum. CDlUining lmDrmation eaenu.I to 1M eppIlCIIIfon proceu. will be forwaIdid at UIIIt tim8. 2. LIIlter of Intent: If,... having ~ ... rwviewecIlIe Art In Public Places MemorlftClum. you decide to ~. yo&I must not~... VIaIaIArts Program In wnting. Applicants ere not expected to haw. mIlde final dIciIionsat the letter of Intent.aagelftd .. encouraged to &.-th........... oI__ing Informa- tion Iftd Drice. A PM8I 01 con","'" will rwview ..... of int8nt 8Rd Nke recanwnendllJOn. to 8PPlC8Rta In order to .... them in dIMlloplng their pro. jecta. 1be V*iat Arts Program may .,'''':' IUggest fur1Mr.oun:el of infonnation Iftd CORIUhanta where appropriate.l..8nen IUIIlIII8rIZlng 1M PMeJ's~. dations in rwponae to e8Ch letter of Intent will be NIurMd by Odobef 1. 1883. L--.of Intent Ihcxdd be IIddrnMd to: Art in Public PI8C8lI Viauat ArU Program National Endowment for1he ArU 1100 "-nnsylvenia Awlnue. N.W. Wahir..,w.-.. D.C. 20505 The letter 01 intent Ihould describe the pu,...1ftd lCOIl8of the propoMCI prp- ject Iftd the.,.icant ClI'Q8nlulkln'sl'8IpOIISIbilitlea. tllhould Include the toflawfng informadon: . o.crtpIion of the prGCeIS by wtllch the -*1 will be choIen and the n__ Iftd qualifications of thole fIIIPOIlSIbM for ttIe 18Iection. The Endowment rKOmI1'I8IldIlhat nMionaIly ~::>gnlzed expens on CClfltempOI'ary art who have... expenence with art In public pI-=a be acIMly engaged In the I81eCtIon procelL (Cantn.d on next page) i . . ; 11 lJ . ---...-- All... NIle....... ...... AppIIIl....\......... ........ '" " , ~"...' . . 4' I t. I . . ......01..... undIr OOfIIldlulllaI. or.....INICIIIII........ JIIUI' ..a. far.. ..... ....IJDU .... ....._ _, ..,....01 11011' n ...... 1D.....,ecKic....... JDUtbouId 1noIudt_0I1h1ir_... (no _INn ..........per.... __. pt.AQQ.~wII not......... ID "1PPk*1L . 0..... ~. ptdoQ..,.A16... a 1O".............).......1HdIa. MiIIot ........"".. ~ a........)....... _lla a 11IM""" ............ fnlm.......... . Anti .'r.'t....NiQUIiIt_....J I' rJ........oIlM1CNngtundL · ,... far....... COIIIIIlUflIlrIUpplMt......... I. =1cIIIlan: ...on..C*IIhMOO..._.dl6......... .....-10,.,.... ., 1nMnt.,au ....,......to IpIlIrfartundltoCIfIY-.... ~Otto pnx:88d wiItl..........1on of.. pII)jecL AA*IIIIa.....IIIbmIt... ~ GIwII AppIIcIIIIan FonnNEM(RIv.J_ottlIr lIIIIIIIft8ou11Mcf ....... "HoW to ~ -=tiOn on ptge 11. ....... eecIIonan "AIIcMeIt ea.aa" on .,.11 .... oompIIdng"lIudgM portiansof....,piclllian Iarm.l 1f}'OU ..~ng Iorplannlng ICtIvItIIs, ~_aaon pecbgelhould" etude.n points IIat<<t undIr..1etter of fnt8nt ,.qui,...... pIua~ In- IDnMIlon (details will be... befcn...tlrneol_lcIdan). "vou "lIPPIYlng lor ........,WIion 01... pmIect, JOUr IIlPUcmIon pIICIcage Ihould conmin .~. fully dlwloped deIcriptIonol~project · 1ncIudlng: . . Delcription -.d slides Of ptIotogr8pha 01.. lite. SI~......... . ..... 8nd brieI' biogrIply 01 the artiII chae8n. . Fi",..llcIeIoI'h..r'lsI'.~worIc. . OIIcripdonpftheprocelS by which .. __..~.IncIudlng" quIImc.tlons of the Mlectlon .... ....... . EvldenceollUpporI from.. appropNte civIC adhoriIieI_ community QnlUpI. . Fundrllalng plan; IOUnl8I of matdIIng fundi. . MeIhod&propoMd to 1n1roduce.. pmject _ the Mist.. WCMtt 110.. ca. munlly. . A budget for the overall project (See~" under "A1Iolnb1eColta" on pege 11.) . " e e 22nd OF November ADOPTED AND APP~OVED TnIS , 1 9 83 . QAV - ~--::> /- ! __ /~ J, "- ; ~/1 ......'___ ~/"/-' ~_...-- ~ __ MAYOR NO. 6785 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING RESOLUTiON .WAS DULY ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA MONICA pT A MEETING THEREOF HELD ON November 22 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: . 1983 BY THE FOLLOWING COUNCIL VOTE: COUNCILMEMBERS: Conn, Jenn~ngs, Reed, Zane and Mayor Edwards COUNCILMEMBERS: None COUNCILMEM8ERS: Press COUNCILMEMBERS: Epstein ATTEST: 7/ . . L/:/), 0 .r;-"tfY~ - /~ /';:~ ~ ~~ CITY CLERK