SR-305-005-01 GS:SES:RF:ZH ARTS:DL .~ CounC1l Meetlng: ~mber 8, 1983 San t a en 1 c a, C a 1 if 0 r n 1 a 3t' 5 ~oos- 0/ /1- A TO: Mayor and City Counc1l N~V 8 1983 FROM: C1ty Staff SUBJECT: Recommendations for the Streetscape of W1lsh1re Boulevard and a Resolution Authorlz1ng the City Manager to Subm1t a Grant Appl1cat10n under the Art 1 n Publ1 c Pl aces Program of the Nat1 ona 1 Endowment for the Arts for the Cent1nela Gateway ProJ ect INTRODUCTION ThlS report requests that the C1ty Counc1l (A) approve General Services Department concept of enhanced streetscape design as outl1ned below and (B) authorize the C1ty Manager to subm1t a grant to the Art in Publ1C Places Program of the National Endowment for the Arts to asslst in the fundlng of the Centlnela Gateway ProJect of the Arts Comm1ss10n. BACKGROUND On June 10, 1983, the General Services/Art 1n PubllC Places Subcomm1ttee of the Arts Comm1ssion held a one-day W1lsh1re Boulevard Design Workshop to obta1n publ1C and professional input regard1ng lmprovements on W11sh1re Boulevard. Over f1fty des1gn and arts profess10nals and concerned citlzens met 1n an off1ce space donated by W1seman Shenassa, a Wllshlre Boulevard businessman, to determ1ne an overall deslgn and aesthetic program for the rehabll1tat10n of Wllshire, and to make speclfic recommendat10ns for the expend1ture of monies. The subcommlttee /I-A NO" 8 iflilJ e e was extremely grat1f1ed by the success of the workshop, the large turnout, the enthusiasm of the partlc1pants and the level of thelr expert1se, the quallty of the 1deas generated, and the large number of people wish1ng to be further lnvolved 1n the project. The goals and Object1ves presented for the group to work with 1ncluded the followlng: 1. To ldent1fy and provlde art1stlc opportunlties for art1sts and their work as the beg1nnlng of an Art 1n PubllC Places program for the Clty of Santa Monlca. 2. To lmprove and enrich Wilshlre Boulevard 1n conjunction w1th the goals and Object1ves of the proposed Land Use Element for the Clty'S General Plan, and 1n accordance w1th other C1ty ord1nances. 3. To develop llvable and pedestrlan-orlented pub11C spaces. 4. To lnsure that the needs of the community, property owners, merchants. and day-to-day users of Wl1shire are accommodated 1n the des1gn recommendat1ons. 5. To become a model for other areas of the Clty Wh1Ch will be undergoing reV1ew and renovation. City Staff 1nd1cated 1tS support of the deslgn project by send1ng Department Heads and representat1ves to speak with part1cipants, alert1ng them to var10US departmental prior1t1es, concerns, and gU1del1nes. Those present expressed the1r appreclatlon of the 1nformat1on glven and felt that the presence of these staff 2 e e members rooted the project in reality. making the day all the more productive. The organizing committee structured the agenda so that 1n the mornlng partlcipants consldered the overall design scheme Dr program for the street. In the afternoon, they addressed spec1fic elements to fit in w1th the broad concepts art1culated dur1ng the morn1ng. A) Wllshlre Streetscape Design ProJect It was recommended that General Services select a des1gn team to create an overall deslgn scheme for the Wilshire Boulevard streetscape. The team wlll 1dent1fy and recommend areas of the Boulevard for first construct1on of the streetscape improvements and also w1ll recommend phased fundlng requlrements to accompl1sh these lmprovements and identlfy sources of funds for the proJect. The scope of serVlces to be requested from the deslgn team wlll i nc 1 ude : I. Produce an overall schematlc slte plan for Wllshire Boulevard including: a) lllustratlVe slte plan b) street level perspectlve of prototype areas c) ldentlfy and site the followlng for speclf1c areas: 1. pavement treatment/pedestrlan crosswalks 2. specially deslgned street furnlture and placement thereof lnclud1ng bus benches. shelters, waste receptacles. newsracks. bollards, etc. 3 e e 3. landscape treatment 4. graphics and signage within the purview of the public sector 5. lighting - street and decorat,ve 6. color scheme 7. placement and design of specific artworks/murals events. etc. and amenities. d) general design prlnc1ples/guldellnes for Boulevard 1n wrltten form In the 1983-84 f1scal year, $250,000 was appropr,ated from Gas Tax funds for W1lsh1re Boulevard beautlflcat10n as ProJect No. 421-907 ln the CIP Budget. ThiS project 1S programmed 1n the 1983-86 Transportatlon Improvement Program (TIP). Upon field review and flnal approval by the Federal Hlghway Admln1stratlon, the Clty wlll be ellglble to rece1ve $215,525 (86.21%) from FAU money. Fleld reVlew 1S scheduled for the week of October 17. Flnal approval for FAU funding lS expected 4 to 6 weeks after reVlew. Once the project is approved, design and engineer1ng can begin. Federal Highway Administration will not reimburse for work completed prlor to project approval. B) Centlnela Gateway ProJect Workshop part,cipants recommended to the Arts Commission the need for a signlflcant marker announclng one's entrance lnto Santa Mon1ca from Los Angeles to the east. The slte chosen for thlS publiC artwork proJect was Wllshlre Boulevard, extendlng from the Los Angeles/Santa Monlca border at Centinela, two blocks west, to 4 . e Berkeley. The site was def1ned as be1ng the ent1re two-block strip, In order to gIve the artIst more fleXlb11ity In respondIng to the site, and to take maX1mum advantage of the view along W1lshire all the way west to the Pac1flc Ocean. Th1S two-block area 15 referred to as "The Centlnela Gateway." The sIte IS physlcally a problematIc one, 1n that It IS a busy commerc1al str1p, w1th narrow sidewalks and m1xed-use development. w1th w1ldly divergent architectural styles and signage. The heavy traff1c 1S an advantage, however, 1n that the proJect w1ll be h1ghly vis1ble. It presents a cnallenge Wh1Ch wlll ca1l for an innovatlve S01utlon, and hopefu11y, w1ll provide a model for the 1mprovement of other commerc1a1 str1ps 1n the C1ty. Based on these general recommendatlons result1ng from the Wilshire Boulevard Deslgn WorkshOp. the Arts CommiSSIon approved of the Cent1nela Gateway ProJect at Its meet1ng on August 15, 1983. Subsequent to th,S act10n, C1ty Counc1l gave ltS approval to the overall concept of the Centinela Gateway at Its meeting on October 24, 1983. The spec1f1c prov1s10ns of the proJect are proposed as follows: ~urpo~e The purpose of the Cent1ne1a Gateway 1S to announce one's arrival into Santa Monica from Los Angeles along the maJor commerc1al corr,dor of Wllsh1re Boulevard. In the massive urban sprawl that is greater Los Angeles, once-dist1nct nelghborhoods and cit1es have merged ,nto anonymity. The 5 e e Gateway should commemorate Santa Mon1ca's spec1al character and celebrate the traveler's approach to the ocean. Site Descript10n The slte cons1sts of the two-block stretch of Wl1shlre Boulevard between Centlnela and Berkeley Streets. The term "Gateway" mayor may not be lnterpreted llterally to slgnlfy an arch1tectural gatelike structure. All elements of the streetscape may be consldered 1n the proposal: landscaplng, street furniture, lightlng, slgnage (excluding pr1vate commerclal slgnage), and sldewalk or street paving. Perm1ssIon to utllize wails of prIvatelY owned bU1ldlngs or other prIvate property must be obtained from the owner prIor to the applicatlon. Appl1catlon Procedure An "Open/Invitatlonal" competlt1on will be conducted to select an artIst/desIgner(s) to des1gn the Cent1nela Gateway. The term "Open/Invltat1on" lnd1cates that the competlt1on would be opell to anyone who responds to the ca 11 for entr1 es (Wh1Ch would be wldelY pUblICIzed), and that the membe rs of the select10n pa ne I wi II a 1 so be able to speclf1cally inv1te artIsts to apply. This process has been found to be most succesful 1 n aSSLlrlng that the most prom1slng artIsts are consIdered. and 15 recommended by the Nat10nal Endowment for the Arts. 6 e e Because of the physlcal challenges of the slte. artists/des1gners will be required to subm1t a prellminary proposal as well as slldes of past work. The proposal would cons1st of a prellminary draw1ng, budget, and descrlptlon of the artlst's lntent. Art1sts would be encouraged to seek lnnovatlve solutions to the problems assoclated w1th the slte. Selection Procedure A three-step selectlon procedure would be used to select the artlst(s) and/or des1gner(s) for the proJect. This procedure would be as follows: Step 1: A thlrteen-member Advlsory Committee, wlth 1tS membershlp being drawn from area resldents, property owners. and representatlves of the arts community, would meet to recommend gUldelines and general conslderation far the selectlan of the art1st(s)/designer(s). Step 2: The Selection commlttee would meet to reV1ew the proposals and select the wlnner(s), uSlng the guidellnes recommended by the Advlsory Comm1ttee. Th1S panel would lnclude Jerry Pomerantz, Archltectural Deslgner, Member of Mld-Clty Neighbors; Beverly J. Moore. V1ce-Presldent of Flrst Women's Bank, Vlce-Presldent of the Santa Monlca Chamber of Commerce, and Richard Koshalek, 7 . e D1rector, the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles. Step 3: The decis10n of the Select10n Comm1ttee is ratif1ed by the Arts Comm1ssion. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACT A} Wilshire Streetscape Design ProJect Des1gn and f1fSt phase construction w1ll be funded from Capital Improvement Project No. 421-907 1n the amount of $250,000 pend1ng Federal Highway Adm1n1strat1on approval. Appropr1at1on authorltyappears 1n Account No. 43-500-421-000-907 and revenue has been budgeted 1n Account No. 43-905-076-000-000. Further construct1on fundTng would annual capital budget approprlations grants as they may become available. be required from and from speclf1c B} Centlnela ~ateway Project The Cent1nela Gateway w1ll be funded by a comblnat1on of public and pr1vate sources, as follows: PubllC: $50,000 Nat10nal Endowment for the Arts grant PrTvate: $50,000 Santa Monica Arts Foundatlon fund ra1s1ng Mart1n Cad1llac Development Agreement TOTAL $100,000 8 e e Upon approval of the grant and/or recelpt of the prlvate funds, approprlate recommendatlons wlll be submitted to the Clty Councl1 to reVlse FY 1983-84 approprlatlons and revenue estlmates. Admlnlstratlon A) ~~lshire Streetscape Deslgn Project This project lJepartment procedures requirements. wlll be regular and w111 handled under staffl ng and comply with General Servlces admlnistratlve FAUITI P grant B) Centlnela Gateway Project Processlng of appllcatlons and support for the Advlsory and Selection committees would be accompllshed by Arts Commisslon staff, wlth the asslstance of the General Servlces representatlve and the Arts CommlSSloner who will be facllitating the process. RECOMMENDATION Clty staff recommends that City Councl1: 1. Approve the concept of enhanced Wllshlre Boulevard streetscape deslgn, the proposed scope of serVlces for a design team and use of budgeted funds In the amount of $250,000 for overall deslgn fees and 11mlt phase construction. 9 e e 2. Authorize the C1ty Manager to apply to the Art 1n Publ1C Places Program of the Nat10nal Endowment for the Arts to support the Cent1nela Gateway PrOject by adoptlng the attached resolutlon. Prepared by: Stan Scholl, Dlrector of General Servlces Rusty Fllnton, Consultant David Lutz, Director, Arts Commlss1on 10 CIty CounCIl MeetIng: ~ember 8, 1983 S~ MonIca, Californ~a RESOLUTION NO. (CIty CouncIl Ser~es) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA MONICA AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION WITH THE NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS FOR THE CENTINELA GATEWAY PROJECT UNDER THE ART IN PUBLIC PLACES PROGRAM WHEREAS, the National Endowment for the Arts is authorIzed to make grants for maJor CIvic public art proJects In Its Art In Publ~c Places Program; and WHEREAS, the Centlnela Gateway ProJect qual~fles for such a grant award; and WHEREAS, the contract for flnanc~al aSSIstance WIll Impose certa~n obllgatlons upon the Appllcant, lncludlng the provlslon by It of the local share of proJect costs; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA MONICA DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Clty Manager is authorIzed to execute and f~le an appllcat~on on behalf of the C~ty of Santa MonIca WIth the NatIonal Endowment for the Arts to aId In the fInanCIng of the Centlnela Gateway ProJect pursuant to the Art In publIC Places Program. SECTION 2. The CIty Manager 1S authorIzed to execute and flel WIth the appl~catlon an assurance or any other documents requ~red by the Natlonal Endowment for the Arts. SECTION 3. The CIty Manager IS authorIzed to furnlsh such add1tlonal 1nforrnatlon as the Nat~onal Endowment for the Arts may reqUIre In connectIon WIth the appllcatlon for the Centlnela Gateway ProJect. e e SECTION 4. The City Manager IS authorlzed to execute grant agreements on behalf of the CIty of Santa MonIca wlth the NatIonal Endowment for the Arts for aId In the fInancing of the Centlnela Gateway ProJect. SECTION 5. The CIty Clerk shall certlfy to the adoptlon of thIS Resolutlon, and thenceforth and thereafter the same shall he In full force and effect. APPROVED AS TO FORM: r-....'l.'-"1.r<--v-l c.-- ~ ROBERT M. MYERS City Attorney National Endowment for the Arts \'I!) Application Guidelines Fiscal Year 1984 \ .. I ," . " J " e e " <(19 co-; ::::JE>> (fJ0 >.8 , ~ ! " .q CO ~ 10 Art In Public Places .' Whom We Fund What We Fund What We Do Not Fund " , I Review Cnterla t . It Grants In thiS category are designed to make the best contemporary art acceSSible In public places other than rT)I,lseums, and to provide new challenges and oppor- tumtles for liVing Amencan artists of exceptional talent and achievement In recent years. grants have supported innovative projects for spaces previously unexplored as sites for artworks. both Interior and exterior, and have encouraged an increasing number of younger artists. craftspersons. and photographers Appli- cants are encouraged to conSider Imaginative approaches to pOSSible sites rivers. waterfronts, parks. recreahonal facIlities, airports, subways, roadSides, and pubhc bUildings Pnvatelyowned land may be proposed as a site If It IS an area to which the public has free access. such as a hOUSing development or university campus The most successful public art projects have been those involving the artist In the initial plan",ngllnd deSign stages Priority Will be gIven to those appllcahons where the artist has an Integral role In all stages of the project The Program encourages the payment of profeSSional-level fees to artists for their deSign proposals and other planmng actiVities aSSOCiated With the project . State and local governmental units and nonprofit tax-exempt orga!1lzatlons meeting the legal requirements on page 15 . PubliC art prOjects fOCUSing on newly created work as permanent features of public sites Work may be m a vanety of Visual arts media. Includmg palntmg, sculpture. earthworks, environmental art, VIdeo. photography. crafts, and com- bined media The work must be appropnate to ItS site and the surroundmg en- vironment Early partlclpallon of artists m site planning and deSign IS essential . Planning grants which may help support . - Payment of fees to artists for their partICipatIon In planning actiVities - Short-term mstallallons and other actiVities deSigned to educate and prepare the community for public art prolects and to explore the potential for such proJects NOTE Orgam2allonS that receive support for planning actiVities may apply for subsequent funds to Implement the final prolect Endowment support at the plan- mng stage, however. In no way Implies a subsequent grant for IITlplementatlon . ExhibitIOns . Museum acquIsitions or Installation of wor/< on museum grounds . Projects of a solely hlstoncal. commemorative, or memonal nature . Open or Juned competitions . Work not created speCifically for the proposed site In reviewing applications. panelists conSider the follOWing . Quality of the artist's work . Quality, mnovatlon, and timeliness of project . Commitment to payment 01 profeSSional lees to artists . Appropnateness of the SIte as an Integral component of the overall prolect . In\lolvement of the artist m all phases of the project . Quality of the artist selection committee and the selection procedures . EVidence of applicant's ability to administer the proJect. Including organiza- tional stabIlity and appropriateness of budget for the proposed activIties . EVidence of a thoroughly developed and feaSible fundralslng plar! \0 meet matching reqUirements . Plans for community Involvement, preparation, and dialogue (Continued on next page) - Art In Public Place.. Constituency and commumty served - 11 Review Criteria, . Adherence to procedures outlined In the ~ In Public Places Memorandum continued that Will be sent to all potential apphcants . EVidence of conSideration 01 W'omen Bnd minorities . Completeness of application Grant Amounts Grants generally WIll not exceed 550,000 for Implementation of pubhc art prOJects Up to $10,000 may be available for planning achVltles In the event an organtzatlon receives both a plannmg grant and a flnallmplementahon grant, the combmed grant amount generally Will not exceed $50,000 All grants must be matched at least dollar for dollar Allowable Costs The budget breakdown (Endowment grant Bnd matching funds) on the final ap- plication form should mclude only allowable costs artist's fee, the cost of creating the work (matenals and fabrication), the cost of transporting It to the site and 10- stalling ,t, and. )f applicable. the dealer's fee The National Council on the Arts and Visual Arts Program adVISOry panels have recommended that a dealer's fee not exceed ten percent of an artist's fee Additional costs such as site preparation, staff salaries and staff travel. admlnlstra. tlve expenses, consultants' fees for site proposals. cost of artists selection pro. cedures, and long-term care and mamtenance costs must be met by additional sources Such payments Will not be conSidered part of the matching funds A budget for the overall proJect, Including such additional costs. should accompany the fmal application on a supplementary 8-1/2" x 11" sheet Deadhne and Announcement Dates See Application Calendar mSlde the front cover of these gUldelmes SpeCial Application ReqUirements Initial InqUiry OrganIzations Interested In Art 10 Public Places grants should contact the Visual Arts Proaram as soon as pOSSible and no later than May 1.1983 An Art 10 Pubh"c Places Memorandum, contalnmg tn'formatlon' essential to the application process, Will be forwarded at that hme ,< 2 Leller of Intent If, after haVing received and reviewed the Art 10 Public Places Memorandum. you deCide to apply, you must notify the Visual Arts Program In writing Applicants are not expected to have made fmal deCISions at the leller of mtent stage and a'l'e encouraged to use thIS step as a means of seeking mforma- hon and adVice A panel of consultants Will review letters of mtent and make recommendations to applicants 10 order to assist them 10 developmg their pro- Jects The Visual Arts Program may also suggest further sources of information and consultants where appropnate Letters summarizing the panel's recommen- datlons In response to each letter of Intent Will be returned by October 1,1983 Letters of mtent Should be addressed to . , Art 10 PubliC Places Visual Arts Program National Endowment for the Arts 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue. N W Washington, 0 C 20506 The letter of mtent should descnbe the purpose and scope of the proposed pr9- Ject and the applicant organization's responSibilities II should mclude the follOWing Information . DeSCription of the process by which the artist Will be chosen and the names and qualifications of those responsible for the selection The Endowment recommends that natIOnally recognized experts on contemporary art who have had experience With art In publlc places be actively engaged 10 the selection process (Conllnued on next page) '12 Art in Public PIIlC8lI, Special Application Requirements. continued /I . Names 01 artists under consideration or which Indicate the direction your search lor an artist WI II take If you have narrowed the range 01 conSlderallon to a lew specifIC artists, you should Include slides of their recent work (no more than live slides per artist) Slides and photographs Will not be returned to the applicant . Descnptlon and photographs (8" lC 10" black and white), 35-mm slides, andlor drawings of the proposed site(s) Slides and photographs should show the slte(s) from several angles . AntiCipated grant request amount and expected sources of matching lunds . Plans for engagmg community support and Interest :3 Application Based on the panel's recommendations In the response to your let- ter 01 Intent, you may Wish to apply for lunds to carry out planning activities or to proceed With Implementation of the proJect Appllcents must submit the Organization Grant Application Form NEA-3 (Aev ) and other matenals outlined under the "How to Apply" sectIon on page 16 Read the section on "Allowable Costs" on page 11 before completing the budget portions of the application lorm If you are applYing for planning activIties, your application package should In- clude all points listed under the letter of intent requirements plus additIonal In- formation (details Will be sent before the time of appliCatiOn) If you are applYing for Implementation 01 the proJect, you r application paCkage Should contam a complete, fully developed descnptlon 01 your project . InCIUdmg ,l . Description and slides or photographs of the site Slides are preferable . Name and brief biography of the artist chosen . Five slides of the artist's recent work . Descrlptlonpf the process bywhlch the artist was chosen, including the qualifications of the selection panel members . EVidence 01 support from the appropriate CIVIC authOrities and community groups . Fundralsmg plan, sources 01 matchmg lunds . Methods proposed 10 Introduce the prOject and the artist's work to the com- mUnity . A budgetlor the overall project (See details under "Allowable Costs" on page" ) , ,