SR-303-007 (8) City Council Meeting: April 12, 2005 Santa Monica, California TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: City Staff SUBJECT: Resolution to Adopt Proposed Rules and Regulations Governing the Operation and Use of Santa Monica’s Skate Park Scheduled to Open in Spring 2005 INTRODUCTION This report recommends that the City Council adopt a resolution to approve rules and regulations to promote the safe public use of the City’s new skate park, located at Memorial Park. BACKGROUND The City Council approved the design and construction of a 20,000 square foot th municipal skate park at Memorial Park located on 14 Street between Olympic and Colorado Boulevards on March 11, 2003. The skate park funding was authorized in response to strong community support for a state-of-the-art, safe venue for an increasing number of citizens of all ages interested in this popular recreational activity. California Skate Parks, Inc., a nationally recognized company specializing in the development of creative, challenging but safe skate facilities for participants of all ages and abilities, was hired to design and construct the skate park. The construction of the Santa Monica Skate Park is scheduled to be completed in the spring of 2005. 1 Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 11 pt DISCUSSION The facility will be open to the public during the school year (September – June) on weekday afternoons (3pm – dusk) and during summer weekdays and year round on weekends (11 am- dusk). City staff will monitor that rules and regulations for admission into the skate park are met. A fee schedule, approved by Council in the FY 2004-05 City Budget, will be enacted to partially support the maintenance and supervision of the Skate Park. An inter-departmental Skate Park Implementation Team has met regularly during the past year, developing proposed rules and regulations for the enjoyment and safe use and operation of the facility. Representatives from Risk Management, the City Attorney’s Office, the Police Department and Community and Cultural Services Department have collaborated to develop these proposed rules and regulations, after research of current State legislation, professional State and National Skate Park Association recommendations, and best practices of existing established municipal and private supervised skate parks in the Western United States. California Health and Safety Code (115800) that sets safety and liability requirements for skate parks were also adhered to in the development of the recommended rules and regulations. Santa Monica Municipal Code Section 3.12.600 authorizes the regulation of skating and boarding activities by Council resolution. 2 Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 11 pt The following practices will be enacted as recommended by Government Code Section 8306. All skate park participants must register to use the facility. The registration process will require that participants read and sign an agreement to comply with the proposed rules and regulations. Parent Authorization Forms will be required for youth users. Signs will be posted at strategically placed locations throughout the park. A skate park brochure and the City’s web site will also contain this information. Site staff will be trained to monitor and enforce the rules and regulations. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACT Some revenue may be received from the issuance of citations for violations of the rules and regulations; however, the amounts are undeterminable at this time and would not be significant to the overall General Fund budget. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a resolution to approve the proposed rules and regulations to govern Santa Monica’s Skate Park at Memorial Park. Prepared by: Barbara Stinchfield, Community and Cultural Services Director Kathy LePrevost, Community Programs Manager Rich Rollins, Principal Community Services Supervisor Attachments: Resolution (See Adopted Resolution No. 10032 (CCS)). Proposed Rules and Regulations 3 Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 11 pt SANTA MONICA SKATEPARK REGULATIONS FOR USE 1.This park is designated for skateboarding, bicycle riding, and in-line skating during specified days and times. 2.Skateboarding, bicycle riding, and in-line skating are hazardous activities. Skate or bike at your own risk. 3.The skate park is a drop-in recreation facility. Children have the right to come and go from the facility and staff will not prevent children from leaving the facility. The City does not supervise park use or users and assumes no responsibility for them. 4.Skate park registration and waiver forms must be signed by each participant (if 18 or over) and by a parent or guardian (if under 18). 5.Scooters and motorized devices are not allowed at any time. 6.Skating on the skate park’s curbs, sidewalks, parking lot, or entrance sidewalk is not allowed. 7.Persons entering the skate park when it is closed may be cited or arrested for trespass. 8.Helmets, kneepads and elbow pads are required to be worn in the skate park. Failure to wear helmets, kneepads, and elbow pads in the skate park may result in loss of skate park privileges and/or removal from the park. Any person failing to do so will be subject to Formatted: Bullets and Numbering citation. All equipment used by participants must be in good condition and must not damage the skate park or its structures, or cause injury to others. 9.Unauthorized pieces of equipment, obstacles, or apparatus may not be brought into the skate park. 10.The following items or activities are prohibited within the skate park: a.Graffiti, tagging or other forms of vandalism or destruction of property b.Glass bottles or containers c.Littering. Trash must be disposed of in trash receptacles d.Smoking, alcohol, or drug use e.Intimidation, hazing, fighting, and antagonistic or disruptive behavior. Such behavior may subject persons to removal from the skate park and be subject to prosecution f.Profanity (Including profanity on clothing) g.Food and/or beverages h.Gambling of any kind i.Pets j.Skateboarding, biking, in-line skating, or running, on wet surfaces k.Sitting along the tops of the rails l. Skating against traffic on ramps and pipes m.Biking in the pool 11.All participants must use the facility safely at all times and avoid collision with others. 12.Spectators are not permitted in the skate park. 13.Shirts, shoes, and clothing must be worn at all times. 14.Participants wear jewelry at their own risk. 4 Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 11 pt 15.Special events or contests are not allowed in the skate park unless authorized by the City. 16.Users must be 6 years of age or older. An adult should accompany youth under 12 years of age. 17.All skate park users must have a Day Use Pass or a current skate park Quarterly Pass. 18.The City reserves the right to remove park users who violate these rules. Participants are prohibited from performing stunts, tricks, or luge skateboarding on all other public property. 5 Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 11 pt