SR-303-004 (2) '303-000/ ,,-+:::. GS:SS:DA:JT 3/21/88 Council Meeting: April 12, 1988 APR 1 2 1988 Santa Monica, California TO: Mayor and city council FROM: City Staff SUBJECT: Award of Contract to Construct Various Improvements at Joslyn Park. Introduction This report requests that the City council award a contract to construct various improvements at Joslyn Park to Bared Construction and Painting Company, the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of $68,205.00. Background The city council approved funding for improvements to Joslyn Park as part of the FY 1986-87 budget. Improvements include restroom remodeling, installation of a new irrigation system, installation of new picnic tables, and conversion of an abandoned shuffleboard court to a turf area. Plans and specifications for the construction of these improvements were prepared by the ci ty Engineer's office. A Notice Inviting Bids was published on February 22 and 23, 1988, in the Evening Outlook, four construction journals, and sent to seven WMBE Associations. Plans and specifications were issued to fourteen contractors. Bids were received and read publicly on March 18, 1988, by the Deputy City Clerk. 6-~ APR 1 2 1988 Four bids were received as follows: Hared Construction and Painting Co. Moment Construction Co. cancino & Sons Engineering Co. Ryco Construction, Inc. $ 68,205.00 74,020.00 78,000.00 107,701.00 The city Engineer's Estimate 75,000.00 The low bidder was Hared Construction and Painting Company who has successfully completed other projects for the city. Budget/Financial Analysis FUNDS REQUIRED Contract Contingencies Total $68,205.00 5r795.00 $74,000.00 Funds are available at accounts 01-740-511-000-956 in the amount of $45,601.56 and 01-740-511-000-942 in the amount of $31,404.00 for a total of $77,005.56. Recommendations It is recommended that the city council: 1. Award a contract to construct various improvements at Joslyn Park to Hared Construction and Painting Company, the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of $68,205.00; and 2. Authorize the City Engineer to issue any necessary change orders to complete additional work in conformance with the Administrative Instructions. Prepared by: Stan Scholl, Director of General Services Desi Alvarez, P.E., City Engineer Joe Takieddine, P.E., Project Manager jtjoslyn