SR-301-004-02 (5) .. ,\ CM:VR:mmm:VIVIan CouncIl MeetIng: 2/28/84 Santa MonIca, CalIfornIa 1(-4 30/~ooL/-02 $5-2 FEB 2 8 1" MAR 1 3 l!84 To: Mayor and CIty Council From: City Staff Subject: VarIous Approaches to the Problem of the Homeless INTRODUCTION ThIS report provIdes InformatIon requested by Council on approaches utIlIzed by other munIcIpalItIes In dealIng wIth the homeless populatIon, brIefly reVIews the status of lIghtIng In the CIty Parks, and estImates the costs Involved In IncreasIng the current polIce foot patrol In selected areas of the CIty. BACKGROUND On November 22, 1984 CIty CouncIl requested a study seSSIon to reVIew varIOus polIcIes WhICh could be consIdered 1n handlIng homeless persons who are present In Santa MonIca. PreVIOUS staff reports have descrIbed the nature of the homeless populatIon, the natIonal character of the homeless problem, the patterns of arrests of the homeless In Santa MonIca and the general practIce of the local courts In releasIng those charged WIth mInor offenses related to homelessness. ThIS report wIll present InformatIon on the polICIes of other polIce departments, local ordInances WhICh are utIlIzed by other munICIpalItIes, InformatIon on lightIng of the Santa Monica parks and the expenses Involved In IncreaSIng polIce foot patrols. JI..,A MAR t 3 1984 ~S-2- FED 28 1984 SURVEY OF ORDINANCES UTILIZED BY OTHER MUNICIPALITIES IN DEALING WITH THE HOMELESS POPULATION A survey was conducted 1n WhICh several other c1tles prov1ded InformatIon on the ordInances and practIces In place In handlIng the homeless. The results are summarIzed below. Only ord1nances WhICh deVIate from those used In Santa MonIca are hlghl1ghted. Los Angeles Illegal to use a car for habItatIon Wh1Ch IS parked on a public street or public parkIng lot. No lYIng down on a publlC bus bench. Beverly HIlls No overnIght parkIng on a publIC street. Burb ank Parks closed from 11 p.m. to sunrIse (Santa MonIca: closed mldnlght-5 a.m.). No alcoholIc beverages allowed In parks (Santa MonIca: no drInkIng of alcoholIC beverages allowed In parks). Inglewood Parks closed durIng nIghttIme hours Manhattan Beach Parks closed at nIght PhoenIX ArIzona No alcoholIC beverages In parks No glass contaIners In parks ( Santa MonIca: prohIbIted only on the beaches) Parks can be closed for protectIon of publIC health. No sleepIng In automobIles in speCIfIed areas. 2 Santa Barbara No sleepIng In publIC parks, faCIlItIes or streets No alcoholIC beverages allowed In parks. Parks closed 10 p.m. sunrIse. Santa Cruz No sleepIng In publIC places. No alcoholIC beverages allowed In parks. Torrance No lOIterIng near lIquor stores. THE CONSTRAINTS OF A LAW ENFORCEMENT APPROACH TO THE HOMELESS One of the dIlemmas faCIng the JUdICIal system In Los Angeles County IS the lack of bed space for prIsoners. At the end of the past year there were 14,000 Inmates In JaIl faCIlItIes contaInIng 10,815 beds. In 1982 the people of CalIfornIa approved a Jail funding referendum. The $70,000,000 prOVIded to Los Angeles County must be matched by $54,000,000 In County funds In order to prOVIde 1600 more beds. The faCilIty WIll be ready at the earliest In 5 years. As a result of thIS overcrowdIng, the maintaIned prImarily for those prisoners Violence. County's jails are who are prone to It has been suggested In some quarters that the answer to the homeless situation IS a tougher law enforcement approach. Even 3 If thIS approach were legally and constItutIonally val1d, the system IS st1ll not eqUIpped to handle 1ncreased arrests by polIce departments for mInor offenses. C1ty staff, 1n rev1ew1ng the above ordInances, feel that no add1tlonal legal tools are needed locally to Increase the arrests of homeless persons. The Jud1clal system dOes not offer an effectIve solutIon to the overall homeless problem. PARK LIGHTING VIrtually all major stud1es of securIty lIghtIng conclude that the InstallatIon of effICIent hIgh IntensIty lIghts apprec1ably reduces the occurrence of cr1me. StudIes gathered by PublIC Technology, Inc. of WashIngton D. C. and those made by the CalIforn1a CrIme PreventIon InstItute support thIS conclUSIon. Good llght1ng can by Itself act as a psychologIcal deterrent to the IncIdence of crIme and vandalIsm at publIC parks. The CalIfornIa CrIme PreventIon InstItute encourages the InstallatIon of effIcIent securIty lIght1ng at all publIC parks. A range of secur1ty lIghtIng can be found In Santa MonIca park faCIlItIes from no lIghts at Douglas Park to effIcient hIgh pressure sodIum lights at Clover Park. A January, InformatIon To reVIew 1983 staff report provIded CouncIl wIth detaIled on the status of lIghtIng 1n the varIOUS CIty Parks. the Issue brIefly, It should be noted that the park 4 llght1ng standards followed by the General SerV1ces Department are those set by the Illum1nat1on Eng1neer1ng Soc1ety of North Amer1ca. The standards set the m1nimum park footcandle Illuffi1nance levels at 0.5. Only Clover Park, V1rg1nIa, Ozone and Ashland Parks meet the m1nImum standards. The followIng parks have no secur1ty lIghtIng: Douglas, Los Amlgos, Park DrIve, Schader and PacIfIc Street. Of these, only Douglas Park has reported problems w1th the homeless congregatIng there. PalIsades and LIncoln Parks are noted by General ServIces as haVIng w1nImal to IneffIcient securIty lIghtIng. Both parks experience a concentratIon of homeless persons. The lIghtIng of CIty parks IS seen as a prIorIty by CIty staff. In FY 1983 - 84 the lIghtIng In PalIsades Park IS to be converted to hIgher IntensIty IllumInatIon. SecurIty lIghtIng In LIncoln Park wIll be proposed as a prIority In the FY 1984 - 85 capital budget. LIghtIng for Douglas and MarIne Parks 1S currently scheduled for FY 1985 - 86. APPROACH OF BURBANK POLICE DEPARTMENT The Burbank Pollce Department was the only surveyed agency that had adopted polICIes and procedures that dIffered from all others. That department has started an actIve program WhIch Includes usage of the area's referral agenc1es, local emergency funds for emergency food, and shelter, as well as an emergency 5 . . , . gas fund for those travelIng through the CIty. The department has also begun a unIque system, WhICh allows the homeless to sleep in the JaIl overnIght. ThIS system, called the "Enroute BookIng System,1I has been runnIng successfully for over a year. The Santa MonIca Police Department currently maintaIns an lndlgent fund for aIdIng famIlIes WIth emergency food and shelter. SurroundIng agenCIes such as PacIfIC and West L.A. DIVISIons of LAPD, Mallbu SherIff, Beverly HIlls, Culver City and Inglewood do not maIntaIn such a fund. The El Segundo PolIce Department IS the only other South Bay agency to maIntaIn an emergency aId fund. The "Enroute BookIng Systemll used In Burbank would be InapproprIate In Santa MonIca where the local JaIl IS about 4 tImes as actIve as the JaIl In Burbank. EXPANSION OF THE FOOT PATROL IN SELECTED AREAS The WalkIng Beat Detail WhICh was Intended to Increase polIce VISIbIlIty In chronIC problem areas has been found to be very effectIve. Park supervisory personnel at LIncoln and PalIsades Parks as well as local merchants and CItIzens have been very receptIve to the presence of the patrol. The costs In salarIes for maIntaInIng the current status of four offIcers aSSIgned strIctly to foot patrol averages $208,000 per year. ThIS fIgure Includes the InflatIon factor of contractual 6 ~ ~ ~ ~ pay raIses, health and dental Insurance, and other frInge benefIts. If addItIonal offIcers were hIred to accomplish a full deployment for selected areas, 7 days a week, the costs would be $480,000 per year for an addItIonal eIght person team. PREPARED BY: James F. Keane Police ChIef VIVIan RothsteIn CommunIty LIaIson 7