SR-205-003 (474) e 2p5' ~ tA03 e 6-1 PU :RNA: fM J Santa Mon~ca. Callfornl8 SepteMb~r 28~ 1962 SEP 2 8 1982 " f- .-~.- r- l~ Tll: MAYOR AND CIfY COUNC1L .:----- FROM: CITY STAFF SUBJECT; RecoMMend.at1on To Award Bld For Bus Englne OVE'rhaul Serv~ce. B~d No. 1794 J..!l!.r_!!..Q.!Lc~t ~ 9~" Th1S report concerns award of b1d for bus enq1ne overhaul serV1ce at un1t pr1ces quoted for the period froM Octobeor 1, 19B2 throuqh Sep t eMber 30} 1983. Funds for th 1S purchase are aVf ~ laole 1n account nUMber 41-600-657-000-304~Transportat!on} ~<l..f.!tq.r_OJ!Rd< In responsE' to publlshed Not~ce Inv1tIng Blds (publ~shE"d 8-19-82) to furn~sh and dE']lver bus enq1ne overhaul service 1n accordan( p wlth Clty soecificat1ons. bld~ WE're receIved and publ~cly opened and read on SepteMber 2, 1982. Propo~al forMs warp Millled to twelve vendors and notlces were advE'rt~sed 1n accordance WlTh Clty Charter and MunIcIpal Code prOYIq~Ons. Three proposals were rE'ceIved as follows: HARBOR DTESfL KORODY-COlYfR PE"DCO Repreosentatlve prlce on overage overhaul $3,036.16 $4}500.00 $2.513.25 R ~c 0 ~.t'~n dJi J !.9 n. it 1~ re(OMMended that the award bp Made to Parts ~xp~dltlng ~ DJstrlbutlon Lo.} Santa FE' Sprlnqs} Californla~ ~n the unlt aMount~ bld for the perlod UL10U~r 1) 1902 through SepteMber 30) 1983 as lowest and best bldder. Prepared By: R. N. Aronoff~ DIrector of Purchaslna t.,-r SEP 2 8 1982