SR-205-003 (403) ...", e e --~ L8-0 PUl~N{:'llfMJ Coul1c.d Mpetll1q DecP-Mber 1,~} 1983 Santa Monlc~, C~JJfOrnl~ ZO~"-003 {o-Q DEe 1 3 J9liJ TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCiL tROM: CIlY STA~~ GUBJECI: RecOMMendrli10n 10 Award l:lJd t=or f H'P- Hydrallt", BId No, 111.32 In.! r () d.!!f.. ! llill lh.l.~ ,'epor'l LOnc.erns <3war'd or bId for flre> hydrant,,> 1n the total aMQUnt of $51}91~.5h lnclud1ng dppllcable sales tax, ~~d-c:y.qrounu tn response to publ15h~~ NotlcE> Jnvlt!ny Bids (pubJlshed 10-24-83) to furnlsh dn~ det~VQr 150 bronze fIre hydrants 1n acrordance wlth (;11)1 sjJeclf1.c.a'tlons) h1dc, we~'e r'f'ct'lved anu pUbJ1Cly opened and read on NoveMber 8} 1983. Proposal f'01'l"I'.. were Ma.llE"d 1;0 22 V~l\dOT'S dod notlceb WE' rea u v e r' t J G fJ d 1 n a <: cor U <it nee W L1 h (1 1" Y C h d 7' t l? 7' <it n tI MunlC1pal Codp prOV1S11)n<;,. Three proPQs~ls were recelved as follows: BiDDI::R I-'RJCF fACH n RMS DlLIVE.RY :l<LONG BE.ACH IRON WORkS !\>?lfS , 00 1% 1 ~J DAYS NEl 30 4-8 Wl-"lKS JAMI::.S JONE:.S $3;!4. Y8 2%-30 DAYS 4 WELKS VALLE.Y C1 T it S f\UPPLY $41~,O(} 2%-20 DAYS (r10 WF:FKS ThB long BeclLh tr'an Works hytlr'ant off(?red t1Q~S no-t Meet C1'ty :..peclf.LI:alions 1n tha"\ 'th~ \Jal\)p c.aT'f'ler L<lnnot rotate l.ndepenll~ntly f'rOM the vdlq~ .,.teM, Ht]~ ullndCCef}table Loltf.Lguratlon J.S a de~jQIl wh.u.b s'\afl' has found tl) b~ \)~ry dJfflrult tG ollen} ,;HJrj~t~onal1Yl dfter the v<illve has been (ll/!:.,ed for a long pern/r:i of t1MB Il j~ ulMUS t 1Mj.>OS<-dblE=> to open, Tile LOfHJ Be-aLl) lron works hydT'ant ha~ a 1 {,-Q JJ(C 1 3 ]jO . e e PU:RNA;fM,) CouncIL M~Btlng Dec~Mber 13, 1983 Santa Mon~ca, Call~ornla rubber vdlves~dt which staff ev~Lu~tPs as More expensive to MaIntain t h <iI nTh at f' 0 un U .I nth e Jon es h y d l' .Hl t . ~ \! 1 q.p t II- !.n 2.!:t!::..!..~_"JL<:1~_1 ~ JSLal YeiH' 19U3-84 <:lpprOprli"tlon ClIJtho1'lty for this l1urcha',p l~ In the Water Dlvlslon of the General SerU.lCH~ Depar1M~n11 account nUMh~r 2~-500-671-000-~03. ~g!"'.Q.M~Me n t.I..-, .u_ 011 It IS reLOMMended 1hat the dWclrd of BId I 1932 b~ Made to J~Meb Jones CO,} 1::.1 Monte, C.dlfor'flld In the totdl dMount of 'l>51,915,~16 lnt.Iuthng "tax, as th0 lowei")t and best b1.dder'. Prepared By: R, N. Aronoff, DlreLtur of Purt.haslng '"} (