SR-205-003 (395) '" e 205-003 e -" 1 ).. <.r'G> /. ""SU PUlRNfI: i'MJ Lotll\ctl Mc-e {1 nlj n,i!\ 13 Mon.l.( a) f:cl111 onll,l b-H ?, lllj U ", t '7 ~ 1 {in,~ TO: MAYOR AND CI TY COUNCIl I ROM: rflY SIAl-f.. ~lUB!EC1: Pc'rcH"lMendat:on 10 AW.1nl BIt! ror Jow1.ng H~H'lJl(f'> B.l.d No. lHn5 1 f'l .!.r 0 d u f. t_J .fill fhl", roport COOl ('f'no,. clWfil"rl of bid fOi' ~ME'I"(J('n( y t(lWll1q SPi'VIt"f> dt till' IJr\l{ pr~f"j:>s qIJOl(~ij for th~ pl-=1"'IOd froM S~~i('M1H'r I) 1900 "thl'()IJgl\ ()ugtJ'.>"t b11~ l'1IH~ piu", lwO addltl(in.\l (H\P Yt~..\r opt1onr.:.. k It q r !L\!..n.Q. In l'GSpot,su ill p\Jbljsh~d Notl.c.e lnvltHI(] BJ.cI~ (publJ.:.,I)f~'d 6-29-83) \0 flJrnlsh and i.!p!,,,('r eMergency 10wlng st:'rVLL(' tn ,H-,orddIlU-> Wl1"h r"tv "peI1flLdtt(lll'">1 hLtlb WP('P i"f>rPlvt.->d <"Ind puhl1Llv o~p-necl .=tnd rP-dd on July 12) 1{?8C P,'IJp-OS,ll f(H'M~, wpr'Q Md.l.]pd H) 1::-, vendor''"> ,wd notice', werr aduertlqcd 1n aCLorct~nr~ WJth Glty Chdrtcr ~nJ MUnlf"lp~l GOd0 ~H'OV.LS>lon:", fWQ propo'.>d]':> Wl"'rp l~pr_PIv("'d ,'i<; follows: ~ tEP Y.l n-_ \ll:J-J".I~j--D__ _________ __ _f2flWf LNE.Nl Al _ _ _ W J I.. !:m N .&..JLJ\!d-::f- '=-HJ:. HC::'clVY dilly tOl.-l1l1q 10\(.JI: 3~,KII pVl" hour 'H';i, () 0 Ilk, ~'~lfl , (I () /Hr . Ii. D, Ml) Pdq€' char'gf:)" n f) Lhar Y'-' no l.h"'lr'gp 1lgh1 rluty tOWlllY 10 1f1.>(\OOft/ppr' hour- '1>3(\ . (1 fI/I-\;' . '~4?, nO/Hr', 1 J gh1 UIJ ty MJ le'~ge no Lharq2 <),? , ~.f) 11''11 1 P rl f t p r' -.. 1"1 J. l ~ s hor)l<-ufJ ClhH'gP 111( ludc.d dbovt:. $.:~il,(lO lJ1f:lud(H:; iSl :<< MLlE'" U1SCDllfler! dr) v.e shdi't lnc-llldl-,'d dboV0 $ll),OU b-~ , .. e e PU~RNf\:fMJ CQUnlll M(!eIJI\IJ ()UfJlJ~l 9, 1nn S<"ln"ta MOIl.lLd) C<.l-l;rOrnl<l one add1110nal year j)pt.J.()n~'i yes vp<" <"~PCOI1r1 add11l onal y(~ar opt Lt',n? ~. I? <; YL'S Ill] d~'l.f:: \ QE...Y / LI.!!.::!.l!.!::_!.!..l...!._ !..0R.<'I!; U_ r l',ci.ll 1903 84 dPIH'OIH'l,}t lon <luthGr1.1y for thJ.s put'd},j<;p 1.', buct(J~.:tt"r1 In ',Iarlou'".> MCllntendlH.f' acc.oullts 1n ~he POlll~ De~drrMent) Trdn<;por' la tl on D~p<-H'lr'lPl1t '_HHI th€! Mt~ch<1nlc..:d M<.)U) IpnM1C~ D.tV1Sl0n I)f th(= Gpneral f)oivlces Oep,,~r'IMf'n"'( dlHi will be> hudg(?"'(~d Hl 1J ~'" I 19U4-8~ 1.n Ihp<,fJ d/:;!p...r'tt-v.!IlI<' fop thE-' per'l(ld .July l~ thr\l Auq\J~t ,Hi 1984, R eL I) !:.1-.D!' I ! d (} t .l2.[l J l' 1<" i'Pt." OMM[)lldl'tI Ihal 1hl' ,1W,H'U of }Ill! -It 1n8~.:i hl' Mddt~ 1[) f~r1n"'lnpntal h'vck ,\ fowlng t,n" Tllc.;. Los Ange]ps) faJ d'nrrlJd <31 Ihl-' llnll prJt.f.;<, Clfff'r'p(1 for' lhf' rH'i" 1 or! {r'(IM SoptPMher 1 ~ 198::5 tIH'O(J(Jh Auqusi ~! ~ 1904 plw; 1'"140 one- }1(:>,lr '1ptlons~ dZ th(~ lOWE'--;1 <iod /lest I) ldul.'r . Prep,)rc>(j By~ [..?, N. A f' l) n () I' f ~ D H' P t tor (l r r \11" L h ,) '", I 1 Hj ; ~