SR-203-001-03 (6) IF SEP . 9 2003 F I NANCE: DC:f:\finance\treas\share\litr04 Council Meeting: September 9, 2003 Santa Monica, CA TO Mayor and City Council FROM: City Staff SUBJECT: Ordinance Setting the FY 2003-04 Tax Rate for the 1990 and 2002 Library General Obligation Bonds INTRODUCTION This report recommends that the City Council adopt the attached ordinance setting the FY 2003-04 tax rates for the 1990 and 2002 Library General Obligation Bonds The combined rate will be $.016821 per $100 of assessed valuation. BACKGROUND On April 10, 1990, the City issued $4.5 million in General Obligation Bonds to acquire property adjacent to the Main Library to meet immediate parking needs and for future library expansion. On June 25, 1998, the City refunded a portion of the 1990 bonds at a lower interest rate resulting in a lower tax override rate assessed to local property owners. All 1990 bonds have either been matured or refunded. On August 27, 2002, the City issued $25 million of voter approved General Obligation bonds for construction, improvement, and remodeling of the Main Library and branch libraries, The annual debt service on all Library-related General Obligation bonds is payable from annual overrides on the Property Tax levy. 1 1F SEP 9 2003 FY 2002-03 was the first year that included the 2002 Library Bonds. Based on information available at the time, one tax rate was set covering the debt service of both bond issues. However, it was later determined Proposition 87 requires a different tax rate for each bond issue using different methodologies. The difference in the methodologies relates to the portion of Redevelopment Agency (RDA) parcel assessed valuation included in the rate calculation. The two rates for FY 2003-04 were calculated using these methodologies. DISCUSSION The City Treasurer has calculated the total necessary property tax overrides to be $.002413 per $100 of assessed valuation for the 1998 Bonds and $.014408 per $100 of assessed valuation. Attachment 1 provides details of the tax rate calculation. In accordance with Section 1501 of the City Charter, the City uses the County system of assessment and collection of property taxes. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACT There are no budget changes resulting from adoption of the attached ordinance. The Property Tax impact of this override levy is approximately $16.82 per $100,000 of assessed valuation. This is $6.59 less than in FY 2002-03 reflecting the proper setting of separate rates for each issue and City-wide increases in assessed valuations. 2 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council introduce and adopt the attached ordinance setting the FY 2003-04 tax rates for all Library-related General Obligation bonds as follows 1) $.002413 per $100 of assessed valuation for the 1998 Bonds 2) $.0144080 per $100 of assessed valuation for the 2002 Bonds Prepared by: Steve Stark, Director of Finance David Carr, Acting City Treasurer/Revenue Manager Attachments: Calculation of Tax Rate Ordinance ~ "'" I- 2 w :E :c u <C l- I- <C c w VI - > w a: tw\ o o N en lo. QI .c E QI +J C. QI VI u: I .... :E w !:: o I- 11\ W I- < II: >< < l- ll. o Z o i= < ..I ::;) U ..I i3 ~ .Q :E fIl ro ~ ro fIl Q) ~ x .lll ~ Q) a. o a .., o M o o N ; >- LL Q) oS - o c o :; a Iii o ~ .~ Q) CJ) D Q) e. .., o . 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Ci)~ C.o "" .!!lQ) o 0 .~lij a:~ o N M .., Inf! q N Eh 8 o ~ NM MN ..,10 Inf!~ 000 ~~ .., ..[ ~ '0 ~ $2S~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ x ro (") .lll 5}9 "fIlN Q)og :s c ". ~ ~ >. fIl cu. ro Ci5 ~ Q.) ~ ~~~ .Q Q) Q) ag.E ~ a. ~ _"fIl O)Q)ro .S: ~ M ~lil9 g;~~ ~.=~ .!!l 0 >. rocLL a~.5 ~ ~gj.gj5 ~~5.o ro".c~ fIlQ)NOl Q)~g..- E31N.9 Q.>CI)'--o 5iro,eQ) ~(ij-a3~ ~ ~ ~ g ::I-l1lro o ai :; fIl ~t:.112~ 5a~.lll c Q) ::I 0- .5 Qi " " Q) ti Q) '0' a ti Q) q:: ~ .9 " .!!l fIl ::I :0 ro .., o M o o N >- U. ~ ,e .!!l ~ x .lll " ~ a Q) fIl .?;- U ~ .9 ,$ <Ii ~~ q:: ~ Q) ro a:: a. September 9,2003 Santa Monica, CA INFORMATION ITEM To: From: Subject: Mayor and City Council members City Staff Adjustment Regarding Prior Year Library Bond Tax Rate Introduction This report provides information on an adjustment regarding the FY 2002/03 Library bond property tax assessment. This information does not alter the recommendation or facts presented in the September 9, 2003 staff report on the FY2003/04 tax rate. Backoround The September 9, 2003 staff report describes an error made in calculating the rate last year. To calculate the FY 2002/03 tax rate, the rates of the 1990 bond issue and the 2002 bond issue were combined. In fact, different methodologies are required for each because of the years in which the bonds were approved. Use of the incorrect methodology resulted in a slightly higher tax rate than was required. In December 2002, staff identified the error in an Information Item to Council. That report described the net impact of the error as some parcels being "under charged" and others "over charged" by an aggregate amount of approximately $286,000. This is not the case since all parcels are charged the same tax rate, and therefore, all parcels were over charged. Discussion At this time, staff cannot readily determine the exact amount of the overpayment and whether the excess revenue accrued to the redevelopment agency and other taxing entities because of the County's system of calculating and allocating tax increment payments. The error is likely in the range of $4 per $100,000 of assessed value. Staff is researching the issues with the County, will report to Council in an Information Item, and will make the adjustment in the FY 2004/05 rate. Conclusion As a result of the overcharge made to the Library bond rate for FY 2002/03, it appears excess funds were distributed to the redevelopment agency by the County. Staff will research the issues and ensure repayment from the redevelopment agency. Taxpayer rates will be adjusted downward for the overpayment when the FY 2004/05 Library bond tax rates are set. Prepared by: Steve Stark, Finance Director David Carr, Acting Treasurer Mona Miyasato, Assistant to the City Manager for Management Services Attachment A: Explanation of Proposition 87 and Property Tax Rates Proposition 87 and Property Tax Rates Every year the City sets the tax rates of government obligations bonds issued by the City and submits them to the County of Los Angeles for inclusion on property tax bills. The rate is calculated to cover the debt service owed in that year. Prior to the passage of Proposition 87 in November 1998, all assessed valuation above the base year in a redevelopment project area was excluded when setting the override rates for general obligations bonds. The base year value is the assessed value of the project area the year that the project area was adopted. This means that the debt service needed for the bonds was gained from a smaller pool of assessed valuation, creating a higher tax rate. Proposition 87 changed the law for debt approved by voters after January 1, 1989. For post 1989 debt, the total assessed valuation of redevelopment project areas (not just the base year) is included in the calculation of the tax override rate. This results in the debt service being charged to a larger pool of assessed valuation, and therefore, a lower tax rate. The City is required by Proposition 87 to use the first methodology for the 1990 bonds and the second methodology for the 2002 Library bond issues. For example - assume total assessed value in City is $1.0 billion of which $0.1 billion is base year RDA amount and another $0.1 billion is incremental RDA amount. Assume debt service of $100,000 per year. Tax rate if bonds are pre-1/1/89 bonds City assessed value$.8 billion Base Year RDA $.1 billion Total $.9 billion Tax rate = 100,000/($.9 billion/100) = $.011111 per $100 of assessed value Tax rate if bonds are 1/1/89 and after City assessed value$.8 billion Total RDA $.2 billion Total $1.0 billion Tax rate = 100,000/($1.0 billion/1 00) = $.010000 per $100 of assessed value In FY 2002/03, the City incorrectly used a combined rate for the 1990 bonds and the 2002 bonds, and in doing so, calculated the rate based on the methodology for bond issues approved before 1998. The rate for the 2002 bond issue was therefore calculated on a smaller assessed value pool, resulting in a slightly higher rate.