SR-202-003 (27) " e e .. .20 "2 ~o -:s c,p Santa Monlca, Callfornla Aprl1 12, 1979 APR 2 4 ]979 TO: Mayor and Clty Councl1 FROM: Clty Staff SUBJECT: Santa Monlca Pler Water System Improvements - Transfer of Funds Introductlon Th~s report covers the need for ~~~ed~ate lmprovement of the water system on the Santa Monlca Pler, indicates the funds to be used, and recommends Council approval of the transfer of funds. Background The water system on the Santa Mon~ca Pler has long been ~n need of repa~r, and ~s ~nadequate to carry the requ~red flow for sprlnklers. Prevlously, ln the 1978-79 Enterpr~ses Fund, fionles were budgeted for replacement of the most westerly port~on of the Ilne, from Moby's Dock to the Harbor. Clty staff now proposes to lnstall a new llne along the southern edge of the Pler to run to the new locatlon for Gladstones 4 F1Sh restaurant at the southwest corner, then north to tle in wlth the eXlstlng Ilne along the northern edge of the Pler. ThlS would provlde much needed outlets along the southern edge of the Pier, and the addltlonal flow capaclty requlred. The required funds ln the amount of $40,000 are avallable ln the current operating budget of the Department of Entertalnment Facl1ltles, Capltal Section, for" Parklng Lot Turnaround ". The Parklng Lot Turnaround improvements have already been made using APR 2 4 '979 ~-P surplus revenues ln the Pler Fund, thus allowlng for the use , .. " ~ e of these budgeted monles for the water llne replacement. Recommendatlon It lS the recomrnendatlon of staff that Counell approve the transfer of funds In the amount of $40,000. Prepared by: Jeremy FerrlS Peter Klpp