SR-202-001 (35) .f It s . a t1 0 n i ca. Califorrlla ..,r F I : N R : T EM: j \t Councll Mtg: February 16, 1982 5-A ;Z02".-00/ MAR 9 1982 TO: FRO ~1 : The Mayor and Clty Counell City Staff SUBJECT: Mld-year Budget Review Per Resolution #6408, this report presents the results of the mid-year budget reVlew for the City of Santa Monica for City Council revie\'/ and action. BACKGROUND The purpose of the mld-year budget review is to analyze budgetary activity for the first six months of the 1981-82 fiscal year and . to evaluate the need for bUdgetary adjustment. Discuss10n will center on Hhether the City is on financial target and 'dill achleve ove rall revenue and spending pl ans as approved by City Counc1l in the 1981-82 budget. The t e x t 0 f t his r e p 0 r t \<1 il 1 h 1 9 h 1 1 9 h t by fund the major variances in projected expenditures, revenues, and fund balances. The informat1on presented 1n this ~id-year budget review has been sumnarized in the attached schedules: Schedule I - Updated 1981-82 C1ty Counell Appropnatlons (12/31/81) Schedule II - FY 1981-32 Projected Exp~nditures by Fund Schedule III - FY 1981-82 Projected Revenues by Fund Schedule IV - FY 1981-82 Beglnnlng Fund B21ancps (7/1/81) Schedu1e V - FY 1981-82 Proj~ctpd Endlnq Fund Balances 5-~ A. ..... ~["'\8-2 "o{;~~ "oj;;1 1 --......:: .....- ~ ..:::----..-~":. -.:~-= ;:--"-:;- --:- EXPENDITURES e e .~ General Fund Net =xpenditure savings for the General Fund through June 1982 are estfnated to be approximately $600,000. The favorable savings have resulted from $375,000 in salary savings from vacant new and existing posltions, $250,000 in supplies and expense and $80,000 i n cap 1 tal 0 u t 1 ay ~ ~ Substantial savings should occur from utility conservation, lO\'1er legal costs, malntenance expenditure savings, and re-evalyatlon of needs in a changing envlronment. Requested appropriations from the general fund will negate $107,000 of the expenditure savings. During the mid-year budget -reVlew, it was determined that the following dlvisions in the General Fund require budgetary adjustments to naintain current service levels through June 1982: (I) Planning Suppl ies & Expense - $25,000 lncrease Task Force and Housing Element requirements for xeroxing, printing and mailing costs have necessitated this budget in c re a s e . { 2 } Fire Sal aries & Wages $22,000 increase Suppl ies & Expense - $10,000 increase Salanes & ~Jages increase \4ill provlde overtime budge: to maintaln constant stafflng for known Workers. Compensatlon 1 eave s through the bal ance of the fi scal yea f. The appropnation for Suppl1es & Expense will cover emergency apparatus repalrs whlch have exceeded the origlnal budget estimate. 2 ~ --- ------- -- ~-----~-----~.:.........---_~---~ -. (3) Harbor e Capltal Outlay - S3,ce increase The outboard engine for the shorpboat has suffered damage and will reqUlre at ieast $2,000 to repair compared with $3.000 t 0 1 n s tal 1 a n e \>1 0 U t boa r den gin e . (4) Personnel Sa 1 a r i e s & ~I age s $ 7,000 increase Supplies & Expense $37.000 increase Salaries & Hages increase \'Ii11 provide for required overtime and temporary assistance through June and hires above entry to attract qual ified employees. Suppl ies & Expense- increase is necessary to offset the increasing rates for Employee Hedical Exams (up 25~ effective 1/1/82) and th~ unexpected expenses to recruit an~ hire the City Manager and other department head positlons. {5} City Manager Sal aries & ~Iages - $18,000 decrease Suppl ies &. Expense - $18,000 lncrease This transfer from salary savlngs will offset the increased demand for offlce supplies by the various comrnlssions, boards, and Clty Manager's staff. (6) Purchasing Salaries & Wages - $3,000 increase The increase 1n Salaries & Hagps has been requested to employ a temporary clerical \-Jor%.er to naintain the present level of serVlce for the next six mo~ths. (7) Communlty & En'li ron(7l~ntal Services Salarles & Wages - $4.000 decrease Supplles & Expense - $4,000 lncrease 3 -- -----~----------~~-- -~--- - --- - - - - - T his t ran s fer fro m s a.1 a ry S a v 1 n g 5 \'1' il 1 0 f f set the 1 n ere a sed demand for O.lce suppl ies from Clty st.f and commi ssions. ..' Special Revenue Funds With the exception of CDBu and CETA~ the Special Revenue Fund expenditures should match budget authority for FY1981-82. Unspent COBG funds are reprogra~med each flscal year. In FY198l-B2~ COBG shaul d have approximately $1.4 mllion to reappropnate in FY1982-83. The terminatlon of the CETA program should result in expenditure savings of $950,000 in FY1981-82 which would be offset by a similar reduction 1n revenues. Park1ng Author1ty The Parking Aut~ority expendltures for FY1981-82 should mlrror the approved budget. Redevelopment Agency The Redevelopment Agency budget appears to be on target and does not require a modification at this time. Enterprise funds Expenditure savlngs shoulrl occur in almos~ every ent2rprise fund. The Nuniclpal Enterpfl se and t:he Sol ar Util ity Funds have had lower expendlture requirements in their flrst year of operatlons than anticlpated. Under the assumptlon that the C1V1C Audltoriun par k 1 n 9 lot red e s 1 q n iJ r 0 J ~ c t \'111 1 not be cor. t r act e d by June 1 9 8 2 , $100,000 excess budgetary authority shaul d be avail able 1 n the Audltorium Fund. The comoletlon of capital projects 1n the Water and Se'der Fund at substa nt 1 al saVlngs should net nearly 1 - - - - - --- - - -~ - ~ - - - -_ _~__ ~ _ ___ ~ Or _____ _____ $1,000,000. Ca~ savings In the Transp~tatlon Fund approach $1.25 mi"ion from favorable fuel cost savings. 5 h ou 1 d " REVENUES General Fund Staff est1mates that the Gene ral Fund revenues will be a p pro x i mat e 1 y S 1 , 3 2 5 , 0 00 9 rea t e r t h ant he 0 rig i'n a 1 bud get for e cas t for the fiscal year 1981-82. The major revenue variances in the General Fund are 1n these major funding sources: sales/use taxes, business llcense . taxes, condominium taxes, on-street meter revenues, barricade permits, municipal ordinance violatiors, property taxes, and other state subventions. Favorable s"lles results from the Santa t.1onica Place Shopping Mall should provide $330,000 ~ore in revenue than originally estimated. The busi ness 1 icense tax revenue \'1ill generate $100,000 more _than the budget estimate. The condom1nium tax will raise approximately $162,000 more than projected desplte trends in the real estate market. The raising of parking neter rates and quick replacement of meter boxes to the new rates will add approximately $350,000 in revenue ove r projections. Barricade perMits will show an estlmated increase of $135,000 over budget due to a number of larqe construction projects in progress. Increase in par~ing flnes on January I, 1982 w11l increase munlclpal ordinanc~ violatlons revenues approxlmat~ly $200,000 over budget. ThlS estlnate takps lnto conslderation the tiMe lag fro~ the mom~nt that the parking tlcket ;s issued to the ti~e that the CounTY of Los Ange1es r.lalls the CltylS portlon of the parl<.1ng flne money to the City of Santa Monlca. 5 - --~- - ~ ~- --- --- ~ - ------ ~- --- -- ~ - - State supported revenue sources, such as property subventions, sho4td yield the Clty of santa4lt.onlca net tax2S al'\d revenue of $390,000 based upon the following conditions. Property tax revenues calculated on the basis of Los Angeles County assessed val uati on growth of 10% is recal cul ated at a 15% qrowth factor which will generate approximately $1,360,000 more in revenue than budgeted. However, losses in state subventions, such as motor vehicle In-l ieu, alcoholic beverage tax, a"fld highway carrier license, will approximate $970,000 under the 1981-82 budget proJection. B u i1 d 1 n g re 1 ate d fee s $74,000), and lnterest (down $173,000), ambulance fees (down (In investments (doHn $95,000) should be under tre initlal revenue estimc-:e by $342,000. Speclal Revenue Funds The Speclal Revenue funds shaul d follo\11 the budget trends except for the Beach Recreation and CETA funds. The beach parklng rate i n C rea s e s h 0 u 1 d net $ 2 5 0 , 000 0 ve r the 0 rig i n a 1 rev e n u e est i ma t e for the Beach Recreation Fund. As previously mentioned, CETA fun din 9 sou r c e S \'1 i 11 0 n 1 y rei IT! bur set h e C i t Y for its 0 U t 1 a y sin FY81-82 WhlCh wlll be approximately $950,000 unrler the oflglnal budgf?t. Enterprise Funds Water Funrl The water rate increase and the npw water connection fees will generate approxlmately $770,000 more 1n revenue than the budget estimate for the f1scal year 1981-82. 6 Pefuse Ftwd e e A s h 0 rt fall of approximately $230,000 lS forecast for the ...' Sanitatlon D1vision in the Refuse Fund due to the timing of the rate hike implEmentation and the time lag before revenues are received. Pler ~ Rental revenue is 12% behind budget est1mates, but parking lot revenues and interest from investment of Pier funds are above est i ma t e san d 'II i 11 mal n t a i n P 1 err eve n u e sin 1 i n e \'/' 1 t h t.h e bud get estimate. Se\'ipr Func: Higher than an~iClpated fund balance in the Sewer Fund will increase interest income by approximately $300,000 over the budget estimate and sewer connection fees will be approxlmately $400,000 over budget ir spite of the construction moratorium. The total estlmated increase of revenues 1n the Sew~r Fund 1S approximately $700,000. Civic Auditoriun Fund The Civic Auditorium revenues for concessions, parklnq lot fees, and miscellaneous charges are 22%, 16%, and 23% resoectively, belo','J the original estimates. If this trend contlnues, actual rev e n u e s for 1 9 8 1 - 8 2 \01 il 1 b e bel o'.tJ est i JT1 ate d rev e n u e s by $ 1 6 4 , 0 0 0 . The ellminatlon of the lobby expansion and the delay of par'nnq lot redesign and constructlon contributed to the 1 o\-Jer than anticipated revenues. 7 ---------~-- ~----.- -~---- ~ ---~----~-~----~-- -- - - ~--- Airport Fund e e ~ . Airport revenues will be approximately $200tOOO over the budget estimate due to underestlrnating land lease revenues reflect1ng the uncertainties of airport operations. Cemetery Fund Cemetery revenues are on target for the f1 rst .hal f of f1 scal year 1981-82. The budget estimate for the fiscal year 1981-82 ~'iill be met if this trend continues. Transportation Fund Total Transportation revenues will remaln approxi~ately the sa~e as the budget estimatet but ~arious cOMponents of these revenues have changed. Passenger revenue shows a decrease of $300tOOO caused by lower ridership. Major changes in revenue categories are a result of the final subsidy allocation decisions by SCAG and the Los Angeles County Transportation Com~issiont as well as an attempt by the Transportation Department to create a carryover of Federal operatlng assistance funds, which the Department plans to use to help ease the transltion WhlCh will occur as these funds are phased out entlrely over the next three years. The adjusted Clty budget figures presented belovl refl ect the revenup. proJections submltted to the fundlng agencies in response to t~e fi nal allocations given to the D~partment. Total Departmel'ltal revenues re~ain unchnnged. " " e e ~ Onglnal Revised -" Transportatlon Operatinl] Revenue Budget Budget Pass:nger Revenue $ 5t150tOOO $ 4t850tOOO Fed. Sectlon 8 Planning 32tOOO 28tOOO Sal es Tax-5B 620 2,183,000 It221tOOO Special Bus Revenue (Charters) 240,000 240,000 . Ad ve rt i s 1 n 9 111,000 76,000 Inter-Department Services IOtOOO 10,000 Mi scell aneous R e ve n ue 600 500 Sal es Tax-SB 325 1,033,600 3,954,000 Fed. Operating Assistance $ 3,330,300 S l,711tOOO $12,090,5GQ. $12,09Q,500 FUND BALANCES The beginning fund bal ances based upon audited bal ances are presented in Schedule IV. Slgnlflcant variances between audited and estimated beginnlng fund balances have been explained in Schedule IV-A. All fund bal ances, except Enterprises, represellt the unappropriated fund balance (or deficit). The Enterprise fund - bal ances represent current assets (cash and i nvestJ'lents) 1 ess current 1 iabillties and encumbrances. For the Enterprise funds thlS balance \tlill pres~nt a better plcture of the Enterprises's abillty to absorb addltlonal costs, contlng~ncies, ilnd expansion. The endlnq fund balance projectlons for all funds are presented ln Schedule V. Three fund bal ance variances (General Fund, Clvic A u d 1 tor 1 u n Fun d, and Ref use Fun d) are e x p 1 a i n e rl bel 0 \'1 . 9 General Fund e e .' Although net expenditures will erode the beqinning fund balance by $750tOOOt a higher beginning fund balance should contribute to a $1.8 mi1l1on ending fund balance. The General Fund balance would have been substantially lower wlthout the Federal Revenue Sharing allocatlon of $1.9 milllon for Parks and Recreation expenditures. ... This positive balance wlll be available for current year budget revisions, contingenciest and a potential FY82-83 budgetary shortfall. Civic Auditorium The C,vic Auditorium Fund balarce will probably remaln negativ~ (It year end. A COr:lblnatlon of factorst such as the el imination of lobby expansion and delay of the parking lot modiflcation and lo\'/er re ve n u e s , have contrlbuted to slower growth of the enterprise's fund balance. The estimated neqative fund balance should be $60,JOO at June 30, 1982. Staff lntends to address the Civic AuditorlJ~ finanClal difflculties - as part of the Clty1s 1982-83 budget process. Refuse Staff estimates that the Refuse Fund bal ance will be a deficit balance of $385~OOO by fiscal year end. ThlS negatlve condition \>1111 result fron the negative beqinnlng fund balance and revenues fall i n 9 be 1 Q\J 0 rig 1 n ale 5 t i !'la t e s . S t a f fin ten rl s t 0 add res s the Refuse Fund's financial dlfficultles as part of the Clty'S 1982-83 budget process. 1C e e .... Recommendatlon Staff respectfully recommends that City Council receive and file the mid-year budget report and adopt the accompanYlng resolution. Prepared By: Nick Rlves Thomas Morton , 1 FI :NR:T01:l(c ~ESOLUTION NO. e w' (City Council Series) A RESOLUTIOr~ OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA MONICA AMENDING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1981-82 WHEREASt the City Council adopted the annual budget for fiscal year 1981-82 on June 9t 1981; and ... WHEREASt the City Manager conducted a mid-year budget review during January 1982; ~nd WHEREASt City Charter Section 1506 authorizes the Clty Council to ame~d or sUDDle~~nt t1e budget by ~otion adopted by the affirmatlve votes of at least flve councl1 members; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA MONICA DO~S RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTIO~ 1. The budget for the flscal year 1981-82 is hereby amended as follows: CURRE~,jT REVISED INCRE;SE BUCGET BUDGET (DECREASE) Plarning Departl.1ent Supplles & Expense ~ 109)012 S 134t012 $ 25,000 oJ Fire Department Salarles & ~l a 9 P s 3,258,234. 3,280)234 22,000 Sunpl1es & Expense 323)654 333,664 IOtOOO Net Increase 32,000 ~ -~ -~- -.....- --------- ~ --------- ~ ~ - ~ ~~ ~ ~-~-- ~ - -- -- - e e ..~ CURRENT REVISED INCREASE BUDGET BUDGET (DECREASE) H arb i) r D i vi's ion Capltal Out 1 a-y -0- 3tOOO 3tOOO Pe rs onnel Depa rt ment Sal anes & Wage s 244.679 251t679 7tOOO Suppl ies & Exppnse 111t23O 148,230 37.000 Net Increase .. 44,000 c ;ty Manager Sal aries & ~1 a ge 5 201.797 183t797 ( 18 t.O 0 0 ) Supplles & Expense 39.709 57,709 18,OOO Net C h a n ge -0- Purchasinq Salanes t ~1 a 9 = s 14.8.898 151t89J3 3,000 Communlty & Env Services Salaries & Hages 64,218 60.218 (4,000) SUppll es & Expense 1t242,564 1t246,564 4.000 Net Change -0- Total Expenditures Increase $107,000 TRANSPORTATIO~ DEPARTMENT Operatln9 Revinues Passenger Revenue Fed. Section 8 Plannlng Sales Tax - 58620 Advertlsing Other - Miscellaneous Sales Tax - $B325 Fed. Oper. Assistance 5,150,000 32tOoO 2,183,000 111,000 600 1,033,600 3,330,300 4,850,000 28.000 It221.OOO 76,000 500 3t954,OOO 1,711,000 (300,000) (4.000) (962.000) (35,000) (100) 2.920.400 (1,61~,3()Ot -0- Net ReYenu~ Change 2 ....-----....----------- -- e e ~. SECTION 2. The amount of $107tOOO_ is hereby approprlated from the General fund balance for the expendlture increase set forth in Section 1. SECTION 3. The City Clerk shall ~ertify to the adoption of this resolution and thenceforth and thereafter the same shall be in full force and effect. APPROVED AS TO FOKM: r~ \-.. ~ Robert H. t'lyers (J C1ty Attorney -- ~ 3 e e ~ . SCHEDULE I 19B1-87 BUDGET APPROPRIATIO~ REVISIONS THROUGH 12/31/81 Original Budget Additional Appropriations Revised Budget General Fund $11,952,282 $ 789,141 $32,2111,423 Gas Tax: Fund 3,.117,738 10,(1('10 3,447,738 CDBG Fund 1,50e:;,ono 1,538,230 3,fl44,230 Miscellaneous Grants 243,5132 74,8~5 318,.3Q7 Refuse Fund 3,1)85,129 <2A,149> 3,61)0,980 AirporL Fund 1,048,C\S3 75,100 1,1?4,083 Cenetery Fund 42"7,"42 2,"7?5 43C,437 pks.& Rec. Fac. Fund - 0 - J25,OOO 125,000 Parking Authollty 55",713 5,100 56?,013 Various Other Funds 44,lhO,448 - 0 - 44,150,448 S86,998,Ag7 S2,11{},252 $89,114,749 (APPROPl:Oll18~) Council Agenda .. . Session Item Date Number '5/9/81 7-A "1/'23/81 6-2(.; fi/21/81 ~-2~ 7/14/81 ') - r-t 7/14/81 Il-G 7/14/81 lO-C 7/28/81 t:)-N 7/22/21 lO-B R/l1/S1 6-M 8/25/81 6-Q 8/?5/S1 ,)-R 9/8/81 f)-K 9/8/81 13-..1 10/13/81 6-T F'/13/81 6-U 10/13/81 ~-V 10/20/81 11-1 In/20jQl 11-1 1fl/2(1/81 13-G 1()/~7/81 P-l 11/10/B] 11-1\ 11/2//01 11-B 11/2<:/81 1 l1-!l UPD~TED 1981-q2 CITY COUNCIL APP~0PPI^TJO~S e AS OF DF.C~M8~R 31, ] q'le Description Amount 1981-82 Total City Budget S8~,99Q,497 Solar Utility-Appropriation from General Fund for Meetings & Workshops 1,000 Streets Division Resurfacing ProJect AdditIonal Engineering Fees-Ga3 Tax 30,000 PerRanent Status for As-Needed Custodians-General Funds 23,499 CDBS Carry Forward 1,538,210 Planning Dept. Consultants-Gener?l Fu~d 30,001') Litter Coptrol Grant-Refuse Fund 7,Q5] Airport Dersonnel S,S00 Recycling Budget Revision-Refuse Fund <12,000> Conversion of City VehIcles to Propane Fuel-General Fund 18,OnO Copying MacDine Purchase for Cemetery 2,795 SCAG Bicycle & Peces. Funds-Misc. Grants R9,289 PRrts for Mobile Air Unit-Fire Dept. 7,500 199]-82 Nutr. program Rev.-Misc. Grants <14,t5~> A0C. Funding-~eals on ~heels-Gen. Fund 2,r)(tO Maintain Noise Monitoring Equip~ent at Airport 19,C;00 Trans fe r bet,7een She 1 J 011 Franchi se Fund to City ~ttorpey-~ener~l Funr 20,00n Transfer betw2e~ ~irDort and CIty Attorn~y-Airport Funo 50,oeo Additional Fu"'ci'ig-Ocec>n Par!.:: Cor~u~ity Cen~er (Sojourn)-Gen. Fun~ 15,(")011 Packing ~uthority-~eter InstC'llation 5,?OO PIer Pnrk Design-pks. & Rec. FcC. Fund 125,nno RepaIr City O~rpd Properties-Ger. ,.., , ~U:tC 11/,:!.42 s y s . I" n "l 1 Y s t s ~ C r i ro eAr 2 1 Y s i s - --: en. F L1 n -:" _ tl r _'--" () ;'. To~ 21 1931~Q2 ?2\riser"i 3~.cg~t S_~5_~1 ~~'_!_~_.:'9 SCHEDULE II ~OJECTED EXPENDITURES BY ~G _ FY 1981-82 ., ($000) ... ORIGINAL REVISED BUDGET PROJECTED VARIANCE BUDGET AS OF 12/31/81 EXPENDjENCUMB <OVER> UNDE~ GENERAL FUND (see Schedule II-A) S 31~952 $ 32t241 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING $ 2t76O $ 2~760 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS -0- -0- GAS TAX 3t418 3t448 BEACH RECREATION 1t114 15114 CDBG It506 3,044 PARKS & REC. FACILITIES -0- 125 MISC. GRANTS 244 318 CETA 1t322 1t322 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $ 10t364 $ 12t13f $ 31t648 ~ $ 2t760 -0- 3t448 1,102 1~607 125 318 . 370 $ 9,730 s 593 $ -0- -0- -0- 12 15437 -0- -0- 952 $ 2t401 PARKING AUTHORITY $ 556 S 562 $ 562 $ -0- REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY $ 4,227 $ 4t227 $ 45127 $ 100 ENTERPkISES ~~U il I C I PAL ENTERPRISES $ 193 $ 193 $ 121 $ 72 PIER 783 783 762 21 CIVIC AUDITORIUH 820 820 720 100 AIRPORT 1t049 1t124 809 315 5GLAl{ UTILITY 200 200 45 155 REFUSE 3t685 3t661 3,652 9 SEWER 2,520 2t52O 2,170 350 HATER 6t313 6~313 5,663 650 C fr., E T E R Y 428 430 430 -0- T RAN S PO R TAT I 0 ~l 23t907 23t907 21t533 2t369 TOT f\L E ~~ T E R P R I S E S $ 39,893 $ 39,951 $ 35,910 S 4,041 GRP,ND TOTAL $ 86,997 $ 89,112 '- . i "'I . ;\,1 -/ \.J'. . 1_--' . l. i~I",V'" I ."'-- I \ ./ ,.- ~-l I t :....-. "--., ! I' J (FUND3ALd:021182) $ 81,977 $ 7,135 PROJECTED GE~AL SCHEDULE II-A FUND EXPENDITURES FY 1981-82 ($OOO) BY ~ECTED DIVISION ~ . ORIGINAL REVISED BUDGET PROJECTED VARIANCE FUND/DIVISION BUDGET AS OF 12/31/81 EXPEND/ENCUr~B <OVER> UNDEl GENERAL FUND . CITY ATTORNEY $ 899 $ 969 $ 909 S 60 COMM. & E NV . SERVICES 1,290 1,307 1~275 32 PLANNING 419 449 474 <25> POLICE 7t766 7t766 7t726 40 FIRE 3,750 3,757 3,789 <32> PARKS 1,287 1,287 1,268 20 RECREATION 650 650 620 30 LIBRARY 2,443 2,443 2,383 60 HARBOR 146 146 149 <3> STREETS 1,555 1,555 1,380 175 PF;1 1t257 1,197 1,247 <50> f1ECHANICAL t~ A I N TEN A NeE 1,4~9 1t457 1,396 60 CITY HALL 459 519 419 100 PERSONNEL 360 360 404 <44> R E T IRE f1 E N T 5t435 5,449 5,449 -a- NON-DEPARTMENTAL 5,411 5,422 5,422 -0- INTERFUND TRANSFERS <7t979> <8,029> <8,029> -0- PURCHASING 163 163 166 <3> ALL OTHERS 5,202 5,374 5,201 173 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $31,952 $32,241 $31,6118 S 593 (FU~DBAL3:0211S2) - SCHEDULE II I ... 4ItPROJECTEO REVENUES BY FU~ FY 1981-82 ($000) . ORIGINAL BUDGET PROJECTED REVENUES VARIANCE ESTIMATE 7/1/81-6/30/82 OVER <UNDER> GENERAL FU ND $29t565 $30,890 5 1,325 SPECIAL REVENUE FU ND S FEDEPAL REVENUE SHAl< Ir~G $ 1,081 $ 1t134 $ 53 CAPITAL H1 PRO V E MEN T S -0- 237 237 GAS T P"X 2,367 2,349 <18> BEACH RECREATIO~I 1t216 1,464 248 CDBG 1t506 1,607 101 PKS. & REC. FACILITIES 75 75 -0- MISCELLANEOUS GRANTS 243 318 75 CETf\ 1,322 370 <952> TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $ 7,810 $ 7,554 $ <256> PARKING AUTHORITY $ 825 S 820 $ <5> REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY $ 4,227 $ 4,127 $ <100> ENTERPRISES ( 2) MUNICIPAL ENTERPRISES $ 193 $ 121 $ <72> PIER 785 785 -0- CIVIC AUDITORIUH 900 736 <164> AIRPORT 746 937 191 SOLAR UTILITY 200 45 <155> REFUSE 3,778 3,548 <230> S n/E R 1,681 2t402 721 WATER 6,417 7t186 769 CEr-1ETERY 408 327 <81> T R iUj S PO R T P. T I 0 i~ 21t668 21,668 -0- TOTIlL Ern E R P R I S E S $36,776 $37,755 S 979 GRAND TOTAL $79,203 $81,146 $ 1,943 (FU~DBAL2:021182) SCHEDULE IV ~ Fe981-82 BEGI!JNIllG FUND BA_~CES AS OF JULY It 1981 EST Hil\ TED ACTUAL VARIANCE FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE OVER <UNDER> FUND 7/1/81 7/1/81 BUDGET GENERAL FUND $ 2tOOO,OOO $ 2t558tOOO S 558tOOO ( 1) SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS FEDERAL REVENUE SHAl{ING S 1,680~OOO $ 2t076tOOO $ 396,000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 1t500tOOO 1t783toOO 283,000 GAS T,Il,X 1,050,000 1,379,000 329,000 BEACH RECREATION 100tOOO 318,000 218~OOO CDBG - o - - o - - o - PKS. & REC. FACILITIES 485tOOO 544tOOO 59tOOO MISCELLANEOUS GRANTS - n - - o - - 0 - CETA - o - - o - - 0 - TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE Furms S 4,815tOOG S 6,IOOtOOO S 1,285~OOO PARKING AUTHORITY $ 1,036tOOO $ 1t232,oOO S 196,000 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY $ - o - $ - o - S - 0 - ENTERPRISES (2) MUNICIPAL ENTERPRISES $ - 0 - $ - 0 - $ - 0 - PIER - 0 - 257tOOO 257,000 CIVIC AU 0 ITa R I U f'l <80,000> <76,000> 4~OOO AIRPORT 675~00O 757~OOO 82,000 SOLAR UTILITY - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - REFUSE - 0 - <281tOOO> <281,000>(3) SEHER l,100~OOO 3~047,OOO 1~947~OOO ( 4 ) WATER - 0 - 497tOOO 497~OOO ( 5 ) C E t~ E T E R Y 20,000 113~OOO 93,000 T R P. N S P 0 =-1 T 1\ T I 0 il 2,238,911 19,tlOl,OOO 17,168,089 ( 6 ) TOTAL EflTERPRISES $ 3,953t911 S23,721~OOO $19,767,089 GRAiW TOT,~.L S11,80a~911 $33,611,000 $Zl,805,08'J (FUr;OSAt...-Oll18?) ~ , . e SCHEDULE IV-A FY 1981-82 BEGINNING FUND BALANCES FOOTNOTE EXPLANATIONS (1) The General Fund balance was $558tOOO greater than originally estlmated as a result of the successful legal defense of the condominium conversion taxt unanticlpated e x pen d i t u res a v i n 9 s , and add 1 t ion a 1 r e'v e n u e 5 . The s e positive factors should negate the need for a $lt500,OOO transfer from the Capital Reserves to support the General Fund bal ance. (2) The Enterprise Fund balances represent current assets (cash and investments) less current 1 iablllties and encumbrances. For ~he Enterprl se Funds thi 5 bal ance will present a better picture of the Enterprisp's abl1 ity to absorb otrer costs, contif1qeflcles, ;:lna expanslon. (3) The Refus~ Fund balance was $281,000 lower than originally estl~ated due to greater fund expendltures. (4) The Sewer Fund was $1,966,000 higher than orlginally est i ma t e d d:J e tot h e f 0 11 0\'11 n g rea s on s : Unantic~Dated Interest Income Unantlcipated Revenue fron L.A. County Unanticlpated Sewer Connection Fees Expense Savings-L.A. Sewage Disposal $ 267,000 301tOOO 449tOOQ 949,000 $1,966,000 (5) The Water Fund balance was $497,000 higher than origlnally estlmated as a result of expendlture savlngs. (6) The Transportatlon Fund balancp was $17,168,089 greater than orlglnally estlmcted due to a chang9 In reportlng ~ethods. Funds held by the Clty for restrlcted purposes \'/Pre not included In the ong.nal esti;nat~. As of 7/1/81, ~15,901tOOO of transportation cash lS restrlcted for naJor capital projects such as the people mover, facil1ty expansion, and lnvest~ent in flxed assets. . SCHEDULE V .. FY 1 -82 PROJECTED ENDING FUN~AlANCES AS OF 12/31/81 ($000) ACTUAL ESTIMATED ESTIMATED REVISED ENDING BEGINNING EXPENDITURES REVENUES ENDING FUND BAL FUND BAL 7/1/81- 7/1/81- FUND BAL PER BUDGEi FUND 7/1/81 6/30/82 6/30/82 6/30/82 6/30/82 GENERAL FU NO $ 2t558 $31,648 $ 3 0 t 8'90 S It800 $ 12 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING S 2,076 S 2,760 $ Itl34 $ 450 $ -0- CAP IT AL IMPROVEHENTS 1~783 -0- 237 2 t.O 2 0 1,500 GAS TAX 1,379 3t448 2t349 280 -0- BEACH RECREATION 318 1,102 1,464 680 202 CDBG -0- It607 1,607 -0- -0- PKS. & REC. FACILITIES 544 125 75 494 560 t1ISCi.LLANEOUS GRPdHS -0- 318 313 -0- -0- CETA -0- 370 370 -0- -0- TOTAL SPECIAL REV ErlU E FUNDS $ 6,100 - S 9,730 S 7t554 $ 3,924 $ 2,262 PARKING AUTHORITY $ 1,232 $ 562 $ 820 $ 1t49O $ It305 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY $ -0- $ 4,127 $ 4t127 $ -O- S -0- ENTERPRISES (2) MUNICIPAL ENTERPRISES $ -0- $ 121 $ 121 $ -O- S -0- PIER 257 762 785 280 1 CIVIC AUDITORIUt1 <76> 720 736 <60>/{ -0- AIRPORT 757 809 937 885- 372 SOLAQ IJTILIT'i -0- 45 45 -0- -0- REFUSE <281> 3,652 3,548 <385>l( 92 SEHER 3,047 2,170 2,402 3,279 2 r 1 0_ WATER 497 5,663 7tl86 2t020 10<1- CE:.tETERY 111 430 327 10 -0- TRANS?ORT/nION 19t407 22t662 21,658 18,.1.13 -0- TOTAL ENTERPRISES $23,721 -S37,034 $37,755 $24,4112 S 830 GRAiW TOT"L $33t611 $83,101 $81t146 $31,656 $ 4,40Sf (FUNOBALl:021182) e .. DISTRIBUTION OF~~~ ~~ CouncJ.l ~leetJ.ng Date ,3 -1-? z- Agenda Item # ~ ~IJ, A ' iJ-c.-.~--?/ ~ ~ y e 1Il ORDINANCE it ~Y-) Introduced: Adopted: Was it amended? -1/"L---(j * ALKl!tYS Pl~LISH ADOPTED ORDlNA."'iCES VOTE: Affirmative: O-u/ ~"/O '...-:r\. ::~-U!/~, ~J' /I' (;~~fft'a.-I(.-- - ..., _h; J I ./ L/ ,/ / I :-Jega t 1 ve : Ir{.::p?\. -' , Abstain: ?- " - - ., Absent: (' f-r.A-V DISTRIBUTION: ORIGINAL to be sIgned. sealed and filed in Vault. NEWSPAPER PUBLICATION (Date' ) ) l' . Department originatIng staff report ( . _~J"'/', ~ 1 City Attorney (those with their codes) Agency mentioned In document or staff report Subject flle (agenda packet) Counter file Others-:- Airport Parking Auth. Auditorum Personnel BUIldIng Dept. Planning PolIce (en- forcement") EnVIron. Servo Finance Purchaslng Fire Recr/Parks General Servo Transportation LIbrary Treasurer Manager .J SEND FOU~ COPIES OF ALL ORDINAXCES TO: CODfD SYSTEMS, Attn Peter"i>lacl ea-'rie PROFESSIONAL CENTER, RQUTE 71 I BRIELLE1 NEW JERSEY O~730 SEND FOUR COpIES OF .o\LL nRnTN4\d~FS TO: PRESIDING JUDGE SA~TA MONICA MUNICIPAL COURT 172.3 :\tAl;;r STREET SANTA MONICA, CA 90401 (certifIed") 1 1 c-, t:// ,-/ TOTAL COPIES .II .r , e e Fi:NR:TEM:<c RESOLUTION NO. 64..=iOrrrS) - ~ (C ity C ou nc il S e "'1 e s ) A RESOLU7ION OF TH~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANT~ ~~NI:A AMENDING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1981-82 WHERE~St t~e Clty Councll adopted t~e a1nua1 budget for f1scal year ~9S1-82 on June 9. 1981; a"d WHEREASt the C1ty Manager conducted a mld-year budget reV1ew dUrlng January 1982, and WHEREAS. Clty Charter Sectlon 1506 author1zes the Clty Councl1 to amend or supplement the budget by motlon adopted by tile afflrmatlve votes Of at least flve counell !TJembers; ~o ~~ , THt~EFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF .,.. 1 I ro- IliL., CITY OF SANTA MONICA DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS SECTION 1. The budget for the flscal year 1981-82 1$ hereby amended as follows: :URREN= BUDGE"'7" ~EVISED BUDGET I\lCR::AS~ (DECREASE) 01 annl ns Deoartment Suppl1es & Expense ~ 109,0:2 $ 134,012 $ 25,000 Flre Department Sal ar1es & Wages Suool1es & Expense Net Increase 3t258,234 323,664 3t280,234 333,664 22,000 10,000 32tOOO , e e CURRENT iEVISED INCREASE BUDGET BUDGET (DECREASE) Ha rbor Divis10n Cap1tal Outlay -0- 3,000 3,000 Personnel Deoartmen: Sal ar1es & Wages 244,679 251,679 7,000 Suppl ies & Expense 111 t230 143,230 37,000 Net Increase 44,000 C1ty Manager Sal ar1es & Wages 201t797 183,797 (l8,OOO) Suopl1es & Exoer'lse 39,709 57,709 18,OOO Net Change -O- r u rc has 1 n 9 Salar1es & wages 148,898 151t898 3,000 Communlty & Env Serv1ces Salaries & Wages 64,218 60,218 (4,000) SUDolles & Expense It242,564 It246,564 4,000 Net Change -0- Total tXpend1tures Increase S107toao TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT Operating Revenues Passenger Revenue Fed. Section 8 Plann1~g Sales Tax - 5B620 A.dvertislng Otner - 1011 scell an80US Sales Tax - SB325 Fed. Oper. ASslstance 5,150,000 32,000 2,183tOOO 111,000 600 :,033,600 3,330,300 4,850,000 28tOOO 1,221tOOO 75,000 500 , 54,000 , 11,000 (300,000) (4,000) (962,000) (35,000) (100) 2,920,400 {1 61Q '.1.00~ \ ., ........,........ I Net Revenu8 Change -0- 2 a ~ . . e SECTION 2. The amount of $107,000 15 hereby approprla:ed ":"rom the General fJnd bal ance fJr the expenditure i~crease set forth ln Sec~lon 1. SECTION ":l ., . The City Cl e rk shall certify :0 the adoption of th's resolution and thenceforth and thereafter the S a file s h all bel n f u 1 1 for c e and e f f e ct. APPROVED AS TO FCR~' 0~.J. ,-. '---r-- Rob e rt 1>1. Mye r s "\ Clty Attorney v ~ , t .. . . ., ADOPTEJ ~NO APOROVED TH:S $lth JAY OF \.~a~cn t 1982. -... /" A (/ /1 ,II C/ ~ - jiLtk~IL~/fC fCk~~~! '../ ,J"" l\ Y OR I 1_/ I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION NO. 6450{CCS) _WAS DULY ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL 8F THE CITY OF SA~TA MONICA ~T A MEETING TnE~EOF HEL~ ON '>larch 9 t 1982 BY THE FOLLOWl~G COUNCIL VOTE: AYES: COU~lCI LMEr-1BERS: Edwards, Jennlng5, Press, Zane, Mavor Yanna t ta Goldl'iav , ' ~OES: COUNCILMEMBERS: Reed .aBSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: Conn ABSTAIN: CO U N C I U~ EM B E ~ S : :\cne A7TEST: /' f . Ll/'YL.--vC ( ~~, ;/J'jIA f,il,. ;/ . ~""J~'-Z...- CITY CLERK