SR-202-001 (32) , e SaneMonicat Cal ifornla FI:NR:TEM:jw CounC1l Mtg: February 16t 1982 2pz-t'C'/I/-E TO: FROM; SUBJECT: The Mayor and City Council FEB 1 6 1982 City Staff r-l ~ ~~-~- j ,.~"'""'" - Mld-year Budget Review Per Resolution #6408t this report presents the results of the mid-year budget review for the Clty of Santa Monica for City Council review and action. BACKGROUND The purpose of the m1d-year bUdget reV1ew is to analyze budgetary activ1ty for the first six months of the 1981-82 fiscal year and to evaluate the need for budgetary adjustment. Discussion w1l1 center on whether the Clty is on financial target and will achieve overall revenue and spending pl ans as approved by City Councll in the 1981-82 budget. The text of thi s report will hi ghl i ght by fund the major variances tn projected expenditures, revenuest and fund balances. The information presented 1n this m1d-year budget reVlew has been summarized in the attached schedules: Schedule I - Updated 1981-82 Clty Council Approprlations (12/31/81) Schedule II - FY 1981-82 Projected Expenditures by Fund Schedule III - FY 1981-82 ProJected Revenues by Fund Schedule IV - FY 1981-82 Beginning Fund Balances (?/1/S1) Schedule V - FY 1981-82 ProJected Ending Fund Balances J/..E FEe 1 6 198~ 1 EXPENDITURES e e General Fund Net expenditure savings for the General Fund through June 1982 are est1mated to be approximately $600tOOO. The favorable sav1ngs have resulted from $375,000 in salary savings from vacant new and existing posit1ons, $250tOOO in suppl1es and expense and $80,000 1n capital outlay_ Substantial savings should occur from utility conservationt lower legal coSt5~ ma1ntenance expenditure savingst and re-evaluat1on of needs 1n a changing environment. Requested appropriations from the general fund will negate $107~OOO of the expend1ture savings. During the mid-year budget reVleWt it was determined that the followlng divisions in the General Fund requ1re budgetary adjustments to maintain current service level s through June 1982: (1 ) Pl ann i n g Suppl ies & Expense - $25tOaO increase Task Fore e printing and increase. and Housing Element requirements for xeroxing~ mail ing costs have necessitated this budget (2) Fire Sal aries & Wages - $22tOOO 1ncrease Supplies & Expense S10.000 increase Salaries & Wage s 1 ncrease will provide o ve rt i me budget to ma1ntain constant staffing for known Workers' Compensat1on 1 eave s through the balance of the f1 scal year. The appropriation for apparatus repalrs est; ma t e . Suppl ies & Expense which have exceeded will cover emergency the ori gi nal budget (3) Harbor e Cap1tal Outlay - S3tOO'increase The outboard engine for the shoreboat has suffered damage and will requlre at least $2tOOO to repa1r compared with $3tOOO to install a new outboard engine. (4) Personnel Salaries & Wages - $ 7tOOO lncrease Suppl ies & Expense - $37 tOOO lncrease Salaries & Wages increase will provide for requ1red overtime and temporary assistance through June and hires above entry to attract qualified employees. Supplies & Expense increase is necessary to offset the increasing rates for Employee Medical Exams (up 25% effective 1/1/82) and the unexpected expenses to recruit and hire the Clty Manager and other department head positions. (5) City Manager Sal aries & Wages Supplies & Expense - $18tOOO decrease $18,000 increase This transfer from salary savings will offset the increased demand for office supplies by the various commissionst boards~ and City Manager's staff. (6) Purchasing Salaries & Wages - $3tOOO increase The increase in Salaries & Wages has been requested to employ a temporary clerical worker- to maintain the present level of service for the next six months. (7 ) C 0 mm unit y & E n vir 0 n me n tal S e r y ice s Sal aries & Wages - $4tOOO decrease Suppl1es & Expense - $4,000 1ncrease ... This transfeerom sa' ary savings will efset the lncreased demand for office suppl ies from City staff and comm;sslons. Spec1al Revenue Funds With the exception of CDSG and CETA, the Special Revenue Fund expendltures should match budget authorlty for FY1981-82. Unspent COBG funds are reprogrammed each fiscal year. In FY1981-82t COBG shaul d have approximately $1.4 milllon to reappropriate 1n FY1982-83. The termination of the CETA program should result in expenditure savings of $950,000 in FY1981-82 Wh1Ch would be offset by a similar reduction in revenues. Parking Authority The Parking Authority expenditures for FY1981-82 should mirror the approved budget. Redevelopment Agency The Redevelopment Agency budget appears to be on target and does not require a modification at this t1me. Enterprise Funds Expenditure savings should occur in almost every enterprise fund. The Municipal Enterprise and the Solar Utility Funds have had lower expenditure requirements in their first year of operations than anticipated. Under the assumption that the Civic Auditorium parking lot redesign project will not be contracted by June 1982, $100,000 excess budgetary authority should be available 1n the Audltorium Fund. The completion of capital projects in the Water and Sewer Fund at substantial savings should net nearly Ii _ $ltOOOtOOO. Cas~saVingS in the Transp~ation Fund should approach $1.25 milllon from favorable fuel cost savings. REVENUES General Fund Staff estimates that the General Fund revenues will be approximately $1,325,000 greater than the original budget forecast for the fiscal year 1981-82. The maJor revenue variances in the General Fund are in these maJor funding sources: sales/use taxest business 1 i cense taxes, condomlnium taxest on-street meter revenue.st bar I" i cad e per m its, mu n i c i pal 0 r din a n c e vi 01 at ion s t property taxes, and other state subventions. Favorable sales results from the Santa Monica Place ShoPPlng Mall should provide $330,000 more in revenue than originally estimated. The business license tax revenue will generate $100tOOO more than the budget estlmate. The condominium tax will raise approximately $162tOOO mor-e than projected despite trends in the real estate ma rk e t . The raising of parking meter rates and Quick replacement of meter boxes to the new r-ates will add approximately $350,000 in revenue ove r projections. Barricade permits will show an estimated increase of $135,000 over- budget due to a number of large construction proJects in progress~ Increase in parking fines on January 1, 1982 will increase municipal ord1nance violations revenues approximately $200,000 over budget. This estimate takes into consideration the time 1 ag from the moment that the parklng ticket is issued to the time that the County of Los Angeles mails the City's portion of the parking fine money to the City of Santa Monica~ 5 State supported lavenue sources, such aS4Ifroperty taxes and subvent10ns, should Yleld the City of Santa Monica net revenue of $390tOOO based upon the following conditions. Property tax revenues calculated on the basis of Los Angeles County assessed valuation growth of 10% is recalculated at a 15% growth factor which will generate approximately Sl,360tOOO more ln revenue than budgeted. However, losses in state subventions, such as motor vehicle in-l ieu, alcohol ic beverage tax, and highway carrler 1 icense, will approximate $970tOOO under the 1981-82 budget project i on. BU1lding $74tOOO)t rel ated fees and interest (down $173tOOO)t ambulance fees (down on investments (down $95tOOO) should be under the initial revenue estimate by $342,000. Special Revenue Funds The Special Revenue funds should follow the budget trends except for the Beach Recreation and CETA funds. The beach parking rate increase should net $250tOOO over the original revenue estimate for the Beach Recreation Fund. As previously mentioned, CETA funding sources wlll only reimburse the City for its outlays in FV81-82 which will be approximately $950,000 under the original budget. Enterprise Funds Water Fund The water rate increase and the new water connection fees will generate approximately $770,000 more 1n revenue than the budget est1mate for the fiscal year 1981-82. 6 Refuse Fund e e A shortfall of approxlmately $230,000 is forecast for the Sanitation Division in the Refuse Fund due to the tlming of the rate hike implementation and the tlme lag before revenues are recelved. Pier Rental revenue is 12% behind budget estimates~ but parking lot revenues and interest from investment of Pier funds are above estimates and wlll maintain Pier revenues in 1 ine with the budget estimate. Sewer Fund Hlgher than anticipated fund balance in the Sewer Fund w1ll increase interest income by approximately $300tOOO over the budget estimate and sewer connection fees will be approximately $400~OOO over budget in spite of the construction moratorium. The total estimated 1ncrease of revenues in the Sewer Fund is approximately $700~OOO. Civic Auditorium Fund The Civic Auditorium revenues for concessionst parking lot feest and miscellaneous charges are 22%t 16%t and 23% respectivelYt below the original estlmates. If this trend continues, actual revenues for 1981-82 will be below estimated revenues by $164tOOO. The elimination of the lobby expansion and the delay of parking lot redeslgn and construction contributed to the lower than anticipated revenues. 7 Alrport Fund e e Alrport revenues wl1l be approximately $200tOOO over the budget estimate due to underestimating 1 and lease revenues reflecting the uncertai~ties of airport operations. Cemetery Fund Cemetery revenues are on target for the first half of fiscal year 1981-82. The budget estimate for the fiscal year 1981-82 will be met if this trend continues. Transportation Fund Total Transportation revenues will remain approximately the same as the budget estimate~ but various components of these revenues have changed. Passenger revenue shows a decrease of $300tOOO caused by lower ridership. Major changes in revenue categories are a result of the final subsidy allocation decisions by SCAG and the Los Angeles County Transportation Commissiont as well as an attempt by the Transportation Department to create a carryover of Federal operating assistance fundst which the Department plans to use to help ease the transition WhlCh will occur as these funds are phased out entirely over the next three years. The adjusted City budget figures presented below reflect the revenue projections submitted to the funding agencles in response to the flnal allocations given to the Department. Total Departmental revenues remain unchanged. o e e Original Revised T~an~portation Operating Revenue Budget Budget Passenger Revenue $ 5t150tOOO $ 4t850,OOO Fed. Section 8 Planning 32tOOO 28tOOO Sal es Tax -$ B 620 2t183tOOO It221,OOO Special Bus Revenue (Charters) 240,000 240tOOO Advert1sing 11ltOOO 76tOOO Inter-Department Services 10tOOO 10,000 Miscellaneous Revenue 600 500 Sales Tax-SB 325 It033,600 3,954,000 Fed. Dperating Assistance $ 3t330t300 $ lt711,OOO $12,090t500 $12,090t500 FUND BALANCES The beginning fund balances based upon audited balances are presented 1n Schedule IV. Signiflcant variances between aud1ted and estimated beginnlng fund balances have been explained in ~J Schedule IV-A. All fund bal ances t except Enterprises, represent the unappropriated fund balance (or deficit). The Enterprise fund balances represent current assets (cash and investments) less current llabll ities and encumbrances. For the Enterpr1se funds this balance will present a better picture of the Enterprises's abllity to absorb additional costs, contingencies, and expansion. The ending fund balance projections for all funds are presented in Schedule V. Three fund balance variances (General Fundt Civic Auditorium Fundt and Refuse Fund) are explained below. 9 General Fund e e Al though net expenditures wlll erode the begi nni ng fund bal ance by $750tOOOt a hlgher beginning fund balance should contribute to a $1.8 million ending fund balance. The General Fund balance would have been substantially lower without the Federal Revenue Sharing all ocatlon of $1.9 mill ion for Parks and Recreation expendltures. ThlS positive balance will be aval1able for current year budget revisions~ contingencies~ and a potential FY82-83 budgetary s h 0 rt fall. CiV1C Auditorium The Civic Auditor1um Fund balance will probably remaln negatlve at year end. A combination of factorst such as the elimination of lobby expansion and delay of the parking lot modlficatlon and 1 ower revenuest have contributed to slower growth of the enterprise's fund balance. The estimated negative fund balance should be $60tOOO at June 30t 1982. Staff lntends to address the Civic Auditorium financial difficulties as part of the City's 1982-83 budget process. Refuse Staff estimates that the Refuse Fund balance will be a deficit balance of $385,000 by fiscal year end. This negative condltion will result from the negative beglnning fund balance and revenues falling below original estimates. Staff intends to address the Refuse Fund's financial difficulties as part of the City's 1982-83 budget process. 10 e e Recommendation Staff respectfully recommends that City Council receive and fl1e the mid-year budget report and adopt the accompanying resolution. Prepared By: Nick Rives Thomas Morton 11 e e SCHEDULE I 1981-B2 BUDGET APPROPRIATION REVISIONS THROUGH 12/31/81 Original Additional Revised Budget Appropriations Budget General Fund $31,952,282 $ ?89,141 $32,241,423 Gas Tax Fund 3,417,738 30,000 3,447,738 CDSG Fund 1,50e;,OOO 1,538,230 1,044,230 Miscellaneous Grants 243,51)2 74,835 318,397 Refuse Fund 3,685,129 <211,149> 3,6'50,980 Airport Fund 1,048,983 75,100 1,124,083 Cemetery Fund 427,j:j42 2,795 430,437 Pks.& Rec. Fac. Fund - 0 - 125,000 125,000 Parking AuthorIty 55f;,713 5,300 562,013 Various Other Funds 44,150,448 - 0 - 44,160,.448 g86,998,497 $2,11'5,252 $89,114,749 (APPROP1:011182) Council Session Date ~/9/81 11/23/81 ti/23/81 7/14/81 7/14/81 7/14/81 7/28/81 7/28/81 R/ll/81 8/25/81 8/25/81 9/8/81 9/8/81 10/13/81 10/13/81 10/13/81 10/20/81 10/20/81 10/20/81 10/27/81 11/10/81 11/24/81 11/24/81 SCHEDULE IA UPDATED~98l-82 CITY COUNCIL APPRQliIATIONS ... AS OF DECE~8ER 31, 19B1 ~ Agenda Item Number Description Amount 7-A 1981-82 Total City Budget $85,998,497 6-26 Solar Utility-Appropriation from General Fund for Meetings & Workshops 1,000 1)-2~ Streets Division Resurfacing Project Additional Engineering Fees-Gas Tax 30,000 t'5-M Permanent Status for As-Needed Custodians-General Funds 23,499 ll-G CDBG Carry Forward 1,538,230 10-C Planning Dept. Consultants-General Fund 30,000 6-N Litter Control Grant-Refuse Fund 7,851 10-B Airport Personnel 5,500 6-'" Recycling Budget Revision-Refuse Fund <32,000> 6-Q Conversion of City vehicles to Propane Fuel-General Fund 18,000 (j-R Copying Machine Purchase for Cemetery 2,795 6-K SCAG Bicycle & Pedes. Funds-Misc. Grants 89,289 6-J Parts for Mobile Air Unit-Fire Dept. 7,500 6-T 1981-82 Nutr. Program Rev.-Misc. Grants <14,454> 6-U Add. Funding-Meals on Wheels-Gen. Fund 2,000 6-V Maintain Noise ~onitoring Equipment at Airport 19,hOO ll-I Transfer between Shell Oil Franchise Fund to City Attorney-General Fund 20,000 11-I Transfer between Airport and City Attorney-Airport Fund 50,000 13-G Additional Funding-Ocean Park Community Center (Sojourn)-Gen. Fund 15,000 P-3 parking Authority-Meter Installation 5,300 II-A pier Park Deslgn-Pks. & Rec. Fac. Fund 125,000 11-8 Repair City Owned properties-Gen. Fund 132,142 14-H Sys.Analysts-Crime Analysis-Gen.Fund Total 1981-82 Revised Budget 40,0110 S89,114,749 SCHEDULE II P~lECTED EXPENDITURES BY FU4It .... FY 1981-82 (SOOO) ORIGINAL REVISED BUDGET PROJECTED VARIANCE BUDGET AS OF 12/31/81 EXPEND/ENCUMB <OVER> UNDER GENERAL FUND (see Schedule II-A) $ 31t952 $ 32t241 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING $ 2t76O $ 2t76O CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS -0- -0- GAS TAX 3t418 3,448 BEACH RECREATION 1,114 1 t114 CDBG 1,506 3,044 PARKS & REC. FACILITIES -0- 12S MISC. GRANTS 244 318 CETA 1,322 It322 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FU NOS $" 10,364 $ 12,131 $ 31t648 $ 2t760 -0- 3,448 It102 It607 125 318 370 $ "9t730 $ 593 $ -0- -0- -0- 12 1,437 -0- -0- 952 $ 2t401 PARKING AUTHORITY $ 556 $ 562 $ 562 $ -0- REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY $ 4,227 $ 4t227 $ 4t127 $ 100 ENTERPRISES MUNICIPAL ENTERPRISES $ 193 $ 193 $ 121 $ 72 PIER 783 783 762 21 CIVIC AUDITORIUM 820 820 720 100 AIRPORT 1,049 1t124 809 315 SOLAR UTILITY 200 200 45 155 REFUSE 3t685 3,661 3t652 9 SEWER 2,520 2,520 2t17O 350 WATER 6t3!3 6t3!3 5t663 650 CEMETERY 428 430 430 -0- TRANSPORTATION 23t907 23t907 21,538 2,369 TOTAL ENTERPRISES $ 39t898 $ 39,951 $ 35,910 $ 4t041 GRAND TOTAL $ 86t997 $ 89t112 (FUNDBAL4:021182) $ 81t977 $ 7t135 PROJECTED GENE~ SCHEDULE II-A ... FUND EXPENDITURES BY SE~TED DIVISION FY 1981-82 ($000) ORIGINAL REVISED BUDGET PROJECTED VARIANCE FUND/DIVISION BUDGET AS OF 12/31/81 EXPEND/ENCUMB <OVER> UNDER GENERAL FUND CITY ATTORNEY $ 899 $ 969 $ 909 $ 60 COMM. & ENV. SERVICES 1,290 It307 1,275 32 PLANNING 419 449 474 <25> POLICE 7t766 7t766 7,726 40 FIRE 3t75O 3,757 3,789 <32> PARKS It287 1t287 It268 20 RECREATION 650 650 620 30 LIBRARY 2t443 2t443 2,383 60 HARBOR 146 146 149 <3> STREETS 1t555 1,555 1,380 175 PFM 1t257 1t197 1t247 <50> MECHANICAL MAINTENANCE 1,439 1t457 It396 60 CITY HALL 459 519 419 100 PERSONNEL 360 360 404 <44> RETIREMENT 5t435 5,449 5t449 -0- NON-DEPARTMENTAL 5t411 5,422 5t422 -0- INTERFUND TRANSFERS <7,979> <8,029> <8t029> -0- PURCHASING 163 163 166 <3> ALL OTHERS 5,,202 5t374 5t201 173 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $31,952 $32t241 $31t648 $ 593 (FUNDBAL3:021182) SCHEDULE III ti'OJECTED REVENUES BY FUN~ FY 1981-82 ($000) ORIGINAL BUDGET PROJECTED REVENUES VARIANCE ESTIMATE 7/1/81.6/30/82 OVER <UNDER> GENERAL FU NO $29t565 $30t890 S 1t325 SPECIAL REVENUE FU NO S FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING $ 1t081 $ 1,134 $ 53 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS -0- 237 237 GAS TAX 2t367 2t349 <18> BEACH RECREATION 1t216 It464 248 COBG ItS06 1t607 101 PKS. & REc. FACILITIES 75 75 -0- MISCELLANEOUS GRANTS 243 318 75 CETA It322 370 <952> TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $ 7t81O $ 7,554 $ <256> PARKING AUTHORITY $ 825 $ 820 $ <5> REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY $ 4,227 $ 4,127 $ <100> ENTERPRISES (2) MUNICIPAL ENTERPRISES $ 193 $ 121 $ <72> PIER 785 785 -0- CIVIC AUDITORIUM 900 736 <164> AIRPORT 746 937 191 SOLAR UTILITY 200 45 <155> REFUSE 3,778 3,548 <230> SEWER 1t681 2t402 721 WA TER 6t417 7,186 769 CEMETERY 408 327 <81> TRANSPORTATION 21t668 21,668 -0- TOTAL ENTERPRISES $36t776 $37,755 $ 979 GRANO TOTAL $79t203 $81t146 $ 1t943 (FUNOBAL2:021182) ~ SCHEDULE IV ~ Fy",81-82 BEGINNING FUND BAL~ES AS OF JULY It 1981 ENTERPRISES ( 2 ) MUNICIPAL ENTERPRISES $ - 0 - $ - 0 - $ - 0 - PIER - 0 - 257,000 257,000 CIVIC AUDITORIUM <SOtOOO> <76,000> 4tOOO AIRPORT 675,000 757,000 82tOOO SOLAR UTILITY - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - REFUSE - 0 - <281tOOO> <281tOOO>(3) SEWER 1,lOOtOOO 3,047tOOO 1,947tOOO (4) WATER - 0 - 497,000 497tOOO (5) CEMETERY 20tOOO 113tOOO 93,000 TRANSPORTATION 2,238,911 19t407,OOO 17t168,089 ( 6 ) TOTAL ENTERPRISES $ 3t953,911 $23,721tOOO $19t767t089 GRAND TOTAL $11t804t911 $33,611toao $21t806,089 (FUNDBAL :011182) e e SCHEDULE IV-A FY 1981-82 BEGINNING FUND BALANCES FOOTNOTE EXPLANATIONS (1) The General Fund balance was $558tOOO greater than originally estlmated as a result of the successful legal defense of the condominlum converSlon taxt unantlcipated expenditure savings, and additional revenues. These pos1tive factors should negate the need for a $1,500tOOO transfer from the Capital Reserves to support the General Fund bal ance. (2) The Enterprise Fund balances represent current assets ( cas h and ; n ve s t me n t s ) 1 e s s cur r e n t 1 i a b i1 i tie san d encumbrances. For the Enterpr1se Funds this bal ance will present a better picture of the Enterprise's abil ity to absorb other costs, contingenciest and expansion. (3) The Refuse Fund balance was $281tOOO lower than originally estimated due to greater fund expenditures. (4) The Sewer Fund was $lt966,000 higher than originally estimated due to the following reasons: Unanticipated Interest Income Unant1cipated Revenue from L.A. County Unanticipated Sewer Connection Fees Expense Savings-L.A. Sewage Disposal $ 267,000 301,000 449tOOO 949tOOO $lt966tOOO (5) The Water Fund balance was $497,000 higher than originally estimated as a result of expenditure savings. (6) The Transportation Fund balance was $17t168t089 greater than originally estimated due to a change in reporting methods. Funds held by the City for restricted purposes were not included in the original estimate. As of 7/1/81t $15t901tOOO of transportation cash lS restricted for major capital projects such as the people mover, facility expansion, and investment in fixed assets. ... SCHEDULE V . FY 198~2 PROJECTED ENDING FUND ANCES AS OF 12/31/81 ( $ 000 ) ACTUAL ESTIMATED ESTIMATED REVISED ENDING BEGINNING EXPENDITURES REVENUES ENDING FU ND BAL FUND BAL 7/1/81- 7/1/81- FUND BAL PER BUDGET FUND 7/1/81 6/30/82 6/30/82 6/30/82 6/30/82 GENERAL FUND $ 2~558 $31t648 $30~890 $ 1t8OO $ 12 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING $ 2,076 $ 2,760 $ 1,134 $ 450 $ -0- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS It783 -0- 237 2t020 It500 GAS TAX 1,379 3,448 2t349 280 -0- BEACH RECREATION 318 1t102 1t464 680 202 CnBG -0- 1t607 1t607 -0- -0- PKS. & REC. FACILITIES 544 125 75 494 560 MISCELLANEOUS GRANTS -0- 318 318 -0- -a- CETA -0- 370 370 -0- -0- TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $ 6,100 $ 9t73O $ 7,554 $ 3,924 $ 2~262 PARKING AUTHORITY $ 1,232 $ 562 $ 820 $ 1t49O $ 1t3OS REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY $ -0- $ 4,127 $ 4~127 $ -0- $ -0- ENTERPRISES (2) MUNICIPAL ENTERPRISES $ -0- $ 121 $ 121 $ -0- $ -0- PIER 257 762 785 280 1 CIVIC AUDITORIUM <76> 720 736 <60> -0- AIRPORT 757 809 937 885 372 SOLAR UTILITY -0- 45 45 -0- -0- REFUSE <281> 3,652 3~548 <385> 92 SEWER 3,047 2t17O 2t402 3,279 261 WATER 497 5,663 7t186 2t020 104 CEMETERY 113 430 327 10 -0- TRANSPORTATION 19,407 22t662 21,668 18t413 -0- TOTAL ENTERPRISES $23~721 $37t034 $37t755 $24.442 $ 830 GRAND TOTAL $33t611 $83~101 $81t146 S31t656 $ 4.409 (FUNDBALl:021182) FI:NR:TEM:kc e RESOLUTION NO. e (City Council Series) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA MONICA AMENDING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1981-82 WHEREASt the Clty Council adopted the annual budget for fiscal year 1981-82 on June 9t 1981; and WHEREAS~ the City Manager conducted a mld-year budget review during January 1982; and WHEREAS, City Charter Section 1506 authorizes the City Council to amend or supplement the budget by motlon adopted by the affirmatlve votes of at least five council membe rs; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA MONICA DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The budget for the fiscal year 1981-82 is hereby amended as follows: CURRENT REVISED INCREASE BUDGET BUDGET (DECREASE) Plannin9 Department Supplies & Expense $ 109,012 $ 134,012 $ 25~00O Fire Department Sal aries & Wages 3,258,234 3,280t234 22tOOO Supplies 8 Expense 323t664 333t664 IOtOOD Net Increase 32tOOO e e CURRENT REVISED INCREASE BUDGET BUDGET (DECREASE) Harbor Division Capital Outlay -0- 3tOOO 3 to 00 Personnel De par t me n t Sal arles & Wages 244t679 251,679 7tOOO Suppl ies & Expense ll1t230 148,230 37tOOO Net Increase 44tDOO City Manager Sal aries & Wage s 201t797 183t797 (18tOOO) Suppl ies & Expense 39,709 57t709 18tOOO Net Change -0- P u rc has i n 9 Sal arles & Wage s 148t898 1S1t898 3tOOO Community & Env Services Sal aries & Wages 64,218 60t218 (4tOOO) Suppl ies & Expense 1t242t564 1t246t564 4tOOO Net Change -0- Total Expenditures Increase $l07~OOO TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT Operating Revenues Passenger Revenue Fed. Section 8 Planning Sales Tax - 5B620 Advertising Other - Miscellaneous Sales Tax - 58325 Fed. Oper. Assistance Net Revenue Change 5,150tOOO 32tOOO 2t183,OOO ll1tOOO 600 It033t600 3,330t300 4t850tOOO 28tOOO 1,221tOOO 76tOOO 500 3,954tOOO 1,711tOOO (300,000) (4tOOO) (962,000) (35tOOO) (100) 2t920t400 (lt619t300) -0- 2 e e SECTION 2. The amount of $107tOOO 15 hereby appropriated from the General fund balance for the expenditure increase set forth in Section 1. SECTION 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and thenceforth and thereafter the same shall be in full force and effect. APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~'-.~ Robert M. Myers City Attorney 3