SR-11-A (33) AP:JPM:TAW:mh City Council Meeting 10/16/90 Santa Monica, II-II . f OCT 1 F, 1QOO Cal1 ornla '- ',J /0 tJ..- DOl- TO: Mayor and city Council FROM: City Staff SUBJECT: Recommendation to oppose Senate Aviation Bill (S.3094) concerning the preemption of local noise policies and to authorize City Manager to take necessary steps in opposition. Introduction This report requests the City Council to authorize the City Manager to take the necessary steps in opposition to Senate Aviation Bill (5.3094) which preempts local airports from establishing noise policies. Background United state Senator Wendell Ford (D-Ky) has introduced S.3094 which creates a national noise policy that preempts local control over airport noise issues. The bill will take away the local proprietors right to establish noise policies which balance the needs of the community and aviation interests. Specifically the bill would require mandatory FAA review of all existing or proposed noise provisions * This would jeopardize the City's nighttime departure curfew, the 95 decibel noise ordinance and require that any future noise policies be reviewed and approved by the FAA. The language in Senate Aviation Bill (5.3094) regarding preemption of local noise policies has been added to the Budget Reconciliation Package in the Senate. The National League of - I - t!1:8 cities and other local municipalities are leading efforts to delete the content of (8.3094) from the budget package as well as to defeat legislation which precludes local noise policies. Recommendation It is respectfully recommended that the city Council take the following action: 1. Authorize the City Manager to utilize all efforts in opposition to Senate Aviation Bill (S.3094) ensuring local authorities the right to balance aviation and community needs into reasonable noise policies. Prepared By: Jeffrey P. Mathieu, Airport Director Tim A. Walsh, Airport Operations Manager - 2 - ...;<... _;i--":;Ill;I I 1UI'1 J.Q;:JO ! LJ: U-I-f Wl-t:71! Nb 1l...N !:Jb':t..::: I-'l1.::: ,'. S. IV: XEROX Tellcopter 101';10-'1-80 :'O:UAJI : 2D2eT14001~LA WASHINGTON :. 2 SPIEGEL &r McDIARMID 1.aIIe Nn" YORtt "'V~N~, N,W W...I-lIItlI."rON. D.c .,00....,.. ..I:I....~ONI: l:tOt. il7eo4OClO TIrL.eo~I." ~_J""'.-oot T&I.ItCOI'II:II '..I..,.....' MEMORANDUM TOt 1bOae CoDC:emed With the AIrcraft NoiN PoUey ProvfJlons of s.. 3O!M, Sea.ator Ford', "Aviadoll Capacity Act of 1990" Jack COrbtU Octob.r 10, 1990 PROM: DATE: SU1lIBC'n STA.TUS OP IENATOR FORIYS "NATlONJ\L NOT~~ !<lUcy" 1m I .~ ALR1\T ml\ IMMRDT~TB Act10N WITH YOUR L1U1ISI.ATORI 1. S. 3094 NOISE PROVISIONS READIED FOR RBCONClIJATION BlLl. ne full Senate CctmMVce Comn'lfttee by voice VOte late thiI afternoon approvod s. 3094 twi~: <a) u pan of the SeDate'. BudJot R.econcilladon Bill bolni pacbpd by tht Senate Budcet Committee; and (b) U & frtHt.Rtt<<1h1S tubltitute for H.R. 5170, the Houle', we bill. To pitt IUpport from the Cal!tmfuee, Senator Ford ."'emted hia QtiaiDal bJD to exempt Wuhlf1llOn Nadonal AIrpoda StlB1 3 noUc reltrl~ from the bfll'. rulea (Senator Robb ICrVCI on the Commfttoe) and to .I.empt SeauJ.e.Tacom~, IntemaUonal Airport'I new t1lediatod no_ prolflJD from the bfll'. rules (Senator Gorton le1'Yel on the Comllli_). Senator Kerry alcmc voted .-;Mt blc1ucUng the Ford bill in the R..cxmc:I1Wlon packap but h. did 10 by praI)' IIlCl did DOt speak OIl the issue. Onl)' two SeDatol'l (Gorton IDd Robb) indfc:atod any dilaFeezuat at aU with the naile prov1aiOJll of S. 3094 durIDa Q)tqmlttee c1iscuulcm. A few Senaton queaUonod whoth.r S. 3094 was lermane to the Budaot Rec:oncOiatioD bOl but voted. to include it aa.ywa.y~ 11&ete MIl DO lndicaUoa at the markup whether the Bush "Ad".,h"~tration had any objoctiozll to &Dy puu of S. 3094 althouah many parts wert thouaht to bo CODUOYmIa1 wtthht the ~dotl.uadon: aircraft noise polley on "feder.l.1iAmw pvUDda; P<JiP. of ..11i1Jl of -slOgll at lqb-cleulity airporta; etc. :z. 1HJlRl:r POSSlBILlTIES BEMAIN' TO IMPROVE 1HB NOISS PRO~ONS BEFORE CONGRESS ADI0URNS IN 1WO WEEKS . nero aro three fAOlAbdng pollibillties to improve or e1iann-te the harm1\d aircraft :aof&e CODtoI1t of S. 3094 (ece OMS wfJl Dot threaten a veto of 1he whole Re<<mdJi,dcm BU1 beCIUIO of lu nolle l..,.--p). Theao are d1scu5sed Iu the ordor they will GeQJI'. ....Sf BY~ -xeRoXTI'Tlco;i,r tlfr,;'io:;1~'rJ'i,ij;.aM .-=>;,c. ruw ~UII'I"UO'..tCl..A WH1NI1UN :. 2 .... .' A~J_.1HRBB omoNS ARE CONSISTENT WITH PRBSSRVlNG aIAIRMAN OBERSTAR.-& PFC BILL IN A HOUSB-SEN'ATB MINICONFBRBNCB AS PART OF RBCONCILlATlON. nIB we AU1HO]l.17All0N CAN DB IN HOUSB-SBNATB RBCONCILIA'I10N CONPBRBNCB BYNEXT11JESDA Y, ocroBER 16. IRltBSPBC- 11VB OF NOISB POUCY ISSUES. In all .... it fa apeeted thai the House PFe bill (with no noise provisiona) wD1 be facludad in .. Houae.. RecondHadoa Bm either in the PubUc Worb wi TraDaportatlan Co"'~ttee NCdoD 01' II -wonded by HOUle. WaJl and Meam Q\mmfU. 0atrmaIl RONUowIId to the IncreMe In the dOlDertlc passenger ticket tal. from 89& ta 109i (or hillier) in the Waya aDd MeIDl eecdon of the Rceoneiliadon Bill. (If in the Public Worb Committee leotIoD. Cbabma Obmtar would OODfereDOO PPCI with CbIirmaa. Ford. If III WI)'I aDd Meaaa. ChIirmaD RoIteDkawlJd would eouferouae PPCI with SeDate Pin... Committee a.trmaD BcDtIe~) a. PINt ~n.tnt' to Offer "Motfrm m StrikAIl Contl!nt of S. ~094 u",..,. ~t... ~ Rp.ie- Wheft Remn~fAtillft~m Cnmp., to Senate F100r Nm W~ SeDate ~"'MCe C..{\mm~tte. CbaIrmu. HolliDp .wed thu the .... ParUameDtariaD IIfd today that he wou1d rule that the content of S. 3094 wu DOt pnaaDI to the SeDate R~ Bm. ThUl," tJ.s. Senator could offer a -Mo11on to StrIke tho Comenl of S. 30M UDder the Byrd Rw. u Not German. to ReCOlldU.doa- wbtD. tile SeDate Budpt CnnuWttee brIIp the RlCGDcf1iatIOD Bm packqe to the SoIate floor OIl October 15. Plea.. ... JII.K S1aator to eommtt to offtnoflll neh a motloD wbea tile B__ -~Iladoa am (IDcludbaa tho eontat of S. 3094) i. pruenled to tIuIlDll s.ate - MoJuI~t Odo'- 11, r. kl apPJ'(WaI. (Pleut let 111 know If ,0111' leutor II ........... W. will IIIld . toUo'fJ..ap memorud1UD It UJ ....or ....lIdu to ...... ..... ......, If this motion fa olIIred, IUld the ParllJMeutarian rules S. 3094 non-prmue. seutor Ford will have to muater 60 lena" votu to ovmu1e the ParllamelltarlaD.'. I'dIJng &ad pl'e1OlVO S. 3C)p4'. DOfIo proviIJona for Houso-Senatt Conference. ThiI would be difficult to achi~ 11. J01I1" ""..... m ... NOT TO OVERRULE the Parllamentarl-nll ruJ.IDa that .... ...., of .. 38M II DOli......... U S. 30H II deIIted frDm the 8..te IbeovO..doa BIll, leutol' Ford eaa ____ willa die aou.. oaly 011 Pre. (Ia till 801111 bID). DOt Oil aII'cnft .... poIIq. - 2 .. .. "~T d{~/~vrIM=cf'ii, ,jb'i*ru~it!~~;4GAI ;lIb~~ ~ 20281140010tCLA WASHIMQ1"Oft tI I __ It b. 'ha lMt.ta 'l..Aa.d......hf!' M~ ~ tn ~lete All Nnn.o.l"ft'\.ne Pmvf-'''''I from JZ....t" R~~tflf..tfftn :am It aU Scute ~ftl'Il.... decld, to add th.tr awn. favored but 1lOIl-1~ bf11a to tho ~"cQlatlOll PKup\ it could afDk of ita OWD c:ontroYeny. n II poufbll that the SeDate IeIdenJDp may mu90 to .trite all av.cb Iimilar provlsionL Such a motion. 11 upbIJd. would have the ... be1Joftda1 rei. U a., abcwe. V... JMI' ilia... .. ..wort the I1rIId:4I or bOJl-III'JIWlI promJou hIa die ...." ~..... ID1 protldec1 that die CODteat of S. 3Ot4 w1I14 be hwl,W. There .. lUIIUbltaoted nuuon that SeDate Majority Leader Mltche11 (1)-Me) bu IIP'Hd to protect L 30M from &tt&eb emits prmll1DUll. ;.. JlftU&A ~vI.tlnn SuhC!nrmnitt.. n..4""'.ft Oberltar Mav JllI!!ftl." ta ~~. I)M.nM1Nfttu PDlI~ ~-!~I nf S. 3004 ill HD1Ufl...ClA''Ultfl! ~M'lNIl - sm. die House hu DOC acted OIlBDy DOise poUcy prvNioos, the House CODfeJIeJ on the Budpt ReconclUatloD Act may limply refuse in conference to ICOIpt any of t.he harmful a5rcraft DOlle prcMtioDl from S. 3094. However, DOT Secretary SIl:bmfllr'a oIIIaI baa repartedly let It be kDo\m that DOT will accept a Conar~!!~oDAl aircraft DOlle poUcy 1D the RecoDciillatloD M II an ~table price to pc PECs enacted aDd wfJl teD OMS that CoDsma forcod the JIIue. Allot CbaUman Obental' very much wanu a PFC bDllDd IDJIIl nadoul DOiM poUey 0DaCtCd. v.... your CaIqrMIIuIl on the HoUle 'Publ1c Workl8lld TrauportadOD eo..'''''' eo V.... CIaalmu Obentar ud the HouMl.adenhlp (ADclenon (D.cA). .. (Do.' NJ), MIMta (D-C.\)I Hammtrldullldt (R-AR.), COnJll' B...PA)) NOT to MeIJt Bumftd AIrenft Nolle PoIIq Pnniatolll ttom Senator Ford'. So ..... Ho.... 8eaar. CoaI'Ir-=e 011 a.. PleODdlIatloJJ. Bill 3. YOUR IMMBDIATB CONTACTS TO CONGRESS ARB ESSENTIAL MOlt airport lpoDIotI care prfmA.nly about rctainiq their elJ&l"billty tor PF'Ca In confereDoI dnce they have DO aircraft naile problom of consequence. MOlt other in..... would be pleued to have SenatOr Pord'1 noiIe bill .n~~d without clI~ (1kUDeI, particularly Dtlta. Pederal Blpreu aad t1PS); bul1neA avlat!on; and leneral madoD) .. they favor ita pnwlIkma. The efroru of thole wbo don't want S. 3094'" provisions to be .D&Cted into law within the J)Mt tbtee weealDDlt bo quLok, pmuuiv. and poniatcnt. PI... caUl! queMioBI Iriu. - 3 - AWG {'lODAV} AirpOl1 tllorhiny GIiJUfJ oj Orange COUlJty, Joe > Atl':l~ P85 TO utn47t'tt It. 12 , w !_:..-' L.H ~!.N;I11....f'l .;.....-tlia a...l .i.;.ttu" ...ill..t4IlIlT 'SIOCI. {PDtn' "laG) {ADD1} (A>>Da) (r.DD3) (CXTY), {BTAH} {IU} {COUHTItt) (Li\8'f IWGI} ,.lR\rPY Reply to~ ~V ' ciir~ Tuzn8r ,.,...., '7E.~~""~" .. . - -. ,,- Dear {SAWTA'l"ZOIl}, TJaIl %8 .AIf URGD.r UQUES'1'. .IT aQUIRa YOUR 1IIIIBDIATB AC'f'IOlfI U.S. Senator Wende11 Ford (O-KY) has inUocJuCed 8. 3094. In .hon, the bill creat_ a national no1.. po11csy that preempt. loca~ co.DUol over alxport no1ae, is.... Unclel; tbls bill, your 1oca1 airport: propriet.OJ:' will no 10DfJeJ:' M able to work with 'the coaJIUnlq- to addrw. airport no!.. 1..u... .. 3094 1. being "-.rka4 up" in ~ s....t. today. If we do no1: be9in an 11811eC!1a~. lobOyiltCJ eft:ort wi t.b our eon~.-.n am! SeD&ton, all a1rpo~ CUJ:fewa, preferent.ial J:UnWay claaipat.1oM, and alrpon. re1atetl land ua. deel.ions will" preempted. by 'the proposed fed'Uf_1 nol.. policy to bee... .ffe~1v. January 1. :1.992. - Senator Pori 1. .~op1:iD9 to have [t:h1. leg1slatioD included. ill the 19.0/1991 fecl8ral bu49.~ act. A8 you mow, 1:he bwSget: vi11 90 i:o oonter8nCQ c~t~ .....time next w.ek. YOU can .ee th8 UZ'gency of my request. PI.... writ.. a letter and. pbone your Con'ifra.aan and. &$nat01'." and exprea. your d..p oppo.i~1oD 'to S. 3094. AlH, if YOlI have acoes- 1:0 a lob:bfi.t, pl_ contact them. w. bave workec:l ~oc the p&aU ~n'ty ~ar8 to balance 'the ft.. for ~roe anc:l noi.. co~ of O\U" communit:y. w. have auactaede4 ~y t~1ft9 o<I'apria.. a't tha local level, where these daci.ioJl& should be ..de. ftankly, Y beli... 'tha~ airport noi.. 4eciaiona ahou1d reaa.in at the local level, no1: in ..lI!dn9t:on, D.C. I baY. caloaed .. aummary of 8. ~094 an4 inforJIat1on on your ~e4er.l lql.1a'Un-a. '1__ contact; ~ iaecliately. ~1ncartiy. Clar.nca J. Turner , Pt'..ideDt:, Airport' WOrking GnM1P of orang. COWlty, Zac. Newport Beaall Ci~y councilman ......._.. .... ~...._ ...~.... . ~ ~ ..~__.......Jj,.-.-. 'II. 1'''l~~Y'''wlt l~lW' :',i~~ iLL'fl';Mm-i Aj-iIO~S. J;Jb':;O:: l-'ldb TO 12.21471919 '.'1 ~WG Ai/po! f ~V01JHJ!g GfOUp of Orange CoulJty. Inc (C(O)fP>Y Atpfy to; SDAD .:ru. 3096 ...-1:01' Wen4el1 Pod (p-ltY) SUDARY . ..tabl!... II Da1:1cmal noi.. pollcy !or .~rport.. .ffective January 1, 1'92_ Bl1JD1nat.. all local. ~egul.tion. .1 iIler- .xi.tin, or Pl"opo..d. i:o oont,rol airport no!... Eliminat.. any night :r-MtriotJ.orua OIl &t.age 3 aircraft. Requires the .~ of Tz'ahaporta't1on to review and approve Illl fUt1U:8 airport 1tOi_ 1:....l.-t;!.on.. , Before the seantary of Tran.portatioft approves any fUture loaa1 noi.. l:"8CJ1llauon., 'the airport. proprietor muat. prove 1:11. regulation doe. not: IlOnetu-l1y .i1Ipacrt the national air aafrio .l'".~. All exist:!nq landing and depart;ure aurf.~ will becoae 1llegal. All .xlat1nq prQ~en~1al ~y U.ic;nat.1ans will becOIIle illegal. All local land use 4..i~~lon. deelgned to miti9<<te &irport no!.. _at. 1)e l:'eviewec.t by 'tbe 1~.taJ:y o't Tranaportation. Ir your local .111'Ort proprlftor does DOt. comply wi t.h s. ~094, 1"0\1 forfeit all federal landing f.. funds and proposet1 Ithead 't... reven~ f'0Z" f~cil.i'ty 1Iia~,vYea8DU.. Ai~11.... can aa .1tport a~or1tJ... for "righta" undu s. 3094. . All ript.a under 8. 3094 r..t with air CU"riar8. The burden of proof for DOJ.ae re.trict1aIW shins .to airport propr1eto~... . * . * . * * . . . ~Loa Woe,ftll" n,.'ua l2u/fa~IJ1ft,,"!l7 Na""..,," ~_..... """.A_:. II!!U..."" _~., ...~ ...........