SR-106-004 (12) ..~ AC:DL Counell Meeting: e r D0-00t../ November 8, 1983 - "" ~ . G', . san~ Monlca, Californla IO-C TO: Mayor and c~ty CounCll NOV 8 1983 FROM: Arts Commlssion SUBJECT: Approval of the Proposed Board of Dlreetors of the Santa Monlca Arts Foundatlon INTRODUCTION ThlS report requests that the Clty Councll approve the proposed mem- bersh~p of the Board of Dlrectors of the Santa Monlea Arts Foundatlon for the purpose of establlshlng the Foundatlon's Artlcles of Incorpora- tlon and By-laws. These Artlcles and By-laws wlll be submitted to Clty Councll for approval at a later date. BACKGROUND One of the 1983-84 Performance ObJectives of the Arts ComrniSSlon ~S to form a "Business Conunlttee for the Arts" and a IIPrlends of the Arts." These two groups wl1l be the two fundralsing components of the Santa Monlea Arts Foundatlon, WhlCh lS currently ln the process of lncorporatlon.. At lts July 26, 1983, meetlng, Clty Council stated that the selectlon procedure for Board Members for the Foundatlon would be a process ln WhlCh appolntments would be made by the Clty Counell, based on recommendatlons from the Arts Commlsslon. The followlng recornmendatlons were made by the Arts Commlsslon at its meeting on October 24, 1983: 1. Nancy Englander - Dlrector of Program Planning and Analysls of the J. Paul Getty Trust; former Executlve Dlrector of the McDowell Colony 2. Elyse Grlnstein - Archltect~ Art collector and crltlci part owner of Geminl 3. Elalne Hoffman - PubllC relatlons consultant; former Director of Development of the Amerlcan Fllm Instltute 4. Beverly J. Moore - Vice-President, Flrst Women's Bank; Vlce- Presldent, Santa Monlca Area Chamber of Commerce 5. Franklln Schaffner - Producer and Dlrector of films and televlslon~ former member of the National Councll on the Arts 10-<:" hr,\( ~i Q ~"'l. c l.it. ~ . e e 6. Alan u. schwartz - Entertalnment lawyer; formerly wlth the Amerlcan Place Theatre and the McDowell Colony Three members of the Arts CommlsSlon: 7. Max Benzvldez 8. Paul Leaf 9. Herbert Kendall BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACT At the present tlme there is no budget lmpact of the Clty resultlng from the formatlon of the Board of Directors of the Santa Monlca Arts Foundatlon, WhlCh wlll be a prlvate, non-proflt [SOl(c)3] corporatlon. However, the Foundatlon has been dlrected by Clty Councll to have as ltS goal a fundraislng plan ln WhlCh lt wlll generate two-to-one matchlng funds from the private sector for the Arts Commlsslon1s budget wlthln three years. RECOMMENDATION The Arts Commlsslon recommends that Clty Councll approve the proposed membershlp of the Santa Monlca Arts Foundation. Prepared by: Davld Lutz, Dlrector, Arts Commlsslon