SR-1000-001-06 (8) - tit /O!JO-OO!- 00 MonIca, ~allfornla, March 19, 78 Santa 1981 MAR 2 4 198\ TO: Mayor and City Council FRO~t. C1.ty Staff SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING CO\CER~IKG MUNICIPAL BUS LI~ES SERVICE Introduct1.on At lts February 24, 1981 meetIng, the Santa MonIca CIty Councll approved a re- commendatIon to hold a publlc hear1.ng concernlng bus serV1.ce operated by the Santa MonIca MunIcIpal Bus LInes. The following report has been prepared to provIde some bas1.c lnformatlon about the Department's present operatIons. Background The CIty'S TransportatIon Department operates an actIve fleet of 124 tranSIt coaches. Formed In 1928 to prOVIde the cItlzens of the Santa ~lonIca Bay Area W1.th low-cost, qualIty tranSIt serVIce, the MUnIC1.pal Bus LInes offers serVIce on twelve regular tranSIt routes WhIch travel throughout the WestsIde The Department's fIxed route serVIces focus on four key pOInts: downtown Santa MonIca, UCLA-Westwood, Rancho Park and the Rlmpau TranSIt Center. CommunItIes served Include Pac~f~c PalIsades, Brentwood, Chevlot HIlls, Rancho Park, Palms, Westchester, Mar1.na del Rey and VenIce. The system's 12 routes lInk all these areas as well as prOVIde dIrect serV1ce to LAX and downtown Los Angeles. Weekday serVIce 1S provlded over a 20 hour perlod begInnIng at 4:40 a.m. and endlng at 1'00 a.m.: However, almost half of the Oepartmentfs 57,000 dally revenue pas- sengers rIde durlng the mornIng and afternoon peak perIods. To accommodate thlS Increased demand, the MunICIpal Bus LInes operates tWIce the number of buses durIng the peak as It does durIng the mld-day. SInce FY 1973, the Munlclpal Bus Llnes has experIenced a 73% growth in r1.der- sh~p. Today, more passengers r1.de the BIg Blue Buses of the ~unIc1.pal Bus LInes than at any other tIme 1n 1tS 52 year history. To accommodate thIS Increased 78 .- /), ~U.R 2 4 ;/ '.."'!"'" .." ~i _J To: Mayor and CIty C~11 -2- e March 19, 1981 demand, the ~unIcIpal Bus Lines' fleet has grown from 102 to 124 buses: Its m1le- age has grown by 25%: And, three new routes have been added to the BIg Blue Bus system (L1nes 10, 11 and 14), whIle extenSIons and other major modIfIcatIons have been made to four others (LInes 3, 5, 7 and 12) InflatIon and skyrocketIng fuel prIces have played roles ~n IncreasIng patronage. Many have found the BIg Blue Buses an economIC and senSIble way to beat the In- flatIon squeeze. However, InflatIon and fuel costs have also Increased the cost of prOVIdIng BIg Blue Bus serVIce. Although wages represent the major portIon of the Oepartmentfs expense, the cost of fuel, spare parts, and Insurance and claIms have been qUIte SIzeable. Between July 1968 and ~ovember 1980, the Department's local fare remaIned at 2S~ even as costs steadIly rose. DurIng thIS time, dIscounts were Introducted for senlor c~t12ens and the handIcapped. To defray the grOWIng costs, the Clty elected to use avaIlable State and, later, Federal funds to assist 1n fundIng transit operatIons. As a result, operating revenues generated by the translt system de- clIned from coverIng 100% of expenses to Just 40%. In October 1980, the CIty CounCIl approved a general fare Increase for all BIg Blue Bus patrons. WIth the boost In Income, It 15 expected that operatIng revenues WIll cover 45% of costs through FY 1982. In retrospect, the 1970's probably represented the hIgh pOlDt of outSIde tranSIt aSSIstance. At one tlme, the Department receIved operatIng funds from the Federal Urban Mass Transportation AdmInIstratIon, the State and the County. County fundIng, whlch dId much to faCIlitate the establIshment of the Mun~clpal Bus LInes' new routes between 1974 and 1978, was wlthdrawn in 1978. PreSIdent Reagan has promIsed to reduce the Federal operatIng SubSIdIes and to ellmlnate them completely by FY 1984. ThIS means that, in the future, a much larger share of the cost for maInta~nIng ex~stIng serv~ce and any InCreases in tranSIt serVIce e To. Mayor and CIty CouncIl e -3- March 19, 1981 must be borne by transIt patrons The fInancial situatIon certaInly shadows the three to fIve year forecasts for 1ncreases In trans1t serVice However, the MunIcIpal Bus LInes phySical faCIlIty represents a more ImmedIate lImitatIon The faCIlIty was constructed to support a fleet of about one hundred vehIcles and has been hard pressed to serve the grOWIng number of buses. AddItIonally, tranSIt vehIcles have Increased many-fold In compleXIty and decreased proportIonately In relIabIlIty. As a result, the Department's f~ve hOIsts and one pIt cannot handle the load. In an attempt to compensate, the Department has increased utIlIzation of its nIght and SWIng sh1fts. StIll, many buses must be repaIred wherever yard space can be found. Problems WIth the new Grumman buses have heen well-publICIzed. These buses re- present 40% of the Big Blue Bus fleet. To remove them from service, as others have done, would have left an est1mated 20,000 passengers per day WIthout serVlce. However, malntaInlng serVIce as near normal as pOSSIble under the Circumstances has caused problems for some Blue Bus passengers and placed a strain on employees, as well as further overburdenIng the repair faCIlItIes. On some occaSIons, It has been necessary to cancel rush hour serVIce due to lack of eqUIpment and, at other tImes, to send out the new Closed-WIndow buses wlthollt the aIr-condItIonIng workIng or WIth other non-safety related problems unrepaIred. In addItIon, older buses, WhICh had been Intended only for occaSIonal tripper runs, have been pressed into regular serVIce. As a result, road faIlures have Increased and schedule relIabilIty has suffered. It should be noted however that Grumman personnel have also Invested many man-hours In modIfYIng and repaIrIng problems wlth the Grumman buses so that serVice to the publiC could be maIntained In View of defICIenCIes In fInanCIng and eqUIpment, the Department has attempted to make as many adjustments as pOSSIble by JugglIng Its eXIstIng resources. WIth the costs of tranSIt serVlce approachIng $100 for each mInute added to a schedule To: Mayor and CIty ctlle11 -4- e March 19, 1981 for a one year perIod, the Department contInuously and closely reVIews ways to streamlIne serVIce. An Important part of offerIng qualIty serVIce IS Input from the rIdIng publIC. Passenger complaints are InvestIgated thoroughly, and feaSible and cost-effec- tIve resolutIons pursued. SuggestIons are analyzed by dispatchIng road super- VIsors to corroborate or gather InformatIon, then uSIng thIS as a baSIS for takIng actIon WIthin eqUIpment lImItatIons, schedules and serVIce modIfIcatIons are revIewed In connectIon WIth the trl-annual drIver re-assIgnments conducted in February, June and September. ThIS publIC hearIng wIll serve as a part of that plannIng process. RecommendatIon CIty staff recommends that the CIty CounCIl hold the publIC hearIng and refer any speCIfIC complalnts or problems to the Transportatlon Department staff, who wlll then gather the necessary detal1s and InItldte whatever actIon may be necessary to prevent a future recurrence. It IS further recommended that any serVIce Improvement requests WhICh the CounCIl feels deserve further lnvestlgatlon be referred to staff for analYSIS, and that a report on these suggestIons be returned to CounCIl. Prepared by. J. F. Hutchlson R. L. Ayer JFH/RLA/dg DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: e e CITY OF SANTA MONICA INTER-DEPARTMENT MEMO January 2. 1981 Kent McClain, City Manager J. F. Hutchison, Director of TransportatIon RESPONSE TO MR. G. GOLDSTEIN'S CO~~E:~S Attached is the Transportation DepaTt~entts response to ~Ir. Gerry Goldsteln's comments, concerning bus service. to the City Council at its meetlng of November 12, 1980 (Agenda Item 12-A). If you concur with our response, I would appreciate your fOrliarding copies to the City Council and to ~Ir. Gold- stein. Mr. Goldsteins' address is - 2309 Beach Avenue Venlce. California 90291 //?crd::L~~ ~//~~ Fo HUTCHISO~ ~ DIrector of Transportation JfH/dag Attachments: ~ e e CITY OF SANTA MONICA INTER-DEPARTMENT MEMO DATE' December 31, 1980 TO: Kent HcClain, City Nanager FROM. J. F. Hutchison, Director of Transportation SUBJECT. RESPO).;SE TO HR. GOLDSTEIN IS SUGGESTlO:\S AND CmIPL..\I~.TS REG.~ING BIG BLUE BUS SERVICE On ?;ovember 12, 1980, ~1r. Gerry Goldstein addressed the Santa }'lonica C~ ty Council conceTPlng Transportation Department bus service. The City council directed staff to ~nvest~gate Mr. Goldstelnts complaints and return a copy of the ~nvestigation to the Clty Council for its inforBation. Counc~l also directed that a copy be sent to Nr. Goldstein. In order to add clarity, "e have taken each suggestion or com- plalnt singly and then have provided the results of our investigation. 1. Hr. GOldstein conplained that buses are operated \-lith "~ot in Service" on the heads~gn. Specifically, he felt that the last two Line ~1 trips to Venice each evenlng should be operated in service from the Venice Post Office terminal to OUT facility in Santa Monica, because he believes that people should not have to walt for the SCRTD Line #75 service provided at that ti~e of nig~t. The Transportation Department operates trips out of service for various reasons; for exa~ple, _hen operating bu,e, to and from our vaT'OUS Toutes, when deadhead,ng buses bet-een a"igowent, ,nvolving more than one route, wh5n replac.ng a d,sabled bu, on the street OT hhen road testing buses after repair. A check of our L,no #1 serVlce sho',.;s that ten buses operate out of service to our garage froi'1 the Venice Pos"t OffIce te.rJ'linal. To G?erate these trlpS ::-'} sCTvic(' \-C':-l~ ('0,,1 ?pp,-o)..im~.tely t~n thousan~ dt1llars an:1~allr, as it would add an avel'ag;e 0: fl ve mlnutes runnlng tlf'"c to ea~h tTlp. '.1:;1 tlpllCG by the nurbe-: of out of sen :ce trips operated, the total s~m ~ould be quite substantial. \';hen l>1r." Goldsteln addressed the City Council he argued tha: at least the last t\1O tr,ps of the evening should return in ,erv.ce To do this hould cost approx,mately Sl,OOO per year per trlp to add flve rqinutes schedule time, allowing the buses to hark on the regular route to Fourth Street and Santa ~loniea BOUlevard. \fe calculate that any additlona1 trip would require farebox contributions from three new full fare passengers per night in order to pay 40% of the operatIng costs. In his conversation H,th Nr. Ayer, "r. Goldstein also forh07ded another argument for the late night serv,ce, to perM't transfer to SeRTD's Line '83 hilsh.re Boulevard bus in downto'.n Santa 'lon,ea. 1(0 see little likel1heod of sufficient patronage for th,s late night service, but if aoy could be generated, it certainly would be assisted b> a transfer connectIon of this sort to broaden the dIstribution area. A check of the schedule for SCRTD Line ~7S WhlCh operates along the saBe route as t, ne n be t"een Vemee and the transfer pOl'.t ,,.; th Li ne '8:; in dOHn t Oh'n Sant a Noni ca, sho~s that Llne #75 buses are scheduled to pass the Venice Post OffIce at midnight Hr. Kent McClain December 31) 1980 e and 1:00 a.m. The Line #83 schedule reveals that buses leave to downtown Los Angeles from Santa Monica at 11:56 p.m.) 12:26 a.m. and 12:56 a.m. Our last Line #1 bus) which currently operates in service from the Venice Post Office at 11:32 p.m. meets the Line #83 bus due out of Santa Monica at 11:56 p.m. The SCRTD Line #75 bus departing the Venice Post Office a little past midn~ght makes a better transfer meet with the Line #83 12:26 a.m. trip than any trip we might have operating out of service. However) the Line #83 12:56 a.m. departure has no connecting service from Venice. e -2- Effective February I, 198D) we will schedule our 12:26 a.m. Line #1 arrival at the Venlce Post Offlce) which currently operates out of service to the garage) to re- turn J.n service to Fourth Street and Santa tlonlca Boulevard for a go-day trial period. This bus would a11m..; transfer to SCRTD's last bus from Santa Nonica at 12:56 am. If In the 90 days it does not build up and sustain an average of three revenue passengers per trip) the service will be discontinued. The cost of this 90 day experiment) excluding any promot1ona1 or schedule reprinting costs. is calculated to be approximately $250. In his telephone conversation with Mr. Ayer, Mr. Goldstein mentioned that he trans- fers from our Line #1 to our Line #8 bus which arrives at Main Street and Ocean Park Boulevard at 7:25 p.m. His transfer would be made more convenient if our Line #1 bus, which is scheduled to arrive at the Venice Post Off~ce at 7:06 p.mO) were returned in service to downtown Santa Monica. Again, the cost of the change) which would add five minutes schedule time to the run. would be approximately $1)000 a year. We have received no requests for either of the above service adjustments from Qur other patrons. We do believe that if any of Nr. Go1dstc~n's suggestions hac; a chance for success, it would be the later bus leaving the Venice Post Office. If th~s is successful(i.e. carries three to four revenue passengers for the trip) then we would propose reconsideration of 1.lr. GoldsteJ.u's other suggestions for out of service buses. 2. Mr. Goldstein questioned why buses shuuld not travel straight on one <;t.rc('t) instead of. as he put ~t, "meandering". Bus lines have been esta~lished and mod~- fled through the years to conform to the places people want to go. All Big Blue Bus lines entcTlng downtown Santa Mon1ca pass the intersection of Fourth Street and Santa Monica Boulevard. TnJ.s permits easy a~cess to the downtown area and facili-' tates transfers between Big Blue Buses. Mr. Goldsteln wondered why the downtown area should be so well served. Big Blue Bus lines focuS on the shopping and employment hubs of the West Side and in a very real sense OUT patrons themselves prov1de the answer to Hr. Goldstein'S question. Blue Bus crosstown lJ.nes on 14th Street and 20th Street, as well as on Centinela Avenue, are far lesS patronized than the routes which enter the downto~n areas. TIl~ cross- town lines also J.ssue and receive a much greater percentage of transfers than the lines that Mr. Goldstein feels meander. The heavy patronage on our Big Blue Buses, which operate on a g1eater frequency than most other similarly sized systems in the country, bears mute witness to the superJ.ority of routes serving focal points) rather than on a grid system which forces patrons to transfer to satisfy their travel desires. Nr. Goldstein pointed out that th1.5 meandC'rlng leaves the yard on of Lincoln F>oulc- vard between P1CO Boulevard and Wl1snire Boulevard without service. This exanple i i i !II NT_ Kent McCla1.n e -3- e Decewber 31, 1980 serves to prove the point. The portion of LIncoln Boulevard north of Pico was served by Blue Bus LIne #7 until this past Septe~ber. On/off checks conducted by the Department indicated practically no patronage on this portion of the line. then Broadway was transformed into a one-way street~ we were forced to change the routing of Line #7. Our analysis led to the present route which eliminated 1.4 miles of line, permitted us to increase daytime service from 12 to 10 minutes and avoIded the extremely congested portion of Lincoln near the Santa Monica Freeway onramp_ We believe it noteworthy that we received no complaints as a result of this major change. 3. Mr. Goldsteln suggests that a do"~town shuttle service be provided, possibly using Crew Transit buses deadheading out of service. We have no control OVer the private Crew Transit operation. As we have pointed out previously, shuttle ser- v~ce presently existing In the Los Angeles area is heavily subsidized and is prone to fail. . The rapid demIse of the Hollywood Boulevard shuttle, which was subsi- dized by Clty of Los Angeles parking meter revenue, is only the latest example of this. Addltionally, the l1kelihood of our obtaining Federal or State funds for such a project are re~ote. We understand that the Beverly Hills shuttle service is pald for through the Clty general fund. 4. ~lr. GoldsteIn wondered how we could offer service to the Rose Parade and Rose Bowl game on New Year's Day, but not operate serVlce to Rustic Canyon Park. Our Rose Parade and Rose Bowl game transportation costs between $8.50 and $12.00, which makes the program self-supporting. If lve felt he could enjoy a similar return fro~ Rustic Canyon service, we would certalnly be hilling to try it. The lack of demand for transportation to Rustic Canyon Park is evidenced by the fact that i'>lr., Goldstein dld not receive c01'lplete i'1formation when he contacted us. h'e make it a policy to volunteer SCRTD Information, if we are aware of it. We do not know what happened In Mr. Goldsteln's case, as He do not know K~en he called or to whom he spoke We ha'.e questioned our cler~s a'1d find that they have received no call s fo:" Rustic C<>.nycn PaTk lio'{H~Ve1: 1. t is 21 so trUQ that sen-ra} hC'G not even heard of the park. Ke d1spatched staff to look at the park and route leading to it to determine if it flight be a candidate for a future Big Blue Bus serVLce. Their report indicates that. the fac~lities and grounds would have little attraction for our patrons, as they do not cb-Jiip.are ldth those offered by the City 1n lts Ohn park system. In additIon, the narro'.mess and grades of the streets leading to the park offer substantial dra\'/backs to operating such service. s. Mr. Goldstein next related a problem he had with one of our bus drivers. We searched through our records and found that ~~l' Goldstein fUed the cOIT'plaint on July 26, 1977. Apparently, someone was smokIng on our 11:50 p.m. trip to Venice. As a result ~fr. Goldstein decided to open a numb~r of wIndows in the bus and an alter- catlon with the operator ensued. The driver threatened to pass ~1r. Goldstein in the future. In response to Mr. Goldstein's complal.nt, t.;e driver lnvolved and dispatched a motor coach stcln did not appear for the next two weeks. one of our drivers that Nr. Goldstein pulled discussed the matter in detail with the supervisor to ride the bus. Mr. Gold- 1-l0\~('vC"r J l~e did rC"("C"i"c Y(>ports froon a bench in front of one of our buses and t-Ir. Kent HcClain e -4- e December 31, 1980 from another, that he threw a rock at a bus. ~e receIved no further complaint from ~Ir. Goldstein, a fact that flir. Ayer conflrr.:ed lnth him by phone. The original driver involved is no longer employed by the City. 6. h'e cannot comment on Mr. Goldstein J s sugges tion that the Santa Monica Place parking lot be turned into a park/ride lot, although we doubt that it would be fea- sible. We do agree with tir. Goldsteinls contention that we changed LIne "7 due to the transformation of Broadlolay to a one way street. We wish to point out that l'-lr. Goldstein approved of this change, which we undertook only after some study_ 7. ~lr. Goldstein also suggested In his presentation that a bus be operated on Rose Avenue between Main Street and Lincoln Boulevard. About five years ago, we received a similar requ~t with a petition appended signed by most of the residents one block each side of Rose requesting serVIce for shopping trips. We established a shoppers special operating between PacifIC Avenue and Lincoln Boulevard. The results were dismal, as our service netted only one passenger per trip and that one boarded at PacifIC, rather than on Rose Avenue. A check of our files since then shows that no additional requests have been received. We have taken additional time and effort to explore Mr. Goldstein's complaints and suggestions in detail. As with all of our Big Blue Bus patrons, we believe Mr. Goldstein's suggestIons deserve a thorough investigation and follow-up. In our tele- phone conversation with him. we urged him to call us in the future if he has any pro- blems with OT suggestions concerning Big Blue Bus service. ~?7:~L V ~: _ F. HUTCHISO~ . DIrector of TransportatIon JFH/RLA,Jdag I e PROOF OF PUBLICA rlON (20155 C C P ) STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Los Angeles, I am a cItizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesa Id, I am over the age of eighteen yenrs. and not a party to or Interested In the above-entitled matter I am the prinCipal clerk of the printer of the E~ING OUTLOOK a newspaper of general cIrculation, pnnted and puhllshed, ~a~.ly. e~~e.~~..~~~~r,.., SAtITA MONICA In the City of...... ... ..... ...., County of Los Angeles, and which newspaper has been adludged a newspaper of general CIrculation by the Supenor Court of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, under fhe date of.-!!A.lf. ~~ 19. ~;, Case Number ..?~~~;1:~....., that the notice, of whIch the annexed IS a pnnted copy (set In type not smaller than nonpareil), has been published In each regular and entire Issue of said newspaper and not tn any supplement thereof on the follOWing dates, to-Wit Mar l' all In the year 1981 I certIfy (or declare) under penalty of perlury that the foregomg IS true and correct Dated at SANTA MONICA ,r--...... c~~o~nl~,thIS.. ~ 1981 . ~':. ~ ~Ww-~.1t.. ~~...,J'~v.Y~J - : Slgh'afure Fr~e copln III' : blank fGrm may be secured from CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER SERVICE BUREAU, INC. Legal Advertlsmg Clearing House South Spring St , Los Angeles, Calif 90012 Telephone: 62S-HH Please request GENE RAL PrGof 01 Publlcallon ,/'-!. t,.' _ ~) _ ~ /" Wh.~n ordenng 'hIS lorm __Il e ThIS space IS for the County Clerk's FlJlng Stamp Proof of Publication of . . p . .... _____ ~ _ . _ ~ ~ A . A _ _ ~ _ . _ _ _ . .. . . . .... .... 4 . ...... ...... ... ...... .. NOTICE OF PUBUC BEARING BUS LINE SERVICE The Santa Monica City Council will hold a pubHc ,hearlnJ to hear comments and sUIgestlons rega~d- : lIw: IeMcea provided by the Santa MOnica M.unlcipal Bus Unea The hearing wUl be held on Tueldar..March 24,1981, at 7 30 p~ in the Council Cbamber, US85 Main Street, Santa Monica . If you wish to submit comments in writing. addrell them to Santa Monica Bus Lines, 1620 Six(h Street Santa Monica. CaUfonUa 90401 I ANN M SHORE. City Clerk, City of Santa Monica Pub March 13-1981 y 5'#{&aI-~F . DATE: March 3, 1981 TO: Mary Lennon, Santa Monica Evening Outlook FROM: City Clerk (393-9975, Ext. 211), Santa Monl.ca City Hall SUBJECT: REQUEST TO PUBLISH LEGAL NOTICE Please publish the attached Notice re BUS LINE SERVICE on Friday, March 13, ;t9~~_ and return proofs ~f publication ~o the CIty Clerk's Offlce. three Thanks for your assistance. ChrlS llllre~k.ln, City Clerk's SecretaFY / cc: Transportation Department , I < ~ ... I' Ii i~ t' ~- ~f t :wj " f:: ;. , . l~ ~f ~ . ~ " ;.1 , ,- j- '. , e :' -- .. e , , ~ ! ~ ,. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BUS LINE SERVICE The Santa Monica City Council will hold a public hearing tc. heElr cOIl"W-lents and suggestions regarding services provided by the Santa Monica !1Unicip~1 Bus Lines. ThEl hearing '\rlill be held on Tuesday, March 24, 1981, at 7:30 P.M. in the counc~l cha~er, 1685 Ma~n Street, Santa Monica. If you wishtto submit conunents in writing, address them to San1_a 4 Monica Bus Lines, 1620 Sixth Street, Santa Monica, Cal~forn1a 90401. AL'JN M. SHORE CITY CLERK CITY OF SANTA MONICA PUBLISH~ March 13, 1981 . -- -- - - -,--;----~- -~--------. ---~~ - -~- -- - - ~ - -...- - - .--j ;.... ; J - ~ ~ r. -~:-~.... , l .:' -~ ::'\-.;..' . , }~ r:L !,. . . . f -:' ".. ; - ,;..:. " ~ ~' . _~ . _ . . i'" '. . ... : ~ '. ~ ~ .. 'I- .. 1', - ", r ~ ~. t_ ....~ .:- :( , '-:. t 'l ~ , . - . ~~ . ",,-.-" L"" ;:'~"L.'.." I.." ~..._ " .:-..~ ~~\ ~~\~ ~\ ~"J' ~ ~ c,~-\. ~/~ ') ( ~* 1 , I '\) ~ 0 f, ~ ,'''"1 ...... , ,r-' to , ; / I ~; ~ t "" ~ . -e ..... '< to< 0\ 0 0 N .: ~ o Ii Ii C/) n (') '"'" 0 0 ~ m ~ po fl) I'D ::I :J CIl " rt N' C'I:l CI:l (') :( ::r...,. ~ ..... f5.t-I Ii) OJ I't rt f1.I ~ 11 ~ N' ~ \J::S A1 l'~nrt II) ~ -i ::;- ..... ::s n tt '<l .. ~ J W CI, \' ~ 0 OJ -.,.. IlJ ~ .. ~....~ ~ \j , b!"'" S fl) \,\ , CD ~ "~ g ( to 11 tr.I ~ rt Po:! :l: o ::l ~ n lb n ,... rt "'< ...... C/) ::s ~ ~ M' '1 IlJ .... M' g: ~ ::s OQ ...... . (') IlJ IlJ Clo 1.0 0. o '1 ....... fl) lb o en Ii tr' C'I:l tD . . , o :s ~ ~ Ii) to 0. Po:! CI.l'< 'l~ .. ,.l' 3: ~ [: ~ <j::S (') (] I"t::r (IYll:I ""'Y N ,~ ......... r ..... ..... () \0 \\. PI 00 ,,\' ..... ,... ::s r1' t: ::r (I) rD . t-I S () o S" m ::r o ..... Q. ; PJ ,t~ ti( ~ = I i ~~~f~ ~ g r ~ ~ i ~ C/) ru :::t 1-1 rt """ ~ s'"g ::s s:: 1-'. :( (') ,.... s:u rn ::r' ~ c:: rt Ul 0 t"'i t/.) ~g. t\) a CIl I-'- rt "\.) ~ ~ \J \ii' ... . ~ .~t - _.~---:-- , - -, ill - ... il; J i1 ~-~.~; ~:;J._"";", ~ ~ T~~---~--:--:-7.. e ~ CD C/) !D' :sl lb ::sl 0 ~~ , IlJ :Ig: ~I h till'"'" ~ (D 't:I ~ ~~ I e. t"'t ........1 i~~~ ~ 1-1 1l tI) z CI) G) Cl lr ,( lob ::s rt ttl rt o ::r'1 In IlJ '1 '< o ~ 11 o '0 ;::I 8' fI.I - - -"'.... -----.., ~ _. I..... I [ ~ L f; r~ \ t""I tJ) 03:........ _, en b:I,// i 0 ~ t..--' t- ... ~- : ". !{ ""' ~~"'A- p', ..., r:)' ~: ~~ l~ ~ 1'tI o ~ to-! ~... ,A- , , i; ~:; I .~ :'.... I: '- . . .'0 " i . ~ ~ z o..:l '*' g; 'Jt"l H C":l , , . ;. -, I, i.-~ ~ ! k~ ~ ?i' -.f,-~ , ~ ", - 't ..~.: I -~ _"'":! :- _ .'t ~~_ , r '-'.. r ~ ,i..' ' L ~~. h , ~ h)~ .... ,- -? '1- ~ ~ ~... ~ANTAJ;rO NI CA CALIFORNIA 301 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER 393-9975, extxm<l 1685 Mam Street, Santa Momca, Cahiorma 90401 t'1arch 3, 1981 .... Mrs. Hannah C. Jaffe 824 Lincoln Boulevard Apartment #2 Santa Monica, California 90403 Dear Mrs. Jaffe: For your information, the City Council at its regular meeting of February 24th, 1981, set a public hearing regarding bus service for March 24th, 1981. The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. in City Council Chambers, City Hall, 1685 Main Street, Santa Monica. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact my office. S; nce,re ly yours, (f-, I' / ;' ~~ _ -' (\ f~ LXii. vt...~ ,t(,;. t, \A, ~~---=- CHARLES KENT McCLAIN Ci ty ~1anager CKM: dvm cc:~ty Clerk Mayor Pro Tem Vannatta Goldway (1) :E . 210 ;:0 0 ..n ....,11 ... ." :II' , - ,.., .- 00 ~n -"J I"I"'! - -0- , t'\) --, 'l;:i l> (;I) :I> -~ -to , :.-:::.!:. ~ "'C (- r - "TI =:0 e e RECEfVED OfFf!"'=" ,. :- T.j ,,- -, ,. E C (f - ~ ': ;- >f fld d tTiON 10 11; March 17, 1981 MAR 2 4 198t City Clerk: MAR JO 4 39 PM 'a; on MarcgAH4j ,1, ~m ,sendJng, conditions on tlle- bu~Ii;JF at the request As I am unable to attend the meeting of Cheryl Rhoden, a letter outlining I can on 1 y speak for the #5 bus, as that is my means of t ransportat ion b<Kk and forth to \tJork. I first started riding the bus in September of 1980. At that ti~e I was catching a 7.15 (leaving the Pica Terminal) bus which should have been at the VA at 7'45 or so. The bus was so crowded with school kids (who refused to take a special bus for them, because it got them to school too late~) that at times I had to stand all the way to Texas avenue before I could get a seat. This, from La Cienega Blvd. is no fun, I can assure you. ThIS was a stupid ~ove on the part of the bus company. Why have a special bus for the kids if it does'nt get them to school on time? I finally got wise and started getting up even earlier in order to get a bus that gets me to work early, but at least I have a halfway chance of getting a seat. Coming back Intr.~ evening, the 4'45 bus leaving the VA was late every day, approximately 10 to 15 minutes. When you have already waited 20 minutes, and are tired from working all day, it is not the most pleasant experience. This has been remedied, apparently, although the bus COMpany denied the bus was ever late' Now, it see~s to be the 3:45 bus that has this same trouble. Complaints see~ to fall on deaf ears, because nothing ever is remedied, or if it iSt it happens months later. We rode all winter, through the coldest months, on a bus (a new Grummann) that had absolutely no heat. This contributed greatly to the recurrences of flu among some of the passengers. Even the drIver complainedt but to no avail. This went on for months until the bus was finally taken off, instead of being repaired. Speaking of the new buses, they are like sOMeonels idea of a sick joke. If you are under 5'6 it is virtually inpossible to reach those stupid yellow bars when you want to get off. You either fall in someones lap or practically decapitate them trying to reach the bar. There is also a very inadequate overhead bar that cannot be grasped In a normal manner. You can only cup your hands under it on one side. I have seen ~any people lose their grip, and stumble and fall from this. I have asked why there could not be another bus between the rush hours of 7:00 a.M. and 8:00 a.m., but have been told it is not feasible. It would cost too ~uch. Since that time, there has been a~ increase In fare, with no change in service. I have heard that this line is in existence only as a favor to the hospital. If that is true, then the many sick and needy veterans who ride this line deserve much better treatment. As a final insult to those who fought to protect all of us and make this a better country, they ( and us civiliens also) are forced to put up with the final insult---filthy buses infested with hordes of roachs~ Yes, those roachs are quite visible, and have crawled over our bodIes while riding the buses. They have been found in peoples clothing, purses, lunches, etc., and have been inadvertently taken home with theml There have been many times when a crowded bus has empty seats, because the riders would rather stand then have these rl3sty vermin crawl ing on them. I knovJ, because I have also stood to avoid them. I have reported this to the health department, as the company laughs it off when complaints are made. What it all boils down to, 18 MAR 2 4 1981 e -2- e is that the company is not making much, if any effort, to keep the buses running smoothly or trying to improve service. Drivers have complained about the buses breaking down because maintenance crews do not keep up the proper repairs. It is very common for buses to break down on this 1 ine. We at the VA hospital could not begin to tell you the number of times we have been late because of this. I could go on forever vJith complaints, but] think you get the basic picture. Santa Monica Bus Lines just simply does not care about its patrons~ As a result, a lot of people have taken to driving their own cars, thus adding to the already congested streets. They want us to do our part about keeping the air clean, and leaving our cars at home. What are they doing to encourage this or Make it pleasant to ride the buses? I hope this viiI I shed some light on the situation. I could say more, but I think we are all tired of complaining about the service. Thank you for your time and patience. I hope a remedy is forthcoming soon. (incer7' ~;c~c c: /:.', --- &' ..- , ..zj t.Y~/";i,Cc~_ Luci lIe Sherri 11 c/o VA Wadsworth Medical Center Sawtelle and Wilshire Los Angeles, CA 90073 478-3711, x 3383 e e ~~ ~ ,_9::ZkZ '-/~U:r/? SIXTEE'\I EIGHTY FIVE MAIN ST"{EET Ch,,", I n Rhode., COlJflCtl \1ember SANTA MONiCA CALIFORNIA 90401 March 4,1981 Ms. Lucllle Sherrill VA Medical Center r~edi ca 1 Servi ces, Room 3209 Wilshlre and Sawtelle Los Angeles~ CA 90073 Dear Ms. Sherrill' I rec€lved a copy of your letter of February 6 concernlng conditlons on the Santa Monlca buses. This letter is to advise you that the City Council will be holding a publlC hearlng concernlng the buses on March 24 during the regular C1ty Council meeti~g at 7:30 p.m. 1n the Council Chambers. Please plan to attend. You may speak concerning this problem or send a letter to the C1ty Clerk stating your opinion of the bus serVlce. Yours truly, -\/ J I ~ - - t' ,- :: ,_,.-.....~ ~"--.,_ ~ ~- CHERYL D. -RHODEN' COUNCIL "1HIBER CDR.cls :... _~......-: l:=- , -' __...L_ . .....-L....._ ~. . - &._'''::' l:; ..;--'-.-" ~:lr-L6 - T~L.::--'-= __~1~- ___C: ~. ._~..; ~l:::_: s .., ,; :...A r;.:j ;:--.-- ~-"O ....!....._ -~ "J'-L' ~_ .......~ .. e :=:C::::: .-- ~ "". ~- ~~.~ :...:"- -=.:: I F -- - - L~: _ ....,.-..a... '_ .i..ti.:::- ,....._.:::'--' ..::: ~ -.I-':'-i :> -....... ~ -, ("" - ~ I -- ~...' --- -----.- ~ -I.C ~ 0.. ...) e RECEIVED OfFIC[ Gf T~IE C 1" . ~ ,~ MAR q ~ sv A~ 'P \ SA'" illq}. ~"q,t ~Ai..tF L... ..... ~ -..../--: + '~.~ "1 i_r -Trc. '_ -_0.:';:'"_"'-::". ~-l-:J;;::lC. e_ --. _;'2 :: ...... ~ C:.r_ ~_: Iou.- "_ --;__ -:'2__-). _ _ ..,~ :'---C.;.1 .~ ~ - v- _" L. .~ i:3-- --.;. .. (/ -'='~~J L J.e -. "_ '- .. -= 1--,,--':: IIJtJ ,lio ,. To 18 /' .!.2..-/~ (. L " Z. o /,1 ).) ~/JP~ Dl~ :LLf '-~ ,--- ~ i -" .~ T -=-1 ::::--:. -: _ _ -:";- .L _ ~ _c-.L-:-~ :iGG:::"c.___; .J_ __l_c..:~-=-~:'.-_ .;:.... 78 e e ff:I/I1i~/f to -;g .AfAR 2 4 1981 . '11La: ?.ct~ ~O tb fgYI. . $a.7l[a ~ll~--nt~(l Bi..t.S Ll?7vj 162(' S~,dt Sr~f S('ul-ta .}ll4....nL'ea !:JoJ.,.o;. C'~ a .:j {J. .L) (. _~"2 , v.-; th- ik . "'f'l,y! e; t. rL.c.u~ .illltL"';"'J. J3 f~1..3 ---n U/'m.,~-'l f I-t ~lt.;l1J(... -l~ tIi'-fr:.~/7L B t..v:n.d.!J clr'"Ll-U<- a-71_d Ui~ L<'-C-'l, B 1 t-...c/ .. ~ M-IJ.i.dc -n (j . ./lxf ~ hJ F1 {.~(J-?"f. ,,{,..u.-b 5..-e...h /LdL( arL k{,-..(,;n"Vj J'tz~~ ,f::,- Cj P. IY\.. i)~~'j /tlr.t~ 4~'~:J ..Q,,4.< ~. f-u-f.~t., ~r;A.'Jf;-r c~-t. "'je ../U:4((:c(:rt~ (J./y'_d. -r f..;.~-(/r-& (,(..>-hc -C...:.J'r..a~ u:.-crLJ Li-:le....- iJ. i~tvz. t . PM. . ~ r-.... i.it ~ 1~;-J!l d..x-e~ Wtt..e..i 0.. r ci~,Uf th .0 s..c~i~ ~ fU'""-i. .fr~~. . d th.an*- !f~i. ~J ~_uc/~ . SJ ' (c/.ffJJL-d f -. . r f<... e... ~_..t co. -?-1. t) .A..,~. c:.. ~ 13",u'u).(j d'L"....."<.- an d Ci(Lu-~l.. /3 [f.---c!.. . 7./3 MAR 2 4 t98-t ,_ I . e f)dd,lio/Y to 19 22 March 1981 Santa Monica City Council c/o Santa Monica Municipal Bus Lines 1620 Sixth Street Santa Monica, CA 90401 MAR 2 4 1981 Re: Hearing on SMMBL Servlce, March 24, 1981 This 1S to comment on miscellaneous aspects of SMMBL serV1ce. Generally, we have a well-run system, and so these are not suggestions for major changes. 1. On Montana Avenue, Wilshire Boulevard, and Santa Monica Boulevard (and to some extent on other east-west streets) bus stops are every other block, at even-numbered streets. I suggest consideration be given to changing this to every third block, at the same streets where traffic signals are located. While the maximum inconvenience to passengers would be an additional walk for some of a single 300-foot block, average speeds would be increased by elLminating stops at non-signaled intersections, wear on brakes would be decreased with fewer stops, fuel consumption would be decreased through fewer starts, and safety would be promoted by removing an incentive for passengers to cross these busy streets at dangerous, non-signaled intersections. A good example of the problem would be 16th, 17th and 18th Streets; the stops are at 16th and 18th and the signal at 17th; buses often will have to stop three blocks in a row in this area. The policy I propose is already in effect on Wilshire between Lincoln and 14th. with the only intermediate stop at 11th; I do not observe any particular hardship to the neighbor- hood. 2. Considerable congestion results when passengers exit the front door when others are waiting to board. It is probably impossible to eliminate this problem (as transit systems tried in the past with firm "exit rear" policies), since seniors and the handi- capped will always tend to sit in the front, but use of the rear door could be encour- aged in two ways: first. follow the lead of the SCRTD, which is currently waging an ad campaign with eye-catching carcards urglng use of the rear door as a faster way to exit; and second, make sure that air-assisted rear doors on coaches so equipped are working properly. I note particularly that the 4700-class Grumman coaches have rear doors wh1ch are very difficult (and for some seniors probably impossible) to open when the assist is not functioning. 3. The extension of Line 10 service to Saturdays is highly commendable; I have ridden this service and found patronage Wh1Ch seemed comparable to Monday through Friday m1dday levels. I am concerned, however. about the adequacy of promoLion of th1s service. All I have seen 1S the d1str1bution of revised t1metables. I would urge that carcards be placed in all SMMBL buses advertising this service; the carcard designed a few years ago for the Culver City Municipal Bus Lines announcing the extension of their Number 3 Crosstown line to the Los Angeles Airport is a good example of how the passengerts attention can be se- cured for an "institutional" message. 4. The last Line 10 trips weekdays arrive at the Los Angeles terminal at 5:35 and 6:15 P. M., while the last trips depart there at 5:40,5:50. 6:25 and 6:55. If the coach which makes the trip departing at 6:55 is deadheaded downtown, could consideration be given to running this in service as a trip following the present last L. A.-bound trip by half an hour, thus expand1ng hours during which service is offered at little increase in coach- miles? 5. The Bus Linest communication of official messages to their passengers via carcards on the buses (including the announcements of this hearing) have suffered from two problems: not enough cards per bus, and lack of conspicuous design of the cards. 1 suggest at least eight cards per bus. four on each side. The average 40-foot bus will have some 35 feet of interior space, so they would still be nearly ten feet apart. From my observation, the j7~ MAR 2 4 1981 . . \ . . average passenger only reads car cards after settling down in the bus; therefore~ it is necessary that they be distributed throughout the bus. Design might be improved by having it done as a project by art or design students at Samohi or Santa Monica College. 6. The timetables are generally satisfactory. but the route maps they conta~n would be improved by indicating on them transfer points to other SMMBL. SCRTD. and Culver City lines. The Line 1 timetable would be more useful if more timepoints were included. 7. The route map is excellent. 1 would suggest that the next edition include an inset for the area around the Los Angeles Airport. showing the end of Line 3. as well as inclusion of the Santa Monica Heritage Square Museum under Points of Interest. served by Lines 1. 8~ and 10. and to a lesser degree by Line 2. I hope some of these suggestions will be deemed worth adopting. V~~truly yours. jj-~~~~---- Dav~d G. Cameron P. O. Box 611 Santa Monica~ CA 90406 -- ~ . . .. T ---:- .....'""1"_ ~7 1C_1 .. 7C ~ .~~.. -+-; r~ -' :=: 0 .. ~~().l_ (I G "oS ~-"" ~-: I - C8 ~_:_-~11 CJ --'.0 _ lj C) .. ':.~ r'- 102~-- 67.- -- -.-"11,'-' c-- r'E'~-::r (1-.~ =- C'" r. ~c '~!I:Jl (} 1 I r-~-"';"-~l--t~~ l;'_ ~--;,~- ~-~ :-.ri + :", (~~1-."" :.../~ .....-_"--c--~ -.: -:1 -~- ....;-G2t-, .2 ~"'I ~_.... I~ ~~ ::-' ~-~ : ~..-_ . ,-. ..--, -,;.....c-;-- 2 __ .... .....-....,-!-...l "_ ~. ~ 0:.."": (; --I -~ 1) 8 ~:-C?_._ Le -'- '- ..~'<-T_ l-~ ~ ST ~ ~ U [':' :. -. 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