SR-0 (4) IH P~AY ? ,- . IN TRAY > r2 e . 0-/\ StdJ t of IteM 2 Message Subject Sender Par t 1 Dated. 12/02/84 at 1738. Questlons re 12/4/84 Agenda Wlll1an JENNINGS / COUNCL/Ol Contents 2 TO DISTRIBUTION Part 2 ITEM 6C I have the followlng quest10ns concern1ng The cOMlng agenda ITEM 6H. Should we not take th1S opportunlty TO assess thp w1sdoM of contlnu1ng to use the P1er Restorat1on Corp as opposed to uSlng a COMMlss1on structure? I have heard several rUMors concern1ng what lS happenlng on the p1er and I aM not sure that we should spend anOTher $179)000 1n th1S dlrectlon wlthout f1rst dssesslng what we have bought for our ln1tlal $100)000. (Note: ThlS lS really IteM 6G ) In MY contlnulng Opposltlon to Most change orders> I aM con- cerned about the expend1ture of an add1T1onal $300)000 appar- ently Just because 1t 15 expedlent to spend another $300>000 on street lnproveMents. Why should we spend th1S Money now? Wlll we spend $300>000 less next year? If we are Just dOlng th15 now because 1t's cheaper under an old contract wlth the Clty; perhaps we should cons1der spend1ng $300)000 less next year on street 1Mprovenents so that we can spend such $300)000 onVother prlor~t1es? <:~TURN> to cont1nue >> ITEM 6R) At the rlsk of l.nCUrr1ng the wrath of SOMe hand1capped advo- cates) I aM 901n9 to ra1se the quest10n of the wheelcha1r 11fts on the buses What has been our ut111zatlon flgures on the 11fts7 What 11nes get the usage? What 1S our track record on breakdowns and repd1rs? Are we Mandated by the feds to 1nclude the 11.fts on all buses purchased by federal funds? Can we use the Money to add 11fts to the buses for hand1capped vans 1nstead? Would th1s not be a better serVlce for our hand1capped res1dents? What addl.tlonal costs would be 1ncurred for operat10n of d few such vans7 How Many would ~taff suggest that we purchase 1r the CounCll were to declde that vans are a better serV1ce than the 11fts? Please also glue Me whatever other suggest10ns you May have 1n th1S regard Cother than t~e obvious suggest10n that I drop the whole 1dea wlthout 1nqulr1ng further). IN TRAY > End of IteM 2 IN TRAY > IN TRAY >