SR-0 (110) ~ 'S WISE Senior Services - Case Management .... _t..~ l CfTY r:: - ~- . Lj, .....'l.r . _ WISE SENIOR SERVICES CARE MANAGEMENT 1. Ident1fy and discuss your target population(s) and indicate why your services are needed? How are your services meeting an urgent need? The target populat~on for WISE Care Management are those sen~ors over the age of 60 who requ~re assistance to malntaln t~emselves In the co~un~ty. ThlS serVlce lS avallable only to ~he 14,35l senlor =esldents of the Cl~Y of Santa Monlca. The program serves 450 cllents per year and has an actlve mon~tly cllent base of 240-275 cl1ents most of whom are fra~l ar.d have one 0= more fur.ctlonal impa1rment which l~terferes w.:..t.h thelr abl.~l~y to 11ve lndependently. Of the cl1ents se=ved 70% are at the poverty leveli approx1mately 75% are =eralei 32% are IT.lno~ltlesi 62% a=e 75 years and older, 47% a~e 80 years ar.d older. Most have r.o support system avallable :'0 :.~er.. Ca~e Managere~t 1S ~eedeG Decause the senlor may no~ have the re50~rce~, knowledge or ~~e ITentaljphyslcal capac.:..:.y to resolve h~sjher d1fflc~~:'.:..es. Ca=e Y:ar:age8ent meel:S urge~t needs by put.t1ng serv~ces El place for se~~ors wtlch e~able them to get adequate nut~lt1on, ~eal:.~ care, access :'0 er.t:l~:ements, asslstance 1n the ho~e, ~~a~spor:.a~lO~, mec~ca~~on, a::ordab:ejs~ruc~ured houslng s l :::latlOP..S, soclal:.zat:.lor_ oppor:: '-lr~l t:.les, and other se::-Vlces W~lC~ ena~~e ~he sen~or ~o mal~tal~ the~selves l~ the CO~~C~lty as lo~g as ~~ ~s sa:e ~o do so. 2. How does Santa Monlca grant funding sign~f1cantly impact this target populat1on? Sa~~a Xon~ca g=ant:. fundl~g slgn1f1can~ly lffipacts thlS targe~ ;)Qpl.:':'a-:..:.a~ because fund~:J.g :'0 support serV1ce5 to them 15 be.:.:J.~ cras-:..:..ca':'ly c~t. Santa Mon~ca grant:. fl.:nd~ng 1n ~Y92-93 re?rese,ts 46% of t:.~e D~dge~ for :.h.:.s serVlce. In the past an add.:.. ~':"o:J.a':' 50~. has co:re fraIT th.e Los Angeles COu:1ty-i\rea A~ency or. Aglng (L.A. Co.-&~~). W=S~ t~ro~gh its fundralslng tas con-:'rl~uted -:.he remaln.:..ng 4%. ~hese publlc funds a:ong w.:..-:.h -:.he mat.c~ WISE has p~ov~ded have made It posslble for w_~.:: to develop and ope::-ate a lugtly eff1cient/e::fect:.lve pro:esslonal care rnanageme~t program In FY93-94 the L.A. Co.-;~~~ l5 reduclng the1~ share of fund1ng by 6.76%. Add.:..t.:..ona: cuts w1ll be ~ade w1-:.hlTI th~s f1scal year .:..I the Sta-:.e 0:: Ca1.1fornla does not fund the L. A. Co. -AA..n,. to the level ~.A. Co.-AAA has proJect:.ec. The 6.76% reductlon 11: fu~d1ng WISE care ~a:1agement lS =ece1vl~g from the County &~ forces the reduc:'lon of serVlce hours. Care Management servlce hours wlll be reduced from 9120 to 8500. ~h~s lS a reductlon of 30 cl:.ents served per year. Fur~her redUC~lO~ lTI WISE Sen10r Services Care Management Page 2. serv~ce hours wlll be needed ~= the L.A. Co.-AAA makes further cuts ~n ltS fundlug o~ ~he gra~~ fund~ng from the Cl~Y of Santa Monlca l5 reduced for FY93-94. Reductlon l.n serVlce capacity comes at a tlme when census data indlcates there wlIl be an lncreased need for care management serVlces. The fastest growl~g segment of San~a Monl.ca senlors are the frall very old (75+) who llve alone In need of ass~stance. The ~ral~, very old are a group a~ hlgh rlsk of l~stl~u~~onallzatlon and elder abuse wl~hout aSslstance f=o~ co~~~r.~ty-based care managemer.t. 3. What are the major outcomes and goals of your program? are these measured and evaluated? How ~he xaJor go~: of Care Manage~ent lS to aSslst 450 elderly to rece:.ve apprOprlac.e and ~:.c;ely serVlces wh~ch wlll enable th.em ~o rera:.~ :.n the least restrlctlve enVl.ro~men~ 0: thelr chOlce as :o~g as :.t 1S safe ~0 do so. ~aJor ou~comes are meas~red by ~ne CO~tl~~OUS del~very 0: serVlce. Thro~gh May 1, 1993, 400 Sar.c.a ~O~lca sen:.ors have recel.ved serVlce. We anClClpate by ~~r.e 30, 1993, the prograr. wlll be at 100% of goal. OG~comes a~e eVG~~a~ed :ro~ a q~allty 0: serVlce perspec~lve lislng a c~~~e~~ c:~en~ :~le reVlew cs~ng p=edeter~l~ed crlter~a. Of t~e 240-275 c:~e~ts be~ng se~ved rron~jly by the care Tc~agere~~ s~a=: a~ any o~e ~Lroe, a lO% saIT-ple lS selected for pee~ rev le'",'. Each:::.l e 15 ~evlewed 11S :..ng t~e follow~ng c~eS~~OLS. The reVlew :.5 pe~fOrTeG by someone other than the se~v~ce ~~ov~der. 1 o~ t~e Care Mar.ageme~t Plan are the needs/problems ~o be worked o~ for/wltt ~he sen.:.or clearly ~de,-t:'=led? A~e they co~pre~e~slve? 2, Are ~~e aC~~Vl~les to ~eet needs/resolve probleITs SpeCl!:'c? ~o they lcentl:y who wlll be ~espons1ble for do~~; what? Are ~~me frar.es glven wr.en appropr:.a-:e? 3 ~o t~e p~og~ess notes ~ef:ec~ that the probler lS be.:..~g ......orkec. on? ~ :.s ~~e effec~~ve~ess of ~he plan evaluated? 5. :s the se~lor encouraged to par~lclpate l.n hls/her owr. proble~ solvlng ~o the extent posslble? Is tbe senlor I s safe:.y ar~d weL.-belng the prlI::ary conslde::at.l.on? ?ollow:.ng s~gses~lons add~~lon to :.he reVleW t~e f~ndlngs are clscussed and :-lade. Tte st.:.perv.:.sor does the follow-Gpo ::::1 the c:len-: =l~e reVlew the W:SE Advlsory Counc~l ~ WISE Senior Services Care Management Page 3. evaluates the program ~o see .If goals are be1.ng met. The Councll u~lllzes a Cl1.ent Satlsfac~ion Survey Form WhlCh 1.S c1.~culated among the sen1.ors served by Care Management. Th1.s form lnV1.tes comments, suggestlons, crlt1.Clsms. The forms are re~u~ned to the age~cy where the data lS analyzed by the WISE Advlsory Councll. Based on ~helr !1.nd1.ngs, recommendatlons are made wh1.ch are ~hen 1.mplemented. 4. As commun1ty needs and funding change, do you plan to refine or adjust your program(s)? Please describe. ~he proposed fund':':1g cats ::rorn the County for WISE Care ~a:1ageP1ent fo:- ::<'Y93-94 neceSS1.tates a cut back 1.ll serV1.ce hOGrs. A full-tlrre care ~anagernent pOS.ltlon has been reduced to pa~~-~.:.r-e (66%) and (25%) suppor~ staf:: pos1.t1.on has been e:':'~lna~ed. ~hlS reduct1.or. as sstated earl.ler w1.11 mean 30 =ewe:- clle:1ts w.:.l: rece1ve care rnanageme~t serV1ces. however, sto~lc 2~G.ltlonal fund.lng cut backs be rrade b~ the Clty of Sar-~a :~O:Lca for ?Y93-94, there wlll need to be further ~ec~c~':'o:1S .:.r. serVlce del.:.very. ~he poten~lal fo= substan~lal l~crease .:.r. WISE's FY93-9~ 1.ncome f:-om prlva~e sources lS no~ a ~ea:~s~~c expec~at1oc g~ven the Califor~~a economy. W:SE Ca:-e v.a~age~s wll1 con~~nue to proTo~e coope=a~~on ar.d ~oord_r.a~~or. w~~j o~je~ 2genC1.es ~~ a:1 e:fort to make sure serv.:.ce ge~s de~lvered to those mos~ If. neec. In add1t1.0n, ~he ~..::: SE Care Managers w.:.: ~ con~J..nue to recrul. t and traln vo~a~teers ~o ~arrGle ~o~-?:-ofess1onal ~asks =or ~~ose senlors neec~~g aSslsta~ce Eowever, as Santa Monlca se~~ors cO"-~'::-:".lec to age .:r. place, as 1.ndlcated 1i1 tee "RJ;..ND St.udy of 1.990," a::c. l~ve ~oClger, ~he need for aSS1.stance and commun1~y oasec ca~e Ta~age~e~t w~:l o~~y ~ncrease. WISE Senior Services In-Home Services "93 ['t,p:( 1 9 P 4 :.12 WISE SENIOR SERVI~1Y:: ~ IN-HOME SERVICES PROGRAM ;;, .J :l. 1. Identify and discuss your target population(s) and indicate why your services are needed? How are your serv1ces meetlng an urgent need? The ta~ge~ populatlon fo~ WISE In-Horne Se=vlces lS se~lO=S ove~ tje age of 60 who requ~re personal care and/or housekeepJ..:J.g/hoZ1enakJ..ng 5e~Vlces to rnalntalD themselves H~ the COT~U~~~Y The serVlce ~s avallable only ~o the :4,351 senlO~ =es~de~~s 0= the CJ..LY of Santa ~onlca. The serVlce has ~WO co~po~e~~s, ~he WASH prosra~ ane the REGISTRY. Senlors uSlng ~he WASH p=cg=a~ 0= the ~~GISTRY have overslght 5upervlslon =ro~ WIS~ Ca~e Manase~e~t sta==. In the WASH prog~a~, WhlCh 1.S sta:=ec by WIS~ ewployees, the basic req~lrement to recelve serv _ce 1.5 ::eee. Indl v laua::" S recel. v ~ng thlS serVlce are =eques-.:ec ::0 pay a sr.a=e 0: the cos-:. If ~hey can. They =eceJ..ve ~je se=Vl.ce wje~her ~hey payor not. Sltuatlons where ar: 1.:lClvH.::ual would recelve '::he serVlces of a WASH worke= wo~lc ~nc::"uce post-hospJ..~a:~zatlOn; lndlvlduals wlth low- l;;COTe w~o are ~eJ..:J.g ass~s~ed to apply O~ are ~n the process o~ a?F~Y~~S ~o obta~~ the Cou~~y In-Home S~ppo~~lve Serv~ces 'I~SS), 1.r.dJ..v~d~a:s weo ca~:J.o~ obtaJ..~ an aloe w~:l~ng to work :o~ W~5~ =~SS pays; a~d l~dlvlduals w~o are Just above ~he pove=~y ~1.r.e so do not quallfy :o~ I~SS. ~je ?EG:S~~~ se~v~ce is ce:~vered by t~a~nec l~divlduals who f-ave jee~ sc~ee~ed by t2e =~-Howe Se~v~ces Coordlnato~. These :r.c~v~cua~s a~e se::-errp~oyed and are h~~ed dlrec~~y by the ser._o~ ~~o ~eecs tte se~v~ce. ~o rece~ve thlS serVlce, t~e se~~c= ~~s~ ~ot only have a ~eec but rnus~ be ab:e to pay tte ~~G=S~~: ~o~~er In-Hone serVlces 100 cller.ts per year and jas a~ actlve con~t:y clle~t base 0: 65-75 cllents all of whore a~e ==a~~ a~c ~ave :~~c~J..onal lmpa~r~e:J.ts whlCj lnte~fere Wl~~ t~e1.~ a~~~~~y ~o ~~ve ~~depende~tly. On a~ average, 60% of the ::: leT:S se=ved r.or;:.;; ly a:-e :Ow-lI:COme ser..:ors i mlnorl t.les ~epreser.~ 7% 0= ~te ~otal ~~j~e~ of WASH ser.~ors served; and ~o~e~ ove~ the age 0= 76 ~a~e up the ~aJo~l~y of c:~e~~s. ?or ==211jdlsabled senlors, IL-Home Se=Vlces makes the dJ..::erer:ce bet'ween re:1.al.r..:.ng at nome or belng .:..r:s:'~ ':.J.:tlo;:al1.zec A ::ew h01.:rs a week can wake thlS d~: = e~en::::e. ':'0 accompllsh thls, the worker performs such ~asks as vacuu~~~g, laundry, meal p~eparat.:.on/shopp~ng, bat.tl~g 2:1d o~he::- se:rv~ces whlch the sen~or cannot do IO= ~~emse~ves - aC:'~vltl.eS wh~ch a younge= populat1.on performs WISE Senior Serv~ces - In Home Serv1ces Program Page 2. w~~h ease. =n aGdlt~OG mos~ 0: the lnd~vlduals servec by WISE In-Horre staff look on the worker as a trusted ~~d~vld~al who co~es ~~to thelr l~ves regularly and p~ov~des rel~e= =rom the ~sola~lon f~om W~lC~ most of them suffer. 2. How does Santa Monica grant funding sign~ficantly impact this target population? Santa Monlca g~a~t =U~Clr.g slgnlf~car.tly ~mpacts t~lS targe~ pop~latlo~ because fu~d~ng for thlS p~ogram wlll be reduced :or ?Y93-94. SaLta Monlca grant funclng for FY92-93 represe~ts 39.37% 0: the ~udget for thlS se~Vlce. :r. ~he past a~ addl~~o~a~ 46.97% has corre from the Los Ar.ge~es Coun~y-Area Age~cy o~ Ag:r.g (~.A Co.-&~~). W:SE ~hroug~ l~S fundraislng has cor:,:r1:lt.:.:.ed :.te rera~r.~r:g 6.58%. These publlc 710r:1es a:o~q Wltl the na:.c~ W:SE has provlded have rrade It posslble for W:SE :'0 deve~o~ and operate w~th~n a restrlc~lve budget a hlg~~y e=f~c~e~t a~d effectlve ~n-hoffie serVlces program. For FYS3-9~, ~ie L_A. Co.-~~_; ~s ~educ~ng ~he~r func~ng 8Y 6.76%. ~te~e nay 8e add~~~or.a~ c~~s wl~~l~ ~he :~sca: yea~ If ~he S~a.-:.e 0::: Ca~~:orr:.:..a does :10-= :u:rd the L. A. Co. -AA.n.. ::0 the level -:.~e ~ ~. Co.-.~~~ tas proJected. The reductlo~ w~lch Irr- ;';ore S e:::-'.' ~ces 'N~2.1 rece~ ve ::-or ~he I... A. Co. -AAA has been LG~aaec by ell~l=a~~~g ~he :~-~one Wo~ke~ T~a~nlng Prograrrs a:"'..c ::te DOS'::" ~':"'O:1 c= ~ar:'-~:.~e back-u:J wo:-ke:-. If fur~he~ - - - ~~~s~~c c~:.s are ~ade wte-:.ter by ~he L.A.Co.-~_~ or from ~he :It; 0: Sa~ta ~o~~ca for ?~93-94, serVlce del~ve=y wl~l be ~ec~cec ~jese :~:1Clng red~ct~o~s Jeopard~ze adeq~a~e serv~ce Gellve:-~ ~8 ~te ~.:..~t r~s~ t:::-a1: very old (75~) at a ~~De when -:.~ey are becon.:..ng :.he :astes~ grow~~g segment 0: sen~ors l:1 ~~e C~-:.y of San~a Mo~.:..ca. 3. What are the maJor outcomes and goals of your program? How are these measured and evaluated? ~~e ra:o:- goa: 0: ~~e :n-rtome Se~v.:..ces prograrr is to ffialn~aln -.:.je :00 ::-a::....:. and/o:- Glsablea serno:;::- tn.e~r hOLe w.:..th d~g~_-:.y a~c safety. ~~:-o~qt May:, 1993, 90 c:le~ts have been served ~a=or oc::corres are IToeas~red th~oug~ contlr:uo~S serv.:..ce de::'.:..very. - ~s aT:".:lc~~a::ed ::hat 8Y "=-:.1:1e 3D, 1993, ::he ?~og~ar wlll be a:: :00% 0: goal. One 0= ::he ::0015 =or measu:-~:1g ou::cones .:..s the asslgnrrent stee:: wh~ch the wo~ker takes .:..n-.:.o ~he ho~e of -.:.he ser:~or each V1S~::. ThlS sheet lS the rest:'::. of a care:"...:.':" eva~uat~on of need by both the ser..:..or's C2~e ~anage~ a:1c ~he In-Ho~e SerVlces COOrGlnator. 3asec Oh ::he needs 0: the senlor, tasks are llstec WGlch the worke~ lS ~o pe~fo~~. A~ the end of ~he V1Sl~1 ~he senlO~ chec~s 0:: ::ie tasks Wh1Ch have been accowpl~shed, notes the tl~e t~e wo~k began a~c ~te tlme the worker ~s leav~ng. The se~lor then s~g~s the sjee~ and returns It to the age~cy. WISE Senior Services - In-Home Services Program Page 3. Ouccomes are evaluated t=om a qual~~y of serVlce perspect~ve. The In-Home Servlces Coo~dLnator makes home vlsits/phone calls as a follow-up to assess the quallty of the worker's performance, gauge cllent satlsfactlon, and assess the Lnteractlon between senlO= and worker. To facll~tate reachlng the prlmary obJectlve or the program team conferences are held between tte cl1ent care manager, In-Home Servlces Coordlnator and the workers ~o d~scuss changes ~n cllent status/~eeds, personallty and transfers. I~ addltlon a Cl1ent Satlsfact10n Card ~s dls~rlb~ted to each In-Home Serv1ces cIlent. C:lent5 are e~couraged to assess the program and make s~ggeSt10ns o~ ways to ~np=ove Lt or to ne~~lOr. problems they have had wlth ~he Cards are returned to the WISE Adv1sory Councll Wh1Ch su~~arlzes t~e data, eval~te5 whether the program 15 reetlng ltS goals a3d rakes recomrenda~lons for correctlve aCtlOn or ways the serVlce car. be lr.proved. 4. As communlty needs and fundlng change, do you plan to refine or adJust your program(s) Please describe. The L. P.. Co. -AAA cut back 1il :undlng for FY9 3-9 ~ has been pa=t1ally absorbed by el-=-m~na~~ng a posltlon whlch had pe~~lttec ~s to offer :~~l serv.:.ce whee the workers are on vaca~lO~, slck O~ separa~e f~o~ W:SE employmer.t. ThlS w-=-ll no lo~~er ~e posslble lnsteac d~r.:.ng these perlods, se~Vlce wlll be pr-=-o~lt1zed wlth servlce gOlng only to ~he most needful. The rest 0: the c~~ has been ha~dled by el1Rlna~lng ou~ In- Ho~e Worke~ T~a1~1~g prosram The p~rpose 0: ~hlS tralnlng was ~o Qevelop a cadre 0: ~ralned wo~kers who would have the spec-=-a: Skl:~S and know:ecge needed to serve the f~all elder~y -=-n ~helr ho,.es who can pay. ~~ was antlclpa~ed that such a gro~? wo~~d dellve~ a more u3.:.:orr and better q~allty 0: care. Sho~~d accltlonal fund1r.g cuts be made from the Clty 0: Santa ~on.:.ca, ?rograrr. GOdl:lcat-=-ons wll: need to be made. Th.:.s wlll ental: a reduct.:.or. l~ staff t.:.me anc the numbe~ of cllents served wll~ be reduced by t~e anount 0: the cut. The pote~tlal for a 5"J..tJs~an::.:.al. .:.::crease In WISE's F'::'"93-94 lnCOJTIe froD ?~.:.vate sources lS no:: a reallstlc expecta::lon. Addltlonally, d~e to ~os~ cllents bel:".g ~Ow-l~come or very near the S5I ~evelf cl.:.ent contrlbutlo~S a~e ~l~lma~. The need for these serVlces contlnues to lncrease a~d more seClors are lC neec 0: t~ese serVlces than resources allow WISE ':0 se~V1ce _ The WISE Ca~e Managers wl.ll contlnue to atte~pt rec~ul~~~g and t~a~nlng volunteers who a~e wllllng to supple~ent se~Vlces b~~ ~eal1stlcally volunteers do not p~ovlde personal care or housekeeplngjhomemaklng chores. ~ WISE Senior Services WISE Care Center "93 U~'1 19 ~ tl,l]. ?~ .[L. elT Y r. -: \.' ~ ,-, ~, . - -, WISE SENIOR SERVICES WISE CARE PROGRAM 1. Identify and discuss your target population(s) and indicate why your services are needed? How are your services meeting an urgent need? The target populatlon for WISE Care Cente= ~s .lndlvlduals suffe::-.lng frol1' mild to moderat..e lmpalrment as a result of Alzhe.lIT.e~'s D.lsease or other fo=ms of dement.la. Th.ls serV.lce lS ava.llable to res.lder:ts of t.he Wests ide but prlOr.l ty .lS glven to resldents of the City of Santa Monica. WISE Care Cen~er lS open 5 days a weekj 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.. There 1.S an e:1ro2.1ment of 35. Slx:.y-n~ne percent (69%) of the a~~er:dees are wowe~ whlle 9% are m~norlt.les. The average age ~s 78 years. Most of the program partlC.lpants are physically ~ra1~ and exrlDlt roer.ory loss and confuslon lTI varYlng degrees of seve:-lty Some requlre aS51stance H: ambulating and to~le~~ng, w~.lle w~t~ o~hers wanderlng lS a concern. P=ogram ?a=~lc~par::.s who =eslde outslde the Clty of Santa M021ca must pay f~:~ feej for San~a Mon~ca =es1dents fee adJustments are rrade. WIS~ Care Center lS :1eeded because l~ offers a~ opporunlty for prosra~ pa~~~c~pa~~s :'0 funct~o~ wl~h dlgn~ty to the maXlmum 0: tje ab1llt~es wt~ch ~hey ~etaln. Also, WISE Care Program ~s ~je 8~~Y day ca=e p=og=a~ se=vlng lr:dlvlduals w~th moderate A~z~e~~e='s JlSeaSe and o~~er :orms of deme~tla on the ^eS~Slce. ~je prograr g~ves ~tese lndlV1duals an opportunity, -:'1.:"o~<;:: r.te lr.C.l Vlc.:J.a2. .:.zed asses sment.. and -:.he=apeutlc care p:a:-.. c.e','e~oped for ~l:eP1, to s'J.cceec. as adul~s. WIS~ Care Ce:1~er p=ov~des st1mulat~ng and c=ea~lve programm1ng geared ~o ea~:-.. 1~d1v~cual's stren<;~hs. :n add.:.t1on each 1nd~vldual's ~ea~-:.h a~d we~1-be1~g 15 care=~lly mOTIltored. ~hlS 1S a labo= _,--:.e~Slve prograIT- S.l3Ce l~ provldes prog=aIT~lng and persona: ca~e ~~ a safe enVl~on~en~ ~=SE Care Cen-:.er prov1des ca=eglvers wlth resp1te :rorr. 24 hour care, a:: oppor~u:1~ty to a~~end SUDDor~ groups, resource lr.=o=ra~.:.o~, =eferra~s :'0 o~her se=V1ces careg1versjcl.:.ents Illgrt r:eed, ane ~nd:v1d.J.al cou:J.sellng and suppor:.. A2..2. of ~tlS w::.t the pu~pose 0: .:.nprovlug the quali-:.y of l.:.fe of the ?ar:'lc:?ar.:. and g.:.v:ng the careglver aSSls~a~ce ~n keeplng ~~el~ loved one at torr-e. Th1S =esplte not only affords the ca=eglver emo:.~onal a~d phys1cal rei.lef bu:. also 15 a slg~lf1can:. flnanc.lal bene:.:.t to the famlly Slnce lustlt'J.tlonal care 1.S prot~b~~lvely expens1ve for many of the fa~llles who use o~= serVlces. 2. How does Santa Monica grant funding significantly impact this target population? San~a Monlca gra~t =u~dlng slgnflcantly 1mpacts thls target WISE Senior Services - WISE Care Program page 2. popula~~on. Fund~ng for t~~s program ~s ~n danger 0= De~ng dras~~ca:ly cut. Santa ~on~ca grant fundl~g has In FY92-93 reDresented 24.35% of the budget for thlS serv~ce. In the past 43.56% has corne from ~he State of Callfor~la, Department of Agl~g, Alz~elmer's/Mental Hea:th 3ra~ch. WISE through lts funcra~s~ng and fees has cor.trlbu~ed ~he remalnlng 32.08%. Th~s CO~l~atlon of publlc monles wlth the WISE match have made lC poss~ble for WISE ~o develop an adult soclallzatlan progra:n :or lrH:lvlc'.:als '.oJT:.h dementla WhlCh lS recagnlzed t::raug~au:. tje area as belng ou~stand.:.ng far l ts quaIl ty. Overs~adowlng tilS achleve~ent ':'5 the present fundlng Sltuatlon. At t~lS tl~e there 15 before the S:.ate leglslature a pro?osal to el1m1na:.e fundlng grants :ar t~e Alzhel~er's prograTs. sto~:d th1S c~:. from the S:.ate become a real.:.ty, tje serv~ce ca?ac.:.:.y of t2e program would be red~ced alm05~ by .__~~. =f t 1::' addltlor., t.je gra:1t :und.:.ng ::rom tje C:..::y af Sa~ta ~o~.:.ca 15 reducec 5erv.:.ces co~ld no lo~ger be de~lvered l~ t~el~ ~reseL~ =o~ITat~ 3. What are the maJor outcomes and goals of your program? How are these measured and evaluated? ~~e TcJor goa~ of ~he o=ocraT =0= F~92-93 has been to provlde 4C pe~~~c~?ar.~St of W~lC~ ~5 m~s~ ~e San~a Mon~ca ~es~de~~st W~~~ a s:._~~~a~~r.q ?~ogra7 ~:1 a sa:e env~ro~~en~. Th=o~qh May ~, ~993, a~~rOxl~ate:y 4: c:1e~~s have pa=:'lclpated wlth 20 bel~g Sa~:.a ~or.lca ~eslcer.~s. Of ~he San~a ~onlca resldents ser~ec, 50% a~e ~OW-1~co~e a~~ 20% are ~.:.nor~~y SaTI~a Monica =es':'Ge~:'s. ~x?eC~a:'lo~s a=e ~ja~ we w~:l CO~~lr.~e ~o be l~ excess 0: ~je ~a~qe:. goals. ~je ou~cone5 of maJa~ obJect~ves are Teas~~ed by s~~~arl2~ns =eg~~a:r:y co::ected data callec~ed 0:- e"'-c~. Q~a~~~y eval~a:lor.s of ~te progra~ are measured by :~ncl~g sc:..:.=ces : l e C~:.y of SaTI~a ~!o:J.~ca, State a:' Call:.orn1a, ~e?art,er.~ 0: Aglng) anc ~~e WIS2 Acv~so~y CauDcll. The baslc da~a ~5ed ~y ~je w:s~ Acvlsory Co~ncll far tnelr evaluatlon lS :.~e Cller.: Satls:ac~lon Card w~lch enables cl1er.ts a~d careClvers to cov~e~t a~d ~a~e sugges~~o8S for prograr. .:...:-:):-c \:err- e --:1 ~ . 4. As community needs and fund1ng change, do you plan to ref1ne or adJust your program(s)? Please describe. c.:rrer:~ 2.y, tjere ':'5 cons 1dere.ble fundlng ~ncec:.alnty as 1 ~ rela~es :'0 S-:.a~e fundlng ::or F~93-94. Ell.Inlnatlon a~d/o:r s.:.~r:.:.f~ca~t :red~C~lon of ~he Alzhelmer's grant by the State 0:: Ca:.:.=or~la wo~:c necess.:.~ate a severe cut back ln serVlce at ~he WISE Care progra~, =ro~ servlng 40 cllen::s per year to O"1:Y ~ 5 or : 7 . If,.:.n add~ t .:.on I the funding grant f=om tr.e C.:.:.y of Sa~ta MOillca .:.s ~ecuced for FY93-94t consldera~lon .. WISE Senior Services - WISE Care Program Page 3. wo~ld have to be glven to a complete reorganlzat1on of the adult soclallzatlon programs WhlCh WISE operates. Thls ~eorganlza":.lon could requJxe WISE to ellm1na<::e the Alznelmer' 5 Day Care Program or merge it lnto the Ollve Stone Center pr-ogram. The type of cl1ent wn1ch could be se~ved 1n the resul t1ng program would need to be re-evaluated. Eleher opt~on w1II mean a reductlon 1n the to~al number of cllents served by 50% ~o 100%. :n F~92-93 when cost lncreased and fundlng was reduced, W:SE :.ncreasec 1tS fundra1slng efforts so 1t would not need 1:0 ~educe se~Vlces ~o the fra~l populatlon. However, the po~e~~la~ for a substantla: 1ncrease lD WISE's FY93-94 incowe froIT prlva~e sources lS no~ a reallst1c expectatlor. glven the Ca~lfo=nla economy. 1::e neec :0:" t~e Alzhe~:Ler f s :Jay Care prograD w.:..1: not ClT1~lShf 1t lS an~lclpated that as the populatlon ages and ~lves lo~ger there wll1 be ar. lncreased lDcldence of persons s~:=erl~g fron Alzhel~er's Dlsease and other forms of ce~en~la. Accordl~g to the Alzhe':":Ler's ASsoc1at.:..on, as people age l~~O thel:" 80's, the rate of dewentla could be as hlgh as 50%. 'In.:..s means t:J..l.S pOpc.latlon '....:Lll have ever: g=eate~ se-:-~J.:.ce :leeds. ,. WISE Senior Services Olive Stone Center .93 p,.l~'/ 1 G I tl ~ ~ ..,. ? 4 ,..., ~~ WISE SENIOR SERV~pCF~_ - OLIVE STONE PROGRAM ~. 1. Identify and discuss your target population(s) and indicate why your services are needed? How are your services meeting an urgent need? The ta=get popu:a~lon fo~ Ollve Stone (OSC) lS sen10rs who may suffer :rom rn1ld ~emory loss ane conruslon along wlth ciepress10n and lnert.:.a. The serV1ce has been aval2.able to reS1cents who llve out of Santa Monlca b~~ resldents 0: the C1ty 0: Sant.a ~onlca are give:: prlorlty adml.SSlOn to the prograrr. Ollve Stone .:.s ope:! f1ve day per week, Monday throug~ Fr:.day :::::-om 10: 00 a .m. to 3: 00 p.m. There lS an e~:::-ollme:1t o~ 55. Seventy-seven percent (77%) of the at~endees a~e WOT-en; 10% are ~lnor.:.~.:.es. The average age 15 76 years. ~os~ of the pa~t1clpa~ts are physlcally active. A few requlre asslsta~ce wltt ambulatlon. Kon-Santa Mon~ca resldents must pay f~ll fee to enroll l~ t~e program. Tte Ollve Stone progra~ 15 meetl:1g ar. urgent need because It o:fe:::-s a level of serVlce r..ot c.upllcated elsewhere 1n the COtL~=lty. Careg.:.vers ~ave :requently not accepted the older ac.'..l':"'C'S CO!lClt10:". and do no":. know how to cope wl.th ..:.t. ~~roug~ ~je Ollve Sto~e Program, ~hey are glve~ lnformat1on, cou3selec wl~h anc prov..:.ded w.:.~h reso~rces wh~ch a5s1st them ~Q cope wl~h t~elr feel~ngs and ~ne s~tua~lon. The ~herapeu~~c progra~ ~~ oL=e~5 ":'3 a safe enVlronment ~s spec':':lca':"':"y des..:.g~ed fo~ the r:.:.ld:y l~pal~ed a~d freq~ent~y depressed o:der adL:~. Wlthou~ ~he WIS~ Ollve S~one prog~am, ~he ~so:a':.:.o~, lner:~a and depres Slon of ::.hese l.ndl vlduals wo~:d con~~n~e unre:1evec. Researc~ has der.onstrated such an e3v.:.ron~en~ contrlb~~es ~o phys~ca: and me~ta: de~erlorat.:.on wh~ch leads to 1nstltu~.:.onal..:.za~lon. 2. How does Santa Monica grant funding sign~ficantly impact this target populat~on? Sa3~a M03~ca grant fund.:.r.g slgL':':lca3tly lmpacts thlS ta~get oooL:atlon. ~he Clty 0: Santa Monlca grant fund.:.ng fo~ FY92- 9 3 represe~ ts 73.6% of ::he budget :::or th1S serVlce. WI SE ~hrough ltS :undra1sl~g ~as contrlbuted ::.he rema1nlng 26.39%. Th.:.s cornbl~atlon of monles has made It posslble for WISE to develop an ad~lt 50c.:.al1zat1on p~ogram for senlors who do not flt l=to any other category of serVlce In the cornmunlty. Many of thew are sufferlng f~om lso1atlon, depresslon and some wlld cognl":..:.ve lmpalr~ent. Careglvers are also served by rece1vlng =esp1::e, cour"sellng, o~:)"(:lonal pa:::-tlclpatlon lIT a support g~OUPl and resource lnIormatlon. ThlS program l5 recognlzed throug~ou~ the area :or .:.~s qua:lty and the~apeutlc tr WISE Senior Services - Olive Stone Program Page 2. effectlveness. Should :.he Santa Monlca gran~ ::u:1dlng be reduced for FY93-94, the format of the program would need to be drastlcal1y changed: the two programs WISE Care and Ollve Sto~e, mlght need to be mergedi the serVlce days reduced; and the number of cl~ents served reduced 3. What are the major outcomes and goals of your program? How are these measured and evaluated? T~e maJor goal of the Ol~ve Stone Program 15 to provide 40 part~clpar.tS wltt a therapeutlc enVlronwer.t WhlC~ enables t~eIT ~o rrax~w~ze tje cog~~tlve and physlcal abll1tles they have. Tie outcores -of rra]or Ob]eC~lVes are Qeasured by sUF.~ar~zing reg~~a~ly collected ccta on each. ~~rocg~ ~ay 1, 1993, 56 total part~c~pa:1ts ~ave beer. s0rved ~:1 t::e progrcffis of Wl'.lC2 41 were Sar/c.a !-~onlca res.:..der:'":.s. The goa: :o~ :Y92-93 was to serve a total of 42 part~clpants of ......h~cj 40 were to be Santa tl;:onlca res~der.t5. Of the Santa ~o~~ca partlclpants served, 51% tave been lOw-lucorne ar-d 11% ::I':":1.or.:...-:.~es. OctcoLes are evaluated froF a ~ual~ty of se~Vlce perspectlve U5~::C; c. care plan fo:- eac:J. part~c:.par:t wh.:..ch ~dent~fles saec~:~c ~eeds/prob:ems wh:.ct ~eed to be monltored or have :-eso_ut.:..o::. The daily ac:':'v~-:y plar: 15 -:.he:: deslg:1ed and _~?:er,e~:'ed so each ~c~:'':''clpa~:. recelves ~he ass~stance he/she ::eeds as o~t:~~ed by :.helr :'~clvld~a: care pla::. All ca~e pla::s are :-ev~ewed and ~o::ltored by the day care teaT. u~der si.:~e~',"':" S ':"0:'. of tl'ie Coc:-d~r:ator P:::-og:::-aD qual:. ty lS a1 so eVc.~~c.:'ec by tie C~ty 0: Sa::ta MO::lca dur:.ng on-slte V1Sl~S by :.r..e pro<;ram a:la:yst. It l5 also evaluated by t~e WI SE Adv.:..so:-y Cou~c:.: ~~:.s lS dor.e ~t:-ough a Cllent Satlsfactlon Car~ wh.:..c~ er.ab~es cl:.en:.s a~d careglvers to comment and make s~gges:'':''o:1s :or prosra~ l~prove~er.ts. 4. As community needs and fundlng change, do you plan to refine or adJust your program(s)? Please describe. ~; t~e :~hd~~g gra~t f~ow t~e C~ty of Santa MOL~ca for the Ol~ve Sto;.e progra~ 15 slgnlf:.cantly reduced for ?Y93-94, a ~eorgar.:.zatlon of the program w:.~l be ~ecessary. One posslble aC:'lon lS :'0 merge Ollve Stone and WISE Care and reduce the nur.~e:- of days the serVlce lS ava:.lable. Th:.s merger would wear. a reductlon 1:: :.he overal: number of cllents that wll: be served ~y a:. least 50%. Ir: FY92-93, when progra~s rece:.vec a fundlng reductlo~1 WISE corr~~~:'ed ~o lncreas~ng lts =uncralslng share as no~ to reduce .... WISE Senior Services - Olive Stone Page 3. serVlces. However, ~he potentlal for a substant~al ~ncrease In WISE's FY93-94 income from prlvate sources lS not a realls~lc expectatlon glven the Californla economy. The Ol~ve Stone program as It lS presently set-up offers the pa=tlclpants a means of rellevlng depression, revlvlng feellngs of self-esteem, and holdlng on to real~ty. Merglng the Ol:.ve Stone program wlt:.h the WISE Care prograIP would contlnue to provlde the Ol~ve Stone partlclpan~s wltt some benefl~s. However, the program would be much less focused on thelr needs than the present prograIP and less beneficlal. The need for day care for the populatlon served by Ollve Stone ':'s lncreaslr:g as the COP1..:Tlu~ity rafndly ages. Day care lS becoF-.:.ns a necessary com?onent of commun:.ty se~v~ces. Y..a:1Y ca::-eg:. "e::-s a~e struggllng wl th responsl.bll~ tles for thelr c~.:.~dre~ a:1d thelr ag~ng parents; others have ralsed thelr :a~.:.::.es a~d are ready to retlre and flnd themselves car 109 =or the.:.::- parentsi otters flnd thelr spouse becom~ng c~s~~te~ested, dep~essed and fo~getful. Day care has helped w.:.:..:: t::ese p::-oblerr.s. T~e:.-e a:::-e lsolated seniors vlslted ~~:reque~~ly If a~ all by ad~lt ch~ldren; older adults feellng .:...so':"a:.ec end lonely ever! 'Lohaugh Ilvlng w~th thelr grown cjl~cre~i there are a:so frall, but actlve senlors wantlng to S1:.:-l..c:..ure thelr days lr: a stl;TIu::'a:::.ng enVlronment.. These l~C':'Vlc~a~s ::ave all been ~elped :.n day care. The need for cay care fo:." :..he populaL.lo~ O::'lve Stone serves lS lncreaslng. ... WISE Senior Services - Resource and Referral "93 i iW 1 S ? ~ :-: 2 CtT'I ~= .~.'- I I l. .. . - , WISE SENIOR SERVICES EDUCATION & RESOURCE CENTER 1. Identify and discuss your target population(s) and indicate why your services are needed? How are your services meeting an urgent need? The ta~get populat~on served by the WISE Educatlon and Resource Center, has been, and contlnues to be, the 14 tho~sanc Santa Mon~ca elderly and the fam~lles who care for them. The people who access ou:::" Inforrnatlon and Referral serVlces te::d to be those eve:- age 60 who are low-lncorne, =ra~~ and wlth ~~l~lple handlcaps. They usually need multlple serVlces In o~cer to be able to ~alnta~n the~r current status 0= llvlng lndependently. The ~G~ge~ populatlor. for au:::" educatlonal serVlce lS two fold: o~e lS the spouses and adult chlldren of those frall elderly, who are themselves lTI need of support, educatlon and ~eso~~ces. The second g~oup to whom we address our educatlona: ?rog~a:rs are ":.~e aC:'l.ve and lnvolved sen::..or cltl.ZenS to enta~ce thelr qual~~y 0: llfe. The~e 2...5 ai. urgen~ need for educa~lon and resource serVlces for tjese 5e~~ors and ~he~~ fak~lies. People who call us are ~s~a~~y ~~ C~lSlS and feell~g over whel~ed and at that tlIDe are especl.al~y vulnerable to t3e stresses of ca:-eg~v~ng and 0: q~OWl~g o~d In our soc~e~y. Nego~latlr.g the maze of publlc ar.d p~lva~e serv~ces and reso~rces car. be ard~ous at best, a~d a 3~gj~,are at wors~. Our ~ral~ed staff and Volun~ee~ :~for~at~o~ Counselors are avalla~le f~ve days a weeK, from 8:30 a!"", ~o 5:00 p.m" to aSSlS-::: the elderly and thelr fa~~~_es kh art~culatl~g thel~ needs and In loca~ing a88ro~~~a~e serVlces. ~~ese serv~ces flll a crltlcal need ~n v~ew of the ~~c~ease In e!der abuse by the so-called gsandwlch generatlo=d, beca~se of the s~ress and fr~stratlon l.nherent In carl3~ :or a~ e~de~ly pe:-son at the same tlme as ca:::"l~g fo~ depe3cer.t ch~ldrer.. Muc~ of ~he ptyslcal and emotlonal abuse l5 d_rec~~y or lr.d.:...::-ec::ly related ':.0 ~be frustratlOr. and ~e:?~ess~ess :e~~ by the :a~~ly careg.:..ver. Accorclng to Vern - 3eng~5o~, a professor of SOClO~OSY and Dlrector of Researc~ at the ur..:..verslty of Souther~ Ca~l:orn~a/s Andrus Gerontology Cer..:.er: "Havlng agu:g and depender.t paren-.:s at the same tlffie as car~ng for you~ own chlldre~ and g~andchlldren wl.ll be ~he rnaJo~ dome5tlc crlSlS for the 21s~ century." By prov~dlng educa-':lonal programs such as aSSl.stance In mar.galng behavlo~al problems such as wanderlng ar.d ~ncontl~e~ce; acces5~ng monetary resources avallable ~o "P WISE Educat~on & Resource Center Page 2. low-lncome senlOrSj learn~~g how ~o obta~n medical and legal asslstanCej as well as hel?~ng people who call 0:::- come ~n for ~nfor~a~lon; we hope to markedly reduce the level of s~reSSf anger and f~ustratlon that leads to elder abuse. 2. How does Santa Monica grant fund~ng significantly impact th~s target population? San~a ~onlca grap-~ fund~ng slg~lflcantly lmpacts th~s target DODu:atlon bv a~low~nc the WISE Educatlon & Resource Center to _ _ ..l ...J hl~e pa~t-t~~e s~a:=, ~raln volunteers, and to provlde t:::.-aln.:...n<; v.:...deos, a:1d handou"t-s to enhance our educatlonal p:::.-esen~a~.:...o~s. ~ne :undl:1g al:ows ~he prograw to reach out to the elde:::-:"y and thelr farl.llles ::0 provlde lnformatlon and :::-efe:::-:::-al W~lGh In tu~n a:lows tien to make ~~forITed chOlces on all aspec~s of ag.:...ng f.:...na:1c.:...al, hea~th care, houslng options a~c :::-et.:...re~ent plans. ~he Resource Center lS funded only by t~e Cl~V of San~a MO~lca gra2t fundlng and WISE fund de'Jelopr'er."':. Wltholi"': t:ce mODles from the Clty of Santa ~o~lca, W=SE woald no longer be able to offer thlS valuable se:::-Vlce ::0 se~lors and the.:...r fa~~~.:...es. 3. What are the major outcomes and goals of your program? How are these measured and evaluated? ~2e 0ve:::-a:~ goal of ~he W=S2 ~ducatlor- & Resource Cer.~er lS to ?rov~ce l~for~a~~on and :::-e:e:::-:::-al counsellng and resource ~a~e~~als or. ag~~g and 10~g-~e~IT. ca~e ~o the frall elderly and ~ie~~ :2xllles to 2elp tte~ nake ~~formed chOlces on issues ~ja~ ~~11 ~~pac~ t~el~ 11ves, as we:: as provldlng In:orrratlon anc ed"J.ca::~onal preser:::a::~ons :'0 aC::lve senlors or: how to e~jc~ce t~elr 2~ves. =n:o~~atlo~a~ and referral serVlces were orovlded to a ~otal 0: :752 telepho~e ln~~lrles and 256 walkOl:1S ~n total of WhlCi 755 Le~ep~o~e and 145 wa~k-lns we=e Santa MO~lca reslcents as of ~a=~~ 30, :993. ~he goal was 840 te:ephone anrl 126 walk- lES ~n "':o:.a: and 588 telephone and 88 walk-lns by June 30, 1993. Ir, educa:'lona: p:::-esentatlons, tje goal was 15 p=esen:.atlo~s se=v~ng 245 Sa~ta Mon~ca res.:...dents. To da~e 15 ~:::-esen~atlo~s we=e comp:e:.ed serVlng 289 Santa Monlca :::-esl.den::s. ::t ;.s lmpor:.ant LO note t~at the WISE Resource Cer.~e= lS a Santa Monlca only program but many of ~he people who aCccess tje serVlce are e~ployed lTI Santa Monlca but wlth La access se~Vlces for thel= elderly parents and/or relatlves who :::-eslde o~::slde t~e Clty. A2.: pe::'"sons cOh-o::"eted an have been 95% planr..lng other who Dar~lClPated ln the educational programs evaluat.:...on. I~forma~lon from those evaluat~ons pos~tlve. Eval~atlon results are also used In presen~at.:...ons. Add~tlonallYf the WISE Advisory ... WISE Educatlon & Resource Center Page 3. COU~Cl: does an annual su~vey 0= serVlces by havlng cllents complete a CIlent Satlsfactlon Card WhlC~ lS then revlewec by ~he Cour:cll. 4. As community needs and funding change, do you plan to refine or adjust your program(s)? Please describe. The COIT~U~lty nee6s fo~ servlces offered by the W:SE ~ducatlon & Resource Cent~r should Cor.~lr.~e to lncrease. Accordlng to a study by the RAND CorporatlOn, the elderly l~ Santa ~on~ca are CO~~l~~lng to "age lC place" and therefore grow nore dependent on o~~slde serVlces, wr.~ch wlll lead to an lncreased need for lnfor~a~lona: and educat~ona: serVlces for ~he sen10rs and thelr =ar~l~~s w~~t bette~ weclcal care allowl~g people to llve longer, the "ellte e~derly" (those over age 8S) pop'.lla t10r. lS g::'-owlng a:1G the specter of senlor C1 t.:..zens provldl~g careglvl~g serv.:..ces =or thelr elderly parents 15 8eco~l~g a ::.-eal and dlstlnct poss.:..jlllty. For ?Y93-9~, WISE has ellnlnated the 10 hour Dald In=o::.-mat.:..on & ~e:erra~ sta== person and wl:l replace her w.:..th volunteers. It 1S oer expectat.:..o~ ~o cor.t.:..r.~e the curren~ ~evel 0= se~Vlces. Howeve~, II ~~~d~ng l5 reduced fo~ ~h~s program =roIT ~~e C~~y 0: Sa~~a ~o~~ca, WISE would be fo~ced ~o reduce ~he c~~~e~t level of se~v~ce. ~epe~d~ng o~ the level of ::::-ec'''':'c:'lOr:, W:::SE would ~ecuce or ell:7l.:..nate the n'..lfrbe:::- of edeca~la~al p:::-eser:ta~lOGS, a~d also ::::-ed~ce the hours of :::~:o::::-~a~lO~ a~d Referral serv~ces :ror 8:30 a.m. ~o 5:00 p.m./ :~ve cays ?er weeK :0 posslbly 9:00 a ~. :'0 ~:OO p.m. to three ~o fo~::::- days per week. TjlS wo~ld occ~~ because cuts would r:ecess~~a~e :.ha:. :.he part-tlTe staff perso~ (65%) who tralns a:-:.c sl..:pe:-v::..ses ~he voll..::1"ceers a:>.c develops a1:::" eG',lCatlon se:::-Vlces, tlme wOl..:~d be reneced. A:so, WISE does ~o:. a~ticlpate any ::..ncrease ::..~ ltS o~tslde fundralsing efforts due to the Call:or~la econory con:'l~ulng :'0 :ag lIT all areas. At bes:., w:::s~ only a~t1c::..pa:.es :.hat ~~ wlll ::.-alse the same arr-ount 0: :~~ds as ?Y92-93 ior she :.o:.a: agency. ~ WISE Senior Services - Para trans it WISE PARATRANSIT P~OG~ 1. Identify and discuss your target populationCs) and indicate why your services are needed? How are your services meet~ng an urgent need? The WISE paratransit program prov~des door-to-door transportat~on for sen~ors and adult d~sabled resldents of Santa Mon~ca. EI~gl- bll~ty criteria require that clients res~de in the Clty of Santa Mon~ca and are age Slxty (60) or above. Adult ReSldents (18 or above) are eligible if they have a dlsabl~ng cond~tlon that: (1) prevents them from using fixed route publlC transportation and! or, (2) lf by using publlC transportation, extreme physical or mental hardship will ]eOpardlze thelr safety and well belng. The prof lIe of the typical WISE paratranslt cllent lS a wldowed, anglo female, 80 years of age who lives alone in a HUD senlor reSldentlal faclllty, or an apartment build~ng or duplex con- structed before 1930. The cllent resldes within the area bounded by 28th street to the east, 7th street the west, Wilshlre boule- vard to the north, and Paclflc avenue to the south. The cl~ent suffers from sone form of chronic walklng dlsabillty; thereby, reqU1rlng the use of a cane or walker for stab1l1ty. The prlnary source of Lncome 15 a soclal securlty check, WIdow's penSIon or ret1rement penSIon. The client reports an ~ncorne of less than $622 per month and recelves Med~care. WISE paratrans1t IS cruclal to the needs and well be~ng of the Santa MonIca senIor and dlsabled GOrnmunlty. The need for trans- por~a~lon IS demonstrated by the number of on-golng requests for transportatIon. Over the last four years, 3,128 ellglble reSl- dents have applIed and rece1ved certIfIcatIon for WISE transpor- ta~~oni 82% (2,565) are dlsabled to the extent that publlC transportatIon or asslstance from neIghbors or friends has not bee~ a vlable optIon. The remainlng 563 senlors lists themselves as haVIng varIOUS medIcal conditlons but, do not consIder them- selves as beIng disabled. Of the 2,565 d~sabled cllents, 377 are adult dIsabled persons; the remaInder are frall, elderly sen10rs who make up about 10% of Santa Mon1ca's senIor populatIon. FraIl elderly and d1sabled res~dents depend upon WISE for thelr prllary transportat1on needs. Paratrans1t door-to-door serV1ces are cr~tlcal to these clIents who are unable to maneuver fIxed route serVIces. SInce rn05~ suffer from chron1c, medIcal, deblll- tatlr.g condltlons, transpor~atlon for medIcal purposes IS essen- t1al for the ~aintenance of theIr health and well be1ng. Seventy eIght percen~ (7B%) of all transportatlon tr~ps are for med~cal purposes. Nlnety percent (90%) of our cllents travel w1th some form of asslst~ve devlce, l.e. cane, walker, wheel chalr, hear- Ing ald, or an at~endant. These cllents are unable to carry grocerles, laundry, or other ltems to and from thelr resldence wlthout the ass1stance of our service. Addltlonally, many cllents requlre frequent and speclallzed medLcal attentlon avallable only ~ Paratrans~t Program Page 2. through spec~f~c providers. Elghty seven percent (87%) of our cllents are wlthin the low ~ncome category and cannot afford the cost of taxis or other pr~vate transportation. Although the demand for services exceed avallable resources, we bel~eve that the level of service provided meets an urgent need for the cllents that are served. The operatlonal component of WISE transportation is prov1ded under contract with a profess~on- al transportation serv~ce. We operate four, eleven (11) passen- ger, wheel chalr - lift equ~pped vans, five days per week and one van on weekends. Services are ava~lable ten (10) hours da1ly Monday through Fr~day and flve (5) hours per day on weekends. The vans are operated by llcensed, uniformed, and professionally trained vehicle operators. We transport an average of 2,750 passengers each month. Cl~ents are transported to medlcal fac~l- lt1es withln Santa Monica and surround1ng communities, grocery stores, laundromats, soclal serVlce facllitles, work sltes, retall stores, senior centers, and schools. Transportatlon IS restrlcted to locatIons wlth~n the city of Santa Monlca except trIpS for medlcal purposes. Transportation to satelllte locatIons outSIde of Santa Monlca are as follows: deslgnated medlcal facll- ItIes In Brentwood, the Wllshlre-Westwood corrldor, the West L.A. V. A. Medlcal Center, Kalser, D.C.L.A., Century CIty, and Cedars Slnal Medlcal Centers. SerVIce to satell1te locatlons IS on a flxed route, fIxed Scheduled baSIS. 2. How does Santa Monica grant funding signlficantly impact this target populat~on? The FY92-9] San~a Monlca gran~ of $]84,369 (Propositlon A funds) p~ov~ded 7]% of the funds required to operate the WISE paratrans- l~ prog~a~. The remalnlng 27% ($128,907) funds are provided by wISE Ser.Ior SerVIces through fund rals1ng and a TItle I1IB grant fro~ the County of Los Angeles. Recelpt of Santa Monlca grant funds cont:nues to be the prlmary deteroin1ng factor that enables our agency to provlde and malntaln the paratranslt program for SeTI10r and dlsabled resldents of thIS C1ty. Our FY93-94 fundlng for thlS p~ogram 1S also affected by: (1) a proposed 6.76% reduc- tion In County fundlng and, (2) a FY93-94 cost of llving lncrease 1n our transportatlon contract serVIces. A reduct10n In grant f~nd:ng by the CIty of Santa MonIca would reduce the level of serVlce that we are able to provlde. 3. What are the maJor outcomes and goals of your program? How are these measured and evaluated? The ove~all goal of the program 1S to provlde senlor and adult dlsabled reSIdents of Santa Mon~ca WIth safe, t~mely, and profes- SIonal door-to-door transportatIon that IS adapted to accommodate the medlcal and phYSIcal condltions of ambulat1ng which Inhlbl~ or preclude thelr use of pub11c transportatlon. Major outcomes are measured by the contlnuous dellvery of service. Of the 32,995 ~ Paratranslt Program Page 3. annual one-way trips pravlded, 82% of the clients who use the serVlce are physically dlsabled and are unable to use publlC transportatlon; the remalnlng 18% are limlted by psychological or other ~mpalrments which restrlct the1r ability to safely maneuver other modes of transportatlon. Outcomes are evaluated by mea sur- lng performance agalnst the lndustry's accepted standard for the number of passengers per vehicle service hour (VSH) and the ac- ceptable on-tlme performance. The acceptable standard for passen- gers per hour for an "elder and handlcapped" service is 2.8 and the on tlme performance 1S 20 mlnutes. WISE paratransit serVlce contlnually exceeds each standard performlng at an average of 3.5 and i4 m1nutes respectlvely. 4. As community needs and funding change, do you plan to refine or adjust your program? Please describe. Proposed fund1ng char.ges for FY93-94 require signlflcant progran rnodlflcations. Our FY92-93 County grant for the paratransit program was $93,345. The County lS proposing a mlnimum 6.76% reductlon across the board on all grants approved for FY93-94. Addltlonally, the proposed reallgnment of the Los Angeles County supervlsorlal dlstrlcts could result ln a substantlal loss of County funds for Santa Monica senlor programs. The transportatlon prograF- stands to loose all County fundlng after FY93-94 depend- ~ng upon how funds are allocated followlng lmplementat10n of the A.D.A. paratrans~t plans for thls reg~on. The proposed 6.76% reductIon for FY9J-94 wIll reduce the County grant by $6,310 for a total grant of $87,035. If the FY93-94 Santa Monlca grant rernalns unchanged, a reduct~on l~ county fundIng co~blned wlth the lncrease In contract serv~ces w~ll s~~ll requlre a reduction ln the nu~ber of VSH and an acco~- par.Ylng reductlon ln passenger rIdes. The potentlal for a substantIal Increase ln WISE's FY93-94 Incone from prIvate sources 1S not a reallst1c expectatlon. Addlt1onal- ly, we are unable to lmpose a fee for serVlce charge, therefore clIent contrlbut1ons have been mlnImal. In order to offset the proposed deflcIt, we are reduclng the Transportation Coord~nator posltlon by 15% and the AdmInIstratIve AId posltlon by 25% effec- tIve July 1, 1993. SavIngs from these two reductlons WIll con- trIbute toward the purchase of addltlonal VSH. If the FY93-94 Santa MonIca grant IS reduced, other changes In dlrect serVlces WIll become necessary.