SR-506-003-01 (45)~~ . . City Council Report ~ City of Santa Monica City Council Meeting: October 24, 2006 Agenda Item; ~E To: Mayor and City Council From: Craig Perkins - Director, Environmental and Public Works Management Subject: Professional Services Agreement with Nelson-Nygaard Consulting Associates for Borderline Neighborhood Improvements Project and Appropriate Designated Funds Recommended Action Staff recommends that the City Council: 1. authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute a professional services agreement with Nelson-Nygaard Consulting Associates in an amount not to exceed $117,000 for the design of the Borderline Neighborhood Improvements Project; 2. authorize the City Engineer to issue any necessary modifications to complete additional work within budget authority; and 3. appropriate the designated funds by approving the budget changes as outlined in the Budget/Financial Impact section. Executive Summary The Borderline Neighborhood Improvement Project is located along Longfellow Street and the connecting streets of Marine, Navy, and Ozone between Longfellow and Lincoln Boulevard. Proposed work in the Borderline Neighborhood area includes new curb and 1 gutters, sidewalks, driveways, ADA curb ramps and landscaping. Staff will submit a Capital Improvement Program request in the next budget cycle in anticipation of the Council action to fund the project's design development and construction phases in Fiscal Year 2007-2008. The total budget impact for this feasibility study and concept design should not exceed $117,000. Discussion Backqround During the 2006-2007 Budget Study Session, Council directed staff to provide information on the scope of improvements for the Navy/Ozone/Longfellow area including associated project costs. Currently, the proposed scope of services include a feasibility study to develop concept design plans to address pedestrian safety, parking availability, traffic circulation, and the lack of parkway trees and landscaping. Longfellow Street presently lacks improvements such as sidewalks, curbs, driveway delineations and landscaping. A General Fund account was established in Fiscal Year 2005-2006 to conduct a study for Navy/Ozone/Longfellow improvements. Contractor/Consultant Selection On May 15, 2006, a draft Request for Proposal (RFP) with a preliminary scope of work was developed and forwarded to the Borderline Neighborhood Improvement Committee for their review. Comments were incorporated into the final RFP. The updated RFP was posted on the City's website on June 7, 2006, soliciting proposals to conduct a 2 feasibility study and develop a concept design for the Borderline Neighborhood Improvements Project. On July 6, 2006, five proposals were received from MDA Johnson Favaro, Architecture and Urban Design; Lee + Mundwiler Architects; Nelson-Nygaard Consulting Associates; NBCE, Inc.; and SWA Group. A selection committee was formed consisting of staff from Civil Engineering & Architecture, Transportation Management, and Open Space Management divisions. On August 9, 2006, the selection committee interviewed all consulting firms. The selection criteria included the firm's technical competence; understanding of the project's scope; direct experience on similar projects; approach to the work; qualifications of the proposed staff; and staffing capabilities to meet the desired time frames and cost of services. Based on the proposals and interviews, the selection committee recommends Nelson-Nygaard Consulting Associates for these services. The design team includes BlackbirdNan Atta Associates for urban and streetscape design, and Sherwood Design Engineers for civil engineering services. City staff contacted the reference agencies and all respondents reported that the firm's work was completed in a timely and cost-efficient manner while maintaining consistent high quality. Public Outreach The proposed scope of services includes a community outreach component with key residential property owners, business owners and tenants in the study area. Additionally, the stakeholder group will include representatives from the Borderline 3 Neighborhood Improvement Committee and affected City departments. Staff will host a series of public meetings to encourage community participation, present the project goals, and solicit comments. Public input will be reflected in the final concept design that is anticipated for completion in May 2007. Budqet/Financial Impact The following budget actions are needed to make the designated funds available for program use: 1. release $117,000 from General Fund Designation number 1.345202 (Navy/Ozone/Longfellow Improvements), and 2. appropriate $117,000 in capital improvement project account number C010762.589000 (Neighborhood Design Improvements). Prepared by: Antonio Shaibani, P.E., Civil Engineer Approved: Craig Pe in's Director; nvironmental and Public Works Management Department Forwarded to Council: ~ • : ~ . L ont Ewell C' Manager 4 e erence on rac o. .