SR-506-003-07 (11) lo- P GS:SES:DA:ak Santa Monica, California OfC --9 1. council Meeting: December 9, 1986 t5" TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: City staff SUBJECT: Recommendation to Award Contract for the Construction of Metal Halide Streetlights on Arizona Avenue Between Second Street and Fourth street in the city. Introduction This report requests the City Council award a contract for the construction of a metal halide streetlighting system on Arizona Avenue Between Second Street and Fourth Street to Monahan's Electric, the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of $l29,400.00 Background On June 24, 1986, the City Council approved a plan for increasing the lighting levels on Arizona Avenue between Second Street and Fourth Street, to accommodate an evening Farmers Market, and other downtown events. At that meeting the City Council authorized staff to prepare working drawings, and advertise the project. A Notice Inviting Bids for the construction work was published on October 9, and 10, 1986 in the Evening Outlook and sent to eleven construction journals including four minority business associations. Plans and specifications were received by fourteen contractors. Bids were received, opened, and read publicly on November 24, 1986 by the Deputy City Clerk. b-P DEe 9 1966 Three bids were received as follows: paxin Electric $ 69,000.00 Monahan's Electric $129,400.00 Paul Gardner Corporation $155,583.00 city Engineer's Estimate $130,000.00 The same day bids were opened, paxin Electric contacted City staff and requested that they be relieved of their bid due to a clerical error. They indicated their bid should have read $l69,000 instead of $69,000. In accordance with the contract bid requirements and the law the City Engineer determined: (a) A mistake as made by paxin Electric in the preparation of their bid. (b) Paxin Electric gave the public entity written notice within five days after the opening of the bids of the mistake, specifying in the notice in detail how the mistake occurred. (c) The mistake made the bid materially different than paxin Electric intended it to be. (d) The mistake was made in filling out the bid and not due to error in judgment or to carelessnes in inspecting the site of the work, or in reading the plans or specifications. As a result, Monahan's Electric is the lowest responsible bidder. Monahan's Electric provided three references in their bid proposal package. positive comments were received by staff on all three references. The lighting design and standards for the project were reviewed by City Council, the Architectural Review Board, the Third street Development Corporation and Mall Merchants Association in June 1986. BUdget/Financial Impact FUNDS REQUIRED Construction Contract $129,400.00 Contingencies $ 14,600.00 $144,000.00 Funds in the amount of $369,941.00 are available in Account No. 01-720-263-000-914 for this project. Recommendations It is recommended that the City Council: 1- Relieve paxin Electric of their bid for the construction of a metal halide streetlighting system on Arizona Avenue between Second Street and Fourth street. 2. Award a contract for the construction of a metal halide streetlighting system on Arizona Avenue Between Second street and Fourth Street in the City, in the amount of $129,400.00, to Monahan's Electric, the lowest responsible bidder. 3. Authorize the city Engineer to issue any change orders necessary to complete additional work to the extent of funds available in accordance with the Administrative Instructions. Prepared by: stan Scholl, P.E., Director of General Services Desi Alvarez, P.E., City Engineer (SRACCS2 )