SR-102296-6M Contro.C-f ~ 5 6 (p 55lo/ 0557 5 b55B lees) M" I , COUKCIL ~1EETING October 22. 1996 Santa MOllIca. CA TO Mayor and Cny CouncIl FRO~1 Cny Staff SlTBJECT Recommendanon for CIty CouncIl to Authonze the CIty Manager to NegotIate and Execute Contracts wnh Selected Vendors for CustodIal ServIces NTRODUCTION ThIS report recommends that the CIty Councd authonze the City Manager to negotIate and execute three-year contracts for custodial and Janltonal serVIces WIth Metro Bmldmg Mamtenance Company. Come land :\1amtenance Company and HIgh-Tech Bmldmg Mamtenance Company These servIces are currently proVIded by varIOUS vendors at a number of Cay faCIlItIes The new contracts \VIll have a lo,ver net annual cost to the CIty and wIll allow greater control over qualIty and uruformlty of custodial serVIces BACKGROL1\TI The City currently has 17 contracts or purchase orders for custodIal serVIces v\i"lth 11 dIfferent vendors The contracts range upward In SIze from SLOOO and represent a total annual cost to the CIty of over $300.000 Contracts are currently bId by the mdlVIdual department requestmg the servIce and vary slgmficantly In theIr specIficatIOns Most contracts are on a month to month basIS 1 6M DISCUSSIO~ The Mamtenance y,1anagement DIVISIOn of the EnVIronmental and Pubhc \Vorks Management Department. whIch supervIses m-house custodIal servIces. lead the development of a coordmated approach to procunng custodIal serVIces In August of tIus year, staff drafted a request for proposal (RFP) to sohclt firms mterested m proVIdmg custodml servIces for the CIty The RFP contamed a detaIled scope of serVIces, requuements for quahty control programs. on-SIte vendor management of servIces. fidehty bond coverage and proof of health msurance coverage for employees In developmg the scope of servIces to be covered by thIS contract, staff determmed that custodIal servIces should be aggregated mto several servIce groups for blddmg purposes These groups were (1) TransportatIon Group - covenng serVice to the TransportatIOn Bmldmg, (2) LIbrary Group - servlcmg the mam and branch hbranes. (3) Farmers' Market Group - for the three F armersl Markets held on a weekly baSIS, (4) PIer Group - for coverage of Santa Yiomca PIer faclhtles on a year-round basIS. and (5) CIty Sernce Group - covenng the custochal serVIces proVIded to vanous departments at non-CIty Hall SItes throughout the CIty RFP's were sent to thIrty-five vendors IdentIfied eIther as currently provlmng custodIal services to the CIty or as capable of meetmg the reqUIrements of thIS RFP Twenty of these 2 firms sent representaTIves to a mandatory pre-proposal conference and tour of the facIlItIes Four vendors responded and submItted proposals to the Cny One proposal was dIsqualIfied by the reVIew commIttee because It faded to meet the specIficatIons of the RFP The remammg three proposals were analyzed and revIew-ed by a selectIOn comrmttee compnsed of the Mamtenance Manager, representatIves of the departments and a representative of the Cny YIanager's Office The selectIOn commIttee evaluated the proposals based on several factors mc1udmg expenence ofthe vendors. abIlIty to meet the specIfic needs of the Cny, DBE/WBE status. the vendor's quahty control and trammg programs. the terms under whIch health msurance benefits are provIded to vendor employees and the pnce proposed by the vendor for theIr serVIces The selectIOn commIttee recommends that the contracts be awarded as follows Come Land Mamtenance Company for sernce to the TransportatIOn Group, LIbrary Group and 8M PIer Group. Metro Bmldmg :Vlamtenance for servIce to the CIty SerVIces Group and High Tech BUIldmg Mamtenance for serVIce to the Farmers' ~"farket Group These selectIons \,,111 provIde the CIty ',lath the best combmatlOn of pnce and qualIty of custodIal serVice over the three-year penod of these contracts The level of servIce to be proVIded under these new contracts \'1;111 be equal to or better than that currently proVIded In addItIOn. under the terms of the RFP and the resultmg contracts, there \,,111 be Improved control over the qualIty of serVIces provIded. attentIOn to any speCIal ., .J custodial needs of departments, adherence to CIty polIcIes and reqUIrements and assurance that employees of contracted custodial firms are provIded health Illsurance coverage BUDQET/FISCAL IMPACT The proposed contracts for prOVISIOn of custodIal serVIces \Vlll be provIded to the CIty at an approXImate annual cost of $260.000 for a three-year penod ThIS IS a savmgs of approxImately $40,000 compared to the current cost In addItIOn. the negotIatlon and executIOn of the three-year agreements \vIll el1mmate the current practIce of bIddmg and executmg over 20 mdIVIdual purchase orders and contracts per year. savmg staff tIme and resources III the Purchasmg DivlSlon as well as m the mdrVldual departments mvolved m procunng these servIces Funds to cover the cost of these agreements III FY 1996~97 are available m eXIstmg supplIes and expense accounts m varIOUS dIVISiOns III vanous funds For companson purposes as a part of Its overall analYSIS. staff estImated the cost of proVIdmg the same scope of servIces through the hmng of new permanent CIty custodIal staff. Based on the current hourly rate plus benefits for custodial staff at a comparable number of custodIal servIce hours plus reqUIred addItIOns to the custodIal superVISOry staff and purchase of addItIOnal eqUIpment and supplIes to cover thIS scope of serVIces. staff estImates that the annual cost to proVIde these servICes m-house \vould be $450.000 to $470,000 4 RECOMMENDATION It IS recommended that the City Council authonze the CIty Manager to negotiate and execute contracts ,.....lth Come Land IVlamtenance Company for 5144.45600. Metro Bmldmg ylamtenance Company for $88,55600 and HIgh Tech Bmldmg lvlamtenance for $24,18000 for provISIon of custodIal serVIces for a three-year penod begmnmg January 1, 1997 Prepared by CraIg Perkms. DIrector of EnVIronmental and Pubhc Works ~lanagement Renee COWhIg. Mamtenance Manager 5 ~