SR-062596-6M C ~~: Id-li btl\ \ JUN 2 5 1995 ~?v~i'C?:RS'sm:CC1427 ~S:\SP1427] Cocnc~l ~eetlng: J~~e 25, 1996 SanLa Monlca, Callfo~~la In. u. Mayor a~d Clty Co~nc~l FReE: Clty S':.aff SU3CEC'I': Aware of Contract to Implement Improvements to Downtown ?arklng Structures :::ntroductlon rh~s report reco~re~ds that the Cl~y Councll award a contract for l~pleme~tl~g varlO~S lrPprovement:s to t2e dowr..town parklng s~ruct-~res ~~os. 1-6), ~ncl',Jdlng a DemonstraC:lon ProJect fo::: ?ark:ng Structure No. 5, ex~erlor slgr-age, lnterlor graphlcs, and stalrwel: and e~evator cosmetlc lmprovements for all SlX structures to Trl-Bulld Develcp~e~t Corporatlon, the lowest responslble ~~dder, l~ the a~ount of $:,097,000. Backqrol.lco Prev:=-ously, t~e Cl ':y Councll approved fundlng to upgrade the down~ow~ park~~g strccc:ures (Nos. 1-6) ln the 3ayslde Dlstrlct area h'"l th '::~'1ree separate Ccur..c.:.l actlons. Over tlIne, nonstructural co~pcner..ts have deterlorated and have become dlfflcult to mal~t:aln. ~r.e eXlstl~g slgnage and grapnlcs are not compatlble wlth the new atte~dant parklng cperatlon. IDe stalrwells are the subJecL of r..~~eross publlC comp:a~n~s cc~cernlJg thelr appeara~ce_ ~he hlgh levels 0: Lrafflc cause the sLalrwells tc become dlrty qUlckly. 1 JUN 2 5 1996 "/'1\ \ \ . Even thoug~ they are f~eq~ently cleaned, the staIrwell mater1als are heavlly worn, ~ave a tendency to abso~b mOlsture, and staln easlly. ]l~s ':1:.8 popularl ty of the ~enova"'::ed EayslCie DlSt2::::.ct and ,="h1rd S:reet Prcre~ade soa~ed, so dld the dewand for functlonal, att~actlve, conve~lent parklng l~ the vlc::.nlty. WhIle addlt10nal =~oors for parklng have been co~structed In two of the structures, a~d so~e modest renovatIons were lrrplemented ::.n the 198C's, the str~ctures esse~t::.ally retaln the same deSIgn features as 1n the 1960s w2en t~ey were construc~ed. The var10US yend1ng structure 1mprovement p~oJects have been 1nco~?cra~ed lnto one construct1on package to exped~te the wc~k and reta1n control over the scheciul1ng ,-,F V-'- act1v1t1es to mln2-InlZe dlS~~pt::.on to ya~~lng patrons. Each element of the overall plan 1S o:ltl::.~ed below. Th1S plan has been develoyed w1th the 1npu~ of tee Bays1de D1str1ct CorporatIon and affected CILY departments a~d d1V::'S::'O~S suer.. as Yra1ntenar.ce Mar:agement, Englnee:::::-1ng, PolIce, ?esource ~anageIDent, Park1ng and ~raff1c and SOlId Waste. Park1ng Structure #5 Demonstrat1on ProJect T~llS pro::: ect 1S expected to produce creatl ve al ternatl ves to a~lev1ate the perceIved ~a1ntenance/~epa1r needs lD Park1ng 2 J ( S::ruct-.lre 7!'S and poss1bly serve as a prototype for rencvat1ng elere~ts ~n the o~her park~ng s~ruct~~es. The C1ty'S contracted a~ch1tects, 2e:Oa110s aQd Smulev1ch, completed a des:.gn dccument wh~ch addresses ~r.e :.nteresLs of the Bays1ce D1str~ct Corporatlon and Cl::Y s::aff. Construc::~on b1ds were recelved on June 3, 1996. U~der ::he p~oposed p~c=ect, the f1rst two levels of Park1ng Str'clc':ure #5 w~ll be ~emocieled lr:tc a user frie:ldly, e~v1ror:~enta:~y senS1::1ve, and eas1ly ma1nta1~aDle fac1l1ty. Th~s w1l~ DE achleved t~~ough the follcw:ng changes: ~ Cor:vert1ng the r..orthwest stalrwell from a closed-::..n er..closure to an open str~cture that wl~l prov1de more ::latural ventllatlon, more V1Slblllty, and eas1ly na~r:talned ~ater1a~s; ~ Remode:~r..g the restrooms to prov1ce an open floor plan, p~cper 11ght~::lg, aYld vandal reslstant mater 1a1s and equlpme.::t; ~ Re:rcc.ellng the 10Dby to reduce "bllnd spots" whe~e ~::lwanted congregat1cn occu~s, ::0 lncorporate eas1ly ~a~r:ta1nab~e :~lendly and env1ronmentally senSlt:'Ve mate~lals and f1n1shes, and to er..la:::-ge the trash bH: storage area and Clty'S storage a~ea; 3 Park~ng Structure S~gnage and Graph~cs ~C1S p~oJect 1ncludes ~he replaceme~t of the exter10r s~gns and ~nte~~or graph1c5 w1th ones that w1ll cc~form w1th the attendant pa~k1ng operat~cn, be colo~ cecrd1nated and be easy to understand. ~he Lew g~aph1cs w1l~ prov1de a clear lndlcat10n as to ~he locatlon of veh::..cles bv d1ffere:J.t:....atlng each level and a1sle. The ne"'l gra?hlCS wlll a:50 prov1de clear C1rect1on to the Th1rd Street ?romer-ade, Fourth Street, a~d Second St~eets. New exter10r slgns a~e th~ee-d1~enslona~ ~umbers constyucted of ~e:al w1th bUllt-l~ ~lg2:1ng ~sed ~o ldentlfy each pa~klng structure. The new slgns '1111 l~ent~=y the park1ng struc~~res TIoye clearly f~oIT Second and Fo~rth Streets, and have been rev1ewed and appyoved by the Arch1tect~~a: ReV1ew Beard. The slgnage and graph1cs are cow?at1ble w1th t~e C1ty'S graphlc ~dent1ty prograM w~lch pyovldes f:ex~b1~lty for the Bayslde Dlstr1ct's establlshed un1que 1dentlty. Park~ng Structure Inter~m Improvements Cur~:lg the des1gn of the Demor:strat:1C:: ?roJect, Cl ty CO'J.ncll approprlated funds for 1nterlr lmprove~ents for all SlX park~ng stYJctJres JnL1l the Demons~ratlon PrOJect was completed and elerents could be ~dentlfled for 1nccrporatlon In the remodel1ng of "':he other parklng structures. The scope of wor'<:: lS prlIrar1ly cos~etlc ~~DYOVemen:s such as pal~tlng the lnterlors of the 4 s~al~wells ace elevator lobb~esf replaclng elevator floor flnlshf e~clos~Lg plpes lD the stalrwells and other ffi:scellaneous lrrp:::::-overents. I~ese lmproveffients W~11 result In lmmed~ate aest~e~lc beneflts to the ~sers of the parklng structures. Ahlle all ~nese lmprovemen~s we~e be:ng concelved and developed, t-< ~_-:e Nc::-th::-ldge Earthqi1a~e occurred In January of 1994. Tl':e ea~~n~uake causeQ c~ac~lng 1n all t~e structures to var10US degrees cz sever1ty. In o~der to 1ffipleffier-t the ces~red 1mprove~ents l~ the speclf~ed locat1ons, repalr of the earthquake cracks was a prereq:U1s:::e. Hence, "the Federal :::rergency Manageme:1.t Age::cy ~~LK~) app~oved earthquake fULds w1ll be expended on thlS proJect as well. A ~ctlce Invlt~~G B:ds was publlsr.ed on May 4 and 5, 1996 :n The out~ook, as well as 1n four (~) constYlictlon J our~als. B1d eocUTe~ts were se~t to SlX ~6) wo~an/mlncr1~y bus1::ess enterpr1se assoc1a~lC~S (iMBE). BlC packages were ~equested by 18 co~tractc~s. The C1 ty Clerk's 8fflce rece1 ved SlX (6) sealed b1ds at the prescr1bed t1we. ~r.e b1ds were publlcly opened and read aloud on Ju::e 3, 1996. Tp-e c1d res~l::s were as follows: 1. ~r~-3U1ld Development Corporat1on. . $ 1,097,000 2. Da~~~ng Ccnstr~ctlo~ and Realty Ccrp_ $ 1,108,950 5 3. RCO Constr~ctlon Co., Inc. . C~ty Eng1neer's Est1ma~e $ 1,3461000 $ 1,495,649 . . . . . $ 11680,610 . $ 11887,000 . $ 1, 200,000 ~. Ocean Pa~k Construct1o~ 5. Sp~la~ Constructlon Corp. 6. Ca~~:crn1a I3A, Inc. ~he ~owest respo~s~ble b1dderl Trl-3u1ld Development Corporat1on, s:..:.ppl1ed t~e C1 ty Wl tt f:. ve (5) references and all references reported ~nat the contractor's work was sat1sfactory. The state Co~~rac~ors' ~lcense 3card ver~fled that the Contractor's Llcense lS c~rre~~1 act~ve, and 1n good sta~d1ng. 3udget F~nanC1al Ana1ys1s ?:JNDS ?EQUIR:::D Contrac': . . . . $ 1,097,000 CO:lt::":lgenc1es. 153,800 TOT.:n.L $ 1,250,800 Y~nds are avallable 1n the followlng CIP account. C:? Accoui-~ Number Contract ]LTount ProJect Cont1ngency Total Par<lng Str~c~Ure #5, DenO:lstrotlon Project Ol-728-263-2009~-8900-99044 S 394,000 $ 641000 $ 458,000 ?ark::..ng structure I:1provements Ol-770-s41-2J096-8900-99C54 212,OOC 121000 224,000 6 ?ark~r.g structu~e #5 01-720-263-28487-8900-99043 18,000 2,800 20,800 ?arkl~g S~ructure #2 ;':':.Q. ;'epa~r) 13-500-402-3~34L-1100-13005 9,220 1,844 1::',064 Park~ng S~ructure #3 (E. Q. Repalrl 13-500-482-35346-::'::'00-13005 6,480 1,296 7,776 ?arklng st~~cture #5 (E. G. Repalr) 13-S0C-~C2-3535c-l:OO-13005 19,300 3,860 23,160 Sub-total $ 744,800 =n acclt~cn, funds are avallable l~ the Ma~l Parklng Levy deferred Account (Ol-880-000-00JJO-9878-04703) WhlCh ~equlres Clty Cour.cll apprc:orla-:lon to :.l':~llze the funds. It lS recommended t~a t a ~aplta: In:o~ovement ProJect (CI?) accou~t be establlshed at Account No. 01-770-441-20097-8900-99054 ln t~e amount of $506,000. Approval of these ::.:r..ds would result In the followlr:g addl tlon to the ove~all p~oJect ~:.:dget: Par~~~g S-:ructure Graphlcs Program C::'-770-441-2C096-8900-90C54 440,000 66,000 506,000 Tota: Avallable .t1,2S0,800 Reccrr.:ne:ldatlon It 15 recCITmended that the Clty CaunCll: l. Award a contract for l~?le~entlng lr.provements to the Downtown ?arklng S~ructures to T~l-Bullci Developne~t Corporatlon, the 7 lowest ~espo~s~ble bldder, ~n the a~o~nt of $1,097,000; 2. Appc:-cprlate $506,000 '.:0 Accoun:: No. 01-770-441-20097-8900- 99054 ~c help fund ~r.lS proJect; and 3. }iu::::orl ze ::he Cl ty Eng.:neer 1:0 lssue any n.ecessary change o~ders ~o complete addltlo~al work In conformance wlth the Adrr.:nlstratlve Instructlons on change orde~s. ?repared ......."!;.... J.Jy. Cralg Perklns, Dl~ector of ~nvlronmental and ~uDI1C Xo~ks Management Department P:~tho~y AntlC~, P.E., Clty ELg:~eer Jeff Matr.~eJ, Dl~ector of Resource Manage~ent 8