SR-6-G (113) CCS SEM MdeH hs/wpwm!councll/July4 Santa Momca, C51a' " May 10, 1994 ~ STAFF REPORT MAY 1 0 199't TO Mayor and City Council FROM City Staff SUBJECT RECOMMENDA nON TO APPROVE 4TH OF JULY FESTIVITIES AS PART OF REOPE.'\"Il\G OF PALISADES PARK INTRODUCTION This report proVides mformatlOn on costs and operatlOnal Issues associated With the Dawn's Early LIght fireworks event and suggests that CouncIl approve a commumty celebratIon for the reopenmg of Pahsades Park BACKGR01Thi'D Due to budgetary constramts as well as publIc safety and operatIOnal concerns, the 1992 and 1993 July 4th Dawn's Early LIght fireworks displays were not held Dawn's Early Light was IllItlally planned as a replacement for traditIonal fireworks on the evemng of July 4th because the mghttune event had become a major regIOnal attraction posmg severe pubhc safety problems Despite the early hour, Dawn' s Early LIght Itself ultlmately attracted crowds estImated at 250,000 from around the regIOn and necessitated full deplo).ment of police officers over 2 days because of the event" s scope Costs for Dawn's Early LIght m 1991 mcluded Increased overtIme deployment for the beach. PIer, and Promenade begmnmg on the evenmg of July 2nd and contmumg through the evenmg of July 4th Full deployment was reqUIred No sIgmficant mcrease III revenue was generated dUrIng the 2 hours of the fireworks show ?\et beach parkmg revenue of $11,520 offset some C rty expenses MAY 1 0 199't 6 'li .~ When the City Council conSIdered remstltutmg the program for July 4, 1993, It was estImated that - ------ --- - $44,000 would be reqUIred m pohee costs alone AddItIOnal event costs Included $15,000 for ftreworks, $6,000 In CIty overtIme for beach preparation and clean up, and $15,000 for a symphony concert Added FIre Department costs were nom mal ThIs brought the total estImate for 1993 to $80,000 DISCUSSION Instead of remstItutmg a costly regIOnal July 4th event WIth slgmficant publIc safety ImphcatIOns, staff proposes an afternoon commumty celebratIon for the re-dedlcatIon and re-opemng of the southern sectIOn of Palisades Park on l\:londay, July 4 ThIS celebratIOn would afford the commumty a chance to observe the Fourth of July holIday m a manner which would not attract the large crowds from outsIde Santa MonIca which have created problems m past years The Commumty and Cultural ServIces Department proposes to contract WIth Commumty Arts Resources (CARS), the Santa ~lomca-based producers of the hIghly successful 1992 and 1994 Santa MOnIca FestIval The July 4th observance would take advantage of the geography ofPahsades Park encouragmg VISItors to stroll from one end to the other by locatmg small groups of mUSICIanS and other performers along the park's path A central area would be sIted from WhICh the CIty CouncIl and RecreatlOn and Parks CommIssIoners would declare the park offiCIally open ThIS event would be planned to appeal to all Santa )"'lolllca reSidents, Includmg farmhes and semor CItIzens Performmg artIsts could mclude classICal and folk mUSICians. dancers, Jugglers, barbershop quartets and other performers tradItIonally assocIated With Fourth of July celebratIOns The Fourth of July would be celebrated \\'lthm the commul1lty not as a productIon spectacle, but rather as an mtImate event III the park The PIer RestoratIOn Corporatton IS supportIve of thIS type of event on July 4th weekend The commumty WIll contmue to enJoy the small scale fireworks display at Santa MOllica College 2 planned this year for Sunday. July 3rd The combmatlOn of the College and CIty celebratlOns Will provIde City reSIdents With a festIve July 4 weekend BUDGET IMP ACT ThIS event would represent a major savmgs o\er prevIous regIOnal fireworks spectaculars whIle provIdmg the cItlzens of Santa MOlllca With a smaller scale but hIgh quallty event If Santa MODIca produced "Oa\'>'O' s Early LIght" agam 111 1994. cost eshmates are as follows Pohce Costs, $50,000, Beach Mamtenance, $15,500, FIreworks. 515.000. Symphony concert. $15,000, FIre Personnel $350 00. for a total of 595.850 Costs assocIated With the commumty celebratIon of the reopenmg of Pahsades Park would total approXImately $8,000, mcludmg $3.000 to producer and artists, $4,000 m pollee aSSIgnments, $1000 for park clean up and nommal costs for FIre Department and mamtenance aSSIstance Funds are aVaIlable for the proposed celebration 111 nondepartmental account 01-700-274-00000- 7785-00000 upon Council authonzatlOn RECorvlMENDA nON The current budgetary SItuatIOn and publIc safety concerns suggest that a cDmmumty event as opposed to a regIOnal July 4th celebratIon 15 most appropnate Staff recommends that CouncIl endorse the proposed afternoon community event 111 Palisades Park and authonze staff to proceed WIth event plannmg and preparatlon Prepared by Susan McCarthy DIrector, Cultural and RecreatIOn SerVIces y!ana LUIsa de Herrera Cultural Arts Adnlllllstrator 3