SR-6~ ~iEI~ZORAYDLTi~i PLA~iVING & ZONIIVTG DIVISION PLANNING A.`D CONiMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPaRT~~E~T CITY OF SA~1T~ VIONICA DATE: December 14, 1998 TO: The Honarable Landmar~:s Commiss~on FROM: Planning Staff StiBJECT: Landmark Designation :~pplication LC-9$L'~i-0Ol Determination on the Landmark Designation Application for 27 i? Second Street INTRODtiCTIOIvT At rts regular meeting an September 14, 1998, the Lar~dmarks Comanissian re~~ie~~~ed a demolitzon permit application for 2712 Second Street Based on the information pro~ ided in the Historic Resources Inventon-, as well as a s~te vzsit to th~s property, the Commission directed 5taff to preliminaril~~ research this structi.~re's merits as a potential historic landmark ~fter re~~iewing Staff's recommendation to proceed, the Corr~missian faund that the structure m.ents desagnation and filed an application far des~gnauon on October 19, 1998 The Commission again considered the merrts of the application at the No~-ember 9. 1998 meeint. an.d scheduled a dulti° not~ced public hearmg far tnis evening BACKGROL~ND 1~e Landmarks T]esignation application ~s contained in Attaclvnent ~ The applicatian pra~~ides an archrtectural descripnon of the building. an architectural and histoncal statement of significance. and site photagraphs ?,ItiALYSIS Descnpt~on of Structure This shotgun house ~s one room t~~ide, one story~ tall, and se~-eral rooms deep The propertti appears to retain a good le~:el of integr~t~- despite the fact that ~~~indows have been boarded on thzs ~~acant bu~ld~ng The shotgun house in a~~ernacular form af Arrierican building t}pe that resulted fi.,~x~ a synthesis of sources from the Caribbean region. Europe, and Africa Its form «~as adaptable to a~~an.et4- of circumstances unc3er which temporar~ or ~nexpensi~.~e housmg «•as required This house may ha~~e been canstructed truttally as a beach cattage. or may have housed w°orkers assaciated «-~th the nearby rail ar oil industries The shotgun style is recogmzed as an ~ - 1 - r ~ ~.r ~f ~.;' important exampie of Amencan ~~ernacular hous~ng in standard texts inciud~ng Virginia a Lee l~ic~listers' :~ Field Gurde to .~merican Hozsses (1984) (See Attachment B. Report from Janet Tearnen dated September 30. 1998 } Si~mficance Research on this strQngly° indicates that it qualifies as a local landmark under designation crrterian (a)(~) of the Landmarks Ordinance «htch requires that the structure "ernbodies distinguzshing ar~hitectural characteristi~s ~.~aluable to a stud~- of a period and st~-1e, and ~s a unique example of a lustorical n~pe ~n the Crt~~ of Santa I~ionica " The consultant's opinzon is that tt is also eligible far indi~-idual listing m the ~iational Register of Historic Places under Criterzon C. as it "'embodies d~st~ncti~~e characteristics of a ti~pe and penod af canstruction " Landmarks Desi~nation Criteria The Landmarks Commisston permits the Commissian to designate larrdmarks if the structure under consideration meets one or more of the follov~~ing criteria (1) It exemplifies, s~~mbolizes. or manifes elements of the cultural, social, economic, political. or architectural histary~ of the Cm- {2) It has aesthetic ar artistic mterest or ~~alu~. or other note«~orth~~ interest or values (3) It is identified v~~ith historic personages or «~ith important events fn lacal, state or national histon~ (~) It embodies distinguishing archrtectural characteristics valuable ta a stud~~ of a period, st~-1e. method of construct~on, or the use of indigenous matena~s ar craftsmanship. or is a unzque or raxe example af ari arch~tectural design, detazl, or histar~cal t~~pe to such a stud~~ (~} It is a sigmficant or a representati~~e exampie of the ~~~ork or product of a notable bu~lder, des~~ner, or architect {6) It has a un±que location. a singular ph}-sical characteristic. ar is an establzshed and familiar v~sual feature of a neighborhood, communrty ar the City The Landmarks Ordinance p~rmrts the Commiss~on to appro~~e a landmark designauon if findings can be rnade to support at lea~t one nf the s~x des~gnatinn crrteria ln the case of 271? Second Street. Plannrng staff bel~e~~es that ~ndings can be made to support local landmark under designation cnterion (a}(4) of the Landmarks ~rdfnance ~rhich requires that the structure "embodies distinguishm~ arch2tectural characteristics valuable to a study of a penod and style, and is a umque exaanple of a historical t~-pe ~n the Cin~ of Santa Momca " In addition, staff believes that the structure is also eligible for indi~ idual list~ng in the ~ afional Register af Historac Places under Crrtenon C. as it '`embodies d~stincti~-e characteristics of a ti~pe ar~d period of constr~ction " - 2 - .~ -t;~l RECONS11~iENDATIOtiT Pianrung staff belie~•es that the ~andmark designatiori applicatian presents sufficient e~ idence to support landmark designation of the structure at 2712 Second Street as rt meets crzterion {a)(4) of the I.andmarks Ordinance ti~~hich requires that the structure "embodies distinguishing arch~tectural cl~aracteristics ~~aluable to a studv of a penod and style. and is a unique example of a histoncal t~pe ~n the Ciri~ of Santa :vlonica " Attachments A Lanc~mark Des~~natian Application B Public ~Totice C Historic Resources In~-entor5' Statement of Si~mticance F `PL4'~'~SHARE'.L41K`~DESIGS'~Z712Second FinalRepert wpd - ~ - ' °~ ~~_~~? ATTACHMENT F . ~ _~~~3