SR-7-A (48) r- 7A ~. MEMORANDUM PLANNING & ZONING DIVISION LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT CITY OF SANTA MONICA DATE: November 4,1998 TO: The Honorable Landmarks Commission FROM: Plannmg Staff SUBJECT: Landmark DesIgnatIOn LC-98LM-OOl Formal ConsideratIon of the Landmark DesignatIon ApphcatIon for the property at 2712 Second Street INTRODUCTION On October 19, 1998, the Landmarks CommIssIOn filed a landmark deSIgnation applIcatIOn for the resIdence at 2712 Second Street The Landmarks COmmISSIOn must now determIne whether or not the applIcatIon ments formal consideratIon If formal consideratIon is recommended, a publIc heanng on the landmark desIgnatIOn appltcatlOn v.':ill be scheduled BACKGROUND The Landmarks DesIgnatIOn apphcatlOn IS contaIned in Attachment A. The apphcatIOn proVIdes an archItectural descnptlon of the bUlldIng, an archaectural and hIstoncal statement of slgmficance, and SIte photographs A copy of last month's Staff Report IS also attached for reference under tlns attachment At the October 19, 1998 meetIng, the COnUnlSSIOn filed a deSIgnatIon apphcatlOn based on prelumnary findmgs that It qualIfies as a local landmark under desIgnatlOn cntenon (a)(4) of the Landmarks Ordmance, whIch reqUIres that the structure .'embodies dIstmgmshmg architectural charactenstIcs valuable to a study of a penod and style, and IS a uruque example of a hIstoncal type m the Cay of Santa MOnIca'" The consultant's opmIon IS that It 15 also ehgible for mdlVlduallisting in the NatlOnal RegIster of HIstonc Places under Cntenon C, as It "embodies dIstInCtIVe charactenstIcs of a type and penod of constructIon ,. - 1 - iIlI.... '3 ..... .... l; b ANAL YSIS TIus shotgun house IS one foom WIde. one story tall. and several rooms deep The property appears to retaIn a good level of mtegnty despIte the fact that \\1ndows have been boarded on thIs vacant bUllding The shotgun house 15 a vernacular form of Amencan Buildmg type that resulted from a synthesIs of sources from the Canbbean region, Europe, and Amca. Its form was adaptable to a vanety of ClIcumstances under wmeh temporary or mexpensIve housing was reqUlred TIns house may have been constructed mmally as a beach cottage. or may have housed workers assOCiate WIth the nearby nul Of oil mdustnes The shotgun style is recognIzed as an Important example of Amencan vernacular housmg m standard texts mcludmg V IrgIrua and Lee McAhster's A Field Guide to American Houses (1984) Based on these charactenstIcs, the structure ments both City Landmark and National RegIster elIgIbIlity requlIements Therefore, based on the cntena used to reVIew landmark deSIgnatiOns. the applicatIon to designate tlns property IS warranted by the terms of the Santa MOnIca MuruCIpal Code. SpecIfically, tlus property qualIfies as a local landmark under deSIgnatIon cntenon (a)(4) of the Landmarks Ordmance whIch reqUIres that the structure "embodIes dIstmgUlshing architectural charactenstics valuable to a study of a penod and style. and IS a umque example of a lustoncal type m the CIty of Santa Mornea" The property IS also ehgIble for mdIvIdual lIsting In the NatIOnal RegIster of HIstone Places under Cntenon C, as It "embodIes dIstmctIve eharactenstIcs of a type and penod of construction .. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ThIs property meets the reqUlred deSIgnatIOn cntena for CIty Landmarks Therefore, Staff recommends that the Landmarks ComrmssIOD determme the deSIgnatiOn applIcatIOn ments formal conSIderatIOn, and schedule deSIgnatIOn publIc heanng for the December 14. 1998 Landmarks ComnllsslOll meetmg Attachments A Landmark DeSIgnatIOn ApphcatIon F \PLM'\SHARE\LMK\DESIGS\98LMOI WPD - 2 - '~ '1 ~UJ;:J