SR-6-L (60) 6 L FINA!~CE:CMD.REB:DRC\BURMA November 28, 1995 Santa Mon~ca, Callfornia STAFF REPORT NOV 2 8 1995 TO Mayor and Clty Council FROM: City Staff SUBJECT. Recommendatlon to Conslder a Resolution Establlshlng a Pol~cy for the Clty of Santa Monica Prohlbltlng the Clty from Conducting BUSlness with Companles Who Do Business ln or with Burma INTRODUCTION This report provldes lnformatlon and a draft resolutlon for City Council conslderat1on regardlng a Clty POllCY prohibltlng the purchase of commodities produced ln Burma (Myanmar), and proh1bit1ng dOlng business with any company and individual who does bus~ness In Burma or with the mllltary government of Burma. Two exceptlo~s would be allowed: a) a person doing buslness in Burma for the purposes of news reporting; and b) the Clty Manager determlnes that the commodity or 8ervlce 18 necessary for the efficient operatlon of the City, 1S necessary for the health, safety, or welfare of the public and no comparable product 1S ava1lable, or the comparable product 18 not avallable wlthout substantial flnancial loss to the City. BACKGROUND On July II, 1995, members of The Burma Forum (a Santa Monlca- based group of citlzens) addressed the Clty CauDell regarding human rlghts vlolations by the government of Burma. In reaction to such vlolatlons by the Burmese government, a number of 6 L NOV 2 8 1995 companles have dlvested themselves of all ties to Burma In addit~onl several publ1C agenc1es (includlng Berkeley [adopted], Madison Wisconsln [adopted] I Seattle, San Diego, State of Massachusettsl and Universlty of Washlngton [adopted]) have adopted or are conslder1ng adopting polic1es for divesture from BUrma. The group urged Santa Mon1ca to adopt a resolutlon establ1shing a POllCY prohlbit1ng the City from purchaslng commodlt1es produced in Burma or from dOlng bUSlness with compan1es dOlng business in Burma, lDcluding bank1ng and lnvestment serVlces. In response to the lssues ra1sed by The Burma Forum I Clty staff was dlrected by Council to reVlew this matter and present information to the Clty CauDcll. DISCUSSION To obtaln a :lSt of companies WhlCh are doing business 1n Burma or w1th the m1litary government of Burma, staff contacted the Investor Responsibllity Research Comm1ttee (IRRC) in Washington D.C The IRRC lS well respected ln the area of soclal lnvesting and was a maJor source of lnformat1on and aid to the Clty and other entitles ln formulatlug South Afrlca policies a number of years ago. Their f1ndlngs are consloered extremely rellable as the lnformatlon 1S verlfied wlth corporat1ons dlrectly and monitored continuously The IRRC has rece1ved several requests for data regarding Burma from other sources and has compiled a prelim1nary l~st of companles wlth 1nvestments and/or employees 1n Burma. Staff has also conducted a prelim1nary analysis of the impact that a Burma divesture policy could have on Santa Monica operations The detalled results of th1S prelimlnary analys1s is attached includ1ng affected compan1es wlth which the Clty lS d01ng bUSlness or has recently done business. This analysls will be updated as additlonal informatlon may be obtained. This prell~inary analysls lndicates that the maJor lmpact of the POllCY would be related to the purchase of diesel fuel for the Clty bus fleet and other Clty vehlcles. All producers are elther doing bUSlness in Burma and/or cannot produce dlesel fuel that meets low alr pollutlon standards. Under these condltlonsr exceptlon to the proposed Burwa policy would eXlstr and staff would seek dlesel fuel from companies that could meet the requlred alr quallty standards In the area of lnvestmentsr the proposed polley would have a minlmal lmpact on the annual return of the Cemetery and Mausoleum Perpetual Care Funds. The Clty'S outslde lnvestment manager of these funds has estimated that based on current market condltions, the annual return to the two funds could be reduced by approximately $3r500 annually on a prOJected return of $225,000. Additlonally, there could be a small lmpact on poter-tial appreclatlon of the funds Howeverr City staff and the investment manager will atterrpt to mlDlmize the posslble impacts by pursulng other prudent investments. The p~oposed policy combines the best features of the adopted policles of the cltles of Berkeley and Madlson as well as the POllCY proposed by the Burma Forum The Burma Forum has revlewed the proposed resolutlon and concurs wlth staff's recommendatlons. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACT The proposed resolutlon provldes for an exemption from the terms of the dlvestlture POllCY when the partlcular service or commodity 1Dvolved are necessary for the efficient operation of the CitYi the health, safety, and welfare of the publici or when no comparable product is avallable, or the comparable product 1S not avallable without substantlal financlal loss to the Clty occurrlDg. Staff believes that ~he financlal lmpact of thlS polley would be mlDlmal, and any change that does occur will be reflected in the FY 1996-97 Budget. RECOMMENDATION If COUDC1I agrees wlth the polley directlon dlscussed in thlS report, staff recommends that COUDC1I consider the attached resolution establ1shlng a POllCY prohlblting the purchase of commodlties nroduced in Burma (Myanmar) I and prohlbltlng dOlng bUSlness wl~h companles and indlvlduals who do buslDess In Burma or wlth the milltary government of Burma. Prepared by Attachments' Mlke Dennls, Director of Finance Ralph Bursey, Clty Treasurer Pam Wortham, Purchaslng Agent Davld Carr, Asslstant Clty Treasurer Diane Howell, Buyer Prellminary Analysis of Impact of Proposed B~rma POllCY on Clty Operations Resolutlon of the Clty Council of the City of Santa Monlca Establlshlng a Policy Prohlblting the City from Enterlng into Contracts for Personal Services with those Who Do Business in Burma (Myannar) and to Prohibit the Purchase of Commodlties Produced in Burma or Provlded by those Who Do Buslness lD Burma or with the Military Government of Burma (/) z o i= ct a: w c. o > != () 2 o > t) ...J o D.. ct :2 a: ::I a:l o w en o c. o a: D.. LL o l- t) ex: 0.. :2 LL o en en > ...J ex: 2 <t > (% <( z :2 ...J W a: 0.. (i) (/) (,)+-' "- r:: lo (\) 0... E "'01:::"- a.l lo 0 +-' c.. '+- C ll.) :::)"'0 (/) :l o (/) Z o I- <C a: LlJ 0... o >- I- U Z o I- U <( 0... ~ (/) .8 >- (I) (\) (jj" Cl:l+-' E~-CE OC)-oX o lOa. Q) 0 "- +-' "- lo Q) (,) c.. 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Q)'Ouco cco- ..cQ)....0 I- > o.U \ , FINANCE'MD.RB DC\Burmare CaUDCll Meetlng of November 28, 1995 Santa Monica, Californla RESOLUTION NO. 8966 (CCS) (Clty Councll Serles) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA MONICA ESTABLISHING A POLICY PROHIBITING THE CITY FROM ENTERING INTO CONTRACTS FOR PERSONAL SERVICES WITH THOSE WHO DO BUSINESS IN BURMA (MYANMAR) AND TO PROHIBIT THE PURCHASE OF COMMODITIES PRODUCED IN BURMA OR PROVIDED BY THOSE WHO DO BUSINESS IN BURMA AND/OR WITH THE MILITARY GOVERNMENT OF BURMA WHEREAS, the milltary government of Burma has been condemned by the Unlted Nations, the Unlted States Department of State, Amnesty Internatlonal, and Human Rlghts Watch for persecutlo~ of lts cltlzens and other human rights abuses, and WHEREAS, the mll~tary government of Burma has denled the ma]Orlty of ltS cltlzens the right to particlpate in the pollt~cal process, to benef~t from the system of ]Ustlce, or to exerClse econOffilC rlghts, and WHEREAS, the impositlon of strong sanctions by lndivldual munlClpal governments lU the Dnlted States can be effectlve In helplng to encourage the development of democracy In Burma that will respect the fundamental human rlghts of all of its cltlzenSi and WHEREAS, the citlzens and the government of the Clty of Santa Monlca reflect a community united In its commltment to I J pol~cies which guarantee broad human rights to people throughout the world; NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA MONICA DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1 Deflnitlons. A. "Personll shall mean any individual, f~rm, partnersh~p, corporat~on, assoc~ation, or any other organ~zation or entity, however formed B. "Mill.tary Government of Burmall (also known as Myanmar) shall mean any publlC or quasl-publlC entlty sanctioned by the State Law and Order Restoratlon Councll(SLORC) operatlng w~th~n Burma, lncluding, but not l~m~ted to municlpal, provinc~al, or other goVeynlng bodles operat~ng as a proxy of SLORC lncludlng all depa~tnents and agencies of such bod~es, public utlllt~es, publ~c fac~llt~es, or any nat~onal corporation ~n wh~ch the publ~c sec~or of Burma has a f~nanc~al ~nterest or operat~onal responslblllt~es. C "Personal SerVlces" shall mean the performance of any work and shall also lnclude the making of dlrect loans, lnves~ment counsellng, underwrltlng, providing brokerage serVl.ces, or actlng as a trustee or escrow agent. ~ "Comrrodltiesll shall include, but not be limlted to any supplles, gcods, vehlcles, machlnery, or equ~pment. SEC~ION 2. ~he Cl.ty of Santa Monica shall not enter lnto t any contractual agreement for the prov2sion of personal serV1ces with any person, 1ncluding parent, subs1diary, or franch1see, who is provid1ng personal serV1ces to the military government of Burma. SECTIOK 3. Any person contract1ng w1th the City for the prov1s1on of personal serVlces shall be requ1red as a mater1al cond1tlon of any such contract to st1pulate that said person does not and w1ll not provide personal serVlces to the m1litary government of Burma unless and untll the people of Burma become self-goveru1ng The provislons of this sectlon shall apply to renewals 0: eXlstlng contracts as well as to new contracts. SECTION 4. The C1ty of Santa Mon1ca shall not purchase any commodlty that lS manufactured or produced 1n Burma, or produced ane rranufactured by any person who buys, sells, leases, or dlstr1b~tes commodltles in the conduct of business wlth the mi:l~ary government of Burma untll the people of Burma have becoTe sel:-govern~ng ln the determinat10n of the Clty Councll. SECTION 5. Any person contracting wlth the City for the purpose of provldlng a commodlty to the Clty shall be requ~red as a mater1al cond1tlon of any such contract to stipulate that the commod1ty offered for sale 18 nelther manufactured nor produced ln B~rma, and that the person, lncluding lts parent, franchlsees, and Subsldlarlesr does not conduct bUSlness w1th the mllltary government of Burma. j SECTION 6. When sollcltlng blds and proposals for personal services or commodlties, the City of Santa Mon1ca may require from each bldder or proposer elther an aff1davit dlsclosing or documents eV1denclng the extent of the person's contracts w1th the mllitary government of Burma. SECTION 7. Upon a flndlng by the Clty of Santa Mon1ca that a person has knowingly vlolated the contract stlpulations descrlbed ln Sectlons 3 and 5 above, the City shall cancel such contract. The remedy establlshed by this sectlon 18 not exclusive and shall not supplant any other remedles establlshed by law or contract. SECTION 8. The prohibit1ons of this resolutlon shall not apply under the follow1ng cond1tlons: (a) The person offer1ng ~he service or commodlty 18 operat1ng ln Burma for the purpose of news reportlng or publlshlnq. (b) The City Manager determlnes that the special characterlst1c8 of the part1cular serV1ce or commodity offered by the person are necessary for the efflcient operation of the C1ty or t~e health, safety, or welfare of the publlC and no comparable product 18 avallable, or the comparable product is not avallable wlthout substantlal flnanclal loss to the C1ty. The C1ty Manager shall notlfy the Clty Councll of any and all approved exceptlons to the POllCY ~ Sectlon 9. The Clty Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolutlon, and thenceforth and thereafter, the same shall be In full force and effect. APPROVED AS TO FORM ~ V~SHA JO MOUTRIE Clty Atto:::-ney Adopted and approved thIS 28th of November, 1995 !qJ~ Mayor I hereby certIfy that the foregomg Resolutlon 8966 (CCS) was duly adopted at a meetmg of the Clty Councll held on the 28th of November, 1995 by the followmg vote Ayes CouncIl members Abdo. Ebner. GenseL Holbrook. O'Connor, Rosenstem Noe~ CouncIl members None Abstam CouncIl members None Absent CouncIl members Greenberg ATTEST ~~ ~"^t- CIty Clerk