SR-6-E (94) 6~ - NOV 1 " CM:=P:3::D?:staffreD.~~b Santa :"~G::'lca , ~ - - '~a~~t o.::r:~a CO"J'lc1l ~fee"[l::1a : ~:"/=-4/95 To: ~"'~a.yor . ~ t C - CLC L~ Y cc~c~~ :.:rcm: Clt\:" Staff SuDJect: ?eccrrnendat1cn ~o Adcp~ a ~esolJ~lon AL~tcr1z1r:g the ,~- -...,. ---- ---:i l1ar:.a;;e.:: to SUDn1:: 3:ld ::::xeCJte !....se~ Chl ?ec\-:-cll:::C: aicd - - :-Iousenold ::aza::dct.:.s {~2ste Gran:: ADDl1catlons CiS App~op'::~2::e tc ::he Cal~=or:l~a I~::egra1:ed Wa5::e r1ar:a~enent Boa::c. :::ntroduc::::..on -='t15 report .::::ecor.rler:ds ::r..at the C1::Y CO.;]~Cl =- adoDt ~he attacr..eo res 01 "Jt::..OCl a'JthorlzlL.; ::~e 21 ty ;'Canage.:::: t-.---. 5'-.::01'n t. and exeC'J::e L~-~ '-~ ~,;::::.......... c~l rec-:lcl1r_9" and hOJsehold ~azardo~s waste :::Ira:1:: ap;:l::"cE:.::':"or'_s, as apprcpr1a":.e, ~~ ::1'.e C:al:- =c:;rr.~a :::n tes;ra teci ,Jaste 1.'Ia;"12{jerne~ :: 3card. 3ac'<q~ou::1d C-Jrrer:t=-y, the C1::j c:?erates a perrranent HOLse~c~c ~azardOJS ~1~I a. s-:.e , HE'" - 1 t f2C.:..2.1"Cj ava~':"a:Ole tc. San::a t'Ic:-:~ca reslder..ts free I~ ... ...i", : CQ~ ec :"8r: of cnar{je a:18. to .::::es~de:1ts of se'Jera_ surrO".}r..d1:-:'C c~t::..es 0::-1 a f~~ for ~se baS1S. SC'al':" bUSlrl2sses =-ccate:i ~n SG~~C MC~lca ~~y alse; ";1Se tr:e ':2C1ll::Y en a fee .:cr se::'Jlce baSlS. Ir.. c.ddlt1c):-:, res.:..de:J.ts :f2'! "Cla:::e .',::::::::',"-" no::cr C1_ ar:a. f~':"::ers :.n~::;: aDo:::-o~rlat.e .......'-"'---........ - - - con::a2.ne~s ana olace :::!'".:sn ~.i l t_l cthe:c :cecyc':"ab~es =o~ ct:~r's~ce- P-1 c:.kl=-P_ Tr-:e , and f'___-t:ers co' lee-::: ed c;,:rDslde 2re brought tc tr~e ~.. - :-!::'''~ ccl1ec~lcr.. = a c ~ =- ~ t '/ fer reC}:'c~l:-~g . ~~ese co~~eC~lO~ ~rcgr2Ts ~e1p ~o er_su.::e tha:: H Hij.; ( lr.c.!.'Jd:..r..g ::Ll; lS no:: ~n?rcperly c~s?osec 6E NOY 1 ,. 1995 . of 1n tl:e 30:10:::1 l-;a S t e s::rean cr dL:rL~eo l~ a .s e ~,,"'JE: r ~-~ sto=rn dra':":1. ~- C::"SCUSS1on SLa:= has =-.:ien -=1 = 1 ed a s"[c:.e :undl~1S; source ::0 ::2..~l:l-:.a-=e lnpJ..errtenta::.:..on of p.lbl::..c eQUca-=':"'8:-~ aC"L1-7':" tle s c-..s -r:.~Je ~_ as to lnc=ease co...:..._ec-:.:...oI"'.:. oc::::::crtun.:..::.::..es =or reSlc.en-cs "1 :-1 e 2c.=-:;..for::lla Inte-gra::ed 1t.J a s := e LVi a ::1 a ge::r er1 t 3card {C ='i'!;L-~B ) c:E=ers gra:"l ts -co local gover:1rrer:.ts -co e:1:la:!ce eX':"S::l::O :Jr8;rrams t~a:. address ::r_e ::::rocer :r:a:1agernent 0:: -Jsed otl:er ' . ld r.a.z2.:::dous ~"a 5 t e O'>er Ol~ ar:.o _~c,use.:-_c . -che pas:: f~7e j?ea.::-s, ~~.Q Cl t:l r..as app..:..:..eG for a::a ::"ece.:.. '\red se'Te:l '- _.:.. '-" 5 "JCe1 g=a:-1ts -cot:.al1Clg S142,705. These =er:cis have Dee:--l used to cO~ld"Jo:::: ': COI'1D.:::-e:1e~Sl TIe .:..r:forr3 tlc:--_a::" cc..:rr:a.:.gns, -:C) p:..:.rC.:lase 011 col_eC~lC:1. contalners f~~ d.:..strlcn":'::l.cr: =~ee 0: C-=-la~':;.e to Sa~ta -~- 1'1O,,-:::'C2 reslde::-:s; -~ vnchase C',.d lns::a':"::" r:.eT....] b~l::..Doa=d-type 51g::1S -~ fer C~=- -:""f:l tras::. t:::ucks, ::0 host c. Soctl:er~ Cal:::.for~la ~e'g=-onG.=- Fcrun en .T - Ol~ ?ecyc::"2.ng, ar:ci -~. s.u. "0DDr t ::he o-::Jerat2-0:l c.f t~e :-[1.\', L;sec ~...., ccl~ec::~o:1 =:=:r- - -.i.... -~-----.f. The Ccll=orn~G. :::C1.::egrc.::ec.i ~!"Jas::e Eana.;eTec :: Boa::--ci 'CHavIS -j P'la <;;. e s g:::ants a,ralla'ole O:l a year~~i CcS1S. Ea.CD ?rar:t app_.:..ca.tl-on nus:: ~r:cL.lce an aDDro"ed reS8......1J.t:::..C.:"""1 f:::on ,--.. CC:.l:--lCll auttc:c::"zlng ~-~j sc.b:r=--ttal c:f tt..e g::-cm:: a;;-;::_:...ca -::=-0::1 a:::a 1denLJ.=YJ.~g the =--r:dJ.v:..c.c.a':" a'.lt~1or 1 zed to exeC..1::e all :1ecessar-:/ a:pp1.:.... ca t=-c:--~s, co::::racts, agreerr-e::1ts ar:.~ aner..cne::1ts to carrv" cet -:':--.:.e CbJ2ctlves spe==--fled l::! 2 ::~e ap?::"':..catJ.o:!. Ir: ::"':..e~ ~= s~brrl::tlng a gran::-s~ec1f:..c res01c~:..on ','il t~ eac:.:1 gra:1t appl1c3tlon, t~e c: n':IvIB ::..s :::-eO"cles::::..nJ tia.:: q::-an:: ~ - app~lcants SUb:r1t G. S=-~1C...:...e resclu::1on wtlC~ actto:::-lzes all 01.1 2.::1Cl }-::IT;i grant a~'p..L.::...ca :'l.O~lS . Lus reso~ut1CC: "f!JGuld 82 "';_7 al2.. ci ::or -:....'LiC. ye22:"S aeld :::-esc.b:n::..::::ed to C =- :: \.' CO"Jc+c1l :cr ~ene~~~al after +- '.... - -I- y _let c. per1cd. F.:::opt::"O:1 of ::.'l2 att2.ched reseLl tlon i~~T=- _....:.. S3tlS::V :::'.1 s re:::r'::'lre:Ler::: . F123f'..Clal/Bcdge:: ::::rpact F'..lt:..lre c'-1dO"e::. l:rcact w:.._l c.:::::cc.r 2-::' L1e -:.::..ne o~ar:.:: = 1..:.:"1 d5 e.re 3'"arded. Sta:f 15 tma~~e -~ est~na-:.e f"-lL.:.:::-e :O"cldgec: 1mpac:: ci ~.1 e -.~ ~J -~ tr"2 V3rY1:!g ~rpO:..l::ts .---,-,- -:.he ai~.ra=':::lS ~~ Re cc,rr:.:ne r: -da t l-O~.i Sta::f reC-:.1es::s ::n.at t::e C1 ty CCU:-1Cl~ .actop-.: U"_2 2t~32hed =eSO~~~lO~ a "..1 tior 1 Z 1:19 the C1tv t~ar:age::- to S -...1.or-1 -: and execute used ~:)ll ::::-ec:/c_l~lg ar:.d :--_c~se!--_o~ci hazard8".lS ,-,as::.e qra:1t ap:?l.::..catlor..s, as appropr1ate, co ::.te Ca::"'::..::cr:11a In-cegra teci :Ja.ste Ba:1agemer..:: 3oard. Frepared by: C: r a =- -:J- ?e::::.-"'<;:::..r..s, C::..~eC':.or of Sn "l rO:-lmer..:: a 1 G._ld PUDl::..:::: "~8rks ~.'Ia~~Ggerre:1 t Br::..ar: Johnscr., Sr: '.: =- .=o::::rer: =:. a 1 CClo~ci=-na-:.cr Debc:::-at 0 ?a.p:J.ae_, - - Analys-:. .::.-:,""_1' 1 reYETen ~2_ - ....... EPWM:CP:3J:DR:c~wTb.res C...ty Cou:1Cll l'1e et u:g 11-14-95 San::.a 1'1onlca, Ca.:....:.fo~r:..::...a R~SOLU~IOK NUM3~R 8957 ere: (C::..ty CO'..l:1Cl':'" Se~.::...es ) A RESOLUT~ON 0: TEE CI~I- COUNCIL Of TEE CI~Y OF SANTA ~ONICA GIVING AUT~OR~ZAT=O~ FOR TEE SU31'n~TAL OF OIL RECYeLI~G GRA~T A?PLICATIONS TO THE CALIFOR~IA WASTE MANAGEMSNI BOP-.RD. rl'iE::::REP.S, the people 0= che State of Cc;.l L:cell 2 r:ave erla.::':-:'ea ~~e Ca.:....::...~orr:.lc;. all Recyc':"'lr.g E~hancemer:t Act ~ha~ p~ovlae fur:.ds to clt.::...es a~d COU:1~leS =o~ estanllsh.::..."g a:1G nalr:.tal~~r:.g lccal usee 0'::"': collec:.::...on :.:Hog~ams ::.ha"': e~cc-u~age ~ecjlcll~g of app~o~r.::...a':e dlsDosa':'" 0: used 0'::"'_, anc {;\,iHEREF...S, ::.:1e :al.:.forr:.la Integratec Waste Xanagerrer:.t Boa~d has beer~ cie~egated ~he respcns.::...b'::"'~lLY :0;:- the admlI:lstra ::lC1 of -r:he p~og~a~ W.::...~hl~ the 5ta::e, set~lng Jp ~eces52=Y proced~res goverr:.lng appllc2':lO:-1 by coltles a!lQ Co"..:::t::..es .::...n the prc-grarr; a:1d ~^Jf.r=:F2F_S 1 -::he aDDllca;:,:: ,......::..::...:... en::e~ .::...n::c a~ agreemer::. y,;=- "'C~ -:~e Sta:.e 0:: Ca~:":clrnla for develcpr[;eL~ 0= _he proJec:.; ~\1 m'J , THEREFO?E, tje Clt~/ CC=...;.::C~~ 0= ~te ~l-=:/ 0:: Santa !vIon.::... ca does resolve and p~ocla.::...m as f c.llc-~"ls S~CTI8'1'-J - A"...l~~CrlZes the s"...lbm~t::a~ of g~a~t app':"'lc:a::lons - tc tr:e Call fo~r_.l.a Ir:tegratec. v~ a s t e :"ianagea'ent Beare. for Ci.....:...._ ava.::...lan':"'e grants under the Ca~::..fcrnla C.:.l Recyc~.l.~g SnhaLCeITe~:. Act ~~~ aJ...':'" a val~ab2.e Em-; aran:.s u:'lde r Call=crLl.c. I~tegrated Waste ........- :'1anagel'ent l>.ct IC<~::' tr..e pe~.::...oci of titlO .=- 2 'i ~lears ........ SECTICH 2 ':::'he CF:Y Ivlanager 15 ~ereby au::ho2:2-zeci anc empowe~ed to exec~te ~~ t~e haTe of ::he C~::j cf Sa~ta ~o~lca ___ ~ecessary ap?112a~lcns, ccn~rac::s, paymer.t re~~es~s, ag~eeme~ts a~d anendmenLs he~eto =o~ the D~=Doses of secJr~ng g~a~t f~~ds ~nG ~Q 1mp~enent ar.a car~y o~t the ?~rposes sDeC1=~ed 1~ ::,e grar.:: appl1Ca1:1.0n SEC~ION 3. Ite C1ty =ler~ sha~~ ce~t~=y to the adopt1or. 0= ::hlS Reso~ut10r., a~d ::hencefc~th and ::he~eaf~er ::he sane s~a~l be lr. f~ll fo~ce ar.d effect. AP??OVEC AS ~8 ?O~M: ~ 4 ~ ~ , .' ! i~' i, i" ' J; , / ...../.; / J.~:..--'- _~ 1_ ~ (,J l' ;....<-r; j~. v__ I.- t. { . Lct" MARSEA uCN~S ~00TRI~ C1tv Attorr:ev 4 _ , Adopted and approved thIs 14th of November, 1995 /aJ~ Mayor I hereby certIfy that the foregomg ResolutIOn 8957 (CCS) was duly adopted at a meetmg of the CIty CouncIl held on the 14th of November, 1995 by the followmg vote Ayes CouncIl members Abdo. Ebner. Genser, Greenberg, Holbrook, O'Connor, RosensteIn Noes CounCil members None Abstam CouncIl members None Absent Council members None ATTEST - ~~~ ~~cl- CIty Clerk l .