SR-CC/PA-2 (5) , tc,/PA - z l-'~ (' A ~ 1993 L'. ,. RM JPM:JM:sI (12/07) SR 1214 Coun~IMeeung: 12J14~3 Santa Momca. Cahforma TO. CIty CouncIl and ParkIng Authonty FROM: CIty Staff SUBJECT: Recommendatlon to Approve an Attendant Parkmg Program m the Downtown Parking Structures INTRODUCTION ThIS staff report recommends that the CIty Council and Parkmg Authonty approve an Attendant Parkmg Program m the SIX downtown parla.ng structures ThIS program will convert the structures from the eXistIng metered parkmg system to an "exit pay" system WhICh mcludes attended parking booths and central pay statlons The report also recommends that the CIty CouncIl mtroduce the attached ordmance amendmg Sectlon 3.16 210 of the Santa Momca Mumcipal Code to prOVlde for attendant parkIng m the parkmg structures. and that the CIty CounCIl approve the attached resolUtlon settmg the parkIng rates. The report further recommends that the Cny CouncIl appropriate funds m the amount of $650,000 for the purchase of eqUlpment and capnal Improvements necessary to Implement the program. BACKGROUND The CIty of Santa ~omca owns and operates the SIX parlang structures whIch serve the Thud Street Promenade and adjacent commercml area. The facdmes were bUllt m 1967 and proVIded free public parking untIl 1987 when parking meters were purchased and mstalled and a parkmg fee was msututed. For the past year concerns have been raIsed by the BaysIde Distncl CorporatIon (HOC) and the Restaurants and Merchants Associations regardmg Issues of customer servIce related to the pubhc structures. Concern has been expressed that the parkmg meter system IS mconveruent and that enforcement of overUIne parkmg IS a negative that may tngger customer dlssansfacnon WIth the area. AddIllonallssues mclude vehIcle security and personal safety as well as the general DEe 1 i 1993 celPA - 2. , condItIons of the structure In an effort to evaluate these concerns, the CIty hIred the firm of WIlbur SmIth AsSOCIates (WSA) In May, 1993, to assess the feasIbIlIty of convertIng from parking meters to a more "user fnendly" revenue control system such as attendant parkmg. Along WIth the WIlbur SmIth feaSIbility analysis, the firm of Meyer, Mohaddes AsSOCIates conducted a parkmg utIlIzatIon study as part of the parking analysIS update for the BaysIde DISU1ct WhICh prOVIdes utIlIzation charactensUcs and duration patterns for the structures. The Meyer Mohaddes study indIcates there are a total of 3,128 parkIng spaces III the SIX structures. Of the total spaces. 2,480 are metered spaces, 512 spaces are leased to pnvate companIes. and 136 spaces are restncted to penmt parking only from 7 00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. daIly except Sunday. There are also 1,044 unreserved permIts sold on a monthly basIS wluch may be used at any metered space on the upper levels. The current meter rate IS $050 an hour; reserved parkmg penmts are $65 a month and unreserved are $40 a month. Dunng the weekdays, peak parkIng occupancy occurs between 2.00 and 3 00 p.m when approximately 569C of the spaces are occupIed The weekend peak penod occurs between 9:00 and 10:00 p.m. Saturday mght when approxunately 67% of the total structure spaces are occupIed. DISCUSSION The WSA study focussed on a number of key Issues that would determme If the converSlOn to attendant parkIng were feaSIble These mcluded the phYSICal mspectlOll of the structures to determme any phYSIcal IImItaUons of convertmg to a pay system that would reqUlre controlled entry/eXIt gates. attendant booths, computer eqUIpment, automated SIgns, and office space to accommodate the central computer control and manager's office. The eXlsrmg traffic cond1l10nS on Second and Fourth Streets were reVIewed as well as the lIDpacts a dIfferent revenue control system may have on traffic flow wIthm the structures and the downtown area. The study performed a finanCial analYSIS of the current meter operaUon as well as expense and revenue projections for a 2 new revenue control system. WSA also reviewed parkIng customer needs and expectations and evaluated alternatIve systems of operatlOn as well as potentIal parlang fee schedules. The analysIs compared parkmg rates charged at off-street facmues m the BaysIde DIstnct III addmon to surveymg parking operatIons for sImilar commerctal dIStricts CIty staff and WSA worked closely WIth an Ad Hoc Parkmg CommIttee created by the BDC Board that mcluded representatIves of the Restaurants and Merchants AssociatIons As the group began to meet and dtscuss the Issues, a set of shared obJecnves emerged wmch call for a parkmg program that would. o emphasIze convenience and customer servIce, o enhance vehicle secunty and personal safety, o serve as an mcentive to attract shoppers and VISltOrs to the BaysIde DIstnct, o meet the revenues generated by the eXIstmg metered system. The process by wluch the AD Hoc CommIttee and the BDC Board came to itS decISiOn on the recommended program mvolved meetmgs and dIscussIOn over several months. A WIde range of options were consIdered WhICh slowly narrowed to the recommended program that was approved by the BDC Board at itS November 18, 1993 meetmg. PARKING PROGRAM There are two components to the recommended parkmg program. the operaUon and the rate schedule. The followmg dIscussion Will address the Issues consIdered and the key factors that detennmed the recommended program. OPERATION: WSA revlewed two types of pay parlong revenue control systems The followmg bnefly descnbes the two systems: 3 (1) "Exit pay" system regulated by entry/exit gates and attendant booths. The driver receives a tuned tIcket from a ticket dIspenser when entenng the facIhty and pays an attendant m a booth the amount owed for tune parked pnor to exttmg the facIhty. (2) Central pay statIon (pay-an-foot) system regulated by entry/exit gates. The dnver pays for parkmg at a central pay statton located mSIde or near the parkmg structure The motonst walks to an automated pay stanon where he/she pays the parla.ng fee and receIves a pmd exIt parkmg tIcket. Helshe then dnves the vehIcle to the exit and mserts the pmd tIcket into a tIcket receptor alongsIde the eXIt lane that opens the exlt gate The recommended operational system combInes the "exit pay" system of attendant booths m each of the six structures with a central pay statIon located on each block of the ThIrd Street Promenade ThIS combined system prOVIdes all the benefits of each of the IndIvidual components and YIelds greater advantages by vrrtue of the chOIce It provides to parkmg patrons ThIS system wIll be computenzed. The advantage of computenzed parkIng revenue/access control systems IS that they offer opportunItIes to maXImize revenue through control eqUIpment and also proVIde operatlonal flexibIlIty and Increased servIce such as trackmg occupancy and automatIcally tnggenng "full" SIgns. WSA has determmed that the parkIng structures could accommodate the new revenue control system and parkmg attendant booths aSSOCIated With the "eXIt pay"' system There WIll be some phYSICal changes reqUIred as part of the mstallatlOn wlnch Will result In a hmIted reductlon m parking spaces, not to exceed four spaces per structure As shown III Attachment A. the recommended layout shows one entrance lane and two exIt lanes. Entry gates. tIcket dIspensers. and card readers would be pOSItIoned In the entry lane to allow for three velncles to queue off the street mSIde the faclhty_ POSItioning the attendant booth near the street wIll accommodate a three vehIcle queue space III the eXlllane. The second exit lane will be for pre-pay parkmg patrons. These could be monthly penTI1ts, lease penmts, and those who pay at the central pay stanon on the 4 Promenade. To further control access to each facIlIty the rear alley eXIts would be closed WIth gates that would allow access to emergency vehIcles The poslllve result of restncllng vehIcles eXITIng Illto the rear alleys would lessen vehicle/vehicle and velnclelpedestnan conflicts in the alleys. The "exIt pay" system IS supported by the Santa MOllIca PolIce Department for the addmonal controls that It WIll introduce - entry/exIt gates, parking attendants III the booths, closmg the alley eXIts except for emergency velncles, and having an on-SIte parkmg faCll1ty manager The mam reasons for adding the central pay statIons on the TInrd Street Promenade IS to ensure that the system will be "user fnendly"' and to mmImIze queumg at the exit lanes Members of the Ad Hoc CommIttee VISIted severallocatlons that feature central pay stattons and were extremely Impressed at the consumer orientatlon of the pay-on-foot machmes The Ad Hoc CommIttee determined that the central pay statton has clear mstructtons and proVIded tImely asSIstance to patrons when the push for help button was used The appeal of these maclnnes IS that It gIves the parking patron a chOIce about whether to pay m advance and exit through the automated llcketlcard collector lane. or to pay the attendant at the eXIt booth at the nme of departure The central pay statIons are recommended for mstallauon on the Promenade rather than Wlthm the parkmg structures at dus tune SIllce they will be more convernent to pedestnans and have hIgher VISIbility on the Promenade. Central pay statIons may be added to the structures over tIme. RATE SCHEDULE: As mdIcated above. the obJecllves of the program seek to emphasize customer servIce and attract shoppers and VISItors to the dIstnct willIe meetmg revenues generated by the current meter system As part of the finanCIal analYSIS. WSA determmed the expenses and revenues associated WIth the exisllng system This analysis became the base hne by whIch the expense and revenue proJecuons 5 for the new system were measured There are several vanables that determme the rate schedule the hourly rate dunng the day, the potential for a flat evenmg rate, and the montWy permlt rate. The AD Hoc CommIttee agreed that a flat evenmg rate should be msututed that would allow VISItors to pay one rate after 6 00 p.m for the enure evenmg. WSA developed eIghteen rate scenanos that vaned the three rate components. These scenanos ranged from an hourly rate of $0.50, flat evenmg rate of $200, monthly reserved permIt at $6S/unreserved at $40 (comparable to the eXISung rate system) to an hourly rate of $100, flat evemng rate of $3.00, monthly reserved permIt at $7S/unreserved at $50 at the hIgh end. As the Ad Hoc CommIttee revIewed the rate scenanos and learned that there would have to be some adjustment of the current rate system to meet the revenue neutral obJecuve, It became apparent that there are tradeoffs in adjustmg the three components. The group determmed that the key to makmg the new system successful IS to keep the day rate low enough to encourage retail shoppers, hmIt the Increase for monthly permIts to a modest amount that would not adversely nnpact employees and office tenants, and allow the flat evenmg rate to nse to a level comparable to the rates charged by off-street faciliues m the area The recommended rate schedule is as follows: Day: Two hours free parking (8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.) $0.50/30 minutes thereafter Evening: $3.00 flat rate Permits: $50/month unreserved Currently, reserved penn it spaces are located on the fIrst level of each structure. As part of the Amencan WIth Disabilities Act reqmrements, the first level spaces will be made aVaIlable for handIcapped parkers and WIll no longer be reserved for pernut holders The Parkmg and Traffic Engineer has recommended that all penruts be sold on an unreserved basIS. TIns change IS 6 consIstent WIth the effort to enhance the "user fnendlmess" of the parkIng structures and elImmates some of the confusIOn about where and when someone can park The first come. first served system IS more eqUItable and SImpler to admmIster and enforce. It IS also consistent WIth the permit program ill the CIty'S surface parkIng lots. The BDC has expressed support for the contmuation of the reserved permIt system and has requested that a limited number of reserved permits be made aVaIlable In each structure PARKING PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION The converSIOn of the metered system to the recommended "eXIt pay" and central pay statlons system is expected to be a sIx-month process. The reqUIred steps will include Coastal CommIssIOn approval, the deSIgn and procurement of the revenue control eqUIpment. the engmeenng and construction of the structural changes necessary to accommodate the system. the mstallatlon of the parking attendant booths and eqmpment, and the selectIon and contractmg of the parkmg operator The estimated costs for the purchase of revenue control eqUIpment, attendant booths. phYSIcal changes to structures. and the removal of parkmg meter heads is $745,000. ThIS amount mcludes engmeenng and technical assistance to Implement the conversion BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACT As millcated above. one of the objectIves of the program IS to meet the revenues generated by the current metered system The fmancial analYSIS. as shown III Attachments B and C, conSIdered all operaung costs as well as prOjected revenues ThIS analYSIS millcates a net revenue loss of approxllTIately $300,000 as compared to the 1993-94 projectIons under the metered system However, It IS expected that the two hour free parkmg WIll serve as an mcenti ve to retml shoppers and wIll serve to generate an Increase in retall sales tax revenues. In addItIon, the Improvements In customer service and management of the structures are expected to result in higher usage that will likely match or exceed the revenue projectIons for the metered system. Adjustments may be made 7 -- . to the rate schedule over tune If revenue proJecuons or retail sales are not as anuclpated. The one tune capital costs associated with the Implementauon of the program are esumated at $745,000. This includes revenue control eqUIpment ($553,000), attendant booths ($42,000), physical changes to the structures ($75,000), removal of parking meter heads ($25.000), and engineenng, techmcal asSIstance. and contmgency ($50.000). Staff IS recommendmg that funds in the amount of $650.000 be appropnated from the Mall Parking Levy Account 01-000-000- 00000-9870-04703 to CIP Account 01-720-263-20094-8900-99048 to fund these parkmg Improvements. The balance of funds reqUIred ($95,000) is aVaIlable in the Bayslde Dlstnct Improvements CIP Account 01-770-263-20094-8900-99044. RECQMMENDA TION Staff respectfully recommends that: I The Parkmg Authority approve the recommended attendant parkmg system for the six downtown parkmg structures, and, 2. The CIty CouncIl approve the recommended attendant parkmg system for the SIX downtown parkmg structures, and: 3. The City CouncIl mtroduce the attached ordmance amendmg Secnon 3 16210 ofthe Santa MOllica MUlliClpaI Code to proVIde for attendant parkIng In the parkmg structures for first readmg, and; 4. The City Council adopt the attached resolunon setung the parkmg fees for the parkmg structures, and; 5. The Oty CouncIl appropriate funds m the amount of $650,000 from Mall Parlang Levy Account 01-000-000-00000-9870-04703 to CIP Account 01-720-263-20094-8900-99048. 8 Prepared by: Jeff Mathieu, DIrector of Resource Management JudIth Meister, Asset Manager Attachments: A: Proposed Parkmg System Layout B. Fmancial AnalYSIS of EXlStlng Metered System C FmancIaI AnalYSIS of Recommended "EXIt Pay" System D: Ordinance E' ResolutIon 9 . ATTACHMENT A - --.,......, - - k _ i' , ~ '- , I- ' I I ! ' : / : -" " --:x. -." -........,,---- ,., .~ ---", ~ -,',-"" ~!'~ ~ ... - ".....L -- " ~ ~ " · - f~~,~.. /,_ ,~' . , ~"'\- " >" '/./ .1 )'" ; "',' . '. '- c' c, "c. " " ,_ , '. 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'0"','.._ .>AC ': . ....-. m :. ,~' , __".:' .'". ~~ -- =-='<"'1__ \!vSt\ . . , ATTACHME~'I' B . . CITY OF SANTA MONICA THIRD STREET PROMENADE PARKING STRUCTURES ANALYSIS TABLE 1" EXISTING PARKING METER REVENUE CONTROL SYSTEM BUDGETED ESTIMATED EXPENSES FY 92/93 flY 93/94 Citation proceumg Contract [1} $65,165 sg',365 Police Depat1ment - Enforcement [21 S202.884 $211,150 L A County Citation Processing [3J Collection Fee $216.29<: $216,290 AdminIstrative Fee $110.99C $0 Meter Collection $56,571 $56,571 Meter Mamtenance [4} $77,286 $77.286 Repairs/Uti htles/Custodlal $840,3n $673.978 SliICunty $397,06Q $41 1,:)88 Elevator Maintenance Contract $'2' ,500 $121 500 Meters Amortized RepaymQnt [5} $56,8'9 $56,S,9 " Total Expense $1,944,951 $1,918,047 REVENUES [6] Meters $1,900,000 $1,900,000 PermIts S820, !565 $620.565 Leasss $47,770 $47,770 Citations [7l $863784 $1 ,280,646 Total Revenue $3,4~2,0!)9 $3,848,981 Surplu../{[)Qflolt) $1,477,146 ",g:J2,G34 NOTeS (lJ :lornon of City contract.o omcess oar'1<ll"lg tickets wntten ,,!he Thlrl:l Street PrO/TlQnade Str\.lc'!\..mlls On July 1, 1993 'he City aSSl.med 81dm'nlstraeve adludlcatlon 01 parl(lng !::lt8.Con process fro..,., i.. A County [21 Parl<ing enforc9lTl8m expense es.lmated by the City oOliC8 DepartmenT [3: Elimination ot collect-on ;~ In F:V 93/94 rQflQ.C"~ that tn. CIty assu,'nes admlnlwatMI at:!Judlcatlon July 1, ' 993 [4: Meter manwnanaa for the :2,616 me'e"'S IS eSlmated at S29 42 per meter annuaLly [5' Amortized repayment of parking rTu!lter purchase It wlll be zero In FY 96m [6: Revenues a.'"G Gother actuai r.po~ed 'Igures or estimates r'lade by ltle City Flnanoe Department (1' In~ase In FY ~/94 rl!!lfrtc.s the July 1 1993, parking fine Increase from $'3 to S2B per tlcloi;et W;;/xII" SmJriJ A8sociBtW November 17, 1993 . . ~ . . ATTACHME~T C CITY OF SANTA MONICA THIRD STREET PROMENADE PARKING STRUCTURES ANALYSIS TABLE 2: RECOMMENDED PARKING PROGRAM BU DGETED ESTIMATED EXPENSES ['1 FY 03/94 FY 94/95 ConlTaoted Operations [2] $505.432 5525,849 Revenue Equipment Maintenance $15,000 $1 ~,eoQ Repalr/UtJlltles!Malnt.nanoe S673,978 $700,931 Sewnty 5411,088 $427,.332 EleVator Maintenance Con'J'acl: $121 ,SOD $126.360 Met81"9 Amortized RliloaymCW'lt (3] $56,819 $56 819 Revenue Con!I'Cl EquIpment [41 $553,000 $0 Attendant Booths [51 $42.000 SO ~hyslC8J Changes tc Strudup-s j6J $75,000 SO !=I.move Parll:ln!jl Meter l-fQ8ds [7] 525,000 $0 Total Expense $2,478,817 $1,852,897 REVeNUeS [8] Parking Fees - Day [91 $1,866,569 $1,800,500 Par1<mg Fees . Ever'\lng [101 $643.645 $843,645 PIlll1Tllts $708.000 $708,000 Lra.... $47 770 347.770 Parking Meter S81l!l [1'! $0 $C Total Revenue $3,465,1184 .$3,4&,.984 SurplU8/(Deflcll) 5987,167 51.813,081 Pariang Tax Expense [121 S346.598 $348,598 NOTES [11 AU -P815-. excll4l'l mSl.lIf rep&.'fmenr ~nd one-!lIT1" coew. ..... Bl;clIl~ lit fOI.II' pOf"QlMlI per lIJ"Inurr Sourc. CI'Iy FIIIllnGll 0e;IIIItmel11 12] Pnv.tB aperllloo' oona-aot with 'a<lIht... rnonrtorftd M9n<lay t""''''lih San..rd..y 9 OO..m tt:. Mlcll"tl(lht alld al,ln<:i&y l! DC II m < r,j idnlgllt [3] Amorllllld '.~ym.nt 01 parltil'lg Meier !)Uranu", It wil bll ~o In fiY 91W1 [4] EltfltnaNll' purch4lHJ~talhUrO/'T or 8l/I' ~av" _<Ml contro; ~1Itlt far _Ix w~ll.IfN and Ihr_ e~ "Day-on-foot"' ..tatlOns for tBO Promenllae l~] Eatlmal..t p..rchM. 0' slK p.r1o;,"'Q o<IhIndam boottw Foe 811111", M"",ell (8] Ishallld ooet to in.tall boot'lS. ,....... al1ev llllltl o;~tnc:al Wlll'~, rafurblllh N1d QUlfl1111 msnagow'. offl~ cn.n;e exlst"'{J ~nd n_ 81Gfl1, and 'neJdun181 conv.rllon 8lIpenses 171 Cock to r.",~ u.ung meter huc1s. pOI... wn rwn~ln In place 16. A_null Nllmlltvd .t $O.5Q130 mln 'rom 8 00 II m to II 00 P m lU\a Elf $3 0() per ....nlol. frQm & 00 P m to Midnlgl"II R8V<<IUe liIll1im.m1d pel' manth tor ~".,.,rts as of ~uIy 1 ,1993 1.1 80 un~ P'lfM1Ia for J!V W194 .t NO/morrth [Q] R8IrenUI!l ....t1mld8d on II day flQu'ly n.te from e 00 a.fOI 10 ~ 00 <'1m on an e.allmatecl 2,924.479 day !loura plIIKed AlI.o II1Clucled '. II 30 ~ r.auotlon Of day hO\j~ par1f;ec1 due to twO how. 011ree PIll'lCltlQ ThIs reduclJon _ be.....; 01'1:1' ,,'16 of t'1e total v..nleles p<<t;"ng for 1wc MloIts or less I:>ftweeft II 00 Ii m ...d Mlclnight. of which eo 7">1 p6rk for two hoUIlI or :ea8 b__n e 00 1\ m and 8 00 pill :101 Roovenue _t1mlltAd Ial' pel vutoltOl<l O"l281 21 ~ ""enlf1\ll;;lI,/lI perKlld 11 f r RevenU41 tt'o<<t may Ill! rMlllIlo' trom me tutur. 'Ul/e <at the palfHl1g ",_ hi unknown 11 2] Cdy parking tal,; IlOIp.... for nOI"-meter8CI off....trset parillng spec... at 10% qf total revenue WIlbur Smoth Aa.cciM_ Novemll4r 17, 19113 = -~- ~~ ~~~-,,;-- ~ - -",- CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 14, 1993 ITEM # RA-3 Redevelopment Agency Annual Report 1992 -1993 FILED IN CITY CLERK'S OFFICE SUBJECT FILES: 413-001