SR-9-B (28) .. ~ 9-B , \ MAR 2 2 199It 1 LUTM:PPD:SF:PC:JF f:\ppd\share\ccrepart\~Qrelle= Cauncll Meetlng: i~arch 22, 199~ Sar.ta I"lonlea, Callfornla 'Io: Maya~ and Clty Councll FRotf: C:tv staff SUBJECT: FeCOTIL.Tn2r:clat::.or: to AGap:: a Sesolutlon DeslgroCit.lng the Earthq~ake Recovery ?ed2velop~ent Survey Area for Study Purposes INTRODUCTION ThlS repo~t reCOFY2:1CS that ::.:i2 Clty Cour:.cll take actlon to lnltlate 'Che stc.c.y 0: a pcten::::.2.2. redevelop:ne~t rrQ"""!ec:. area and J plan tha-;:: T.....o-J2.ci alio'.", t!12 C::.t'.; tc uL.llze ta:: ::.ncre~Ler:. t :: .~r..C1S ::0 aSS1S:: lD tlle rebc.::.2.dlr:g c: ~ropertles iarrc.ged by t:::'e Northrldge earthqua\e and. funci urban oes::.gc: ::.~:crovern,2n t s In cOTIlInerclal dlstrlcts. ?he prOJect ~ould ~rcvlde a flnar:.clr.g ~echar:.::.sm ::0 funci spec::.flc rebu::.ldlng and pJ8~lC 1 Inp. ro,reIP er.. ~ efforts, ar..d 'it-'o~.:.:d r:.ot lr:c:iucie ::n2 a1.lttor::.ty -~ ~.lse em::.T.er:t GomaL-: for proJect _v lmplemeLtatlon c.ctlv::.t:es. BACKGROUND The appllcable portlon af the CCrLTTlLr::. ty Rede"".relopment Flnanclal Asslsta:1Ce a:1Q Dlsaster ProJect . .... T T e~lac-=eo ::':1 196~, T.l'.las ....;...JC1-ra... f or~gl:1ally deslgned =0 ass:st ~:=~ dlsas=ey ~e~~ef efforts for the Clt:y of Crescer..t Cl t"\J after :r2.=c~ cia:'1age result:.nq- from a tldal Tl'-la"r-.J2. The Statc.te prcvldes t[-~2. t a .2~ ty' O~ CO~Lty :nay estab~::.st a redevelopmer:.t proJect a~ea :: the area has bee~ c.2clared a dlsaster - HAR228 q-/3 . . - area by tie Gove~~cr of the SL&te and the P~es~dent of the GL~teQ States. In order to establlsh a proJect under ttlS S~atute, a c.:ty or cour.ty mus': 2.dopt an orcilnance that aDDroves a ~edevelopment plan ac.d proJect area. .....' Cl~Y 0: 1Jh1 t tler adopted and ~!1e lrnplemented s~ch a pla~ short~y a:~er tee 1987 Whl~tler earthquake, ano the Clty 0:: Sar.:.ta Clar~~2.. c~as JUs': rec:e~_tl~./ c.do-o-:ed a:: earthquake recovery rede~JelcpmeLt plan .:..r: respo~se to -.:c":e Northrldge ee..::-:hquake. Glven the extent 0: da~age 1n Santa Mo~.:..ca and the sITall propor':lon of propertles covered by prlvate e a rthq'..l3 ke :":1SUra:1CE, toge::ier wlth the llF-=-- "':atlor1S 8.:1 -:~e -..:se :):: State a:1c ?ederal furcc.s, It ::..8 essem::lal that the Cl-='l lder.~l=Y (3.1 ~e~~aLl ~Ie fU:1Glng sources for E2..rthquake recouery. Ta~~ lLcrerr.ent reven"..le frem 3.:-:' ear::hqL:ake rellef redevelop~ent proJec~ may be used for 3 varlety of recovery purposes, lnc~udlng. 0 Gra~-=s and/or loa~s for the rehabl~~tat:..o~ 0: res:"Qe~-=lal ar.d ceITlrnerclal structures; 0 ?er~ab1ll::a ~10=-: aLe:.! 0:: cons::ruc:::..en 0:: af :"crjable h.ouslng; 0 Certa:..r.. 102.::3 to b:.s:..r:esses, 0 Ir.'Drovements to V.lb 11 C lnfrast::;Jct'Jre a:1d fac::..2..:..t.:..es, l:1c~udlng ~rDa:1 deslgn l~prove~ents to cubllC streets. 2 , . Although redevelopre~t ~YP1cally l~vclves ::.~e 'Jse cf ccr..c.el'lnatlon pm-Jers through the exerClse c= e:r:.r:ect doma.:n~ tr.lS TJ'Joc.ld :1ot be the case w1th the earthquake rel1ef redevelopmect proJect. State Redeve::'opITlent La''': sets forth spec:.flc procedc.res for estab~lshH:g a redeve~op~e~~ pro=ec~ 1:-:' general a~d an earthquake rel1ef proJect 1n part1cular. In order ::0 comply 'N 1 th t!lese requ1rerrents aCG de::erml:-ie the appropr~a::e para:neters for the redevelopmen~ pro]ec::, sta::= lS reco:r,:nend1:-:g the fo::'lovnng precess: 1) Adopt ?edevelcpment S'Jrvey J'xea: Redev2_opme::t :"a',.; reGl..llres ::.hat ~he ~eg1slat1'!e bOOy 2.QOD-:= by reso'="c.t':C:1 a survey area from W:'::~l:-: ~h1C~ the redeve:cpnent proJec:: area :;..s se=-ected. 1[-"e p-c::.rpose n-C ':.~ie S u.r--:.]'e T..J a~ea -- to help J_ deterrnlne U:e feas::.b1l1 ty of estar<:.lshl:1g an ea::-tt'J~c.ake ~e~:.ef proJect. Under the 2-2.'.." the f1nal pro=ec~ area ray be sTIaller tf:an tf:e survey area D~:: ~ay ~o:: expa~d Deyo~d the boundar1es of tte s ur~,Te~:1 Grea. rr"j--., - ..... - - .:mportan": ~hat ::~e lnlt1al L i -'-.......;:;J , - ~ -- SUI'"';.re:{ a:rea c.e as b~oad as pcss1ble. F1gu:!'"e I.,. of :he a~~achei :!'"esc~~~~cn shm..,rs "C..'le survey area as reco:rnmended by Cl t::{ Q+--~+ 1.::..e s:lrvey a:.:ea boc..r:dar:.es "'-"!..-c.....;...:.... general'="y dellneate the areas ~......here 2:"'eo- ana ~/e llu;",~-::agged bu::.ld:.~gs (that ' -, ~'leav1ly , .. 1>: the lS, :::;'-1': _cn::-'_gs oarragea Nort~rldge ecrth~~~~e' --.-,.-r.. cou::er_t:!'"a tee. ~~ese co~~dar:es G._I::: are purposefully br::Jad l'" crde:.: to a~ ~O~{'-.;' t~e c~ t ~l :Taz.:.:'1c.-:'l 3 , fleXlb1l1ty In Select1n.g tf:.e f.:..na~ proJect aY"'~ bo...:ndar1es. .i..>.--d The bounda:rles encompasses rr,ul ::1- fam1ly d1S1::Y1C::S for ~ho .......i........... purposes of reslden::.:..al rebu1ld1ng 2.nd m~ - n-r conrercl2.1 corr1dors and dlS"::r.:..cts fo:::: -cje ?;Jrposes of add:.ng urban deslgn 1mprove~e~~s lrL or,:ier e~ja~ce co~~erc:.al reCO'J2ry and vlabll1ty. The study area excludes the eXlstlng redeveloprrent area at Santa MODlca Place lD downtown Santa ~onlca. 2) Issue N::H:.::.ce to J1.ffec::.ed -=-az::":1g A.ge:1CleS, Sta::e Board of Equallzat:.on and Countv Audltor-Contro~le:r' Tte lssc.:2.~Ce of - ~ a notlce to these age~c.:..es has varlO~S p~rposesl one of vJhlCh lS to ::..:n tla::e p:::-epar 2. ~ =- :::~l 0: 3- 32.se Year f:..sses S::Len t F~ c , . I : Repor-t by tje S::2.::e E-c2..::::-=j 0': Ecrc.allZ2.t::"Or: and :'11e .:=ourlt~l Aud.:..tor-Co~::roller. ?te Ease Year Assessren:: Pel I 2epor:: wlll provlde ::ne p:rope:rty tax l::format::..or: tr:.at T..:::..11 be use.j t.o estlITate 1: a :.~ :.ncreme::.:: reven'..les under the proposed redevelop~e::'L proJect. 3) ?repare ::lsc2.1 ]l~ria 1 j!S -=- S I::. order r~ ar:.a::'yze potent1al '-v ~ revenues fr-cm the redevelopment proJectl 3~2.ff ~s recoITJer:d~ng pr-epa:rat.:..on of a - - ana.LYs~s. -:'he ==--s::::a'=" analysls -r",J:"~~ rlsca~ ezamlne base vea:::: prcper:y 2.ssess:rents ar:e. pC.1.:e:1-:'lal r!2hi developme2.:: In ~ne sr.lr~Jey area ::0 :Ie cerI'1.:.. r:e pcss~cle ::.::~::-e tax lnc~exent reven~es. ThlS f~sca~ a~a~ysls w~:l be carrled out by ccns~l~2.::'::s. ~POL conc~~s~c~ cf -:rie ~ - .::ina 1 ":/S lS, :lSCc_ L, , It wlll be tYar:.s::J~tteci to :::e affec:eci '!"""~v"""""""'rr ager::Cles in ......a...~_..:.J.'::;: compllance 'AIl th Pedevelcpre~"C leaF. 1\ Draft Re deve 1 opnen t D-~~. Staff >^J:' 11 draft the -:! ) _..:.c:.u' redevelopment plan for reVle'id a::J.d conS1de:r-at1on by Councll. The draft plan ',..all l::clude the follow1ng lssues: 0 A dra:-: 0: a la::d "...:se plan; 0 An outllne of proJect flnanc:ng; and 0 Corrtp':'et.:..or: ():: ~rar:o:.:s legal steps. 5) Repo:r-t to Clty Councll on Redeve =- ODIf.en t P 1 an/ll..dop:: 10:1 HearlIlgs: A repo~t OL tte proposed redevelcpren: plan mLS~ be SUbITltted ~o ~~e C1 t~l C:Jl..:r-LC~==- fcr ccns:dera:~on a~c of=:c:a: act:lOD. Thls reDO::--:' 7LG.S t address c: .:'"1 e rea.SC!1S =cr, and flnanCJ..al U:a.bll1:V ef, -=~e proposed r 28.e"f1e lc.pme~:: pro] eet. By ':"aT...: I tl:e repor~ must address tl:e fo ':"10'.;1".:..n9 :.ssc.es: 0 A descr1ptlon of Lhe spec1flc proJects and programs proposed to ~e lrpleTented oy tl:e 2art~quake rellef pro:; ec-:; 0 A~ 1mplemen~atlon plan that oescrlbes :he soec.:..::c gc.a.... S a:lQ o:C]ect:ves 0: -r_~ ..li-ge::c:/, 1:he spe-2l f 1.2 ..........t_ p2:oJec::s proposed by ~ie Agen8Y, an::::! a. proqra..r of act::.ons cud e~.:pend,-- tures ::'0 De :'lac.e ";: ::~ln the rl.:::'st f - --~ vsa.rs u_ -:r--ie r=:rc-] ect 1 - ... '- 5 , 0 The p~oPQsed ~e~hoj 0: f l:-...a::c~ng t:-_e rejeve18pment e:forts; 0 A pla~ for ::~e developITe~~ c.ni flnaLcl~g of hous1ng fo~ far~~les d~splaced DY the ear:~qua~e, l~C_'..lC:'Clg ~cw and mode~ate lncome ho~se~o~ds; a::ld, 0 A s urL"'1ary of tl:e base j;-eay roll assessme:lt report provlded by the County Aud1tor-Contro::er; Pi publ1Cly r~(Jtl ceO. hearlY:..g be::cre the Cl::Y Co~~cll/~edevelopmeLt Agency ~ust also be held to conslder the proposed Redevelopxe~t P:a::l, :~e report to tte CO~Lcll o~ the PIa::, a::ld :estlfficny =egardlng adopt~on 0: . . -:ne D_an TIMELINE In order to :'lake .~ TeGL~c:rf1..:.~ CO':1 t r lb',: t.::.. OL tc t.:.!.e =lc1anc1al recovery effort, 1: 13 lmpcrta::l: ~c ~n~tlate :hlS ear:hq~ake rellef proJec~ as soon as poss~b~e. ~lth ttlS l~ rl~d, staf: proposes the followlng schedc.-=-e :or eval...:e.::lor:. 0= proJect feas.:..blllty and adoptlO:l ot ~::e DIan {ac::lv1tles requ~r.::..::g Clt\' Counell (II Ce") a::ld/or Redevelop::cent F.i..g-enc~l :" "?.J:."" ": actlon are so r.oted \ . The schedu:e lS a '}ene1::"a_ o~t=-~:1e ~~a~ Tay requl~e adjltlonal steps. I} .n.do p :: S:..:r':le:l l<-,-rea (Cef y~a~c~ 22, :'994 2) Notlces to Iaz:l::g J'..ger:c:ces (?....~) Beglnnl:1g 0: Aprll, 1994 3) ?lsca: J1.naIysls rS:a~:) Ene.. 0: l'.p::r.::.. 1 , 1 aq' ..;......./....'1 4 ) Prepare Sra:L ?=-a~ (S-:a:=-; , - - .. ~ c.. -2t 11 Ena CI .'-'.9::-:-1":', __-,,-,,"i c I 5) Draft PrellITlr.a~y Report ~~a Y I 1994 (revlewed by ee} 6) Counc::..l Revlew/Adop~lon Hearlng ~aYI - 0 G ,1 -J____li (CC & R.u.. ) BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS The potentlal flsca1 unpacts of the proposed earthquake relle: proJect wll: be eva~~ated and repor~ed to the Clty Courrcll when the plan lS presented to Councll for offlclal act::..on. HOY-lever, lt 18 expected -.:nat t~e :..rr,pacts "'llll be beneflc:..al ll": tha:: the Redevelopmer:.t ?':"an ~"Tlll proc.:c:..de . - tax lncrement ~es::::-1J.rces "C~rcug.:l f:..nanclng to pay =cr rebulldlng efforLs. Staff wlll a~so p~rs~e ~o the fulles:: exter:.t pcss:".Q~e ,;.;ietjer the development and lmplementatlon 0= the redevelopment p~an ca~ De Yel~b~rsed through FE~.Jl.. . STAFF RECOMMENDATION ThlS earthqua:<:e re::'::..e: p~c:;ec-= tas .....' potentla::' to provlde the '_ .:l e Clty wl~h slgcllflcant fucds to sc.pplere::_:: SLate and Federal resources l:O ass::..s"C In the post-eartr.quake rebulldlr-g efforts. :::t 18 recommended tha:. ~l1e C~LY Co~r:c.:..::" adop-c the at::a.ched ?esolutlon Deslgna~lng ~~e Eart~qua~e Recove~y RedevelepTent S~ruey Area fer S~~dy Purposes so that the Clty May exp:ore the pccentlal that such a re:lef pro=ect w~gn~ o::er. Prepared by. S'..:zanr:e Frlck, [:::.recco:- Paul Casey, A~tlng Se~lor ?la~~er Tad ?ead, Assoc:..ate ?la~~er La::d Use and ?raLspcr~a~lcn X~nagement De[artment . AttacnI!'.ent A: Resol"'J.t~o:1 ar:.d Na'0 Deslgna-clnq the Eartr..quake Recovery Redevelop:'1er;.t Survey pJ..rea for Stl.J.dv Pc.rpcses Q u ~ . ATTACHMENT A .. , ;- -------..---------------. n,! I i ft]7 ~ i--... : .' ~l ---' . , '~ ~ii ,i ~I , I . ~; ; I . i ----'----' ; '1 ; :---------------,. ~.,- - ~ , .~o~-:;Jb " i ; i '~ '----, ~,Q -- I ---.----j" "-',---, r-; I '~t:l, -" I - .. '~81, - " - - - ' , I - ~- - ; \t=tc .... , ; .~R! ----'"' - ~~1;.. '---' ~ S ~......J-::... .., ~1-- - ';] -.1- f- - ~ '-- r- '1 ~~ i , I i I. ;I,~. t--- I ,1 II'L I " . ";-1r:-' ." I ~.:-:~ - '---I!~~ "_ - ... . l;::::t::o. . ,. ~I'::::j:::;. Pi _ ~j!s=lQ . /~fJ,~~:'i,I!, I - - - ::- f----;-\_, ,.',~.. ,I I ..1 ~\,~~ I' ' " " '-" I ~ . I " -', "~$f"1 _ _ ~_--; ",.--'~".\ ,~- 'f ~~\\'. \ '.\ _.:' ~.~ --I - '. ~, . - Ci:9" - '. . , ~. . ':<< - , - ._~- . ';~v~, 'I.,", . ~\"~ . l ' :;j\\\ I . ......., ....~ '.~~ . "r I "~ r '~ 'G;'~ - --,- I ~,-.;;: t I ''"'-' ~ I I .f::1 -- I I "t:: '...., , I. 7 I ~ I -" - - i- I - - . -- ~, , r-'I .- t: 1 c , I \t I .- i I I I i ~ - -'~ ~ :.....------- ~ . ,/ RESOLUTION NO. 8739 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA MONICA DESIGNATING THE EARTHQUAKE RECOVERY REDEVELOPMENT SURVEY AREA FOR STUDY PURPOSES WHEREAS, the CIty of Santa MOnica. on January 17, 1994, expenenced a devastatmg earthquake that resulted In sIgmficant damage, affectmg the phYSICal, SOCIal and economIC well- bemg of the CIty; and WHEREAS. the CIty CouncIl of the City of Santa MOnIca desires to desIgnate a Redevelopment Survey Area wIthm those portlOns of the City affected by the earthquake and ItS aftershocks, for purposes of study to determme If redevelopment wIthm saId area IS feasIble. and \VHEREAS, the CIty CouncIl of the Cay of Santa MOnIca. pursuant to SectlOn 33310 of the Cahfomta Health and Safety Code, IS authonzed to desIgnate such survey area; and \VHEREAS, mformauon has been presented to the CIty CouncIl mdlcatlng that the proposed redevelopment survey area requIres study to determme If redevelopment withm satd area IS feasIble. NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL YED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA MONICA AS FOLLOWS SectIOn 1 The CIty CouncIl hereby finds and determmes that the reCItals con tamed heremabove are true and correct. SectIon 2 The CIty CouncIl hereby tInds that the area descnbed and shown on the map attached hereto as ExhIbIt A requues study to determme If a redevelopment project wIthm saId area is feaSible . "" < " SectIon 3 The CIty CouncIl hereby desIgnates the Earthquake Recovery Redevelopment Survey Area for purposes of study to determine If redevelopment wIthin saId area IS feasIble. the boundanes of whIch survey area shall Include and descnbe the area shown on ExhIbIt A SectIOn 4 The City Clerk of the CIty of Santa r..-fomca shall certify to the passage of thIS resolution and thereupon and thereafter the same shall be In full force and effect APPROVED AS TO FOR1\l ~~/v;dU~ MA HA 10 MOUTRI~ CIty Attorney t \ppd\share\re<;o..quake94 2 ~ -~ -'" --....-~ -- - ~--~ - _ ___..... __ ___ _ .. ~:... _ _ _ ~ ~_ ..... __ .... _ L _ _ _ ~ "'" _..... -0-_ :";.~:-_~';' .,~- ~~ ~r "..,Iilil"i-,_~.-,~ la""""_-__"""'"""~ -___'"J!'5< -~~_..".-__ ,'j "- -- . f p . Adopted and approved thiS 22nd day of March, 1994 tit ~;(, ayor I hereby certIfy that the foregomg ResolutIOn No. 8739 (CCS) was duly adopted at a meetmg of the City Couned held on the 22nd day of March, 1994 by the followmg vote: Ayes. CouncIlmembers Abdo, Genser. Greenberg, Olsen, Rosenstem. Vazquez Noes. Councllmembers Abstam. Councllmembers Absent. Councllmembers Holbrook ATTEST ,~~/M~ ~ City Clerk / - -