SR-072396-6G - 6G EHJH: CP: T'I: J:! F:\EPWM\AD~=K\hPD8CS\S~A::PPI\FEERESC JUl 2 3 1996 C01..:rlC2.1 t:leetu:.g: ':u2. ~l L.5, 1996 Sa~ta :..']or_:"c2, C2._lf0r~:..a '-'n. Yl a yo:::: ane Clty C~8uncll .;..v. FRC~'l : C:..ty Sta== SCBJECT: Reco~JenOa~lc~ to Aaoyt Reso~u~lO~ Estab~:"S~l~g or p,:Lenci.:..ng ?ees =or CertalP.. ;'Ja ::.e.:- a:1ci :laste',,,ater Ser,,:rlces IKTRCClJC~ICK '1'1:.:..s staff report ::::-ecc::r.:rer:.ds t:1c :: the r~ -'.f C\:Junc:.: adoct ~h2 -- -j attached resolutlO:1 es~ab~lshl~g or 2menal~g fees fer Cer~c.l:: .....ate:::: and itJaste'da::er serv.:..ces. BACKGROU::--J:J Or" December 12, laae. t:-"e Cl t}~ C::c..::.r..cll acootec C::::Q.:..na~ce 1836 ................f (CCS'j '''::llch a cicieci and aI""er..C2C certa.:..n seC-:-l.or:S of the S2n~-3. ~:Io:'nca Mc.r..::"clpa~ Coce relate_DC] LO trJa te:::- and "Jas te'v:a ~e:::: se:C";..T~ces .. Several of t,,- sect.:..o~s ~~~e~e ane::ldeci to ellm.:..r..ate ciepos:..::.s S:lci - - '=' a~lci~T fees to be se~ a:1d a:renced cy reso::"utlOr... Tt.e a~':ached resclutlor: eXl stl:'_Q fees fo::: se'..;er pe:::-:r.:..ts, l' re-'Ilses m.:..sce ..La:leous types of s ETtJe ~ conne.::-::1C:1S, tempora.:::-y ',";2. ~er se::-~T:..::::e, uncoutr:o::::-:..zeo. ':.se cf r:..~e ",ydrant f 'J~lrlete :::-ec;. ",,; a. -:.e ~ l'C::~ d2'T'a:;e t8 shu::-:of::: LA-~-....., val ves, ::--e-establlsh.:..n9 ael:.:-:guen~ accoc.nts, ::e3:'1[::; ',.;ate:: ILete::s and deposl~s. T'...;'o ne',.; fees to De set by t~us ~eso~ ".2~lDr: lnc_uae ~ ::ee =cr tes::'ln9 WaLer p:::-essc.re at 2. sl:.e, 0:::- "flre r:yci=an:: flev' tes::, " 6G ~ - JUL 2 3 1996 arcd a late c:'.arqe f~-r c.e_1Dq~ent c,cccc.r:ts ~- DISCCSS=O)J E2.ny of the :?2:.^opcsed fees se-t: by the a-:-:'ac~ec. ~es,~_'--2-=-l8r. ':12. 'ere r.o-=. been upci.ated for ten Dr mo:!:e years Tje ::;rcDosed fees are based on actt:.al ave~aae cost.s :=0 the ~l-=-\l. In add1t1or.. :=0 t:.pciat.:..nCJ ::ees, a __ate charCJe for del-,-nquer.t accounts lS ?Je1Lg esta:Ol1sr..eci to er_c O~.1~ ace C1..::.s:=c:rers to pay W1 L'12.r:l ::lnrty days as stated 0:1 the :.nll to a'7c1d tte exper:se of co=-=-ect1on a2.~:" T...r=.. -:les. c::-~== recomme!'.ds t~a-= a '::l9- late charge, ........___ClL_ ~ ~ sHular ::0 other age::c1es sucj 25 Los A:tge-=-esT ::e-oar::7:eY"'11: 0:: ~l"~a ter a:1d POv,e::::: e.nci C1ty of Torrai_ce, be assessed 31 days 2.fter the date of t1-- c. b1ll on a~y unpa~d balance. r:'!--oLe =-ate ::ee Yl c. -: .1~ " --- be 1rrplemented untll - - C"..lstone~s a~e pro?erly ~O~2.f1ed ar_8.. a. G.__ grace per1cd has beer: gl ver_ tc cle2.r "..IF pas": dc.e balar:ces. A legal not1ce 0:: -:r:e prc?osed =ee ::":-lcre2.Ses ~~,~ a. s ;;:;.ucl1sr..e:::i 1:-: -~C;. - -~ Outlook on July 0 a:1d "::-1.:1'1 1 r 1996, as req1...:'lred :Oy la-':""i. ..J .:. tl , BUDGET/FINANCIAL ::::-1 PAC'!" T~e 2::'eVen'Je lnpact of the a~-c::=-"J e fees i"ras 1nc:!. "clded In t~e =:y 1996- 97 Aco:;Jteci Bucigei:. ~~le reveCi'...:.e lm'.:J 2. ct 15 as fo:l.lcn',is: 2 Ct:~re~-:. ~e"'...:"'lSec. ,'ia~er Fees ....':::'0-;;:: '.-'la:-lq e CO!lrie::-cl~l Sales S9,2~€,362 $9, 3~6, 1=-'::1 c, ~9,-:~e ... ~25-50J-671-JJOJJ-J23~-lCQ~8: \',ater - '-il.s::: Nor: -cpe::::a ': ::-:;q" (25-50J-f71-JJOOJ-J235-1CJCC: =-12,'40 1:"', -':8 =1 SrC~J ".ater Eeter - Ser"c::-;:::e; :::::.:OL"l:" (25-508-671-C80C8-0236-~CJ:C~ ---:-.=;, :'2"C 18j,~j5 I;::::: ,40:; Total ~'~ater 59,4-:'4,12.2 S9,6~:T3.e5 Sl~3,2:~3 So:"ld ~'-'as::e G~~~~ge/Refuse Cc~lec~l8~ $9, 3C.C, -:(;0 59,351,8J8 ~ 51, :"J8 !2;-~CC-441~80CCO-C~5C-~J~CJ~ ~';~as-:e~"late:-- Se~e:::: SerUlce C~arges ~ - ~.r- - ,--., r-. :::8, .:.::;;:, ~=: -:;, ~'12 ;:::;,~L:Jr-==';;::~ ~ [31-5JO-66~-OJJCJ-C~6~-~~C0~i ?E Cm'llV:EN DAT = ON _L- lS recoru,ended tt:.a~ t:Je Cl"[V Coun:::ll 2.dcpt "the -3.t"tcched reso~ut~on establl S:llr..g =ees fer cer~aln wate!:" and '.'last e...;2. ~e r serVlces. Prepared by: Cr:::ug Pe!:"KL;.s, =.::...~ectc= -of E:--_ 'v'l rC:1rnen ::c._ ar:c ?u:O~:c.c ~~orks 1'1ana-gerren t Cd:.r: ~.lunc.y , Ut.:..llt::..es Ylar:ager vear: IhgDee, Ser.lor Admlr_~st~c;.::l ve Ar:.a~'/st 3 ~ , " ?'::SC=-.CIION i\O 9064 :l ''-"~:: J - ;: C:::::::T:::" C:::C;c:-JCIL ~~-I~~" o~.:<. :.,:::>; A ?:::SO:::'UT:::CK 0: ':'EE C I I Y C:Out~C I::" O~ ""-''''-' ,- .... -.... _ _. o...J CITY Of SA~TA ~O~=C~ ~S':'A3::"=S~ING AND R~V=S=l--':':; fE:::S fOR C~?~A=N ~AT~? AN: ~~ST~~A~ER S~~V=C~S ~'JEEREAS , the C~ty Co~n,c~l nay establlsh, arrenc:., 0:::: :::-e~.l.:...se from tl~ne t" t~me by reso~~t~on Z'ees to ?::::ovlcie certa~:-:: '.-1 ate = a:1d .~ waste;.-;a te:: se::-....llces ":Ju::sua:-:t ::'0 Artlcle ~ of U:e San::.a 2-1on1ca , ~':u:-1lc~pal Cocie; anc ~'IHERE.::'.S , tb.e C~::.y faces l:-:.creaS2.:1g costs 0: ~rov1d1rlg '.;c.. ::.er ar..d Ylaste',-;ater serv::..ces. NO~!Ii , ':"'HEREFORE, T~':: CITY Of THS CITY OF SANT.~ r.lONICA 00:::5 ?t:SOLV::: ,Do.S FCLLO~"i S : Sect~on l. T~e ca~ce'-:'lat~on serV1ce fee !reta1;ed f r o~r the penn t) house conneC:'lO~' se~~\;e r pe~rr 1:: S o5:-:a1l be $30.CO { SLY!~:': 7.04.500) Sec::'lO:1 2. Ihe ~lc.use car;.ne~t.l.O~ se~l'.ler per:nl t =ee s1:al1 be $100.00 1;,.~lhlC:;' s:--tall lnc':"ude one l:1Spect.:..on Add:.tlOn2.~ lnspectlons s:--:2.11 be S70 00 each. ( S~"]Y1C 7 04..510) Sectlo:J. 3 . r:~e f""'" for se',-ler tap connectlOr'.S on se',..;er na.:..n =-2-l:1c::es a:1d l..::1der s:-a':"l be 5295 ( s~~r.']C ; ]~ 600) SeC::'lO:1 , lr~e f"""" for se~~.e;:- tap conneC:'lons on se'",,'er rralns . . between 12-lnches 2.:1d 24-l:Jches shall be 3295, and se'....ler rral:'S over 24 -Elcne s shall be 5365. ( S t~t;:C ~ ~. 600 ' , i. u'-.: :J <0 ! Sect::..on 5 T~e =ee for se~"'ler '(-branch connectlons s:--ta':"l be $455" ( Sr'TC i 84 600 d. ) Sectlon ~. The fee =0:: 1nspec~:.0:J. of catsh DasJ..:J. C~ ra:1~ole " , connect10r.s shall be :;; Ie ~, .... , """... f"- 1'r'" O~ .60C' -= Ud :~ 0:....::.....1........ ~ , Sect10n 7 The fo", :cr te:rporarj water se::-v:.ce s~!all t,e ~~ 5375.00 for tiree months f""""" =o!:" ~nauttor1zed ~se ",-= a :lre - --- ~~ .'-'- hydrant shall be $75 r.,", c. cay .:..n add.:..tlon - '" ~I:e cost of 'ria ter vv -'-' used. { SMMC 7.12.060 1_\ \ I~ c:.! i Sect10n 8 . T' . ~or ~~rrete~ed ~1ate~ Gse ~e :Tl~lnUn c~2rg2 sr.a_-'- be 525.00 per day of cpera:::.cr. or est1:r.a ::.ed cos ts of ~.,,'a ter used, wh1cheve::- 1S grea':er. ( sr~n"~: :.12.060 (0) ) Sectlon 9 The fo""" ::or eact :-:.ydra:;t flo~'; ':est shall be $250.00 ( SX:.1C 7.::"2 CiO) Sect10n 10. Tie Iee f'"'~ re-es tabllshlr19 a delli:GUenC u_ account shall be $30.08 for eac~ V':"Sl'=. ::0 t0e aCCOL:rt slte ( SMt.lC 7.12.110) Sect10n II. The late c.:..arge for a dellnquent acco".J.nt shall be 3% per bl2.1lf'.g per.:..od W~lC~ wl~l be applled LO any ~as:: due balance th1rty days or over as =eflected on a custoMer's blffionthly ut1ll::'y b.:..l~ ( SZ,,]~.J]C: i 12.111) Sect10n 12. Tie deposlt requlred :or water serv.:..ce, sewer serVlce and re:l:L:se col':"ectlon shall '~""" a ffi1r.1:TUn of $100.0.J ,"-,,-, or approx1mately equal to an eS':l:rated tl:.ree !1.or:.tis' ser"t.llCe charges, wh1chever 15 -llghe::: . { SN~"JC 7.12.130; Sec':lon 13. ~::'e f--~ for 1 ':S ta11u'.g ::1e:~} I ~elc.c2. -= :..ng or _-=,=";o, enlarg1ng eXlst1~g dOffiestlc water neter s e r--;,;r:... ce sba.l::" be- 3/4" rreter $ 1,250 1" :rete::: ,., 1,410 ;;> 1-1/2" :Teter $ 1,725 2" :Teter $ 1,925 3" :ueter $ 4,660 4" :11e t: e r ,., 5,685 ~ .; 6" :reter S 7 f 680 8" '1le::ec: S=-2fC~S lO" mete:::: $22,358 ~r.e fee for l:1stalllng ne'i\r flre ':"1:12 ser'7.::...ce ' 1" be sna.L-,- 3" ar.d L," :ne::.er ~" Q'7~ v _, ....... I J r" :r,ete :::: $21230 \:) 8" ITctGr $2,795 10" & 12" ~eter $3,25J The fee for rep.:.aclng a~ eXlS::'l~G ~eter Wl::'r. a snal.2.e~ Ple-::.e~ at the sarr'e locatlor: ;' d01.,.'I,ir S ,:",zlng) at :.he C'Jsto:rer's reqc:.es::. shall be at ~he actual cost of lns::'211ac:.lon arod the charge fo~ SL:C:-: fo"" wlll be placed or. the custoner's reg~lar bl-montily ~tlllt1es blll. ( Stvl~C 7.12.140) SectlO:!. 14. The deposlt for tes ::'lYlg a :Leter shall be 535.00 for met:.ers 2-1ncr. ai:d u~der a~d $lCe for :uete::::s o~re r -::( l:1cl-:e.3. The charge ;.all be 'Olaced c~ -: ......e cus~cTers' reg:J.la r b.:.. - no L' t ." 1 Y ~tllF:'Y b1ll and re.:uncied t~rough adJustnen::.s to t:.e cus::o:'1.ers' regular bl-~o~tily ctlll::'Y bll':" If the [!'leter .:s .:..n d.:..sre?alr. ( sr,:~t-!C 7.12.2!'O} Sectlon 15. Tr..e foo for darpaglr:g a ""at.er mecer s!;ut-off valve a:1d appurtenant e :::Wl '87e:1 t shall be SlOO.OO or actual cost or repalr ~hlchever lS '::;p::"'ea ter. Tt:e charge shall be placed on the c'.lstomer's regular bl-mcnthly utlllty blll. (Sr.-E.1C 7 2.2.250) - - --- > '\ Sect1O:l 16. -='he C:..tv ~lerk sha.:"':" ce~-=l='V LO ::he ac.08t.:..or: 0:: -:.h1S Resolc.~lon, a:lG. ~hen=e=o::::th aCi6 t~erea.:ter :.::e sar!e sha:": :::e 1:1 ::ull ro!:"ce a:lcl effec:: APPROVED f'..S TO Fosn: !u1LlAi1AL'Ah~ ~arsha J~es-~out::::1e C1ty Att. rney . Adopted and approved thIS 23th of July, 1996 kJJ~-dL-- Mayor I hereby certIfy that the foregomg ResolutIOn 9063~CCS) was duly adopted at a meetmg of the CIty CouncIl held on the 23th of July, 1996 by the followmg vote Ayes Councdmembers Abdo, Ebner, Genser. Greenberg. Holbrook, O'Connor, Rosenstem ),' oes CouncIlmembers )Jane Abstam CouncIlmembers None Absent Councllmembers None ATTEST ~~~ ~c.J- CIty Clerk