SR-092496-6G 6G - PU RCH PW: DH. br:f:\flnance\purch\stfrpts\srbd 2597 Council Meeting: September 24, 1996 Santa MOnica, CA SEP 2 ,. 1996 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: City Staff SUBJECT: Recommendation to Award BId to ProvIde RepaIrs and ConversIons of Police Vehicles, Bid #2597 Introduction This report concerns an award of bid to prOVide repairs and conversions of Police vehicles for the Administrative Services DIvIsion, Police Department, at speCified Unit prices, plus applicable sales tax. Estimated total annual expenditure IS $35,000. Background In response to published Notices Inviting Bids (published August 22 and 23, 1996) to prOVIde repairS and conversIons of Pollee vehIcles In accordance WIth CIty speCifications, bids were received and publicly opened and read on September 5, 1996. Proposal forms were mailed to two vendors and notices were advertised in accordance With City Charter and MUnicipal Code provIsions. Two proposals were received as follows: PERCENT AGE OF VENDOR PA TROL CARS DETECTIVE CARS DISCOUNT ON PARTS PursUit (WMBE) *$640.00 $360.00 10% - 40% Flre-Bann Corp $801 55 *$313.65 10% - 40% * Denotes low bid - 1 - 6G , SEP 2 It 1996 New Police patrol vehicles are ordered from the factory and upon receipt require conversIons prior to being put Into servIce. These conversIons include InstaUatlon of push bars, prisoner cages, prisoner restraint seats, shotgun racks, light bars, warning lights, baton holders, microphone holders, and computer mounting brackets and wIring. ApprOXImate time reqUired to complete one patrol vehIcle conversion IS sixteen (16) hours. In turn, when a patrol vehicle IS taken out of serVice, It IS turned into a detective car If found to be mechanically sound. The detective car converSions require the patrol car to be stripped of all patrol-type equipment, Sirens and lights be rewired and other miscellaneous modificatIons be performed. ApprOXimate time required to complete one detective vehicle conversion IS nine (9) hours. Staff has evaluated both bids and finds they meet City speCifications. Because of cost difference between the two types of converSions, staff recommends splitting the bid award. Budget/FinancIal Impact FIscal Year 1996-97 appropriation authOrity for thiS purchase IS In the Administrative Services DIVISion, Police Department, account number 01-300-304-00000-2292- 00000 - 2 - Recommendation It IS recommended that the award of Bid #2597 be split between Pursuit for patrol car converSions at specified Unit prices, plus applicable sales tax, with two (2) one-year renewal options, at an estimated annual expenditure of $25,000.00 and Flre-Bann Corp. for detective car conversions at specified Unit prices, plus applicable sales tax, at an estImated annual expenditure of $10,00000 as the lowest responsible bidders. Prepared By: Pam Wortham, Purchasmg Agent Diane Howell, Buyer - 3 - -