SR-092496-6E 6E CA: f: \atty\muni \strpts\mhs\bscfood SEP 2 4 1996 City Council Meeting 9-24-96 Santa Monica, California TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: city Attorney SUBJECT: Ordinance of the city Council of the City of Santa Monica Amending Certain provisions of Part of the Zoning Ordinance Governing the Bayside Commercial District to Clarify the Requirements for Sidewalk Cafes, to Clarify the Building Stepback Requirements, and to Revise the Per Block Limitations on the Number of Food Uses, Alcohol Outlets and Fast Food Courts Permitted in the Bse District INTRODUCTION At its meeting on September 10, 1996, the city Council introduced for first reading an ordinance amending certain provisions of Part of the Zoning Ordinance governing the Bayside Commercial District to clarify the requirements for sidewalk cafes, to clarify the building stepback requirements and to revise the per block limitations on the number of food uses, alcohol outlets and fast food courts permitted in that District. The ordinance as amended is now presented to the City Council for adoption. RECOMMENDATION It is respectfully recommended that the accompanying ordinance be adopted. PREPARED BY: Marsha Jones Moutrie, City Attorney 6 E Joseph Lawrence, Assistant city Attorney SEP 2 4 1996 t f:\ppd\share\baYSlde\bscfood Clty Counell Meetlng 09-24-96 Santa MOTI1Ca, Callfornla ORDINANCE NUMBER 1864 (CCS) (CITY COUNCIL SERIES) AN OR8INANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH~ CITY OF SANTA MONICA AMENDING CERTAIN PROV:SIONS OF PART 9.0~.08.15 OF ~HE ZONING ORDINAKCE GOVERNING THE BAYSIDE COMMERCIAL DISTRICT TO CLARIF~ THE REQUIREMENTS FOR SIDEWALK CAFES, TO CLARIFY THE BUILDING STEPBACK REQUIREMENTS, AND TO REVISE T~L PER BLOCK LIM:TATIONS ON THE NUMBER OF FOOD USES, A~COHO~ OUTLETS AND FAST FOOD COURTS PERMITTED IN THE ESe DISTRICT. ~\'HERE}'."S , =o~lm";l:-1g ~:"le adoptlcn of the Bayslde ~hs-.:rlct Speclflc P~an a;}d accompanYlng ordlnances to create the BSC Cls::rlC-:: In Ja.nuary of 2.996, the Clty Cauncll dlrected staff to return ~o ~he Pla~nlng CO~T1SSlcn and Cl~Y Counell wlth amendments relatec ~G g~ou~c f:cor offlce uses and food use allocatlons; and :IJESF EAS , SlTICe t~e adop~lor. of ::he Bse Dlst~lct standards, a:1 ~ssue has ~eer~ ralse.d ~elated tc s:..dewa-=-k cafes In the BSC-l PC=L~O~ 8f ~he sse Dlst~lc~; ar:d ~'iHE?EAS , -::'1E: P =-annu:9 Cornrusslor: adoptee a Resolu"Clon of ~n~eLtlon O~ J~ce 19, - t""....... r to a~end the Ese DlstrlCt standards; "-'Iv..... ~.... -" -...." I ar.Cl ~'iHE?EAS , ~he ?lar.TI~~g Corr~lsslo~ ~elc a pUb~lC hearln9 or: ~he t BSC Dlstrlct standards amendments and made recommendatlons to the Clty COUDCll followlng the hear~Dg; and WHEREAS, 'the Clt:y CaUDCll held a publlC hearlng on the amendments to the Bse Dlstrlct standards; and ~1HEREAS , the elty eounc~l flnds and declares that the proposec amendments to ~he 3SC Dlstrlct standards are conslstent :::..n prlnclple ." tt the goals, oDJec-:lves, pollcles, land uses, and. ..~..i... ..:. progra~s speclfled l~ the adopted General Plan, lG tha~ all of the amenarnen-c:s to the 3SC standards a:re lTI CQmpllance vath the land uses and development standards al~owed lD the Downtown Co~~erclal D~strlct 0: the Land Use ~leMe~t of the General Plan.; and ~~R;?~~~~S , ::he PUD1..1C hea 1 tt': , safety, and genera":' welfare ~eq:J.lre ::he adoptlo:-'. c= tr..e proposed amenanen:: l:1 tha:: ::~e aTenQTents W~~~ ensure ::iat sldewalk cafes are proper~y regulated, adeaua::e J::1..:11cilng steobacks are provlded, and tje number 0: food uses, ::a.st :ood food COU2:''CS I and alcoho2. ou::lets are llffil::ed In order +--r'\ a::event ar:. '_u::.dlie c:o:-1Centratlon ,-..-F S":.lCf: uses .:n t~e L.V "'-'- dO;,...':1 t :)vm c. rea; NOVJ, TRE?EFORE, THE C~~Y CO~NCIl OF lBE CITY 0= SANTA MONICA DO~S ORDl>,=K AS FO::":LOvJS: S=-C::=C):'~ - SeC':.lon 9.C4 J8.15.02C cf the SaY-ita tv1on.:ca - . . . )t Mun1c1pal Code 1S amended to read as follows: Permltted Uses. (1 ) The follmnng uses shall be permltted lTI the 38C-1 portlon of the BSC Dlstrlct. All uses shall be conduc~ed w1thln an enclosed bUl~dlng, except where otherw1se speclfled: {a) F,rt .gallerles. (b) Artlst stUdlOS above the flrst floor and at the rear '7 =.. ' 0: a parcel. ' ~ iC,i Baker-les. ;di Barber cr beauty shops. fe:. Bus1~ess colleges. :" f) Ctllc day care centers. ;"g) C~eaLers_ rh', Ccr:grega~2 jous~ng. I':'" j Cultural faclll~les. 1- i Cance studlOS. "J i :c '! Conestlc vloler:ce shelters. (1- ': E'xerclse faCll~tles. (:T : Gener3~ cfflces aDove the :lrs:: floor and In the rear "1~' c.f a Da::-cel.. ;- ! yo. o~ General retal2.. ,..... . ........ ": Boneless snel:::ers un th less thar- =~fty-flve beds. ",'J: 'p' !'-1ecilcal, de:1tal and optometrls~ cl.::...nlCS ar:d :aDora~cr~es a~cve the rlrst =loo~ G~d ~n the rea~ 75' 0-: a parce':. " q; ~J2.tl=aIT'::"'~Y dwelllr:g ~nlts. , . .- ( r) Museums. (5) Outdoor newsstands. (t) Pawnbrokers. (u) Photocopy shops. (vj Places of WO~Shlp. ( 'Vv~ ) Restau::-ants, sub] ect "to the l2-ffil ta::lons contalned ln Sectio~ {x) SeLl or gro~p hOUS1~g. (yi Sen:.or housu:g. \ Z) S.:.de\fJa-=-k cafes, subJec:. to the ::>rOVlSlons of ::he Ou::ciocr C.:.nlng Standards =o~ ~he Trrlra Street Prc:r;e!1ade, approved by Resolu:..:.o~ of the Clty Councl-=-, and subJect to :.he l:...reltatlcns ccnta.:.neci l~ Sectlo~ 9.04.C8.15.050. (aa) Slngle-=oom occupancy houslng. :'bb) Tallo::-s. (cc: ':'rade schoo-=-s. ::"dci ': TranSl:'lor.al r.OUS1~g. {ee"1 Ac:c:ess.8~Jl uses w :'1':' ct. are de::erm:..r:ed jy the Zonlng AQ~ln':'5:'ratcr :'0 be necessary and cus:'o~arlly assoclated wl:.h and apprc;:,rlate, lI:c:..den.tal, and Sl..:borau:ate to, the prlnc.:.pa-,- pernl:.~ed uses anc wt:...ch are cons.:.s:.en:. aLd not Tore d~sturblng or cilsn.:.pt.:. ~'e tr:a:-1 peEn tted uses. iff': o t . ,. - Z -d ' :. _er '-1ses ae:.e::rL:-1ect by tne on.:.ng r.. IT1E2...strator ::0 be s.:.rl~ar :.c these l.:.s~ed above aLd wtlct 2re conslsten~ and ~ct IT-o=e d~s:.~rb.:.ng or d~sr~ptlve tha~ perm.:.tted uses. . . .. (2 ) The followlng uses shall be perrnltted In the BSC-2, BSC-3 and BSC-4 portlO:1S of the SSC Distrlct. All uses shal: be conducted wlthlD an enclosed bUlldl!1Q, except Hhere otherWlse speclfled: (a) Art gallerles. (b) Artls~ studlOS above the flrs"[ floor. (c) App:lance repalr shops. :d') BaKe::les. (el Banks and savlhgs and loan lnstl~utlO~S. If; Barner or bea~ty s~ops. !.:~() B~S~!1ess co~leges. {h:: Ch~ld day care centers. ~ 1 ;. Clean.ers. r - -'I ~ . ~ . ~ongrega~e !10~slng. tk'; ':ul1:l.:.:::a~ faCllltles. i, _:. Dance studlOS. : II' ) Doroes~lc vlolence stel:::ers. ! r: ; Exe::clse faclL. t18S . :0; ~ , o::f.::..ces above the f:-rst f~oo::: and In the l...:Jer:.e:-a,i.. rea::c :51 ~.-F a parce_. ~- (p; Genera~ :::-eta.::..l. :q: :forne2-ess shel~ers wlth less thar: :::..:ty-f.:..ve beds. {r; La'Jr::dro:rats. IS 'j ~"1edlca=-, ' - a:-d op:::ome-:rlst cllnlCS oenc:a_ anG labo::aLorles above tr.e f.::..rst floor and .::..n the rear 50' of a parcel. (t': ~Ll:::.:..~a~l~Y dwell.:..ng units. / . . (ul I1useums. (v) Outdoor ~ewsstands. (wi Pa1fmbrokers. (x) Party equipme~t rentals. ( y) Photocopy shops. . (z j Places of worshlp. (aa) Restaurant.s, s'JbJ ect to the 11:r.1 t2t.:ions CC:lta1nec El Sect1C~ 9.04.08.:5.080. (bb) SeDlor group ho~slng. fee) Se:nor hO'.lSlng. idd) Sl~g~e-rocm cccupa~cy ~ous1ng. (ee; Ta-,-1ors. ( f::) -=-hea~ers. ':9g: '='rade sC:-lcols. ;'~~ '. TraLs~~lo~a1 iouslng i. ___... I (=-=-l Accessory c.ses >..;t1C~ are deterrnnea. by the ZOI:lng AG7ln~st.:ratcr ~o be necessary ana customarl1y assoc~a~eQ w1th and app:-opr1ate, 1Lc.:..cier.tal, and SL:bCrG1r.ate to, ::he pr1nc~pal per~l~ted uses a~a wh=-ch are CO~5~st.:en~ 2nd :lot :rore d~stL:rblng or j1sr~pt~ "e -:l-.ar. perm=- -::.ed uses. i i - 'I Other ".1ses deteErlr.ed by the Zon.::..ng Ad.Inn=-s-:ra tor tc:: ~ - De s::":Llla~ to these llsted above and wtlch are CO~slsten:' ar.d no:::. d' d.' . , ~ore . ls:.urDlng or ls~upt~ve t~aL pern=-t:.ea uses. .sE:~~C::;.~ 2. Se:::-:lcr: 9.0~.O8.:5.060 of :-.::e Sa:1ta r~or::. ca ~Gn~Cl~2~ C2de lS ame~deG ~o read 2S fc~lo!,~ls . - j -4 Property development standards. All property ln the Bse Dlstrict shall De developed In accordance with the following standards: {a) Max~mum BUllding Helght and FAR. Maxlmum bUlldlng helgh:., nuwbe~ of stcr~es and floor area ~a~lO shall be determlned as follows: MaXlI:lUrr l"laxlmum Number !vlaxlnum Dlstn.ct Helgrl1:' of S:.orles FAR 35C-1 56' 4 3.0 BSC-2 5E' ~ 3.0 Bc:r-< [:""..0"' 1 4 3.0 ~'-' ~ -_FO BSC-4 45' 3 ~ " L . :...J ,~ h . h' ~c~w~t srcnQ~~C t e anove: (1') There shall be nc Ilmltatlo~ or. the nu~er of s~orles 0= any ~o~el, par~~~g s~r~c~~~e, O~ struc~~re contalnlng a~ leas~ O~e f~oo~ of ~esldenLlal use, so lor.g as the helght does not exceec ~~e ~aX~lLr ~~mbe~ 8f feet perml~ted lr. ~hlS sect2..on. (2 ) F~ccr area devoted to reslde~t~al uses shall be d:"sc:c.';:1tec D"}! f- +=-.. I C. ,'1 '; '0er::::en-: for the p:...:.rposes of floor area --'-'-v . _v ,- ratlo ca~c~~atlo~. (3 'j Pa:::-c:els of 15,JOO sq:1are feet or less vrl thlD ::.ne ?~ssageway Overlay Zor:e, as dep:.cted In the 3ayslde D1S".:~2-C;:' Spe==-=-=lc ?la~1, may be deueloped ::'0 a ~ax~rouT helght of elghty-foJr " :--. ! ", ~C"""'- a~:i a 3.5 FA? prcv2-ded tje fol~o'd2-ng cO=-:1d.:.. ::lO:1S are P1e-:: :'"1.L- .1.__,::::,",-, ~ ~ _i Tje ~op two :loo~s a~e JseQ excluslvely for - . , resident1al purposes. ( , - .. Al~ 1nclus~onary unl ts requ.:.red by Sectlon \.....L-'-- ,I 9.28 of the MUDlclpal Code are prov1ded or; slte. : 1:-11 Pa~k~ng for the resldent1al uses 15 prov~ded cn slte, notw1ths~andlng Sectlon . (lV} A passageway ded1cated to the C1:Y of Santa M0!11Ca as a recorded easement 1S Dyovlded. ( \1} The dedlca:ed passageway 15 a m1nimurr of ~welve (2.2) feet 1::: ledth ar:.d 15 ~...,e2.'::' :'lghted and v:.suaL_y unobstructed from ~he Pro~enade to ~he alley. .' ...,.- . There sr:a2.l be or:l~l one ded:.ca::eci ", \I_! passageway perni~teQ on each slee of each bloc~, however ded1Ca"Led passaoewavs eX1stl~G as 0: the effectlve date of th1S Sec::lo~ sha~~ ~ - ~ r:ot coun:: ::QT,,,,rard th.::.s llm.:t. ( 4 } ~t.J l. ~ r-l the appro'Tal of a Development ReV~ev.l perIT~t, Darcels 0\7" e :r =--S/COG square feet \.;1 thl:1 the ?assagev-lay O\Te~~ay' lcr:.e, as dep1C"Led '::":1 :::1e Bayslde Dlstrl::::t Spec1flc C.an, may De deve2.oped to a TaX1TUW helgh~ of e.::..ghLy-four (84 'J feet, anct ~ ~ =AR prov1ded the =c:low:-ng cond1tlons are met: ~ - - ....... ....- 'ii Tje top twc floors are used exc~us1vely =or ,-. ~e51de~t~G: p~r~oses. .; l.': _I A':"l lTIC":" U.51o:'13.ry ULl ts ~eqG.::..red by Sect10n 9.2B c~ ~te t'bil1clpal Cede are prc~71ded 0:-1 51 te. !ll'::'~ Parkl:19 for the res.:.der:tlal uses 1S prov:aec 8~ sltel Lotwl~jstG~dlng Sectlc~ 9.C4.1C.08.03Ciml. : --; 1;7 ': passageway dedlcateci -" the Clty of . . ~V B , t . Santa Monlca as a recorded easement lS provided. f -~l) The dedlcated passageway 1S a mln1mu~ of twelve (12) feet In w1dth and 1S well llghted and vlsually unobstructed from the Promenade to the alley. ('11) There shall be only one ded1cated passageway perTIltLed on each slde of each block, however dedlcated passageways ex~s~lng as or the effectlve date of th1S sectlon shall not coun~ toward thlS l~mlt. (5 ) vJ~ th the approval of a Development ReVlew perm:it, parcels u: -:he 3SC-2 ar:d BSC-3 D15tr1cts may be developed te. e. :r,a x 1 :"u.:m ne-=-gnt r--&: e1ghty-:our (84 ) fee:., and a 3.5 FJ..R '-"'1- provlci.ed ~r.e fo~low1ng cond:.t:.or:s are me-:: (11 Tje top tlrJO floors are used exclu5lvely for reslde~:'la~ p~rposes. (::"'lJ p.2.l lncluslo:1ary 'J.Illts requlred by Sectlon 9.28 c: the Mu~~c1pa~ Code are provldea on SlLe. ~1~1) ?ark1ng for tr.e res1dent1al uses 15 p~ov~ded on Sl:.e, ~otw:.thstar.dlng SeC-:1cn . t".r..'. BU1~d~~c Stenbacks. ?cr new s:.r~c:.ures or add1t1o~S - - -i-....... eXlst:.ng s:.rl<:::.ures, c.:1j :)o:':t.lor_ of a b.':'lldlng elevatlo:1 '_v- :rcr:.tlng on Second S::r:ee L, Thlrd S:'ree ~ ?~o:r'eIlade 0= Fourth St=ee:., abo'";l-8 t:-l2- rt y [ 30\ .:ee:- 1:1 he1gn-:: shall be ste?ped back at a 36~9 d 1 d- h - 1 fer b~lld1ngs loca:ed ,egree ar.g e neas~re =ro~ t e ~O~lzcn~a . l :'1 :.he ?~Ssa-gey\rayl' Over~ay Zo~e, ::here sjall De no addl :lO~lal stepback ~e~c~re:ren:' aDove flftY-SlX ,.... ..-. feet of bc~ldlng he1ght. I; :J 0 ! -1-;) c;j::~ t~o::J, fo= pa:::.el.:: C:1e h~:::ci::ed .:ee:: !lea ": or TIore lr: depth K , . ~ measured from Wllslure Boulevard, An.zona Avenue, Santa Mon:...ca Boulevard o~ Broadway \cross st~eets ) any ~t-' of a bUlld.:..ng po-,-_lon elevat10n frontlng on the cross street, above thlrty (30 } feet 1:1 height, shall be stepped back f.:fteen {IS) feet from the cross street. The Archltectural ReVlew Board ~ay allow ~he f.:..fteen (15 ) foot stepback to be provlded only for the portlor. of the bUlldlng above fortv-five (45 ) feel: In he1ght lf the Arch1tectural ReVlew Board deterTI1neS that such a stepback lS necessary to malntalr. the Dlstrlct's eXls~lng charac~er and to provlde vlsual ccntlTIUlty wl~h ~earby s~rJctures. :"c! Ml~lT~n Parcel Slze. for a~l ZOr.1r.g clasSlflcatlons In -:~e 3SC =I:...strl::~, :flJ:.1T,urr parcel. s:.ze shall be seven thousand flve ht:ncired sqc.are feet. Each parcel shall contaln a m:...n1mU~T depth of one hu~dred fl:ty feet and a T1n1ffiun width of flfty feet, exceFt that leaal pa~ce_s eXlstu:g cn the effectlve date of tIllS Sect~cr. sh~ll Dot be su~=ect to thlS req~l=ement (di :or all zO~lng c~ass1f~ca-:lcns ~n ~he Bse Dls~rls~, ~ - tR - 'f '1 t- a Jeve~op~eL ev~ew ~er~l~ ~s ~eq~~reQ or any new deve opmen 0: :Tore -: l_ a r. ::~nrty -:r:cn:,s2.nd sqli.are fpct- of floor area and for any d 1 '~ k I eve 8p~en~ Wl~~ ~OO=LCP pa~ ~~g. S.:::C:T I ::=)t\J 3. Sectlcr~ ... 2C08.15.080 of ::he Sar.ta [-1o:n ca. ../ rY11":~~1:: -=- ca =- :ode :'8 a~eLded to reac as follows: 9404.08. =-5. O:3C If ~lrr=-ta-:'lcns on food uses and alcctol c~tIets. ,: G. \ ,::je :'!':.mber cf alcohol and food servlng . " establlshments lD the BSC Distrlct shall be llmlted. For purposes of this sectlon, a food servlng establlshment shall lnclude any restaurant, :.ncludlng, wlthout Ilffilta-:lon, any drlve-through or drlve-1D res~aura~t, fas~-food or ~ake-out resta~rant, or sldewalk cafe, and any use wInch lncludes lrlcidental food serVlce. The number of food servlng establlshffie~ts and on-sale alcohol cutlets lr: the Bse Dlstrlct shall not exceed the Ilffiltatlons below. For purposes c= ~~lS sectlon, fast food food courts shall be counted as one fooa servlng es~abllstnent and one alcohol outlet, even thougr. l~dlvldual ~enan-:s wl~hln a fast food food court may be requlred to ontalTI separate Condltlcnal Use Permlts In order ~o obtaln an on- sale alcohol llcense. The :.otal TIl:mber of food servlng estab.ll 5 rU1.er: ": s and a=-cohcl outlets l!'.. the ESC DlstrlC:: shall be Ilffil::ed to seven:,y-slx ! __ r "_ food servlng establlshments, flfty ( 50) :_ l t;. 0: w~lch ~ay have a type 41 (on-sa~e beer and Wlne) or type 47 (on- sa...:...e ' , 3:ccr_c.l _lcense. Kc alcohol ou-:::"ets WhlCh are not ::::e:-i.e~ai.. "I a~so :c:::>::1 se!,,171~g establlshnents shall be allowed. Addltlonally, tr:s nUffiDe:: of :ooci servlLg es-:abl~sh~ents and alcohol outlets on Bloc".;: 4., -, k: - d -1 k ~ sha~l De llIT1~ed as I01..1OWS: ~~O~ ~ an ~ oc c Block 4: Feed ServlI:g Establlshments: 18, 10 of WhlCh may na\le a T~lpe 4=- (C~-Sa~e Bee~ ar.d W:ne) or Type 4 '7 (Or.-Sale General: -1 . C Ll::ense, ar..c - c: ~~..":.:11ch fast food food A C8.r:.O.l.. .. may De a cour~, DrCVlded ~he fas~ food fcod court lS ~ocated lD the northern half - . b 1 . ':'ype 48 :Or..-Sale General for P~b~lc Premlse) Alcot.o::' or: the ".LOC -<. L:cer.se: '-' . Othe~ Gr.-Sale Alcohol Llce~se Types: O. 3':'ock S: Fr-.,-',~ Servlna Estab':'lshTsnts; 1 r- 18 of ~.,hl::h may VV~ -.i.. 0, n ~ . have a Type 41 (On-Sale Beer and Wine) or Type 47 (On-Sale GeQerali }l,.lcohol L2.cense, ane , c.': Wh1Ch may be a .:ast food food cC.t:rt. Type 48 (On-Sale General for PubllC Prern1se) Alcohol L1cense: O. Other On-Sale Alcohol L1cense Types: O. Block 6: Foo.d Sen!lng Es-:ablishments: 18, 11 of whlch rLay . have a Type 41 (On-Sale Beer and W~ne) or Type 47 {On-Sale General: Alcohol Llcense, --.,...,,.... 1 of Wh1Ch nay be a fast food food courT::. Ct.;.~__ Type 48 (On-Sale General for PubllC 2reIT1Se; F.lcohol Llcense: O. Other On-Sa~e Alcohol L1CeTISe Types: o. SE~~~C'K 4. Any P~QV1S10~ of ~~e Sa~ta Xon~ca ~unlclpal Code or append.:..ces thereto 1nccr:S1s-cent ltll th the prov1slons of "thls O~dlr..a.~i:::e 1 ::0 the ex-:e~t 0:: slich .:..nccr;s.:.. s::enc.:.e5 and no furtter, are ~ereby repealed or nod.:..f1ec ::0 tha:: extent necessary to effeo:: the provls1o~ of ::j.:..s Ordlnance. S E.C:~ = C~'.~ 5. If any seC::lon, subsect1on, sen::ence, clause, or phrase cf -;:h15 C-rdl~ar:ce 1S f." ,.- (i~'.] reason held to be .::..nvaL..c or .~~ ~ c.ncons~ltc.tlo~al b" a ceClSlO:-l of any c.ou~-= of conpetent '} ]Ur.:..sd1ct.:.on, S'..lct ceC1SlC::1 sha:l 1: .:) t affect the valld.:..tv of t~'1e rernalr:l:--:g pcr-::.o~s cf th1S ()~d:.. :""lan .::e . The C.:..tv Counc1l he~eby ~ aeC.l2.res :.h.3."[ 1t '..;oule:. have passed thlS Orc.1na:1Ce, ar:d each a:ld every sect.:..cr., st:;::,sectlo:-1, . h t' - , sen~e:"lce , C.l.al..:se, or p :::ase no a.ec.:..a:::eo 10vall~ 0= J~COr:SL1~~t1o~al w1thou:. regard to wte~her any por~lc~ of .f.-1.-.,... Ord2-LanCe ~...o-~ld be s:.:bseq;Jen~~v decla~ed E1Vallc. or --....'-" ~ ~ ~~cc~st~~J~10~a~. . -- - -- of" SECTION 6. The Mayor shall slgn and -:he Clty Clerk shall attest to the passage of thlS Ordlnance. The Clty Clerk shal.: cause thlS ordlnance, or a su~~ary thereof to be publlshed once In the cfflc..al ~ewspaper W1Lnln 15 days af-;:er lts qdop"Clon. This Ordlnance shal: become effectlve 30 days frOM ltS adoptlon. A?PROVSD AS TO FOF~: "' " " '-~ "<(/A rj, - ,'" I F / '/ ., ~ I ). '- i__ o.J r ~ ! ,F ~ (,..L .----..~.rii -" - .~~ ./ - -- ~ ..... ~---- '-- '-- -..... ~ MA?SHA JOK~S MOU~R=E C:lt~{ A~to::roLe:y , . Lt~.= Mayor State of Cahforma ) County of Los J\ngeles ) 5S CIty of Santa MOnIca ) I, ~\ilana M. Stewart. Cny Clerk of the CIty of Santa Momca. do hereby certIfY that the foregomg OrdInance Ko 1864 (CCS) had Its first readmg on September 10, 1996. and had ItS second readmg on September 24. 1996 and was passed by the followmg vote Ayes CouncIl rnembers Abdo, Ebner, Genser. Greenberg. Holbrook. O'Connor. Rosenstem :.Joes CouncIl members None Abstam CouncIl members None Absent CouncIl members ~one ATTEST '- ~ ~ CIty Clerk . \