SR-CC/PA-2 (3) CC/P/f-Z FES ,,. 1995 RMD lPM 1M pkgopsel2 CouncIl Meetmg February 14, 1995 Santa Momca. Cahforma TO CIty CounCIl and Parkmg Authonty FROM CIty Staff SUBJECT RecommendatIOn to Authonze the CIty Manager to NegotIate and Execute a Contract WIth AMPCO System Parkmg for the OperatIOn and Management of the SIX Downtovv11 Parkmg Structures Introduction ThIS report presents a summary of the process used to SOhClt and evaluate proposals for operatIOn and management of the SIX dOVI'TIto'\TI parkmg structures and recommends that the CIty CouncIl and Parkmg Authonty authonze the City Manager to negotIate and execute a contract ''''Ith AIv1PCO System Parkmg BackRround The City of Santa MOllIca o,\-ns and operates the SIX parkmg structures wluch serve the Tlurd Street Promenade and adjacent commercial area F or the past several years, extenSIve concerns have been raIsed by the publIc. the Bayslde DIStrict CorporatIOn (BDC). and the Restaurants and Merchants AssocIations regardmg Issues of customer servIce related to the publIc structures Among concerns expressed have been servIce problems \\llth self-serVIce meters and change machmes, frequency of parkmg CItatIOns bemg Issued, and adverse vehicle and personal safety perceptIOns expenenced 111 non-attendant multi-level parkmg faCIlItIes 1 C.~/PA-2 FEB 1 4 1995 In an effort to evaluate these concerns, the CIty hIred the firm of WIlbur Smith AssocIates (WSA) In May, 1993 to assess the feasIbIlIty of convertmg from self-servIce parkIng meters to a more user compatIble revenue control system such as attendant parkmg Along wIth the \VIlbur SmIth feaslblhty analYSIS, the firm of Meyer Mohaddes ASSOCIates conducted a parkmg utIlIzatIOn study as part of the parkmg analysIs update for the BaYSIde DIStrIct whIch proVIdes utIlIzatIOn charactenstics and duratIon patterns for the structures The WSA study focused on a number of key Issues to determme If converSIOn to attendant parkIng would be feaSIble mcludIng the phYSIcal hmltatlOns of the structures. eXIstIng traffic conmtlOns on Second and Fourth Streets, an economIC analYSIS of the current meter operatIon In comparIson to a new revenue control system. and assessIng parkmg customer needs and expectatIOns CIty staff and \VSA worked closely WIth an Ad Hoc Parkmg COITl1mttee created by the BDC Board that Included representatIves of the commumty and the Restaurants and Merchants ASSOCIatIOns A set of shared ObjectIves emerged whIch became the baSIS of the parkIng program that was adopted by the BaysIde Dlstnct Board on November 18. 1993 and by the CIty Councd on December 14, 1993 These ObjectIves called for a parkIng program that would o emphaSIze convemence and customer serVIce. o enhance vehIcle secunty and personal safety, o serve as an mcentlve to attract shoppers and VISItors to the Bayslde Dlstnct. o generally match the revenues generated by the eXlstmg metered system 2 - ----- -- - -- ---- Parkin~ Pro~ram In December, 1993. the City Council approved converSIOn of the eXlstmg self-servIce parkmg meter system to an attendant parkmg program \VhICh combmes the -'exIt pay" system of attendant booths m each of the SIX structures WIth a central pay statIon (pay-on~foot) located on each of the three blocks of the Thrrd Street Promenade The proposed system of access and revenue controls ""ill be tled together by a central computer whIch vvlll be located m a parkmg office m Parkmg Structure #5 Smce the eXlstmg structural deSIgn may constram the number of entry and exIt lanes, the recommended layout is one entrance lane and t\\'o eXIt lanes Entry gates, tIcket dIspensers, and card readers wIll be posltloned m the entry lane to allow for three vehIcles to queue off the street mSIde the faCIlIty The second eXIt lane "vIll be for pre-paymg parkmg patrons such as monthly permIts, lease permIts, and those who pay at the central pay statIOns on the Promenade A pnmary reason for addmg the central pay statIOns on the ThIrd Street Promenade IS to mImmIze queumg at the eXIt lanes and to ensure that the system ""'Ill be .. user fuendly.t The appeal of these machmes IS that It gIves the parkmg patron a chOIce about whether to pay m advance and eXIt through the automated tIcket/card collector lane, or pay the attendant at the exIt booth at the tIme of departure The central pay statIons are recommended for mstallatIOn on the Promenade rather than the parkmg structures at thIS tIme smce they WIll be more convement to pedestrIans and have hIgher VlSIbIlIty on the Promenade 3 As mdlcated above, the objectIves of the program seek to emphasIze customer serVIce and attract shoppers and VISItors to the distnct whIle meetmg revenue levels generated by the current meter system In determmmg the Imtial rate structure, several varIables 'were consIdered the hourly rate durmg the day, the potentIal for a flat evenmg rate. and the montWy permIt rate The BDC Ad Hoc CommIttee recommended that a flat evemng rate be Instituted whIch would allow VIsItors to pay one rate after 6 00 p m for the entIre evenmg WSA developed eIghteen rate scenarIOS that vaned the three rate components The rate structure approved by the CIty CounCIl keeps the day rate low enough to encourage retaIl shoppers, lImIts the Increase for monthly permits to a modest amount that WIll not adversely Impact employees and office tenants. and allows the flat evenmg rate to be competItIve with rates charged by off-street facIlItIes m the area The approved rate schedule IS as follows Day: Two hours free parking ( 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. $0.60 per 30 minutes thereafter) Evening: $2.00 flat rate Permits: $50 per month unreserved As expenence IS gamed ,vIth thIs rate structure, further refinement may be necessary to msure general adherence to the revenue neutrahty ObjectIve Parking Operator Selection Process As staff began the process of Implementmg the parkmg program, mcludIng deSIgn and procurement ofthe revenue control eqUIpment and engIneenng of the structural changes necessary 4 to accommodate the system. It became clear that the key to a successful transItIon from a self serVIce metered parkmg envIronment to an exIt pay system would be the selectIOn of a hIghly qualIfied parkmg and operation management company to efficIently and systematIcally gUIde the converSIOn. Smce many aspects of the converSIOn mark ne'v terrItory for the CIty, staff was lookIng not only for a parkIng company who could manage the day-to-day parkIng operatIOns but for a company to proVIde leadershIp and expertIse In the full range of transltlon Issues that are crltlcal to publIc acceptance These mclude marketmg and pubbc educatIOn programs, evaluatIOn and coordInatlon ofthe revenue and access control eqUIpment mstallatIOn, evaluatIOn of sIgnage and graphIcs. and traffic flow analysIs On October 17, 1994 the CIty Issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for operahon and management of the SIX parkIng structures The RFP was sent to mneteen (19) firms The lIst of firms was complIed from the membershIp roster provIded by the Parkmg ASsocIatIOn of CalIforma plus '\Tltten requests from firms seekmg an RFP A mandatory pre-proposal conference ,vas held on October 26, 1994, twelve (12) firms attended Seven firms submItted proposals on November 7, 1994 SInce the parkIng mdustry IS hIgWy competItIve and a number of firms are qualIfied. staff took steps to ensure a ngorous and extenSIve selectIOn process The seven proposals were reVIewed by a SelectIOn CommIttee WhIch mcluded the CIty'S Parkmg and Traffic EngIneer. ParkIng and Traffic Engmeenng ASSOCIate. Asset Manager, ExecutIve Duector of the BaysIde DIstnct CorporatlOn, and a parkmg management consultant The proposals were evaluated for overall 5 thoroughness and mSlght of the ImplementatIOn and operatIOnal plan. mcludmg transItIOn Issues, the comparable expenence m areas of revenue and access control eqUlpment and multI-structure systems, qualIficatlOns of key personnel. capabIlIty to provIde qualIty customer servIce, reasonableness of proposed operatmg budget and adequacy of staffing levels, staff trailing and superVISOry procedures, quahty of revenue collectlon and accountmg controls, and ablhty to develop and manage a merchant advertlsmg program The SelectIon CommIttee mVIted four (4) firms for mtervlews on November 21 and 22, 1994 AMPCO System Parkmg. ExecutIve Parkmg Inc. Ace Parkmg. and General Parkmg of CalIfornIa The cost proposals of the four firms mtervlewed ranged from $432,181 to $676,298 ThIS mItIal technIcal screenmg was followed by a second round of InterVIews on December 15. 1994 that broadened the perspectIve of the SelectIOn CommIttee WIth the addItlOn of the Resource Management DIrector and the Chair of the BDC Operatlons and Mamtenance CommIttee A final InterVIew \vas held on January 12, 1995 \\-lth the two top-rated firms after WhICh the SelectIOn CommIttee reached a consensus and selected AMPCO System ParkIng Along WIth the mtervIews, staff conducted reference checks whIch confirmed the favorable performance and responSIveness of AMPCO o Transition Plan: Although thc other firms arc respected and quahfied parkmg operators. AMPCO System Parkmg was Judged to be the most quahfied firm to successfully lead the transItIOn to the "exIt pay" system AMPCO has partICIpated m several transItIOns Involvmg sIgmficant modIficatIOns of the parkmg enVlfonment, namely free parkmg to paid parkmg These 6 mclude the Beverly Center and Koll busmess park projects m Newport Beach and Irvme AMPCO has proposed a SImIlar approach of planmng and analYSIS and contmuous commumcation WIth the retailers, office tenants. and the parkmg publIc through newsletters. presentatlOns, and a presence m the structures greetmg customers and ans\venng questlOns even before the eqUIpment IS put mto operatlOn o Experience: AMPCO demonstrated the greatest level of comparable expenence m areas that are SImIlar m charactenstlcs to the dO\\TItO\\TI structures revenue and access control eqUIpment, mulu-structure systems, and multIple use facilItIes SpecIfic prOjects mclude John \Vayne AIrport. the Beverly Center, PIer 39. and the Embarcadero Center m San FranCISCO Of partIcular Importance IS AMPCO's direct expenence WIth pay-an-foot machmes at John \Vayne AIrport As descnbed earl1er. pay-on-foot IS cntlcal to the effiCIent eXIting of the structures Smce It IS a relatIvely new technology. publIc educatIOn and mgh VISlblhty Will be key to Its usage by parkmg patrons AMPCO Idenufied the Importance of the pay-on-foot component and suggested alternatIve ways to gam pubhc acceptance of the central caslnenng concept If the pay-on-foot machInes are not all In place at the tIme of converSIOn o Adequate Staffing: AMPCO demonstrated an understandIng of the challenges of operatmg a multi-structure system by Its proposed staffing levels The professlOnal parkmg consultant on the SelectlOn CommIttee analyzed the proposed staffing levels of each of the firms and determIned that the phYSical dIstance among the SIX structures, the momtormg reqUIrements of the revenue and access control eqUIpment, the traffic flow conSIderatIOns at the entry and eXIt 7 lanes, as well as the pubhc demands on the parkmg office would reqmre that both supervIsory staff and others be aVailable to Circulate throughout the SIX structures on a regular basIs Most of the firms proposed sllll11ar staffing levels for the cashiers m the booths but there was a marked dIfference among the proposed level of staffing for supervIsors, utlhty/rehefworkers. office staff, and traffic directors Smce staffing IS the pnmary cost component of the proposed operatmg budget, the hIgher level of staffmg recommended by AMPCQ IS reflected III a hIgher cost proposal for AMPCO compared to some of the other firms o Employee Development and Customer Service: AMPCO's Employee Development programs stress the Importance of customer serVIce Both the proposal and mternews mdIcated a strong commItment to trammg and employee relatIOns AddItIOnally, AMPCO has a broad base of employees from whIch to draw both for staffing up the structures Iffitmlly and also for supplementmg staffing levels when needed o Revenue Control and Accounting: AMPCQ's methods for collecting. controlhng. and accountmg for revenue and expenses were thoroughly detailed and the proposal was the most responSIve m provIdmg all the forms and transactIOns that were reqUIred as part of the submittal Terms of the Contract AMPCO System Parkmg wIll manage and operate the parkmg structures and pay-an-foot statIOns on behalf of the CIty and m accordance Vv'lth the hours of operatIOn and rates determined by the City AMPCO "'111 work 'with the access and revenue control eqUIpment manufacturer to brmg 8 -- - - - the SIX structures on lme and facIlItate the transItIon from metered to "exIt pay'l system The firm wIll be responsible for performmg dady preventIve mamtenance and regular mmor mamtenance of the revenue control eqUIpment General mamtenance of the parkmg structures Will remaIn the responsIbIlIty of the City but AMPCO Will be reqmred to Inspect the structures and report elevators not operatmg properly, graffitI, exceSSIve trash, or any hazardous condItiOn to the CIty AMPCO \'1'111 ensure that all parkmg booths and surroundmg area be clean at all tImes They Will work \Vlth the Santa MOllica PolIce Department to establIsh procedmes for employees to follow when any SUSpiCiOUS or unusual actIVitieS are notIced or reported AlvfPCO WIll be responsIble for mamtaImng traffic flmv withm the SIX structures A.V1PCO \\"111 be responsIble for the sale of monthly parkmg spaces and the Issuance of key cards to monthly customers The firm \\'111 develop. coordmate and admmister a tIcket advertIsmg program m consultatIon \vlth the BDC and the Restaurant and Merchants ASSOCIatiOns AtvfPCO WIll proVIde daily reports mcludIng cashier ShIft reports, car counts, tIcket recap, lIcense plate mventory, and summary reports Monthly reports \Vlll Include total gross revenues, total tlckets, number of monthly car keys sold, name of person and address of busmess, number of monthly card keys canceled, number of transactlons at pay-an-foot stations and average tIcket value. detaIled descnptlon of unusual occurrences, summary of all complamts and chums In excess of $25 and descnptlOn of steps taken to correct the SItuatiOn 9 ---- ---- Project Implementation As the CIty CouncIl IS aware, there has been a delay m the procurement of the revenue control eqUIpment On January 10, 1995, the CouncIl rejected all bIds and authorIzed staff to proceed with a Request for Proposal process for the equIpment Staff IS recommendmg selection of the operator at thIS tIme to gam the benefit of AMPCO's technIcal expertIse and expenence dunng all the steps the City "'1,'111 follow to implement the program. from evaluatIOn of the eqUlpment proposals and layout of entry and exit lanes, to the mstallatIon schedule and eqUIpment testrng ThIS WIll also allow suffiCIent lead tIme for the operator to ImtIate the marketmg and publIc educatIon campaIgns. estabhsh the merchant advertIsmg program. set up the parkmg office. and advIse the CIty on appropnate sIgnage The antIcIpated start up date for the converSIOn IS June, 1995 when the structures \vlll be brought on hne mcrementally Budget/Financial Impact The proposed operatmg budget for A.MPCO for the first year 15 $568.000 ThIS mdudes all staffing and payroll costs, taxes, benefits. msurance, operatmg expenses, and a management fee ($3,000 per month) For each year that the contract contmues, the budget \\0'111 be reviewed and an annual cap establIshed As a point of companson, WSA had mltlally estimated a parkmg operatIOn contract at $546,000 per year wluch mc1uded a ReSIdent Manager and staffing of the attendant booths The \VSA prOjectIOn dId not mclude the addItional level of supervISory and utIhty staff that AMPCQ's proposal prOVIdes 10 -- ---- AMPCO wIll deposit all gross revenues, mcludlllg dally and monthly penmt fees wIth the CIty Treasurer on a dally basIs All gross revenue receIved by AMPCO Immediately becomes the property of the City AMPCO '''Ill be reImbursed by the City for documented operatlllg expenses wluch shall not exceed the annual cap Slllce the parkmg structures were financed WIth tax exempt bonds. the parklllg management contract must meet the current IRS code to ensure the bonds contmue to qualIfy for tax-exemptIOn Staff revIewed these reqUIrements WIth the firm of O'Melveny & Myers to structure the method of compensatIOn and the term Under the proposed management fee method of compensatIOn, the term cannot exceed five years. mc1udmg optIOns. and the CIty must have the unlImited abIlIty to cancel after the thIrd year upon reasonable notIce The proposed term of the contract ,nth AMPCO IS for a one (1) year term WIth hvo (2) two (2) year options. WIth the Cny reservmg the nght to cancel WIthout cause or penalty after the thud year At the tIme the parkmg program was approved by the CIty CounCIl, the financial analysIs mdlcated a net revenue loss of approxImately $300,000 as compared to 1993-94 prOjectIOns under the metered system Updated projectIons now mdlcate that the net revenue shortfall w1l1 be approxImately $600,000 ThIS IS pnmarlly a result of an Increase In the number of cltatlOns bemg paId as well as an increase m the average cItatIOn fee prod. Although the revenue neutral objectIve IS not projected to be met at the outset, staff recommends proceedmg WIth the converSlOn and revlewmg the rate schedule once the new system IS underway and actual performance may be measured It IS expected that the two hour free parkmg WIll serve as an 11 InCentIve to retaIl shoppers In addltlOn, the Improvements m customer service and management of the structures are expected to result m hIgher usage Smce the conversIOn ,\111 begIn m June, 1995, revenue projectIons WIll be reflected m the 1995-96 budget LIkewIse, the contractual cost for the operator WIll also be reflected m the 1995-96 budget smce there IS no charge to the City for the serVIces of the operator dunng the transItIon penod whIch '\,111 cover the balance of tills fiscal year Recommendation Staff respectfully recommends that the City CouncIl and Parkmg Authority authonze the CIty Ylanager to negotIate and execute a contract wIth AMPCO System Parkmg for management and operatlon of the dO'\lltO\\ll parkmg structures In an amount not to exceed $568.000 1ll the first year Prepared by Jeff MathIeu. DIrector. Resource Management Department JUdIth Meister. Asset Mgr , Resource Management Department Suzanne Fnck, Director, Planmng and Commumty Development Ron FuchlWakl, City Parkmg and Traffic Engmeer Doug BIagI, AssocIate Traffic Engmeer 12 --