SR-6-S (7) ~,a#(P7&1 (CS 6 + ._S EPWM CP SM F \EPWMIADMIN\WPDOCS"STAFFRPT\EVCHARGI Santa MOnica, California AUG 1 2 1997 Council Meeting August 12, 1997 TO Mayor and City Council FROM' City Staff SUBJECT Recommendation to Authorize the City Manager to Accept Grant FundIng from the Mobile Source AIr Pollution Reduction Review CommIttee for PartiCipation In the Electnc Vehicle COrridor Community Program and to Negotiate and Execute an Agreement with Edison EV for the Installation of PublIc Electnc VehIcle Charging Stations In Santa MOnica INTRODUCTION This report recommends that the CIty Council authorize the City Manager to accept up to $44,973 In AS 2766 co-funding from the MobIle Source AIr PollutIon Reduction Review Committee (MSRC) for participation In the QUIck Charge Electnc Vehicle Corndor Community Program and to negotiate and execute an agreement with Edison EV for the Installation of electnc vehIcle chargIng stations tn Santa MonIca Related budget changes are also submitted for approval BACKGROUND In 1990 and In 1995, the State of CalifornIa's Air Resources Board adopted a ruling reqUIring that 10 percent of all vehicles sold In California be zero emiSSion by the year 2003 The Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Review Committee (MSRC) developed and promoted the QUick Charge Electric Vehicle COrridor Program which. uSing AS 2766 funding, SUbSidizes cIties located along major freeways In Southern California to develop the Infrastructure necessary to accelerate publiC acceptance of electric vehicles In July 1996, the City SUb:,tted a proposal requesting CO.fundl~G 1 2-'s the establishment of SIX publIc charging stations In Santa Monica Edison EV, a deregulated Subsidiary of Edison International dedicated to prOViding electric vehicle Infrastructure products and services. would oversee the design and InstallatIon of the charging sites On May 9. 1997. the South Coast Air Quality Management District Board approved the MSRC's recommendation to fund 50 percent of the City's proposal DISCUSSION The SIX MSRC-approved public EV charging sites Will be located at City Hall, 1101 Montana Street, the Ashland/Nielsen Way Parking Lot, Santa MOnica Place parking structure, Santa Monica Pier, and the Santa Monica Airport Many sItes In the City were Initially surveyed for potential Inclusion In the proJect, but the SIX approved sites proVided the best and most economical access to suffiCient power and power panel capacity, proximity to the power source, and the fleXibility to accommodate rapldly- evolVing electriC vehicle technology All public electriC vehicle charging sites must be compliant With the Americans With Disabilities Act standards for parking and be acceSSible to the disabled The total cost for the prOject IS $89,946 Each charging site will accommodate at a minimum one conductive and one Inductive charger, the two forms of charging equipment currently supported by electnc vehicle manufactures Edison EV IS the distributor of an inductive system that General Motors uses In the Saturn EV and that Nlssan Will use In their electnc vehicle Ford, Honda. and Toyota are uSIng conductive connecting devices Similar to the traditional plug and outlet technology To date. approxImately 200 Saturn EVs have been leased In Los 2 Angeles and most drIvers reside on the Westslde However, as the other maJor automobile manufacturers release their electric vehicle models It IS anticipated that the demand for public charging sites will Increase Until then, the City will allow both EV- powered and fossil fuel-powered vehicles to occupy the EV charger-equipped parking spaces, except at City Hall The California Vehicle Code does not currently require dedicated EV parking spaces The City Will not initially charge EV drivers for the electriCity they use while charging their vehicles as the total annual cost should not exceed $300 Any eXisting parking meters at the vanous sites wtll remain to ensure that the spaces are not monopolized BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT The estimated cost for the installation of the SIX publiC electnc vehicle charging sites IS $89,946 The City has been approved for AS 2766 grant funds for 50 percent of the project's construction costs, or $44,973 To prepare for the receipt and expenditure of the AS 2766 grant funds, the follOWing budget changes Will be needed Revenue Account number 20-500-662-00000-0605-10000 (EV Charging Stations) $44,973 Expenditure Account number 20-710-662-20098-8900-99459 (EV Charging Stations) $44,973 3 Funding for the balance of the charging sites proJect IS available from City Facility Energy EfficIency CapItal Improvement Program accounts numbers 01-710-662-20095- 8900-99022 and 01-710-662-20096-8900-99022 It should be noted that $10,125 of this funding has already been expended for retrofit of the City Hall charging station with two inductive chargers In order to accelerate the stations' availability and usefulness to electnc vehicle drivers The MSRC committee conSiders this retrofit cost to be an eligible grant project expense EXisting appropriations In various other accounts Will be used for other project-related expenses (e 9 , for project management, publIC outreach. etc) EXisting appropriations are also available In various accounts for the purchase or lease of at least three electriC vehicles by the City prior to December 31, 1997 The procurement of these vehicles by the City was IdentIfied In the anginal grant application as an action Intended to further promote the use of electnc vehicles In California No additional appropnatlons are expected to be needed to fund such expenses RECQMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City CounCil authonze the City Manager to accept up to $44,973 In grant funding from the Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction ReView Committee for partiCipation In the Electnc Vehicle Corndor Commumty Program and negotiate and execute an agreement With Edison EV for the deSign and Installation of SIX publiC electnc vehicle charging sItes In an amount not to exceed $79.821 (excluding 4 the $10,125 expenditure for the City Hall station noted above) and approve the budget changes descnbed above Prepared by Craig Perkins, Director of Environmental and Public Works Management Susan Munves. Conservation Coordinator 5